The Early Christians Art and Byzantines Style

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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Don't credit me for this. This is Mrs. Jing Turalba's work.

Transcript of The Early Christians Art and Byzantines Style

Early Chris+ans Art 

West Wall of Dura Europos synagogue   c.245. Tempera on Plaster 

Moses giving water to the Twelve Tribe of Israel   

Catacomb showing loculi


3rd-4th centuries

Map pf Byzan+ne Empire under Jus+nian I, ad 565  

Santa Maria An<qua   Rome, 4th Century, Marble 


Jonah as an Idealized Classical Reclining nude    

Old Saint Peter’s Basilica (restoration drawing)

Rome, Italy

ca. 320


Old Saint Peter’s Basilica (plan)

Rome, Italy

ca. 320

1. Nave

2. Aisles

3. Apse

4. Transept

5. Narthex

6. Atrium

Old Saint Peter’s Basilica (section)

Rome, Italy

ca. 320

Christus‐Sol, under Saint Peter’s necropolis 

3rd Century, Rome.  Vault mosaic  

Aula Palatina (basilica)

Trier, Germany

early 4th century

Santa Sabina

Rome, Italy

ca. 422-432

Santa Costanza

Rome, Italy

ca. 337-351


Interior of Santa Costanza Rome, c. 350 

Santa Costanza

Rome, Italy

ca. 337-351

Longitudinal Section Plan

Santa Costanza vault mosaic

Rome, Italy

ca. 337-351 tessera mosaic

The ambulatory ceiling of Santa Costanza 

Rome, c. 350. Mosaic 

Exterior of the mausoleum of Galla Placidia Ravenna 

c. 425‐426 

Interior of the mausoleum of Galla Placidia Ravenna c. 425‐426 

Dome Mosaic of Heaven Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

Ravenna, Italy

ca. 425 tessera mosaic

Christ as the Good Shepherd   c. 425‐426, Mosaic 

Detail of geometric border from the 

mausoleum of Galla Placidia Ravenna 

c. 425‐426. Mosaic 

Byzan+ne Style a.d. 540 

Justinian as world conqueror (Barberini Ivory) mid-6th century ivory 1 ft. 1 1/2 in. x 10 1/2 in.

San Vitale

Ravenna, Italy


Interior of San Vitale Ravenna, 540‐547 

Ceiling of the Choir  San Vitale c. 547, Mosaic 

Detail of a capital San Vitale c. 540, Marble 

Apse Mosaic San Vitale

Ravenna, Italy

526-547 mosaic

Court of Jus<nian   Apse Mosaic, San Vitale c.547 (264 x 365 m) 

Theodora and attendants

south wall apse mosaic, San Vitale

Ravenna, Italy

ca. 547 mosaic

Exterior of Hagia Sophia   Constan+nople (now Istanbul), 

completed 537 

Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus

Hagia Sophia

Constantinpole, (Istanbul), Turkey


Hagia Sophia

Constantinpole, (Istanbul), Turkey








1 Atrium 2 Narthex 3 Nave 4 Apse 5 baptistry 6 Minaret

Interior of  Hagia Sophia 

Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus

Hagia Sophia

Constantinpole, (Istanbul), Turkey


Transfiguration of Jesus apse mosaic, Church of the Virgin Monastery of Saint Catherine Mount Sinai, Egypt ca. 565 mosaic

The Transfigura<on   Church of Saint Catherine monastery, 

Mount Sinai, Egypt, c. 550 – 565, Mosaic 

Joseph and Pothipar’s Wife   Vienna Genesis, early 6th century 


Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Felix and 

Augustus 528. Fresco, Commodilla 

catacombs, Rome 

Icon of Saint Peter Saint Catherine monastery, 

Mount Sinai, Egypt 

Incense burner in the shape of a domed building 12th century. Gilded Silver 

Procuratoria di San Marco, Venice 

Virgin and Child Enthroned Church of Hosios Loukas, Greece, 

c. 1020. Apse Mosaic 

Harrowing of Hell   Church of Hosios Loukas, Greece c. 1020 Mosaic  

Katholikon and Church of the Theotokos

Hosios Loukas, Greece

Katholikon early 11th century, Church of the Theotokos, 10th century

Dome of the Katholikon

Hosios Loukas, Greece

11th century fresco

Crucifixion Church of Hosios Loukas, Greece, 

c. 1020. Mosaic 

Pantokrator From the abbey church of 

Monreale, Palermo,  before 1183. Mosaic 

Christ Mosaic, Hagia Sophia  

13th century 

Old Testament Trinity Early 15th century, Panel pain+ng 

Saint Basil’s Cathedral Moscow, 1554‐60. 

Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Venice, Italy

begun 1063

Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Venice, Italy

begun 1063

interior of Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Venice, Italy

ca. 1180 mosaic

interior of Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Venice, Italy

ca. 1180 mosaic


Pala d’Oro from Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Venice, Italy

ca. 1105 gold cloisonné with precious stones

Review of Byzan+ne Style 

•  Disregarded perspec+ve – figures float in the air 

•  Golden mosaic backgrounds depicts Christ as the “Light of the World” and also illuminates the interior of the structure 

•  Iconography – Chris+an oriented art