The Dawning Of The Age Of Experience (2007)

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You can sign up for more information just like this at Thanks to Andy Budd and the folks at the dConstruct Conference for providing the audio for this presentation. [Note: The slides are slightly different than I presented at dConstruct. Because of time constraints, I couldn't talk about slides 34-36.] The advertisement for this presentation: Experience design is no longer a nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and exceptional visionary management. It’s become commonplace for organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and quickly becoming a key performance indicator for many businesses. However, you can’t just hire a couple of “experience designers” and tell them, "Go do that voodoo that you do so well." Today’s business environment forces us to build multi-disciplinary teams, compiling a diverse group of skills and experiences to handle the many facets of the technical, business, and user requirements. In his usual entertaining and insightful manner, Jared will talk about what it takes to build a design team that meets today’s needs. He'll demonstrate how successful Experience Design: + Must integrate the needs of the users with the requirements of the business + Is learned, but not available through introspection + Must be invisible to succeed + Is cultural + Is multi-discplinary + Thrives best in an "educate and administrate" environment You'll see examples of designs from Apple's iPod, Netflix, the Mayo Clinic, and Southwest Airlines, to name a few. © 2007, User Interface Engineering

Transcript of The Dawning Of The Age Of Experience (2007)

The Dawning of the Age of Experience

User Interface Engineering

Jared M. SpoolFounding Principal

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Apple’s Success

3,000,000,000 songs sold

Run rate of more than a billion songs per year

21,000,000 iPods sold during 2006 holiday season50% increase over 2005

More than 160 iPods sold every minute

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Netflix’s Success

7 Million Subscribers

20 contiguous quarters of greater than 50% growth

85% of new subscribers say an existing subscriber recommended them

93% of subscribers say they evangelize Netflix to friends and family

Leslie Kilgore, CMO

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Experience Design Disasters

Big Box Retailer loses 20% of revenue after spending $100 Million on on design

Takes 3½ years to recover

1,700-employee law firm launches new intranetAlmost causes employee revolt

Highly-visited informational site launches “improved” design

Sees 40% drop in page views.

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Successful Experience


Integrates the User and the Business

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Chicken Sexing

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Other Chicken-Sexing Phenomena

Midwives Estimating Baby Weight

WWII Plane Spotters

Detecting Enemy Planes

Sushi Chefs The Art of Making Sushi

Chicken sexing is learned,

but not open to introspection

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Successful Experience


is LearnedYet Not Open

to Introspection

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Successful Experience


is Invisible

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Copy Writing

Information Architecture

Fast Iteration Management

Usability Practices

Interaction Design

Information Design

Visual Design



Domain Knowledge

Business Knowledge





Social Networks Use Cases

Agile Methods

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Successful Experience


is Multi-Disciplinary

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“What should FEMA have done? Perhaps the answer can be found on their website. Where you’ll find, we’re not lying, this chart, clearly depicting the agency’s responsibility in the event of a disaster. Notice, and this is their actual chart, it begins with their response to a disaster, leads to recovery, mitigation, risk reduction, prevention and preparedness and ends up… back in disaster. That is their chart. In truth, FEMA did exactly what they said they were going to do.”

The Daily Show with Jon StewartSeptember 28, 2005

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Successful Experience


is Cultural

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Essential Experience Design Components

Good Communications

Clear Focus on Vision

The Right People

Feedback Loop

Fast Iterations

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Making Fast Iterations Happen

Eliminate major redesignsBreak design challenge into small chunks

Heavy emphasis on feedback mechanismCollect as much information as possible

Get everyone involvedDecisions happen everywhere

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Successful Experience Design

Integrates the user and the business

Is learned but not open to introspection

Is invisible

Is multidisciplinary

Is cultural

Is something we’re still learning how to doAnd we’re getting better everyday

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