THE HIGHWAYMAN - Goldsborough Church of England ... THE HIGHWAYMAN Scene 1: Bar in current day,...

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Transcript of THE HIGHWAYMAN - Goldsborough Church of England ... THE HIGHWAYMAN Scene 1: Bar in current day,...


THE HIGHWAYMAN Scene 1: Bar in current day, Landlord and Landlady stand polishing glasses. Table of young men

sitting with phones in their hands playing Pokemon Go!

In walk group of young women in conversation.

Max G No, no, no! I’m telling you, the best Pokémon is definitely Charmeleon after he has


Charlie No way! It’s totally Pikachu! You can’t beat the classic!

Max R I’m sorry but you’re both wrong, it’s Drowzee, I’ve got 32 of them!

Ethan Quick guys, look! It’s a Dragonite! (all stand up, knocking over drinks and table and

start frantically swiping and tapping at phone screens)

Landlord Here we go again. (getting up to tidy glasses)

Landlady Yep, 9:32pm, right on time, every night. Still, it’s good for business. (brings more

drinks round)

Joe That’s ultra rare!

Max H Get off, get off, it’s mine!

All Come on, ah honestly, seriously how did it escape that? Now where’s it gone? etc

(all sit back with a sigh putting phones down with disgust)

Max G It’s a rubbish one anyway.

All Yeh.

(Enter a group of girls in walking boots)

Matilda This looks like a great place. I’ve never been here before. I just love places that

are full of history.

Sophie Can we just sit down, I am exhausted!

Caitlin You said a short walk

Lillie-Mai That took hours

Gracie-Mai And hours

Lillie-Mai And hours


Larissa Oh stop moaning, honestly! Anyone would think you’d never walked from York to

Goldsborough before.

Caitlin We haven’t!

Sophie Right, don’t argue what shall we have to drink?

Lillie-Mai Something warm, I’m freezing.

Landlady (Slightly over friendly) Hello my dears, what can I get you?

Landlord Welcome to the Highwayman Inn! Did you say it’s your first time here? Well we’ve

got Highwayman’s Ale … (boys echo each drink as if they have heard it many times


Landlady Highwayman’s Lager …

Landlord Bess’s traditional lemonade …

Landlady Ostler’s orange juice…

Landlord And (thinks) wine? (looking at wife as if he is expecting to be told off)

Landlady Highwayman’s special reserve wine

Landlord And …

Landlady Tap water.

Matilda Anything a bit warmer? Apparently it’s freezing.

Landlady Oh yes, how about a Highwayman’s hotty?


Sophie What on earth is that?

Landlord Hot chocolate

Landlady (nudging him)With marshmallows

Gracie-Mai Ok, 6 of those please.

Girls sit on table beside boys. Smile and say Hi to each other. Landlord and

Landlady prep drinks and bring over.

Matilda Why is everything called Highwayman this and Highwayman that?

Ethan Well that’s a long story.

Max G Do you see that frame? (points) Tells you the whole story.

Larissa Can you give us the shorter version?

Charlie Well, about 200 years ago there was this chap called Dick Turnip

Max R It’s Turpin!

Charlie That’s what I said!

Joe He’s been to my house.

Max H Really? When? I haven’t met him!

Joe No not recently, ages ago.

Max H Like last week?

Max G Actually , he lived hundreds of years ago and was kept in prison in what is now the

Castle Museum in York.

Max H Was he a ghost then, when he came?

Joe No, he came hundreds of years ago!

Max H How do you know?

Girls ANYWAY …

Charlie Ah yes, anyway he had a horse called Tess

Ethan No I’m sure it was called Messy Tess

Landlady Actually, you’re both wrong. That very same highwayman had a GIRLFRIEND called

Bess. His horse was called … (pause) I forget. Anyway, Bess was the landlord’s

pretty daughter and our highwayman visited her in the dead of night. Right here,

at this very inn.

(windy, creaky sound effect)

Larissa Okay (nervously), and they all lived happily ever after?

Landlady Oh no dearies. That would be too easy. There was also another chap called Jim.

Landlord (moving forward to take over story) ahem I think you mean TIM dear. Tim the

Ostler. And he caused a fuss because he also loved Bess.

Lillie-Mai What is an Ostler?

Landlady An Ostler looks after ‘osses (mimes galloping on a horse)

Matilda So did the highwayman kill him? Stand and Deliver! And all that? (girls giggle)

Landlady Well it’s a little more tragic than that.

Gracie-Mai Ooh I love a good story.

Landlord Listen carefully then, because we have a story to tell you!

The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.

Landlady The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas.

Landlord The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,

Landlady And the highwayman came riding—



Landlord The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.


Behind the bar is where she’d stand,

Bess fell in love with a Highwayman,

He kissed her on the hand and then told her his plan,

She said, "Will you be my man?”

He met her down a quiet street at the Bay Horse Inn

The village of Goldsborough, where our story begins,

She shared a smile with him across the bar,

He caught her gaze and he stared from afar,

He scribbled a message on a scrap piece of paper

It said: “If you’re free, can I see you later?”

They met in secret, their love grew strong,

Surely nothing would ever go wrong?

Behind the bar is where she’d stand,

Bess fell in love with a Highwayman,

He kissed her on the hand and then told her his plan,

She said, "Will you be my man?”

But she was the landlord’s girl,

Yes she was the landlord’s girl.

She’d feel his heart and then she said he was cool

And then she kissed him like there was nobody else in the room

His last words were called, I’m going for a prize tonight

A sack of gold riding out of sight

They planned to elope when the moon was high,

Bess waited alone, breathing sigh after sigh,

After waiting so long, night and day,

Bess gave up hope and threw her life away.


Dance with modern day characters and olden days characters interacting to represent the

time shift.

Scene 2 – an unspecific and unassuming moorland highway. 1777.

Verse 2

He'd a French cocked hat on his forehead, and a bunch of lace at his chin;

He'd a coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of fine doe-skin.

They fitted with never a wrinkle; his boots were up to his thigh!

And he rode with a jewelled twinkle--


His rapier hilt a-twinkle--

His pistol butts a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.

HWM and gang preen themselves in audience as poem is read out,

A carriage arrives.

Wealthy lord

(James C) My darling Cynthia – do you think that fellow Mr Crusoe will be at the ball tonight?

Wealthy lady


I shouldn’t think so, darling. He’s not been seen round these parts since he was

robbed on the highway last month. That experience really shook him to the core.

Wealthy lord What a terrible, terrible incident.

(Time passes… carriage moves as normal)

HWM C’mon lads, keep up! (Hurrying actions – arrive through the audience)

HWMG 1 (Wheeze wheeze puff puff) We’re trying boss!

HWM You take that carriage. I’ll take this one. (Whilst running)

HWMG 1 We’ll loot it well boss! (Whilst HWM goes to the other carriage)

HWMG 2 C’mon let’s impress the boss this time; oh and one more thing - please just don’t…

HWMG 1 SSHHHHHHHH! They shouldn’t hear us, we’re being quiet. (Whilst being loud).

(Whilst the posh people are staring at them).

Wealthy lady Get out of my carriage you foul men. (In a posh but angry voice).

HWMG 2 ARRRRRRRGGHHHHH! Grab her! (Grabbing her arm).

Wealthy lady Unhand me fools! (Slowly wriggling out of the gang’s grasp).

Wealthy lord Get out of my presence at once, you peasants. There’s a garrison of King George’s

Men nearby that will hear of this.

HWMG 2 C’mon mate, let’s go before we ‘ave the soldiers on us. (In such a rush they fall out

of carriage). (Get up and run opposite direction to HWM).

HWM Oi! Get back ‘ere. (Frantically pointing backwards)

Wealthy lord (to servant) Well, come on man – prepare the blunderbuss and get after them!

Servant Yes, my Lord! Right away, sir.

Wealthy lord Don’t let them get away! (Servant runs after them off stage chasing HWMG 1 and


HWM (Gets on horse and swiftly rides off the other direction cursing angrily).

Scene 3 – The Bay Horse Inn near Goldsborough

Landlady (Centre stage, ticking off Bess’ jobs on her fingers)

Now Bess, have you finished sweeping the floor?

Bess (Sighing) Of course, mother.

Landlady And how about the tables? Are they all clean?

Bess Yes, mother.


Landlady (Coming towards her) You do look beautiful when your hair is tied up in that ribbon

my dear.

Bess I suppose that tying it up helps me get on with my chores. But, when it’s a windy

day, I love the feeling of my hair flying behind me… so free…


(Sighs fondly) You’re a dreamer my dear. So much like your father. Why, he’d

charge off on that stallion of his when he and I were courting. He thought he was

so dashing and so daring. But I loved him for it.


I’m off to bed mother. Good night! (Landlady exits, Bess crosses the stage to her

‘bedroom’. A group of girls, including Bess’ cousin, are sat together, chatting and


Bess I feel so excited!

Heather Dearest cousin, what has excited you so?

Mary (Breaking off from conversation with Christine) Excitement? Who’s excited?

Christine Is there a secret going on?

Bess Well… I do have a tiny secret.

Mary Ohh… do tell!

Heather Yeah!

Christine Totes.

Bess I’m seeing a boy.

Heather What’s his name?

Bess I don’t know, but…

Christine Is he tall?

Heather Is he short?

Mary Is he handsome?

Christine Is he gross?? (giggling)

Heather Well Bess - tell us!

Bess Well…..

Christine He is tall!

Heather No – I bet he’s short.

Mary All men and boys are gross!

Christine Well, not all boys, but Tim is definitely gross!

Mary No he isn’t!

Christine Girls - be quiet! We need to let Bess tell us, not guess.

Heather Yeah! We are all arguing over what Bess’s love looks like.

Bess I thought you were never going to stop!

Christine I’m sorry.

Bess He is tall… He is handsome… Tim is gross…

Christine I told you so Mary! [Mary grumbles]

Bess And… there’s one more thing.

He’s… [whispers] a Highwayman!

Mary Shocking!

I always knew you would like bad men.

Heather Bess, your father is going to kill you!

[Tim comes to give Bess the drink she ordered from the bar.]

Mary Hi Tim. Thanks for bringing up our drinks. You’re so helpful.

Tim Anything for you. (Looks at Bess) I mean – anything for all of you. (Tim exits)


Christine Go on Bess – carry on!

Bess I love him.

Tim [Enters as if he is outside the room. Finds a pot and puts it against the door]

She loves him? [Pleasantly surprised] She must be talking about me!

Bess His soft skin…

[Tim feels his skin and nods]

Bess His silky hair…

[Tim feels his hair and nods]

Bess His dark eyes…

[Tim looks in the mirror and nods]

Bess His way with horses…

[Tim smiles and nods]

Bess And best of all… He’s a highwayman!

[Tim runs off crying]

Mary Bess, why do you love him?

Christine Yeah Bess, why?

Bess But Mary loves Tim

Christine Do you really, Mary?

Mary Maybe.

Heather It seems that Bess has chosen a strong yet bad man.

Mary Well, I think Bess is perfect for him.

Christine Well I agree with Heather. I never know what I want. How about you, Bess?

SONG: Cool rider

Bess: If you really wanna know

What I want in a guy

Well, I'm lookin' for a dream on a fiery steed

And smouldering eyes.

A daredevil with breeches of leather,

Who’ll fly as wild as the wind,

And I’ll wait all night, till I catch the sight...

All join in:

Of a coooool rider, a coooool rider.

Right there she’ll stay,

And watch for him by night and day,

Whhoa ohhhh…

If it takes forever,

She’ll wait forever,

No ordinary boy,

No ordinary boy is gonna do, whhoa ohhhh

She wants a rider that's cool.

Bess: That's the way it's gonna be,

Cos’ I don’t care what you say


I want a whole lot more than the boy next door,

I want the whole cliché.

Just give me a fine cavalier,

With musket, boots and blade,

And stand aside, cause I'm gonna find...

A coooool rider ....

I want a coooooool rider,

A cool, cool, cool, cool rider.

I want a coooooool rider,

A cool, cool, cool, cool rider.

I want a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.

I need a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.

(Split parts – tbc)

A coooool rider ....

Scene 4 – The Bay Horse Inn’s exterior

HWM (rides in on horse and taps Bess’ window with horse whip)

Bess (Brushing long black hair)


(Leaning against the stable with a hole in the wall. Wiping away his tears whispers

to the audience)

O now (sniff sniff) what is this I see? The highwayman? On his way to see Bess?

HWM Whistles (SFX)

Bess (opens window – sighs)

HWM One kiss my bonny sweetheart, I’m after a prize tonight. Did you miss me?

Bess O yes, I’ve missed you dearly my love (reaches down towards the HWM and lets

her hair fall. Share a smile. )

HWM (Stands up in his stirrups and grabs Bess’ hand and strokes her hair)

If only you weren’t the landlord’s daughter.

Bess If only you weren’t a highwayman …

HWM Things would be so…

Both … easy

HWM I love the excitement…

Bess Me too! (Pauses)

HWM I will return with a heavy bag of gold this very night. Will you elope with me, my


Tim (At front of stage, out of sight of Bess and HWM) Oh… my life will be worthless.

Curse you, Highwayman! (loud whisper)

Bess Wait, elope?

HWM Yes. Bess you are the love of my life. Please will you marry me? (holds out ring)


Of course my charming dear I’ve loved you from the moment we shared a smile

across the bar. (places ring on finger) But be careful! How would we do it? My

father is very protective.



Don’t fret my love, leave that to me. If they harry me through the day, look for me

by moonlight, watch for me by moonlight, I’ll come to thee by moon light, though

hell should bar the way.

Bess (waves then places hand on heart and sighs and she tilts her head. She sits down

out of sight and plays with her red ribbon quietly)

HWM (Rides off on horse)


(walks to centre stage) Hmm. He’ll return by moonlight, eh?

Very interesting information… now it just so happens that my cousin, Tom, is

stationed nearby with his garrison of the King George’s Men. I think there’s a fair

prize for information about any highwaymen.

Especially for this highwayman.

I shall have my revenge – and Bess will be mine.

All mine! (evil laugh…. Turns into a cough of embarrassment)


Maybe he’s in love,

Maybe he’s not,

Thinking he can be with her

Has he got a shot?

Got no way to prove it

So maybe he’s not

Tim: Cos I'm only Human after all,

I'm only Human after all

Don’t need to punish her

Don’t need to punish her

Take a look in the mirror

And what do you see?

Do you see her in love?

Or do you believe?

Just Tim: In Bess and me…

Cause he’s only human after all,

And she’s only human after all,

Don’t need to punish her

Don’t need to punish her

Some people got the real problems

Some people out of luck

Some people think he can solve them

Lord heavens above

Tim: I'm only human after all,

She’s only human after all

Don't need to punish her

Don’t need to punish her


Don't ask my opinion,

Don't ask me to lie

I won’t keep their secret

But I’ll make her cry

Don’t want her to cry….

Cause he’s only human after all,

And she’s only human after all,

Don’t put the blame on me

Tim: Don’t put the blame on me

'Cause I'm no prophet or messiah

Should I go looking somewhere higher….?

You’re only human after all,

Tim: I only love her after all

Don't put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

We’re only human, we do what we can

We’re only human, we do what we can

Don't put the blame on me

Tim: Don't put the blame on me

Scene 5 – The Bay Horse Inn then to a different, nearby Inn.


I need a horse (angry – to himself)

(Gallops away) come on girl. Ya! Ya!(cracks whip. Rides horse round stage)

(rides around the audience)

Yes girl, we are here. arrives at a different Inn)

Tom Greetings cousin. I’d heard that the Inn where you’re the ostler was in the next

village. Our garrison is here for now but will be moving on soon.


(Holds up reward poster of HWM) I make no small talk with you cousin – we have

different lives and motivations. Mine is simply justice – a notorious Highwayman,

Isaac Redwellen, will be at the Bay Horse Inn at twilight.

Tom On what basis do you make these accusations? Have you witnessed his crimes?

Tim No, but I did overhear the Highwayman outline his plan. He plans to steal a sack of

gold this very night then return and elope with Bess, the Landlord’s daughter.

Tom So – if we intended to catch him in the act, where would we be best to station


Tim I know not where he plans to steal the gold, but he will return to Bess at the Inn at

twilight. If he carries the gold with him, you will catch him red handed.

Tom Your information had better be good, cousin. If it proves to be so, you will be

rewarded well.

(Tim leaves and Tom rounds up 2 of KGM)

Tom Right men, my cousin Tim told me that a highwayman is operating in nearby

Goldsborough. (stare at KGM intently).


George 1 We’ll try our best, sir. But these Highwaymen can be sneaky.

Tom But remember our professionalism at all times.

George 2 You mean we’re not allowed to be mean to anyone?

Tom We can give the appearance of meanness – but underneath it all, we’ll have a plan.

A clear plan.

George 1 What is it, sir?

Tom We use the Landlord’s daughter as bait to lure the Highwayman to the Inn.

George 2 Brilliant. But how?

Tom (Taps his nose) That’s the genius part…. So… are you ready?

George 1 Yes!

George 2 Well, let’s get ready to rumble…!

SONG: Let’s get ready to rhumble

KGM: Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready to catch him

Watch us down the pint

Watch us down the pint

Watch us down the pint


All: Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get let’s get let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready ready

Let’s get ready to rumble

Straight up provin’

He will not be movin’

Like a dog on the highway, we’re gonna shoot him

Watch us get the tyke,

Watch us get the tyke,

Watch us get the tyke,



Let’s get ready to rumble

Let’s get ready to rumble

Get ready

Get steady

To trap him

Everybody catch him

Let’s get ready to rumble

Let’s get ready to rumble


Get ready

Get steady

To trap him

Everybody catch him

(Let’s get ready to rhumble….)

KGM: Sit back, rap attack don't take no flack

She’ll be the bait, he’ll fall for the trap

We’re the KGM, King George’s Men

Cleanin’ up your highways again and again

Stand and deliver, that’s what they all say,

But the KGM are a-coming your way,

Your father, your mother, your sister, your brother

Everyone's got to be a KGM lov-er


Dance break

KGM: Sit back…


Watch us get the tyke,

Watch us get the tyke,

Watch us get the tyke,


Scene 6 - Bess is in her room. Her mother, the landlady, talks to her through the door.

Landlady Bess – are you awake? I thought I heard the clatter of hooves earlier – did it

disturb you?

Bess I am awake mother. (To herself) Although, yet, I still dream.

Landlady I am retiring myself. Sleep well my dear.

Bess Goodnight, mother.


She starts to pack items into a bag whilst she delivers the monologue.

Oh – my heart is fit to burst. Will not the clock’s punishing hands turn faster?

Like Orpheus yearning to turn for Euridice, I wait with excruciating patience. For

when my Highwayman returns, we shall elope and be together forever.

She pauses and continues packing.

But, perchance, he does not leave behind his criminal ways? For he has promised so

many times that he will become an honest man.

I must go to bed. My thoughts are clouded - sleep will strengthen me.


Scene 7 – Somewhere near a moorland highway

HWM Right men – it’s good of you to come. I thought we had seen the last of each other

after our last robbery. This time - I want us to succeed.

HWMG 1 Good luck with that.

HWMG 2 So, Isaac, just to be clear – you’re not just robbing people so you can get the girl?

HWM Erm… what makes you think that?

HWMG 1 You know – that Landlord’s daughter. ‘Er with the hair.

HWMG 2 And that ribbon. Dangerous stuff.

HWM OK. Have we everything we need for the robbery?

HWM 1 Check us, boss!

HWM Swords?

HWMG both Yes, boss!

HWM Pistols?

HWMG both Yes, boss!

HWM Reckless sense of courage?

HWMG 2 Let me check… yep – right here, boss!

HWM Trusty steeds?


(same time)




HWM Pardon?


(same time)




HWMG 1 I’ve got… a zebra. (pause)

They were out of stallions.

HWM (Pause)

It’ll have to do.

HWMG 1 I’ll do my best, boss.

HWM OK – remember you two: the gold is mine. You two can share out the jewels.

HWMG both OK, boss.

HWM And the final thing... our greeting is ‘Stand and Deliver – your money or your life!’


HWMG both Got it!

HWMG 1 Shh….

Silence. A carriage approaches.

Wealthy Lord

(Harris) I feel so rich. Richer than King George himself!

Wealthy Lady

(Lara) Ha ha. You’re so right darling. Wouldn’t it be awful if we were robbed?

HWM gang (Sneak up and surround the carriage)

Wealthy Son

Jack Daddy, mummy – who are those men in silly hats and masks? They look funny!

Wealthy Lord Cripes!

HWM gang (Wordlessly surround the carriage and brandish weapons)

Wealthy Lady Darling – I daren’t look… are they ruffians? Tell them to shoo!

Wealthy Lord Shoo!

Wealthy Son Yes – what my daddy said. Shoo!

HWMG 1 (Holds aloft sword in threatening manner)

Deliver a stand – your mummy or your wife!


(Holds aloft sword in threatening manner)

No, no… it’s…

Standing delivery – my money or my life

HWM Amateurs…

Stand and deliver – your money or your life!


family Aaargh! (Scream and run)

HWM (Picks up sack) The yellow gold for me…

HWMG 1 (Pick up sack) And the jewels for us…

HWM Easy money, hey chaps? I could ride this feeling all night long.

You know – being a highwayman means that life is just one long highway…

SONG: Life Is A Highway

HWM gang

Life's like a road that you travel on

When there's one day here and the next day gone

Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand

Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door

Where the blues won't haunt you anymore

Where the brave are free and lovers soar

Come ride with me to the distant shore


We won't hesitate

We’re on a robbin’ spate,

There's not much time left today…

[Chorus – everyone]

Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

If you're going my way

I wanna ride it all night long

Everyone: There's no load I can't hold

Road so rough this I know

I'll be there when the light comes in

Just tell 'em we're survivors



There's no load I can't hold

Road so rough this I know

I'll be there when the light comes in

Just tell 'em we're survivors


Scene number 8 – Bay Horse Inn

Verse 7 (He did not come in the dawning…)

He did not come in the dawning; he did not come at noon.

And out of the tawny sunset, before the rise of the moon,

When the road was a gypsy's ribbon over the purple moor,

The redcoat troops came marching--


King George's Men came marching, up to the old inn-door.

KGM walk to door loudly/knock over chair or something else (a bit violently)


George 1 US!

George 2 BEER!

All three NOW!

Landlord Now there’s no need to come in here and start raising your voice like that, good


KGM 2 (Pretends he has not heard the Landlord) Did you hear something then? GIVE! US!


They sit at a table at front of stage as if they’re out of earshot of rest of cast


Tom Right lads – here’s the plan.

George 1 Do we have a plan?

George 2 Yes, you know… the plan (gestures hands as if it’s obvious)

George 1 Oh. The secret plan. The one we where we trick the landlord (Shout loudly)

Tom Well it’s not really a secret anymore is it?

Anyway, George - go over there.

George 1 and


Ok boss. (Get stuck in door arch)

Sound CRASH!

George 1 But, we’re both called George.

Tom Well… use your middle names instead.

George 2 Mine’s ‘George’

George 1 So is mine – snap!

How about I’m George 1?

George 2 And I’m George 2.

George 1 After you George 2.

George 2 After you George 1.

George 1 and



Sound CRASH! (Get stuck in door arch again)

Tom Get over ‘ere you. Right I’m very disappointed in you two. Then again, I always am.

George 1 Don’t give me ‘The Look’.

George 2 Give him The Look; I got it yesterday.

Tom (Give him the look)

George 1 Noooo!

Tom Right, since you two are absolutely useless I’ll do it myself and you two go behind

the Landlord and get the key.

George 2 Right so go behind the key and get the landlord?

Tom (Say slowly) No. Go behind the landlord and get the key.

George 1 So go to the key and behind the Landlord.

Tom Urghh. Close enough…

George 1 and


(Sneak behind Landlord)

Tom (To the Landlord) Look at the window then, when I snap my fingers, the key will

have vanished.

Landlord Ok.

Tom Get the key and run.

Landlord What the -?

Tom Off we go, men…

(They make their way upstairs to Bess’ room)

Scene number 9

Verses 9, 10, 11 KGM and Bess act along to poem in simple way

They had bound her up at attention, with many a sniggering jest!

They had tied a rifle beside her, with the barrel beneath her breast!

"Now keep good watch!" and they kissed her. She heard the dead man say,


"Look for me by moonlight,

Watch for me by moonlight,

I'll come to thee by moonlight, though Hell should bar the way."

She twisted her hands behind her, but all the knots held good!

She writhed her hands till her fingers were wet with sweat or blood!

They stretched and strained in the darkness, and the hours crawled by like years,

Till, on the stroke of midnight,

Cold on the stroke of midnight,

The tip of one finger touched it! The trigger at least was hers!

The tip of one finger touched it, she strove no more for the rest;

Up, she stood up at attention, with the barrel beneath her breast.

She would not risk their hearing, she would not strive again,

For the road lay bare in the moonlight,

Blank and bare in the moonlight,

And the blood in her veins, in the moonlight, throbbed to her love's refrain.

Scene number 10 - Bess’ room. KGM lie asleep next to her as she is bound to a chair.


(Horses’ hooves SFX)

What’s that? Not my love arriving? Those steps are heavy, like those of his

stallion. If I can just warn him, he will leave and escape his fate…

My finger can touch the trigger… the gun will warn him!

She struggles some more…

KGM (Wake up slowly)

George 1 Were they horses’ hooves I heard?

George 2 I know not…

Bess My love and I will be together – farewell!



Scene number 11 - Inn 1777. The morning after Bess has killed herself.

2 tables, one of men (tankards), one of women (hankies), group of people stood by the bar, one

person sits alone towards the back in a corner.

Ewan (walking up to table) Did you hear the news? Bess, the Landlord’s daughter, is


Kai Really (surprised)

Ewan I heard that the Highwayman killed her.

Jay Surely not. Why would he do that?

Kai She didn’t have anything worth stealing did she?


Jay He’s too busy riding the North Road robbing those rich snobs.

Ewan I heard she reported him to King George’s Men, so he shot her. Right here. In

this inn.

Kai No. I can’t believe that!

Jay That’s some story if it’s true.

(3 girls passing through with hankies clearly very upset, dabbing eyes and sniffing)

Evie I’m so upset that Bess is dead.

Gracie Why did it have to happen to her?

Gianna I did cry when I heard, she was always so lovely.

Evie Me too, we were very good friends you know.

Gracie We were as well.

Gianna I just can’t believe this has happened.

Ewan (moving over to another table) Have you heard what’s happened?

2 No, what’s happened?

Ewan The Landlord’s daughter, Bess.

3 Yes

Ewan She’s dead. Shot

2 female I don’t believe you. I only saw her yesterday, buying some red ribbon from that old

woman in the market place.

Ewan Well I’m telling you she’s dead. Shot. Right here in this very inn last night. (leaves

and goes back to original table)

3 How on earth did that happen?

4 Well I heard that apparently King George’s Men stormed the inn last night and

shot her.

2 Where did you hear that?

4 That’s what they’re all saying in the town over west. My cousin Lilac arrived to

visit me Ma and she brought all the news with her.

3 What on Earth could Bess have done to make them shoot her?

2 I don’t know but she must have been up to something.

4 I heard she was hiding some vagabond or other.

2 No, surely not.

3 Well there’s no better explanation, those soldiers are armed with muskets and

pistols, how else could she have been shot?

2 Well there’s that band of Highway villains. I wonder if it was something to do with


4 Maybe, she was a pretty girl, perhaps they were fighting over her and she got

caught up in the cross fire.


5 I just can’t believe it. How can Bess be dead? (comes over from bar)

2 She was just so lovely to everyone.

5 And so in love.

2 In love? With who?

4 Well, that Tim obviously, he’s been trying to woo her for such a long time hasn’t


5 Oh no, that’s not it, she was in love but it wasn’t with Tim.

3 What do you mean? How do you know all this?

5 I overheard her talking to her cousin the other day. She’d taken up with the

leader of that Highwayman gang.

3 I don’t believe it!

4 Really? Is this really true?

5 Completely true.

2 So maybe Tim shot her in a fit of jealousy then?

4 No, he loved her.

2 If he couldn’t have her no-one could.

3 Oh, you could be right.

5 I haven’t seen him anywhere, have you? He’s normally always about in here.

3 Poor, poor Bess.

(Quiet person stand up from corner and speaks angrily)

QP Have a bit of respect the lot of you. (all look around startled) Talking about her as

if she was a bit of nothing. Just gossip and rumours to you all. That poor young girl

was used as a trap by those drunken louts that George calls his army. Treated her

dreadfully they did. Tied her up so he’d see her as he came along the road over

the moor and rush to her rescue. Poor maid couldn’t do anything about it.

Stronger than the lot of them she was though. (QP voice starts to shake) Took

them all by surprise and shot herself to warn him. (rest of the group gasp, whisper

no, surely not etc) She had a heart of pure gold that one, always a kind word, never

cruel and all you lot can do is whisper behind your hands and make up lies. She

deserves better. (QP moves to leave)

Ewan Wait, wait! Who was she trying to save?

QP The Highwayman.

(All break out into loud chatter)


(All fall silent looking guilty)

Scene number 12 - The village near Goldsborough. Bess’ friends meet up with Heather, Bess’

cousin, on the road.

Mary Christine - my dear friend. Have you heard the news from the Inn?

Christine (Sobs loudly) Yes – it reached me this morning.


Heather Oh, blessed sisters. We are bound together in grief.

HWM (Hidden nearby, mask off – talks to himself) What news do they speak of?

Mary She was stricken with love.

Christine And she gave her life for it.

Heather I wonder which vagabond is responsible for it? They say that a troop of men

arrived at the Inn only last night. My poor Uncle and Aunt are devastated.

HWM Can it be?

Mary I only hope that death will not be in vain. No one has seen or heard from her

highwayman. Perhaps we should try to contact him?

Christine Yes – that seems a good idea. Criminal or not – Bess loved him and he deserves to

know. I will speak to my father about the matter immediately.


(Overhears) What, my darling Bess? (HWM falls over and starts crying.)

Who has killed her? My bonnie sweetheart!

(HWM gets on horse weeping with sorrow then HWM arrives at the inn)

George 1 (Hiding ,out of sight, round a corner of the Inn) Look, look it’s the HWM!

George 2 Oh yeah, kill him, kill him QUICK.

Both Georges

and Tom (Pick up gun and shoot HWM)

HWM Arghh! (HWM falls off horse and dies.)

Tim and Tom arrive and looks at the HWM

Tom Good morrow, cousin.

Tim (Looks at Highwayman on ground. Speaks to Tom) What will happen to him?


He’ll be buried in the common grave like the criminal that he is. Good information,

cousin. Here is your reward in full. (Hands him a small purse)

Come on, men. Let’s leave this place.

(KGM march off)

Tim (Holds the purse)

What have I done?

Verse 15 (start at ‘Blood red…)

Blood-red were his spurs in the golden noon, wine-red was his velvet coat

When they shot him down in the highway,

Down like a dog in the highway,

And he lay in his blood in the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat.

Scene 13 - Bess’s friends/family remembering Bess (day after) in the Inn.

Heather Bess was such a sweet girl. Always ready to put herself first.

Mary That she was. She was truly innocent!

Christine And it’s not just her life ruined either – her love was shot and killed like a common


Landlady I always suspected she’d be like me – always wanting the dangerous men. But

dangerous men do dangerous things. She should never have got mixed up with him!

Landlord Hush now – we need to let her be at peace.


Heather Their love was just meant to be.

Mary Perhaps they’ll find peace together in the next life.

All bow their heads quietly

Tim Good morrow ladies. What comes to pass on such a sorrowful occasion?

Mary Hello sir. As I’m sure you have heard, as well as our darling Bess meeting her end,

her lover, the Highwayman Isaac Redwellen, has been killed.

Christine Such a terrible incident. No one can fathom why it occurred at all.

Heather You see the comings and goings of the Inn, Tim. Do you know anything about why

this happened?

Tim (Gulp) I know not, my lady.

Landlady (Staggers) I think I need to lie down. These past few days have been a burden on

my poor health.

Landlord Come now wife. We have to try to put this terrible incident behind us.

(Ladies exit. Tim remains with Landlord)

Tim What have I done? Not merely Bess nor the Highwayman, but my own life ruined

too. Forever. Will my poor heart ever love again?



Tell me it's not true

Tell me it’s a story

Something from the news

Tell me it's not true,

Tell me it’s a story,

Say it's just a dream,

Say it's just a scene,

From an old story from years ago,

That happened to someone else I don’t know.









Tell me it's not true

How can this have happened?

Will the nightmare end?

Bess was ours to love,

A dreamer, an idealist,

She helped people grow,


Gave chances out, although

Would she have left? Now we’ll never know…

Was she Juliet to his Romeo?








Scene 14 - Bar in current day, Landlord and Landlady. All sat sadly listening to landlord and

landlady who have just finished telling the tale. A few are wiping tears away, someone blows nose


In walk Gracie, Evie and Gianna (sparkly handbags)

Gracie Oh, isn’t this just the cutest, I just adore these quaint little inns.

Evie See I told you it was gorgeous!

Gianna Hello! (waves) What’s going on in here? Did someone die?

Landlord (coming to senses) Oh. Good Evening. What can I get you?

Gracie We’d like a bottle of champagne please.

Max G Highwayman’s champagne?

Landlady (gives Max an evil look) Oooh, are you celebrating?

Evie Yes, it’s our 4th anniversary of starting our company GGE – Great Gifts for

Everyone. We sell you the gifts that even you don’t know you want!

Gianna And we just love these little old inns, they just ooze history at the seams. And it

looks so gorgeous on the website that we decided this was the place for us.

Gracie And it’s so good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. And this place

is just so cute, it’s so us. (lets out a little squeak of joy)

Matilda You said you’re interested in history, do you know how the pub got its name?

Gracie Noooo but it’s just so gorgeous and cute and so romantic, there must be some

amazing love stories set here?

Gianna And we booked the very best room, the one with the glorious views of the road

over the moor.

Charlie I think you should know a few things before you decide to spend the night here.

Joe There was blood split here…

Max R When the wind was a torrent of darkness…

Max H Among the gusty Trees…

Max G And the moon was a ghostly galleon


Sophie Tossed upon cloudy seas

Lillie-Mai And the road was a river of moonlight

Caitlin Over the purple moor

Ethan And then they shot him down on the highway

Gracie-Mai Yep just like a dog, they shot him down!

Larissa And there was blood everywhere (energetically)

All Eeek (hide eyes)

Landlord (loudly and crossly) That’s enough, you’ll be giving our esteemed guests nightmares.

Evie Are you sure that there isn’t something we should know?

Landlady They say that years ago the girl who lived here, killed herself to save her lover,

the highwayman.

Gracie Aaah how romantic.

Matilda But then he was gunned down too. That’s where the name comes from.

Max G Hey Landlord, didn’t you say you’d heard strange noises late at night here before?

Landlord (really angry now) That’s enough! (Pushing GGE off the stage and out of the bar)

Now the guests don’t want to hear any more of your silly made up stories. Any

more drinks?

Gianna No thank you, I want to get a picture of the moor in the moonlight – it’s the most

amazing purple colour, my favourite!

Evie & Gracie Eek mine too! (they all high five)

Landlady Here’s your keys then! Goodnight! Sleep well.

Group Not likely…

All on stage Freeze, 1777 cast move into position in the bar too.

ALL (Low voices – all cast)

And still of a winter’s night, they say, when the wind is in the trees,

When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,

When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,

A highwayman comes riding—


A highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.

Over the cobbles he clatters and clangs in the dark inn-yard.

He taps with his whip on the shutters, but all is locked and barred.

He whistles a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there

But the landlord’s black-eyed daughter,

Bess, the landlord’s daughter,

Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.


Darkness on stage. Cast freeze.

Bess appears (spotlight?) and silently combs her hair.


We’re the dandy highwaymen who you're too scared to mention

We spend our cash on looking flash and grabbing your attention

We will steal your heavy purse and jewellery collection

And then we’ll leave quite hurriedly in a westerly direction

Chorus: Stand and deliver,

Your money or your life.

We’ll leave you in a pickle

Made of trouble and strife!

We're the dandy highwaymen so sick of current fashions,

Fidget spinners, skinny jeans that people think so dashing

So what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?

We like the thrill of riding horses, shooting and then saying…


And even though you fool yourself

Your money will be mine, all mine!


We’re the dandy highwaymen so tired of excuses

We know we’re bad but that’s our choice so deal with it losers!

We're the dandy highwaymen and here's our invitation

Throw your caution to the wind and join our generation


And even though you fool yourself

Your money will be mine, all mine!

Qua qua, qua diddley qua qua, qua diddley Qua qua, qua diddley qua qua, qa diddley…

Qua qua, qua diddley qua qua, qua diddley

Qua qua, qua diddley qua qua, qa diddley…

Stand and deliver, your money or your life!

Stand and deliver, your money or your life!
