The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 8 The Heirs of Rome: Islam,...

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Transcript of The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 8 The Heirs of Rome: Islam,...

The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures

Fourth Edition

CHAPTER 8The Heirs of Rome: Islam, Byzantium, and Europe


Copyright © 2012 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

Lynn Hunt • Thomas R. MartinBarbara H. Rosenwein • Bonnie G. Smith

I. Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

A. Nomads and City Dwellers

1. Sedentary Peoples and Bedouins

2. Mecca

I. Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

B. The Prophet Muhammad and the Faith of Islam

1. Muhammad and His Call

2. The Qur’an and the Practice of Islam

I. Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

C. Growth of Islam, c. 610–632

1. Hijra: Muhammad’s Journey from Mecca to Medina

2. Defining the Faith

I. Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

D. The Caliphs, Muhammad’s Successors, 632–750

1. War and Conquest

2. The Politics of Succession

I. Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

E. Peace and Prosperity in Islamic Lands

1. The Umayyad Caliphate

2. Arabic Literature

II. Byzantium Besieged

A. Wars on the Frontiers, c. 570–750

1. Invasions from Persia

2. Attack on All Fronts: Lombards, Slavs, and Bulgars

3. Consequences of Constant Warfare

II. Byzantium Besieged

B. From an Urban to a Rural Way of Life

1. Urban Decay

2. Rural Life in Byzantium

II. Byzantium Besieged

C. New Military and Cultural Forms

1. Byzantine Military Resiliency

2. The New Education

II. Byzantium Besieged

C. Religion, Politics, and Iconoclasm

1. Bishops and Monks Jostling for Power

2. Conflict over Icons

III. Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

A. Frankish Kingdoms with Roman Roots

1. Blending the Roman Past with the Frankish Present

2. Frankish Peasants and Elites

3. Saints and Relics

III. Western Europe: An Assortment of Kingdoms

B. Economic Activity in a Peasant Society

1. Subsistence and Gift Economies

2. Trade and Traders

3. Jews in Merovingian Society

III. Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

C. The Powerful in Merovingian Society

1. The Aristocrats

2. The Bishops

3. Women of Power

4. The Power of Kings

III. Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

D. Christianity and Classical Culture in the British Isles

1. Competing Church Hierarchies in Anglo-Saxon


2. Literary Culture

III. Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

E. Unity in Spain, Division in Italy

1. Spain under the Visigoths

2. Lombard Royal Power in Italy

3. The Papacy and Politics

III. Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

F. Political Tensions and the Power of the Pope

1. Gregory the Great

2. The Papacy and the Byzantine Emperors

3. The Papacy and the Lombards