The Fairwood Flyer - YRDSB

Post on 17-May-2022

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Transcript of The Fairwood Flyer - YRDSB

While we all enjoy the winter, we must admit looking forward to spring! Despite the many indoor recesses, and cold weather alerts, our staff and students continue to make the best of all! March always brings longer days and the prospect of more sun and gradual warming. We’re sending out a little reminder to always check the weather forecast and make sure your children are dressed appropriately...snow/splash pants, hats, warms coats and proper footwear. In the past, we’ve seen students outside on ‘warmer’ days (-2oC) without coats and wearing shoes. We are tough Canadians...but we don't want our students getting chilled, either. At Fairwood, we are very proud of the effort of all of our students and this term. We were especially impressed with the 77 students from grade 1-8 who achieved 80% or higher on Term One report cards making it onto the Honour Roll. In addition, we recognize our 144 students who attained a 75-79% average (B+), making it onto the Principal’s List! We also recognize the effort of our students who demonstrate excellence through the learning skills displayed throughout the year. We had 104 students “On a Roll with Learning Skills”.

The March Break is upon us (March 10-14) and we want to take this opportunity to wish all of our Fairwood families a healthy and happy break! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office!

Dates to Remember March 5 School Council: 6:45pm (library)

March 9 Daylight savings (clocks 1 hour ahead)

March 7 PA Day (no school for students)

March 10-15 March Break (school is closed)

March 29 Earth Hour

March 27 Hep B and Meningitis Gr.7 and HPV Gr.

8 Girls

March 31-April 4 Autism Awareness week

March 31 Skills Canada Presentation Gr. 7/8

The Fairwood Flyer

Principal: Elizabeth Davis Telephone: 905-476-5447 Vice-Principal: Christine Smith Fax: 905-476-4345 Superintendent: Dianne Hawkins, 905-895-5155 Trustee: Nancy Elgie: 905-476-4184

From the Administrative Team

School Improvement Plan

Curriculum Implementation

Deliver Effective Literacy and Numeracy Instruction Across

the Curriculum

Family and Community Engagement

Build Partnerships to support academic, social and emotional

growth of our students

School and Workplace Climate Promote Student/Staff Engagement in a Safe, Healthy, and

Respectful Workplace

Learning Network Goal: Making Thinking Visible

Olympic Day

A big thank you to Mrs. Waters and all the teachers and

parents who helped make our Olympic day such a huge

success! Our students participated in a moving opening

ceremony where flag bearers entered for each class repre-

senting a country of choice. After taking the Olympic

oath and lighting the flame, the games began!

Our students were very actively engaged in all of the

sports from ‘curling’ to ‘bobsled’ to making ice

sculptures! Thanks for an awesome day, Falcons!

Liz Davis Christine Smith Principal Vice Principal

March 2014

Perseverance We stick to a goal and work hard even in the

face of obstacles and challenges.

We complete all tasks and assignments.

Glenn Marais celebrates Black

History with Fairwood!

Glenn Marais, the award winning singer and song writer

took our students on a journey through black history with

the use of story and song! He reached our youngest stu-

dents with a song called Rainbow Friends and with our

older students, he had them chanting back and singing

along to familiar songs.

He helped us to understand how music developed in

combination with the life path of the African American

population. He also taught us about some very influential

people in history such

as Martin Luther King,

Nelson Mandela, Rosa

Parks and others.

Glenn shared his own

experiences with

prejudice and injustice

and showed how he

handled himself with

poise and resiliency.

Gaga Ball comes to Fairwood!

A big thank you to Mr. Donald and all the volunteers from grade

7 and 8 who came in to help us build Fairwood’s very own Gaga

ball pit! This version of Israeli dodge ball was taught by a great

team of students and enjoyed by kids from grade 4-8. We look

forward to setting it up from time to time in our gym.

A special thank you to Mrs. Goepfert and Pino who donated

some of the materials and the design for the pit and led our‘pit

crew’ for 5 hours on a sunny Saturday...check out the link above

for more details!

Visitor’s Policy Reminder to our Families

The Board has a Visitor’s Policy that requires all visitors to report to the main office upon entering a school. Where individuals do not report to the office, staff members are required to redirect them to the office. Visitors and volunteers are required to wear one of the identification tags provided in the office while they are in and about the school supporting planned activities. Please understand that our classroom teachers are work-ing hard to provide excellent programs for your children and they need to focus on this responsibility. If you would like to speak with a teacher, please call and make an appoint-ment or drop in at the office and speak with one of our staff who will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns that you might have. All of our staff are pleased to discuss your child’s pro-gress, but like all professionals, they have busy schedules too! While the weather has been cold, we would ask that families continue to drop their children off and pick them up at the appropriate entrances rather than trying to make their way into the building. Entrance and exit times are busy in the school and more adults create more congestion! Students should not be arriving at the school before 8:05 which is the time that staff begin supervision duties. We hope that by sharing this information we will continue to keep our school safe and our community informed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Crime Prevention Tips for Physical/Verbal Bullying:

In the schoolyard, stay where most of the other kids are playing

(bullies don’t like witnesses).

Avoid walking alone to and from school.

In the school bus, a student being bullied should be encouraged to sit near the driver.

Try to be calm and try not to act scared, upset or angry. Bullies love to get a reaction and

may leave if they don’t.

Never enter into a discussion with bullies or provoke them. Use one word answers and

phrases “Leave me alone. Yes. No.”

Cyber Bullying tips:

Do not respond to emails/texts/Facebook/Messenger or other media sites.

Make a report with your internet service provider.

Take screen shots and show them to a person you trust and in authority.

Contact the Kids Help Line.

Do some research and learn about other people’s experience.


Have a wonderful and safe March Break


A Happy Easter!

FAIRWOOD YEARBOOK Thank you again to the

Bando family for creating our yearbook!

If you would like to forward any pictures you have taken throughout the year, please use this address:

Appreciation Alerts!

Thank you to our Snack Program Volunteers for the delicious and nutritious snacks they prepare every

week for our students!

We couldn’t do it without you!

Board Launches New Mission, Vision, Values and


Mission: To advance student achievement and well-

being through public education, which motivates

learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and

builds community.

The York Region District School Board is celebrat-

ing the launch of its new Mission, Vision and Values

statements and slogan – Inspire Learning!

The Board last reviewed these statements in the late

1990s. Since that time, education in York Region has

been influenced by a number of significant changes,

including changes in technology, in our communities

and in our learning environments.


News from the Jersey

Parenting and Family Literacy Centre


The world around us provides moments of wonder and delight for children and adults

alike when the temperatures outside starts to rise.

This spring, we invite you and your children (0-3 years of age) to come to the Parenting

and Family Literacy Centre in Room 101 to experience a little of this magic

for yourself.

Join us for a special visit by Zoo To You on March 21st

Use clay to create a sculpture

Cook a healthy snack

Get active in the gym

Tina Harrow, the friendly Parent Worker, is waiting to welcome you and your children

into the Jersey PFLC today!