The Alternate Jesus - Alternate Jesus...The Alternate Jesus Part 3B – The...

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Transcript of The Alternate Jesus - Alternate Jesus...The Alternate Jesus Part 3B – The...

The Alternate Jesus

Part 3B – The Model of Man

By Rolf A. F. Witzsche – 2013 – Published by Cygni Communications Ltd. Canada

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"The seven names for God that Mother developed," says Jesus, "which had placed

her into a category all by herself, weren't just merely names. They became part of a

model that we developed to explore the nature of humanity as divine image.”

“The model is more than just a list of names,” says Jesus to Mary. “The model is a

framework for exploring the interrelationships of the aspects that the names

represent. The names become functionally alive in the model, even though the model

is quite simple and easy to understand.

"Your sparkling eyes seem to say that you want me to demonstrate this for you.

"Well, you can do this actually yourself. Let me guide you.

"Simply draw a triangle into the sand, pointing upwards. This becomes the foundation.

A triangle is unique in geometry. It has no opposite sides. This is important, because

opposites do not exist in the spiritual dimension.

"Another feature of the triangle is that everyone of its points is linked with every

other. This is important for spiritual perception. Nothing stands isolated. Also a

tripod structure, a structure that stands on three legs, stands secure without

wobbling on the roughes terrain. This is also a critical metaphor in the spiritual


"Now draw another triangle into the sand, below the first one, but pointing

downward. Keep a generous space between the two. You have now expanded the

foundation into two parts.

"With this done, you ready to apply the seven names for God. With these names you

build the Great Model of God. In the academy, we've put the name Mind onto the top,

and Principle and Spirit at the side corners of the upper triangle. We have labeled

the side corners of the lower triangle, Life, and Truth, and have label the bottom

point, Love. Having done this, left us only the name, Soul. We have placed Soul in the

middle, between the two triangles. And, Mary, that's it! The model is complete, and it

is now up to you to explore it, and to ask yourself if the model that you have created

is correct. This means that you need to explore in your heart if the model stands up

in living and reflects what you know about God."

"How can anyone know if this is right?" interjects Mary. "What would hinder you to

swap the names Principle and Spirit, for example? Isn't one as important as the


"If you do that," says Jesus, "you have to swap the lower names too, because there

exists an inherent link between the two lower and upper sets of names. Principle and

Life are linked. Life is Principle. Principle is Life - a unit of one. Principle and its idea

is one.

"Likewise, Spirit is Truth. Truth is Spirit. The unit is one. Truthfulness and justice

are prime spiritual qualities. One cannot understand justice other than Spirit, God,

coming to light.

"You asked me if the model is right? One knows that it is right when one cannot

improve it anymore. At this point it is right for the moment, until Love inspires a

more-advanced perception. Love inspires, designates our path, and leads us on the

way. So for now, I would say that the model is right. It is after all, an exploration


"Of course there exist also other possible links, across the center of Soul. Spirit and

Life, link through Soul. Likewise Principle and Truth, link through Soul. Here, the

garden of exploration becomes more complex. Soul has a significant role to play. This

role becomes still greater if one links the extremities, Mind and Love, also through

the center, through Soul.

"Between Mind and Love, Soul is the glue. Soul is the nuclear strong force that ties

the whole thing together.

All terms in the model come to light profoundly when seen through Soul. This means

in human terms, that they are coming to light through our heart and soul. Soul pulls

everything together tightly and brings us close to God.

"If one does the same for the lower half, one encapsulates Life, Truth, and Love,

with Soul. This combination groups together our down-to-earth half.

"Furthermore, if one combines the two halves that way, Soul becomes an anchor that

holds both halves together. The divine image man becomes thereby a single beautiful


"The arms are that with which we create and build. They relate to Principle on one

side, and Spirit on the other. Below them, our legs that we plant on the ground,

relate to Life on one side, and Truth on the other side.

"Of course, if we apply this divine model to man, as the image of God, the seven

names for God apply by reflection written in lower-case letters.

"Man is not God, but is God's reflection. Human love, reflects divine Love. God, Love,

is reflected in love unless we intentionally block it.

"Likewise, Mind, is reflected in mind, and, Soul, is reflected in soul. In Mother's

academy the entire complex has been coming to light right from the start so it

seems, though not fully developed then. Mother said that the unfolding Soul-sense

inspired a celebration as God was coming to light in ever richer measures with no end

in sight. Mother said that Soul is what she felt the strongest and still does. It is a

'presence' that one can trust. If one can't trust ones innermost soul, what can one


"By figuring out what God is, using this model, we figure out what man is, who is the

image of God. Thereby we can know the nature of universal humanity. The model

defines all. We do not know anything more about man, than we know about God, nor

anything less. God and God's image must match in every detail.

"The circumcision, of course, wrecks this," Jesus continues. "The masters who would

rule society, say, if Love is one of the key divine elements, reflected in loving, let's

amputate the loving and render society loveless to whatever degree this is possible.

You can justify this by saying that the wisdom of God is wrong. By getting society to

accept this, you amputate an elements of Mind from its image. Society thereby

becomes increasingly mindless. And with this process you also amputate a portion of

the sense of Soul. Society becomes increasingly soulless thereby. Its sense of

beauty, harmony, poetry, music, the reflection of Soul in man, diminish. It is

evidently not possible to build a civilization on this wrecked landscape.

"Mother pursued the opposite path to the trend of the world. Instead of allowing

everything vital to be amputated, Mother determined that she would instead

celebrate God's rich expression to the fullest. What society amputated, she

celebrated as a vital element of God. Instead of becoming mindless, she celebrated

the wisdom of God. What touched her heart in the process, was the fire of the sense

of Soul, both in her seeking, and in her finding, and it was done with fierce heart

beats. And those must have been fierce indeed, because I am the outcome of it,"

says Jesus and smiles. "I am not the Son of God, but the son of the model of God and

man understood, acknowledged, and celebrated to whatever degree it had been

developed then. The model became functional in all its beauty."

"Mother didn't allow it. Rape was not possible for Mother. No one could touch her.

She refused to allow it," says Jesus. "She only allowed love that is honourable, with a

spiritual intention, and with a motive that is just.

"With Principle being reflected through Soul, as Truth, justice is reflected in rich

measure from within. Likewise, with Spirit being reflected through Soul, as Life,

living unfolds as a song. Life as Spirit renders everything spiritual, which is

experienced in the heart and soul in human living. The physical bears the image of

Spirit. Every aspect of life bears the image of Spirit. The divine Spirit thereby

becomes our spirit, and the divine Principle, our principle of universal good. And it all

flows through the channels of Soul to be felt in our heart and soul. When Soul's

music tone is lost, all is lost. But when it touches the human heart, existence becomes

a heaven's hymn. Rape is not possible in this environment, lest one would rape God. In

the dynamics of God, Love is always outward oriented. The rapists is inward looking,

by which the perpetrator commits rape upon itself.

"On our travels through Tibet, mostly by yak, through this far place with wide-open

landscapes, we came upon an ancient type of monastery," says Jesus. "The monks

there, if that's what they were, offered us lodging for a few days. There, one of the

monks showed me a drawing on silk that was hanging in a window. The drawing was of

a holy person looking at the sunrise. Then the monk asked us to go outside with him

and see the drawing from the outside. He pointed out that if one looks from the

outside in, one cannot see the true picture. The monk pointed out that everything is

reversed if one looks inward from the outside. The sides appear reversed. If one

wants to see what is true, one has to be on the inside looking out. The monk pointed

out to us that love has to be out-flowing for it to be true.

"He took us next to what appeared to be the holy part of the place where a small

stone sculpture was placed, of an ancient god and goddess sitting in the wide-open

lotus possition. He pointed out that one sitting in this possition calms the mind for

deeper meditation, and that it also exposes the genitals as wide as possible to the

universe, the universe of Spirit.' One thereby invites the divine Spirit to flow out

through it,' he said, 'to flow through one's body, from the head to the heart, and out

through the center of love, unceasingly, in a continuous celebration of the forever

divine blessing, like one was saying: Father-and-Mother Love, loving me, guide my

footsteps forever to you, in order that I may love in the flow of your Love.'

"He told us over supper that day, that this kind of thinking was fast disappearing.

"Mother had commented to him that he was wrong, saying that this kind of thinking

was just beginning to unfold, and that she had walked on this plain all her life. 'I kiss

the vulva as a blessing, not as a burden, and kiss with that the great heart of Love

that it symbolizes, that nourishes us all. I bow before our Mother-Father God.

Father is my temple. Mother is my church. Both are out-flowing. An observer

discerns nothing by looking inward from the outside. All comes to light by looking

outward away from oneself, as the Spirit flows. This means that everything that

reflects God in humanity needs to flow from the 'inside' out and flow through the

channels of loving, because this is how God functions. Any other direction goes

against the grain of the divine design. Justice must be out-flowing, through love,

likewise life. Nothing is gained when one seeks love from the outside looking in!'

"The monk had agreed with Mother and reiterated what he had said earlier, that one

sees everything reversed by looking inward. One can't build a civilization by looking

at everything backwards.

"'That's why nothing works,' Mother had commented. Especially rape doesn't work,

whether it be political, financial, economic, or social. The rapist always commits the

rape primarily upon itself.

"Mother typically healed the wanting-to-be rapist. She knows that if one follows the

great model of God and man, healing occurs. She discovered this almost from the

beginning. It sort of runs in the family.

This is why greed doesn't work, and theft, fascism, and war don't improve anything -

why empires collapse. The masters of empire become rapists upon themselves. The

circumcision only aims to throttle the out-flow of love. The system of empire is a

rapist's invasion by a force that not only blocks love, but forces society to work

against God and against itself. It is rape on God, so to speak. Greed, as one of the

components, is by design an invasion into love. It profits nothing. The outcome is

destructive. A society that commits itself to this rape destroys itself. It would have

never happened in Mother's academy.

"Unfortunately it is happening everywhere else in many different forms. Rome, for

example, is destroying itself with its raping, as did every empire before it, and every

empire after it will."

"Doesn't this rape make God angry?" Mary interjects.

"That's not a possibility, is it?" says Jesus. "Nothing affects God, and God's

reflection. God is not reactive, but reflective. Divine Love remains what it is, and

those whose heart and soul is still alive and vital, will reflect this love. I am able to

heal people by waking up their heart and soul that activates in them the divine design.

Suddenly they discover that they have a mind that reflects the divine, which is not

small by any means. All the dreams of finity and limitation, go out of the window. And

they also discover divine Love reflected in their loving of themselves as complete

human beings, and others likewise. They begin to love universally, as you, Mary, have


"I would like to suggest that your loving has grown too big and wide to be ever

confined again into a small scale marriage environment. Divine Love and its reflection

cannot be confined.

"All nature teaches us that Love is universal, wide, rich, profound, even explosive with

a great exuberance, if you will call it that. Infinite Love reflected universally will be

the human landscape of the future. This is inevitable, because God is what God is,

now and forever. Till we get there, love appears small to many, because they are

looking at it from the outside. They will attempt to rape and steal because they

recognize themselves to be empty inside. Until this emptiness is filled from within

and the normal dimension of love is discovered and experienced, rape will continue,

including the circumcision as a form of it, and society will continue to suffer the

smallness of its heart including its small marriages that affords it some protection

from the rape of loveless living."

"Marriages shouldn't stop, then, should they, even though the small marriage model

nearly got me killed?" Mary interjects.

"Why should they stop? They should expand," says Jesus. "They should become seed

kernels for an expanding process. The limited should become way marks on the path

of growing up where we discover that we all have the same Father and are sharing a

single humanity by which we are already more deeply married with one-another than

any marriage commitment or ceremony could ever sanctify.

"We can only move forward on this path and recognize what already is the reality of

our being, whereby we begin to celebrate evermore consciously the gold that we have

universally and live as children of that single light in which we are one, and one with


"This expanding marriage model that mirrors the Great Model of God, will be the

salvation of humanity in future times, before the great night begins anew in which

the Sun goes dim as the legends from ancient, almost forgotten times, tell us of.

"What happened before will happen again, but before it does, humanity will either

live as one people and work together in preparation for the long cold night, in the

manner that a great love for one-another will assure, or society will remain small in

heart, impotent, standing on the outside looking in, and will perish of the


"I like to suggest that the latter is not a pleasant choice."

"If it came to that, it would be the ultimate circumcision, the ultimate rape, the

ultimate injustice of humanity against itself," Mary interjects. "I can see now why

you say that justice too, as a reflection of Truth coming to light in truthfulness, has

to come from within. It can only come from within. There exists no other path in the

model, and as you said, this may be the only model there is."

"I didn't say this," says Jesus. "We have recognized in the academy that two more

different versions of the Great Model of God must exist.

"God's relationship with the physical universe must be reflected differently, by a

different form of the model. We have come to recognize that in God's relationship

with the physical universe, God as Principle, plays a dominant role. The entire

universe is a complex construct of harmonizing principles expressed. If a single one

of these principles on which everything is built, would not exist, we would not have a

universe. Nothing would exist. This means that Principle is the heart of God's

expression in the physical universe.

While this model can be used as a resource for healing our physical ills, I am not too

concerned about it, because the physical universe operates perfectly. There is

nothing that I or anyone can add, though we need to be truthful about it. John says

that if one doesn't understand Principle and divine intention, one cannot understand

the universe in which one lives.

The rocks below our feet are nothing primitive. They are the dynamic construct of

great intelligence manifest as universal principles and their interactions, expressing

divine intention on a scale we are just beginning to discover. While I love what I see,

I am not too concerned about it, because this aspect is perfect and complete. It is


"Also, I am not too concerned with God's perception of itself, in the absolute sense,

which comes to light again as a different version of the model. Here, Love is

evidently the heart and the center. Higher than Love one cannot look. Farther one

cannot go. This fact is self-evident, isn't it? Nothing is greater in its expression than

Love, so it seems. Love is at the center of everything, because everything is

intrinsically good, or else again, we wouldn't have a universe. The universe is

established. It works. It functions, because God is Principle and Love.

"While this model, too, is a valuable resource for healing, I am not overly concerned

with it, because the absolute is perfect. There is nothing I can add or need to add.

However, as John keeps saying, if one doesn't love, one cannot see God, because God

is Love. If Love is the heart of God, by loving, we begin to discover what God is.

"John explains with his saying why I am deeply concerned with the model of God and

man, which defines the dynamics of God's reflection in us!

I need to know intimately how this model works, so that we can move with it, instead

of against it. This is important to me and to all of us!

It illustrates the dynamics of healing.

"Other models may exist. But these three are evidently the most critical. And of

these three, the model of man in the image of God, is the most critical. It is the

most critical for healing and for building a civilization. That is where the greatest

amount of work is needed right now, for us to live in the image of God. That's the

greatest challenge that I can think of. Every other challenge is small in comparison,

and is in fact subsumed by this great and possibly ultimate challenge. I am deeply

concerned therefore, in working with this model, because what the model illustrates

isn't fully done yet. It is still unfolding."

"This is an invalid question, Mary," says Jesus. "It is invalid, because we 'are'

perfect. We are greater than the flowers. We have a mind, reflecting divine Mind.

We are greater than physics, which we have begun to subsume and apply to benefit

us in ways that do not exist naturally. Almost everything that we live by has been

created by us!

We have learned to use fire, to use metals, to cut stone and built giants structures

with them.

"I have seen the pyramids. No other species of life can do these things, or ever did,

or even came close. We are the miracle makers, not miracle recipients. And we do

this routinely.

"The only miracle that we cannot do yet, is fly like the birds. But note, I have said

'yet', because it is inevitable that we will fly. We are not small. We are giants. We

will fly, and when we do so, we will fly farther and higher than any bird can. We will

fly around the world, even to the moon and to the stars, which no other form of life

ever has done.

"We will stand on the stars and look upon the universe from them. That's inevitable,

Mary, because we are man. That is why we need a special model to explore and define


We are in a unique category among all of God's reflection, one that is unmatched by


"No other form of life has ever created poetry, literature, science, music, and so on.

No other living thing on earth has ever created a novel and a symphony, but we have

filled libraries and perform symphonic music routinely, with numerous types of

instruments and song.

"We have begun to discover what no physical eye has ever seen, or will see for a long

time to come. We know that the Earth is a sphere and that it is one of many planets

circling around the Sun, even while no one has ever seen this physically.

"We even know the size of the dimension of the Earth, without ever having measured

it. We are the pinnacle, Mary. We have volition, we have cognition. We are the

greatest form of life that ever was, and even wile we find ourselves at the pinnacle,

we are just beginning to discover ourselves and develop the potential we have.

"And above all, we have the power to love. If this isn't perfect, Mary, what is?

"We are bigger than any flower. Can you ask for more? We stand in the middle of an

infinite fountain that is poring forth more than we care to use. How could we ask for


"The great model of God and man that we have developed in the academy, helps us to

get in line with what is, in order to be able to utilize more fully what God is laying

before us as our potential. This is big, Mary. This is gigantic. This is bigger than

gigantic. This is divine in the fullest sense that the term can imply. This is

monumental. We are the greatest monument to the fullness of God, which only hints

at what actually is, the divine.

"This is what we must move forward with. The gravest challenge lies before humanity

to prepare for the long night ahead, and be ready on the day it begins. The challenge

is physical in nature, but the solution to is spiritual in nature, and success depends on

matching the magnitude of the challenge with an equal or greater commitment of

spiritual power. We have a long way to get there and too little commitment in the

present world, to move the work forward.

"Mother interprets the lack of commitment in society as an indication that all the

work is done that can be done at the present stage. She says that it is unwise to beat

our head against a wall.

"When we came back to Palestine, Mother suggested that the academy should be

operating right in the open, healing people. We were doing this, and many people

heard us!

We are doing this more and more now, and fewer people are really hearing us!

We have become a curiosity. The resulting fame, though, is unproductive. Its

substance is paper-thin. It makes it almost impossible to do serious work. By the

fame the movement that has started out so promising, has stopped. We have reached

a threshold of some type. The threshold reflects the crippling effect of a mass

movement. A mass-movement is inward looking. The people look to me as if I was God,

instead of them standing with me looking outwards. The mass-movement cripples the

spiritual movement. That's when one has to step away in order to save what has been


"Mother says we have come 'full circle.' She has her way with words. She is

increasingly focusing on the factor, seven, in a different way now. She keeps saying

that the seven names for God, while they are furnishing a great model for

exploration, also add up to a measure of completeness.

"In the creation story of seven days, which is a story of progressive unfolding, the

seventh day ends the sequence with acknowledged completion. Everything was

complete on the seventh day and was acknowledged as perfect. Mother says that we

are close to this point.

"Mother says that completeness means that nothing more is needed, and that

anything less wouldn't carry the day. Mother thinks we have come to this point of

completion. She says that what is complete is complete, and that this understood

fact must be acknowledged.

"I have a feeling that she thinks that the time has come for us to acknowledge to

ourselves that the work we have come here to do, is done.

"I think she means with that, that the academy is now so completely established that

it can run on its own forever without fail, and without anyone pushing it.

"Do you suggest that those seven men who came to your mother in the beginning had

the principle of the completion already built in?" says Mary. You seem to suggest that

they came to her in a manner that is divinely natural, that is so natural that it

appears miraculous to those not accustomed to the divine dynamics."

"Of course it wasn't miraculous," says Jesus. "Nothing is miraculous. You understand

this perfectly.

"What you told me about yourself, in respect to the men who have cut themselves

off from God with the circumcision, so that it is nearly impossible for a woman to

have a normal relationship with a man, because there are too few normal men left,

applies to men too. The men that have remained whole, all have the same problem in

building a normal relationship, because there are too few women left who have

experienced what a normal relationship is. Mother had raised herself above this

limitation. The rare quality that she had developed for herself became the attraction

that the men had seen in her when they looked her into the eye.

"So it was, that the type of men who saw and understood this quality in Mother,

'flocked' to her. She didn't have to apply to any of them. The apparent miracle in

this case is that those who are one with God in the highest sense, are actually the

majority in the world and can never be hid. If out of a hundred, 97 are spiritually

dead, then the remaining three who stand to count, are the majority. These three

are naturally bound to each other. For them, nothing can stand in the way. Apparently

nothing did in Mother's case. Mother had kept the gold precious. And with it, she has

raised me up, to the point where I could keep myself precious in my own sight. That's

how I received my first great healing, all inspired by Mother.

"Actually this first great healing unfolded in two steps," Jesus continues. "The first

step was tremendous. That's when I realized that I am the Son of God in deed and in

truth. This realization was exhilarating, Mary. It was like the sky had opened up and

poured me out a blessing that seemed too good to be true. The resulting sense of

being infinitely blessed, never diminished, or went away.

The second step that followed right behind it, suddenly amplified the first

realization. It unfolded as a healing when I realized that I wasn't alone in the world

as the Son of God, but that every person everywhere in the entire world, is the Son

of God likewise, in deed and in truth.

The second healing told me that I am not a freak with special powers that everybody

has to look up to. The second healing told me that I had actually discovered what a

human being is. One cannot look higher than this, than the fullest qualitative

expression of God unfolding in oneself. One simply cannot expect more than the

infinite. I had discovered who I really am.

I had begun to live in heaven, so to speak. I had touched the fringe, as it were, of the

wonders of God.

I discovered later that both of my healings were essentially one single healing. I had

learned to love God by being the Son of God, and by recognizing that everyone else is

so likewise.

From this basic imperative, from the Great Law, as Mother calls it, flow all true laws

in civilization. It supports all healing, all peace, joy, power, and our universal love for

one another. One cannot have more than this.

Mother's inspiration gave me the power to fulfill the Great Law, to be the Son of

God in my own sight. You can't imagine, Mary, what a tremendous uplift comes with

this realization? The universe suddenly lays at ones feet, and one becomes one with

it, because God is All."

"You have to go through the experience yourself. You have to look at the universe

like God, from the inside looking out, and look at yourself that way, and everyone else

too, like God sees us."

"But how can I do this?" Mary interjects. "How can I experience something that I

can't even imagine?"

"That's easy," says Jesus. "You recognize who you really are, and with that knowledge

in your heart and soul, you step up to the pinnacle and prove it to yourself. As a

human being you are the grandest form of life that is. You are out of this world. You

grace the world. You give it color and vitality. This is what it means to be a human

being, a divine being - a human being is divine.

You can climb this ladder, Mary, and do it with joy. The first step towards the

pinnacle causes you to recognize yourself as the Son of God, because this is what you

are, as much as I am."

"That's not really possible," interjects Mary. "I am a woman. I may see myself as the

Daughter of God, perhaps."

"No Mary, the concept of, the Son of God, has a far greater meaning," says Jesus.

"Have you not heard it being said that a month in the calendar is a 'son of a year?'

That's how you can be the Son of God, while being a woman. In this context the term,

Son, has a higher meaning that takes one from being a personal appendage to God, to

being a part of the whole.

The concept of, 'Daughter of God', wouldn't do you justice. As I said, it would

render you to be an appendage to God. You are not an appendage. The real You rests

at a higher level. The concept of being the Son of God, in the context of "son of a

year," renders you and me an integral part of God with a great value for the whole.

That's a far greater concept than being just an appendage, isn't it? In fact, it is the

only correct concept possible, because we truly are a part of the whole that is One.

So, my 'daughter of the heavens', be the Son of God in the highest sense. You can do

this. Stop denying yourself. 'The heavens declare your glory.' That's the new song.

Let it be your song.

"Don't play the game that the self-blinded people play, especially the Pharisees, who

see you as a sinner. Don't oblige them! While it is certainly easy to forsake your

pinnacle and lower yourself into the mud of their perceptions and expectations, and

there play out the role they have defined for you - my counsel must therefore be:

don't do this. You don't have to do anything that would be unnatural for the Son of

God. Nothing in the world forces you to move against your innermost nature and

being. You must never play that role, and bow your head in shame, as they expect.

The divine fact is, and always will be, that you are the Son of God in the highest

sense, as a part of God, as much as I am.

"If you agree with me on this point, then the next step must be to prove to yourself

what you are. I know the Pharisees despise you. I also know that you play their

assigned role well and despise yourself in their presence. I know you would never go

near a Pharisee's house, much less knock on the door or enter. I suggest that you do

this very thing. In fact, I challenge you to do this, and to do this with the dignity and

the freedom of the Son of God, a woman standing tall, head held high, and more than


"I challenge you to make it a goal for yourself to enter the highest Pharisee's house

at the next time one of them invites me to be his guest. Then, Mary, I challenge you

to walk right through the front door as if you had a right to be there, which you do

have as the Son of God, and then come before the entire assembly there and join me

as my honoured guest. If you do this, I will bow to you. I will bow to the love that you

will then feel in your heart, a love for yourself and for God that you are a part of. I

will bow to you before the entire assemply. I will bow in celebration of the great

breakthrough you will have demonstrated. At this point all the past well be forgotten

like a bad dream that never was real. And I will invite everyone to celebrate with us,

your a wakening to being a new man.

"If you can do this, Mary, I can guarantee you that what you have accomplished will

never wane. Instead, you will raise yourself to the same high level of truth in every

other respect, before every human being, so that nothing will ever stand in your


"I can also guarantee you that when you reach this point, before everyone bows to

you, you will cry for joy, Mary, over what you have accomplished. You will then have

become a majority of One. Nothing will ever stop you after that. People will come to

you, instead of shying away. The nations will then come to you and embrace you, and

you and they, will be one, all having the same divine model, and the same soul, and the

same mind, and the same love.

"By this you will know that your healing is complete. And by this too, I will know that

my work here in Palestine has made a difference."

"I think I might do this one day, what you have just said, both for you and for

myself," says Mary quietly. "Except I will bow before you first and wash your feet,

the feet that stand beautiful at the pinnacle, and I will do this gladly in honouring

your having washed my soul.

"I also may hesitate to do this, because then you will move away, and I will loose you


"No," says Jesus. "The opposite will happen. If you do not do this, you will loose me

for sure. You will loose sight of me, for reasons that you have never really seen me

then. But, if you raise yourself up, to be the Son of God in deed and in truth, then,

and only then, will you find me, because then you will see me as I am. Wouldn't this

be the most appropriate conclusion?

"The next time that Simon the Pharisee invites me to his house, I will ask John to

alert you of it. Then don't be afraid. Perform your divine role, which is your native

role. The people of the company may call you a disturber of the peace as you do this,

but I also think that Simon will thank you for this very thing one day, for

demonstrating to him what a majority of One is, even if he won't fully comprehend it

then, and possibly never will."

"Hadn't Abraham discovered this principle too?" interjects Mary. "Didn't he

illustrate this principle in his defending the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah before

God? Didn't God promise Abraham that if one person with a majority of One could be

found in the cities, the cities would be saved?"

"Abraham was aware of something like that, but he couldn't find it," says Jesus. "In

the Sodom and Gomorrah allegory, God had agreed with Abraham that a majority of

One would be enough to save the cities. It turned out that this minimal requirement

of one person standing for what is true, could not be found. As a consequence, the

cities fell, so the story goes. The allegory suggests that if one steps outside the

bond of God and man that is reflected in the divine model, which is evident in every

aspect of human existence, civilization has no hope to be secure. Consequently it is

bound to crash. The crash is often called God's fury. This, of course, is systemically

impossible. God is Love. God doesn't operate a penal system. To the contrary, God

constantly nods us forward and out of the trap of small-minded thinking. The Sodom

and Gomorrah allegory was evidently written to illustrate the liberating divine

process, and the consequence of little minds that stubbornly isolate themselves from

God. That's how tragedies happen. The allegory presents the case of a predictable

natural disaster, such as a major earthquake. Abraham was alert enough to see the

writing on the wall. But he couldn't motivate anyone to respond accordingly. There

wasn't a single person found with a mind open to the truth. Consequently everybody

perished. The allegory wasn't actually about saving the cities themselves, but about

saving the people of the cities. Cities are but but structure of stone and wood. They

can be easily rebuild by the creative and productive spirit of human beings. But if the

people perish, who then will rebuild the lost structures? Thus, the cities will never be

found again. One alert leader speaking the truth convincingly, could have caused the

people to flee. Thereby the cities could have been saved. He would has stood before

the people as a majority of One, uplifting all people into the same bond where

intelligence rules.

"The Sodom and Gomorrah story is an allegory of folly," Jesus continues. "It is an

allegory that has been played out in numerous ways throughout time, and will be

repeated for evermore until the divine majority of One becomes established. Some

of the people that I have spoken to, with a deep cultural background, who speak of

the great night in which the Sun goes dim, have suggested to me that the Sodom and

Gomorrah allegory is about the return of the great night in which most people on

earth will perish, as no one is willing to respond to the alert pioneers who see the

writing on the wall, who thereby see the infrastructure that must be built, in order

that food can be produced throughout the long night. This means that a single person

with an honest scientific mind, who can see the future by understanding the dynamics

that operate in the universe, can become the effective majority in the world if he

can inspire humanity to open its eyes and see with the mind. In the allegory, Abraham

was aware of the challenge, but he found himself to be not equal to the task. He

didn't understand it. Consequently he failed.

In the allegory, which is essentially an allegory designed as a classical tragedy,

Abraham is given the role of the central tragic figure. A person who has established

himself as a majority of One, would have had inspired enough of a leadership to

evacuate the cities in a timely fashion. The secondary tragic element was society

itself that laughed at Abraham as a pathetic fool, instead joining him in securing the

safety of society. Those who laughed, perished in the consequence of their folly. And

so it will always be. God has given humanity a keen mind to know the truth, to

understand all things scientifically, to see with the mind what no single eye has ever

seen or can see before it happens. More than this we cannot ask. But if we laugh at

the blessings that have been so richly bestowed on us, we perish in the fires of our

folly. This is the lesson of the tale of the two cities that probably never had existed

outside the story of the allegory.

The response was totally different, however, in Mother's case," Jesus continues. "In

Mother's case, she had inspired a few people who had eyes they could open and a

mind with which to see, who saw in her the greatest majority of good they had ever

encountered. And so it was that they came to her, four men and three women. They

had responded to her spontainiously, to the idea of an academy.

"Mother says it happened almost instantly. What seemed like a miracle, happened as

if this was the most natural thing to do.

"That's what I wanted to say to you back in the temple, that you should keep this in

mind. I felt that if Mother is right about the completion being close, you would

understand my saying. Apparently you did. You might even understand now, that the

model for man with the seven names for God, is the model of the majority of One."

"Ah, that's what Hermes Trismegistus of ancient Egypt had struggled with, too,"

says Jesus. "Hermes Trismegistus had said that if God is all, all names must apply, or

none at all. The Hindu do not go quite as far. They have their seven million names for

God, expressed in subordinate little deities. Mother argued with them about this.

She explained to them that her seven names for the divine One represent infinity.

Now she recognizes that infinity also represents completeness.

"When nothing can be added to improve a construct, then one deals with infinity, and

at the same time one deals with a unit of One that includes all.

"This is what Mother sees herself being tied into now. And you are right, this type of

thinking goes back a long way with Mother, much farther than even I know."

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