The Intertestamental Period Myron C. Kauk. Chronology at the End of the Old Testament 722 BC –...

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Transcript of The Intertestamental Period Myron C. Kauk. Chronology at the End of the Old Testament 722 BC –...

The Intertestamental Period

Myron C. Kauk

Chronology at the End of the Old Testament

• 722 BC – Assyria Conquers Israel• 586 BC – Babylon Conquers Judah• 538 BC – Persia Conquers Babylon• 536 BC – Exiles Begin to Return• 516 BC – Second Temple Completed• 480 BC – Esther Queen of Persia• 444 BC – Nehemiah Rebuilds Walls• 430 BC – Malachi

600 B.C. 590 B.C. 580 B.C. 570 B.C. 560 B.C. 550 B.C. 540 B.C. 530 B.C.

(?) Habakkuk

Persian Period

Cyrus (Persia)



(?) Cyrus regins over Elam and Persia (?) Persia and Media united

Crosus of Lydia defeated by Cyrus

Babylon captured by Persians



Decree of Cyrus, Jews arrive in Jerusalem


Darius Hystaspis

Haggai and Zechariah

(?)Nineveh falls to Neb.

Pharaoh Necho II (Egypt)

Necho invades Palestine, Josiah slain at Megiddo

Necho driven back by Neb.

Nebuchadnezzar invades Palestine, First deportation incl. Daniel


Jehoiachin revolts, Second deportation incl. Ezekiel

(-?) Zedekiah, last King of Judah

Fall of Jerusalem, Babylonian Exile (Third Deportation)


Gedeliah murdered, Jews flee to Egypt


Jehoiachin released from prison


Belshazzar reigns with Nabonidus

Persian Rulers

• Cyrus (556-527 BC)• Cambyses (527-521 BC)• Darius Hystaspis (521-586 BC)• Xerxes (486-465 BC)• Artaxerxes Longimanus (465-424 BC)• Xerxes II (424-423 BC)• Darius Nothus (423-404 BC)• Artaxerxes Mnemon (404-358 BC)• Ochus (358-338 BC)• Arsus (338-336 BC)• Darius III (336-331 BC)

530 B.C. 520 B.C. 510 B.C. 500 B.C. 490 B.C. 480 B.C. 470 B.C. 460 B.C. 450 B.C.

Babylon captured by Persians

Decree of Cyrus, Jews arrive in Jerusalem


Darius Hystaspis

Haggai and Zechariah

Second Temple completed

Darius defeated at Marathon Xerxes (Ahasuerus)


Artaxerxes Longimanus

(?) Psalms (some)

The Return from Babylon

Ezra goes to Jerusalem from Babylon

(?) Malachi

Rebuilding of walls

Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem

Belshazzar reigns with Nabonidus

470 B.C. 460 B.C. 450 B.C. 440 B.C. 430 B.C. 420 B.C. 410 B.C.

Artaxerxes Longimanus

(?) Psalms (some)

The Return from Babylon

Ezra goes to Jerusalem from Babylon

(?) Malachi

Rebuilding of walls

Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem


Nehemiah returns to Shushan

(-?)Nehemiah returns to Jer.

Inter-Testament Period

Xerxes II. and Sogdianus

Darius Nothus

Artaxerxes Mnemon

Alexander the Great

• 336 – Crowned King of Macedonia

• 333 – Battle of Isis, Conquers Syria

• 332 – Conquers Egypt, Visits Jerusalem

• 331 – Battle of Arbela, Conquers Persia

• 323 – Dies in Babylon

Ptolemies and Seleucids

• Ptolemy Soter (323-285)• Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-

246)• Ptolemy Euergetes (246-221)• Ptolemy Philopator (221-204)• Ptolemy Epiphanes (204-182)• Ptolemy Eupator (182-181)• Ptolemy Philometor (181-145)

• Seleucus Nicator (312-280)• Antiocus Soter (280-260)• Antiocus Theus (260-246)• Seleucus Calinicus (246-227)• Seleucus Ceraenus (227-223)• Antiochus the Great (223-187)• Seleucus Philapator (187-176)• Antiochus Epiphanes (175-

163)• Antiochus Eupator (163-162)• Demetrius Soter (162-151)

340 B.C. 330 B.C. 320 B.C. 310 B.C. 300 B.C. 290 B.C. 280 B.C. 270 B.C.

Arsus, or Arogus

Grecian or Macedonian Supremacy

Alexander the Great crowned King of Macedon

Darius III

Alexander visits Jerusalem

Onias I., son of Jaddua

High priests of the Macedonian Period

Egypt under the Ptolemies - "Kings of the South"

Ptolemy I., Lagi [Soter]

Alexander dies, empire is divided

Judaea annexed to Egypt by Ptolemy Soter

Syria under the Seleucids - "Kings of the North"

Seleucus Nicator

Simon "the Just," son of Onias Eleazar, brother of Simon the Just

Ptolemy II., Philadelphus

Antiochus Soter

Manesseh, brother of Simon the Just

Antiochus Theus

260 B.C. 250 B.C. 240 B.C. 230 B.C. 220 B.C. 210 B.C. 200 B.C. 190 B.C. 180 B.C.

Manesseh, brother of Simon the Just

Antiochus Theus

Onias II., son of Simon the Just

(?) Ptolemy encourages LXX

Ptolemy III., Euergetes

Seleucus Callinicus - Unsuccessfully contests with Ptolemy for Pal.

Seleucus Ceraunus

Antiochus the Great

Ptolemy IV., Philopator

Simon II., son of Onias II

Ptolemy V., Epiphanes

Antiochus takes Jerusalem

Onias III., son of Simon II

Antiochus annexes Judaea to Syria

Seleucus Philopator

Ptolemy VI., Eupator

Ptolemy VII., Philometor

Jason, brother of Onias III buys the office from Antiochus

Antiochus Ephipanes

The Hasmoneans

• Judas Maccabaeus (166-160)• Jonathan Maccabaeus (160-143)• Simon Maccabaeus (143-135)• John Hyrcanus (135-104)• Aristobulus (104-103)• Alexander Jannaeus (103-76)• Salome Alexandra (76-69)• Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II (69-63)

180 B.C. 170 B.C. 160 B.C. 150 B.C. 140 B.C. 130 B.C. 120 B.C. 110 B.C. 100 B.C.

Ptolemy VI., Eupator

Ptolemy VII., Philometor

Jason, brother of Onias III buys the office from Antiochus

Antiochus Ephipanes

Antiochus makes Jason high priest, removing Onias

Menelaus outbids and supplants Jason

Antiochus desecrates Jerusalem Temple

Maccabean Period

Judas Maccabaeus, "Prince of the Jews"

Antiochus V., Eupator

Menelaus put to death by Antiochus

Demetrius I., Soter

Jonathan Maccabaeus, Judas' brother

Alexander Balas

Demetrius II., Nicator. (Antiochus VI., a child); Trypho

Ptolemy VIII., Philopator Neos

Ptolemy IX., Physcon

Simon Maccabaeus, Judas' brother

Simon becomes high priest

Antiochus VII., Sidetes

John Hyrcanus, son of Simon

Demetrius II., (again). Civil strife.

Antiochus VIII., Grypus

Ptolemy X., Lathyrus

First mention of Pharasees and Sadducees

Aristobulus, son of Hyrcanus, "King of the Jews"

Alexander Jannaeus, Aristobulus' brother

Seleucus Epiphanes, and others

Civil war between Pharisee and Sadducee factions

90 B.C. 80 B.C. 70 B.C. 60 B.C. 50 B.C. 40 B.C. 30 B.C. 20 B.C.

First mention of Pharasees and Sadducees

Aristobulus, son of Hyrcanus, "King of the Jews"

Alexander Jannaeus, Aristobulus' brother

Seleucus Epiphanes, and others

Civil war between Pharisee and Sadducee factions

Tigranes, the Armenian

Ptolemy XI. and XII., claimants

Prolemy XIII., Auletes

Civil war between Hyr. II and Aristobulus II

Syria a Roman province


Hyrcanus given Priesthood by Caesar

Antigonus Maccabee

Hillel and Shammai, teachers in Jerusalem

Hyrcanus executed by Herod

Egypt made a Roman province

Restoration of Temple begins

Roman Rule

Pompey conquers Pal. and Jer.

First Triumverate

Crassus plunders Temple

Antipater procurater of Judaea

Second Triumverate

Antipater assasinated

Herod the Great slays Antigonus, rules Judaea

Augustus made Roman emperor

The Romans

• Julius Caesar (49-44 BC)• Mark Antony (44-31 BC)• Augustus (31 BC – AD 14)• Tiberius (AD 14-37)• Caligula (AD 37-41)• Claudius (AD 41-54)• Nero (AD 54-68)• Galba (AD 68-69)• Vitellius (AD 69)• Vespasian (AD 69-79)• Titus (AD 79-81)• Domitian (AD 81-96)


• Maps from Logos Bible Software –

• Timelines from Bibleworks –

• Geneology from

• Ptolemies and Seleucids – Bible Knowledge Commentary