The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary...

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  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    The diversity (and protection) ofEstonian sacred natural sites

    in the context of

    contemporary governing

    Presentation for conference


    Rovaniemi & Pyh, Finland, 11-13 September 2013

    Auli Ktt

    Researcher and custodian of sacred sites

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt



    Approximate time span

    Diversity: typologies by name, type, usage,and purpose

    Behaviour: rules of conduct

    Hotspots: places of confrontation

    Case studies of Kunda, Palukla, and Purtse

    grove hills Conclusions

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Approximate time span

    XIX century - use, folklore approx 1850-1960

    People admit grandparents usage of sitesrather than their own

    Many traditions still alive (esp. springs,healing stones, sacred groves being visited)

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Diversity of sacred sites by name

    (h)iis, (h)iie-

    pha(-) (sacred)

    ohvri- (sacrificial)

    significant place with a proper name

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Diversity of sacred sites by type

    natural sites:

    hills and hillocks

    groves, trees, bushes


    springs, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds

    artificial / man-made:

    sacred / sacrificial gardens, corners

    + almost any combinations of all above

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Diversity of sacred sites by usage

    Places used and visited by

    county or counties (groves, grove hills)

    several villages (groves, grove hills)

    mostly one village (groves, stones, springs)

    1-2 families (stones, sacr. gardens)

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Diversity of sacred sites by purpose

    Places used for

    healing (stones, springs)

    gathering (hiis, hills)

    praying (trees)

    celebrating holidays (hills)

    discussions (historical)

    burials (historical, ?) sacrifices (historical, ?)

    thinking, taking some time off

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Expressed rules of conduct

    Taboos (not to do)

    cutting trees (cutting twigs, bark)

    picking up wood (?, complicated)

    plowing (esp. after partial destruction)

    mowing (?, complicated)

    (sitting on a grave)


  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Some hotspots

    Palukla grove hill vs sports centre (2003-)

    Kunda grove hill vs wind turbines (2003-2007)

    Purtse grove hill vs real estate dev. (2006)

    Panga pank (cliff) vs parking lot

    Maardu grove vs forestry (2012)

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    Kunda hiiemgi

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Kunda hiiemgi

    Sacred grove hill [about]

    1.7 x 0.4 km, up to 15 m high

    Under heritage protection

    During Soviet era used partly as gravel-pit andfields

    No forest
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    Kunda hiiemgi

    2003 - inspection of the hill by Maavalla Koda [*], discovery of 1

    certain (half destroyed) and several probable burials

    2004 - emergency excavation on the collapsing burial [*]

    Turned out to be 2400+ years old (2000+ expected) [*]Archaeologists plan to continue and reconstruct, find finances

    for 2005, 2006, looking in private sector

    2005 - Estonian Wind Energy Association proposes wind turbines

    on the hill [*]; archaeological expertise approves becausevibration does not endanger the burials.

    Maavalla Koda proposes conservation plan for the grove hill,

    starts media campaign against the development.
  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Kunda hiiemgi

    2006 - Maavalla Koda goes to court against Kunda city and the


    3 stages: Tartu Halduskohus, Tartu Ringkonnakohus, Riigikohus

    2007 - Koda wins in Supreme Court, no turbines

    2009 - events, community prayers on Kunda grove hill










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    Palukla hiiemgi

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Palukla hiiemgi

    Sacred grove hill

    Highest peak of Harjumaa county,

    Part of Knnumaa landscape protection area

    rare Tnniauk - hole for offerings to a deity

    protected species Formica polyctena -European red wood ant

    19th century - part of the hill used as fieldsand pastures

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Palukla hiiemgi

    2003 - Local government planning sports and recreation centre

    on the hill. Ski bridge built, slopes bulldozed, trees cut down.

    Development plan: several buildings, ski lifts, tennis courts,

    football stadium.

    - Palukla Sacred Grove Hill Custodian Society contacts Maavalla

    Koda for help.

    2004 - Appellations from folklorists, environmentalists to

    preserve the hill. Env.min and cult.min support the idea of

    protecting sacred sites, but admit the shortfalls of legislation.

    Right to the sacred grove is a human right.

    - EPL editorial, 09.11.2004
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    Palukla hiiemgi

    2004 - 2007 Palukla Sacred Grove Hill Custodian Society files a

    claim, development is suspended. Media attention.

    I Kehtna gov. gets the right to continue development.

    II Development plan: part of buildings nulled, but green light tosports centre.

    The question is in European court for human rights

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    Purtse hiiemgi

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Purtse hiiemgi

    Sacred grove hill

    Real estate development plan for 50 houses

    Strong opposition from local people [*]

    Local government backs the people [*]
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    Problematic: legislation

    Archaeology: no rationale to opposedevelopments if no direct danger to object

    Conservation: no more protection if objectperished

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Proposed changes to legislation (EST 2012)

    Forbidden, unless explicitly allowed [*]:

    Use of motor vehicles and sound amplification

    Competitions, mobs/gatherings (except forfollowing historical religious traditions)

    Fishing, hunting, and gathering


    Roads, trenches, and networks dev. Revealing the location in public media if possibly

    endangering the site
  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Problematic: activism

    Needs: know-how, skills, time, finances, courage,persistence

    Indigenous in Estonia - more about mindsetthan a distinct demographic group

    Courage to act against government and/orprevalent economical/community values

    Protecting sacred sites needs people who care Developers are not interested in changing their


  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Protecting the sites

    Community integration & blending. Trust

    Sacred sites: public / hidden / safeguarded

    Standing for your values with respectful


    Community - government co-operation

    Alternative economy solutions

    Networks: sharing support and experience Personal augmentation

    Sharing stories

  • 7/29/2019 The diversity (and protection) of Estonian sacred natural sites in the context of contemporary governing - Auli Ktt


    Thank you!
