The New IT

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Transcript of The New IT

The New ITJohn Troyer, TechReckoningMinneapolis VMUG UserCon, June 2015


The Old IT

Old IT doesn’t have a great reputation

Putting the NO in Innovation



Have you tried turning it on and off again?

What if IT was doing exactly what it was asked to do?

Q: But what is the one thing that can get you fired

A: Downtime

Q: How many people in your company think they’re your boss

A: Everybody

Background of high-performing IT managers


non-commissioned officers

chemical engineers


What do they have in common?

discipline, process Kevin Behr, Gene Kim, George Spafford

Expectations of IT have changedIT is being asked to be

the grown-up of the corporation

Of course everything think’s we’re arseholes.

Other options now exist: cheaper, faster, consumer-grade

IT now needs to both be innovative AND a grown-up

Three ways to think about IT

Pioneers (Agile)

Settlers (DevOps)

Town Planners (Six Sigma)

—Simon Wardley—see also Gartner, “bimodal IT”

DevOpsDevOps is explicitly without a definition: Not about tools, job titles, process, and not even about Dev and Ops

About empathy, culture, inclusivity, continuous improvement, aligning incentives, removing information hiding, clear responsibilities

Dreaming of an IT that Doesn’t Suck

Effect on IT: End-to-end service delivery teams

Acknowledge old way doesn’t


Smart people fix things

Codify into best practices

Establish processes

Processes without context fail

Lifecycle of all thingsInspired by a diagram on Twitter I can’t find at the moment

DevOps is over here

ITIL is over here

New forces shaping learning, shifting power

Open Source



Social Media

inspired by The New Kingmakers, Stephen O’Grady

Cheaper to Try

Try Before You Buy

Easier to Scale

Knowledge Sharing

Faster Time to Value

Become part of the new business landscape

Old channels failing: tech press, analysts, trade shows, email marketing, Google ads, webinars

50-70% customer decision before talking to vendor

How do people learn anything these days?From their peers (that’s


Become a Pi-shaped expert

Generalist = Printer repair

Specialist = interesting but limited

T-shaped Expert = Generalist with Speciality

PI-shaped Expert

Your “T” must move over time!

Windows -> Storage -> Virtualization -> Cloud -> Flying Cars



CloudCloud is the ultimate AND

SaaS AND self-managed apps

Off-Perm AND on-prem

private, public, AND hybrid

Fighting about definitions (“True Cloud”) has held us back

OpenStack, vCloud Air uses are very different

Effect on IT: IT now a service broker, not an infrastructure owner

Warning:Do not play

Buzzword Drinking Games with

“Cloud”You will get drunk

Cloud Skills

Software development basics & APIs


Automation and orchestration

Public cloud services

-Scott Lowe

Containers (Docker)Job to be done

VM: utilization for legacy apps (also get isolation, management, BCDR)

Container: rapid, portable deployment for cloud-native apps

destroy/rebuild paradigm

Effect on IT: Docker is seen as a Dev tool, but it’s actually good for Ops (early days)




App App


VM VMOS OSApp Containe



How do people use Docker?

“for me the value is in trivial repeatability”

“having a fresh image that is easily rebuildable is easier for me to give demos than to spin fresh VMs”

“Most configuration management systems actually make ongoing configuration pretty hard. O… The reality is that once the VM is built there is temptation/opportunity to make ad-hoc changes”

“Bridging a gap with less-technical coworkers” for off-line distribution

What I do atVendors need Geeks

to validate product, marketing message

to explain to peers

That’s what VMware also needed in 2009 with the

Social Techies have power

Involvement in community projects

Blogs and Podcasts

Open Source Projects

VMUGs and UGs

vBrownbags & study groups


Better at your job, $$

Raise knowledge level of the industry

Giving back to others

Actually shape the future of IT via interactions with vendors

vBrownbag Community Survey

vBrownbag Community Survey

TechReckoning Dispatch

Mostly-weekly mailing list about … stuff

Mostly tech stuff and some ¯\_(ツ )_/¯

Geek Whisperers podcast

IT careers and marketing and unicorns

The Reckoning 2015: Sept 13-14 in CA

Paradox of the grass roots

Virtualization could come from bottom-up

Secretly virtualize a DNS or file server

Start with the low hanging fruit

Start with one person

Cloud, DevOps: all-or-nothing?

Cloud & DevOps require process and cultural changes

But change starts with you

Start a side project

Use a new tool on a new work project

Blog about it

Go to a new user group

Start a brownbag lunch-and-learn series at work

Educate your managers with your results

A few Jedi mind tricks before I leave

Shift from “operator” mindset to “creator” mindset

Keep moving

Do things that charge you up

Release early and often

Be a communicator

Be a collaborator: “Yes, And…” makes you seem smarter


“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards

him. … We need not wait to see what others do.”

-Not Gandhi

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”