The Enchanted Loom reviews David Linden's book, The Accidental Mind

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Enchanted Loom reviews David Linden's book, The Accidental Mind

The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads fromDavid Linden’s…

Thread 1:

Most synapses in our brains do not function reliably: rather, they are probability devices.

(pg. 44)

Thread 2:

The feeling that we have about our senses as trustworthy and independent reporters, while overwhelming and persuasive, is simply not true.

(pg. 83)

Thread 3:

Our senses merely “peer through a keyhole” into the sensory space.

(pg. 92)

Thread 4:

Emotion is the brain signal that says, “This is an important ex- perience. Write it down and underline it.”

(pg. 108)

Thread 5:

New love and orgasm operate like heroin and cocaine in their pleasurable effects.

(pg. 69)

Thread 6:

The brain is built like an ice cream cone (and you are the top scoop).

(pg. 97)

Thread 7:

The brain is a block of clay that experience sculpts by carving away inactive or ineffective parts, and also by stick-on bits of new wiring.(pg. 75)

Thread 8:

Rich early experience is important for the brain primarily because it forms the basis for subsequent learning.

(pg. 79)

Thread 9:

During the course of evolution, the brain has never been redesigned from the ground up. It can only add new systems to existing ones.(pg. 143)

Thread 10:

The brain’s propensity for creating coherent, gap-free stories is part of what pre- disposes humans to religious thought. (pg. 225)

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Mark Brady,

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