The making of the album cover

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The making of the album cover

For my double page spread I wanted to have a separate column to evaluate and write about upcoming alternative/charted albums to fit in with my magazine. I have decided to do this as from looking at other magazines like Q and NME they have similar things and I feel by adding this too my DPS it will make it more professional looking and will give more to the audience to look at than just the interview.

I did a photo shoot earlier this week for another topic however while I was there I took the opportunity to take some pictures for my album cover idea. I have selected this photo because it has a mysterious and dark feel about it because of the dark lighting and slow shutter speed. This makes it different to other album covers, fitting in with my genre of alternative.

I am playing around with the type and size of the font. I don’t want it to be too fancy or overpowering because I feel that doesn’t fit in with my theme. I have decided to keep it simple by keeping the font a grey and the placement in the center. Although it is simple I still feel it is eye grabbing and I am happy with the placement

Because it is an upcoming band not many people will know who they are so I have to put the name on the cover. I am still keeping with the theme of being simple so I have kept it the same colour and placed it in the right hand corner making the picture and the name of the album the bigger focus and I have got this inspiration from other album covers that I would like to feature in my magazine like imagine dragons and Mumford and sons.

I am only using one album on my dps because it fits in better with my article. I have selected this one because I feel this one is the best and will fit in with my magazine the most. The picture is very unusual fitting with the genre of alternative.