The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State...

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Transcript of The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State...




YOL 17.


) forc thnn 300 persons 5:,1 down 10 the g:rcillcst foolh:111 h:H1l[uct in the his tory of ill. 1\. C. Friday en;l\in~ ill Club D . It waS:J spl en. did llpprccialion of the wo rk of :'II. A. C.'s footb'lll warriors , ami those especially who ha n~ pl<l _\~·d their last g:1I1l1C for th e old collc g'1.' will n ot soon fo r~d th e big e n 'nt.

I~rof. f.::in g: :H~lcd in the ..:apacity of IO;ts tmas tcr, and intrud l1ccd each speaker in his usu;]1 ch:n'act(' ris tic mallm:r, each illlrotiuclio ll ill il~d f cOl11pri sin )!" an excellent to:lS!.

C'lpl. S tolle, who has p layed hi", b st I:: fo r 1\1. A . C .. \\, a" til.., firs l spcHkN, his subject bl' ill;..(". ".\ ItdrospcCt." I Ie n :l' ic\\"l'd hri di ~ the work of the t (" lm for th e pas t y C;lr, po inting (lut weakuc,;SeS ;1 5 w ell as the many SIrong points .

Prof. :\lacklin W:lS lIex t <:;1 11 (:11 up,m, alld ~a\'e his \'c rs ion of the meaning wh it h :'>.1. A. C. should stand for. :\1 shonld he for mau· lilless, as e",~elltial upon the f(l o th,dl licltl as in :tny place OIl c;Lrth; ;\ for the association of the studcnt~ at this inlllitution . A more dcm o· c-r.L1ie feelin g" among ~tudcll!s he h ;ld ne\'er ";Cl·n ;1!l\'where: C for control, . which , aft~r :III, was th e llll·important th ing in whnll"\'cr lille of endea vor, allli a chief c lement whid l brou~ht success to our te:lm ill !9 ! I. I~ro f . ;..1;H.;klin s tat"d that his lirs t impr t"ssion of :'>.1. .\. C. \\";rS g-oOtl: afte r s ix mont hs it was hetter, and 110W, :It th e clo£c o f his lirs t }T;Lr'S wurk , it was of the hl· ~ t.

~Ir. (';\111 50 11 re l>pondcd in hi s usu;11 happy mallncr tu th e loast , "The O ld aUllthe ~e\\ in A Ih ldic .. ," and comparell bri(· tly the ;>thletes fl f .!o ve;lrs ;1:;0 to tho.,;e o f the pre~l'll! d;l}: at ~I. A. C.

Capt..elec t ]{ ibid spoke 0 11 " The tilog-:L1l of 19 12," which \\"a" \() be " Bcat ~Iichig-ml or Bu,;;!." Ilt.: ;:{ ;t I'C 11 short review of the 1l1,L!el' i;11 in sight, alld ended by Sl:tlillg- his he · lief that we call, if we will, make the S!O)..:":l1l a fac t.

D ellll lJissdl was gi ven the sub · jec t "ReI:ltioll of Athlc.t1..:s to the Colleg-e," and broug-ht OHt many ill, terestillO" facts which wc arc pronc to forg~~.

\ Y. K. I~ruddell, 'is, of Lallsing, st:1tcll that the emblem which was dcarest 10 his henrI was the green luul white of J\I. A. C., :lUll spoke of the g reat interest he had always takcn in nil her activities.

O. A . Jenison responded in be. h:l1f of the bu,;iness men of Lansing, and spoke of the relations existing between the college ,I\ld the cit}. He would like to see more spirit behind the team of '9/1, ant! :llso a schc(lule in which woulll be found a l;l rge number of man: prominelll institutions.

Pres. Snnler, at the dose of the p rogram, offered the suggestion that 1 1r. J\Llcklin be ;Hldressed as "professor," and not ns "coach." }Ol r. Macklin is n membe r of the fac uity, and should be 1L,ld rcsscd accortlingly . F u rther w e hope to have a gym. som e of these days, and the nllme coach wi ll not then tl pply to the person in ehtlrge at all.

E.\;;T L.L'\"SISU, )IlCHll' .~);. '!Tl'..':5l1AY, DECE)UlER 19. }\'I ll .

w.z..';:\Q~\Y'Z.!lIU1.~l'1O,~. ~.lLY.t~~~~i~~ fA>l'-'\Q< =~~ '-'D'~~lJi:~\::i"J:hi,~

~ ~~ ~ A Qrl)ristll1<ls ~rPl'tin!J : b~

~ was very, very long ago. II was Christmas ~ ff3 eve in a little log house in a little valley. In ........ ~ :&~ those days Santa Clalls really lived. The t::..~ t~ little boy and his Jour little sisters hung up '#j t:.~ ~;"") ~ their stockings. What Santa Claus puI in his sistus ' , ....

m stockings the little boy ought to remember, but he doesn ·f. ~~ ~ .:..ti". ~~ He remembers only what was put in his own siocking. It r r3 D~ was a lillIe candy fish. The little boy was happier than a #..\:1 ~i king. For days and days he go.!ed longingly upon the fi sh r1

~ as it lJrew gradually smaller and smaller from frequent ~ ,""':) con/act with his tonglle. !!'

i The good old fashioned Christmas. sa very simple, is a ~; R. delight/ul memory. Costly presents and display do not make a Merry Christmas. It is the glowa/ good /ellow. ~"7*3

U ~ ff1 ship, the abiding faith in the native goodness and tenderness t,~ ~ 0/ humanily, Ihe regenerating pou.'er 0/ love thai hallows ~ t19 Christmas. A Merry Ch ristmas is born out 0/ the longings ~ fJ.!; 0/ the human hearl. These longings make li/e worth while. ~:l ~ The good lather 0/ us all gives liberally to His children. ~ ~ There/ore, these longings are nol in vain. Sunshine and i u~ storm. achievement and failure, joy and sorrow. all conlrib· ~ ~ IIle to the growth of a human souL Christmas is a call to t~ ~~ childhood and youth, not lor a Jay, not lor a year, bu/ lor d ~ all days and years to come. Oh, lor the tears of chiM/lOod! ~ ~.,.j 011. for the laughter 0/ diMllOod! Oh, for the dreams and ~,"~> ~ hopes 0/ childhood! Give liP being young? Never. To £;~ P",A grow old is 10 die. Youth is man's guardian angel. t"V MI; The fountains 0/ youth are the eternal fountains out ~.}.(t

M'3 of which /low the waters of fife. Christmas says to all the ~ ~"":.! world be young, courageous, joyous, hope/ul. righteous and tij ~ J:us'h·' Nevedr did tAh'"Slhar in ~he Eaf"hshine hSO brigh~/y as ~ ~1 It sines to· ay. t e natIOns 0 t e earl are trying to tt1 ~ hear the cult of the Prince 0/ Peace. His call is " Thy Ui

~ :~;~~:~h~;;r:no:i:~:." -:;r:'s,n;:;r~:re~oru:jo::: a:;' t:: 11 ~ In the sunshine 0/ a Merry. Merry Christmas. b1; WOODBRIDGE N. FERRIS.


.'1. Bib le Sttul\" InstiILLtc for the colleg-e men of· tl l ichig-:m will be. held in the People's church, Elis t I.ansillg", Dec. 27~30' This insti· tute will be under the auspices of the Y. J\J. C. A., ;md will cOllsistof a reg-ubr coursc of study, with a program for each d:lY, discussions :lnd conferences, ;lml platform lec tures by men in the work.

On the p rimcd progr:lm, the 'lues· t ion "what is it~" is answe red as fol. lows: A st;lte gathering of college men j a convention of the Michigan State Associations j a tmin ing schoo! fo r lJible study teachers, etc.

T he opening reception will be held T uesday evening, D ec. 26, a t

i :30, in the commU!lity parlors of the church. P ro:s. Snyder, the f.lI.':· uhy of M. A. C. :lnd the local asso· c iation will welcome the g uests .

Among the speakers ,tnd eonduc· tors who will be here for thi" work :Ire, 1\11"". J\lassclink, of Big Ra pid s. Prof . . Maek, of K;L1ama:wo, Pro f. ~adal, of Olivet, Prof. \\ ' . D. li en· derson, of the Cuiversity, lIml Dr. Price, of Lallsing.

T he dosing h:lllqLlet will he held S:ltunlay, Dcc. 30, at nOOI1. Th e fact that H . R. l~~ttengill is to he to:lstmaste r 011 this occasion i ~ Stlg-· gestion enough of a good time. A splcn{lid prog ram o f toast~ Ius been arranged, and will no doubt provc a fitti ng climax to this important In· sti tute,

~(O 13


" I · [ T hl.' J);lllll' 'pll·"tiull a~ \ i,,\\·c.1 h.1

Il ell r )" .\. lLo i;..:h, I)f the d,,~,.. 'uf I bi I · I

D c«r ~ir: - In readiL!" lour l·X·

n:Jient i.,;,.ue 'Jf D ne. L 21h: 1lL\ c\e fdl upon ,Y'Ju r :Irtirlt· nil th~· ;11l':"· lioll of clwl1;..:il1),; th .. · !latll\.: \1 . . \ . C .

1 d"',LrlV lo\-e the (Jld llaHte and the old a;~o,·i;Ltil.ilh it l>u~g"e~t,.., :Lnd wolt ld d i"lIkl' tu h,1\ l' it dih·f)lIt iu ul·d. ur \I) h a \"e ;1I1\111In" dune whk'h mlg-ht kud 10 'k"~l" ~ Ihe spirit of dc\"oti<)n \\hkh 111;11 ILiml' ,LI!t1 Ita)",· :I~.~oci;l t iun,. fo~tl'r.

,\11 ,1 ~ .. t, the e.'p'UJ"iUll of Ih..: collq . .:e has tlwtie it,;; :uLeielll. \l l·ll. I n\~·d n)~LlOm l' n '>o'11eth in;.:: uf :L

rni" lltlrHcr. and ill ju"tir:l' to the ell. g-in .... l· r ing student,; a lld stu(le ll ll> in Qthe r depart nll"Ll-< L)f1t "·1111' r:..;e,1 111 Ihe g-eneral te r m ' ·a ~ril"L1lltl r'I I." I, as Oill' o f the " It I st udelltll wh o kne\\ }'1. A. C. \\"hcl1 it meant oll l, what I ht) ~e famiJi;lr lette r" ,>,;uul f (l~. w vuld bl" wili iug- to 1111\ (' Ihc old \Hllile ch ;mg"ell to ~l i.:hi;:{m L State CollCJ.~e, 0 " oth er simibr name, if bette r C' L!I be found .

I t !-'cC lns to me th a t :111 t r lle lov{' rs ,nu l w ell · w ishers of thl' l'olle}{c m ig-h I, OIL retleetion, l·Ur1,; .... nt to this ch :1L1 t("..: if the k g i..;l;tu l rc !ohould "ec fit to m ake il. Care !"hould h~

ta kl.'n. ho w ever. that the llllmc :llltl Ch:lntCler "f tit" iLl~l i tulion he llol so cha n;.:.::;! :L~ to) imperil o r jeo p:m li"e in any way the ad \an la!.!:es it re­cei\'es u ndcr \',l riulIlI ael~ of <."on. grt.-.,':: ur olhcf\\ i~e .

'.)1) .

.I osl·ph Hdl Cottu n r e~'e nt l} II Lade a rq)(,rt hdort.· the C Ol1g rcl> .. ional L" lln rnillce o f II Hlui n ' rd:L tin' to l h~' "teel in t ~'l'cs l s ill' the D uluth rl·~ll}n . .\1 r. COtlou h:l<; hl'l"n in D ulu th l'Oll tlt r r s in ce 'SS. ,tIld has lIlet with IU Hl u,Ll ifi e(1 SU("<.·c .. " III hi s o.:1lO;:oc li pru fe~sion-thc I,lli'.

'S9' E . . \. H olden wa~ re·e lected sec­

retary of the Pl\ t ron' ... :'>.!u l\lal Fire Ins urance C o. at Ihe re..:cn t meeting of th e Stat e Grall ).(e.

'0') .

R. C . Fowler i" ;ukertis ing man. ag"e r for t he Detroit City Gas Co. Ilis residel lce :Hld res!'; is 19·' Ping ree A n'.

'05 · Danid S tran ge is the :nilhor o f

the ~tratlge Fonet;e l\lpha bet , <lnd 11;Is issued :t letter SCHill)..;" for th the ";1I1vantaji z klamed over uter fon etik a lf:1 h(·ts-simplisiti :Lnd uniforrlliti."

'05· Bo rn, to J\f r. and ;\1 r~ . Clem C .

Ford, of Clevc11L llIl , Ohio, !l d all'~h. ter, Esther Benton F onl , Oil .\7rg . .!+ Mrs . Fonl will be re lllemhc red :IS Zoe n e ilton, al so a g rauu 1L te of '05·

' I I.

Guy Smith, of our I:,st class, is checke r fo r the Anderson EleClrie Car Co., of D etroit. Residence add ress, p 'ark \'iew Ave.

~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~;;~T~h~e;M __ . _A_. _C~.=R=E=C=O=R==D=.========================~ The M. A. C. RECORD THE RIVALS.

~U.L'.'''O ~H '" "' UU"~Y """""' T"~ C"LL~G~ TU R U "'''E " 'CH'''.'' .TAT~

____ --'.:":.c'"C.:LTU .... L "OLLUl<

8 . ... . r.o.UNct. "". "~"'NG [ ,, ' TO"


EDlf'red /l~ ll!'1:o"d .~I .. ~~ m~1l maliH fI.t !..AUstil l! . M kh.

Addrc5I! 8 11 ·'1"I'IHlpl.lona R"d fldvertlolnl\' matter to th~ ~1. A O. lin'""". ~~&st Lun­"'lIlj. ~Il"h. ....'Mr~~" " II <:ontl"H)(I(l0"8 to tb~ ~I ''''t\lfln ll 1': ,\1(",..

R~1ll11 by'", n, ) l oll"Y Ord.'r. Drart or Rl!g l.U·red T .... tter. Uo not "",(I ~11l"J p,;.

Hu~!""ss O!llc~ ,,:lth La .... rence '" Va ll Rur~n P rlntlnll Co .. ~hJ-~11 (;rll,,01 A" c . ~<J .• u.,u91ug. ~I h:h.


E .'\.\ ~ll.:'\'\ T I O~S. and then;

0 :-" LY Ihc more days "dore ChrisIIlH'!" ;lIlt! then :\L A .

C. will be a qUiL"\ pbn:. D OIl'\ fo r­get the lilllit of tell lb~· s.

1;:\ cx tcmlinj..(" ,I Chrr'.,{mGS Gra·t. III.:! 10 our read ers . We c;m do

no hene r than q llo te f ,·om Ihe CO ler pag:e of " \V h;,t !:jehool,'· a pro~peC · IUS !;erll out hv the Ferris Illsti tulc, \vc bave Iher~fore given it a place 011 our lirst pag"e, allt! trusl it will be read ,ltHI re·r.;atl until it is under·

. stood, in a nu~ast1r~', II hal thc true conceplion of Ch risl"';,,, rcally is, The senlimel11 is so "implc :lIld yet 50 \.Je.Hl l iful Ihat no out: call I"e.!d without ;,.;iv iu g- it onuch more Iban a passin;.! th(llTg-ht, The ~ rcetill;":: is sellt 11\· :\[r, aud :\[rs , F~' rl·js to hundr~:,i s of lo\" a l men and WOllll'n who have h~'cn ht:nefikd hy the F crris In s liluh·.

III a rc co:- nl (,'I/',w"'-, I':dilor Lill' d~'nl;!nn (:\1 . A. C . 'rl) h,L~ a mo~t

excellent "ton' on Ihesc shon courH'~, frOI!] "which w c quote :I S fol1o\\ ~ :

" T he . \ ;..:: ricuh ural Collt: ;.:'~· is ;1Il instit u tion II hiL"l1 is sUpportCI! h~ the ~t;l le ;lIId Fed"r:,1 ;..:"fl\"t:rllllW llt", \V e :111 haH~ :t pL'rfecl ri~hl 10 all of thc a.!, ;o nl:t".!\" - II hich it 111"\· h:n·e to r.ff~·r " \\" hdp 10 sllPi)on it wi lh O'lr 1:I,e-" :,lItl dwrcfore ~hol1ld rceell c -om,' lo~lId it tiu: rdrolll , Il l' rc i" ;111 "pp"rlll!1i ! ~ for Ill, 'U spcnd .t f,," pr"tiLIi-k I\l'l"k~ :\1 Ihe colie"O:-, T h,,\ h_lle - ho\\"11 th .. t th,,' ~(rc \\·il1il1~ ,,, _"n<.: \l~ " \\·e sl1(;lIhl now.!', 'h, ,,'h~r h a li (,f th .. II ,h' ",n.1 -c lIr" Ihat w{\l ... n",i.k "- ' b~ lIler -.

"l"i <.'1111 Ii ' on~ u',,, in ;! r,' k

Tr. ... ";"1 '

II - .

In:!1 w ... C;1!1 ',:l1I, I.," : r~'r

I · m UP"1l J: lrl ·

i" n,' i . I,:lr

disr,'~"I"'! i.,~ ,\ . J •. -:,'Ih meIlH,<1~ It .• - ~j'_I"<:',,1 II, , •.• t.! "" I" f:trm~. In ' , ,, r ll,,11 .. " •• ' il··r EuroIK:t;1 olll1t !"i" . " h"re - a,n',li agri.:ultur" h~ ~ t", !,r" I'.e,1 f", \'ca r". the farm,· r. :ore .ai·.c H, pr', · ducc uca rll !II icc ". t~I;(/lt" ilU _ hci~ pcr ac re o f l't'r" ;;],, ;.wl r;" 't (: rop~ than arc we, :\1.111) "H1H: nM taken advant; of a):!, rkultu ra l cdu,';J1ion, bccause Ihn' h:IIC thou):(ht tile t.:ourses 100 ·tedlllic:I!' Thc A:!ri. cultur:t l C \Jlk).!t: uf :>1 ichig-rul ha" now prepared so me practical courses for those who (10 nOI cart: to Or Ci1I1· !lot take up thc longer and more tech nic:11 courses. F armcrs who cannot thelliscIvt.'s a\lend thcso.: courses should see that Their sons o r hired men ha\·c the opportunity . Th e expense is a trifle compa red with the good th nt w ill resu lt to the farm by the application of bettc r methods."


The R ivals, pl:trcd hy our Dra· matic Club Fri,\:Jy nig'ill, \\':lS Ollc o f thc \·ery b('st yo.:! g iven, lIll ll was well .meuded" The ca"t II·as \\"ell ChOSClI , ano cach performo.:r see mcd particut,rly lillt:d fo r Ihe work ill hand . A " .\ . :-;orellsen ,1" !:i ir An. thony Ahsoluh', ;l m l Philo.:n,1 Smith al;; ~I rs , j\1 al'lpr.JI>, c;ll!t.:d forth milch praise for thl·ir dCI(; r aClil1~, as (li(1 also ' ·I 'ek" Bal1cro fl as "Acres," In fa ct, euo.:h o f the pl:tyo.:rs (l id cx· n·plioualh· g-ood w ork , ,mfl g'rcat c red it i" ·due the ci li u as a wholc . and cspt: ti:l lly 10 I'nA, h:iug", whose untiring' II ork 11:1S made sUlh n pro· (iutl ion possihl t.' .

The "t,lgiug was excellent, 1110:­ all of Ihc hes l, :11 111 Ihc Ill\I"ic by Ih,' Gbdnler or l"ht:st ra added BO little enjoyment to the oc · ca"ion , \\ .t.' ~re glad 10 report .111·

othl' r p1:ty o.:arl) next krln.


The M " A. C. Dramatic C lu b w ill give Magda Early Next Term.

Th e rehearS:lls of :>lag-d:t hal·C bCen goi ng- on fur the last thn·o.: o r fOllr \\"e('k 5, and the cast has il well in h,md .

:\Iug:da is a so.: riou s urama , hv SUdCl"lllallll, and il;:, famo.: is 1I'0rl(j. witle, IT is perh,'ps thc IW:llie,,1 pIece o f ,Ir:lm:l t ic w o rk t:ler al· tempted hy thc cltlh : hilt fro m th~ !:II"! that ',10 the Il e'lrls o f the I~eopll'" was so well rlTt:il·cd 1;1~ 1

.I·ear, il is hopl'd by Ihe clul> that :>1;1g'd,\ lIIar :1150 Ioc :KCl· Pl:!hk.

:\Ii"" Ed\l:! rds , :\li ~!I I bn" :\I i~., Cral1c . :\I is£ Tohins, :>li,,;; fad,; \\;(,· . .\Ii"" ~orlon, :'IIi "" Fro"'I::lI1d :\(r. ])1lI1"1;1;<, :\I r , C;lrel", :\Ir. :\1 0: 1)011·

:tId :~ld ;'Ilr. Tu bhs :t re the mc mher" o f the (':1,,1.


O ne hundn:d ch:-h t "ophomo r,'s, \lu(kr the tli r",·tioll of I'rof. C h"p. mall , J,f ." '~'d . ...,\·- ~lorJll il1 (lrd(-r to 11~·,(Jw", J,,,u~ r :te'IIWillll'd witll <l"rtain m;!llIl fa c'lllfl!l:,[ planl~ in Ilk ,it~" . I I \\:\_ :I jully In,\\d , ;1I1d the lulk'-':-o.: rotl", IV,'rl" ""ulllie,) duri n;! Illl" ~'l1Iir<.: lrip, II( onlef I" Ill.1kc Ihe 1111. _1 uf th" Irip, 'hl· c:!,,- ­II ;t- dil"i,kd ill tilr"l· _c,:i(t!,~ , I'TI.f. "':1\1 l"I: r and .:'II r . 1.;IIT(llk l·adl t;tk· in :: ~Il:tr ~t: uf 0!1~' _l:"i"ll .

T h,' lir"t to Ite ,·i -i tt:d W:l- rh\· -u·.!;, r bctury, :Illtl lhc' I'i-il"r' II'<;"ro.: '.[il'l'n all opporlullil1 t/, 'c" ~Ien · 'lHH :!. frOILl th!: !1111(,:tdi l l~ "f !tL'~~\" or, 'h" p,lckiu~ " f thL' nlli"I,,:d pr',' ,h, ', T he tin ill" marhillcn-. reo ccn t l" ill-wll"rl : ,1-'"'\1 ..II a~ thi ))C \I l,e<:1 slicer -, we re t: __ pl'lialll il1l~ rc-t· ill'.! " Clo,t: ol,~",nalil'"·. \{JII]JIt:d II lIh IIl e infu rll \:tti"n " f ,""Hl peh;n t !;"llldc", j!" \' t: thc SllU!c-lI1 _ " I't: ry ci",:.r i(Jc:1 (,t how tll C "~I\ eel ,,!Uff i­m;IIIe ,

T:.kin'i{ :t h"nd fu l of ",,;1Il1pk" fnlll1 the ahovo.: planl . the c rowd headed fIJ r tht: Lan s ill)( Fuel and Ga;, C oo's pl,mt. T ht: ;ossi,,!all t su o pt;ri n tcnde nl first expl:ti ll t:tl fuHy ho\\ K:I" is prepart:d. T hc coal hcams. the :UI1111<J11i:t p lan!, thc c rusher. the cOlll»re~s ion ;lI1d puri. fy ing ta uks, were ,~Il inspected and expl:tined, It was re markable h ow <Iu ickly two coal sho\"c!c rs, working alternately, o.:;m till Ihe !lI rge ovens, From:l distan ce of cight fect Ihe), mllnage to thro w a largc sho velfull o f coal th rough a I""r), s lll"ll opening, nut allowing it

eoll~g~ €haramrs, Ocr Libr.lrtan The S"crelary Tht Gardn~r The Judg~ (!/lOiS/rolled)

Essays" Sci"n~e and R"hglOrl

U ~rs~s,

Th~ Cycle (Ctus PO(' m) Ruhns F,,~ndshlp, My Conc~pllon of E,'"lullon

Tlw Fun(hon of a L"",,,,,y Th" Love of L if~ Soc,elY

Landscape Gardenmg Th" Y ~'" i, Be" Alon(l

It C011tdin, lour Arti;t ' s Dra \\'ing5 of College Chdra~ler.i, l isue i, limited .

Price, $1,00. By m ail, $ 1 . 10.

T hiS b<lt)\;; \\"ill gou uD >"rI \e at the Cnop..,rntll"e H, .. ,\;; Stur(' and at E mery"", Washing-tull A'·e"."ing. "t ~ o·clock. Thursd:ly. Dec. :11"1,


10 sc:lIk r, and lilling Ihc hi;! r ' l11g"e in onc l1Ii11\1\c (If linlC, (J ilL' has SU;!:.!eSt c tl that ' oi l t;lk,·s "" Illueh s kill liS \0 g-ct g-ood s landill;.!"s in physics,"

The i~"c plant \I·as th,· Ll~t \· isitcd , \\' hile the pbnt is 110t nO\1 in op. eration. the chid t:1l j!iIlCe l" o.:xpbi ncd ill an illll: rcst illj..(" IJ):lI1 llt: r jus t ho w \\"~t e r \\"as ".lIddelll" turned to i ~·c h\· ;l rtili c ia! mcarlS, ·The lll:!d1ill~ rl~, pipe;; ant! \;l11ks g :nc' tl1(' \"i".itors :;n oppo rtun il l· 10 rCI iell' on thc suhject o f "he:ll:'·

T he happy ero\lll \\,er ... ill l·o lldi, tion to ,·njll.I·;l full owa! ;It 5 :30, a ll1l all lIe rc loud in th,·ir p r"i -e5 of tit ," a ft.: rnt'oll'S w ork. \\·hile lhe Irip W"", in thi~ ins t:lIl':C, larg-dy (:.\pl' ri mell tal, il i", hopeli it \\ ill hL·• come an :HlIlU,t! 'lfbi r , (; re:tt lTedi t i" duc P rof. Ch:lpmllll, Ihrfl u;,!h WI1O"C effo r ts Ihe in~Ill' ':l ion I ril' \\:b

lIl:uk 1'{J,,~i]'le,


The CO~ lllopoli t :m Cluh alld rh"ir fri "ntl" l'njol cd the thi rd ;Illllll,tl £:til ll·rm h;1JllI ll~t of thc 1","011 ~· h:lple r ill C luh I ~ Frid,1I ni·dlt " . \ e:lrdu ll\' p ro.:p<1f1.'d Il''' n~' ~"I}l'li"t! the ph.\,;[. .. ":,IIl~·l·d!l I)f l) lc c\elliJ!~. "Illil' the 1(t:I_h l'Olllpk-t\'d Ihe joll .1 afiair,

T'):l~tllla~h'r Iddl ... ~ prl·H·llll·,1 ~":I\'h -IK'a kl'r lI"ilh all :!\lj,ropri,ll" -1{JTI " •• f I,!tidl he h,to! :l ~- ,"lwr"\I" fUIl(i.

.\ " italill w:h lh,· fi r!;! (In thL' pro· ~ ra "l, and "poke UII till" CO_Il,opoli. t,1I 1 ;: r ,uIUatL·. :1.I H}l":!ti1l:.,' Iht: ,)1"~:l Il·

iF-al i!.rl of ,III alum ni _~'lli,," ;tt thi,., c<)llc'~" "

l ' r,,_. [!ou:..'h _p"ke " f thl' pre) ... · peCh of thl' dub ("I" thl' c·'Jll1ill:..' \·e:lr, and prupllt'~i.·J IIlalll" illl,· r"'I· in:.! :ulfl il11Jlo rtalil f ll1)C'tiIJI'",

:\1. C . Elllll,1Il ~Ull:.:ht I" ~hll\\" lh,· nt.'r.:~~ily o f l'n .,,,l"l· :lcti\ili,·,;; :lI lt! "inl'> fo r tho.: cl uj" ,.0111,' of whi,·h ~)lOlild he s,){"ia l and pnli lkal pro", k1tl ll of peal·e,

.\ 1 r. Y m\'s ~'ntJlple t eri the pro· ~!":ltJl with :\ talk llil '·ILKl· . \n · tip:tthy I" . Brlll hc,-)y 1.0I"c:' T he ~pe"kt: r hl'lielcil thoU w h t'n till' col· o red people arc Irealed a" l'jpla!s with the res t of Amt:riC,lll~ , and g il"c ll th;: ~:lllle opporluniti t:.~ fo r atl\;IllCCIllCl1t, lhl"r t: will bc no pl acc fo r :Illy rac ... p roble m!>,

Tht; 1l!t:mhe rs t ltt'n c)(\emled ~ree tjn)(s 10 thosc ;Isscmbk"{ l ;H Ihe fOllrth Il~tional Cotl\"cntion of Cos· mopolitan Clubs to be llClll in La F~lyctte. Ind., D ec. ~ 7- ~ 9 . A . lta no b~ ing elected delega tc to s:lid COIl\·crl tlOn,

It was :t mecting to bc long- re· member ed by Hll present.


A I-!' r e:IT dcal of pl".ls lIr,· . ;I~ well as profit by II lly vf e"",·"lio]], II as o:-oj o.\l·d 1'.1 l he Illc1l1lwr;:; o f rhe 'pol1hr.1 0.:1:10<5 ;uld :\[ r, :\k\·irtie .in th ~ir r t:l't:nt \ i~it to Ill<' Oll\;lri .. I>ro· \·i rtei:l! \\·inter Fllir :11 Ciuelph, T his f:li r t.:or r"")lolllls with the Chi· C!lg"O illt('rn;l1iOIl:t1. ex~·~·p l. of nal r_ ~',

in 1ll00J,!nilt,ole, and ill tht; bl"l that , while 111\' l'hi":l~o Sho" repre"t:nb tb,' \t:n" best :lIId .:h"i ct.' st ~tol·k in tht; St;;k~ , the (',w:lIli ,, " ,·,hibil Sec ms to sh,)I\· "lOTt: rlr,,,. t:h rhe g"~'1l .

"ral l"Ollllitiolls, fllr Ih~· :till"1 of Can· adian fanner i~ 10 p rod\ln~ qualir\",

The numbe r o f ",hilt;"lr_ ill mu"st of the hr:llll'h~'" o f :tg"riL'uhu lT :tlld lile siock ,,":I " :.::rl"'ltll ill cn· ":>l·l\. ,lIltl l" rowtll"d Ihl: ~]l'K:"- :llIolt"d, though th,' Itllildill;,!s Iwl'l" h, .... n t:1l' I;lrg-cd du nn;..:" thc )1:1,.t .I·c;lr . .:'Ilu ch r,'~rl'l i" "\Pl""~" 'd hI· lh,' exhihl· lor,. ami Ilwst.' II Ito· alll'wkrl the ~h,,\\ th .. t the limll t,f l·flbr;.!l"m'·l1 t Oil til<.' pre'~'Jl' -ilL' h:b h~"'l t r~:tdl,·d "

Orl,' hUlliln'd ho r"c .. " fo r II hidl ther~' w".,. Il"t rooll1 ill thc ll1:1 ill Illlildill.\!'. lI er~' ,."ilk'd ill :lIl :uljoin · inl! SUb\\;I.I", Tit,· 'I";' rt " r~ for Iltt.' h, .~;; \Il'r" cI!)s~" ;111<1 the -hl'('jl 1\ ,'rl' ,.hOlllt ill Ilpp..:r ~ 1O '".' pe n_. ~ (lli."<·:! I,)l" am"ll;.! lh," illl,'r,·~till~

fL."(\II1'l" Ihi_ \~·' II· \\':1- til<.' dnT'·"_~· ill thl' IllIlIl),e; of IWl'f r:tllk, IIhi,"h rea lly r<.·pr,· ... l·1l1,·,1 dilion_ thrUll~h

Ill\' ~ I:ttlh "r ':011· Ihl" n' lllr:l l :m,1

l' ;j.Il-rn pl"t,\il1n'~ " I )",il·lin~ i~ UI1 th,· ill( r,-:r-l', :llld II " .. _ 0) "!lI:l1Iifl'~tnl h.1 Ih,· l",llil,il in th:! t lill~' "

T hl-r," Ill'n':;,1 (r "ulric - ill Ill,' l',)uhr., ",hil,jr . lind . i" :.ddilloll,:1 Ll r~e di_p\;(.' of drl'~ ·l·d p"uitr.1 :1IIt! <'~;.! -. . \ I·,"Om p;ul .' ill:! In·tur<' ~ ;IIH\ (k mOlbl rali"l\' ill P"lIltl·.1 SUhj"" _ 11I:!lle it p'l,."~ il ,k for tht: I i_itor,. '" g:ain a ;.;r~·:tt ,leal (If ,al(table knol\l. l·d;.!~· , :-;C\'l' r:d of til<' j) "nlilli'~11

repr"8e lll:ttil l'" for Ih .· I'rtHlul"ti<llt of helie r pOllltr.1 alld l·'.!::", \1 e re )lr,,~,·n1.:1~ , \ :t- :tl~" <!IIL" "f Ih l • C . :-'. ( in \ erltllll'llt ollki:tl~ in -itlliLt r l' :tp:l("iT~ .

T he ( )m ado, \ "rinll! 11 r:t I Colle"L' P oultr.l· /)~p:trt m~nl , ill dl:tr~c ';; f i~ rof. li r.tham, :!ffo rds in il sel f :t il ",,:cel knt opportullil\· fo r :t ~tltlh" o f poultr\" conditio n" a;ld 1ll:11l:t"en~e ll l :lIld it·\\""." wi th a g- reat [\..:al ~, f ill: terc'sl th:tt thc ela~" I· isitl·i l this and othe r d;p:lrtl11,·nt .;; at rhl' coll""t: , Thl' party al so c ,lIed en 11l:l';;Sl' ""on J' rof. and :\I rs , Edwards ill Ilwir pretty hOIll~" "Ild wcre r"lj l1cst , d 10 c xtcud reg":trd" to thc fril,ttds b;1c k at .:'11. A " C,

Guelph h:1 S ouh c limit ed aecom, 1l10lbtions for suel-i l:tr~e crowds as attend the F'lir, but tbe 1\1. A, C . par.IY was vc ry fortunate during tht·lr stay, :Ind all rt.'port milch satis . fa ction with the trip ami its benefi ts .


j I I

! I t

The M. A. C. RECORD . ~

ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. Ube ~tlls !Dr)? ~oo~s (lo. tOB- 1 10 WAS H IN C TON A V E. SOUT H


DESICNINC - EN C R A VINC - PRINTINC - BINDINC . W Eare ill larger slore qllarll'rs (fill/ l/(n'l!. CLASS PUBLICATION S U D CO L LECE ANNUALS

added se~'t'l'ifl lIew lines-Suils. Coals, We Glrr.r l"':r\ Ihill" • 0

.n the line of 1f "/fIjls, Art • '~t,t'dlf! Work . ele., and ~ClII be pleased 10 IIIf'd all Ullr colh'gtJril'JI(/S (f year. Announcements. Programs. Invitations, Etc. alld as mallY }Je,e.tnt'",/s as fossil.Ie,

\\ ' ... spc.:ializc on indhiJual orders for ,,' J lit! llilll: q( P ,'I/Oit's. 1:)" ills, S Ill'ds a 1111 Of't'S.

Fille :::-t:llioll\'r) - cmhO~SCll or printcli COJl/l' in aI/(/ gel al'qua/Iller! willt liS.

LANSING . - MICHIGAN J fal,t' Ollr store yOll r headlllllirler ....

I Do You Want [fER Y KIND Of

I r(;1 M I FF LIN 'S IJ~ I FURN ITURE Pair Shear .. Knife Safeh R:vor- FOR YOUR R:OOI\o1 .

HAT S bllV "' M ifflin's help you to ;;III<·t [0 •• Auto ";troP. VOll ~:'.·~·Ih·"oly "lUI ~:'''I~r. -"look you r best" bt:callse they're

\0 .~h·.·t fr.""

I fone" and :--:trops Cot s Fold ing Beds always :tll thori ta tivel y styled and so Saws

carefully made that they retain that" new Ilammers Matresses IlatchelS

look ing" appearance that has made them the Chisel! Book Cases Desks favorite of particular men. Screw Drin'rs

In bl·t, ;Lu~thiuj.! you Iwed in Caps, Swelters, Rain Coats, Shirrs - in flet all haru\\are }OU will lim! ;Iud

the late furnishings. :tt price:; lu ,,"it _ :It All GOODS DELIVERED f REE

ELGIN MIFFLIN Norton 'S tlarOware M.J. [( B.M. BUGK


ABOUT T H E CAMPUS The nest RH'('llt) will he puh­

Iished f.HI. _ . ~t;AI wel:k'~ \ :IC[­

t ion.

!'rof. L. :--:. T<"nnl'\, of the ,k'· ptlrll1l:nl of horti,uliure. Corndl l ' l1i\er~il", was :1 \\e ... ·k·ellli li~ilor at th ... · h~mc of I'ruf. and 'Ins. EIlM:lt ....

Ch:t~. II. Baldwill, "ith '09. "".., a colle;.!: ... ' ,i.,itllr th~· p,,~t ,,~·ek.

:\ Ir. t{. hal'; h"'l:ll ill Ihe elHplo~ of the lItil!!)i" :"-i1 ... c1 CII., of Chil·a;.!"o. for Ihe past "i .... )"e,lr ... , hut i~ plan. nin).!' to locate ill L:tll,;illj.! ill the Ilear futllre.

"En!n·thiu;.!" I"ok" :1" Ihou~' h it were ~il\"~r plated:' '\:h till' r{'II1;1rk m:lllc h\ Olll' of "ur ..,tudl'nt,. OJ! bst ThllrHi:1I' mornitl;.!:. Tht! nee" ... i()1l for the r·~Ill:lrk \\a~ the \\ hilL' fro"l on tr ... l'';; ami sh rllhb ... q, \\ hil'h pre· Sented a trul ... pretty ~fg-hl.

The new alulIllli ",·alalo;.r , ju"t off th e preSs, is one o f th ... 1)1.;,,1. and is the result of much Glreflll a nd paius· I"killj.! wor k 011 Ih .. p:'f l of our Re);;:,islrM. Th o;: buuk will be \\eI­corned by our alumni, :lnd will ;tlsn prove of g-reat v:due 10 ""\'cry de· partmelll at :\1. A. C.

T he mt!Ulbers of the Y. \\". C. A. spent a social e\'cnillg", lIutl g-a\'e :I pro"ram in the Associlltion rooms in L~nsilw Frid:I)' ev ... n ing:. The . . pro'-"ram included the pres(,lll:\tlOll of:~ play, " T he Chinese ~ tudellt ," and a farce en t itled " ll uw the Co­ed Enler!:lin;;." In a<i{lition to th ese, seve ral musical num be rs and reau· ings w ere g i\'en, and a most pleas. a nt evening was spent.

:\1 rs. ~her\\'ond, Illatrull uf the nelta Cluh. i~ "'pendirl;.! :1 short tinle \\"ilh f r iend,;;n Dc1r,)il.

Field . \:.,:enl \\·!t itc ,IIIL-ullcd the '1111111:01 meetill.t.:" of the 10ui:1 County Frui t liro\I~'r~' .\~!>oci:otiul1. held at IOllia I,bl \\I:ek.

Th ... · .\Iilhi;.!:lll Jlr:llh:h uf the ~:l' liun:ll .\~"'Od:llion of Be ... Kt·qx·rs llIel ill ~:I;.!ill:1W th~' pa.,1 1I.·ek. l'rof. l' l·11it .luenoled Ihi~ nll'cling:, a,; did a!"11 E. :'-1. IluIII. ,\ilh ")9. II pro!llinelll ,1c~,kr in hel.! ~lIppl;c" in Lan"illg".

TIll' Idler'" :ul!lu:tl ('hri~tm:ts parly "as held :-;alllrday e\ ... ·lHlIg- in the p"rlur of 11Il· \\ 'omen':; huillli ll~. T he room" :1" ,ll·corat ... d \\ ith ~rl·l·lI and IH.,tr~. :lI1d \\ith its op<·n lire~ and hriJ.:llI!\' li;.:htcd tr ... e ~:\\"e :I

hrilli,llli "..r;·ome to the t·;t!{er throllj.! OJf "~·hildren." SOIl:.,:S, danring allli the ,listributiOIl o f ;.:-ifts :tid ... d to m,,!.:c the e\l'niug a happy frolio.::.

In 'li ... w of Ihe recent :tgitatiutl COlJCl"rlJillg" Ihe Ilattle of our t"ol1cge. th e folio II ing- summary wi lt pro,'e o f inlere"t :

:? I of our land g rant collcge,:;; arc contlcctcd wilh the universities .

[0 arc kllOIl Il :IS .. Agricultu ral College. "

9 arl: known as •. College uf Ag. ricultu re ami :\Iechanic Arts."

4 arc knowlI :IS" St ate College." 1 is knuwn as "Polytechnic Illsli.

tutt·." I is kn owll as "R utger! Seien·

tific School." t is known as C lemson Agrictd.

tu ral College o f S. C . I is known as Delaware College.

l'rof. :1Ilt! :\Irs. Kullf. ... will (K"\lp~ the HU!>cer"ll>:i cott a;.: ... :Ift""r .I.IIlIl. an !.

Ill~lrtlcl(,r ~ewhall :1I1 ... "tlcd lb.· IJain J)hi~i{jll of Ihe Ont:lri" l'ro;il1~'i:tl fair dllrin~ Ih ... • l':hl II "'·l'k.

C. E. ~i .. ·". wilh '00. lI:t~ ren'lIlll heen eket ... ·cl ... e~·n·taf\ of Ille";1 Co. Puulln '\'~o'·laiicll!. :\lr. 'i ... ·" i'i editor o( the CII<,r/"I/,· 'Ii·il>"II •.

.\ . I' . !.;:r,·/ltel, fon:lII:ltI OJf our wond ,,11(,1', h:l~ ,;,,101 hi" Iw"perl I ('11

Colkgl' Jlci:,:-!tt,. 10 :\Ir .. \: J.. lkmi ... , of l'ar,.un Cil \. Llth,'r .,f r...:. I' . Bemi s , ' 1.1. :\1 r. B;'IIIi" \\ ill mOl e here \\ ilh his f.!rnil~ "houl J:UIU' :lr,· !.

\ \ ' e :Irc in r ... ceipt of ,1tI :1JlIIQUlll· .. ·· ment frl)t1l the l·.:--'. ei,il S .. ·r.i.· ... · COlllllli"sion, c:l11itl;.!: :01l""lIlil>1I 10 ;111 examirl.tliOIl 10 he held J :UlII:tr~ t j _ t~ , 191 ': , fur tillitl~s ... \"e r :11 l:tl·lIll ... te..; in the pO~ i liclll of :'S~i,i;\:tIll dl"'lni~t, D"'partment of ":,:-rio.;ultllrc, alHI elsewhere a~ nee,le.!.:l1 ~:llariei rang-illl;" from $1 ~uo 10 $1600 pl'r :I11I1UI11. Th ... opporllttlili ... ,. for ap· pointment f rom this eX;nn inaliOIl seem 10 be escdl"'lIt, "inc ... · of Ihirl\" cig"ht persons who passcd this ex. IImiIHuiOIl in .\pril, 1911, Ihree \\ere appoin ted al $ 1410 p ... r :ltlnllrn, :uLd twenl\'·se\·el1 other~ were lendered aplx>i;lIl1lenl at $ t!OO pe r anllum. Full information as 10 ed uc:tliun:tl training rC(luir ... d, nature o f duties, etc., may be obt ai ned from the U. S. C ivi l Serv ice COllllllission, \V :tsh. ington. D. C., br ask in g fo r a copy of the assistant chemis t announce. ment.

to..,!. .\, :,llIa"le .\ II:.:-"ra "':11, 1ll"lon!,!il1:..:" I" ,\Ir" . :\!\",·r<. .. \ r.;:.

""n! i" "ffer ... d fvt' it:; ;·eturn.

Till' ,nl'nther3 uf 11ll' C"!ullIhi,'1l !.il"'"\";lr~ ~Ot'i(;l~ ,·nj"., l·tI a kit

~ ,"·IC).·J.. ilt tlll·ir r OOIIl., !"rid:l~ e\",'11 lilt.:.

BIl:lnl h.15 h"l'll :lIloli\,·,J ill Ihe ':trim,,, dllh~. ;uHI pri ... · ... fur thl: fall I~' rm ,Ire ;h f"I1,,\,.,: \, :-:;~.~;:

I:. ;:-0;.0::;; C. :S~'\): n, $:.:,,: E, ::i~·'Ji; Ci, .:$:.1:>.:;.

The ,,~·ttior d:t ... ~ in .,t,),·k jllll;:in).:", Ilith .\Ir. Il ud~('II. ,i,iled Ih ... f:trm ')£ :\Ir. \\·i lson.:I\ \\·;l1 i",,)-,IOII. Ull

)"alllrd:ll. :\Ir. \\il~(l\I i~:t hrl: ... k:r of line !';d~i:1lI h"r~ ... ·"',

TIll' Ohiu /'1\\, h;1\ t· or,qll1i/~"{1 a ··Hu,·kl'\\· ('lui:" "ith Iltl' fOIlU\\. illl! "l1il"l:r~: l'rl"~., \\ .• \. t; :Lr.J_ "I:r: ~~·~·rt'l:ln·. ( •. I •. CUllIi( ...... ': trl·a ... llrt·r, K·. :'-1. !.;:Iin;:er. Tile .-Iuh tlUllIhl:rs .30 1I1("'llht.·r~. allU p1:tlt. bc:,:-irllli lt;: Il ... ·\t term, to hold re l!"J:or ,nn·ting".

Uurill).!" the ",olning" ':lc:llioll, K. B. ::;Ie\l'us, F .. \. ~IOlIl·. :1111 E. :\. .\rtJ1sl rong- will a!>si"t at n lest of the new power platH un tl1l: . \u Sa. hll: Ri\'cr, known a~ the Cooke I)e. \cloprnent. There \\il1 he tc"tet! th r ... e 1.500 II. I'. turhill ... IInil". The power Olltput \\ ill he Ille ll!lured clec. trio.::a ll), anll the wUler p:tssill~ through the wheels will he 111CIIS­

ured ove r :I steel c rest weir. T his w ei r is of the Francis type, and is lOS feet Ioug-. The const ruc tion lIlIti lest :l re ill cha rge of thc COli . su lt in!;! eng ineer, l\lr. \r. G. Fargo, o f j:Jckson.

The M. A . C. RECORD.


1\ ct:un pk h:l) t'O\'" ,.;; the lidd o f loca l ne w s, poli,il:s, and the worltl of spor t:..

Ht"\';HI$C its ldt.'~rl!ph ;WI) n") r rc!'pontle m'c sen'ire e ll a hie i l 10

)!i\'c ils rc,ukr ;; \111: 1:110.:5 \ j.:cllc r alnc\, s of the llrly in 'leI­I anCl' (If ' I ll,' olher I!I'\\ sp;lpcr coming inlo Lnnliin;.!".

Ha,'e THE STAT E J OU R NAL delivered t o your hom e by c.a rrier


Tilt' f(111)\\illl,!" kIter 10 l' r ... ;, SIl)4h:r from Ih~' 1,,-'n of C . E. 1:,1:,­set, :-,,'\'rC\:ln "r the :-;'ak Il ufl1-eullur;.l "" ... :i"'I, wll1 ht · n: ;111 with inkr,'''' hI CIC'r\ fri"nd "f the in-<"llIlIiOI1 :

".\'" nll~' \\1.0 al",\\" h:l,.:. \\:lflll

spot ill hil> IW,'T! fll r ',h,' ~lkhi:!;1II A).!' r kullural c .. n,,:,!,-. I Ik.,irc hJ \,;.I! ,"[1Uf aUI'lllioli '<1 the 1I];I1I11,'r ill

whi~'h Ihe Illdl\' -,clli')I"'" 111 Iwrti· ":\111111',·. whll to"k p:.n ill vllr !"'t<l l c

::'()dcl~ l'n').:"ra." ;1\ l.wllll;':ll'll la" t w\'ck, ,·ul1dud,·d I helll'<eh ,'.... The; r {"OIHhl"1 11,1'- ... " ""nlk'luanl\, \hal all \ll!r~' impn:~"\'d~: Ilh Illal aU'lulI o f II II

oH' r ll,,,kc,1 featuH' ill ,·"Ik;.::'· life. "Their ,lIe·1I1il1ul,· ;llldrl· .. "e:.

\\c.'rl·. wilhlHI\ ,·\H·Plillll. 11h' !,ii-:" fe .. Illre of (lur e"dknl Ill,·ctill)!. Tlll'ir :,uhj"cls I\l'r,' wdl ("hll~'·Il. ;11111 c;Kh I.) IIC 11;1 ... pr"",·l\le.[ in 11 1II0 .. 1 lo~i"'ll ,11111 pll·,,"';I1).:" m'lIlller. 1 halc 11"::lr.1 "i1l1il:l r ... 111<1.<111 ad· dn·,;~c .. ill nllwr !!1:11,·~. ;t lld nlll sa)" IlwI , )llr OWII .\ l id l i;'::'l1l hu,,,, I"·

c .. :1k,1 a l1 lll1 il1:; III \hi ... lilll·'IIl' lt I hall' cle~ Ir,·anl. TII~' fl"uil jud;.r. ill).!" :111.1 i,lcillifyin;,:- 11;1:> 111",,\ ... a\i,,· ClI1'11'nl\' '\01)C.

.. \ \ · I;ik Ihc "'WllliIC ho.mi (If thl' :-.\;\\..: I I"rll<uilunll :-'o.,: i,·11 fed Ih;1I t hc $ho II !tidl Ihl'~ "ff::rc.! .IS pri£c!> f" r thi ..... lud,·111 ,·unle,.1 II.I~ 11111"'1

Ili~d~ "'1""11. ,11\.1 Ihal {Pl r 1\ lIe n" ecil ,01 I :dul lI1:lIl1 told. II c ;11"" fn·t. ;lUd "i ... h III h,I\· ... I,m 1,11011, Ihal thi" lill~ ~\!1Il.-l1t ~',hi],;li(l1l h:l ~ n ·· 1I"'Ik,1 ';':T' ·,11 I'r:,i~l' "1)<111 th(·l r ,LlIII'I

11lall"r, ,111.1 h'lhl~ 10 ,'rc;lk in , h~

1l\jl1ll~ "f ollr 1"'I):fl,' r";I 11111-.1 "at· l ... f:II"""·~ jll'I'r,~ ... ;~,, ; .

".\ 1:lr).!,· l';\rl "f till' ,·r(' .. li, i;:; .. luI.' I·r"f. Eu!>I:KC aLl.1 hl~ "hIe \';11,,1 uf as.,j ... latl[:'. II hu (.ri~;IJ;IIl"<1 'h .... n)l1'

k"t f""III£\·. :11ld \\h" h,ne lahured sv l1:1r.l .• lId »0 "uo.:,·'· ...... fllll.1 h) pl:lCC ou r horticlIIlllf;l1 ti<"II:Ir\III"nt 1I\)<,n , h,· hi).!h pla lH: which i, UOII "tal1d ....

"!-iUdl ~ 1I 1t'rpris(' :m.1 pr"ft·~"j{fl!al sk ill is wor thl' o f ;111 p ra; .. ,· a l ld 1;11· eflU ra;!l'I1W ll l,';l l1d 011 h~h :t lf III th .... (');eell t ;I,' hoard " f Ihe :-it:ll c Il o r ti' c u ltu rai :::'Ul·i,·ty i hespc;,k thc carll· cSI "upport al ali l imes 0 1 1I1e ~Ialc B O;l r .. 1 o f 1\ ).!"ricultun .. fo r the hen..:· fil of your dl'par tmellt of horli,·u l . Ii lr(· •• ,

PrcS. BUlkrficJd . of l\b~S ;ICh ll' selliS. spoke bcfor .... t hc A dcra ft Club in Dl'troit 0 11 Sal ll rd:w . D eC. 9 . lIis suhject W,IS, ' ·T h ... · L'l1i ty o f the C h url'll,·,; ." li e Ill-plofcd the lac k o f u llity,cspC<'i:llly ill our coun· t n ' COlll1lHllli lies, w ll<'rc h~' :1 I1nill'\1 effo rl so milch g-ood \\ ork mig-ht he ac(:omplishcl1. :<' 1 r. B UII,'di"I,1 SUited that o nl" those bOI"5 shou ld he kl'lll o n t he lurlll who ar,' willing: 1('1 par the b ig p r ice o f succes,. Oil Ill(' /arm. It lakes b rains and instiuci. .. If w c bu ild lip churches Hilli illSl itl1 ' lioI IS." s ;lid he, " w c IllIlSt h:lve n lorc than prospe r it ),. No matter how ri ch a f;lnning community is, lInless ins titutio ll! e);isl to keep Ihcm to. ge ther you are no t soh· jng. th e cOUll ' t r y li fe problem."

Hart. Shaffner

Marx Clothes

Spalding S wuurs Imperial a nd K nox Hats

Heid C aps



Men's W ear that proves. itself the w orld over.

The Mapes Co.





D r. ( I .... ,·n. :\ \Jetr()i, '·1 .. ·. car. no.;;c allll l11ru;11 "'p"·\'iali,,I' lor !j \,car,;.. IIhll ;,1 ... ,) h"a ... "IC~ :111(1 lits ~1:lEi"e~. will "'1"'1111 Chr:~lnla~ IH·ck III Easl Lan .. ill;!. 1·, .. r .. o11.':\ \\ishin).!" W ("IUI~\l1t \Jr. OWl'll II ill li11l1 him :It Ih~ re:,idcllcc fu r lll"' rl~ on'upi,'d I" Lil' lI l. [ Iolh, OIl !;l1Id R h 'cr /i." I'. 1).-. O w"'n \lill lIlakl> 11 0

ch" r;,!c for ,'OIISldl:tliOll Oil ISC I~·S I· in;: "hilt· herl'.

. \11 "tU,Il-Ilt:- holdill).!" r"c' l'ip'''' f"1" Ihe $::;.o,n d'·p" ... il Oil roum rCIII \\ ill 1""""'" pr"",.·111 ":1111,' f,,~ rcfulld :11 Ihc :-.,..:rctan ',. "lliee at IIII(·C.

Ur. Ik"s.·\· IC;l\e" !"'alurd:ll for C hi'·;I~o. II I;"'ro,: hc II ill "p~lIti :-'UII_

ll ll} with his brolher lie 11"111

Im'el h i" f,\the r :uHi motho,:r he rc, ,111,1 proc~cd with the m Oil :\ [0 11 .1 '1 )" 10 \Vas h ing toll, wlwre hc lI il1 :1\.

IC ll ti IIll" seicnti ik llleeting':; helt! in 111 :11 (·i ly.

TIll' Ulembers of Ihe Sesame Lil · c rary Sl.)cicl\· cn le r t:l inel l thei r f ril'mls :11 an opcn IIIl'cti ll ;':- in lhe p:lrio r of lhe " 'omcn'" b uildin;::­S:uu r,Jay " \'c ni ng:, Dec. 91h. T he rcgul ar li lcr:l r.1 progr;111I \\" a~ fol· lo wcd hy :1 soc ia l hotlr . Light rc' frcs h me n ts werc scr n::u. E I',' rl'one I'oled the on'asion ~ \cry plc;;s :l ll t OIlC.

A t the sug).!"l'Sl ;Oll o f t ltl' GOlcrn · o r , I-'res. !lu tchi lls, o f the l·nil·cr· sit.", P rcs . ;\l c :\" air, o f Ihc Cl.)l1e.~c of :<.l il1l·s. and Pres. !::ill\dc r mcl in D el roi t Ihe paSt wcc k io talk Ol er nla tters pcr l'lil1illg' to the I j ll " s o f w o rk in th,·sc par ticII\:i r sdlool5. T ht: con[crem:c pro vcd o f I"lll uc 10 t: ;lc h, and il is pl'lImed to m eel at Ih c ins titutio ns in q ucslio n from timc to time in order 10 h l'COInC better acq ullinted wi th the w ork· ing's of Michig an's educ;l\io l1:11 sys­te m.


~U I{ b;lIl{bolllc ne w line of Ba th R obe Blan kct" ;I rc herc.

~ Thl'Y \'om c in :In :ltlrnC'Ii \'c l;tricty of s lyk ... amI "oiurs,

lIilh Conis and F rog''' to m .. lch. i ' ri(·c~ . $1 .00 to $3.0',

\\'Ill'1l ,Ic~ired we llIake lbth !( oil('s It) TI1,·:t~url' . Thc:;e eOnlfor l.

<l hle I ,OIlI!~ill~ Rol)t.·;< mnke :l n i'\C;11 Chri~llnn>, t ;ift. If )'011 \\;1 l1 t

one madc. k:l\c ~ our order carly.

CENTI~U. ;- tl {1 I . Ht:UAlltl.: S l'Oltf LAN$J,.., t; . M'~J'"

Til l:' NII·/./:·}" .r- CN. I }" /' 10'1.\"TI.\·(," CO.!!!'. I .\"}"

Ens raveu Printers St atio n e ra

L. I .'.~IY' •. .III ' "'- ; . 1-,"

-:r:.t"':' Irc cspc .. :i.lly well equipped I cl'1r1 10 surpl.\· you with :In.l· lhing

~·ou may necd in Ilu:, line of

C AL LI NG CA RD S, DANCE .-\N D SOCIET Y PROGR:\M S - -Lawrence & Van Buren I

Printing Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Phila delphia

. \rc 111(' iar;.::e~I lIHUlubl' turer ...


IIll' t llill'l\ :-'1;11~~. '111<] 11;1\1'

II' fllI :lIld 111:lilllaill Ihl' [,u ... ;·

"'·ss hI" ~hl'l'r f"re,' o f lm·ril.

'I' ll\" t IIi forlll~ \\ o n l ;1\

mlcblg," Jlg,I"".,,, C''''g' :. r l' lilli"h,·c1 " x:lllIplcs

,.f IIu r l'rOlhll·l.

Jacob R e ed's Sons .If.,k,,rs ,~r

.. Go ld Medal Uniforms"

1424·26Ch .. ttult Bt. Philadelphia



C0 l.".;(;.: nA IIR ~: '1 SHO J'. , ,, Hn tlJ II 0u~,:. A"d y- I"*II- .:rnle. Yo" II ~ I Ih~ be.t work to"rr. T r y 11 11 11" :;;.oc. ~ -


A »!. J.;»·.IUI Wnsh. A,·<! .. S. l-4oc<IIJ. • YI"r ::; Ulollo lIO'.)·. ~:"I<m n~d (""l1Inll

(1l1 r<l •• ~·o" n ll.ln .. ~" •• '·\c' lI r ..... F r ll lll .. ~. F!nc t 'rll lllhl Of It !'pj«·llI lty. ,''''Io-dllle nyl,,". C.·lIt n llls.-t.·l1t I " l ... n.lul<. - -.

.t {'(l.- Bool<blnd" r~. m ltl<(>h. I)oI l>"r ,u ll"!f.

" II rt blnd l "lls. M I~ l>01U. 1 • Rllmm~. PQek.P\ boo k • . e t c.

I, ~o, ' ljIl . / n l;\ty NnlloA"1 , ..



N' 11. ~ " h'I( ~:. I •. I\.!-l .• 't1I .. • .. 'lt .... I~ 11<.1· . Ii· ,,·. Hull.!I1", . r~' ''.' II' tt, .111'·h. , 'III· , .. ". 1111"",·. ' \ ""'mllll.- ~II>I '

D ~:. l ·,I I : l lt-:I. ~:t:. """11'1. II,', \\" " ~,,. • '''III '' '' ,I.",. !-l .. 1~""j/JIl, .I! Jrhh",,,.

AUWmUlk p ..... " •.. 0111,'" 3to:!; r.·.ltl,·ur". a~cl.

J ~:. ":T"t· ."Ef:. II. 11.!-l. "m.·.·:,'l<H. ' ·lll • "': "II""'ll l l:",k Hid". ,\Ul " '''"II,· ph"!>e

fill; I:,·n n~, .. ,,,,.:t. F{lTl"'" 'I. A. t·. '1"'I~"t.


R",,·,.: t: w)'o\ (· ... "ITA!. I'HI '(: !<Tflltt:. '- 1'01 \I) ,1111". ,·".n,'r 'I"',', OPPO .. lt"

Il nlll<I"r Hhll·k.

-:-=-occc-=DRY_G_OO_ DS.

1 II'. 1.;;0; , \ " 1' "\1.- i>1'Y • • ,.- .. !. ",,01 t ·"r· . • II I"hl",,·. 't".\r:.':.'1 W",lol"""." .\ , , ..... ".

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.:1,·, 1·· .... 11" \\· ... hl"III .. " .1,,·. ":"mh .


C" l'IT" t. Et.~:I·THt .. ~::'Io(;t:'lo ~:.: l tlS .. '~'.- .'"" II,,,· "I .:I'·{,I~I'·nl ""PI'II.· •.

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'[ Ill<. ". T. ,'.1".:.- 11"""I",·IIlrllllr. _\ """,,,.p,~,;,,,,.~ IIntr""' ·,I .. " I~trl"'~, S"l1,·I,,·· 111'''''' ,.f ,',,1 h"lr "r ,·"",1>1,, 11' " "I .. , •· .. l1)n·o\ ... hl "',"",,,1<'" \" It~.k II' "'N"I n. """. I'l,,' 1'-,".,.."·,\1,,. rj,o"" IIY""'"I{' " .. 11'" 11.·q" .. l1,·., "~"('I "." .. \"1 • • "",(1.: ph"".';"-". :'::'0,' , W"'hl"", .. " ""'. !-l .


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Dit. (IS ' 'A It H. flltl' t :(;E I •. H n" .... 7 to ~"., II , " •. : : I " I II"" r \0 ~ p. m • .'i lill'

d Il Y~. I : I .. I ~"tl ~ tool P. n,. t :".1 l~n~I" " .)1 1~b. L·UI .... "" ph .. " , · j'lIl.

D H. II , \1". I. A :'; 1'llS, t:nC.C,- ,C,-.. -"c,-,,-,-.',c,,',.-,. Olll,·,· h"u,s: ; I', Ii;:.! .. . '11 .. !t~,. 10 2

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R'f1U:HT !-l ~I 'T Ii 1'1'1;. ('0).-('0 •. " ·.,h· 'nlllon AH. umt lonln :<1.


1'R Y K E SIlAI.1 : S ,,1101' for "h~ He · 1l ,,(r!t\I(. All ... nrll 1<' ''''"'11<,,'<1. Ma.

eb l n~ or II l1n « Se ... ~d >'loIH. Hnhh" . ,,~ .. I~ whUe )'ou wnlt. Yln« lIne (1/ (lonl~etloner:r ",,,Iter '. olt! ~ Inn". Ml<-h l " .. n A ve ••


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