The Cold War

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Mr. Maldonado APUSH/USH. The Cold War. Beginning of the Cold War. U.S. Soviet union. Communism State-controlled economy No opposing political parties (totalitarian). Democracy Capitalism Voting by the people (competing political parties). Suspicions Begin. Soviet Union - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Cold War

The Cold WarMr. MaldonadoAPUSH/USH

Beginning of the Cold WarU.S.



Voting by the people (competing political parties)



State-controlled economy

No opposing political parties (totalitarian)

Suspicions Begin

Soviet Union Resentful that the U.S. didn’t help in

Europe sooner Manhattan Project (Atomic bomb) was

kept a secret

U.S. Resentful that the Soviet Union made a

pact with Hitler

United Nations

Peacekeeping organization founded after WWII (1945)

Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union joined

Potsdam Conference (July, 1945) U.S., Great Britain and the Soviet Union met

Final wartime conference

Soviet Union decided not to allow Poland and other Eastern European nations to have free elections

Reparations would be taken from German occupied zones (split in 4)

Aims for Europe (after WWII)U.S. All nations given the right

of self-determination Choose whichever type of

government it wants

Gain access to Eastern Europe’s resources

Reunite Germany, belief that Europe would be more productive

SOVIET UNION Encourage the spread of


Rebuild using resources from Eastern Europe

Control Eastern Europe to balance U.S. influence in Western Europe

Maintain a divided Germany

Satellite Nations

The Soviet Union set-up communist governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland

Became known as satellite nations Countries controlled by the Soviet Union

Containment Policy

Truman and the U.S. began a containment policy Take measures to prevent the spread of


Churchill described Eastern Europe as being under an “Iron Curtain”

Cold War Begins (1945-1991) Conflict between the U.S. and the

Soviet Union that never resulted in combat

Truman Doctrine

Truman asked for $400M from Congress to aid Greece and Turkey Fight off communism

U.S. Congress agreed…

U.S. would support countries in resisting communism

Marshall Plan (1947)

Secretary of State George Marshall proposed that the U.S. provide aid to the people of Europe

16 countries received $13B in aid

By 1952, Western Europe began to flourish Helped stop the spread of communism in

Western Europe


U.S./Britain/France decided to combine their three occupational zones into one nation

Stalin decided to block access to West Berlin (capital of Germany)

Berlin Airlift

U.S. and British would drop food and other supplies to West Berlin for 327 days

Boosted American prestige around the world

Stalin lifted the blockade of West Berlin in 1949

Division of Germany

West Germany Federal Republic of Germany Aided by the U.S. and other western

European countries

East Germany German Democratic Republic Soviet controlled


The countries of Western Europe allied with the U.S. and Canada to form NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization


12 countries pledged military support to one another in the event of an attack

First time in U.S. history the U.S. enters into a military alliance during peacetime


Greece and Turkey joined in 1952

West Germany joined in 1955

U.S. would not keep an isolationist policy any longer


Led by Mao Zedong and his Red Army, China became a Communist country in 1949 Formed the People’s Republic of China

U.S. refused to acknowledge the new government of China American people are stunned, felt the

U.S. should have done more to prevent this from happening

The Korean War

Division of Korea at the 38° parallel

The Soviet Union controlled the North North Korea

The U.S. controlled the South South Korea

The Korean War

The U.S. only left 500 troops in S. Korea Soviet Union felt they could easily take it


June 25, 1950 N. Korea attacks S. Korea United Nations Security Council passed a

resolution to stop the invasion of S. Korea

The Korean War

Led by General Douglas MacArthur, U.S. led forces from South Korea drove the North Koreans back passed the 38° parallel

China joined the war on N. Korea’s side Chinese forces outnumbered the UN

forces 10-1

MacArthur Lashes Out at Truman Gen. MacArthur began to criticize Truman

Felt an invasion of China was necessary Attack China with nuclear weapons Truman was against this idea

Truman (President = Commander in Chief) Fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur on Apr. 1, 1951

Cease-fire and stalemate (July, 1951) Demilitarized zone (38° parallel) Armistice

Loyalty Review Board (1947) Investigate government employees and

dismiss those who are found to be disloyal to the U.S. government

91 “subversive” organizations were found

212 government employees were dismissed as potential risks 2,900 resigned, felt investigations violated

their Constitutional rights

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigated communist influence in the movie

industry Believed communist propaganda was being spread in


The Hollywood Ten 10 witnesses refused to testify, felt it violated

Constitutional rights Sent to prison

Hollywood began to blacklist actors, film directors, etc., for having possible Communist backgrounds

Alger Hiss

Communist spy accused Alger Hiss (State Department official) of helping spy for the Soviet Union

Hiss convicted of perjury (lying – denied accusations) sent to prison

The Rosenberg’s Sept. 3, 1949

Soviet Union detonates an atomic bomb U.S. felt they were 3-5 years away from having one

German-physicist Klaus Fuchs admitted giving the Soviet Union information about the atomic bomb Implicated Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

Rosenberg’s found guilty and given the death penalty

The Rosenberg’s

Rosenberg’s claimed they were being accused due to their radical beliefs and their Jewish background

Pleaded the 5th Amendment

Killed by electric chair June, 1953 First U.S. civilians executed for


Sen. Joseph McCarthy Senator from Wisconsin (Republican)

Ineffective Fearing possible defeat in 1952 elections…decided to

look for an issue that would save his career

McCarthyism McCarthy began to attack/accuse people of being

communist without any evidence

Claimed to have information, at various times, of 57, 81, 205 Communists in the State Department Never produced a single name

McCarthyism Did his name-calling only in the Senate

McCarthy had legal immunity, would not be eligible to be sued for slander

Slander: Spoken lies

Downfall McCarthy began to accuse the U.S. Army of

Communist ties (1954) Live-TV Senate hearings Senate condemned him for “improper conduct”

The H-Bomb After the Soviet Union detonated an atomic

bomb, U.S. felt a need to develop an even more powerful bomb Hydrogen Bomb▪ 67 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on


November 1, 1952 U.S. detonated the first hydrogen bomb

August, 1953 Soviet Union detonated their first hydrogen bomb


President Dwight D. Eisenhower (elected 1952)

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles

Dulles felt the way to stop the spread of communism is by promising to use ALL of its force, including nuclear weapons, against aggressor nations


Willingness to go to the edge of all-out war

Eisenhower trimmed the U.S. Army and Navy, however, expanded his Air Force and the buildup of nuclear weapons Soviet Union did the same

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) U.S. began to rely heavily on

information obtained by the CIA Used spies to gather information

Began to do covert operations in the Middle East and Latin America Covert: Secret/Undercover

Iran Mohammed Mossadegh

Nationalized Iran’s oil (took it away from private business, owned by Britain, and put it under Iran’s control)

CIA funded anti-Mossadegh supporters (1953) Re-installed the Shah of Iran (pro-U.S.)

Shah of Iran took over…returned oil fields to Western companies


Pres. Eisenhower believed the Guatemalan government had pro-Communist beliefs Gave 200,000 acres of American owned

land to peasants

CIA trained an Army…invaded Guatemala Guatemalan Army refused to protect the

President…led to his resignation CIA-trained Army takes over

Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union and 7 other Eastern European countries made a pact Similar to NATO

In response to West Germany re-arming


Nikita Khrushchev became the leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin

Favored a peaceful co-existence Believed Communism would spread all

over the world

“Open Skies”

Eisenhower met with Soviet leaders in Geneva, Switzerland

Eisenhower proposed an “open skies” resolution Allow each other to fly planes over each

other’s territory to guard against surprise nuclear attacks

Soviet Union rejected the proposal

U-2 Shot Down CIA began secret-high-altitude flights over

Soviet territory U-2: Plane that can fly at high-altitudes without

being detected Infrared cameras photographed troop

movements and missile sites

Eisenhower wanted to cancel the flights (had resumed talks with Khrushchev about “open skies”— May, 1960) Dulles asked for one last flight…

U-2 Shot Down May 1, 1960

Francis Gary Powers, piloted U-2, shot down by a Soviet pilot Powers parachutes into Soviet-controlled territory▪ Sentenced to 10 years in prison

U.S. denied spying on the Soviets Soviets had evidence…Eisenhower had to reluctantly admit to it Khrushchev demanded an apology and a halt to all U-2 flights Eisenhower agreed to stop the U-2 flights…no apology was made

Khrushchev angrily called off another summit meeting with Eisenhower and an invitation to the Soviet Union

The Suez War (1955) Gamal Abdul-Nasser, head of Egypt

Wanted to construct a dam Tried to play the Soviets/U.S. to acquire more funding

Dulles withdrew U.S. funding once he learned Nasser was making deals with the Soviets

Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal (formerly privately owned by France/Britain) Angered France/Britain…would not allow supplies to

flow into Israel Canal was supposed to be open for all nations

The Suez War (1955)

Israel, Britain and France sent troops to control the Mediterranean part of the Suez Canal

UN stepped in, stopped the fighting Persuaded Israel, Britain and France to

withdraw Egypt kept the Suez Canal

Eisenhower Doctrine (1957) Soviet Union gained support in the

Middle East for standing with Egypt

Eisenhower declared that the U.S. would help any Middle Eastern country against attack by a Communist country

Hungarian Uprising (1956) Hungarian people rose up, under

leadership of Imre Nagy Demanded a democratic government,

free elections and the removal of Soviet troops

Denounced the Warsaw Pact

Soviets killed 30,000 Hungarians, captured Nagy Nagy executed…200,000 Hungarians


Hungarian Uprising (1956) Even though the U.S. had said they

would support people in their fight against Communism (Truman Doctrine) U.S. did nothing

The UN also did nothing Soviet Union was a member and used its

VETO to stop any interference from UN Security Council

The Space Race

Oct. 4, 1957 Soviets launch Sputnik First satellite to orbit the Earth

Jan. 31, 1958 U.S. successfully launched its first
