The national occupational doses registry in France : SISERISISERI, French national dose registry –...

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The national occupationaldoses registry in France : SISERI

ORPNET webinar17th of decembre 2019


IRSN, France

2 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

ContentsI. Objectives of the national occupational doses

registry SISERI

II. Wich workers ?

III. Which type of data ?

IV. Which actors ?

V. Wich use of the registered data ?

3 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

I. Objectives of national dose registry in France

▌They are set in the French regulation

▌To centralize, to consolidate and to store all dosimetric results of the individual monitoring of each worker exposed to ionising radiation in order to constitute the national register of individual occupational doses with 3 major purposes : To control individual occupational exposures and to check the respect of

dose limits To optimize radiation protection of workers To produce statistics of occupational exposure and data for epidemiological


▌ Give access to the data to control agents, occupational physicians, radiation protection experts and officers and workers, according to the rules defined by the legislation

▌ Implemented in 2005, the information system for occupational dosimetry registration (SISERI) was developed at the request of the Ministry of Labour(authority) and its management was entrusted to IRSN (TSO)

4 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

II. Which workers ?

▌Categories A and B workers (and non classified workers being monitored)

▌Employees and others whatever their employment status

Permanent workers

Outside workers

Temporary workers


▌ Some crossboarder workers

▌Activity fields: medical and veterinary activities, nuclear field,

industrial field, research and education, aircrew, NORM activities,

workers exposed to radon.

5 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

Number of monitored workers in 2018 (external dosimetry)

▌ 390 363 workers

1 ND = undetermined activities2 Others = crisis management, control activities, …

Civilian and military activities using artificial sources of ionisingradiation (365 980)

Natural radioactivity

Medical221 875

57 %

Nuclear86 70222 %

Industry15 722

4 %

Aircrew23 356

6 %


education12 414

3 %


20 0275 %


9 1903 %

6 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

III. Which data?

▌III.1 Administrativ data

▌III.2 Dosimetric data

▌III.3 Status of data

7 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

III.1 Administrativ data

▌Worker’s identification

▌Employer’s identification

▌Context of exposure:

Activity field and activity sector, according to the national classification


Status of employment

Work duration

8 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

III.2 Dosimetric data (1/2)


▌External passive dosimetry results

Whole body (Hp 10, X+g, neutrons) + corresponding Hp 0.07 (mSv)

Extremities (Hp 0.07, X+g, neutrons, wrist or finger) (mSv)

Eye lens (Hp 3)

Period (quaterly or monthly)

▌ For each operation in a controlled area: external operational dosimetry


Whole body (Hp 10, X+g, neutrons) + corresponding Hp 0.07 (mSv)

Transmission to SISERI is mandatory only for activities in nuclear facilities

9 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019


Results of radioactivity measurement of each radionuclide targeted in

vivo or in vitro in biological samples (Bq)

Results of committed effective dose assessment performed by the

occupational physician when a contamination has been found (mSv)


Calculated from each flight dose value (SIEVERT-PN system) (mSv)



10 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

Regstered data: evolution over the time

Annual dose Results per period (monthly, quarterly)

Passiv doses: global then distinction btw photons and neutrons

Operational doses

Aircrew doses

Internalexp. Activity and doses

Population =1,6.106 travailleurs


11 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

III.3 Status of personal data

▌ External dosimetry results and administrative data: sensitiv data

▌ Internal exposure surveillance data: medical data

Specific procedure of securisation consisting in:

Declaration of employers in the system (numericaly signed


Declaration by the employer of persons having an access for its

monitored workers (occupational physician, RPO and RPE)

High authentification level (personal numerical certificat instead

of login/password)

12 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

IV. Which actors ?











Control agent




Passiv dosesInternal exposureAircrew doses

Operational doses

RPO, RPEAccredited service

National dose register=

SISERI information system

RPO, RPE Occupationaldoctor


13 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

▌Administrativ data (worker’s identification,

context of exposure: occupation,…) are sent

by the employer

▌Dosimetric data (excepted operational

doses) are sent by:

7 passiv dosimetry services 15 medical laboratories or occupational

health services accredited for in vitro or in vivo assessment of internal exposure SIEVERT-PN (aircrew doses)

IV.1 Data transmission

14 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

IV.2 Data consultation

External dosimetry Internal dosimetry

Worker Dosimetry results over professional life on (e-)mail demand (no web access)


Web access over the last 48 months (including global life occupationaldose), detailed results over professional life on (e-)mail demand

RPO, RPE Web access over the last 24 months

Control agent Web access over the last 24 months


Only agregated data

15 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

V. Which use of the registered data?▌V.1 Management of overexposure

▌V.2 Production of statistics

▌V.3 Epidemiological studies

▌V.4 Other use

16 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

V.1 Management of overexposure▌The dosimetry servic sends an alerte to the occupational doctor, the employer and IRSN

▌The occupational doctor investigates to determine if the dose was or not received by the worker

▌The occupational doctor only has the possibilityto modify the dose

▌The conclusion of investigation has to be sent to IRSN so that the national registry is kept up to date, by the way of a paper questionnaire:

17 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

V.2 Production of statistics▌IRSN is in charge of the annual report on occupational exposure in France

▌The data for external exposure is directly extractedfrom the national register

▌This report is sent to national autorities and alsopublished on the web (in French)

▌ This report’s data are alsoregistered on ESOREX-platformand used to answer UNSCEAR’scollection for global survey

18 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

V.3 Epidemiologcal studies

▌Access to agregated data extracted from the national dose register

▌Access to IRSN’s epidemiologist or to researchers from otherinstituts

▌Different populations of workers have been or are focused on:

Nuclear workers (permanent, contractors) Medical staff Aircrew …

19 SISERI, French national dose registry – ORPNET Webinar, 17th of decembre 2019

V.4 Other use

▌Data extraction and analyse for/by IRSN RP extperts

Authorization’s instruction for one specific facility

Specific studies on relevent RP topics

Extremity dosimetry in interventional radiology Occupational exposure in gammagraphy …

▌Data extraction and analyse for French autorities