THE LORD S SUPPER -€¦ · gospel conversation every single week of the year, without...

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Transcript of THE LORD S SUPPER -€¦ · gospel conversation every single week of the year, without...

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114 North Third Street Central City, KY 42330 (270) 754-3670 WKYA FM Radio 105.5 Sundays 11:00am Website

Rev. Chase Thompson, Pastor Rev. Kevin Reed, Minister of Youth and Children Rev. Sam Killman, Minister of Worship and Administration

Vol. XXVI No. 2

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Sunday, January 5th



OFFICES CLOSED Wednesday, January 1st


January 20th

Kendra Pate—Director

Teachers: Jim Baxter, Dr. Bryan Eades, Daniel Mercer

Teachers: Teresa Cundiff, Peggy Pendley, Bethany Killman, LaDonna Culbertson

Teachers: Karen Halcomb & Harley Rager


Monday, January 13th 2:30 P.M.

Grace and peace!

I want to begin by thanking everyone for your generosity toward Hannah and me this Christmas. Every gift, goody, and dessert is never expected, but is certainly appreciated. We continue to count ourselves blessed to have such a wonderful church family and your demonstrations of love for us are always an encouragement. Thank you!

We ought to praise the Lord for how good He has been to us, and specifically for the wonderful work He did through our Christmas at the Convention Center service. This year we had 329 in attendance! This was our highest attended Christmas service yet! At Easter we typically see 80–100 more people than Christmas, so I’m prayerfully hoping God graciously exceeds our expectations in 2020. I really hope you all realize that our ability to reach as many people as we have would not have been possible without your willingness to allow God to work through you. Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered, helped set up, helped lead in worship, helped disassemble, and made people feel welcome. And thank you to everyone who showed up for our December 8th Care Night, helping us to make over 300 deliveries in our community. Through our church’s commitment to service, giving, obedience, and prayer, God is doing great things and will continue to do great things in 2020! Praise God!

Those of you who attended our December 18th Business Meeting know that we unanimously voted to begin a weekly, Spanish-speaking worship service with a tentative time for 4:45pm on Sunday’s. Please be in prayer for that service. In regard to those whose primary language is Spanish, we truly have an unreached people group in Muhlenberg County. Just because we voted to begin this service doesn’t mean it will come to fruition. There is still a lot of work to be done and several relationships to build in order to see this service become a success in reaching people for Christ. Please be in prayer that God would help us to draw people in for worship, and please be in prayer about how God might use you in building up this ministry. We never know how the Lord might equip us for acts of service.

Finally, I want to invite you all to join me in setting a goal to be more evangelistic in 2020. My personal goal is to have one gospel conversation every single week of the year, without missing a single week (even on vacation, etc.). What is a gospel conversation? A gospel conversation is where you tell someone about Jesus. More specifically, it’s when you convey to someone:

1. That we are all sinners who face judgment and who are in need of salvation.

2. That Jesus came, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross to pay the price for all our sins. That He was buried and rose from the dead as Lord (King) of the world.

3. That if we will repent (turn away from sin) and believe on Jesus Christ (trust in His sufficient sacrifice for our sins) we will be saved, becoming His followers (obeying His commands found in the Bible).

Hey Church!

2019 is over!! 2020 is here. I can’t believe it! Where did last year go? Like many of you I plan to start this new year with several resolutions. As we begin the new year, I want to lay out some vision that I have for our worship ministry; think of it as having 2020 vision (sorry I had to). I ask that as you read this, you will join with me in praying that God will help us grow as a church both numerically and spiritually; also, that as we grow, our ministries would grow to further reach and impact people.

For our worship ministry in 2020: first I would love to see our choir numbers continue to grow. I know there are several great singers out there. We have plenty of space for you! I recently read an article that stated studies have shown that “singing even at an amateur level was beneficial to people’s emotional, physical, and cognitive well-being.” Church records show that choirs in America are in decline. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It does take commitment, and it does take some sacrifice, but I believe choirs do still play an important role in church today! So pray about it and come join us in the choir. You might just become a better you if you do! Another area of growth I’d love to see is in our instrumental team. Over the last several decades music has shifted in the church. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good hymn, but there are many newer songs that have just as rich and deep a theology as the songs of old. I would love for our church to be able to sing those songs together! I believe scripture commands us to sing new songs and to continually lift up songs of praise to our Lord. But with some of those new songs comes a need for accompanied instruments. I would love to see our worship ministry grow to include more instruments that could help facilitate and strengthen our worship. As the Lord leads you, I pray you respond to His calling to join our worship ministry this year.

I am looking forward to a great year in 2020 with you all. I can’t wait to see what God does in us and through us as we seek to love Jesus, tell others about Jesus and equip people to follow Jesus!

In Christ, Bro. Sam

I am determined to have a gospel conversation every week in 2020. And this is a goal Bro. Kevin and Bro. Sam have set as well. What about you? Will you set a goal to share the gospel in 2020? You may want to set the same goal as me. Or, may I just encourage you to set an attainable goal to share the gospel more in 2020 than you did in 2019? People are dying and going to Hell without Jesus. We must give them Jesus.

Hannah and I love you all and we are so thankful for our church family. May God bless you, may the Lord use us in 2020, and may we see great things accomplished for God’s glory this year!

In Christ, Pastor Chase


Often times I will talk with fellow youth ministers

serving in churches far from home. I love getting to tell

them how God has blessed me with the opportunity to

serve in my home church! Much of what I get to do is

simply “pay forward” all that was done for me here at

FB3C! When I see children in the nursery being loved

on and cared for, I think back on the ladies that did the

same for me. When I watch RAs and GAs working on

crafts and learning about missions, I think of how I

learned the same lessons from faithful leaders in the

same rooms! As I teach lessons from scripture in

Sunday School, I reflect on godly teachers who first

told me the Good News within these same walls.

Thank you so much for allowing me to serve here at

home. You have always supported me, encouraged me,

and inspired me. My testimony is filled with each of

the ways you and this church have taught me what a

relationship with God is all about. There is no way I

could ever take credit for anything that is

accomplished through my ministry here without first

mentioning each of you. Our youth and children’s

ministry has grown into such an exciting place where

kids want to be. I loved being here as a kid and I want

kids today to know you the way I know you. Thank you

and I look forward to the continued support you will

give in the year ahead!

There are a few things on the youth front to mention:

1) Camp Deposits of $60 are due by Jan 29 - dates of

camp are 6/29-7/4 at Belmont University in Nashville

and total cost is $359. 2) Paoli Peaks ski trip will be on

MLK day Jan 20 - sign up in youth room. 3) Winter Jam

Christian Concert in Evansville is on Jan 30 - cost is $15

and sign up is in the youth room.

We look forward to all that God has on the horizon for

2020! I pray that you get plugged in to all that is going

on and bring your gifts and talents with you.

In Christ, Kevin

1 Jack Johnson Joe Ben Tucker

4 Eashan Johar Aaron Morehead

6 Gynon Murphy

7 Jackie Armstrong Brent Lofland

8 Aaron ‘A.J’ Barbre Jr. Cassandra Peltier

9 Johnny Clark Jane Ann Crowder Megan Gates

10 Karen Cobb Hope Whitehouse Isabela Wilkins

11 Troy Jones

12 Danielle Drake Amy Gardner

15 Max Huddleston Sierra Tollison

16 Allie Kate Braem Bill Hendrix Lue Sallee John Sinks

18 Scott Bunch McKinley Gates Stanley Hill

19 Shane Fogle

20 Kathy Dukes Tammy Hopper David Richey

21 Bennett Mayes 22 Paul Curry Susan Goldston Ezra Killman William ‘Bill’ Millay II Matthew Shelton

23 Gail Clark Jason Drenon

24 Brandon Divine David Rhoades

25 Jimmy Baxter Bettie Mayhugh Hailey Murphy Jamie Piper Andrew Slaughter

27 Dorothy Cook

28 Hope Reed Roberta Vincent Vicki Warren Carolyn Wolfe

29 Jean Jones Thomas Oates

30 Sandi Baxter Martha Cessna

31 David Berry

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4

Men’s Breakfast 8:00

5 Bible Study 9:45

Worship 11:00 Children’s Church 11:00 Lord’s Supper 11:00 Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Deacons’ Meeting 5:00 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00



Fresh Start 7:15

Council Meeting 5:30


RA’s, GA’s, Youth & Mission Friends 6:00

9 10 11

12 Bible Study 9:45

Worship 11:00 Children's Church 11:00 Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00


Children’s Choir 2:30


Fresh Start 7:15

McKinley Lofland

Mission Group 10:00

15 RA’s, GA’s, Youth & Mission Friends 6:00 Business Meeting 6:00


17 18

19 Bible Study 9:45

Worship 11:00 Children's Church 11:00 Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00



Paoli Peaks

No School

Martin Luther King Jr.



Fresh Start 7:15


RA’s, GA’s, Youth & Mission Friends 6:00 Bible Study 6:00

23 24 25

26 Bible Study 9:45

Worship 11:00 No Children's Church Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Children’s Ministry 6:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00

Rev. Sam’s 2nd Anniversary


Children’s Choir 2:30


Fresh Start 7:15


RA’s, GA’s, Youth & Mission Friends 6:00 Bible Study 6:00


Youth Winter Jam


Church Office