The Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile Services Roland Beutler 2012 Latin America Spectrum...

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Transcript of The Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile Services Roland Beutler 2012 Latin America Spectrum...

The Co-Existence of Broadcasting and

Mobile Services

Roland Beutler

2012 Latin America Spectrum Conference

European Broadcasting Union

80+ active Members from 56 countries

40 associate Members around the world

470+ TV channels and 900+ radio channels

195 mil TV households and 600+ mil viewers every week

More than 60 mil people visit EBU Members’ web services every day

Association of public service media organisations

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• There are different broadcasting markets in Europe with regard to the relevance of the terrestrial broadcasting platform

• The are many stakeholders and users of broadcasting spectrum including public- service and commercial broadcasters, PMSE and consumer electronics vendors

The Broadcasting Ecosystem in Europe

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

DTT in Numbers

oDTT programme offer in Europe (June 2011)

• 1800 TV-channels in EU27 + Croatia & Turkey

• 46 % national TV-channels, 54% regional / local

• 47% free-to-air, 53% pay-TV

• HDTV in 13 countries offered via DTT

• 60% of FTA programmes are commercial, 40% public

• 92% of pay-TV programmes are commercial

oDTT is the fastest growing broadcasting platform in Europe

• Approx. 700 Mio. DVB receivers in use, without DVB-T2 (End 2011)

• Growth rate ca. 100 Mio. / year

Source: Mavise TV database (

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

oDTT usage

• Usage time of linear TV about 4 h / day and growing

• Time-shifted usage and on-demand usage are popular and growing

DTT in Numbers

Source: Mavise TV database (

A Reminder …

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

The UHF spectrum allocations in Europe

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

470 MHz 862 MHz21 30 40 50 60 69

790 MHz


BC + MobileBC + Mobile2015 ? 694 MHz



Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Source: EBU Technical

470 MHz 862 MHz21 30 40 50 60 69

Broadcasting (incl. PMSE)2006

470 MHz 862 MHz

21 30 40 50 60 69

Broadcasting (incl. PMSE)

790 MHz


BC + Mobile2007

470 MHz 862 MHz21 30 40 50 60 69

Broadcasting (incl. PMSE)

790 MHz


BC + Mobile


694 MHz (?)

BC + Mobile2012 X


Does that leave enough freedomfor the future developmentof terrestrial broadcasting?

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler 2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

EBU-SP Terrestrial Broadcasting (SP-TB)

EBU-SP Cooperative Terrestrial Networks (SP-CTN)

Dr. Roland Beutler

A Day In Our Life ...

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler

A Day In Our Life ...

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

A Day In Our Life ...

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

A Day In Our Life ...

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

A Day In Our Life ...

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

What can weconclude from this?

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Watching, Listening, Talking ...

Content is King

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

• time-shifted usage

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

• time-shifted usage

• catch-up consumption / podcast

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

• time-shifted usage

• catch-up consumption / podcast

• true on-demand

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

• time-shifted usage

• catch-up consumption / podcast

• true on-demand

• hybrid programme offers

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The Content Universe

• linear radio and television programmes


• live transmissions

• time-shifted usage

• catch-up consumption / podcast

• true on-demand

• hybrid programme offers

• cross media production

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Receiving and Displaying:

A Plethora of Devices

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

• kitchen radio / TV

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

• kitchen radio / TV

• car radio

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

• kitchen radio / TV

• car radio

• PCs & Laptops

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

• kitchen radio / TV

• car radio

• PCs & Laptops

• Smartphones

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Devices for all Purposes

• large screen TV sets

• portable TV sets

• HiFi stereo systems

• kitchen radio / TV

• car radio

• PCs & Laptops

• Smartphones

• Tablets

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Users Today:

Habits andExpectations

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The User Dimension• Where:

at home / at work on the move

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The User Dimension• Where:

at home / at work on the move

• How: technology agnostic affordable easy to use

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The User Dimension• Where:

at home / at work on the move

• How: technology agnostic affordable easy to use

• When: in company (shared experience) in private (personal experience) being connected

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

What are the consequences

for the future delivery of

broadcast content?

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• Linear audio-visual content will remain the killer application for the foreseeable future.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• Linear audio-visual content will remain the killer application for the foreseeable future.

• However, there is an increasing demand for nonlinear content which may not be possible to deliver by broadcasting technology.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• Linear audio-visual content will remain the killer application for the foreseeable future.

• However, there is an increasing demand for nonlinear content which may not be possible to deliver by broadcasting technology.

• Portable and handheld devices (smartphones and tablets) are key for the future development of terrestrial broadcasting.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• Linear audio-visual content will remain the killer application for the foreseeable future.

• However, there is an increasing demand for nonlinear content which may not be possible to deliver by broadcasting technology.

• Portable and handheld devices (smartphones and tablets) are key for the future development of terrestrial broadcasting.

• The only distribution technology to target these devices is a terrestrial platform.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

The ChallengeInternet Access

On-Demand BS Content


Sound SystemLarge Screen

Internet AccessOn-Demand BS Content

Phone CallsText Messages

Linear TV & Radio

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

• Linear audio-visual content will remain the killer application for the foreseeable future.

• However, there is an increasing demand for nonlinear content which may not be possible to deliver by broadcasting technology.

• Portable and handheld devices (smartphones and tablets) are key for the future development of terrestrial broadcasting.

• The only distribution technology to target these devices is a terrestrial platform.

• Terrestrial broadcasting and wireless broadband are complementary delivery mechanisms.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Terrestrial Broadcasting Wireless Broadband

• universal coverage• any reception mode• guaranteed, predictable quality• cost-efficient delivery to large audiences

(independent of the number of simultaneous users)

• every user has access to the total capacity of the network

• bi-directional• designed for mobile reception• potentially unlimited choice of services• well suited to serve small audiences• growing population of user equipment• IP-based

• one-way, no return channel• the offer is limited by the platform capacity

(no niche channels)• limited delivery to mobile devices• no access to IP-only devices

• limited coverage (where quality is sufficient)• only best effort QoS• high costs, depending on the number of

users; not suitable for large audiences• total capacity is shared between users



Dr. Roland Beutler

Basic Future Requirements for Broadcasting

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Basic Future Requirements for Broadcasting

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Safeguard spectrum for linear and nonlinear broadcast services.

Dr. Roland Beutler

Basic Future Requirements for Broadcasting

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Safeguard spectrum for linear and nonlinear broadcast services.

• Facilitate complementary usage of broadcast and broadband delivery options.

Dr. Roland Beutler

To be done …

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

To be done …

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Engage in ITU work to ensure that spectrum requirements of broadcasting are treated properly.

Dr. Roland Beutler

To be done …

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Engage in ITU work to ensure that spectrum requirements of broadcasting are treated properly.

• Ensure that reliable methods for spectrum sharing are developed between• broadcasting and PMSE • broadcasting and mobile services• mobile services and PMSE

Dr. Roland Beutler

To be done …

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Engage in ITU work to ensure that spectrum requirements of broadcasting are treated properly.

• Ensure that reliable methods for spectrum sharing are developed between• broadcasting and PMSE • broadcasting and mobile services• mobile services and PMSE

• Support developments in the field of convergence, i.e. • include broadcast receivers in smartphones and tablets,• facilitate cooperation between terrestrial broadcasting and mobile broadband

networks.• actively support the development of future terrestrial platforms for broadcast

content delivery

Dr. Roland Beutler

EBU Recommendations for Members

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

EBU – Recommendation R 136

Spectrum Requirements for Broadcasting Services in preparation for WRC-15

GenevaJune 2012

Dr. Roland Beutler

EBU Recommendations for Members

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

1. The EBU and its Members emphasize to the national, European and International authorities, the importance and the diversity of terrestrial broadcasting markets and services;

Dr. Roland Beutler

EBU Recommendations for Members

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

1. The EBU and its Members emphasize to the national, European and International authorities, the importance and the diversity of terrestrial broadcasting markets and services;

2. The frequency band 470 – 790 MHz should be retained for the delivery of broadcasting services (both linear and non linear), taking into account future service and technology developments. This would provide certainty to broadcasters and the industry alike, and encourage further standardisation work and investments;

Dr. Roland Beutler

EBU Recommendations for Members

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

1. The EBU and its Members emphasize to the national, European and International authorities, the importance and the diversity of terrestrial broadcasting markets and services;

2. The frequency band 470 – 790 MHz should be retained for the delivery of broadcasting services (both linear and non linear), taking into account future service and technology developments. This would provide certainty to broadcasters and the industry alike, and encourage further standardisation work and investments;

3. The EBU and its Members work to ensure close integration between the linear and non-linear services they deliver to mobile devices, PCs, tablets and hybrid television sets. This includes requiring the use of the 470 – 790 MHz band for these services.

Dr. Roland Beutler

… and for regulators

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Develop a vision of the future audio-visual media ecosystem including economic, political and social implications.

Dr. Roland Beutler

… and for regulators

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Develop a vision of the future audio-visual media ecosystem including economic, political and social implications.

• Do not preempt future developments by means of irreversible decisions taken in a rush.

Dr. Roland Beutler

… and for regulators

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

• Develop a vision of the future audio-visual media ecosystem including economic, political and social implications.

• Do not preempt future developments by means of irreversible decisions taken in a rush.

• Enable spectrum sharing between the broadcast and the mobile service in your regulation.

Dr. Roland Beutler


Thank you for your attention!

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler


Features of theTerrestrial Television Broadcasting Platform

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

• spectrally efficient (up to 6 bits/Hz)• cost efficient (independent of No of users)EFFICIENCY






• reception mode (fixed, portable, mobile, handheld)• multiplex structure (adjustable data rates)

• adjustable coverage area (national, regional)• ubiquitous (in principle everywhere possible)

• independent of concurrent users• tailored to demand

• public service & commercial broadcasters• free-to-air, conditional access, pay

• end users• manufactures

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

Dr. Roland Beutler

Competing Requirements


Shared / PersonalExperience















Delivery Platform

Co-Existence of Broadcasting and Mobile

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

New Opportunities:

Current Trends

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Broadband Initiatives

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting


National Broadband Network

• Idea: connecting all premises to a new high-speed broadband network

• Time frame: 2020

• Coverage target: 93% of homes, schools, business via fibre to the

premises at up to 1 Gbps 7% by fixed wireless & satellite at up to 12 Mbps

• Driver: newly founded Government company (NBN Co Limited)

• Access and usage sold to service providers (ISPs)

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting


Digital Agenda 2020

• Idea: broadband access to all European citizens

• Time frame: 2020

• Coverage target: 30 Mbps for 100 % of citizens 100 Mbps for 50 % of citizens

• Method: any suitable broadband platform

• Driver: market forces

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Networks 2.0

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Terrestrial Networks:

Best of Both Worlds

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Terrestrial Convergence

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

• Consumption on portable / mobile devices is key

• High quality for these devices

• Return channel has to be enabled

• Options for future system development: DVB-Tx bidirectional? LTE-Advanced+ incl. broadcast mode?

• Convergence of terrestrial networks: adaption of content quality dynamically reconfigurable between unicast,

multicast & broadcast mode

• Driver: market forces

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Broadband Networks:

One For All

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting







on the move

Content User






Last Mile

Mobile BB, WiFi, CR,terrestrial broadcasting

Core / Backbone

NBN / Digital Agenda 2020

Universal Broadband

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

Just Fiction?

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

Just Fiction?

• „Broadband To All – An Alternative Vision Report“ UK Government report published 31 July 2012

139: “It is likely that IPTV services will become ever more widespread, and eventually the case for transferring the carriage of broadcast content, including public service broadcasting, from spectrum to the internet altogetherwill become overwhelming. This may well be a more sensible arrangement, as spectrum is perfectly suited tomobile applications. … Most people watch their television in fixed locations from fixed sets. Actually, spectrum’sgreat wonder is its ability for mobility.”

140: “As such, it might be argued that spectrum’s current use for fixed, broadcast purposes is wasteful.”

141: “We recommend that the Government, Ofcom and the industry begin to consider the desirability of the transfer of terrestrial broadcast content from spectrum to the internet and the consequent switching off of broadcast transmission over spectrum, and in particular what the consequences of this might be and how we ought to begin to prepare.

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

Just Fiction?

• IRT Studies on WLAN 802.11aco up to 600 Mbps for line of sight

o if there are brick walls data rate drops to 100 Mbps

• Converter from satellite to IP are available

o satellite penetration in Germany about 40%

Inhome HD distribution to any IP-enabled device (fixed, portable or handheld) is possible !!!

New distribution concept: Pick-up and re-distribute

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler


Where Do We Go?

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

Basic Questions

• What will the future terrestrial distribution platform look like?

• When will there be a universal broadband backbone network?

• Who will invest in these networks and who will operate them?

• Will there be shared infrastructure?

• What will the technical/regulatory framework look like?

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference

Dr. Roland Beutler

Future of Terrestrial Broadcasting

„Forecasting is very difficult,in particular with respect

to the future!“

Mark Twain

2012 Latin American Spectrum Conference