TESIS Chapter 1- Chapter 5 (8)

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Transcript of TESIS Chapter 1- Chapter 5 (8)



1.0 Introduction.

Visual Arts Education in National Formal Education System means a

systematic, planned and measurable performance to meet the needs and

aspirations of individual countries. It is triggered through painting, sculpture

and various other skills blended with students’ experience and what they have


According to the fourth edition of Kamus Dewan, arts are defined as

works of art such as poetry, painting, music and others that were created with

the talent and ability to create something beautiful. Indirectly acknowledged

that in order to produce a product of art, talent, ability and a strong appreciation

and understanding is very important. Ability is something that can be learned

and developed while talent is something that stands on its own as a result of

God's grace. Both are closely linked in producing a product of art that has a

high aesthetic value.

The goal of primary school Visual Art Education Syllabus is to produce

a harmonious, critical, creative and proactive learners through Visual Basic. The

curriculum seeks to help students improve their gratitude to God, appreciate the

natural beauty of the surroundings, the beauty of art and heritage and contribute

towards the development of self, family, society and the state in accordance

with the National Education Philosophy.


Visual Arts teaching in schools is meant to provide opportunities for

pupils to develop their interests, personality, awareness and sensitivity towards

the values of the arts and the environment in relation to other subjects. Using

appropriate strategies and content in teaching is indeed encouraging, to foster

students’ interest. In the Visual Art world, teachers need to apply meaningful

and intriguing approaches in teaching in order to facilitate the learning process

and at the same time arouse interest towards the subject. Before the lesson start

the teacher should make careful planning so creative and systematic teaching

sessions are conducted more effectively and achieve the objectives. In making

and planning of teaching and learning of the Visual Art World, teachers need to

have a profound knowledge about strategies and methods of teaching and

learning. It allows teachers to carry out their teaching more effective.

To overcome the problems that often arise during the teaching and

learning process as students often do not focus on teaching and frequent

discipline problems in the classroom, teachers need to make a change and

innovation in their teaching. Teachers need to be wise in choosing strategies or

approaches appropriate to the circumstances and prior knowledge of students in

the classroom. Selection of a suitable approach will make teaching more lively

and objectives will be achieved easily and effectively.

According to Hisyamuddin (2010), National Education Goals

formulated by the Ministry of Education are very clear. Nevertheless, it requires

effort and unwavering focus of teachers in achieving it. Therefore, teachers

need to be prepared to create changes aimed at improving the quality of


teaching and learning. Creative and innovative teacher is the criteria to be there

for teachers to implement changes in the delivery of the adoption of the

communication patterns of activities and many others.

Singing approach is one of the very effective methods to arouse the

interest of students in order to focus on teaching and learning. The explanation

by Nur Hashim (2010), in a study of the actions, Effectiveness and Mechanical

Singing Induction Set Attracting Students Towards Learning Science (2010),

states that singing technique applied to a set of induction during the teaching

process has succeeded in attracting students towards science subjects.. This is

because the singing approach of the subject learned can generate interest and

easily generate students’ understanding.

In conclusion, singing approach in education can arouse their interest

and thus can solve problems that often arise during the process of teaching and

learning in the classroom.

1.1 Background of the Study.

This study is an innovation made towards studying the effectiveness of

the approach of singing in the process of teaching and learning for the Visual

Art World subject.

The syllabus of the Primary School Curriculum Standard (2010)

contains an element of edutainment in teaching and learning. The Government

intends to introduce edutainment to realize the transformation of teaching and

learning in the classroom. It is expected edutainment approach in the classroom


will make learning more interactive and student-centered. Thus the teacher will

be more easily appreciated and understood by students. Singing approach is one

of the methods available in edutainment. Teaching sessions will be more

relaxed and fun as well as reducing the pressure on students. (Curriculum KSSR

Year 2)

In addition, the singing approach method proved effective in increasing

student’s interest in learning, reduce passive behavior, active participation of

pupils throughout teaching and learning session and can minimize discipline

problems among students. Singing method can create a learning environment

that is lively and entertaining learners. Pupils who undergo the teaching and

learning process using songs feel more exthusiastic and fun to learn compared

with students who undertake the teaching and learning process using

conventional methods. According to Suzella Ab. Samad (2009), the purpose of

the song is to enhance students' interest in learning and sleepiness while in

class. Therefore, it can be concluded that the singing approach is an intriguing

method which encourages active participation and enthusiasm towards the

subject and learning process.

This supports the fact mentioned by Abd Fatah (1994), if a student is to

integrate both functions of the brain in harmony, learning will be fun, will

increase the power of concentration, memory will be stronger, increase

inquisitive power imagination will be improved to solve the problem, and

thought will be more active.


Kamarul (2003), stated in the process of preparing teaching aids, a

teacher has to run a variety of research really helpful to teachers and students.

Therefore, as an effort to ensure continued innovation in education in line with

the main thrust of the educational goals that you want to make sure students can

understand and also considering the results of teaching and learning and provide

a learning environment that is entertaining, this study was conducted to test the

effectiveness of the technique in singing help teachers and students in teaching

and learning activities that have been implemented. In addition, it also seeks to

improve the performance of the students in the topics focused.

Painting is important to enhance the creativity of a child. Most children

now, even at the age of 10 years old still cannot produce a painting with a good

foundation. Drawing skills are important as an indicator of the ability of

students to apply the knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design

that has been understood in the World of Visual Arts (KSSR) Ministry of

Education (2010).

According to Britain and Lowenfeld (1983), the visual aesthetic presentation of

a child has certain characteristics. Children at every age level have to master

certain artistic values pertaining to the development of their painting skills in

line with age cognitive development, psychomotor and effective. This explains

painting is an important aspect that needs to be mastered by all pupils in the


Referring to Mohd Johari Ab. Hamid (2004), Visual Arts World subject

taught to students is not solely aimed at producing artists and designers. It is to


create imaginative citizens, creative, knowledgeable and sensitive to aesthetic

values. It also aims to create awareness and understanding of the pupils and

appreciate the role of the arts as a necessity in life and relationship with nature.

According to Mohd Johari Ab. Hamid (2006), elements of art is a

fundamental element in the production of works of arts. Recognize and

understand the elements of art and it is very important to note that every work

of art has one or more of the specified elements. The lines represent the basic

elements essential for producing drawings and sketches. Therefore an

understanding of the types of lines that range becomes an important aspect to

facilitate students in painting.

Mastery of drawing skills using a song or singing approach among

students will equip them with the skills and communicate directly. This is in

line with the objectives of the National Education Philosophy in Malaysia,

aimed at developing balanced, harmonious and potential individuals through a

holistic and integrated manner.

Feldmen (1996) in the state authority Art Education, five-dimensional

view of social, economic, political dimension, the dimension of psychology,

and cognitive or moral dimension. Planning and implementation of these

subjects should be comprehensive and balanced according to the teaching

curriculum set by the Ministry of Education which covers four main areas of the

field of drawing, making the field of construction, field patterns and designs

making and introduce the field of traditional handicrafts. In the area there is a

drawing technique called painting technique to produce images. This technique


is the basis for a pupil to produce works. Good painting is to apply the elements

of art and principles of good design.

While singing technique, is a teacher’s teaching approach to deliver and

import her knowledge pertaining to her subject, to facilitate the learning

process. In the context of this run, the researcher wants to add aspects of her

teaching practice by emphasizing the application of singing techniques. Lyrics

of the songs are focused on types of lines in drawing, composed using catchy

melody. The aim of the research is to improve students' understanding of the

kinds of skills the next line drawing by applying the types of lines that are

understood through singing.

Accordingly, it is expected that this study can help students achieve the

Standard Visual Arts World Learning in the Primary School Curriculum

through edutainment aspect more effectively.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Based on former teaching and learning, researchers found that the

implementation of the teaching of Visual Arts World KSSR subject in his

school teaching has been going well. Pupils were taught a variety of knowledge

and skills in relation to this subject. Through observation, the researcher found

that there are teachers who teach Visual Arts World subjects’ skin fully skilled

and creatively though they did not take a degree in visual arts as their major.

The researcher has been entrusted to teach subjects for Visual Arts World

subject to pupils in 2 Cempaka. The number of students in this class is 35,

consists of all Malays. Students in this class have moderate level of knowledge.


During the execution of teaching and learning process in the classroom

to teach drawing field of painting, observation was done. Through observation

during teaching researcher found that some students are not proficient at

drawing and there was no immediate reason to do these activities with drawing

it difficult and tedious. Oral questions were posed about the kinds of basic lines,

but they could not answer them correctly. There is a direct disciple did not

respond and just keep silent. In fact, some of them have been misbehaving like

making noise, disturbing friends and strolling in the classroom.

Therefore, the researcher wants to increase students’ mastery in painting

technique by improving their understanding of the types of lines in order for

students to produce a good painting. Hairul Izwan Mohd Rosli (2010), in his

study describes the application of the types of lines can improve drawing skills

of pupils by means of self-exploration. This is when students explore something

indirectly students receive new knowledge. The type of line is very important

when applied to produce a painting. Through singing approach can enhance

students’ understanding and interest in the World of Visual Arts. And this is

where the researcher suspects that this problem should be solved by the

absorption of music in understanding the types of lines through the song.

According to Edi Izral (2010), in his study describes singing techniques used

has been shown to increase students’ comprehension and memory in a way that

is easier and can improve their memory. The formulation of the findings stated

that the method of singing has improved students’ interest and understanding.

Learning through singing method is also suitable to be applied as it is more

student-centered because students will sing and continue to paint by the lyrics


with the guidance of a teacher. Then they will remember and understand the

types of lines and provide a permanent memory for use when drawing.

Primary School Curriculum refers World Visual Arts Year 2, pupils in

primary schools generally on the whole are creative, expressive and active.

Visual arts play a role to develop these qualities through visual perception,

imagination and thought. Thinking activities, exploration, and design in a

variety of visuals will allow them to express their ideas and self-expression.

This experience is important because it can help students to build self-

confidence, make judgments, and to recognize their own flavor and strengths.

Visual Arts World Standard document covers topics which confirm the

exploration, production process, understanding the meaning of the arts as a

whole, and criticism. With the Visual Arts Education in primary schools will

enable to shape the next generation of Malaysia's arts and cultural literacy. The

goals of the Visual Arts World subject are aimed at producing balanced, critical,

creative, and productive through building basic visual arts.

Art education is an educational program that is systematic, planned and

measurable performance to meet individual needs. His individual needs to be

achieved through artistic activities involving knowledge and process skills,

techniques and media as well as the establishment of the moral values (Md.

Nasir Hassan Ibrahim & Abraham, 2003).

Teachers understand and appreciate the reasonable control of the

curriculum and syllabus for Visual Arts Education. In fact, they should be well

versed with the process syllabus focuses on the development of specific


knowledge and skills upgrading. Using strategies and effective learning

approach will enable us to produce students who can paint very well with skills.

This is consistent with the Standard Content KSSR which is meant to execute

educative elements applied in the teaching and learning of the Visual Art


Based on the problems in the teaching and learning process of the last

infusion makes the researcher to review teaching practices so that researchers

can figure out more effective ways to help them. This raises the awareness of

the value of a teacher who wants to practice or encourage better control of

drawing skills. The researcher decided to carry out this study in order to

improve students’ weaknesses and try to improve teaching methods and

techniques appropriate to the needs of students. The value of education as

practiced by the researchers is to foster a culture of painting by using the

method of singing.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The objective of this study is to improve understanding and

arouse students’ interest in Visual Arts World through singing approach

among students of year 2.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

I. Help students to develop an understanding and interest towards Visual

Arts World through singing.


1.4 Research Questions

I. Does singing approach help students to develop an understanding of

the Visual Arts World?

II. Does singing approach help to attract students towards learning

Visual Arts World?

1.5 Importance of Study

Based on the experience of the researcher during the teaching and

learning of the Visual Arts World, researcher has identified several problems

faced by pupils in Year 2 Cempaka. Among these problems is the lack of

pupils’ interest in the lessons taught which mainly involve drawing activities.

This situation may be due to the students did not understand the kinds of

drawing lines and assume it is a difficult and tedious activity.

From the observations made, students are not interested and less focused

on teaching because they do not have the knowledge, experience and exposure

are not given on drawing skills using proper techniques. After the researcher is

aware of the problems faced by most of the students in the class, plans are made

to help them be interested in the subjects Visual Arts World and master the

skills of drawing. The researcher has chosen to sing approach to improve the

understanding and students' interest in Visual Art World. The researcher will

conduct further teaching approach using songs and try to get responses from the



The researcher needs, in order to carry out this study to apply Creativity

Development Theory by Viktor Lowenfeld which is parallel with ages traversed

and cognitive development and ability effectively. In addition, students should

have a grasp of 2 types of lines that range while studying in year 1 or during the

preschool years. Next, they need to know their uses and when to apply them

producing drawings. Furthermore, singing approach is fun, enjoyable and less

stressful pertaining to the teaching of the Visual Arts World.

In addition, this study can also be used as a valuable distribution to the

public and other education issues and interventions that have been conducted

for a shared-same. In addition, the studies that have been carried out also proved

arguments and the instrument used in this study coincide and can solve the

problem. Confidence in other educators can also be upgraded to use the song

approaches in teaching and learning and data of the results of this study can be

displayed and receive favorable findings and can demystify the research


The findings of this study are expected to provide benefits to the

Teacher Education Division (BPG), the Ministry of Education (MOE) to

streamline and equip trainees with sufficient knowledge about the content,

methods, strategies, and techniques so that they are confident and willing to

perform the task as executing agency World Visual Arts curriculum KSSR a

very important element of edutainment and do not underestimate the subjects

Visual Arts World.


1.6 Scope of Study

The target group is composed of 36 persons’ of which 16 respondents

were boys and 15 girls respondents. All respondents attended school in year 2 at

Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Binjai, Meru Klang, Selangor. All respondents are

of Malay descent, which is 6 of 15 classrooms for students in academic

achievement Level 2. Respondents in this class are moderate levels of the

subjects Visual Arts World and also other subjects. Studies conducted only on a

class because of time limitations and the number of students is quite big. This

study was conducted during the study underwent a 10-week practicum period.

An assessment was conducted during the teaching of the Visual Art World.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Definition of terms used in this study is:

1.7.1 Singing

According to the Kamus Dewan, singing is a musical composition sung

by voice. Based on the context of this study, the composite word art song used

relates to the types of lines that will be taught next singing with the appropriate

melody has been selected.

1.7.2 Approach

According to the fourth edition of Kamus Dewan, approach means the

description of the method or methods or steps taken to initiate or perform a task.

Based on this context approach refers to singing approach carried out to


improve students’ understanding and interest in the World of Visual Arts

students’ among year 2 students.

1.7.3 Enhance

Referring to the fourth edition of the Council dictionary, the word means

exalted position, enlarge and intensify the level of something. In this study,

refers to the process of improving the process of increasing or improving their

skills and understanding of the types of lines and interests of students in the

Visual Arts World in Year 2.

1.7.4 Understanding

Referring to the fourth edition of Kamus Dewan, understanding means

the ability or capacity to understand or a condition in which someone will learn

something. Understanding the purpose of this study refers to understanding the

types of lines that are known and tested through the test. This understanding is

important to draw better.

1.7.5 Interest

In the fourth edition of Kamus Dewan, the word interest refers to

passions and inclinations towards something. In this context passions lead to

interest among students of the Visual Arts World, especially in the field of

painting and produce images.


1.8 Conclusion

In this chapter the researcher explained on the research background,

problem statement, research objectives, research interests, the research

questions. Further description of this field of research will be discussed in the

next chapter.




2.0 Introduction

In this section will be described in further matters related to the study,

which is related to the study of literacy-related concepts and theories related

literature research. In addition, previous studies also included that have been

done related to topics studied. At the end of this section will be described the

relationship between literacy and research topic.

2.1 Literature Survey Related to Concepts.

According to Mok Soon Sang (2006), teaching methodology refers to

the use of all effective ways to help teachers deliver the knowledge, skills and

values desired by the students.

Singing technique is one of the strategies or methods that can be used in

teaching and learning. By Cheek, in Khadijah, Maharani & Raudah in Zaidatun

Ling and Nasir (2008) state students actively provide information through


Singing means in terms of expression that can be inserted into the song

and rhythm. According Suzella Ab. Samad (2009) the intended use of the

technique of singing is to enhance students' interest in learning and prevent

them from getting bored and sleepy in the classroom. With the use of singing


technique, students will be interested in learning and encourage them to

participate actively in the process of teaching and learning.

In the context of strengthening students’ skills, singing is an activity that

can help teachers achieve these goals. This is because the song itself requires a

clear and correct pronunciation, rhythm and cadence and delivered by pressure,

specific intonation and tone. Teachers can prepare songs relevant to the contents

of the lesson. Singing in activities a study conducted with the aim of which is to

provide some understanding of the types of lines through the lyrics of songs

composed to give an overview to apply when drawing to improve skills in


Painting is one of the activities that can be done using dry media such as

pencil, color pencil, charcoal, crayons, soft pastels or other materials as

appropriate. Good painting is when an advanced student to apply the elements

of art and principles of design. Basic drawing is to understand the elements of

art such as line, shape, form, color, space and connectivity. The main thing to

produce painting is by doing a sketch using the line. Hassan Ghazali (2012),

states an important base line in visual art because it involves work early stage in

the process of producing the work. Hairul Izuan Mohd Rosli (2010), in his study

stated that drawing skills can be improved through self-discovery and

application by the student. The student must have the spirit of inquiry to explore

and try out the types of Geris diversity and function, then the student is easy to

apply while generating the drawing.


Lines also resulted from grafting a series of contiguous points. Lines are

also considered as a moving point. The composition of continuous point it is

also considered as a baseline. Arrangements that point the possibility of having

the long nature and size of uncertainty.

There are various types of lines that can be used as the thick, hairy lines,

fine lines, spiral lines, lines cascade, seed lines, angled lines, uncluttered lines,

dashed lines, rough lines, dotted lines, wavy lines and spins, thin line, barbed

lines, jagged lines, repeating lines and lines vibrate. It can be viewed on-line

environment that is divided into two lines and lines of natural things man-made


The line of natural objects such as rough on the tree trunk lines, lines

coiled in shells, spiky durian fruit on lines, wavy lines on parts of cabbages, and

furry and jagged lines on a tree fern. While the sample line on the man-made

objects are jagged lines on the saw blade, the corrugated roof tile lines, lines

overlaid on the mats, gross and fine lines on the marble floor and dashed lines

on the highway divider.

Multiple Intelligences theory introduced by Howard Gardner (1983)

describes the intelligence is not merely inherited and pupils can be identified

through intelligence aspect that can be detected in them. It can inspire creativity

in applying the notion of observation and learning to help them develop further

skills and knowledge acquired into practice. Garner lists the eight intelligences

namely Intelligence, Logical / Mathematical Intelligence Visual, kinesthetic


intelligence, Music Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Verbal Intelligence

and Intelligence Naturalist.

In the context of the study, researchers integrate music into the visual

scene teaching and learning process study. Intelligence involving visual-spatial

in the Art Education course there and in the context of the study, singing

involves intelligence applied to music. The combination of both an intelligence

can be applied, stimulated, studied, taught, and improved through a variety of

activities and appropriate education in the arts.

In conclusion, with the provision of teaching and learning process by teachers to

include the song then, the learning objectives to be served easily achieved by all


2.2 Reviews Of Previous Studies Related Literature

Hairul Izuan Mohd Rosli (2010) in his study describes the application of

these types of lines can improve drawing skills of pupils to paint by his own

explorations. This is when students explore indirectly students construct new

knowledge, types of lines are very important when applied to painting.

Furthermore, it is of fundamental importance in creating a painting.

Meanwhile, Edi Izral (2010) in his study describes singing techniques

used has been shown to increase students’ proficiency in vocabulary among pre-

schoolers. In addition, it increases students' understanding of pupils with an

easier way and can develop their memory. Summary of research explains that

singing techniques have improved verbal and comprehension of students.


This study was supported by research done by Fairuz (2011), which

describes how to use the lyrics of songs that have improved student mastery and

understanding of a KVKV mention syllable. Song lyrics composed assist

researchers presenting instructional objectives more easily. When students sing

students will remember and store them in their eternal memory.

Izuddin Mohd Akmal (2011), in his study singing in teaching and

learning activities has increased the understanding of the students to get to

know the names of angels and their tasks can improve the skills given then

stored in long term memory. His research tool that uses pre and post tests also

shows that the mean difference scores very significant improvement.

Explanation by Nur Hashim (2010), in a study of his actions

Effectiveness of Mechanical Singing in the Induction Set Attracting Students to

Study Science (2010), explains that the technique of singing that was applied

during an induction set of teaching and learning processes of students have

attracted students to the learning points science lessons. This is because the

technique of singing students more fun and easier to understand something that

is trying to learn. Interviews were conducted with student finds his students are

very excited to continue teaching and learning process after the induction song

set is used.

Edith & Kamariati study (2005), about the effectiveness of songs in T &

L process conducted in Tanjung Batu, Tawau, Sabah, showed that overall, the

target group reacted positively to the subjects taught. They show a good

performance in the learning of aspects considering the facts of science which is


especially important in labeling diagrams. This in turn can attract students to


Sufian & Osman (2008), conducted a study entitled Use of Music in T &

L Classroom and the results show that good music can evoke a sense of fun

learning and learning among students and pupils can develop thinking skills.

The findings also showed that music is effective as a classroom management

tool as a channel to express students. In fact, the use of subjects is one of the

strategies to ensure teaching and learning process in the classroom into one

unforgettable experience and can indirectly improve the quality of teaching.

2.3 Relations With The Topics Of The Literature Review.

Study abroad ranging use of singing in the teaching and learning process

is also carried out. Campbell (1990) in his study entitled Multiple Intelligences

In The Classroom proves that music and singing method used in the process of

T & L can improve student academic achievement. In this study, Bruce

Campbell uses music to help the respondent remember and understand the facts.

As a result of that test results show that the student is a student who was less

successful in his studies. Also received positive feedback from the respondents,

they expressed that they felt comfortable and enjoyable to learn with this

method. Their confidence and motivation have also increased indirectly.

In a study entitled The Effectiveness of Integrating Music in The

Classroom carried out by Brewer (2007) pointed out that the integration of

music into the teaching and learning process is a very effective approach to


music which is suitable for all ages. In a study conducted by him, the use of

music and singing in the teaching and learning process can help students

remember learning experience can be passed in addition to encouraging the

active participation of students in the teaching and learning process. Rhythms

and melodies used in the songs, chat, poems and rap can strengthen the memory

of facts and content.

There are various studies on the use of music (singing) in the teaching

and learning process were conducted for this and have shown no positive

response. Although many studies have proven music can increase the effective

teaching and learning process in the classroom, but it can look be ignored by

school teachers. Thus, researchers will take the initiative to undertake a study

on the effectiveness of methods of singing in enhancing the understanding and

interest of students, in a bid to become a teacher creates.

All literature reviews done by the researcher are related to intervention

program which solely focuses on songs or singing approach. The song used in

the action research applies various types of lines in its lyrics. Students or

respondents will apply the types of lines from the song directly in their painting

or drawing.




3.0 Introduction

This chapter describes in detail how the method of this research study is

made of the data collection methods, sample selection, the study measured the

tools and methods of data analysts. This study is in the form of qualitative

approaches to assess the extent of the song can generate students’ interest and

understanding of the Visual Arts World among pupils year 2.

3.1 Design Review

Ensure that action research is progressing effectively, a systematic

action plan based on the guidelines of research has been designed. The model

and the process used is Action Research Model Kurt Lewin (1946). According

to Rosinah Edin (2011) Lewin explains that in a loop consists of four processes

in one cycle after identifying aspects of the practice, began the process of

planning, action, observation and reflection


Figure 1: Action Research Model Kurt Lewin (1946)


IDENTIFY AREAS OF PRACTICE• Pupils’ understanding on the types of lines and drawing skills are weak. Students are less interested and do not focus on learning process.


Effective interventions to improve understanding of the types of lines and master students produce paintings.

1. PLANNING • • Provide daily lesson plan that uses

the methods of singing during the teaching process.

• • Provide round lyrics Great, “ Bulat Kecil Bulat Besar”and “Ikan di Sungai”

2. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES• Implement the action plan consisting of four steps.• Measures:1. Set Induction2. Demo Song Chart3. Pupils Activity.4. Appreciation SessionDoing the final exam,document analysis.


Analyze the data findings, the study measures.

Analyzing the data acquired through observation of teachers in the classroom.

Analyze data based on photographs taken during the T&L process in the classroom.


3.1.1 Identifying Aspects of Practice.

Reflection done after teaching and learning process, pupils show less

interest in Visual Art World. This problem occurs due to the troubled pupils did

not understand the kinds of lines that can be applied to produce a painting.

3.1.2 Planning

Researcher devises appropriate action plans to be carried out with the

selection of activities that can help learning in the classroom with the use of the

song that made the main strategy in the ongoing intervention. Singing is one

element of Multiple Intelligences Intelligence Music.

3.1.3 Actions

Researcher implements an action plan that has been designed consisting

of four measures implemented in two sessions of teaching and learning in the

classroom. The researcher also serves as the participant as a teacher while

implementing the action.

3.1.4 Viewing Action Effects

After the intervention is completed, data are collected using three

instruments of document analysis, observation and drawing teacher. The aim is

to see the effect on the action it has taken. After all, the data are analyzed and



3.1.5 Reflection

The findings are assessed to prove effective interventions undertaken to

arouse the interest of pupils and students can enhance understanding of the

types of lines and students can draw and by inserting elements of singing in the

teaching and learning process.

3.2 Sampling of Study

Sampling is a research strategy to obtain information about a population

of individuals who comprise the population. Some individuals were taken

through the sampling is representative of a population is called a sample.

According to Cresswell (2005), the proportional random sampling technique is

a technique used for populations that do not show an imbalance of

characteristics for a sample.

  The sample of the study is composed of 35 respondents from Class 2

Cempaka. All respondents were Malays. Respondents consisted of 16 boys

respondents and 19 girls respondents. Rating of the class is at 6th position out of

15 classes, in the year 2. The academic performance of all respondents is at a

moderate level for Visual Arts World and other subjects.

3.3 Location of Study

The study was conducted at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Binjai Meru,

Klang, Selangor. This school is a school grade A school which consists of

approximately 3200 students and 180 teachers including support workers. The


school also has two sessions, morning and afternoon sessions. The school is

located in a rural area.

Studies conducted on students in the year 2. Year 2 comprises of 15

classrooms with a total student population about 510 pupils. Selection of the

study was among pupils from Year 2 Cempaka with the overall number of 35

respondents. Respondents consist of 16 boys and 19 girls respondents.

3.4 Instrument Review

The data were collected from three main instruments which are analysis

of documents, teacher observations and pictures that were recorded during the

teaching and learning process for an evaluation carried out.

3.5 Implementation Study.

Implement action steps that were designed systematically. All

procedures are followed and followed that successful interventions are carried

out according to stipulated time. This is in order to ensure that this study can be

seen its effectiveness in teaching and learning.


3.5.2. Flowchart Steps Action 1 Title: Beruang Saya

Figure 2: Flowchart of Action 1



Teacher use a song during induction set entitled'Knock, Knock I'm Teddy Bear'


Teacher pastes charts that display song lyrics dipicting drawing titled “Beruang Saya”on a white board.


Pupils draw on a given topic guided by the teacher until the completion of the coloring process.


Pupils make appreciation of paintings that were completed.

3.5.2. Flowchart Steps Action 2 Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Figure 3: Flow Chart of Action 2



Pupils draw following the steps in the lyrics with the guidance of a teacher until the completion of the coloring process.


Pupils make appreciation of the work and activities undertaken.


Teachers display a chart on how to paint 'Ikan di Sungai' on a white board. Pupils sing the lyrics based on the chart.


Teachers use the song entitled 'Fish snicker' during induction set and enquire about the types of fish that live in the river.

3.6 Document Analysis

Documents analyzed by researchers are the work of students that are

painting titled “Beruang Saya” and “ Ikan Di Sungai”. A researcher uses a

checklist to analyze student earlier paintings. Evaluation was based Rubric

Assessment and Achievement in Visual Art World KSSR Year 2. Year (2011)

3.7 Method of Collection

These data were derived from three main instruments that are

documented analysis, observation and drawing teacher. The instruments used

are a research tool to collect data and information intended to be analyzed.

3.8 Data Analysis Methods

Data collected from three of the instruments used in the study of this

action, namely document analysis, observation and drawing teacher. Through

this research, the data obtained provide information relevant to the issue under

study and to determine whether the findings can answer questions study.

Data were collected by the researcher based on the criteria that have

been established by an instrument which has been selected by the researcher.

Each finding will be processed and interpreted either in the form of diagrams or

tables to facilitate understanding of each of these data. The researcher has

chosen analytical instrument, document student work, teacher observations, and

images recorded during the assessment.


3.9 Conclusion

This chapter discusses the research methodology as a whole. It covers

methods of data collection, the selection of the study sample, the study location,

instrument and method of data analysis. Result in data analysis described as the

findings in chapter 4.





The data are collected by using three instruments for this study of action

through research, namely an analysis of documents, observations and images.

The tool used to obtain the data relevant to the issue under study and to

determine whether the findings can answer the research questions.

4.1 Introduction.

Data were collected by the researcher based on the criteria that have

been set by the instrument chosen by the researcher. Each data, the finding will

be processed and interpreted either in the form of tables or diagrams to facilitate

the understanding of each of these data. The researcher has chosen the

instrument to analysis document of students’ work, teacher observations, and

images were recorded during the assessment period.


4.2 Analysis of Student Documents

4.2.1 Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Achievements Respondents

Boy Respondents Girl Respondents

Excellent 5 Persons 14.3% 7 Persons 20%

Simple 6 Persons 17.1% 8 Persons 22.8%

Ground 5 Persons 14.3% 4 Persons 11.4%

Table 1: Findings Document Analysis.

(Students painting)

Based on Table 1 shows the results of the analysis of the collected

documents, paintings on the assessment of pupils for the first time titled

“Beruang Saya”. The result data obtained showed five boys respondents have

obtained outstanding achievement accounting for 14.3% of total students. While

for the girls respondents showed seven respondents had obtained a good

achievement of 20% of the total students. For moderate performance,

achievements earned by boy respondents by 6 respondents, 17.1%. A total of 8

girl respondents had obtained a modest achievement of 22.8%. 5 of boy

respondents had obtained weak performance of 14.3%. While girls respondents

obtain the weak performance of four respondents representing a percentage of

11.4%. Overall achievements earned by both boys and girls respondents are



4.2.2 Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’

Achievements Respondents

Boy Respondents Girl Respondents

Excellent 8 Persons 22.8% 12 Persons 34.2%

Simple 6 Persons 17.1% 5 Persons 14.3%

Ground 2 Persons 5.7% 1 Person 2.9%

Table 2: Findings Document Analysis. (Students Painting)

Based on Table 2, the result shows the of studies document analysis

work undertaken through the painting of students at the second time titled

“Ikan Di Sungai”. The finding shows that 8 respondents has obtained an

outstanding achievement which represented 22.8% of the total. The good

achievement percentage obtained by girls respondents were 12 respondents than

boy respondents to 4 from a total of 34.2%. A total of 6 boys respondents has

received a modest achievement of 17.1%. While girl respondents were 5 people

have obtained a moderate result. Further findings from the table above shows

two boys respondent had obtained a poor performance while the first girls

respondents have poor performance. In conclusion, based on the findings of

data from Table 1 and Table 2 shows the enhanced performance, among

respondents. The accomplishments of the girl respondents are also better than

the boys respondents. From the data obtained proved that singing approach

undertaken in the process of T&L has increased understanding and generate

student interest in the World of Visual Arts.


4.3 The Teacher’s Observation

4.3.1. Title: ‘ Beruang Saya. Response to Teacher’s Instruction.

Figure 4: Response to Teacher’s Instruction.

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Based on the bar chart in Figure 4, shows the results of analytical studies

on teacher observation of students' responses to the directions given by the

teacher during the process of teaching and learning. The findings of the study

data indicate that a total of 13 girls and 8 boys respondents gave a very good

response to the instruction given by the teacher. A total of 3 girls and 4 boys

respondent responded well to teachers' instructions. The findings from this data

also show that three girls and four boys respondents responded averagely to


None Poor Good Very good0








3 3






Boys Girls

teachers' instructions. Overall, the findings of this data showed that the

respondents were cooperative and actively involved in the process of teaching

and learning that has been carried out and focus on teaching. Involvement In The T&L Process

Figure 5: Involvement In the Process of T&L

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Based on the bar chart in Figure 5 shows the results of analysis of

respondents' participation in the process of teaching and learning titled I bear. 14

girls and 17 boys respondents had indicated the involvement of excellence

during the process of teaching and learning, namely a total of 14 respondents. A

total of 5 respondents were girls and 2 boys respondents involved in the teaching

process. Followed by three girls respondents and 4 respondents are less actively

involved in the teaching and learning process. Based on these data, the overall

girls respondents showed greater involvement compared with boys respondents.

All respondents were cooperative and actively involved in the teaching process.


None Poor Good Very Good0














Boys Girls

Approach to singing that was carried out by researchers has succeeded in

attracting students to participate actively in the process of teaching and learning. Work of Art

Figure 6: Results of Pupils’Artwork

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Based on the bar chart in Figure 6 above shows the results of the

analysis of participant observation study of the work of art that have been made

by the respondents. The findings of the above data show that a total of 6 girls

and 4 boys respondents produce excellent art work. Followed 8 girls

respondents and 5 boys respondents produce good artwork. The findings from

this data also showed that 5 respondents were girls and 7 boys respondents

produce works of art that are average. Overall, it can be concluded that girls

students are more creative and give deeper commitment to produce their

paintings. The singing approach has been successfully attracted and enhanced

student’s understanding and skills to produce a good painting.


None Poor Good Very Good0

















Boys Girls Discipline and Commitment

Figure 7: Discipline and Commitment.

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Based on the bar chart in Figure 7 above shows the results of the

analysis of observations of respondents discipline and commitment shown

during the process of teaching and learning has been carried out. The findings

of the above data show that a total of 14 girls respondents and 10 boys

respondents have the discipline and commitment which is excellent during the

T&L process. Followed by 4 respondents boys and 4 girls respondents have

shown good discipline and commitment during the T&L process. A girls

respondents and two respondents indicated that are less disciplined and

committed during the T&L process. The overall findings of the above data have

indicated a number of students have demonstrated high discipline and

commitment throughout the process T&L. Here clearly shown the approach of


None Poor Good Very Good0















Boys Girls

singing conducted by researcher been able to arouse the interest of students and

enhance their understanding in the World of Visual Arts and also solve

discipline problems among students. Personality and Attitude

Figure 8: Personality and Attitude.

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Based on the bar chart above shows the results of the study, the

researcher analyzed observation of personality and attitude during the process

T&L process. The findings of the above data show 10 respondents were girls

and 7 boys respondents have the personality and a very good attitude. While 5

respondents boys and 5 girls respondents have a good personality and attitude.

Followed by 4 girls and 4 boys respondents have less good personality. Overall,

the researchers found that most students have personality and excellent attitude

throughout the process of T&L process when carried out. Respondent was


None Poor Good Very Good0


















Boys Girls

working very well and showed positive values such as mutual help and respect

to their teachers and friends

4.3.2. Teacher Observation Analysis. ‘Ikan Di Sungai’ Response to Teachers Instruction

Figure 9: Response to Teachers Instruction

Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’

Based on the bar chart above shows the results of analytical studies

teacher observations about the respondent's response to the instruction of

teachers in the teaching process, the second Untitled ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. The

findings of the above data show that 15 respondents were girls and 8 boys

respondents have responded very well to the instructions of teachers during the

T&L process when carried out. While two respondents were girls and 4 boys


None Poor Good Very Good0













2 2


Boys Girls

respondents gave a good response to the commands during the process of T&L

process carried out. The findings also showed that two girls and three boys

respondents responded not the teacher's instructions during the of T&L process

carried out. Overall, a large number of students to cooperate and responded well

during the process of T&L process carried out. Singing approach undertaken by

the teachers has attracted the interest and attention of students when teaching

was conveyed. in T&L Process

Figure 10: Involvement in the T&L.

Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Based on the bar chart in Figure 10 shows the results of a study on the

teacher’s observation on respondents' participation in the process of T&L

process was carried out a second time, entitled The fish in the river. The data

indicate that 16 respondents were girls and 8 boys respondents have

demonstrated excellent participation during the process of T&L process. A total


None Poor Good Very Good0
















Boys Girls

of 2 girls and 6 boy respondents showed a good involvement, while one girl and

two boy respondents are less actively involved during the process of T&L

process. The conclusions derived from the data above shows a large number of

respondents were actively involved during the process of T&L process. Singing

approach was carried out to create interest and understanding of students to be

actively involved during the process of T&L process. Work of Art

Figure 11: Results of Pupils’Artwork

Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Based on the bar chart in Figure 11 above findings of teacher’s

observation who analyzed the work of art respondents during the process T&L

conducted second title ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. The findings of the above data show

12 respondents were girl and 8 boy respondents have produced a work of art

that was a very good painting. 5 respondents were girl and 6 boy respondents


None Poor Good Very Good0















Boys Girls

have produced art work averagely. There are 2 girls and 2 boys respondents

produce work of art that is poorly. On the whole of this data can be concluded

that the majority of respondents were able to produce a work of art that is a

painting which is satisfactory. Singing approach conducted has raised interest

and improve drawing skills among students. Discipline and Commitment

Figure 12: Discipline and Commitment

Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Based on the bar chart in Figure 12 above shows the results of an

analytical study teacher observation during the T&L process for the title “Ikan

Di Sungai”. The findings of the above data shows 16 girls and 8 boy

respondents showed discipline and commitment throughout the T&L process. 2

respondents were girl and 5 boy respondents showed good discipline and

commitment during the process of T&L. Only 1 girls and 3 boys respondents


None Poor Good Very Good0
















Boys Girls

showed less good discipline and commitment throughout the T&L process. In

conclusion, a large number of students were cooperative and show good

discipline and to commitment excellent during the T&L process. Personality and Attitude

Figure 13: Personality and Attitude

Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Based on the bar chart in Figure 13 above shows the results of the

analysis of teacher’s observation during the T&L process, entitled “Ikan Di

Sungai”. The findings of the above data show 12 respondents were girls and 10

boys respondents have a personality and a very good attitude. Followed by 6

respondents were girl and 4 boy respondents have a good attitude and

personality of the students. While one girl and two boy respondents indicated

that less good personality. The conclusion of the data obtained showed a large


None Poor Good Very Good0















Boys Girls

number of students have personality and attitude that is very good throughout

the T&L process.

4.4 Pictures Analysis.

4..4.1 Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Figure 14: Picture Analysis During the T&L Process.

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 04/24/2014

Based on the figure 14 above shows the results of a study of picture

captured during the T&L process titled’ Beruang Saya’. The finding shows that

respondents can produce images that is good. The images produced have

elements of art such as line elements which use curved lines, thick and thin

lines. Pictures that produced matches the title and the theme of the day which


was studied. In addition was also a respondent has succeeded in producing a

perfect image according to the measurement contained in the lyrics of the song.

Overall, respondents have successfully produced images with perfect matches

the title and the use of elements with good lines.

Figure 15: Picture Analysis During the T&L Process

Title: ‘Beruang Saya’

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 04/24/2014

Based on Figure 15 shows the results of the analysis of picture captured

during the T&L process titled 'Beruang Saya'. The findings of the study found

that the respondent has produced work by using elements of art such as line

elements of curved lines, wavy lines, straight lines and thick and thin lines. This

shows that respondents understood and applied the elements of line in their


work. Color selections are also appropriate to object such as an orange color for

the bear image, and green for trees and blue for the sky along with the real

image. Color selections are appropriate and show a harmonious environment.

Data from this image respondent also have extensive use of space. Facial

expressions of respondents indicated that respondents are so confident, happy

and show good commitment to their work. Overall, it can be concluded that the

approach undertaken which song has managed to attract interest and enhance

students understanding to produce a good painting.

Figure 16: Picture Analysis During T&L Process

Title: ‘Beruang Saya.’

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 04/24/2014


Based on the figure 16 shows the results of the analysis of picture

captured during the T&L process titled 'Beruang Saya'. The findings of the

study found that all respondents so excited to show their work. Looking for the

excitement of the faces, they appreciate the work itself and the work of their

colleagues. The results are exhibited paintings have aesthetic values of good and

meets the elements of art and principles of design. Respondents have also

indicated good value and creativity to produce their paintings. The conclusions

obtained shows that the approach undertaken song has managed to increase

student’s understanding of the types of lines to be applied in their paintings.

Figure 17: Picture Analysis During T&L Process

Title: “Beruang Saya”

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 04/04/2014


Based on the figure 17 shows the results of a study based on the analysis

of picture captured during the T&L process titled ’Beruang Saya’. Findings

from this study indicated that all respondents were able to produce their

paintings as well. The painting resulting has good aesthetic value and meet the

principles of proper design. Respondents have also shown interest and

commitment in generating their paintings. Based on the expression of their

faces shows that all respondents are so happy and appreciative of the work itself

and also their friends.

4.4.2. Picture Analysis During The T&L Process Title: “Ikan Di Sungai”

Figure 18: Picture Analysis During T&L Process

Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 15/05/2014


Based on the figure 18 shows the results of the analysis of picture

captured during the T&L process, entitled ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. The finding of the

study shows that respondents were focused and committed to the activities

undertaken. Respondents draw according to the measurement contained in the

lyrics of the songs in the ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. Respondents use a line element of

wavy lines to draw sea water. This indicates that respondents have understood

the elements of line and tried to apply it in his painting. The conclusions

obtained shows that the use of song lyrics assists respondents’ good painting.

Figure 19 : Picture Analysis During T&L Process.

Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’.

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 15/05/2015


Based on the figure 20 shows the results of the analysis of picture

captured during the T&L process, entitled ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. The finding of the

analysis shows that the respondents gave their full attention to the activities

undertaken. Respondent has managed to combine elements and elements of art

in his work. Respondents had used elements of a comprehensive and regularly

prepared and appropriate image. Selection of the appropriate colors indicated a

harmonious environment. Line elements used as curved lines, wavy lines, thick

lines and thin lines gave the impression and produce images with greater clarity.

Overall, respondents were successful in producing a good painting work

appropriate to her age.

Figure 20: Picture Analysis During T&L Process

Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’.

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 15/05/2014


Based on the figure 18 shows the results of an analysis based on picture

captured during the T&L process, entitled “Ikan Di Sungai”. Findings from this

study indicate that both of them were able to produce their paintings as well.

The painting resulting has good aesthetic value and has elements of art and

principles of design are appropriate. Facial expressions of both these

respondents indicated that they are happy and appreciate the work that has been

produced. Drawing activities using painting techniques have installed the love

to the nature of God's creation

Figure 21: Picture Analysis During T&L Process

Title: ‘Ikan Di Sungai’.

Class: 2 Cempaka

Date: 15/05/2014

Based on the figure above 21 shows the results of the analysis picture to

be recorded during a T&L process entitled ‘Ikan Di Sungai’. Findings from this


study indicate that the second respondent has understood the elements of art and

principles of art and applied in their paintings. Their paintings have aesthetic

values compatible with the high level of achievement. The conclusion from

these data clearly shows that the approach that is undertaken which is song had,

succeeded in raising students' attention and increase their understanding and

skills in the Visual Art World.

4.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, the data is processed and analyzed, displayed in tables,

diagrams and drawings together with the description. Results from data

obtained indicate that the approach undertaken song can excite and educate

students in the Visual Arts World, especially in drawing skills




5.0 Identification

In this chapter, we explain the formulation of studies that have been

conducted, the recommendations of the study, recommendations for further

research and conclusions of the study. At the end of this chapter provides some

suggestions for researchers who may conduct by other researchers in the future.

5.1. Summary of the Study

This research is to generate interest and enhance student understanding

in particular Visual Arts World drawing skills. Drawing skills in the fields

contained in the Standard Curriculum for Primary Schools 2010 (World Visual

Arts) that must be mastered by the students. Problems noted during the

observation in the classroom is less interested pupils and do not understand

what for drawing lines.

The researcher used the approach singing during art lesson. The title

song used is the song 'Bulat Kecil, Bulat Besar' and ‘Ikan Di Sungai'. Based on

the lyrics of the song, the researcher introduced the types of lines and a range of

steps to draw pictures on the topic being studied.

Researchers perform twice intervention measures in two teaching

sessions in class. There are three instruments used in this study, namely,

analysis of the documents of study painting, teacher observation and recording

of images during the process of teaching and learning. All data were collected


and recorded and analyzed. The analysis results of the three studies showed an

intervention tool that can be carried out to address the problem of attracting

students and improve their understanding and skills in producing better


5.3 Conclusion and Discussion of Findings

Through research findings that have been obtained, the researcher found

that the objectives have been achieved and study questions are answered

through the song that was used in teaching and learning. In conclusion, the

approach used in singing can help generate interest and enhance student

understanding of the Visual Arts World, especially in drawing skills.

Singing method used is very encouraging and the results obtained show

an improvement of the skills and interests of the students was very deep.

Therefore, this song is the reasonable approach used in teaching and learning by

teachers to teach a science skill.

This finding is consistent with the findings of a study conducted by

Edith and Kamariati (2005) about the effectiveness of Songs In The Process of

Teaching and Learning in Schools conducted Tanjung Batu, Tawau, Sabah.

Both findings indicate Overall, respondents have followed the teaching and

learning process that uses elements of singing in learning performance also have

increased, especially in terms of pupils, so as to arouse the interest of students

to learn.


Brewer (2007) in his study confirmed that the integration of music in the

classroom teaching and very effective. Based on his research, the use of music

and singing in the teaching and learning can help students remember learning

experience can be passed in addition to actively encourage student participation

in learning. Rhythms and melodies used in the song, chant, rhymes and rap can

strengthen the memory of facts and content. Coinciding with his studies, this

study also showed a similar effect of respondents could remember painting

production methods and understand the kind of lines to be used.

To obtain maximum results of the process of teaching and learning,

teachers must be smart and creative to attract students and make learning a fun

atmosphere. In circumstances will motivate and excite student’s achievement in

learning will also increase. Creative teaching methods and enjoyable as singing

approach can not only compel students to learn, but proven effective in

strengthening understanding and memory in these subjects.

5.3 Summary

The results have shown that the approach of singing has helped generate

interest and enhance student understanding and skills to produce a good


Overall, it can be concluded that the approach used in this song, giving

importance to students and teachers. Teaching strategies using Multiple

Intelligences Theory elements into visual music has help stimulate students and

help improve students' understanding and skills against the types of lines for


drawing. Finally, it is expected that the findings of this study will be beneficial

to all parties such as teachers, students and curriculum development centers.

5.4 Suggestions for Improvement Review

The study only shows a satisfactory improvement in the skills of pupils

in year two aspects of the types of lines. Therefore, it is proposed in the next

cycle in order to focus more researchers to study more comprehensive aspects

of drawing according to the age of the pupils’ progress from year to year.

Researchers can use this approach which is sung accompanied by the

sound of music so that teaching and learning can be more meaningful. These

improvements also need to involve the seriousness and willingness to produce

teacher teaching aids should be provided early and time-consuming, but gives

maximum results and can be used in the long term.

5.5 Recommendations Advanced Studies

Based on the outstanding results of the findings obtained data indicating

that singing method can generate interest and increase student comprehension in

the Visual Art World. This study can be developed and extended further to

obtain findings that benefits and as well as a complete and comprehensive

information. For further study, the researcher used the method of singing to help

solve the problem of pupils not only in painting skills and techniques, but also

other skills that are deemed appropriate. Writes of the lyrics for the song used is

very important that the teaching content to be conveyed more clearly. Teachers


need to be more creative to build a higher order thinking skills instruction is

imparted effectively.

In addition, by creating a new song lyrics and melody for the title, which

is focused without using lyrics available in an effort to stimulate student’s

interest and motivation to learn. Integrating methods singing with physical

movement (kinesthetic singing) to make the process more fun, singing and

actively encourage student’s participation.

In addition, the use of animated videos featuring song lyrics and melody

can create more interesting lessons in line with future education that emphasizes

the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and


5.6 Conclusion

Problems often occur during the process of teaching and learning in the

classroom can be overcome if the teacher uses the appropriate approach to

develop the students. Teachers need to be creative and smart in order to attract

and enhance their understanding of the content of the lesson taught. Pupils

should be given opportunities and guidance and proper training that can

enhance their understanding and interest in the World of Visual Arts.

In conclusion, it is expected that the results of this study can help me

and other teachers to improve their teaching practices when Visual Art World

by using the approach of singing mainly to primary school pupils.