The Lamplighter -

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Transcript of The Lamplighter -


The Lamplighter November 2020 • Salem United Church of Christ • Higginsville, Missouri

Dear Friends, One of my favorite superhero films is 2017’s “Wonder Woman.” There is plenty of action, a bit of humor,

and, surprisingly, a powerful message in the film. I recommend it to you. The message comes when one of the characters tells Wonder Woman that the people of Earth do not

deserve her protection. Her reply is that it has nothing to do with deserving; it is about what we believe. She, she declares, believes in love.

As the movie ends, Wonder Woman says that she came to recognize that the darkness and the light both exist in every person, and that we all have to choose which one will be our way in the world. She closes by saying, “And now I know. Only love can truly save the world. So I stay, I fight, and I give…for the world I know can be. This is my mission, now, forever.”

No one needs me to tell them what our world is like today. We all know. We all see it. Racism, which we thought we were overcoming, has resurged, and white supremacists feel a sense of entitlement and rightness that would have been inconceivable fifteen years ago. People of color, people of different sexual orientations and gender identities, and women are finding their civil and human rights eroded, limited, eradicated. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. So many people seem to feel no sense of communal respon-sibility, caring only for themselves and for their desires. Incivility is now socially and politically acceptable. The political parties in the United States are no longer merely adversaries, they are sworn enemies. There is not simply the sense that the members of the other party, whichever it is, are good people but mistaken. Now the feeling is that we should hate and fear the other party because they are not just mistaken, they are evil and want to destroy us all. Public leaders lie, cheat, work the system to their own advantage, and the people pay the price. Honestly, it feels as if we could be on the verge of another civil war, and racial tension is front and center once again.

So what do we do? How do we live in such a divided and dividing world? I think that Wonder Woman…and Jesus…and the apostle Paul have given us the key. And in a word, that key is love.

Jesus had so much to say about love that we can only begin to grasp it in a few paragraphs. Love God, he said. Love your neighbor as yourself, he said. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, he said. Treat others the way that we want them to treat us, he said. Everything that the prophets ever said, every Instruction that God ever gave, we can fulfill by our love for one another and for God.

Likewise, Paul said a great deal about love. In I Corinthians 13, he famously tells us that nothing we do matters if we do it without love. Love is patient, kind, never envious or boastful or arrogant or rude, does not insist on its own way, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all thing, endures all things. Love considers the interests of others before the interests of the self. Love never ends. Love is the more excellent way.

No doubt some who read this will call me naïve, or foolish, or simpleminded. Maybe I am. But love is what gives me hope. Love is what sustains me. Only love can truly save the world.

Allow me to close with some words of someone else who had concerns for his people: “I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

(Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1861) Amen.

Grace and Peace Tommy


November 2020 The Lamplighter Page 2

From the Church Records

Financial Report: September 2020

General Fund Balance 9/01/20

Current deposits

Current expenses

Current Fund Balance 9/30/20





Building Fund:

Current Fund Balance 9/01/20

Current deposits

Current expenses

Current Fund Balance 9/30/20

$ 9,529

$ 2,218

$ 75


O.C.W.M. (Member Contributions for Sept.) $69


Live Stream

September Attendance 10:00 a.m.


160 9-6-20 17

276 9-13-20 19

216 9-20-20 23

176 9-27-20 17

207 Average

Total Average 226


2021 ENVELOPES will be available in the back of the sanctuary until November 15, and then they will move into the Fellowship Hall until the end of the year.


The Food Pantry continues to serve those in our community who need assistance putting food on their tables. November is the month we dedicate to-ward restocking the shelves with food products. We have assigned specific foods or food types to each Sunday during the drive. If you would prefer to make a cash donation, please mark a plain envelope “Food Pantry” and drop it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office. All donations will be used 100% for purchasing food items as they are needed.

Nov. 1 – Peanut butter, non-cream soups (chicken noodle, vegetable, etc.), ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, noodles, potatoes (canned or boxed)

Nov 8 – Canned meat (ravioli, canned spaghetti, stew, chili, tuna, chicken)

Nov 15 – Canned fruit (peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, applesauce)

Nov 22 – Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, peas, carrots, mixed vegetables, tomatoes

Nov 29 – Toilet Paper

Annual Fall Fest Dinner Cancelled:

This event has been cancelled for this year. Hopefully next year we will be able to gather again.


Anyone that had their picture taken or submitted a photo for the directory can stop by the church office Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and pick up your copy of the directory. If you didn’t have a picture taken but would like a directory you can purchase one from the church office for $15.

The simplest prayer An eccentric blind man nicknamed Joybubbles reported-ly loved Mr. Rogers so much he listened to 10 hours of the TV show daily until he’d heard them all. One night, when Joybubbles was in a kind of awake dream state, he said Mr. Rogers visited him and offered to teach him how to pray. Joybubbles protested that he couldn’t pray because he always forgot the words. To which Mr. Rogers said not to worry; the prayer he’d teach had only three words. “What kind of prayer has only three words?” Joybubbles asked. “Thank you, God,” Mr. Rogers replied.

—adapted from The Wired Word























26 27


November 2020 The Lamplighter

Tricia Dierking

Mary Ann Fisher

Dawson Goetz

Charlie Thaller

Roger Homfeld

Megan Reno

Harvey Erdman

Karla Morris

Anna Sue Howell

Bob Schroer

Arlene Long

Pat Haston

Weston Ventura

Mark Emison

Lincoln Dobson

Wes Homfeld

Doug Short

Nicholas Catron

Don Nieman

Nicole Vowels

Stanton Thompson

Nick Camp

Kirstie Fiene

Allison Starke

Paul Warren

Rosa Lee Starke

Justin Salyer

Sharon Knehans

Michelle Alumbaugh

Harold Salyer

Juanita Homfeld

Sandy Riekhof

Mary Ann Vorwark

Loren Dickmeier

Sara Schoppenhorst

Cherri Wilson

Lynna Good

Page 3

Best Birthday Wishes in November go to...
















The annual Children's Christmas Program will be done differently this year. The Board of Christian Education and June are working really hard to present a virtual Christmas Program for everyone to enjoy. Each child will have 2 to 4 lines a piece. There will be specific directions for each part. It will be super simple and easy to do. There will also be singing parts that will be recorded as well. The children will record a small video at home and send it to June. Then the videos will be put together and shown in church and posted to Facebook on December 20th. If you want your child/children in the Christmas Program please contact June directly at 660-441-8568 text or call anytime. All videos must be sent to June by November 30th.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 2020 One of the most beloved traditions at Salem United Church of Christ is the Christmas Eve service. It is a beautiful, peaceful time of worship, filled with light in the darkness of winter, and capped with communion. Anyone who has ever participated in Christmas Eve at Salem will remember the evening. The question for us is what to do with Christmas Eve in a time of pandemic. We cannot simply go ahead, as usual, with a houseful of worshipers, family, and friends, as if there were not a life-threatening virus at loose in the world. And yet, we do not want to give up completely on this wonderful service. One suggestion is that we could do two services, perhaps at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., so that we could limit the numbers of worshipers at each service and still provide opportunity for as many as might want to attend. We would continue our practice of contact tracing, wearing masks, and social distancing, as well. We would need to have people RSVP sometime before Christmas Eve so that we would know how many to expect and know when we have reached our limit of 140 people for a service. We would like to hear from the Salem family. Is adding a second service something that you would be in favor of doing? For the present, are going to proceed with our planning for a second service. If we find that there is not enough interest in adding the earlier service, we can easily revert to a single service, with all of our COVID-19 restrictions.


The Lamplighter Page 4

November 2020

John Knox Village and Meyer Care Center Bible Study has been cancelled until further notice.

Women’s Fellowship Circle News:

Women’s Fellowship Circles will not be meeting until further notice. The Women’s Fellowship Board will not be meeting until further notice as well.


Listed below are our members and friends (at the time of printing of the Lamplighter) now residing or recovering at our local and surrounding community nursing homes and care facilities. A card from a church family member would be a de-lightful surprise! Meyer Care Center, 1201 W. 19th St., Higginsville, MO 64037 Al Dieckhoff Mary Kirchhoff Anna Marie Rinne Kenneth Schemmer Earl Struchtemeyer Bob Tankesley Mary Ann Vorwark Lutheran Good Shepherd Home, 202 SW St., Concordia, MO 64020 Jake Stoecklin Arthur Thaller Riverbend Heights Rehab & Health, Lexington Nursing Home, 1221 South Highway 13, Lexington, MO 64067 Mark Gieselman Monterey Park Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, 4600 Little Blue Parkway, Independence, MO 64057 Roberta Summers (Roberta’s mailing address is Roberta Summers, C/O Carrie Tunison, 1207 SE Brookwood St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063.) Barb Siegfried: 1001 Quincy Dr. Warrensburg, MO 64093


You have a couple options for the church bulletin. The church bulletin is on the Salem website: If you would prefer to view the bulletin on your phone or tablet during worship instead of using a paper copy, please feel free to use that option. If you like the paper copy that is available as well.


June is having children's Sunday School by Zoom on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. For more information on how to join Sunday School on Zoom contact June 660-441-8568 or call the church office 660-584-3603.

PRAYERS AND CONCERNS Anyone who is in need of prayers, please call the church office, (660) 584-3603.

Solitude as soul care Richard J. Foster (Celebration of Discipline) says solitude is “more a state of mind and heart” than a place: “There is a solitude of the heart that can be maintained at all times. Crowds, or the lack of them, have little to do with this inward attentiveness.” Although Jesus preferred crowd-free alone times, that’s not always feasible. But no matter your surroundings and responsibilities, you can carve out intentional time to “be still” (Psalm 46:10). Try these tips for adding solitude to life’s rhythms: Take a day. Every month or two, enjoy a day of solitude. Turn off your

phone and spend the day with God. Take an hour. Treat this time as an important calendar appointment.

Keep it free to protect your solitude. Take a minute. Before a big meeting or as you’re answering the phone,

breathe deeply and invite God into the moment. —Janna Firestone


November 2020 Page 5 The Lamplighter


September 17th, 2020 – 7:30 pm The regular meeting of the Sa-lem Church Council was held on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the downstairs dining hall. Members present were Marc Jensen, Keill Borchers, Sharon Hoefer, Bobby Bergsieker, Stacy Barns, Mark Hook, Kevin Berry, Barb Nolte, and Pastor Tommy. President Marc Jensen called the meeting to order, Pastor Tommy opened with the devotion of Psalm 105 and prayer. Minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given by Sharon, discussed and approved with balances of $35,638 in the General Fund and $9,529 in the Building and Grounds Fund. Pastor Tommy and Crystal both are very appreciative of volunteers to assist with the live streaming services. Tommy shared they both enjoyed their week in Colorado and enjoyed the opportunity to view Salem’s service on Facebook with Rev. Bruce Pilcher filling in. Our online viewing of services continues to increase. Sunday, September 20th will begin Confir-mation classes. October 4th will be World Communion Sunday. Correspondence: A thank you was received from the family of Paul Arndt. Donations approved in the amount of $25 to the Higginsville Senior Center, $50 to the Emmaus Home. Committee Reports Christian Ed: Mark Hook reported the con-firmands have selected the colors blue and purple. Sunday school is being led by June through Zoom meetings at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Confirmation reunion has been rescheduled for June 16th, 2021.

Building &Grounds: Keill shared Rick Hicks Tree Service will be removing a tree and tree stump on the parsonage property. A workday at the parsonage is being planned in November. Cemetery: Barb reported no meeting. Memorial: Sharon reported no meeting. Stewardship: Kevin reported no meeting. Evangelism: Stacy reported over $1700 was raised during the mother and father day events. Soupersuppers had over 200 take-out meals for their final evening in March. Plans are under-way for the annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive. Worship: Bobby reported no meeting. Ushers: Church council members will usher during October. Unfinished Business: October 12th has been set for the Budget Committee meeting. Ballots will be mailed with the proposed budget and members will be asked to return to the church in person or by mail by November 19th. New Business: The full premium of $1,543 was paid to The Hartford (Work Comp Insurance) from the Corder Money Market Account. The board also approved June to set up plans with T.V. and Radio Stations for bad weather cancellations. Next council meeting Date: October 15th, 2020, 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with the “Lord’s Prayer”. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Nolte, Council Secretary

BALLOT REMINDER The church council sent out a letter, proposed budget, and ballot to every voting member of Salem the last week in October. This is just a reminder to please return your completed ballots to the church office by Tuesday, November 17. Thank you. Salem Church Council

Growing through gratitude Thankfulness, studies show, has multiple physical, mental and emotional benefits. Psychologist Robert Emmons calls gratitude “fertilizer for the mind” because of its powerful effects. He admits gratitude isn’t always easy — especially when life throws us curveballs (see the year 2020) — but says it can be most helpful dur-ing and after difficulties. Emmons suggests reframing challenges using thankfulness-based language. Ask, for example: Though I wasn’t grateful for the experience at the time, how can I be now? What lessons did I learn, and how did I grow as a person? Throughout his letters, the apostle Paul reframes his extensive suffer-ings and urges us to do the same. “Give thanks in all circumstances,” he writes, “for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV).


The Lamplighter

November 2020 Page 6

BAPTIZED SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25: Lawson Alan Kirchhoff was baptized Sunday, October 25, 2020 in a family only service. Lawson is the son of Caleb and Dani Kirchhoff and his big brothers are Laith and Layden His grandparents are Eric and Gail Kirchhoff, Shawn and Connie Smith, great-grandparents are Mary and the late W. W. Kirch-hoff and the late Kenneth and Helen Diestelkamp.


Dani Kirchhoff was baptized Sunday, October 25, 2020, in a family only service. She is married to Caleb and they have three sons, Laith, Layden, and Lawson.


Palmer Theodore Schloman and Adelynn Irene Schloman were baptized Sunday, October 25, 2020, in a family only service. Their parents are Eric and Crystal Schloman and their big sister and Godparent is Addison Schloman. Their grand-parents are Maxine and the late Max Schloman, and Randy Covey and the late Loretta Covey.


Abott Frank Good was baptized Sunday, September 27, 2020, in a family only service. Abott is the son of Aaron and Lynna (Kays) Good and his big brother is Amron. Abott’s Godparents are Brad Borgman and Rhonda Borgman. Amron’s grandparents are Mark and Joyce Kays and Vicki and Jerry Good, great-grandparents are Doris and Kenneth Hemme, Gene and Charlene Beissenherz, the late Clarence and Emma Good, and the late Frank and Joyce Kays.


Wynn Robert Frank Bredehoeft was baptized Sunday, October 11, 2020, in a family service. Wynn is the son of Justin and Kelsey (Alumbaugh) Bredehoeft. Wynn’s Godparents are Jared Bredehoeft and Kali Rechterman. Wynn’s grandparents are Kevin and Michelle Alumbaugh, Robert Bredehoeft, and Cindy and Jerry Feldman, great-grandparents are Bill and Marilyn Davenport, Pearle and the late Frank Alumbaugh, the late Vernon and Ellen Bredehoeft, and the late William and Ruby Hobbs.

Dani Kirchhoff was welcomed as new member to Salem UCC by Baptism on Sunday, October 25, 2020, in a family only service. She is married to Caleb and they have three sons, Laith, Layden, and Lawson. Dani’s parents are Shawn and Connie Smith and her father in-law and mother in-law are Eric and Gail Kirchhoff.



B.J. and David Salyer and family. B.J.’s mother, Bertha Riekhof, passed away Thursday, September 24, 2020.


The family of Marvin Rinne. Marvin passed away Wednesday, October 14, 2020. His funeral was held at Salem, Friday, October 23, 2020.


Aren Koenig and family. Aren’s grandfather, Larry Lombard, passed away Monday, October 26, 2020. Services were held at Salem on Friday, October 30.

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS: Will be available in the back of the sanctuary and outside the church office beginning Sunday, November 22.


November 2020 The Lamplighter Page 7



The Evangelism Committee is having their Fourth Annual Turkeys for Higginsville/Corder Food Pantry project to purchase turkeys for the Food Pantry. This is to benefit families in need in the Lafayette County C-1 School District. The committee is accepting monetary donations on: November 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Moose’s Market. There will also be a turkey box in the sanctuary on November 1, November 8, and November 15 to take monetary donations. You may also give a monetary donation by bringing it to the church office. Please have donations to the church by November 20, checks may be made out to Salem UCC and in the memo line please write “Turkeys.”



Travel Centers of America-Concordia, MO-Country Pride Restaurant has a Church Program! We are offer-ing 10% of your ticket price to be donated back to your local church. All you have to do is come in to dine with us, eat, and inform your server that you would like to participate in the program, give your church’s name, your name, and we will take care of the rest!


The Ministerial Fellowship Community Thanksgiving service has been cancelled for this year. The offering that is collected from the Community Thanksgiving Service has always been given to the Ministerial Fellowship to help pay for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. If you would like to contribute to the teacher appreciation luncheon you may write your check to “Higginsville Ministerial Fellowship” and make a notion on your check for “Teacher Apprecia-tion Luncheon,” You may drop your donation by the church office or take it directly to the First Baptist Church.



Corder VFW Post 4288 will have a Benefit Chili/Soup Dinner Sunday, November 8, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Post Home (Junction Highway 20 and BB Road). Menu is chili or chicken noodle soup, dessert, and a drink. Dine In or Take Out is available. Dine In cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 10 and younger. Take Out cost is $7.00 w/16-ounce soup container or $10.00 w/24-ounce soup container.


First Assembly of God Church of Higginsville hosts a Harvesters Community Food Network distribution of food on the third Thursday of every month. The work day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends approximately at Noon. After the food is distributed, volunteers are asked to stay and help clean up the area. Anyone will-ing to help is asked to call 660-584-3372, (First Pres-byterian Church), and leave your name, phone num-ber, and mailing address. Wear comfortable clothes.

Thank Offering

Thank Offering envelopes will be dedicated on Sunday, November 22. The collection will be divided evenly between the Higginsville Heat and Hunger Fund and the Food Pantry.

An envelope is enclosed in this Lamplighter for your use. Contributions may be made with cash, or a check made to Salem UCC with the notation “Thank Offering”. You may put your contribution in the collection plate, mail them, or drop them by the Church office.

This annual collection benefits area families through the Heat and Hunger Fund and Food Pantry. Both chosen recipients are managed by volunteers providing their talent to sustain the charity.

When deciding whether to contribute, please consider the positive impact you will have on your local community with your donation.

-Stewardship Committee

CHURCH INFORMATION Tommy’s email: Tommy’s cell phone: 816-352-2052 Church Telephone: 660-584-3603 Church Email: Church Website: Fax number: 660-584-5666


November 2020 The Lamplighter Page 8

Special Days in November

November 1: Daylight Saving Time ends

November 3 Election Day

November 8: Veteran Recognition Harvest Ingathering

November 11: Veteran’s Day

November 22: Memorial Sunday First Sunday for Angel Tree Thank Offering Dedicated

November 26: Thanksgiving Day

November 29 First Sunday of Advent Baptism (Family Only)

Salem Angel Tree 2020

Our Salem Angel Tree will be standing in the sanctuary early this year, one week before Advent, which actually begins November 29. Our Tree will be ready for you to select your tags to “adopt’ on Sunday, November 22nd. Our committee would like to have your wrapped and tagged gifts returned to the Angel Tree no later than Monday, December 14th, at Noon. That will allow us the rest of the week to shop and wrap for those not adopted and to organize the gifts into family groups for delivery on Saturday, December 19th. Thank you, in advance, for understanding our need to “bump up’” the calendar and for your generous support of this program for children of the Higginsville and Corder area. Due to Covid-19 protocol, tags will be on the Sanctuary tree on Sundays and available to you on a tree next to the church office window during weekly business hours.

Angie Green, Chairman


Because of the current situation we have with Covid-19, the Stewardship Committee has decided to forgo sending the Stewardship “Heart Work” Inventory's (formerly known as the time and talent sheet) for 2021. Hopefully the outlook will be better for us to gather again sometime in 2021. When that time comes, we will use the results from the 2020 Time & Talent sheets and call again for volunteers for all activities we might have actually taken for granted, and now we know are so precious and important. Thank you,

The Stewardship Committee.


This year also marks the 21st anniversary of Growing Hope Globally (formerly Foods Resource Bank). This will be Salem’s 20th year of involvement with this organization. There is a video of the harvest of our first crop on You Tube at I would encourage everyone to view it. Growing Hope Globally pro-grams address food shortages, poverty, and health challenges that lead to hunger. The goal of each program is to help families have enough to eat throughout the entire year and to produce a surplus they can sell to pay for school supplies, medical care, and modest home improvements. In the past, our donations have gone to projects in Uganda, Nicaragua, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you care to join the Men’s Fellowship in this mission, please drop your donation by the church office no later than December 31st .

Thank you,

Dennis Knipmeyer

Strangers no more

Some people open their holiday meals to strangers, and one host even did so inadvertently. In 2016, Wanda Dench texted 17-year-old Jamal Hinton about Thanksgiving dinner, thinking she was contacting her grandson. When a skeptical Hinton requested a photo and re-ceived a selfie of someone with a different skin color, he chuckled — but then asked if he could still come eat! Thus began a new friendship and a new annual tradition, which Hinton documents online. “Family is more than blood,” says Dench. “It’s the people you want to be with.” This year’s meal will be bittersweet, with an empty chair for Dench’s husband, who died of Covid-19 in April. To show support after that loss, Hinton sent his “grandma” a collection of loving video messages. Strangers worldwide expressed con-dolences to a woman who’d fully embraced a stranger.


Salem United Church of Christ

1500 Main Street

Higginsville MO 64037

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Higginsville MO 64037

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The Lamplighter

November 2020 • Salem United Church of Christ • Higginsville, Missouri

The Lamplighter

Is a monthly newsletter of :

Salem United Church of Christ Rev. Dr. Tommy Faris Marc Jensen, President

1500 Main Street Pastor Church Council

Higginsville, MO 64037 Sarah J. Berry Dennis Knipmeyer, President

(660) 584-3603 Secretary Board of Elders

Fax: 584-5666 Jamie Smith Tina Gibler, President

E-Mail: Music Director Board of Christian Education

Worship June Howell Lowell Grumke

10:00 a.m. Christian Education Coordinator Custodian

Live Stream Worship Also Anne Iles Lindsey Rolf, Volunteer

10:00 a.m. Youth Music Director Assistant Church Secretary