The flexibility to work anywhere with information at your fingertips … · 2020. 9. 1. · 5....

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Transcript of The flexibility to work anywhere with information at your fingertips … · 2020. 9. 1. · 5....

  • The flexibility to work anywhere with information at your fingertips

    HSO Modern Workplace

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  • Table of contents1. What is the HSO Modern Workplace? 3

    2. Innovating & working together safely 4

    3. Advantages of the HSO Modern Workplace 6

    4. Savings with the HSO Modern Workplace 9

    5. HSO’s implementation approach 10

    6. Contact 11

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  • What is the HSO Modern Workplace?

    A modern workplace contributes to better,

    more efficient and safer collaboration. By

    combining the right tools with industry-

    specific knowledge and the information

    from your organisation, you can maximise

    productivity in your company. This is called the ultimate combination of tools, the HSO Modern Workplace.

    Work smarter not harderThe HSO Modern Workplace consists

    of Microsoft 365 Enterprise (Office 365,

    Windows 10, Enterprise Mobility + Security)

    and the Power Platform. The HSO Modern

    Workplace, supplemented with the relevant

    business applications and data, ensures that

    employees get the best out of themselves,

    work together safely, and are flexible in the

    choice of devices and apps.

    Security and compliance A modern workplace is based upon cloud

    technology. As a result, you also have to deal

    with challenges in the field of safety and

    compliance. The HSO Modern Workplace

    also provides this.

    This whitepaper discusses the savings and

    benefits of the HSO Modern Workplace, and

    our implementation approach.


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  • Innovating and working together safely


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  • Challenge 1: Collaborating with & captivating employeesIt is not always easy to recruit and keep

    the right professionals. The workplace

    and environment that your staff are in are

    therefore very important.

    Younger generations, in-particular

    deem it important to work in a pleasant

    environment, with equipment that will

    enable them to be efficient and successful.

    Challenge 2: Productivity As a company, you like to provide your staff

    with real-time access to their work, but that

    is not always easy, according to research

    conducted by Forrester Research. This

    has a major impact on the productivity of

    your people, because they are not able to

    perform efficiently.

    Challenge 3: Innovate faster

    Continually innovating is the only way

    to stay competitive in this increasingly

    digital world. But this requires a modern IT

    infrastructure that allows you to implement

    changes quickly and efficiently in your


    Challenge 4: Security Security is increasingly crucial with cyber

    criminals carrying out an increasing number

    of sophisticated attacks. Digital crime can

    cost a lot of money if you lose sensitive

    information. It is quite a challenge to

    recognise cyber attacks in time, let alone to

    prevent them.

    Challenge 5: Complex managementOrganic and acquisitional growth dictates

    that IT systems must be expanded. The IT

    environment tends to become a kind of

    patchwork quilt of solutions that have been

    tied together for a long period of time. This

    results in high running and management

    costs. It also becomes inefficient, unreliable

    and unstable, with high risk involved.

    With the Modern Workplace you can meet these challenges

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  • 28% of all employees have difficulty

    processing all of the information they

    receive in a working day. With HSO Modern

    Workplace it becomes a lot easier for your

    employees to structure and process this

    information. This allows your staff to work

    smarter and more efficiently.


    Good co-operation within and between

    organisations is cruicial if you want to

    have satisfied customers and employees.

    The HSO Modern Workplace helps to

    significantly reduce the email flow and

    greatly improve co-operation between

    your staff. Your employees are able

    to communicate in an accessible way

    within their team, inside and outside the

    organisation. In this way, all communication

    is streamlined.

    Je medewerkers moeten op een veilige

    Your employees must be able to access

    their work safely, regardless of where they

    are. But when they have to sign up for all

    kinds of applications over and over again,

    their frustration often creates unsecure

    workarounds. That’s why you want to

    offer an easy way to work safely. The HSO

    Modern Workplace works with the “one

    identify” concept. Employees get access

    to all the information they need with one


    Flexibility, speed and productivity01 02

    Promotes collaboration

    Advantages of the HSO Modern Workplace

    03Greater balance between safety and ease of use


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  • In a modern workplace, the (mobile)

    devices are the access door to your business

    -critical data. By setting up blueprints in

    advance, the HSO Modern Workplace

    can be rolled out within half an hour and

    can automatically keep all devices within

    your organisation up-to-date. In addition,

    the HSO Modern Workplace offers the

    possibility to remotely wipe stolen or lost


    Work carefree knowing that you have all

    the tools to work and be GDPR compliant.

    The HSO Modern Workplace can even

    protect your data after it has left your

    company. Especially when employees use

    personal cloud services such as Dropbox or

    Slack - so-called “shadow IT” - you run the

    risk of losing sensitive information. With the

    HSO Modern Workplace we provide insights

    into where possible leaks are located and

    we make alternatives available to your

    employees to prevent the use of shadow IT.

    05 Secure devices for secure access

    Compliant with protected applications and data06

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  • Kristijan de Weerd,

    Business Development Manager at HSO

    “The HSO Modern Workplace is your personalised workplace that supports your daily activities with real-time access to all relevant company information.”

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  • IT research agency Forrester Research has been commissioned by Microsoft to investigate what Microsoft 365 Enterprise can do for your organisation. Before that, it questioned numerous customers at home and abroad.

    Before these customers switched to

    Microsoft 365 Enterprise, (an important

    part of the HSO Modern Workplace), they

    used a mix of Microsoft and other products

    that were managed and maintained by

    the organisation itself. This situation led

    to incoherent processes, inefficient work

    methods and fragmented technology


    After embracing the modern workplace,

    these customers reported several concrete

    savings in both time and money. Forrester

    converted these results into a ficticious

    organisation with five hundred users

    and was able to conclude that a modern

    workplace, measured over a period of three

    years, yields the following savings, among


    Forrester conclusion: The investment in a modern workplace pays for itself after about ten months.


    • Employees save 100 minutes per week

    through improved collaboration and

    information sharing.

    Saving: 560.000 euros

    • First line employees save 140 minutes per

    week through better teamwork teamwork,

    clear communication and improved


    Saving: 290.000 euros

    • The improved speed at which your

    employees can login remotely saves 24

    minutes a day.

    Saving: 430.000 euros

    • Through fewer and more efficient

    meetings, employees can save 104 minutes

    per week.

    Saving: 580.000 euros

    • Better and faster decisions by directors

    and decision makers thanks to insights from

    Power BI Pro and My Analytics.

    Saving: 300.000 euros

    • 70% less time building a custom

    application thanks to PowerApps and Flow. .

    Saving: 350.000 euros

    Clear savings with the HSO Modern Workplace


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  • Organisational changes, such as the implementation of the HSO Modern Workplace, affect individuals and the way they do their work. If people do not get involved in the change or resist it, it results in a slow adoption. There is then a high risk that the objectives of the project will not be achieved, and that the Return on Investment (ROI) is low.

    A good adoption & change strategy provides insight into what is needed on the human side to achieve your goals. It contains firm plans and actions, aimed at

    a successful change, and is focused on the

    unique combination of people and projects

    in each organisation.

    Most changes in organisations are aimed

    at improving business results. Part of that

    improvement is the result of installing

    your new application and introducing new

    processes. But a large part of the result and the expected ROI depends on the way people change and do their job.

    Our approach is to make sure that people

    don’t fall back into their old behaviour. We

    help to evaluate the results of adoption and

    change activities and take the right steps to

    make sure change is secured.

    The implementation approach of HSO 05

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  • Contact HSO UK

    +44 (0)161 200 6060

    Do you want to realise your Modern Workplace?

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  • 1st Floor, Enterprise Point, Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester. M22 9AF | T +44 (0)161 300 6060 |

    HSO is a leading global technology and professional services company, delivering successful business transformations, using Microsoft cloud business applications,data and analytics, that improve results of our customers. As a Microsoft Solution Integrator, HSO innovates, designs, implements, integrates, optimises and managesbusiness processes and applications based on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure.

    With over 1000 professionals throughout Europe, North America and Asia, HSO combines innovative technology with extensive industry expertise in retail,distribution, manufacturing and (field) services and unique global delivery capabilities to help customers achieve and maintain competitive advantage (anywhere) intoday’s digital and global world.

    HSO has been part of Microsoft’s Inner Circle since 2007, the top 1% of best performing Microsoft partners worldwide. Visit for more information

    1000+251500Projects Offices Employees

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