The development, implementation and evaluation of podcasts on the fundamental concepts of Nuclear...

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Transcript of The development, implementation and evaluation of podcasts on the fundamental concepts of Nuclear...

The development, implementation and evaluation of podcasts on the fundamental concepts of Nuclear

Medicine for first year radiography students

Nalene Naidoo,HOD/Senior Lecturer

Department of RadiographyFaculty of Health Sciences

Durban University of Technology

Has Learning Changed? (Dublin 2010)


2010 baby

How did the baby from the early caveman days learn to walk?, is it any different from the way a

baby learns to walk today?

And the answer

is NO!

Hence the learning has not changed

But what has changed are

the TOOLS that we use to enhance the learning


Do you agree or


The development, implementation and evaluation of podcasts on the fundamental concepts of Nuclear Medicine

for first year radiography students

Four Research Questions Emanating from the TITLE

How does one

implement the use of a podcast?

What is the list of criteria that goes into the development

of a good podcast?

What are student’s likes and dislikes after

listening and learning from academic


Is there a significant difference in test scores

before and after listening to the nuclear

medicine podcasts?

Students likes and dislikesShort and

to the point

“you were able to imagine

what was going on

Clear speech and great sound


So …what did you like about the podcasts?

Valid and important concepts

were discussed

It was a different learning


Enjoyable and

entertainingIt teaches you independency

It encourages you to learn


I could pause and rewind and listen to

the information again and


Is there a significant difference in test scores before and after listening to the nuclear medicine podcasts?

Methodology- Qualitative & Quantitative

Pre-test and Post-test – intervention : Audio Podcast

Table -1 Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum MeanStd.

Deviation% TEST matks before listenting to the podcast

7 10 65 39.29 18.803

% test marks after listerning to the podcast

7 77 97 85.43 6.949

Valid N (listwise) 7

Result: the students appeared to have performed better after having listened to the podcasts.

Table – 2 One-Sample T-TestTest Value = 39.29

t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the


Lower Upper% test marks after listerning to the podcast

17.567 6 .000 46.139 39.71 52.57

Reflections on the Podcasting Experience

Damsel in distress

The podcast


Taking care of

the husband

Reading podcasting


Burnt curries!

Happy student!

End result – enjoyable

rollercoaster ride!!!

Son screaming for food

Undying support

from Gita!

Comments from my Colleagues

Bright, funky start; stating outcomes at the beginning

are a great starting point

You have a nice speaking voice, but may need a better quality microphone

your voice on audio is cool, but I like visuals – but baby steps first I


Whaaaaaaaaaaw! This is amazing – I

must go for podcasting


You actually do not realize that you are learning with music, but will we get the

commitment from the students?

The End – Question Time?