The London Gazette (1801.04.25)

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Transcript of The London Gazette (1801.04.25)

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[ 446 ]

Two Frencli Settees, (Names unknown,) laden with

Earthenware, from Marfeilles : Taken b)' the

I'earl, Captain Ballard, Aiignft 31, 1800.

French Settee La Gloire, in Ballalt : Taken by

Ditto, Auguft 31, I Sop.

Spaiiilli Settee, (Name unknown,) in Ballaft : Taken

by Ditto, Augiift3i, 1800.

A'l.cvican Brig Hind, laden with Sucjar, from

Salem bound to Cadiz: Taken by the Anion,

Ca])tnin Durham,.June 25, 1803.

.Dar.Kh Vcfl'el Carolina, laden with Wine,

Bourdcaux bound to Bremen : T.ikei) by the

Venus and Circe, June 25, li'oo.

Trench Veflel Francis, laden with Wine :Taken

by the Loire, Captain Newman, Junt 25, 1800.

Le Levrier French Vclftl : Taken by the Minerve,

Captain G. Cockburne, December 4, 1799.

fortuaiefe VetTcl O Voador: Taken by the Mer-

maid, Captain R. D. Ohver, December 4, 1799.

French Velal Bayonnc : Taken by the MIntive,

January 6, 1800.

French Vtlfel (Name unknown): Taken by the

Brilliant January 6, 1800.

Spanilli VefTcl Volcano: Taken by the Minerve,

January 6, iRvO.

Portuguefe Veflel Carmo i Diligente: Taken by

the Netley, Captain F.G.Bond, Februaiy20,


Spaiiilh Vcfl'el Battidor: Taken by llic Cormorant,

Honorable Captain Boyle, March 2, 1800.

Spanish Vifl'el (Name unknown) : Taken by the

EnivvaUl, Captain Waller, March 25, l?00.

F.n{^ll(h Vellcl William:

Taken by the Aurora,Caot.ii.i Cavilfield, March 3c, I 800.

En^h'fli B i^': Bcrnith, laden with Cotton, Oil, &c.

Tiiktn by the Flora, April 2, l8co.

French V^'iel Fanny : Taken by the Loire, Cap-

tain Me-.vman, May 24, iVao.

Spanilli Ketch, of Six Guns (Name unknown):

Dm.v- i)-.\ Shore off the Mouth of the Rhone and

hi:rut by the Camelion, Captain Maitland, Au-

gufi 20, loOO.

Spanifh Boat Baibnry : Taken by the Boats of the

Gnerrier: Auguft; 2C,' iSoo.

Ensrlifn Brig Aurora : Retake.i by the Incendiary,

Ciptain R. D. Dunn, Auguft 20,1800.

Spaiu'fli Schooner St. Raphael, laden with Cocoa,,

S\i!Tar, Indigo, &t. from Oronookb bound to'

Cadiz : Taken by the Phaeton, Captain Morris,

Auguft 29, 1800._

, I

Spanifh Ship Reyna Luifa, laden \yh]} Cocoa,

Wool; and Twelve Thoufand Pounds in' Bullion,


from Morlevidco to Corunna : Taken by the;

Netley, Lieutenant F. G Bond, Augnll 1 1, i86o.'

SpaniihVefTel El Legero, laden with Sugar, Cocoa,;

Cochineal, and Indigo, and Dollars : Taken by

the Minerve, Captain G. Cockburn, Augull 11,


French Lateen Vefi'el Priv.ilecr of Two Guns and

Four Swivels, called La Dangeroufe, froiP Baftia,

bound to Toulon : Taken by the Mulinc, Cap-

tain Hofte, Auguft 20, 1800.

French Priv^iteer of Four Guns, Six Swivels, and

filty-fix Mtn : I'akeu by the Salamiue, Captain

Briggs, Auguft 2a, l8co.

French Privateer General Holt, of Two Guns and

Twenty-fix Men : Scuttled by the Termagant,

Captain ^jkipfey, Septeniber4, 1800,

American Brig Union, laden with Sugar, Tallow, _

tVc. from New York bound to Cadiz : Taken by

the Kent, Captain Hope, September 6, 1800.

Danifh Brig Randerftioad, laden with Deal, from

Staten to Malaga : Taken by the Heftor, Cap-

tain Elphinftont, September 10, 1800.

Swtdifli Sliip Chriftiana Juliana, laden with Deals,

from Staten bound to Seville and Malaga : Takenby the I'ent, Captain Hope, September 26, 1800.

Su'e'difli Brig Vigilant, laden whh Deals, from

Louifa bound to Seville : Taken by the Phseion,

Captain Morris, September 30, i 800.

French X;beck Indepcndant, of Four Guns and

Forty-iix Men, laden witli Arms, Sec. from Tou-lon bound to Egypt : Taken by the Santa Tc-refa. Captain Campbell, Sqitcmber 17, i8co.

Boat named St. Taken by the Charon,

Captain Bridges, Auga'l 3^, 1800.

Bolt named St. Maria : Take.i by Ditto, Auguft

30, 1800.

Spanidi Veflel El Rey Carlos, ladtn with Sugar,

Indigo, and Cochineal : Taken by the Minerve,

Captain G. Cockburn, and Doris, Captain LordRanelagh, September 16, 1800.

French Biig Vidorieux, laden with CotSon, CoftVe,

and Sugar, from Cayenne bound to Bourdeaux :

Taken by the Minerve, Captain Cockburn, Sep.

tember 26, 1800.

French Ship L'Aftive, laden with Sugar and Cof-

fee, fiom Gnadflloupe bound to BourdeauK :

Taken by Ditto, September 28, 1800.

Spanifli Schooner Felix, of Four Guns and Thir-

teen Men, laden with various Merchandize, fromCorunna bound to Vera Cruz : Taken bv the

Phcenix, Captain HaHled, September 26, 1800.

American Brig Atlas, laden with Tobacco, from

Vigo bound to Sev-ille : Taken by the Miibrocdi

Schooner, Lieutenant Matthew Smith, Septem-

ber 26, i8co.

French Settee, (Name unknown,) laden with Coals,

from Bone boimd to Mavfcille» : Scuttle! by the

Pearl, Captain S.J. Ballard, Oftober 11, 1800.

French Settee, (Name imknown,) laden with empty

C)(k's, from Bone to Ma'fcilles : Burnt by Ditto,

Oftober 1 I, 1800.

French KetchLa

Virgede Bon Secure, laden with

Brandy and 'Wine, from Adge bound to Nice :

Taken by Ditto, Oftoher 11, 1800.

Gcnoefe Slilp Saint Juan, laden with Oil, Lemons,

and empty Cafks, from Bone bound to Cette :

Taken by Ditto, OAolier 14, i8c6.

Genocfe Ship, {Name unknown,) with Ditto, from

Bone bound to Cette : Taken by Ditto, Odoher

14, 1800.

French Settee La Virge Rofaria, laden with Oil,

from Nice bound to Agde : Taken by Ditto,

Oaober 15, J 8.-0.

Fiench Settee St. Jofeph, laden with Tanners'

Bark and Oil, fnmi Nice bound to Adge : Taken

by Ditto, Oclober 15, 1800

French Settee, (Name unknown,) in Ballaft, from

Nice bound to Adge : Taken by Ditto, Oftober

15, t8oo.

French Settee, (Name unknown. ) with Oil, from

Nice bound to Adge: Burnt by Ditto, CTttober

15, 1800.

Neapolitan Polacre Ship Madona del Carmiiia, laden

with Salt, from Trapani bound to Ponte Gori

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[ 447 J

Talcerj hv EI Corfo, Caplain Rfckelts, Septem-

ber r,, iS'co.

N. B. Chartered hy Merchants at Milan ar.d


Ncapollran Polacre Ship MaJona del I^aura, from

Tir.pani, bonnd to Ponte Guvl, laden with Salt :

Taken hy Ditto, !-'eptcmljei:,6, 1800.

N. B. As above.

Neapolitan po'- " ' Madona del (Gratia, laden

with Salt, iii<»ti!ui to Poutc Gori :

Taken by l;;iii,, .yrfrhber 6, irfoo.

A''. B. A ? above.

Imperial Polacre Bark, laden with Salt, from Tra-

p^'tii bonnd to Ponte (Joii, Name, Madona del

Joffata : Taken by Ditto, Septembei 6, 1800.

A'. B. As a'.jovc.

Neapolitan Polacre Brig Archlmede, laden with

Salt, from Trapani boinid to Ponte Gori > Takenby Ditto September 12, iSco.

A'. B. .IS above.

Neapolitan Polacic Ship Ln Raclielc, laden with

Salt, from Tjapani bonnd to Ponte Gori : Taken

by Ditto, September )6, 1800.

A^ B As above.

Neapolitan Polacre Ship Divini del Providenza,

laden with Salt, from Trapani bound to Ponte

Goii : Taken by Ditto, September j6, 1800.

A''. B. Ai above.

Neapolitan Polacre Ship Vicenza di Tripani, from

Tripani bound to Ponte Gori : Taken by Ditto,

September 16, 1800.N. B. As above.

Imperial Ireballo, Pleni Lnno, frsm Trapani bound

to Ponte Gori : Taken by Ditto, September 16,


A'. B. As above.

Imperial Ireballo, Snccefio, from Trapani, bound to

Ponte Gori: Taken by Ditto, September 1 6, 1800.

N.B. Ai above.

Neapolitan Polacre Ship Annunciate j^ngiolo, from

Trapani bound to Ponle Gori: Taken by Ditto.

N. B. As above.

Neapoiican Polacre Ship^ Madona del Pifta, laden

V ith Salt, from Trapani bound to Ponte Gori :

Taken by Ditto, September 17, 1800.

A'. B. As above.

Four Vefitls laden with Wine and Flour : Cut out

of«L--i Vendour by the lioats of the Mermaid,

Captain Oliver, Odober Ii, 1800.

Frcrdi Vedel I.a Jeune Alexandiini, from T.iul'i:i

bound to Barcelona, laden with Four Tboufand

Fiun-Pounders Shot ; One Thoufand Five

Hundred Fight-Pounder.s ; and Seven Hundred

;uid Ninety-one Mufiietb : Taken by the Bull-

Di.g, CaptSiiu BarringtonDacres, Ocl;)ber 12,

I oOO.

•Danidi Brig Pelican, laden with Provifions, Bait

Good.';, &c. fiom Atnlttrdam and Malaga bound

t3 liegliorn : Taken by the Pearl, Captain Bal-

lard, November 16, 1800, fuppofed to have.

Dutch Property ; was detained by a Minovquin

: Privateer, but rtt.'.kcn by the Danifli Mailer and


French Polf.cre Li Union, laden with Rice and

Coffee, from Alexandria boinid to I'rance : Taken

' by tKeF!orentiTia,C.'ptain IVo'i'i; C?yn;hia,

Captain Dick; and Urchin Go i-W^ilel, Lieute-

, nant Smith, December 5, 1800.

French Brig Lc Bon Pafteur Rttrotivc, laden with

Ri<;e, Coffee, and Sugar, from Alexandria bound

to France: T.iktn by Ditto, December 7, iSo-D.

French Brig 1.,'Hcurcufe Clairou, laden witli Rice

and Coffee, from Alexandria bound to France :

Taken by Ditto, Decenilicr 13, 1800.

French Brij Ilyppolile, laden with Rice, from

Alexandria bound to M irfeillcs : Taken by the

Fotidroyant, Captain Beaver, December 22, 1800.

Sjianirti Lugger Priv.iteer Noftra Sen<na del Carmen

la Confianza, ol Two Cmis and Tuenty-llx Men,from Vigo on a Cruise : Taken by the Netley^

Schooner, Lieutenant F. G. lionj, Septennbcr

28, i8cc.

Englilh Brig Mary, laden with One Hundred and

Sixty-nine Ca(l<3 of Butter and fome Coals, from

Dublin bound to Oporto : Recaptured by Ditto,

October 16, 1800.Portuguefe Lugger I.ial Inviela Viana, from Vian,i

on a Cruize : Recaptured by Ditto, Oilober 16,

1800, and given up to the Portuguefe free of


N. B. This Lugger mounted Seven Guns, and

belonged to the Portugnsfe Govern-


Spanifh Schoi)ncr Privateer, of Nine Guns and

Sixty-five Men, called St. Miguel alias Alcrtba,

from Ponte Vedra on a Cruize : Taken by the

Netley Schooner, Lieutenant F. G. Bond, No-

vember 8, 1800.

Englif.i Brig Hunter, laden with Fifh, from New-foundland bound to Lifbon : Recaptured hj

Ditto,' November 8, 1800.

Spaniflv Polacre Ship Santa Chridiana del Graa,

laden with Sugar, Cotton, &c. from Vera Cru^

bound to Cadiz : Taken by the Flora, Captain

Middlcton, Auguit 3c, 180a.

Genoefe Polacre Ship Conception, laden with Rice,

Sugar, Coffee, and Sena, from Alexandria bound

to Marrcilh'S : Taker, by the Swiftfure, Captain

HaIl.>weII, in Sig'.t of the Tigre, Captain Sir

WiUiam Sidney Sniitii, December 31, j8qo.

French Bombard .St. Roche, ladcr. with Wine, Li-

queurs, Iron Wave, Delitli Cloth, and various

other Merchandize, from' M:iif(.illcs bonnd to

Alexandria : Taken by the PcRclope, Cap.taia

Blackwood, in .Sight of the Swiinure, Tigre,

Minotaur, Nortliumberiand, Malta Schooner, ;tnd

Flo'renrin, January 8, i8cii.

French Bombard La Hydropolitc, laden yitb Mpji-

chandlze, from Marftilles bound to Alexandria :

, Taken by the Penelope, Captain Blackwood,

January 1 j, I 8gi.

Fre!ii:h Zebeck Guerfier, laden with .A.rms and

Anununltlon, from Toulon bound to Alexandria :

Taken by the 'rermagant, Captain Skipfcy, and

Port Mahou, Capt^iii. Buchanan, January 11,


A Vefrd, (Xame unknown,) laden with Corn-:

Taken ^y Ditto, December 5, K^co.

French Pol.icrt Affumption, ladey with Rags, from

Baflia bonnd to Genoa : Taken by the Santa

Terefa, Captain Canipbcll, Od.ober27, i8oo.'

Fre:icli Zebeck Conception, laden, with Oil, from

]5?rtia' bound to MarfcIUes : Taken by Ditto,

October 39, iSoo. ,''



Frciich Ship L'Egrcgaj laden with Barilla: Trikni

off Majorca "by the Speedy, Caplain Lyid Cocli-

.rane, December 15, t8oo.

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[ 448 ]

Frencli Bom'bai-i (Name unkivowr.) : Driven afnorc

and totally wrecked by Ditto, December 15,


Spauifli Tartan Madone, laden with Wine : Cap-

tured off Carthagona by Ditto, and fent to

Mahon, December 24., iSoo, but not iince

heard of.

Ligurian Ship St. Antonio, in B;:llall : Captured

otF Barcelona by Ditto, Janviary 20, iSot*

Spanidi Erig Ecce Homo, laden with Barilla

Taken off Barcelona l^y Ditto, January 22, l8oi.

French Ship La Aniitie, laden with Barilla : Tdkei.

ofF Barcelona by Ditto, January 22, 1801.

Genoefe Miip La Rhonf, laden with Salt, I'landy,

Wine, and Fiuit, from Cttte bound to M:i i U'illcs ;

Taken by the ^^ercury, Captain Thonias Roarers,

January 6, 180T.

Gcnoefe Ship St. John, laden wkU Wine,, from

Cette botind to MaritiUes : Taken by DiUo, Ja-

nuary (5, 1801.

French Briy Le Maiia Jnfepliric, laden with

Brandy, Wheat, and So jar, from Cette

to Marfeilics : Taken by Ditto, January 6, ifici.

French Brig I^e Solidc, laden with Brandy and.

Wheat, from Cette bound to Marfeilles : Taken

by Ditto, January 6, 1801.

French Briij Le Clieri, laden with Salt, from Cette

bound to Marfeilles : Taken by Ditto, January 6,


G«noefe Brig St. Carola, laden with Wine and

Brandy, from Cette bound to Marfeilles: Taken

by Ditto, January 6, iSoi.

Genoefe Bombard Compte de Gr.fie, laden with

Wheat and Stock Fi(h, from Cette. bound to

Marfeilles: Taken by iJilto, January 6, 1801.

French Bomb La Paile, l.idcn with* Wine and

Brandy, from Cette bound to Marfeilles: Taken

by Ditto, January 6, 180!.

Genoefe Bombard St. Andre, laden with Wheat

and Sugar, from Cette boniul to Marfeilles

Taken by Ditto, January 6, iSoi.

French Settee La Bone, laden with AVine, from

Cette Ijound to Marfeilles : Taken by Ditto, Ja-

nuary 6, luOl._ ^

French Settee Le Republican, laden with Wine,

ftoni Cette bound to Marieilles:

Taken by Ditto,January 6, iSoi.

French 'fartan La Croifette, laden with Wheat,

from Cette bound to Marfeilles : Taken by Ditto,

Jamiary 6, tSoi.

FreueK Tartan St. Ivado Pierre, laden with Wheat

and Slaves, from Cette bound to Marfeilles:

TakiJi by i")Itto, "January 6, 1801.

French Tartan L:i Ro'faria, laden wiih Wine and

Biead, from Cette bound to Marfeilles: Taken

'by Ditto, Januaty 6, i8ot. 1

French Tartan La Madona, laden with Wheat,"

fi-om Cette bound to Marfeilles; Taken by Ditto,

January 6, 1801.

French Bombard, (Na:ne tmknown,) froii; Marfeilles

to Alexandria: Taken by the Squadron under

tlie Oirdcrs of Captain Louis, of the Minotaur,

February 7, 180 f.

The Caique St. Maria d: Bafla, laden with Wine,

frorn Samos bound to Alexandria: Taken by

Dilto, February 7, iSoi.

The Caique St. Nicliola, laden with WLne, from' Samos bound to Alexandria: Taken by Ditto,

February 7, i8ei.

French Ship L? Jeune Union, laden with Coffee.

Sugar, Rice, &c. 5;c. from Alexandria bound in

Toulon ; Taken by Ditto, February 7, 180 1.

French Brig La Colombe, laden with Coffee, Sugar,

Rice, &c, from Alexandria bound to France: <Taken by Ditto, February


French Brig La Jeune Rafael, laden with Coffee,

Sugar, Rice, Sec. from Alexandria bound to

France: Taken by Ditto, February 7, 1801.

French Brig, (Namg-n,"^ r£rn,) laden with fundry

Merchandize, from t»^v tbotind to Alexandria :

Run on Shore by Ditto, February 7, 1801.

French Polacre Ship La Prife d'Algiers, laden

wiih Rice, Coffee, Nitre, and Morocco Leather,

from Alexandria bound to France : Taken by

Ditto; February 7, iSoi.

French Biig L'Amitie, laden with Rice, Coffee,

and fiuidry other Mcrchandi/.e, from Alexandria

bomnl to France: laken by Ditto, Fcbruaiy

-, 1801.

(Signed) KEITH.Fouilroyiint, hi llx Harlrjtir of Marmoiice,

I "Jth February tSoi.

Admiralty.Office, April 28, iSor.

Copy of a Letlsr from .'Ulnilral Milbanle, Comnmn.ier

in CDef of His Mafjlfs Ships and Veffcls at

Porlfmoulh, to Evan Ntpean, J'-Jqi dated the 24/A


S I R,

]Beg you will pleafe to lay before theii- Lorddiips

the Two Letters enclofed, which I have received

from Lieutenant Talbot, of the Sheernefs HiredCutler, and Lieutenant Morris, of tlie Lady Char-

lotte Hired Brig, ".iving me an Account of their

Snccefs in capturing a French Lugger Privalicr,

and in recapturing Five N'effels \\ hich Ihe had Liken.

I am, &c. M. MILBANKE.

His Majefy's Hired /Irnied Cutter Sheer-

S I R, nefs, at Sen, 2 \fl April 1 801.

IHave to inform you, that 1 weighed from Wcy-mouth-Roads at Five A. M.Yellerday, on fee-

ing the ."^ignal fcr an En«my on I'ortland, in Com-pany with His Mjjefty's Armed Brig Ladv Char-

lotte ; faw the Lugger Privateer Le PrefeCl de la

M.v.iche, Captain Le Froment, mounting Sixteen

Two- Pounders, manned > ith Forty-nine Men, to

tlie Wcilward, and her Pri;'i; 1^ the Sonthwani ; as

it was nearly calm I jud^'ed I ll:ou!d not come up

with her ; went in Chace of her Prize ; fcnt the

Mate in the Gig, who, at oeven P. M. boarded her

near Aldernev- She pror.-s the Soker Schooner o!" .

Cokhtfttr, in Ballaft. This Mornin.^, at Half pail ~

Ten, 1 diicovered the Lugger and Foi r Sail to the

Wedward ; Lieutenant Morris, of 'Am: Lady Char-

lotte, uled every Exertion, and v.a:, fuccefsful in

recapturing them :—at Half ;a(l Two 1 haded the

Lujjger, and, as he would not bring to, fired '

feveral Shoe at him, when, after canving awayfeveral of her Sails, file ftruck without lirlng at us. >

Lieutenant Morris will inform you of the Part icu--;

lars of his Recaptures. I am concerned to have to '

Hate One Engliflimah was killed, and One wounded

in the Cabin of the Lugger. The good Conduft

of Mr. James Bellard, Mate, I beg Leave to point

out, who has on all Occahuns conducted iiimfelf to

my Satisfaftion. I (hall, on my Arrival at Ply- •'

mouth, to which Port, the Wind being Eallerly, I

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[ 44-9 ]

judged it prudent to put into, uTe every Exertion

to put to Sea, and follow the Oiders you have

given me. I am, &c. J. H. TALBOT.Ta Marl Milhmike, Kfq; Admiral of

the IVh'tte, l^c, iSc.'^c.

His Mnjt-flys Hired Brig Lrjy Charlotte,SIR, Plymoiith-SoumU April 22, iSoi.

IT3cg Leave to inform you, that on the 20th In-

ihmt, at Six A. M., I weiglied from Portland-

Roads, (the Slicerncfs Cutter in Company;) on the

Signal being made for an Enemy on the Coad : I

flood to the Southward with the above Cutter,

having Information of a Schooner in that Qiiartor,

tvhich a Privateer had captured that Morning. y\t

Six P. M. on the 2iil Ihe wai recaptured by the

Boat of the Sheernefs : on the 2 2d, at Two P. M.,

feeing then between Portland and the Berrv-Head,

I oblerved a Lugger to Windward, to which the

Sheernefs gave Cliace, and, I am happy- to fay,

captured after a running Fight ( i Half an Hour :

from my Situation, being little Wind, I was unable

to ailift the Cutter in her Capture, I therefore fent

my lioats in Chace, to the Weilward, of Three

Brigs and a Sloop, which they recaprured. They

had been captured in the Morning by the Lugger

viu'ch the Sheernefs took ; but from the People on

board them making their Efcape in their r<oats on

<he Approach of own, I was unable to obtain their

Names and Cargoes, except one, wliich i.s the Ge-

nerous Friends, a Brig of about Two Hundred

Tons, with a Cargo of Lead.

I have the Honor to be, S:c. S:c. &c.

AJiniral MiWanie. GEORGE MORRIS.

Coiiim'r'Jion in tie Seventh North Britidi Militia,

ftgr,. d by the Lord Lieutenant,

Michael Falcon, Gent. t» be Enfign, vice Patrick

Campbell, Refigucd. Dated January 25, 1801.

X2omm\ffwii in ihe Carnsrvonfliire Militia, Jigned by the

Lord Lieut.ratif.

John Hampton Hampton, Efq; to be Captain of a

Company, vice Griffith Griflith, Elq; refigned.

Dated .'̂ pril i, iSoi.

War-OJtee, Diiblin-Cajlle, March 21, 1801.

HIS Majelly has been pleafed to make the fol-

lowing Promotious in the Army on this Ella-


•23^ Light Dra^^onns, Peter Warburton to be Cornet,

v.'ithout Purchafc, vice Hay, removed to 6th

Dragoon Guatds. Dated December 6, 1800.

Mathew Thompfon to be Cornet, without Pur-

chafe. Dated as above.

id Ballalioit of \yh Foot, Benjamin Scott to be

Enfign, without Purchafe, vice Mark, promoted.

Dated Deceniber 6, iP.oo.

Anthony French to be Enfign, without Pnrchafe,

vice Gilbee, promoted. Dated as above.

zd Ballalion of ^dth F'lOt, IJeutenant-Coloncl Wil-

liam CockcU, from Half-Pay of the late 105th

Regiment, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Mac-

doncl, exchanged. Dated July 7, J 8oo-

ti Ballalion nf (>zd Foot, Wilfon to be

Enfign, without Purchafe, vice Turner, recom-

mended for a Lieutenancy in the Rille Corps.

Dated November 7, 1800.

7iy? Fofyt, William Dickfon to be Enfign, by Pur-

chafe, vice Graham, promoted. Dated Decem-ber 6, 1800.

Royal /ri/h fnvalidj.

Lieutenant and Adjutant John Th.ompfon, from

Northumberland Fencible lufantry, to be Licutc--

uant, vice Rolleftoa, deceaf%:d. Dated December

6, 1 800.

2d Battalion of Manx Fenrillrs.

Enfign David Duxbury to be Lieutenant, vice

Moore, refigned. Dated December 6, 1800.

Samuel Kinglley, to be Enfign. Dated as above.

Norlhumltrland Fencihles.

John Jones to be Enfign, vice Smitli, recommcnJedfor Promotion. Dated December 6, 1800.

Somcrfct Fencibles.

Enfign John Hill to be Lieutenant, vice Samlf,

promoted in 34th Foot. Dated December 6,


James Dodrell to be Enfign. Dated as above.

Erratum in the Gazette of the zift March lad.

(iid Fool.

For Richard Andrcivs to be Enfign, without Pur-

chafe, vice I. H. Holland, promoted in the

Rifle Corp.s,

Read Thomas Andrews to be Enfign, without Pur-

chafe, vice I. H. Holland, promoted ia. the

Rifle Corps.


J20, 15358. li

Sheernefs, April 14, i?,ot.

Hereas Thomas King, a Shipwright, and JofifhBkate, a Binchfmith, both belonging to His Ma-

Jc^y's Bod- J'ard at this Place, /land charged before

me Aaron Graham, Efq; one of His Maje/ly's Jufticct

oj the Peace in and for the County of Kent, luith hav-

ing, on Monday the 1 yh Injlant, at the faid Docl-

1 ard, unlawfully, riotoufly, and tumiittuonfly af-

fembled ivith divers oilier Perfons, to the great Dif-lurlance of the public Peace, and violently ajfaulied

me, thefaid ynjiice, in the Exeeutiin of m\ Duty, and

together u-ilh more than Ttuehe of the faid Piolers,refufedand neglcCied quietly to depart to their Hat::.uions

or their Lfuful Bufmefs nvithin One Hour after Procla-

mation had, by me tlje faid jfnjlice, been made, com-

manding them fo to do, contrary to the Ad of the l/i

George /. commonly called the Riot ji8.

A Retvaril of ONE HUXDRED POUNDSis hereby offered to any Prrfon or Perfons who Jhall

apprehend and lodge in One of His Majtjly's County

Prifons, thefaid Thomas King and jfofph Blea-ze, or

for each of ihem, fo that they may Ic coni'efei! before meat this Place, ami proceeded agalnfl according to Laiu.

A. Graham.

li'e, the undcrfigned Commi/fioners of.Jiis Majcfly't

Na'jy, do hereby enjoin the Commiljioners, andcharge ail

inferior OJiicrs and others ofHis Majefiy's Doci-7'ardr

re/p.-tiively, to be aiding and aJjijUng in apprehending cml

fccuring, fo that they may be proceeded againfi according

to Laiv, the above-named Thomas King and Jofiph

Bleaze. A. .S'. Hammond. \(->"''' V'''»^'(

H. Duncan. ^ '^^^t^^KNavy-OfUcc, April 28,1801. J. H^nOMW- /(j^^^-^hr^^ -

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C 450 ]

Whiteliall, April 25, l8oi.

jr/'Hcreas it has been humbly repr^feiiled to the King,

'^that on Saturday the I ith Injlant, an anonymous

threatening Letter, of -which the following Is a Copy,^

•was found in the Streets of Totnes, in the County of

Devon :

Mr. Welsford

You are defired to keep that iiifetiial Tongue of

yours quiet otherways you will iland a chance to.

have your brutiHi Brains blown out the Mills tore

down, and your houfe fat on fire therefore remember

what I've faid and not abufe nor opprefs the Poor

any more You nor your Blackgi-.ard Company but

confidcr we are all 'ready to a Man i. i and lo/C

and Damn th.e Lord Lieutenant's Letter—We are

not to be fooled with

His Ma}eJly,for the better apprehending and bringing

to Jujlisejhe Perfons concerned in writing and dropping

the faid Letter, is hereby pleafed to promife His mnjl

gracious Pardon to any One of them, (except the

Perfan nvho aSually 'wrote the fame,) who Pall

ilifco'ver his or her AccoinpUce or Accomplices therein.

In that he, Ihe, or they may be appreheiuled and convicted



And, as a further Encouragement, a Reward of

rn'OHUNDREn pounds is hereby offered to

any Perfon or Perfons making fuch Difcovery as afore-

fiid, (except as is before excepted,) upon the Conviction

of anv One or more of the Offenders, to be paid by^ '

J MGiles Welsford.


Whitehall, April 25, 1801.

''Hereas it has been humbly reprefctited to the King,

that on the Morning of Friday the ijth Liflant,

a Stack of U'heat, Value Four Hundied and Fifty

Pounds, the Property of Mr. Edward Farmer, of

Dean Park, in the PariJI) of Biirford, and County of

Salop, was difeovercd to be in Flames, and that there

was Reafon to believe the fame was wilfully and ma-

licioujly fet on Fire by fome evil-minded Perfon or Per-

fons unknown ;

His Majejly, for the better difcovering and bringing

iu Juflice the Perfons concerned in the Felony above-

mentioned, is hereby pleafed to promife His mojl graciius

Pardon to any One of them, (except the Perfon whoaiiually fet Fire to the fame,) who fhall difcover his or

her Accomplice or Accomplices therein, fo that he, fx,

or thei may be apprehended and conviUcd thereof.


And, as a further Encouragement, a Reward of

ONE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby promifed

to any Perfon making fuch Difcovery as aforefaid, (ex-

cept as is before excepted, ) to be paid upon the Conviilion

sf any One or more of the Offenders, by thefaid

Edward Farmer.

Whitehall, April 28, 1801.

JTZHereas it hasbeen humbly

reprefenfedto the King,

'''^that on Tuefday the llfl of April, about Nine

fi' Clock at Night, Four Perfons, dreffed in Blue Sailors'

fackets, armed with Piftols, Swords, and Bludgeons,

and having their Faces blacked, and being othcrwife

difguifed, fuddenly riijlied into the Dwelling-Houfe of

Mr. Richard Honey, Farmer, at Bickhain, in the

Pari/h of Plymptoa St. Mary , in the County of Devon,

.mdinfantly affaulted andknocked down thefaidRichard

Honey, his Wife, and Servants, and continued lo beat

and wound themfor a confidcrable Time in the ninjl bar-

barous Manner ; repeatedly declaring their hitenlions,.

with the mnjl horrid Oa//)j-, to murder their» rill:

And thai the faid Four Perfons proceeded to r'^e the

Houfe, and attempted tofet it on fire ;

His Majejly, for the better difcovering and bringing

to 'Juflice the Perfons concerned in the Felony above-

mentioned, is hereby pleafed to promife his mojl gracious

Pardon to any One of them who Jhall difcover his Ac-

complice or Accomplices therein, fo that he or thes

may be apprehended and oiiviilcd thereof,


And, as a Further Encouragement, a Reivard of


hereby promifed to any Perfon making fuch Dijrovery as

aforejaid, to be paid upon the Conviilion of any One or

more of the Offenders, on Application to the faid

RicHard Koncy.

Whitehall, April 28, 180T.

JT,^Hereas it has been humbly reprefented to the King,

that divers incendiary Let ers and IVritings have

recently been difperfed within the Town and Neighbour-

hood of Swanfea, in the County of Glamorgan, luilh a

View to excite the Populace to Ads of Riot and

Plunder ;

His Majejly, for the better tlifcovering and bringin" to

Jujlice the Perfons concerned in the P^elony above-men-

tioned, is hereby pleafed to promife His mo/I gracious

Pardon to any One of them, (except the Perfon or Per-

fons who were adually the Authors of the fUd Pub-

lications, and caufed them to be dijlributed and pojled

up,) who ffall difcover his or her Accomplice or Ac-

complices therein, fo that he, Jhe, or they may be appre-

hended and conviaed thereof. PORTLAND.

And, as a further Encouragement, a Reward of

ONE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby promifed

by the Magijlrales of the faid Town and Neighbour-

hood to any Perfon or Perfons makingfuch Difcovery as

aforefaid, (except as is before excepted,) to be paid on

the Conviction of any One or more of the Offenders, on

application to W. Grove, Portreeve.

Whitehall, April 28, I So I.

TT/'Hereas it has been humbly reprefented to the King, ''A

'^'^that late in the Night of Friday the I yz/j Injlant,'


the Dwelling-Hoifc of George Elms, Baker, Jituate in

Frances's- Alley, in the Town of Plymouth Dock, waswilfully and malicioiijly fel on fire, whereby a Storehoufe

to the Rear of thefaid Premijes was entirely confumed

His Majejly, for the better difcovering and bringing ij

to Juflice the Perfons concerned in the F'elony above- 1mentioned, is hereby pleafed to promife His moji graciout

Pardon to any ofthem, (except the Perfon who a3ualh_


fel Jre to thefaid Premifes,) who jhall difcover his orm

her Accomplice or Accomplices therein, fo that he, Jhei

or they may be al'prehended and convicted thereof. 1

PORTLAND!And, as- a further Encouragement, a Reiuitrd

FIFTY GUINEAS is hereby promifed to any Perfok

or Perfons making fuch Difcovery as aforefaid, (extejM

as is before excepted,) to be paid on the Convidion ofany One or mire of the Offenders, by

R. Moricc, Efq.

F. St. Aubin, Efq.

J. Willianvs, Efq.

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C 45^ ]

Admiralty-Office, April 24, 180J.

'TiTOtlec h hernhy t^hen, that a Se^on of Oyer anil

^ ^ Terminer ami Gaol DeBveryfur the Trial of Of-

fences commiited on the High Seas, within the 'furiftlic-

4lon of the Admiralty of England, 'ivill be held at Jnf-

iice-Hall, in the Old-Bailey, Lr>iidon, on Wedntfday

the ^d Day of jfitne next, at Eight 0' Clock in the


Evan Ncpean.


T)Urfuant ts an y/3 pajfed in the prejnit SeJJion

of Parliament, Notice is hereby given. That the

jiverage Price of Threeper Centum Confolidated An-

nuities, fold at the Bank of England on this Day,

was /,-59 onelialf ^fr Centum.

By Order of the Commiffloners for the Affairs of Taxes,

Mautow Winter, Secretary.

HAIR POWDER TAX.Stamp-Office, Sonrerfet-Place,

March 26, 1801.

fJlS Maje/ly's Cnmmiffioncrsfor managing the Stamp^ Dalies do hereby frjc Nol'ue, that Hair Poti'der

Certificates, COMMENCING the 6t]i of APRIL1 801 , are ready to be granted at the following Offices or

Places, upon AppTtcalionfor thefame:

The Hcad-Of&cc, in Somerfet Place, for Perfons

refiJiiig in the Paiiflies of St. Mary-le-Strand, St.

Clement Danes, St. Paul, Covent-Garden, St. Giles

in the Fields, St. George, Bloomfbiiry, the Liberty

of the RolL?, I..incoln's-Inn, and the Temple.City Diflricl, at No. 50, Lombard-Street, Lon-

<lon, for Perfons refiding within the City of Londonaud the Liberty of St. Martin's-le-Grar.d.

For the Diftn6l;s of the Tower-Hamlets, Liberties

and Precincts thereof, with Belhnal Green, and

Parts adjacent ; alfo to Perfons rellding in the fol-

lowing Wards within the City of London, viz.

Aldgate, Billingrgate, Lime-Street, Portfoken, and

Tower ; and to Perfons reliding in the Sti-eets,

Squares, Lanes, &c. leading from Fifh-Strect-Hill,

Graeechurch-Slrcet, Bifhopl'gate-Street Within and

Without ; Eattward in the City of London, at No.

35, Wellclofc-Sqnare.For the Wtilmi.iller Dillvicl:, including the Pa-

rilhes of St. Mailin in the Fields, St. Margaret, St.

John, St. James, St. Anne, Mary-le-Bone, St.

George, Hanover-Square, and Paddington, on tlie

Terrace, Spring Garden, and iu Vere- Street, 0.\-


For the Cltrkcnvvell DiflriA, the Office of the

Clerk of the Peace fur t!ie County of Middlefex,

at the Seffions-Houfe on Clerkenwcll Green, for

Perfons refiding in the Pariliies of St. .James, an-d

8t. Jolm, Clerkenweil ; St. Luke, St. Leonard,

•Slioreditch, the Liberty of Glafshoufe-Yard, St.

Andrew, Holl)orn, and St. George tiie Mart) r,

Queen-Sqnare, St. Sepulchre, St. Pancras, and


N. R. IVhcre there are more than Tii-o mimarritd

Daughters in a Family, it is only necijfary to taie out a

pOUBLE CERTIFICATE, /^m/.v/ with T'-.vo

St^mpr, of One Pound One Shilling each.

/ly Order of the Coniml/foncrt


;... ^o\inV>-n\\(W,Sicrclary.

Mine." Royal, Mineral, and Battery Works Societies;

''pHE Governors and Court of Affiants of ihefe

Corporations give Notice,

That a General Court of thefe Societies 'will be held

at their Houfe in Budge-Row, Londir., on Moiuhy the

A^h Dayof

May 1 801,

prccifely at T-jl'cIvco'Cloci,

for the Election of a Governor, Deputy Governor, andAJiJlanls tinder the Mines Royal Charter.

Robert George Spedding, Secretary.

London, April 24, 1801.

J^Oliee is hereby given, that lie Account of Sales for

the Lucretia, -captured by His Majef.y's Ships

Captain, Diadem, Blanche, and Lively, "will be rc-

gi/lered in the High Court of Admiralty, agreeable to

Aa of Parliament. W. Ely Cook, Agent.

JSjOlicc is hereby given, thatfame unclaimed Shares ofPriie Money ariftng from Captures hy the Flora

in May and Augufl 1798, and by the Flora and Caro-

line in Offoberfollowing, have been remitted front Gib-

raltar,fwhere they have been fame Time in conrfc of

Recal,) and tnay be received of P^ejfrs. Poulain and

Keys, Saller's-Hall Court, Cunnon-Slreet, any Mondayor Thurfday until the Account is chfed agreeable to Ails

of Parliament. Jolui Rot's, of Gibraltar, Agent.

N. B. Three Men's Shares of Captures by the EarlSt. Fincent's Culler have alfo been remilled, and maybe received as above.

lyfOtice is hereby given to the OJicers and Company ofHis Majefly's Sloop L'Efpoir, who were en board

at the Capture of the Mocri/% Brig Falfa-al-hare, the

Spanifh Ship Ncflra Senora del Carmen, and the FrenchCuller Fulininante, in the Tear 1798, and who have

not already been paid their Proportions al Gibraltar,

may receive their refpedive Shares of the faid Pri-zes of

Mejfrs. Poulain and Keys, Sailers'-Hall Court, Can-

non-Slreet, any Monday or Thurfday until the Account

is clofcd, agreeable to ASs of Parliament.

John Rofs, of Gibraltar, Agent.

AJOlice is hereby given to the OJicers and Companies of^ * Hjs Mfiefly's Ships Thefeus, Swiflfiire, Minerve,

and Mahonefa, who isiere on board in January 1798,at the Capture of the French Letters of MarqueL'Heureux Harmonic and Hypomene, and Spani/h

Brig Nq/lra Senora de Ics jfelous, and who have not

been paid al Gibraltar, may receive their refpedive Pro-

portions of the faid Prizes of Melfrs. Poulain andKeys, Sailers'-Hall Court, Car.non-'Slreet, any Monda'v

or Thurfday until the' Account is clofed, agreeable 1»

Acts of Parliamxnt.

John Rofs, of Gibraltar, Agent.

NOlice is hereby given, that the Pa.-tnerfliip of HcnrfScott, Kilwartl Atkinfon, and Antliony Scott, I'ol*

tors aiui M,;Kj''s<;1urcrs of Karthcn Ware, at Sojtliwic.k-Pot-

tery, in the County of Durham, formerly trading iinJer tiie

i'irm of Atkiai'ijn and Co. but latterly of Anihony Scott anuCo. difiblvid on the iitli Day of Auguft kfl ; .:yid

;!ic faiil Trade in future will be carried on by the laid Konrvand .Viilhony .Scott, uodcr th.;. Firm of Anthony Scot: amiC.'i. Ail IVrfons luiving any Demands on the faid Copart-ncrlUip are requeued to (Lad in the (nm to the fcij An-tliony Scott, at Soulliwick afo^efaid, to he paid ; and all P^f-fons indebted totht faid Copartnerfti]) are deTucd to pav the

fame to the faid .\nthony Scutt immcdialel)- : As witnefi

cui Hands tins l3th Day of Ajiril iScr.

Henry Scott.

Edru. Aliinfon,

Arlkotj Scott.

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C 452 3

T.oiig Sutton, I/mcolnfhire, April n, i8di.

I'^nT'Paitncriliip lately fubfimng betwetn us 'I'lionus

Cicj'^ lames Biiiyliain, of Long Sutton, in the

C' ot^LiiiLulii, tJroccrs, Drapers, &c. was this Day en-

tirely diliolrCLl I)y mntu.vl Conftnt-, and the Bulinefs in fu-

ture viU he conilufttil by the faid James Bingham only.

All Dthts due to and Irom the faid Partneifhip will he re-

ceived and p.iid hy the faid James Uingham. Witucfs our

H.mdi. Thos. Gregg.

Jas. Bingham.

April I,^, 1 801.

NOtiee is hcrebv ffiven, that the Partnerilup lately fuh-

firtins; hetwc'cn John l.owe, Kdward Stokes Cotterell,

S-irriuel Mood, and 'I'liomas Daltou, carrying on Bufinefs at

Manchefier and Shepley, in tlie County of I^ancaller, as

e.ilico-Printeis, is this Day dilTolved by mutual Confent.

'•i'lic Bufinefs will in future he carried on by the faid John

l/iVA-c, Kthvard Stokes Cotterell, and 'i'honras Dalton, under

li:c Firm of Lonv, Cotterell, and Dalton, snd by whom all

Dete oninu; to and be the faid late I'artneriWp Concern rsceifc-d .\nd paid; Witnefs their Hands.

yd-ii Lowe.

'fuliu. Slohcs Collcrdl.

Sam. IFood,

Thomas Dakon.

r*riftol, April a.^ iSoi.

^T<^tice is hereby given, that the I'artncrih'ip cariied on

H by us in this City, under the Firm of Hntchins. Bricc,

and Co was, by mutual Confent, dilTolved on the 28th Day

of February lull fo far as iclstes to the underligncd Jolni

Vilcox. jfohn Hutchins.

fVorlh. Ihice.

John micox.

April j;, 1801.

Notice is hercby pivcn, tliat Thomas Jhitlin, late of

Bread-Street, Chea;>llde, Silk and Ribbon Weaver,hath for fome Months pall declined Bufinefs in favour of liis

.Sons'l'honias and John Butftn, who are autliorlfed to receive

all Debts owing to 'I'homas Butiin the F.hler on Account of

fach 'i ladc and Bufincf>. Tho. Bullin.

7. Butliii, jun.

John Bulli/i,

To O-.i Crcd'ters of the Lite Mrs. Frances Mardiall, of Wcl-

ham-Grccn, ncic Hatfield, in tlie County of Herts, Wi-

dow, decwled.

A I. L I'uch IVifons as have any CUfatis on the Kftate

of the faid Frances Marlliall, arc reqiiircd to feud fiieh

i:!ai:ni to Mr. Richard Ford, No. 95, .Smithfield-Bar--, Lon-

don, or Mr. 'niomas Downes, of Velham-Grecn aforcfaid,

ihe F.xecutors of tlie faid Frances Marlhall, on or before the

;d Day nf June uert, or they will lie enchuled from any

lienefit undei- tlt-e faid j:U.ale;'and all Perlbns ttanding in-

debted to the faid Kllate, are defired t.i pay inch Debts forth-

with into tJic Hands of the laid £xccutors.

ALL Perfons who have anv Chims or Demands on tlie

Ertate of Sir John Call, Eatonet, decealbd, are re-

x^nelled to fend an Account thereof to the Banking-Houfe

uf' Melfrs. Pybus. Call, f;r.%nt, and H,-.le, in Bond-Stieet, or

to Mr. Thomas Ralhleigli, of Hatton-'Jardcn, London, one

of the Execiitoisof his \\'ill, in ord> r that the lame may be

vnmcdiately difcharged : And all Perfcns indebted to the

iaid F:ilate are defired to pay their Tefpeftivc Debts to the

iaid Bauking-Houfc, or to the faid Mr. Ralhkigh.

MAnT \Vesto».—Wherejs the faid M^rv.WcAon, theDa-rghter of Robert Cooper and the W'lh of William

'V.'tdon, went abroad prior to the Year 176?., and no In-

kirnation could then or has ever lince been able to be oh-

; .'.ned of her; This is tinercforc to give Notice, thrt if any

Pcrior. call inform Meffrs. Cotes and Woodcock, of Lincoln's-

Inn, London, whether the faid Mary Wefton is ffill living,

and where iVe now is, or if dead, when Ihe died, and who is

her Per.'iinal Reprefentative, they (ball rccei-.; 3 Reward foi

their Trouble.

TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED.T T THereas by indented Deed of Leafe, bearing Date the

VV 23d Day of December, in tlieYearof our Lord 171,^,

made bet%veen the Honoralile Kdward BrabaT.on, Efq;5econ!f

Son of the Right Honorable Chambre Earl of Meatli.of the.

one Part, and John Marfliall, of Clonmell, in the County of

'I'ipperury, Gent, of the other Part, the fai<l Edward Bta-

bazon did dcniife unto the faid J.ihn Marftiall, his Heirs,

Executors, Adminidrators, and Adigns, All that and thofe

the 'I'own and Lands of Garrylilli, in Two Parcels, viz. in the .

Firfl Parcel 57 Acres, Plantati'^n Meafure, profitable Land,

Part of John Fllher's Retrenchments ; in the Second Part of

the faid Garrylilli 79 Acres t. Roods, of like Land and Mea-fure ; in the South Part of CUuteenbarnane, retrenched by-

Richard Clnttcibuck, 270 Acres, of like Meafure, profitable

I^and, and 30 Acres unprofitable Land i in Killamoane

86 Acres 2 Rood; 26 Perches profitable Land, and 74 Acres

unprofitable Land; in Drumtralhey, retrenched by ThomasWhite and John Dooling, 54 Acres, of like Meafure, pi ...'it-

able Land; more in the fame, 38 -Acres i Rood 32 Pcu'lici

.profitable Land, of like Meafure ; in Rathc:irdan 102 Acres i

Rood 8 Perches profitable Land, Plantation Meafure ; more in

a Parcel of the fame, retrcnclii-d by Thomas Wliitc and JohnDooling, 23 Acres 3 Rood> 8 Perches, like Meafure, profit-

able La-nd ; more in the fjme, befides the f.iid Rctrei.cli-

ments, 62 Acres 3 Roods 24 Perches, of like \Icafure, pro-

fitable Land; in Gortnacraiiagh 59 Acres 3 Roods 4 Perches,

of like Meafure, profitable Land; all which faid Lands r.n.i

Premifcs arc fituatc, lying, and being in the Territory of

llcagh, and County of Tipperary : to have and to hold a!l

and fingular the faiJ granted and dcmifed Premifcs, with

their and eveiy of t,lieir Appurtenances, (except as in the

faid Indenture is particulaily excepted,) unto the faid JohnMarfliall, his Heirs, F.xecutors, Adminillralors, and Adigiis,

from the tH Day of November then laft paft, for and during

the n.itural Lives of the Honorable Chawor;h Lord Er.ib .-

zon, elded Son of the Right Honorable Chambie Harl of

Meath.the Brother of the Ledbr, the faid Edward Brab»-

zon the LcfTor, and Brab.izon Ponfouby, Efq; elded Son of

William Ponfonby, of Beft>orough, in the County of Kil-

kenny, Efq; and the .Survivor or Survivors, or longer or longeft

Liver of them; and after their or any or either of tlieir

Dcceafe, for and during the Term of any new Life or I..ivcs,

to be nominated or inicrtcd by tie faid John Marlhall, his

Heirs, Executors, AdminlJrators, and Adigns for ever, in the

Room of the faid Lord Brabazon, FMw-ard Braba2on,and Bra-

bazon Ponfonby, or in the Room of any other Life or Lives, to

be forever nominated and infrrtid as aforefaid,on Paymentof 25I. Sterling, of lawful Money of Ireland, as a Fine for

every fuch new Life, to he (o nominal .d and iulertcd hv

the iiiid John Marlball, his Heirs, FZxeciitors, AdBii,iiIhator.<,

and AlTlgns for ever, in I'welve Calend ir Months after the

Deceafe of any of the Lives tlicitinbeforc me.tioned, 01

thereinafter to be noniin:ited or infected, fubjeit to tlie

yearly Rents therein mentioned, th.\t is to fay, the Rent ot

40I. Sterling for the Firll Year and a Half, to becomputedfrom the ill Day of November then lad part to the III Day

of May 1715; and from and after the faid ifl Day of May1715, the yearly Rent or Sum of 50!. Sterling, and is. in the

Pound Receiver's Fees, in Default of Payment within the

Space of 61 Days after tlic Day,' of P-iymtnt therein men-

tioned : In which faid Indenture there is contained n Cove-

nant on the Part of the faid I,eilbr, his Heirs, Executors,

Adminirtrators, or Alligns, for the perpetual Renewal of the

faidl.eale to the faid John Mirfliall, his Heirs, Executors,

Adminillratms, and Afiigns, upon the Fall of every of the

Lives in t\ni faid Leafe named and thereafter to be added

thereto by virtue of faid Covenant for Renewal, upon Pa»-

raent </ a'Pine of 25I.; And whueasrhe faid John Marlh^'U,

under and by virtue of the faid Leafe, entered into the Scifm

and PoflclTionof the faid demifed Lands and Premifcs; and

whereas the faid Honorable Chaworth Lor<^ Br.ibazon, eldeftSon ol the Right Honorable Chambre Earl of Xfeath, the

Brother ol the LclToisthe laid Edward Brabai jd the LeiTor,

and the faid Brabazon Ponfonby, the Ciid Three Cclini (]uc

vies named in the faid I.eale, are dead; and whereas the

Edate, Right, Title, and Intercd of the faid Edward Braba-

zon, the I^eifor in and to the faid Lands and Piemife«,

and to the Rent and Renewal Fines payable thereout,

are now veiled in Roger Barrett, of Monta[.*-Street, in th«

County of Dublin, auj Kingdom of Ireland, Eftj; m Deviiec

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.25) 9/16

[ 453 ]

thereof, named in the laft Will and Teftameut of Edward

Brabazon, formerly of Tarah-Honfe, in the County of Mcath,

and late of the City of Dublin, El'q; dLceal'ed ; and v.'hcieas

I the laid Ro,g;er Barrett find Difficulty in riilcovering the

Tenant to fad Lands and Premifts, or the AHii^nee or Affig-

iices of fiich iTenant ; and whereas on the 27th of February1801, I caufeJ a Demand for faid Renewal J^'ines, and Intcrclt

thereon due, to be made on faid Lands frum the principal Oc-

cupier thereof without EtTec^—Now I the faid Ro^er Barrett

do hereby, purfuant to the Statute in that Cafe made and pro-

vided, gi/e this public Notice of fuoh Demand having been

& made; and I 'do hereby demand the Fines for Renewal of

faid Lcale, with Inteiefl for the fame, which amount to the

Sum of 941I. 35- up to and for the lUh Day of February

laft, i bein^ ready to renew faid Leafe by inferting Lives in

the Place of the faid Chaworth Lord Brabazon, Edward

Brabazon, anj Brabazon Ponfonby, upon Payment of the

faid Renewal Fines and Litereft ; and in cafe fuch Fines and

Intereft (hall not be paid within the Space of Two Calendar

Months from the Firft Publication of this Notice-, then all

Perfons interelled are to take Notice, that I the faid Roger

Barrett will not renew the faid Original Leafe. Dated this

ad Day of March i8ot. ROGER BARREl T.

Witnefs prefent,

John Dowuno.

J.ORD CHANCELLOR. Wednefday the 27.d Day of April,

in the Forty-firft Year of the

Reign of His Majefty King

George the Third, 1801, be-

ty een Joanna Harrisand others,

Infants, by their next Friend,

Piainutfs.Ephraim JeiTcriesHar-

« ris and his Wife and anotlier


Firafmuch as this Court was this Day prefent informed by

Mr. Martin, of Counfel for the Plaintiifs, that the

Plaintiffs, on the nth Day of Fcbniar)' 1800, exhibited their

Bill in this Court againfl the Defendants, as by the Six

Clerks' Certific.ite now read appears, and took out Procefs of

Subpccna againll the Defendant Ephraim JefLries Harris, re-

. turnable on the I2th Day of February 1800, requiring him

and his Wife to appear and anfwer the fame; that the faid

Defendants not appearing an Attachment, with Proclama-

tion, ifiuedagainflthcfaid iJefendant Ephraim Jefferies Harris,

for Want thereof, direOcd to the. Sheriff of Glouccfterlhire,

. who hath returned that he is not to be found ; It is there-

upon ordered, that' the faid Defendants Ephraim Jefferies

Harrisand his Wife do appear to the Plaintiffs' Bill on or be-

fore the lafl Day of this prefent Eafler Term.

WOODHALL, HERTS.Capital £Aat«s and- Manors, Manfion, Park, Lands, Woods,

and Advowfons.

TO be fold to the bed Bidder;, piirfuant to an Order of

His Majctly's Court of Exchequer made on the 29th

Day of May laft, in a Matter betv/een oar Sovereign Lord

the King and Dame Joanna Ri^mbokl, Paul Bonfield, and

others, before Abel Moyfey, Efq; the Deputy to His Ma-jefty's RemeBihvanccr of the faid Court, at Garraway's

Coffee-Houfe, 'Change-Alley, London, on Wedncfday the

20th, Thurfday the 21ft, and Friday the 22d of May, l8oi,

.at Twelve o'clock, in Forty-one Lots,

The very capital freehold Eftates of Paul Benfield, Efq;

ConfUling of extenfivc Manors, the Perpetual Advowfoos of

Watton, Afton, and Stapleford, noble Manfion-Houfe and

Offices, beautiful Plantations, Gardens, Pleafure GVounds,

Park, Woods, Farms, and Lands, containingabout Five Thou-

fand Acres, ahnrdantly (locked with Timl er of verytonliderable Value; the Whole forming one of the com-

piiteft Domains of its Extent in this Kingdom, called Wood-

4iall Park, fitii.ite in a fine high, healthy, and beautiful Part

of the County of Herts, Four Miles from Herford and

Ware, and only Twcnty-fire Miles from London, in a Neigh-

bourhood /uiiiverlally known to beeqiial to any Part of Great

Ilriiain for its Confeciucnce, .Sociabihty, and all Kind of

field Sports; the Rental and cftimated Value about Five

Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds per Annum, excluQve of

the Manfion-Hciife, Gardens, Advowfons, &c.

The noble mcicrn-built Manfion is crcfled on a Plan of

the firfl Style of Elegance, containing magnificcat Suites of

..J0O, 15358. ,C

Apartments, fitted up in a fnperb Manner, with Offices «rf

every Defcription, and completed with a Liberality that ren-

ders it fuitable for a Family of the firll Dillinftion.

The Gardens arc provided with lofty Walling, Grcen-Houfu, I^earh-Houfi.-, Hot and Succcrtion-Houfcs, and

Grapery, planted with Trees of the firft Qn dity.'I'he Plantations, Lawns, and Shrubberj' Walks, arc trulr


The Park intcrfefted by the River Beanc.

Alfo Frogmore Villa and Gardens, and the numerousFarms, arc laid out in the moft compaft Manner, and are

equal to any in the County for Situation, Produce, and Eafc

of Management.

The Eftates arc wcU worth the Attention of Noblemen or

Gentlemen wiftiin^ to realifc their Monty in one of the

fineft Counties in this Kingdom, and, in Point of Situation

and Dillancc fiom tlie Metropolis, not to be equalled for

eitlier Family Rcfidences or Farms.

Printed Particulars may be had (gratis) at the lixchcciutf-

Office, Inner-Temple; of Jofeph White, Solicitor, of the

Treafnry, No. 6, Lincoln's-lnn New-Square; MefTrs. Bullock

and Arnold, Solicitors, Bedford-Row; Meffls. Dawes, Soli-

citors, Angel-Court, Throgmorlou-Strect, near the Royal-

Exchangc ; at Woodliall-Houfe ; the Place of Sale; and of

Mefl'rs. Skinner and Dyke, Alderfgate-Streel, where a Plan

m.ay be feen, and of whom Tickets may be had for viewing

the Manfion, Gardens, Sec.

The Eftates may be viewed by applying at WoodballManfion-Houfe.

TO he fold, purfuant to an Order of His Majrfty's Court

of Exchequer, in Lots, to the bed Bidders, The capital

Manfion called Belmont-Houfe, fituate in the Paridies of

Throwley and Ofpiinge, near Sittingbourne, in the County

of Kent, with the Land theieto belonging, confifting of

Arable, Meadow, and Pafture, and alfo a Farm fitu.ate in the

PariOi of Eaflling, in tlie farce County, called Great Hunt-

ingfield, late the Property of Colonel John Montrefor, de-ceafed, together with the other Property of the faid late

Colonel Montrefor remaining thereto.

Particulars may be had (gratis) at the Exchequer OfBce in

the Iiiner-Temple, London, and of Jofepii White, Efq; No.

6, Lincoln's-lnn New-Square, London.

TO be peremptorily fold, purfuant to a Decree of the

High Court of Chancery made in a Caufc Filcwood

againft Lewis, before Ale.\ander Popham, Efq; one of the

Mafters of the laid Court, at the Public tialc-Room in

Suthampton-Buildings, Chancery Lace, London, on the 20th

Day of Maj next, between the Hours of Twelve and Oneo'clock in tlie Afternoon, the following Eftates, late belong-

ing to Robert Lewis, Efq; deceafcd, in Two Lots, confiftinr

of a I'reehold Eftatc, fituate at Kenfington, on the South Side

of High-Street, comprifing the Tavern called the Duke ofYork, dately called the Middlcfex and New 'Favern,) with

large AfTcmbly and Card-Rooms, Billiard-Room, Bowling-

Green, &c. and alfo the Houfe adjoining EalUvaid and over

the GatCTvay to New Tavern-Bnilchugs, with the Stabler,

Coach-Houfes, and Dwtlling-Roonis, in New Tavci'ri and

Jen nine's- Buildings.

The Whole Premifcs are let on a Re|>airing I.eafc to a

refpcflable Tenant, at a low clear Rent of 55!. of whicli

34 Years are unexpired.

Alio of a Freehold Eftatc, fituate in Little Chelfea, en the

North Side of the Road loading from Chcl(<:a to Fulham,

nearly oppolite the Two Mile Stone, and immediately ad-

joining the Way to Earl's-Court, comprizing a neat fub-

ftantial Brick DwelHiiP-lfonfe, with Oihoes and Stable, let

on a Repairing Leafe, of which 6f Years are uncxpiicd, at

the low Rent of J7I.

Printed Particulars whereof may be had at the faid

Mailer's Chambers ; of Mell'rs. Blanoford and .Sweet, King's-

Bench-Walks, Temple ; Mr. Hodglon, Charles-Street, "st.

Jjnies's-Square ; and of Mr. Clarke, Sadlers'-Hall.

PUrfuant to a Decree of- His Majcfty's Court of Ex-

chequer at. Wertmijifter made in a Caiifc Cahill

againll Burke, the Creditors and Legatees of James Hcnrick,

late of the City of London, Maflci -Mariner, drceafcd, arc,

by thcmfclves or their Solicitors, peremptorily to come tcfoie

Abel Mo>-fey; Efq; the Deputy Remembrancer of the (aid

Court, ai his C'himbcrs adjoining to the King's Remeir-


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[ 454 ]

In-anccr's Office, in the Iniier-Tctnp!e, London, on or before

the 5th Day of June next, lor the Purpofe of proving their

Debts, and claiming their Legacies, or in Default tlity will

be excluJcd the Benefit of the laid Decree.

rJUrfuant to a Decree of His Majedy's Court of Ex-

chequer at W'ellminfter in a Caufe Banbury agaiiiU

Jeanes, the Creditors and Legatees of William Jeanes, late

of Long Sutton, in the County of Somcrfet, deceafeil, arc,

by theuilclvcs or their Solicitors, to come before Abel Aloy-

iev, lilti; the Deputy-Remembrancer of the faid Court,

at' liis Chambers adjoining to the King's Rcmemorancei's-

OlHce, in the Inner-'I'emple, London, for the Purpofe ot

proving their Debts, and claiming their Legacies, or in De-

ault thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the faid


PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery

made in a Cauli; wherein Robert VVillon and others

.ire Phintitfs, and William Capon and Sophia hii Wife, Ri-

rtard Oakes and others are Defendants, the faid Richard

Oakes, and any Peilbn claiming under an Indenture alleged

to have been made between the faid William Capon and So-

phia his Wife of the one Part, and the laid Defendant, Ri-

chard Oakes, of the other Part, bearijig Date the 251I1 Day

of November 1786, are. on or before the lotli Day of Mar

next to come in l>clore John Simeon, Kfq; one of the

Mailers of the laid Court, at his Chambers in Sonthaniplon-

liuildings, Chancerj-Lane, London, and make out tlicir

Claims, or in Default thereof they will be peremptorily ex-

cluded the Benefit of the faid Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery'

bearing Date the J 7th of February 1801, made in a

Caufe intituled Cox againll lliimfrys, the Creditors of Meiiei

D'Anvers, late of bandford, in the County of Oxford,

i!l>inllcr, deceafed, arc, on or before the 2 id of May 1801,

to come in and prove their Debts before Peter Holford, Klq;

one of the Mailers of the laid Court, at his Chambers in

.Southampton-Buildings, Chrncery-Lane, London, or in De-fault thereof they will be peremptoiily excluded the Benefit

of the laid Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Couit of Chancery,

bearing Date the I7lh of February i8oi, made in a

Caufe intituled Cox againft Humfrys, the Creditors of Mary

Heywood, late of Sandford, in the County of Oxford, Wi-

dow, deceafed, are, on or before the aid Day of May i8oi,

to conie in and prove their Debts before Peter Holford,

Kfq; one of the Mafters of the laid Court, at his'Chambers

in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in

Default thereof tlioy will be j^eremptcrily excluded the Be-

nefit of the faid Dertec.

WHcreas by a Decree of the High Court of Chancery

.made in a Caui'e of Langham again.l Langhani, it is

referred to John Wilmot, Lkj; one of the Maftejs of the

laid Court, to enquire and Hate to the Co.,rt what Biothirs

and Sillers of Elizabeth Mara, late of Church-Lane, in the

IVrilh of St. Mary,Newi,igton,in the County of Middlefcx,

Widow and Reliet of EHuard Mara, formerly of CJreat St.

Helens, in the City of London, Ocntteman, (.vhicii iUizi-

^>cth diedon or ahoi.t the ill Day of December I7p.<,) were

li^i^g at iheTimeof her Deatli, and whether any of Jiu-h

Jirotbers pr Sifters have died the Death Of the laid Eli

zabetji Mara; and il ,fo, who is or are their Perfonal Rtpre-

l»ntativt5 ? All Perfoui claiming to be Brothers or Sillers of

the laid Klliubetli Mara, or to be Perfonal Reprtlcnl.itivis of

any inch Brothels or Siliors who have died lince the Death of

the laid Eliialicth Mara, are foi'lh-vith to come in and makeout their Claims before the faid M,;ller at his Chambers in

''outbampton-Buiidings, Chancery-I^a-ie,London, or in De-fault thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the faid


THE Crei'itors who have proved their Debts umhr 3

CommilTion of Bankn>()t awarded and jd'aed forth

igalnll .Mofcs Mammal*, of Bir.-ningham, in the Countv of

Warwick, Grocer, Dealer and Chapman, are defired to nieet

1 iie Allignces of the faid Bankrupt's Eftate and Effcils onEriday the id Day of May next, at Six o'clock in the Even-ing precifely, at the White-Hart Tavern, Abcharch-Lane1 oni'javd-Strect, in the City of London, in order to aireiil t^!

or dilTcnt from the {aid Afiignecs commencing, profecuting,

or defending any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity for Re-

cover)' of any Part of the faid Bankrupt's Eflatc or Efiefls

or to the compounding, fubmitting to Ar'oitration, or other-

wile agreeing any Matter or Thing leliting thereto; and on

other Ipeciai Affairs.

THE Creditors who have pro\'ed their Debts under a Com-milTion of Bankrupt awarded and ilfued forth ngainfl

William Smitli, of Mile-End, in the County of ^Tiddltfex,

Inluiance-Bioker, Dealer and Chcipman, are dcfued to meet

the .MTignees of the faid Bankrupt's l.llatc and EHefts on

Thurfday next, at Twelve o'Ckck at Noon precifely, at

John's Colfee-Houlc, Co.-nlivll, London, to allent to or difjent

from the laid Allignces commencing, prote-cuting, or defend-

ing any Suit or Suits at or in Etjuity for Reco\ery of

any Patt of tile Lid Banknipt's Ellatc and EHeiSs; or to the

compounding, fubmitting to Aibitration, or otherwile agree-

ing any P.latler or Thing relating thereto ; and alio to alTent

to or dilient lio.m the faid Allignees difpofing of the faid

ISai.'kiupt'sHoulcliold I'uinituie at the Mcirengei's appraifed

Value ttieicof ; and on other I'pecial Afiairs.

'~i'~' H E Creditors who have proved their Debts under 1

j[ Cominilfion of Bankrupt awarded and ifTued forth,

againit Jifepli Alder, of St. John-Stiect, Ch rkenwcll, in the

County of Middlefcx. Cabinct-Maker, are defired to meet

tlie AlHgnces of tlie faid Bankrupt's Eft.ate and EHl-as on the

30tli Day ol April inllant at Eleven o'clock in the Eorenoon,

at the Eurnivai's-Inn ColFee-Uoufe, Hblborn, to allent to or

diHint from the faid Afiignecs commc icing, profecuting, or

defending ary Suit or Suits at l#aw or in Equity for recovering

of any Part of the laid Bankrupt's Ellatc and Effefts ; or to

the compounding, fubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwifc

agrtcin;; any Matter or Thing relating thereto ; and on other

fpecial AtTaits.

^"^HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a

CommilTion of Baiikiupt awarded and ifTned againd

William Pretyman, of Great 'Eower-Street, in the City ofLondon, Cooper, Dealer and Chapman, are defired to meet

the Afiigiiees ol the faid Bankrupt's Ellatc and Efl'efts on

Monday the 4th Day of May next, at Ten o'clock in the

Forenoon, at the Langbourn-Ward CofTec-Hou I'e, in Een-

church-Strett, London, to aiTent to or dilFent from the laid

Aflignees commencing, profecuting, 01 defending any Suit or

Suits at J.,aw or in Equity for P.ccover)* of any Part of the

faid Bmikrupt's Eflate and Elfcfls; or to the compounding,

fubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwife agreeing, any Matter

or 'Ihing relating thereto; and paiticuhrly iclative to cer-

tain Piopifals to be then and there laid by the faid AfligBecs

before the laid Crcditois for the Difpofal of the faid Bank-

rupt's Leafc, Goodwill, and Stock in 'Eradc, in Tower-Strett,

Carpc-ntcr's-Yard, and at E.itc!!flV.-Croii; and on other

fpccial Aliairs.

"f TTHcicas a Commilfion of Bankmi>t is awarded and

VV iHiied forth againll David I'billipps, of Oxford-Street,

in the Parifh of St. James, WcllminAcr, in the County of

Middlefcx, Stablekecper, Hackneymiii, and Horl<;-Dc|aler,

and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to liir-

lender Mnilelf to the Commillioners in the faid CommilTiou

named, or the major Part of them, on the 9th and nth of

Ma\ next, and on the 9:h of June following, at Tin in the

Eorenoon ou each Day, at Guildhall, London, and make a

full Difcov cry and Difclofure of his Lllatc and E-fTcils ; v. hen

and where the Creditors ate to come prepared to prove

their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chul'e Airignees,

and at the Lall Sitti !g the faid Eiukrupt is requiud to

finifli his Examination, and the Creditors are to allent to or

dilient ironi the Allowance of his Ceitificate. All Ptrfont

indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that have any of his i^f-

fe&s,are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the

CoirmilTtoncrs '(hall appoint, but give Notice to Mcdis. Bui-

goyne andTieldct, No. ai, Duke-Sticet, Grofvenor-Squarc.

TXTHertas a Commillion of Bankrupt fs awar.Ied and

V\ ifTued forth againft John Birkctt Vi'icnhoh, of the

old Swan, in the City of London, Merchant, (furviving

Partner of Sarah Wienholt, Widow, decealed,) an.: r.e being

declared a Bariknipt is hereby requited to f'urrendcr himfclf

to the Commillioners in the laid CommilTion named, or tlie

major Part of them, on the sd and ii:h Days of Msy next,

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.25) 11/16

C 455 ]

attd on the 9th Day of Junc'followinf;, st One o'clock in

the Afternoon on each Day, at Guildhall, London, and

make a full Diftovery and Uilclolure of his Kllate and

EfTcfls; when and wheri; the Creditois are to come pre-

pared to prove their Dchts, and at the Second Kitting to

thufe Allignees, and at the l.M Sitting the laid Bankruptis required to finilh his Examination, and the Ci-editors are

to alfentto or dilUnt from the Allowance of his Certificate.

All Perfons indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that have

any of his T.tfcOs.are not to pay or diliver •i.u fan-.c hut to

whom the Commi!lioners lli:.!! appoint, bj' ^ivc Notice to

Mr. Blunt, Old I'jy-Office, Droad-Street.

WMereas a CommilTion of Bankrupt is awarded and

illued forth againlt Sherwin Gazeley,cif Great C^een-

Strcct, Lincoln's-Inn-1-iclds, in the County of Middlelex,

Itleichant, Dealer and Chapman, and lie beiii" declared a

Bankrupt is hereby required to furrendcr iiimfelf to the Coni-

n-iiiioncrs in tlie lUid Cummidion named, or the ciajor Part

til' them, on the 12th and 14th Days of May next, and on

tile 9tli Day of June following, at Ten of the Clock in the

forenoon on e.'.ch of tlie laid Days, at Guililliall, lx>n-

don, and make a full Dircovei7 and Dilclofjrc of his

Eflate and litiefls; when and where the Creditors are to

come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit-

ting to clmle Aflignecs, and at the Lad Sitting the laid Bank-

rupt is required to finiih his Examination,and the Cre<i:tors arc

to alTtnt to or diflent from the Allowance of bi> Ccililicatc.

All Perfons indebted to the laid liankrupt, or that have any

of his Kffe^fs, are not to pay or deliver the laine but to

whom the Comniillioners Ihall a^jpoint, hut give Notice to

"4lr. Illin^worth, Frith-Street, Soho.

WHercas a CommilTion of Bankrupt is awarded and

ilTucd lorth ajrainll Francis Brillow, of the Hay-

market, in tlic County of Middlelex, Boot and Shoc-Alaker,

J)ealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is

hereby requiied to lUrrender himlclf to the Comminionersin the faid Conimidlon named, or the major Part of them,

nu the id and i.;,th Days of iVtiy next, and on the 9th

Day of June following, at Ten in the Forenoon on eath

Day, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Diicoveiy and

Dilliufure of his Kllate and Kticfls ; when and where the

Creditor! arc to come prepared to prove their Debts, and

at the Second Sitting to chul'e Allignees, and it the J,all

Sitting the laid Bankriyjt is required to finiih his Examina-

tion, and the Creditors are toalient to or dillent from the Al-

lowance of his Certificate. All Periods indebted to the faid

Bankiiipt, or that have any of his Etiefts, are not to pay

or deliver ttie fame but to whom the CommilTioners Ihall

appoint, but give Noticeto Mr. Mangnall, Warv. ick-Squarc,

\Varwick-Lanc, London.

"TT^'Hcrcas a Comnnfllon of Bankrupt -is awarded and\ \ ilTucd forth ag^iinll 'I'homas Dunlltrville, of the

I'arilh of Eift Stonehoul'e, in the County of L'evon, Ship-

wriglit, -Dealer .i:id Chapman, and lie being declared a Bank-

rupt is hereby required to luiTeiider hi.iilelf to tlie Com-n.ifljoncis in tlic laid CommilTion named, or the major Pait

<r. them, on tlie 19th and 20th Days of May next, and on

tJ'e 9th Day of June following, at Ten of tlic Cluck in

the Ktircnoon I'n each^>f llic Ir.' [ L)L'ys, at the King*s-Aniis

Inn, in the Bornncrh of FN r.ioutii, in the Coutjty of

Devon aforelaid, and make a full Dilcovery and DlK:lo-

I'crc of >i;s Kftate and Erit-rts; when and wheie the Cre-

ditors are to cofreprrpaifd to prove tlieii- r)ebt',,.irid at the

Second Bitting to clKife Adignees, and at the lad .'iiiti-.ig

the faid Bankiupt i. rcqn.ied t\> tiijlli his Exainlnatioti, and

the Creditors arc to alicnt to or diilci.t fiuni the .AlIe^vanre

of his Ccrtiticate. All Perfons indebted to the laid

r<;pt, or v,Uo have any of his Flfccts, aie not to pay or

deliver the lame ti\it to whom the Comniilfiomis llrail ap-

point, bnt give Notice to Samuel Kelly, Attorney, in Ply-

inoutlt tfsrel'aid.

XTTHereas a CommilTion of Br.nkiupt Is awarded and

VV >'1"«1 f""*" againll AViUiam Porter, of Kidder-

minfler, in the County of Wotcefter, Baker, Dealer -;nd

Chapman, 3r'd he bei-.g declared a Bankrupt is herclty re-

quired to furrender himlclf to the Conimillioner s in the liiid

CommifTioa .named, or the m.ijor Part of them, on iIm;

2'Sth" Day of Mav next, at 1 ive o'Clock in the Afternoon,

in the j^th of the lame Month, I'.J on tl r 9th Uaf of

June following, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at tlic Dwcl-ling-Houfe of John Edwards, known by the Name of theC'rown Inn, at Vi'atelly-Green, in the Parilh of the County of VVnrcelTer, and make a full Diicovcry andDilcloliire of his Ertate and EITcfls ; when and where theCreditors are to come prepared to pixjvc tlivii Debts, andat the Second Sitting to chufe Artignees, and at the I.all

Sitting the faid Bankrupt is required to finifli his F;xamiii-

atioii, and the Creditors are to alTent to or dillent from theAllowance of his Certificate. All Pcilbns indebted to thel^iid Brnkrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not topay or deliver the fame but to whom the CommillioneriIhall appoint, but give Notice to Melfrs. Bigg and Robbins,Attornies at Law, Hattnn-Girden, London, or to Mr. Hal-len. Attorney at Law, Kiddeniiinrter, Worcel'teiihirc.

^TrHere*-. a Commiflion of Bankrupt is awarded and

V » i'liicfi foitli againll John Chriflian Hartwig Garbeis,of Liverpool, in the County of Lancallcr, Merchant, and.'le being declared a Bankiupt is hcreliy required to furrender

himfclf to the CommilTioners in the faid CoMiii-.llTon named,

or the m.-ijor Part of them, on the iRih and 19th Days of

May next, and on the 9th of June fnilowing, at F^lcven ofthe Clock in the Forenoon on each of the laid Days, at the

Star and Garter Tavern, in Pavadife-Strcet, in Liverpool

aforefoid, and make a fr.ll Difcovery and DifcloCurc of

his Ellate snd EtTefls; when and where the Creditors are

to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the SecondSitting to chulo Afiignees, aiiJ at the Lall Sitting the laid

Bankrupt is required to finiih his Examination, and tlic

Creditors are to afleiit to or dillent fioni the Allowanceof his Certificate. All Perf-ms indebted to 1 he faid Bank-rupt, or that have any of his EffeQs, are not to pay or de-

liver the fame but to tvliom the Commillionei-s fliatl appoint,

but give Notice to Mr. Robert Nonij, Aitorney, in Liver-


TIT'Hereas a Commi.Tion of Banknipt is awarded andVV iH'ued forth againll Uarnctt Ifiael, of He<ieage-Lanc,

Beiii-Marks, Houadlditch, in tic City of London, Butcher,

Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a lianknipt is

hereby required to luircndci Iiimfelf to the Commi(T!r>ners in

the faid Commiltion named, or the major I'art of them, on

the jth and iJth Days of May m-xt, and on the 9th Day of

June iollowing, at One o'clock in the AftcriToon, rn each

Day, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Difcoveiy andDil'clofore of his Eftate andEir«1s; when and where the

Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at

the Second Sitting to Hiufc Allignees, and at the Lall Sit-

ting the laid Bankrupt is requiied to finiih his Examin-ation, and tlie Creditors are to alTcnt to or dilTent from the

Allowance of Iris Certificate. All Perlbns indelfted to the

faiil Banknijit, or that have any of his Effects, are not to

pay or deliver the fa.-nc but to whom the CcinnnHionert fliall

appoi.1t, but Eive Notice to M.-. Beivsell, L'lalc Ceorgc-

Stiect, Minories.

TT/'Hcreasa CommiHion of Eanki-upt is awarded ana

V V '''"'••d forth againll John ScoSeld, of Bafinghall-

Street, in the City of l,ondon, Faaor, Dtaler and Chapman,and he being declared a Banknipt is hereby required to fur-

render Iiimfelf to the CommilTioners in the faid tjomr.iiffion

named, or the major Part of them, on the 9th and iith of

M,ay next, and on the '>th of June follQv>«ng, ai Twelve at

Noon on each Day, at Gnildhall, Lrndon, and make a full

Diltovc'iy *n<.\ Diulofure of his Kllate and l^tfefts ; when and

where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their

Debts, and at the .'iecond .Sitting 10 chnl'e Afllgnecs, and .it the

Lall Sitting the faid Bankrupt is rtqitired to finiih his Examin-

ation, ^nd the Creditors are to alicnt to or dillent from the.Allowance of his Certificate. All Perlbns indebted tn the

laid Bankiupt, or that hive any of his E fleets, are not to,

pay or deliver the lame but to whom the Commiflioiicr*

liiall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. George Foy, No. 11,

Gleuccller-Strcet, V>'hitecliiptl-l\oad.

1 V 7 Hereas :» Commillion of Bankrupt ii awarded an!

V» Ufvitd foitk Jgahill William 'Fhoropfon, of Alton,

in tlij Coimly of Suulhamjitor, .Silk-Weaver, Dealer and

Cliajiman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is bcieby re-

quired to lurrelidet himlclf to the CommilTioners in the laid

CommilTion named, or the major Part of them, on the 9th

md i:;h Ua>, :^ of; Belt, and oa ilie 9th U.iv of J.ine

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.25) 12/16

C 456 ]

r.illov.-ir.^, at IV-clve o'clock at Noon on each of the faid

Days it'Giildhall, I^.^ndon, ^nJ :r.ake a fuU Dilcovtry and

UUciol'Ai-e of hJ3 Eftate and Eft'eft?; wlieii and wjierc the

qteduois aie to come prqjarcd to prove their Dehts, and at

the Second Siiting to chiilc Affignees, aad at the l.alb SitUag

the r.iia Bankrupt is leqiiiied to fiullli his, Examination, and

tl;e Crediioii are to aflcnt to or dillent from the Allowancenf his Certificste. All Tenons indebted to the iaid Bank-

rupt, or tliat have any of liis E&Qs, ace net or de-

liver llic fame but to whom tli- Comroidioncrs (hallappomt,

but oive Nt;tlie to Mr.Twymira, Inncr-Templc-Lane, Lou-


TTTHcreas a ConimiHion of Banknipt is awarded and

\\j ifTued forth agiinft William Perrins, of Bedworth,

in the Count;- of V'ahvicl., Maltlfer, Limeburner, Dealer

a«d Chapman, and,. ii,t'bein,j declared a Eanlirupt is hereby

required to iiirreniicr him: J^ to the 'Comniidioners in the

laid CouimiiTion named, or the major Part of them, on the

4th Day of May ncx^t, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, on

jth Day of tht Vame Month and on the 9th Day of June

following, at Eleven of the Clock iii tlie Eorenoon, at th.e

Houfe of Jofeph Bollock, the Bull-Inn, inNuneaton, in tlie

faid County, and make a full Dii'covery -ind Difclofureof his

Ellatc and Etfeds ; when and where the Creditors are to

con;e prepared to i)rove their Debts, and at the Second Sit-

ting lo chufe Affgnees, and at the Lad Sitting the laid

Bankrupt is required_ to finiih his Esauiination, and the

Creditors arc to affent to or dilftnt from the Allowance of

his Certificate. All Pcifons indebted to the faid Bankrapt,

or that have any of his'j-;t(ec^s, are nc<t to i)ay or deliver .the

fame b^t to wjiemtlie tonvniflioncrs fiiall appoiiit, but give

Koticc to Mr. J.iuies Nicholli, No. 41, Great Rnfl'ell-Street,

Bloouilbury, Xj;udun, or to Mr. George Graenway, Attorney

at Law, Nuneaton, 'Warwickfliirc. . ^ ': .

TTTlItreas a CommiiTlon of Bankrupt is awarded and

V,V • ilTuedfortlia^-ainlt William ScoftieM, of Portfca, in

tlie~ Countyof Soiitiiampton, Taylor and Slopftlier, and

he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ilirrcuder

IvinUclf to the ConimilTionefsin the laid CommilTion named,

or Uict»iajo.r,.Part of them, on the 2d.and I2th Days of May

next, and on the yth of June (oUovying, at Eleven o'Clock

in. -the roreropn on each Dav, at GuUdtall, Londg», and;

njake a tuUDiieovetyapd Diieloiure«f ,l\is£0.aean;^jptfea$.;

when and where the Creditors are to come preparcd'to prove

their Debts, and at the Second Sittinp to chufe AlVignees, and

at the Lalt Sitting the faid Bankrupt is re<iviir«a to fmilli his

Examination, and the Creditors are to allent to or dilknt

from the AUowatiee ^'i iiis Certificate. All Per'bius indeljted

to the faid Banj^rupt, or tbil-have any of bisi'Eiiedis, are

not to pay or delivsr the lime .but. to whom the Commif-

fioners Ifiall appoint. ', ;

WHei-easa CommilTiDn of Bankrupt is, awarded andilTued

' forth agaiulf Thomas Cooper, of Sharpies, in the

County of I-auca.Lr, Shopkeeper, and he being declared a

Bankuip* is hereby lequired to lurrender himfelf to the

Commiflioners in the faid CommilTion named, or the major

Part of them, on the 6th Day of May ne.vt, at Five o'Clock

in the Afternoon, on the 7ih of the fame Month, and on the

9th of June'illowi-.ig, atTen in the Forenoon, at tlie Three

Crov/ns Inn, in Gr. ii i^oltou, in the laid County, and make

a full Difcoveo' a.vl' Difclofure of his Elfate and Effeas;

when and where t.c Ci editors are to come prepared to prove

their Debts, and at I'.e Second Sitting to chufe Affignees, and

at the Lalf Sitting l;,o laid Bankrupt is required to finifh his

Examination, and the Creditors are. to allent to .or diifent

from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perlbns indebted

to t'.e faid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Elfe^s, are

jiot to pay or deliver the lame but to whom the Com-

roilTioners lliall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. William Hul-

lon, Attorney at Law, Bokon, or to Mr. James Meadovv-

crpft. Attorney at Law, Gray's- Inn, Loudon.

fUcreas a Commidion of Bankrupt is awarded aad

, , iffued againfl Richard Aldridge, of Nailfworth, in the

Parilh of Avening, in the County of Gloucefter, Clothier,

and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to

lurrender himfelf to theCommiinoners in the laid Commif-

fion named, or the major Part of them, on the 5th and 6th

Days of May next, ind 03 the 9th Day of June following.

at El'ven 'of tlve Clock in the Forenoon on each of the

faid Days, at the Hbufe of Vincent Hawkins, called the

Lodge, on Minchinhampton-Common, in the Parifh of

Minchinhampton, in the County of GloueePer afo;efaid,

and make a full Difcovery and Difclofure of his Edate

and F.tfeOs; when and where the Cieditorsarc to come pre-

pared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to

chufe Allignees, and at the Laft Sitting the faid Barkmpt is

required to finifh his Examination, and the Creditors are to

afTent to or dilTent from the Allowance of his Certificate.

All Perfons indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that have

any of his Effefls, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to

whom the Commiflioners (hall appoint, but give Notice to

Mr. Wathen, Attorney, Stroud, Gloucefterdrirs, or to Mr.

Vizard,'No. 4, Giay's-lnn-Square, London.

WHereas a Commilllon of Bankrapt is awarded

and ilTued forth a.i'ainlf John Baron, of Black-

ley, in tlve County of Laucader, Manufaflurer, Dealer and

Chapman, and he being dcclaixd a Bankrupt is hereby re-

quired to fnrrendcf himfelf to the CommilTIcners in the fai i

CommilTion named, or the major Part of them, on the ntli

and I2th of May next, and on the yth of June following, arFour in the Afternoon on each Day,at Getty's, the Royal

Oak Inn,l'op of Market-Street-Lane, Mancheftcr aforefaid,

and make a full Difcovery and D^lilofure of his Edate anci

Efi'cO.'i; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared

to prove their Debts, and at the Second .Sitting to chul

.'klEgnees, and at the Lad Sitting the faid Bankrupt is n

qaiu-d to finilli his Examination, <ind the Creditors are t

adlnt to or dillent from the Allowance of his Certificali

All Perlbns indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that have any

of liis Effeils, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom

the Commiflioners fhall appoint, but give Notice to Mr.

Norman, Attorney, in Manohcder, or to Mcflrs. Vandercom

and Light, Attornies, Bulli-Lane, Loudon.

WHeicss a CommilTion of Bauknipt is awarded and

idiied forth againd George Robinfon, late of Hunflctt,

in the Parifh of I>eeds, in the County of York, Cloth-Mer-

chant, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bank-

rupt is hereby required to furrender himfelf to the Coni-

imifiioners in the faid Commifnon named, or the major Part

of them, on the r6th and 20tli Days of ]\lay next, and on

!the 9th Day of June following, at Ten of the Clock in the

.Forenoon on each Day, at the Bull and Mouth Inn, in Leeds

aforefaid, and make a full Dilcoveiy and Dil'elofure of his

Edate and Effefls; when and where the Creditors are to

jcome prepared to prove their Debts, and .at the Second Sit-

ting to chufe Adignees, and, at the Lad Sitting the laid Bank-

rupt is required' to (Jnidi his Examination, and the Cre-

ditors are to allent to or dillent from the Allowance of

his Certificate. All Perfons indebted to the laid Bankiupt,

o^ that haVe any of his Ellens, aie not to pay or deliver the

fame but to whom the Commiflioners Hull appoint, but

give Notice to Mr. Sykes, Attorney at Law, New-Inn, Lou

don, or to Mr. l.«e. Attorney at Law, Leeds.

WHereas a Commiflion of Bankrupt is awarded and

illued forth againO William Birkby, of Brookhoufes,

in the Parilh of Birltall, in the County of Yoik, Card-

maker, Carding and Scribbling-Miller, Dealer and Chap-

man, and he being declared a Bankiupt is hereby required

to furrender himfelf to the Commillioners in the'faid Com-milTion named, or the major Part of them, on the J7th and

iSth of May next, at the Houfe of Mrs. Ellen Thomp-

fon. Widow, the Black Btdl Inn, in Birdall aforefaid, and on

the 9th of June followiijg, at the Houie of Mrs. Sarah

Johnlon, the Pack-Horfe Inn, in Robcrtown, in the Parifh

of Bi' (tall aforefaid, at Ten in the Forenoon on each Day,

and make a fullDifcpvery and Difclofure of his Eflale and

Efl'edts ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared

to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chufe Af-

fignees, and at the Lad Sitting the laid. Bankrupt is required

to finifh his Examination, and the Creditors are to affent to

or diiTent from the Allowance oi his Certificate. All Per-

fons indebted to the laid Bankrupt, or that have any of his

EfTcds, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the

CommifTioners fhall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. William

Battye, Attorney at Law, of Birflall »forefaid, or Mr.

Battye, of Chancery-l-ane.

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[ 457 ]

WHereas a Commilfion oT Bankrupt is awarded and

ilTued foitli againft William Dowbiggin, of Lin-

cafter, in tlie County of Lancafter, Mercliant, Dealer and

Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re-

quired to furrendcr himlclf to the Commiffioners in the faid

CommifTion named, or the major Pare of them, on the 7 th

and 8th Days of May next, and on the 9th Day of June

foHowinj^, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon on each of

the faid Days, at the Sign qf the Grapes, in LancaClcr

aforefaid, and make a full Difcovery and Difirlofure of his

Eftate and Effeifls; when and where the Creditors arc to

come picparetl to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit-

ting-to chuii; AlTlgnees, and at the lafl Sittingthe faid Bank-

nipt is required to finifh his Examination, and tlie Creditors

are to afTent to or dillent from the Allowance of his Cer-

tiiicate. All Perfuiis indebted to the faid Bankrupt, or that

have any of his EBcfts, are not to pay or deliver the fame

but to whom the Commiflioners (hall appoint, but give No-

tice to Mellrs. Maion and Wilfon, Solicitors, in Lancafter


''P'H E CommifT^oners in a Commifliou of Bankrupt

I awarded ar.d ifliicd forth again !l George Pugh and

James Davis, of Old Filh-Strect, in the City of London,

Chemifts and Druggirts, and Copartners, intend to meet

on the nth Day of May next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at

Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment from the 25th Day of

April inrtant.) to take the Laft Examination of the faid

Bankrupts; when and where they are required to furrendcr

thcmfelves and make a full Difcovery and Difclofuie of their

Ellates and EtTefts, and finilh their Examination ; and the

Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to

come prepared to prove the fame, and, with thofe who have

proved their Debts, affent to or difTent from tlie Alloy.ance

of their Certificates.

* rI

H E Commiflioners in a Commiffion of Bankrupt

j_ awarded and iffucd againft George Williams, of Sat-

fron-HiU, in the County of Middlefex, Shoemaker, intend

to meet on the lath of May next, at Ten in the Forenoon,

at Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment from the 2ith of

April inftant,) in order to take the Laft Examination of the

fcid Bankrupt ; when and where he is required to furrendei

himfelf, and make a lull Diicovery and DlfcloliKe ot his

Eftate and Effcfl^, and finifti his ^xaniinatioji ; and the Cie-

ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are tii come

prepared to prove the fame, and, with tiiofe who have proved

their Debts, alTent to or dillent from the Allowance of his


TH E Commifliohers in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilTued foith againft Ifrael Levy, of Lam-

beth-Road, in the Cviunty of Surrey, Merchant, Dealer and

Chapman, intend to meet on the 13th Day of June next,

at One o'clock in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, London,(by Further Adjournment from the 25th Day of April

inftant,) in order to take the Laft Examination of the laid

Bankrupt; when and where he is required to furrendcr

himfelf and make a full Difcovery and Difdofiire of his

Eftate and EfTetts, and hnifh his Examination; and the Cre-

ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to

come prepared to prove the fame, and, with thofe who have

proved their Debts, affent to or dillent from the Allowance

of l)')^;QRrtificate.

TTi'ri Commiirioners in a CommilKon of Bankrupt

Ittarded and iflued forth againft Robert Sims, lue of

Walworth, in thi; County of Surrey, Grocer, Dealer and

Chapman, (but now a Prifoner in the KIng's-Bench Prifon,)

intend to meet on the 9th Day of i>Iay next, at Ten of

the Clock in tlie Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, (by

Adjournment from the 25th Inftant,) in order to take the

Laft Examination of the faid Banknipt ; when and where

he is required to luiTender himfelf and make a full Di(-

co»er/ and Difcljfure of his Eftate and EffcftJ, and finilh

his Examination ; and the Creditors, who have not already

proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the

fame, and, with thofe who have proved their Debts, alFcnt

tQ or dilfent from the Allowance of his Certificate.

HE Commiflioners in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

__ awarded and ift'ued forth againll John Ricketts, of the

iTy of Briftol, Toymaker, Dealer and Chapman, intend tocfty

ii)o. 1535^. D

meet on the zift of May next, at Eleven in the Forenoon,

at the London Inn and Talbot Tavern, lituate in Bath-

Street, in the City of Briftol aforefaid, (by Adjournment

from the 25th of April inftant,) to uke the Laft Examina-

tion of the faid Bankrupt; when and where he is required

to furrendcr himfell and make a full Difcovery and Difclo-

fure of his Eftate and EfTe^s,. and finilh his Examination ;

and the Creditors, who have not already pro\ed their Debts,

arc to come prepared to prove the fame, auJ, with thofe whohave already proved their Debts, are to alfcnt to or Uiflent

from the Allowance of his Certificate.

1'"HE Commiluonevs in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilfued forth againft Richard Woodward,

of Liverpool, in the County of Lancafter, Merchant, intend

to meet on TluuWay the 301I1 of April inftant, at Eleven

o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Houl'e of Henry forlhaw,

the Globe Tavern, in John-Street, Liverpool, (by Adjourn-

ment from the lotli Inftant,) to take the Laft Examin-

ation of the faid Bankrupt ; when and v/hcre he is required

to furrendcr himfelf and make a full Difcovery and Difclo-

fure cf his Eftate and Etletts, and finilh his Examination ;

and the Creditors, wlio have not already proved their Debts,arc to come prepaicd to prove the fame, and, with thole who

have aire i'ly proved their Debts, airent to or dilfent from the

Allowance of his Certiiicate.

THE Commiftioners in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

awarded and iii'ued forth againll Charles Ralhficld

and Samuel Ralhficld, of Vauxhall, in the Comity ot" Surrey,

Brulh-Makers, Dealers^ Chapmen, and Copartners ; This is

to give Notice, that the Dividend adverlilld for the 2d of

May next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, is poftpontd

lo a future Day, of which Notice will be given in the London


THE Conimiltioners in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

awarded and illued againft Thomas Kent, of the City

of Exeter, Cabinet-Maker, Dealer and Chapman, intend to

meet on the I4lh Day of May next, at Eleven of the Clock

in the Forenoon, at the Globe 'Favern, in 'he City of Exeter,

in order to receive the Proof of a D;bt under the liiiJ


'y^ H E Commiflioners in a Comniiffion of Banknipt

J^ awarded and iflued forth ag^nft Robert Holmes, late

of Little Bampton, in the Parlin of Kirkbampton, iu the

County of Cumberland, Dealer and Chapman, iutend to

meet on the 19th Day of May next, at Eleven o'clock in

the Forenoon, at the Houfe of Jamss Nikofi, known by the

Sign of the .Scotch Arms, in Rickergate, adjoining the City

of Carlifle, in the faid Connty of Cumberland, in order to

make a Final Uividind of the Eft.itc and Effefts o; tl)e fail

Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors ot the faid

Bankrupt, who have not already proved their Debts,

are to come prepared to prove the lame, or they will be

cxehuled the Benefit of the faid Dividend. And all Claims

not then proved will be dil'allowcd.

THE Commiflioners in a ComnKflion of Bankrupt

av/arded and iluied forth againft James Trckgun, o".

the Strand, in the Parifli of Saint Mary-le-StraiVl, in the

County of Middlcfcx, .Silrerfmith, Dealer and Chapman,

intend to meet on the 23d Day of May next, at Fen

of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in

order to make n Final Dividend of the Eftate and Elfeas

of the f.rid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who

have not ah eadv proved their Debts, aic to come prepared

to prove the falne, or they will be excluded the Benefit of•

the faid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved vvill be


TH E Commiflioners in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

awarded and illued againft James Strahan, late o!,

Iplwich, in the County of Suflblk, Corn-Meichant, Dc-Icr-JtyT-^^,

and Chapman, intend to meet on Thuiiday the lift Day ofV^-I A. i Jl.^

May next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at the Great White- 'V T^?^—^iHorfe Inn, in Ipfwich aforefaid, to make a Final Dividcnil*>f

the Eftate and Etfcfts of the faid Eai.krupt ; when »nd

where tin; Creditors, who have not already proved tlieir

DcbU, arc to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will

be excludeJ the Beniifit of the faid Dividend. AuU all CUims.

not then proreil v.'illlH: dUallowcd. " -* •

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.25) 14/16

[ 458 ]

""<T~HF, 'Comm'tlioners' m a'ComrnitTJon oF -Baiiknipf

.j|_ .-swarded ittd ilTued forth cgainft Thomas Mills, ot

TvfoOTcmftV/osd, ill Saddlewort'ii, in the County of York,

Ctethin-, Deakf^nd Chapman, intend to meet on the loth

Day ol May next, at Eleven of the Clocji in the Forenoon,

at Mr. RidViarifs, "the White Bear Inn, in Manchefter in the

Coimty of I.ancafter, to make a Dividend of the' Eftate

and Effefts of the faid Bankrupt; when and where the

Creditors, who have not already proved their Dehts, arc

to come pref>ai-ed to prove tlie fame, or they will be ex-

cluded the Benefit of t4:e faid Dividend. And all Claims

not then pjoved will be difallowtd.

TH E Coramiffioners in a OommifliBn of Bankmpt

awarded and ilUied foith againft Henry White, of

Wi'.ham, in the County cf Elfcx, Taylor and Draper,

Dealer and Cliapman, intend'to meet on the i^th of M;'.y

next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, l,ondon, (by

Adjournment frcmi the 25th of April inllant,) in older to

make a Final Dividend ot the Eilate and EHefts of the faid

.Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not

already proved their Debts, are to eonie prepared to prove

the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit ol the fjid

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

THE Commiirwners in a Commillion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilTued forth againft John Plalloiis, of

th-; Paridi of All-Saints, in tht City of Worcefter, Cweh

Proprietor, Dealer and Chapnun, intend to nteet 0:1 the 29th

Day of May next, at Twelve at Noon, at the Crown luii,

Broad-Street, in Woicefter aforetaid, in order to make a

Dividend of the F.ftate and lirfeas of the faid Bankrupt;

when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved

their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they

will l^e excluded the Benefit of the laid Dividend. And all

Claims not then, proved will be difalioweJ.

'T^""KE Comniidioners in a Commillion of Bankrupt

J^ awarded and ilFued forth ajfainll James Cox the Elder,

Ol' .Shoe-Lane, London, Jeweller, Dealer and Chapmir., in-

tend to inset on tl"*, 23d Day of May next, at Ten of the

Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in order to

make a Final Dividend of the ElUte and Etiiiis of the laid

Bankrupt ; when and where tlic Creditors, who have not

already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove

the fame, or they will be e.icluded the Benefit of the faid

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be dilal-


TH E Commiflioners in 3 CommilTion of Bankiiipt

awarded and illued forth againfl William Harper and

Jvfepli Wihon, of Caftle-Court, Budge-Row, London, Mer-

chanlsand Partners, intend to meet on thei6th of May next,

at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, I^ondon, (by Adjourn-

ment from the oyth of April inftant,) to make a Dividend

of the Separate Eftate and Etfefls of William Harper, one of

the faid Bankrupts; when and where his Separate Creditors,

who have not already proved their Debts, are to come pre-

pared to prove the fame, or they will be e.xcluded the lie-

uefit of Ibe laid Dividend. And all Claims not tlien proved

will be diullewed.

TH E• OomniilTioners in a CommilTion of Canknipt

awarded and ifliied forth againA Silvcfter Sikes, of

.HuddersfieKI, in the County of York, Banker, Dealer and

Chapman, intend to meet on the zoth and iii\ Days of Maynext, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon on each Dar, at the

Houfe of Mr. Abraham Beaumont, the Pack-Horfe Inn, in

"Huddcrsfield, in the faid County, to make a Dividend of

the ElUte and EfTtfts of -the faid Bankrupt ; when and

where the Creditors, who have not already proved their

Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or thcv will

be cxirluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend. And all

Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

THE CommilTioners in a CommilTion of Bankniptawaided and ifPncd forth againft Marmaduke Hare,

of the Town of Kingfton-upon-Hull, Grocer, Tallow-Chandler, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on Thurf-day the 28th of May next, at Eleven o'clock in the Fore-

noon, at the White-Hart T,ivern, in the faid Town of King-(lon-upon-HuU, to make a Further and Final Dividend ot

tlie EUate and Effi fts of the faid Banktnpt; when and where

the' Creditors, who hare not already proTed their Debts, are

to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded

die !>'-ncfit of the faid Dividend. And all Claims not then

proved will be dtftllowed.

THE C.-mmilTIoners in a Commidion of Bankrupt

awarded and iliued forth nKainfl Robert Carfs, of

B-Jiy St. l.dmunds, in the County of Suffolk, Banker, intend

to meet on Tuefday the 19th Day of May next, at Eleven

o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Angel Inn, in Bury .St. Ed-

munds aforelaid, to make a Further Dividend of the Ertate

and EffcOs of the faid Bankrupt; when ;,nd where the

Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to

come piepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded

the Benefit of the faid Dividend. And all Claims not then

proved w ill be difallowed.

THE Co-.nmi(Iioners in a Commiflion of Bankrupt

aw.ivdcd and iliiied forth agaiiill Daniel Morris, of the County of St„rfjnl, Potter, iutendto meet ot(

the 2Slh Day of ^;ay next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fiue-

noon, at fne Roc-Buck Inn, in Newca(lle-tiiuiei--I.yne, in the

faid Countv of Stafford, in order 'o make a Final Dividend

of the Eftate and KtTefts of the faid Bankrupt ;

when andwhere the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts,

arc to con^c prepared to piorc the fame, or theywill be ex-

cluded the Biiiifit of-ihe f-iid Dividend. And all Claims

not then proved will be diliUcwed.

TH E CommilTioners in a Comniinion of Baiiknipt

awaided and llVucd forth againft Charles Watkins, of

the Town ot M-nmouth, in the County of Monmouth,

Breeches-Maker, Innholder, Dealer and Chapman, inteml to

nie-.t on 'vionday the z.itli of May next, at Ten o'Clock in

the Fcvenoon, at the lloufc of John Barlow, known by the

Sign cC the Ciown and Thillie, fituate at Monmouth, in the

County of Monmouth, in order to make a Dividend of the

i:ftatc'aiKl Erfcits of the i:iid Bankrupt; when and where

the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are

to come prepared to jnove the fame, or they will be excludedthe Benclit of the laid Dividend. And all Claims not then

])rovcd will be difallowed.

THE CommilTioners -in a CommifTitjn of Bankitipt

iwarded and illned forth againll Samtiel Liveflcy, of

Liverpool, in the County of Lancaflcr, Bricklayer, Dealer

and Chapman, intend to meet on the 22d Day of May next,

at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Globe Tavern,

in John-Street, Liverpool, to make a Further Dividend ofthe Elhte and ElTerfls of the tiiid Bankrupt ; when andwhere the Creditors, who have not already proved their

Debts, are to come prepared to prove the (amc, or they will

be excluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend. And all

Claims not then pi-oved will be difallowed.

TH E CommilTioners in a CommilTion of Bankruptawaided and ilfued forth .againll Silvefter Sikes, now,

or late of Huddcrsfield, in the County of York, and AbelHide, now or late of Ailiton-iindcr-Line, in the County-Pa-

latine of Lancaflcr, Bankets and Copartners, intend to meeton the 23d Day of May next, at 'I'en of the Clock in the

Forenoon, it the Houlc of Mr. Abraham Beaumont, the

Pack-Horfe Inn, in Huddersfield, in the faid County, to

make a Dividend of the Eftnte and EfTcrfls of the lirid'batlk-

rupts; when and where the Crtdicors, who have notrairftarW

proved their Debts, are to come prepared to pr<}ve thefame, or they will he excluded the Benefit of the faid

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be dil^


WHereas the afling Commiflioners in the Commiflion

of Bankrupt awarded and ilfued forth againll Mary-Martin, of Bafingfloke, in the County of Southampton, Wi-dow and Draper, have certified to the Right Honorable JohnLord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Biitain, that

the faid Mary Martin hath in all Things conforincd hcrfelf

according to the Dirsflions of the feveral Atfs of Parliamentmade concerning Bankrupts ; This is to give Notice, ihat.bjr

virtue of an ACi pafTed in the Fifth Year of His late Ma-jelly's Reign, her Certificate will be allowed and confirmedas the faid AH direfts, unlefs Caufc be Ihewn to the conliarj-

on or before tlie 19th Day of May ne:it.

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[ 459 ]

WHercas the afting CommilTioners in the CommifTion

of Bankrupt awarded ami iil'ued forth againll Philip

Parkin, of Farnham, in the County of Surrey, BranJy-

Merchant, have certified to the Right Honorable John Lord

F.ldoTi, i.ord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the

faid Philip Parkin hath in all Things conforjned himl'elf

according to tire Dircftions of the leveral Afls of Parliament

niade concerning Bankrupt;; This is to give Notice, that,

by virtue of an Ail paliL.i in the Fifth Year of His late

Majerty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and con-

firmed as the faid Ai\ directs, unlefs Caule be Ihcvvn to the

contrary on or before the I^th of May next.

WHereas the afling Commidioners in the Coniminio:)

of Bankrupt awarded and ilfued againll John AdamMangaar, late ot York-Street, Covcnt-Gardcn, in the County

of Middlelex, Viflualler, Dealer and Chapman, have certified

to the Right Honoraiile John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chan-

cellor of Great Britair.,that t!>e(aid John Adam Maugaar hath

in aU Things conloimed liimlVlfaccording to the Dircflions of


the feveral Afts of Parliament made concerning BankniptJ

This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft palled in the

Fifth Year of His late Majerty's Reign, his Certificate will

be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aft dircOs, unlefs Canfe

be Ihewn to the contrary on or before the 19th Day of Mafnext.

Hcreas the aftlng CommifTioners in the CommilTioo

/V of Bankrupt awarded and ilfucd againA John Mills, of

Brooke-Green, Hammerfmith, in the County of Middlefcx,

Linen-Draper, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the

Right Honorable Alexander Lord Loughborough Lord High.

Chancellor of Great Britain, tliat the faid John Millt

hath in all Things conformed himfelf according to the Di-

rections of the feveral Afts of Parhament made concerning

Bankrupts; 'J'his is to give Notice, that, by virtue of aa

Aft palled in the Fifth Year of His late Majerty's Reign,


his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aft

direfts, unlefs Caufe be (hewn to tlie contrary on or before

the 19th Day of May next.

Ptinted by Andrew Strahan, Printers Street, Gough Square

[ Pike Two Shillings. ]

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