Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants - chatphils.com

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Transcript of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants - chatphils.com

Teacher: Miss NR Bola

Grade Four

Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants

Terrestrial Plants

Plants are found everywhere around us. Plants like coconut, rose, and lemon grass that grow on land are called terrestrial plants. Some of them grow in dry areas while some others grow in wet areas.

Features of Terrestrial Plants

1. They have roots that grow under the ground and spread out to absorb nutrients and water from the soil. The roots of some plants grow deep in the soil instead of spreading out wide.

Features of Terrestrial Plants

2. Some plants have thick, strong, and woody stems while some have soft and thin stems.

Features of Terrestrial Plants

3. They have different kinds of leaves. Plants breathe in air through small holes on the surface of the leaves called stomata. The leaves of many terrestrial plants have stomata on the lower surface.

Features of Terrestrial Plants

4. Many terrestrial plants produce flowers and fruits.

Aquatic Plants

Plants that live or grow in water are called aquatic plants. Some examples are lotus and duckweed.

Features of Aquatic Plants

1. Aquatic plants are flexible, they can bend easily to stand the force of moving water.

Features of Aquatic Plants

2. Their roots need not absorb water because such plants grow in water. So the roots are not spread out nor do they grow deep. Some water plants can take in nutrients and water directly through their leaves.

Features of Aquatic Plants

3. The stems of an aquatic plant is very thin and flexible so it can move along the flow of water. The stem usually has many holes that help the plant float in water.

Features of Aquatic Plants

4. Their leaves are broad and have a wax-like coating on them which keeps them from rotting. Stomata are present on the upper surface of leaves.

Features of Aquatic Plants

5. Produce flowers that stay above the surface of the water.