Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil Plant … RCDP_Final_2015_0526.pdfTennessee Valley...

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Transcript of Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil Plant … RCDP_Final_2015_0526.pdfTennessee Valley...

Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston

Fossil Plant Coal Ash Release Natural

Resource Damage Assessment

Restoration and Compensation

Determination Plan

Final | 26 May 2015

prepared by:

Natural Resource Trustees of the Tennessee Valley

Authority Kingston Fossil Plant Coal Ash Release

Natural Resource Damage Assessment:

State of Tennessee Department of Environment

and Conservation

Tennessee Valley Authority

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

with assistance from:

Rachel DelVecchio, Jessica Fydenkevez, and

Thomas Timberlake

Industrial Economics, Incorporated

2067 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02140






1.1 Purpose of RCDP 1

1.2 Organization of this Chapter 1

1.3 Overview of the TVA Kingston Ash Spill and Related Dredging 1

1.4 Trusteeship and Coordination with the Responsible Party 5

1.5 Compliance with other Authorities 6

1.6 NRDA Relationship to Remedial Activities 6

1.7 Public Participation 7

1.8 Organization of this RCDP 8


2.1 Assessment Area 9

2.2 Natural Resources 11

2.3 Natural Resource Injury 12

2.3.1 Contaminant-Related Injury 12

2.3.2 Ash-Smothering and Dredging 13

2.3.3 Recreational Losses 18



3.1 Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park 20

3.1.1 Ecological Services: Habitat Restoration, Creation and Preservation 21

3.1.2 Recreation Services: Boat Ramp, Fishing and Canoe/Kayak Access 23

3.1.3 Monitoring and Adaptive Management of Ecological Restoration at Swan Pond 26

3.2 $750,000 Cash Payment for Restoration 27

3.3 Proposed Restoration Alternatives 27

3.3.1 Alternative A: No Action / Natural Recovery 27

3.3.2 Alternative B: Habitat Restoration within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar Watersheds 28

3.3.3 Alternative C: Provision of New/Improved Recreational Opportunities within the Emory,

Clinch and Watts Bar Watersheds 29

3.4 Alternatives Considered but not Pursued 29

3.4.1 Habitat Restoration Outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar Watersheds 29

3.4.2 Provision of New/Improved Recreation Opportunities Outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts

Bar Watersheds 29


4.1 Evaluation of Alternative A: No Action 32

4.2 Evaluation of Alternative B: Habitat Restoration within the Emory, Clinch and Watts

Bar Watersheds 32

4.3 Evaluation of Alternative C: Provision of New/Improved Recreational Opportunities

within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar Watersheds 33


5.1 Evaluation Based on Criteria 35









Exhibit 1-1 Location of TVA-KIF 2

Exhibit 1-2 Aerial Imagery of Ash Release Extent Immediately After the Spill 4

Exhibit 2-1 Map of Assessment Area 10

Exhibit 2-2 Map of Dredging and Excavation Extent 16

Exhibit 2-3 Ecological Losses by Sub-Section Resulting From Ash Smothering and

Dredging (DSAYS) 17

Exhibit 2-4 Map of Boat Ramp Locations at the Time of the TVA-KIF Spill 19

Exhibit 3-1 Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Area Design 22

Exhibit 3-2 Map of Swan Pond Aquatic Restoration Areas Expected to Provide

NRDA-Related Ecological Services 24

Exhibit 3-3 Proposed Swan Pond New Recreational Fishing/Boating Access 25

Exhibit 5-1 Example Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar Watershed Restoration Options

and Trust Resources Potentially Benefited 35


%EPT Percent Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera

assessment area Clinch, Emory, and Tennessee Rivers and Watts Bar Reservoir

BERA Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment

CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and

Liability Act

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CoC Contaminant of Concern



Cubic Yards

United States Department of the Interior

DSAY Discount Service Acre Year

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency









Emory River Mile

United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service

Habitat Equivalency Analysis


Kingston Fossil Plant


Memorandum of Agreement

National Environmental Policy Act



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Natural Resource Damage Assessment



Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon

Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan



Responsible Party

TVA Kingston Fossil Plant

Swan Pond





Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

Tennessee River Mile

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Tennessee

Valley Authority and United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Tennessee Valley Authority



The Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant (KIF) is located at the

confluence of the Emory and Clinch Rivers and upstream of the confluence of the Clinch

and Tennessee Rivers on Watts Bar Reservoir in Roane County, Tennessee. On Monday,

December 22, 2008, a coal ash spill occurred at TVA-KIF, releasing approximately 5.4

million cubic yards (cy) of coal ash to adjacent waterways and wetland/riparian habitats.

Coal ash smothered natural resources, and was then transported downstream via surface

water flow through the Emory River to the Clinch River and into Watts Bar Reservoir.

Following the spill, TVA completed dredging and excavation remedial actions to remove

coal ash. A by-product of burning coal to produce electricity, coal ash is primarily

composed of fine silica particles similar to sand, but also contains trace amounts of

arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, thallium, vanadium, zinc,

and other elements that occur naturally in the coal (TVA 2010). The release and

subsequent remedial activities injured natural resources that utilize aquatic habitat in the


Under Federal law, Federal and state agencies are authorized to act as trustees of natural

resources on behalf of the public. In this role, trustees can assess and recover monetary

and other damages for injuries to natural resources, and use these recovered damages to

plan and implement actions that will compensate the public for the loss of services that

natural resources would have provided had the injury not occurred. The Trustees for the

TVA-KIF site are the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Tennessee

Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and the TVA; TVA is also the

party responsible for the release.

Following the 2008 spill, the Trustees initiated natural resource damage assessment

(NRDA) activities. NRDA is a process that occurs in addition to the remedial process

conducted by regulatory agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The Trustees are considering a settlement comprised of: 1) the implementation and long-

term monitoring of the Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park, an

approximately $10 million project paid for by TVA, and 2) a cash payment to the

Trustees of $750,000 for additional restoration projects. Together, these projects are

expected to compensate the public for natural resource injuries and associated ecological

and recreational losses. Settlement at this time is reasonable because: 1) the Trustees

believe that they have sufficient information to understand the type and magnitude of

injuries to trust natural resources affected by the TVA-KIF spill, and 2) a restoration

alternative (i.e., Swan Pond) is available that is a priority project for the Trustees and of

sufficient scope to provide a substantial portion of the required compensation.


As part of this NRDA, the Trustees drafted this Restoration and Compensation

Determination Plan (RCDP) for public review. The purpose of an RCDP is to list a

reasonable number of possible alternatives that are expected to restore, replace, or acquire

the equivalent of lost resource services (43 C.F.R. §11.81 (a)). Therefore, this RCDP: 1)

summarizes natural resource injuries and associated losses in resource services due to the

TVA-KIF coal ash release, 2) outlines the expected ecological and recreational benefits

of the Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park (Swan Pond), and 3)

evaluates restoration alternatives that could be implemented with the $750,000 cash

payment to provide the additional resource benefits needed to fully compensate the public

for TVA-KIF spill-related losses.


For purposes of this NRDA, the assessment area includes portions of the Emory, Clinch,

and Tennessee Rivers and Watts Bar Reservoir downstream to the Watts Bar Dam.

Within that area, the Trustees identified three categories of potential natural resource

injury: contaminant-related injury, injury resulting from ash smothering and dredging,

and injury related to lost recreational use.

Contaminant-Related Injury

There is little evidence of substantial toxicity-derived service loss in the vicinity of the

Kingston facility. There were no exceedences of sediment toxicity guidelines, and

exceedences of adverse effects thresholds for fish and birds were extremely limited.

Ash Smother ing and Dredging Injury

Injury to the benthic invertebrate community resulting from ash smothering and

subsequent dredging activities was quantified using Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA).

A complete loss of ecological services was assumed for areas that were smothered and

dredged. Following dredging, and for areas that were not dredged but were impacted by

ash, service loss was estimated based on metrics of benthic community health and

projected recovery. Losses are approximately 1,224 discount service acre years (DSAYs).

Recreationa l Losses

Sections of the Emory River were closed as a result of the TVA-KIF spill, precluding

recreational fishing and boating in those areas. To estimate fishing losses, the Trustees

combined data on the number of potentially affected fishing trips, as reported in relevant

creel studies, with lost trip value reported in the peer-reviewed literature. This application

of benefit transfer resulted in approximately $167,000 in damages. Boating-related losses

were estimated based on the number of boat launches closed due to the release, and the

added cost of launching a boat at the nearest open downstream launch. Based on the

number of registered boats in the vicinity of the impacted area and available literature,

damages were approximately $29,000.


As designed, Swan Pond is expected to provide both ecological and recreational benefits

similar to the ecological and recreational services lost as a result of the TVA-KIF spill.


To quantify the potential ecological benefits of aquatic habitat restoration in Swan Pond,

the Trustees used both project-specific information (e.g., location, size, type) and generic

unit-based information (e.g., level of ecological benefit gained). Relevant restoration

activities include wetland creation, wetland enhancement, and riparian/shoreline

restoration. Using HEA, estimated benefits are approximately 1,040 DSAYs. TVA will

also conduct monitoring and adaptive management for 30 years to ensure the successful

long-term provision of natural resource services. This provides partial compensation for

ecological losses.

Swan Pond recreation restoration activities include the creation of a boat ramp and dock,

canoe/kayak access points, and fishing piers/areas. These installations will provide

recreational boating and fishing opportunities similar in kind to those lost due to the

release in addition to what was available prior to the ash spill, thereby providing

increased value to the boaters and anglers participating in these activities. This increased

value provides partial compensation for the lost value associated with diminished or

forgone fishing and boating trips.


To provide remaining ecological and recreational compensation for TVA-KIF spill-

related losses, the Trustees evaluated three restoration alternatives, including: A: No

Action, B: Habitat Restoration within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds, and

C: Restoration of Recreational Opportunities within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds. Based on review of expected resource service benefits, environmental

consequences, and comparison of project characteristics to site-specific and regulatory

restoration criteria, the Trustees identified Alternatives B and C as appropriate and

sufficient to provide the necessary remaining compensation to the public. These

Alternatives will be funded by the $750,000 cash payment portion of the settlement.

As this RCDP is finalized, the Trustees will begin to identify and evaluate specific project

options based on the preferred alternatives. Each project will be evaluated against the

same restoration criteria described above, and, if needed, a further review of

environmental consequences will be conducted. The Trustees will continue to inform the

public of restoration project plans and progress.




The purpose of a Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan (RCDP) is to inform

the public as to the type and scale of preferred restoration alternatives that are expected to

compensate for injuries to natural resources. In this case, coal ash, containing measurable

levels of hazardous substances such as arsenic, mercury, selenium, and zinc, has been

released into the Emory, Clinch, and Tennessee Rivers as a result of a dike failure at the

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant (KIF) in Harriman, TN. Natural

resources (e.g., surface water, sediments, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,

and mammals) have been exposed to and adversely affected by the coal ash, resulting in a

loss in ecological and recreational services. The restoration plan must include a

reasonable number of alternative restoration actions and must identify a preferred

alternative (which may include one or more of the possible actions).


This chapter discusses the following:

An overview of the TVA-KIF ash spill,

Trusteeship and coordination with the Responsible Party (RP),

Compliance with other authorities,

The relationship between natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) and

remedial activities,

Public participation, and

An outline of the remainder of this RCDP.


The TVA-KIF is located at the confluence of the Emory and Clinch Rivers and near the

confluence of the Clinch and Tennessee Rivers on Watts Bar Reservoir in Roane County,

Tennessee (Exhibit 1-1). KIF is one of TVA’s largest fossil fuel plants. Completed in

1955, today it generates 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, enough to supply

the needs of about 670,000 homes in the Tennessee Valley. TVA-KIF has nine coal-fired

generating units, which consume approximately 14,000 tons of coal a day.

1 Sources: Arcadis (2012), EPA (2012), Jacobs (2010), TVA (2010).




Ash, a by-product of a coal-fired power plant, is stored in unlined containment areas at

TVA-KIF, including the former Dredge Cell that failed on December 22, 2008. That

dredge cell has been reinforced and capped since the spill. In addition, since the spill,

TVA has constructed a new, lined landfill for the receipt of coal combustion residuals.

While the released ash itself is primarily composed of fine silica particles similar to sand,

it also contains trace amounts of arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel,

selenium, thallium, vanadium, zinc, and other elements that occur naturally in the coal.

Approximately 5.4 million cy of wet fly ash and bottom ash were released during the ash

release event and flowed into the surrounding area waters, including the Emory River,

adjacent tributaries and sloughs and adjoining shorelines (Exhibit 1-2). Evaluation of the

spatial extent of ash deposits indicates that ash initially traveled upriver as far as Emory

River mile (ERM) 5.75, and eventually was transported into the Clinch River and as far

downriver as Tennessee River mile (TRM) 564 by high river flow events.

Dredging in the Emory River began on March 20, 2009 with hydraulic dredging

continuing until May 29, 2010, and mechanical dredging in pockets of ash upstream of

ERM 1.75 continuing until August 2010. The initial dredging pilot program was

performed until July 20, 2009. Phase I production dredging began in August 2009 and

focused on removing the greatest volume of ash in the quickest time frame to reduce the

potential for upstream flooding and downriver migration. A second period of “precision”

dredging (Phase II dredging) began in February 2010 to further minimize potential future

ash migration downriver. This dredging focused on returning the river channel to its

original (pre-release) depths while minimizing disturbance of legacy (i.e., historic)

sediment. Engineering controls (silt curtains) and operational controls (i.e., reduced cutter

head speed, reduced rate of advance, and reversed cutter head rotation) were implemented

to minimize suspending solids during the dredging operations.

Although dredging during the time-critical removal action removed approximately 3.5

million cy of released ash and sediment, no dredging was conducted downstream of ERM

1.75 due to the presence of legacy contaminants.

Approximately 532,000 cy of ash was estimated to remain in the river system, as

described in the USEPA-approved Kingston Ash Recovery Project On-Scene Coordinator

Report for the Time-Critical Removal Action at the TVA Kingston Fossil Fuel Plant

Release Site, Roane County, Tennessee (TVA 2011). Residual ash estimates were based

on interpretations of data from multiple sources, including pre-release and post-dredging

bathymetric data, dredging logs, visual surveys, and VibeCore™ data.





This RCDP has been prepared by the TVA-KIF Trustees. Under Federal law, the Trustees

are authorized to act on behalf of the public to assess and recover natural resource

damages, and to plan and implement actions to restore, replace, or rehabilitate natural

resources injured or lost as a result of the release of a hazardous substance, or to acquire

the equivalent resources or the services they provide (42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq.;

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA);

43 C.F.R. §11). In addition, pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 69-3-116, the Commissioner

may assess damages to the state resulting from any person’s pollution or violation,

failure, or neglect in complying with any rules, regulations, or standards of water quality

promulgated by the board or permits or orders issued pursuant to the Tennessee Water

Quality Control Act, T.C.A. §§ 69-3-101, et seq.

In this case, the State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

(TDEC) and the United States Department of the Interior (DOI) Fish and Wildlife Service

(FWS) are designated as trustees for natural resources actually or potentially affected by

the TVA-KIF ash spill under state and Federal authorities, including, but not limited to,

CERCLA; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq.); and the

CERCLA Damage Assessment Regulations (43 C.F.R. Part 11), as well as Subpart G of

the National Contingency Plan (40 C.F.R. §§ 300.600 et seq.); and Executive Order

12580 (52 Fed. Reg. 2923 (January 23, 1987)), as amended by Executive Order 12777

(56 Fed. Reg. 54757 (October 19, 1991).

As encouraged under 43 C.F.R. Part 11, TDEC and FWS invited TVA, as the party

responsible for the coal ash spill, to participate in the development and implementation of

assessment and restoration activities. TDEC and FWS noted that TVA may also be a co-

trustee for some potentially injured resources and that it was appropriate, under 40 C.F.R.

§ 300.600(a)(4), for TVA to participate as a trustee in the NRDA process. Therefore, on

January 12, 2011, TVA signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with TDEC and

FWS to cooperatively resolve natural resource damages resulting from the TVA-KIF ash

spill (TDEC et al. 2011). To-date, TVA’s active involvement in the damage assessment

and restoration planning process includes the following:

Providing funding and assistance for assessment activities,

Providing data and developing a database of contaminant concentration data,

Participating in the development of injury assessments of ecological and

recreational services, and

Assisting with the identification and benefits assessment of restoration


In addition, the MOA explicitly states:

“the parties agree to…develop a Natural Resource Restoration Plan to be funded

by TVA for the restoration, replacement, and/or acquisition of the equivalent

resources for those natural resources and/or services provided by those

resources, that have been or may be injured, destroyed, or lost as a result of the


events of December 22, 2008 at the Kingston Fossil Plant.” (Trustees 2010, p. 4

Section 3).


Restoration alternatives described in this document will be conducted in compliance with

all applicable Federal, state, and local regulations.

The Trustees prepared this RCDP to fulfill requirements under CERCLA. Authority to

seek natural resource damages is also provided by the Federal Water Pollution Control

Act of 1972, as amended, commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act.

Other Federal natural resource and environmental laws and regulations considered during

the development of this RCDP include but are not limited to: the Endangered Species Act

of 1973; the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; the National Historic Preservation Act; the

Archaeological Resources Protection Act; the Wilderness Act of 1964; the Fish and

Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934; the Refuge Recreation Act of 1962; the U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Mitigation Policy of 1981; Executive Order 11990 on Wetlands; Executive

Order 11988 on Floodplains; Executive Order 12580 on Superfund; and the Information

Quality Act of 2001.

The major state environmental statutes and programs considered during the development

of this RCDP include: the Water Quality Control Act and the Tennessee Solid Waste

Disposal Act.


NRDA is a process that occurs in addition to the remedial process conducted by

regulatory agencies like the EPA. These two processes have different goals. Remedial

action objectives are risk-based, and are developed to protect human health and the

environment from further unacceptable harm. Remedies are selected based on evaluation

criteria that are used to compare remedial alternatives and may result in contamination

remaining in the environment above levels that existed prior to their release.

Alternatively, the goal of NRDA is the restoration of resources to their baseline condition

(i.e., what their condition would be absent the release). Losses resulting from natural

resource exposure to released materials and/or hazardous substances are estimated over

time until the resource is restored (i.e., interim losses). These losses can therefore extend

beyond the date of remedy completion due to material and/or contaminants being left in

the environment at levels injurious to natural resources.

There are components of NRDA and remedy however that overlap. For example,

remedial decisions can include consideration of NRDA restoration objectives. Work to

remedy a site may partially or completely restore injured natural resources, and NRDA

estimates take this into account. In addition, remedial actions may cause “collateral

injury” to habitat, and quantification and restoration of this remedy-induced injury is also

evaluated within NRDA.

For the TVA-KIF NRDA, the Trustees have interacted with EPA and TVA as EPA and

TVA evaluated the degree and extent of contamination; conducted human health and

ecological risk assessments; and evaluated, selected, designed, and implemented


remedies. This coordination provided an understanding of the remedial process and

helped the Trustees evaluate how each remedial decision affected estimates of natural

resource damages. The Trustees also worked with EPA and TVA to integrate

remediation and restoration and coordinate remedial activities with some of the Trustees’

restoration priorities.


Public participation and review is an integral part of the restoration planning process, and

is specifically mentioned in the DOI NRDA regulations (e.g., 43 C.F.R. §11.81(d)(2)).

Therefore, the Trustees made the draft RCDP available for review for a period of 30 days

in accordance with 43 C.F.R. § 11.32(c)(1).

A copy of the final RCDP is available online at the following websites:



Interested parties can obtain a hard copy of this RCDP from the Trustees by submitting a

written request to the following address:

Debbie Duren

Natural Resource Trustee Program Manager

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

761 Emory Valley Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830


The Trustees addressed public comments and documented responses to those comments

in Appendix D.

As the restoration process progresses, the Trustees may amend this RCDP, and will

subsequently notify the public. These amendments, if any, will be made available on the

website mentioned above. In the event of a significant change to the RCDP, the Trustees

will provide the public with an opportunity to comment on that particular amendment.



The remainder of this document is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 describes the natural resources and contaminants of concern (CoCs)

and the determination and quantification of natural resource injuries and

associated service losses.

Chapter 3 provides descriptions of the proposed restoration alternatives and how

these projects are evaluated to compensate for the injuries described in Chapter 2.

Chapter 4 presents the Trustees’ restoration evaluation criteria and the selection

of their preferred alternatives.

Chapter 5 provides a summary of the preferred restoration alternatives.




This Chapter provides an overview of the natural resource injuries and corresponding

service losses incurred by Trust resources as a result of the TVA-KIF ash spill. This

includes a description of the assessment area, the CoCs, the ecological and recreational

services provided by Trust resources within the assessment area, and a summary of injury

determination and quantification.


The TVA-KIF ash spill affected a broad area of complex hydrology and diverse habitats.

The Emory River flows unregulated from its headwaters in the Catoosa Wildlife

Management Area to its confluence with the Clinch River. Near its headwaters, the

Emory River is joined by the larger Obed River, though it maintains its name as it

continues downstream from its confluence with the Obed to its confluence with the

Clinch River. The Clinch River flows approximately 300 miles from Virginia to its

confluence with the Tennessee River a few miles downstream from the KIF. The

Tennessee River flows from the confluence of the French Broad and Holston Rivers in

Knoxville Tennessee to where it meets the Ohio River along the Kentucky and Illinois

border. These rivers all flow into the Watts Bar Reservoir, which was formed when TVA

constructed Watts Bar Dam in 1942 at TRM 529.9. These waterways are adjacent to

upland, wetland, and riparian habitat included in the assessment area. The assessment

area is based on the geographic scope within which trust resources have been directly or

indirectly affected by the TVA-KIF ash spill. For purposes of this NRDA, these areas

include the aquatic (i.e., riverine) habitat in:

The Emory River from mile 6.0 downstream to mile 0.0;

The Clinch River from mile 5.0 downstream to its confluence with the Tennessee


The Tennessee River from mile 568.7 downstream to Watts Bar Dam; and

The wetland and riparian areas located adjacent to the West Embayment, North

Embayment, Swan Pond, and East Embayment.

Exhibit 2-1 provides an overview of the assessment area as described above.





According to the DOI NRDA regulations, natural resources are defined as:

Land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies, and

other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or

otherwise controlled by the United States (including the resources of the fishery

conservation zone established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and

Management Act of 1976), any State or local government, any foreign government,

any Indian tribe, or, if such resources are subject to a trust restriction on alienation,

any member of an Indian tribe (42 USC § 9601 (16)). These natural resources have

been categorized into the following five groups: Surface water resources, ground

water resources, air resources, geologic resources, and biological resources (43

CFR § 11.14 (z)).

As described above, the assessment area includes riverine, wetland, and riparian areas

within the Emory, Clinch, and Tennessee Rivers and Watts Bar Reservoir. Natural

resources of concern include all Trust resources that comprise or utilize these habitats

within the assessment area, including, but not limited to, surface water, sediment, soil,

plants, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. For example:

Mussels. Aquatic habitat in the vicinity of the Kingston facility supports six

common mussel species including Elliptio crassidens (Elephant Ear), Leptodea

fragilis (Fragile Papershell), Obliquaria reflexa (Threehorn Wartyback),

Potamilus alatus (Pink Heelsplitter), Pyganodon grandis (Giant Floater), and

Quadrula pustulosa (Pimpleback) (McKinney 2014).

Fish. TVA sampling efforts in 2009 indicated that 43 fish species are present in

the area, with gizzard shad, bluegill sunfish, freshwater drum, largemouth bass,

and redear sunfish being the predominant species. Federally-listed threatened

snail darter and spotfin chub are known to occur in tributaries to the Watts Bar

Reservoir and may occur in the reservoir itself, though they have not been

reported in the vicinity of Kingston (Arcadis 2012).

Reptiles and Amphibians. Riparian, wetland, and aquatic habitats in the Watts

Bar Reservoir watershed generally support amphibian and reptile species.

Amphibian species include the bullfrog, green frog, Eastern narrow-mouth toad,

and Fowler’s toad. Reptiles such as the common snapping turtle and painted

turtle are also present (Arcadis 2012).

Birds. Riparian and wetland habitats along the Watts Bar Reservoir support a

range of bird species, including both residential and migratory populations.

Representative species include killdeer, semipalmated plover, mallard, American

black duck, hooded merganser, resident Canada goose, wood duck, and the

Federally-listed bald eagle. Avian species specifically documented as nesting

near TVA-KIF include piscivorous (i.e., fish-eating) birds such as the double-

crested cormorant, various heron species, and osprey (Arcadis 2012).

Mammals. Mammalian species are found in riparian and wetland habitat in the

area, including white-tailed deer, raccoon, eastern mole, eastern cottontail rabbit,


groundhog, gray fox, and the coyote. The Watts Bar Reservoir watershed is also

home to the Federally-listed endangered gray bat, but there are no known

maternity colonies or hibernacula in the vicinity of Kingston (Arcadis 2012).


Available data indicate that resources within the assessment area have been injured due to

smothering by coal ash and dredging activities, and may be injured in the future due to

long-term exposure to bioaccumulative contaminants.2 That is, exposure to coal ash,

including bioaccumulative CoCs, and corresponding dredging has resulted (or may result)

in a measurable adverse change in the quality and viability of natural resources. As a

result, the public has experienced and continues to experience a reduction (i.e., an interim

loss) of both ecological and human use services provided by these natural resources

relative to the services that the resources would have provided had the spill not occurred

(i.e., their baseline condition). Through the proposed restoration activities described later

in this RCDP, the Trustees seek to ensure that natural resource services are provided, in

the future, of a type and scale sufficient to compensate for this interim loss.

Natural resources provide a variety of services. Services are, “the physical and biological

functions performed by the resource, including the human uses of those functions, [that

result from the resource’s] physical, chemical, or biological quality” (43 CFR § 11.14

(nn)). For example, ecological services provided by streams include the provision of

habitat for fish (including stocked and migratory species), amphibians, and other aquatic

organisms; and foraging opportunities for animals that eat fish, macroinvertebrates, and

aquatic plants. Similarly, riparian and wetland soils provide services by supporting

healthy vegetation and diverse plant communities that in turn provide animals with

foraging opportunities, nesting or denning areas, and protective cover. Examples of

human use services provided by natural resources include opportunities for fishing,

boating, and wildlife viewing and appreciation.

There are three potential categories of natural resource injury related to the release:

contaminant-related injury, injury from dredging and smothering, and injury related to

recreational use.


Toxic constituents of coal ash vary depending on the source of coal burned in the power

plant. CoCs for this site include arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury,

nickel, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), selenium, vanadium, and zinc.

Building on information presented in the Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment (BERA;

Arcadis 2012) for this site, and critical review of the corresponding toxicological profiles

(Industrial Economics, Inc 2012) and other literature, the Trustees developed a suite of

screening criteria against which to compare observed CoC concentrations. The criteria

2 Site-specific studies to-date report CoCs in ash at levels not expected to cause substantial injury. Bioaccumulative CoCs

include mercury, selenium, and zinc.


represent CoC concentrations above which adverse effects on endpoints such as

reproduction, growth, and/or survival may occur (Appendix A). The Trustees concluded

that for all CoCs, the majority of site-specific tissue and sediment concentrations

measured to-date were below corresponding thresholds.

Observed contaminant concentrations in the vicinity of TVA-KIF were compared to the

screening criteria described above to determine whether an injury (as defined by the DOI

NRDA regulations at 43 CFR Part 11) has occurred, or is likely to have occurred. The

Trustees assume that site-specific contaminant concentrations below their corresponding

screening criteria do not cause injury to natural resources, whereas any observed

concentration in exceedence of a criterion may cause a loss in ecological service.

As indicated by the exhibits in Appendix A, there is little evidence of substantial toxicity-

derived service loss in the vicinity of the Kingston facility. There were no exceedences of

sediment toxicity criteria, while exceedences in fish and birds were limited to arsenic and

zinc, respectively. In addition, evidence that these exceedences were caused by the coal

ash spill is limited. For example, zinc concentrations in reference areas (i.e., upstream of

the spill) are comparable to those measured within the assessment area. The Trustees

also note that arsenic results in Clinch River fish from one lab exceeded the screening

criterion; however, given the existence of samples from other labs that are well below the

screening criterion, evidence of service loss is not compelling.

Although site-specific toxicity and community structure field studies currently available

on mussels, fish, reptiles, and birds did not identify adverse effects related to the TVA-

KIF ash spill, it is possible that some service loss to trust resources may have occurred or

may occur in the future. For example, mercury, selenium, and zinc are known to

biomagnify and may cause injury in the future, potentially affecting sensitive biological

endpoints/life stages (e.g., larval fish).

Given this information, the Trustees’ preferred restoration alternatives (Chapters 4 and 5)

are expected to provide sufficient ecological benefits to assessment area resources to

account for any of these potential injuries.


Natural resources experienced a loss in ecological function as a result of both ash

smothering and dredging. Smothering occurred when the amount of ash in the waterway

was sufficient to eliminate the benthic community. Dredging in this case is the physical

removal of ash and ash-sediment mixtures from the bed and banks of aquatic habitat

within the assessment area.

To quantify the ecological losses incurred as a result of smothering and dredging, the

Trustees used habitat equivalency analysis (HEA), a method commonly applied in NRDA

that accounts for the spatial and temporal scope of injuries in units of discount service

acre-years of habitat (See Text Box “What is Habitat Equivalency Analysis?” on page


Because of its large spatial extent, the Trustees divided the assessment area into sub-

sections based on environmental parameters (e.g., hydrology, topography). The spatial


extent of dredging (Exhibit 2-2) and dredge completion date were identified for each sub-


For purposes of this analysis, dredged areas are analogous to areas smothered by ash. The

smothering of the river bottom and subsequent removal of substrate that occurred during

dredging activities resulted in substantial disturbance to the benthic invertebrate

community, which is a reasonable indicator of overall aquatic community health. As a

result, the Trustees assumed a 100 percent service loss prior to dredge-completion. For

non-dredged areas and post-dredge recovery within dredged areas, the Trustees chose the

benthic invertebrate community as a representative resource for injury quantification. The

benthic invertebrate community encompasses the invertebrate organisms that live on

(epifauna) or within (infauna) sediment substrate. Among other functions, benthic

invertebrate communities are integral to maintaining the structure and function of the

aquatic ecosystem (e.g., the base of the aquatic food web), and play an important role in

ecosystem energy and nutrient cycling.

Researchers repeatedly surveyed the benthic community from 2009 through 2013 at

multiple locations within the assessment area, as well as reference locations (i.e.,

upstream of the spill area) on the Emory, Clinch, and Tennessee Rivers. These

researchers then counted and identified the benthic invertebrates found within each

sample collected during the surveys. Using these data, the Trustees calculated the

number of individuals (density), number of different taxonomic groups (richness), and the

percent of pollution sensitive individuals (%EPT) first within each sample, then across

samples in each sub-section by year.4 Taken together, these three metrics inform the

health of the benthic community within each sub-section.

To determine service loss by assessment area sub-section on a yearly basis, reductions in

density, richness, and %EPT, as compared to reference locations were quantified.

Review of site-specific data indicated that all dredged sub-sections recovered within two

years following dredging. Therefore, if site-specific benthic community metrics indicated

losses continuing through 2013, future losses were assumed to decline to zero over two

years (i.e., full recovery is predicted in 2015).5 Details are provided in Appendix B.

3 If site-specific data were not available for a sub-section for a given year, ecological losses and recovery were based on the

site-specific data in either previous and subsequent years or at adjacent sub-sections. If both data sources were available,

previous and subsequent years took precedence over adjacent sub-sections.

4 %EPT refers to the percentage of invertebrate samples in the three invertebrate orders considered to be especially sensitive

to pollution: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera.

5 Benthic community data were not available for all years and assessment area sections. The Trustees applied calculated

benthic service loss percentages from neighboring assessment area sections with available data to extrapolate service loss

in areas with no data.


What is Habitat Equivalency Analysis?

The basic premise of habitat equivalency analysis is that the public can be compensated

for past and expected future losses in ecological services through the provision of

additional ecological services in the future. Compensable losses are “interim” losses – the

loss in ecological services incurred from the time the resource is injured* until the

services provided by the injured resource return to their baseline level. Baseline is defined

as the level of services that would have been provided in the absence of the pollution.

Recovery to baseline for each resource service may be achieved through remediation,

restoration, and/or natural recovery. Compensatory restoration actions for these interim

lost services are in addition to those actions required to restore injured resources to

baseline conditions (i.e., primary restoration).

Within equivalency analyses, both service losses and compensatory service gains are

typically measured in terms of “unit-time” (e.g., acre-years), which incorporates both the

geographic and temporal nature of the analysis. Each acre-year represents the existence of

one acre of a particular habitat for one year. The concept of an acre-year allows the

analysis to consider not only the number of acres lost as a result of the adverse effects,

but also the fact that these acres have not provided the baseline level of services each

year for some period of time. For example, if an acre of aquatic habitat is injured (e.g.,

provides zero percent of baseline services due to ash smothering) in 2009, and remains

injured until 2015, losses are accrued for the acre of injured habitat for each of the six

years of loss (e.g., six acre-years, not accounting for the present value of these services).

Use of the acre-year metric also allows losses to be scaled with gains in ecological

services from restoration (i.e., the services provided by an acre of restored habitat over a

period of time). For example, if one acre of fully-functional riparian habitat is expected to

provide 100 percent of baseline services each year for the next ten years, it will provide

ten acre-years** (again, not accounting for the present value of these services).

Equivalency between losses and gains is then established by determining the present

value of each (i.e., compounding past losses and discounting future losses and gains).

Losses and gains are expressed in terms of units of the diminished resource itself (e.g.,

discount service acre-years; DSAYs) rather than economic value (Unsworth and Bishop

1994). Dollar damages are calculated as the cost of compensatory restoration projects.

* Damages are calculated from the start of injury or 1981, whichever is later, in accordance with

the promulgation of CERCLA.

** Assuming the habitat selected for restoration previously provided no ecological services (i.e.,

the gain in services is 100 percent).




The percentage service loss per year (2009-2015) for each assessment area sub-section

was multiplied by the acreage of that sub-section, and the present value (in 2013) of these

lost acres is calculated using a discount rate of three percent.6 Results indicate a loss of

1,091 DSAYs in dredged areas and 133 DSAYs in additional ash-impacted areas (Exhibit








Segment 1 59 0 59

Segment 2/3 17 0 17

Segment 4 19 4 22

Segment 5 58 4 62

Above Segment 5 84 0 84

Above-Above Segment 5 66 24 89

Below Segment 4, West NA 45 45

Below Segment 4, East NA 0 0

Below Segment 4, Embayment NA 0 0

North of Segment 4 NA 4 4

Intake Channel NA 16 16

East of Segment 1 NA 0 0

North of Segment 5 NA 36 36

Dike 2 189 NA 189

Church Slough 5 NA 5

East Embayment-South End 57 NA 57

East Embayment-North End 25 NA 25

Middle Embayment 289 NA 289

North Embayment-South End 135 NA 135

North Embayment-North End 89 NA 89

Total 1,091 133 1,224


1. Additional Impacted Areas are areas within the study area that were not dredged, but

that sustained some loss based on benthic community data.

2. Totals may not sum due to rounding.

3. NA in the Dredged Area column indicates that within a sub-section, no dredging

occurred. NA in the Additional Impacted Areas column indicates that the entire area of a

sub-section was dredged. 0 indicates that the calculated present value losses were zero.

6 Because the spill occurred at the very end of 2008, we begin annual calculation of damages in 2009.



The release of coal ash from TVA’s KIF impaired recreational services within the

assessment area. In particular, the closure of a section of the Emory River and Swan Pond

during dredging impacted fishing and boating activities. Fishing and boating losses were

quantified using site-specific estimates of fishing and boating effort in conjunction with

valuation information from the economics literature in a standard application of the

benefit transfer methodology. Total present value losses associated with lost recreational

opportunities are approximately $200,000.

Fish ing

The Trustees estimated losses associated with compromised fishing opportunities for the

Emory River beginning in 2009 due the closure of the Emory River and Swan Pond and

continuing through the projected re-opening of each area and/or expected cessation of

major remedial/restoration activities: Emory River in 2010, West of Dike #2 in 2012, and

East of Dike #2 in 2015. Based on available creel surveys conducted by TVA in the

vicinity of the assessment area, the Trustees assumed approximately 2.1 trips per acre at a

value of $32.44 per trip were completely lost during that timeframe (i.e., there were no

substitutes; Jakus et al. 1997). Using a three percent discount rate, present value

recreational fishing losses were estimated to be approximately $167,000.


Boating-related losses were estimated based on the number of boat launches closed due to

the release, and the added cost of launching a boat at the nearest open downstream launch

(Exhibit 2-4). That is, the Trustees assumed individual trips were not lost but occurred at

a different location at an added cost to the angler. Based on the number of registered

boats in the vicinity of the impacted area and available literature, approximately 1,650

trips per year (2009-2010) were adversely impacted (TVA 2009). The additional cost per

trip was estimated to be approximately $8.507, which, using a three percent discount rate,

results in approximately $29,000 in present value damages.

7 Additional cost per trip is calculated as the added out-of-pocket cost for operating a car ($0.33 per mile * average distance

from closed boat ramps to next closest downstream of closure area), plus the opportunity cost of having to drive farther

(1/3 wage rate).






To compensate the public for injuries (i.e., service losses) to natural resources resulting

from the TVA-KIF spill, the Trustees are required to develop alternatives for the

“restoration, rehabilitation, replacement, and/or acquisition of the equivalent of the

natural resources and the services those resources provide” (42 C.F.R. §11.82 (a)). At this

time, the Trustees are considering a settlement comprised of:

1. The complete implementation and subsequent monitoring of the Swan Pond

Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park (Swan Pond) developed by TVA,

which is expected to provide approximately 1,040 DSAYs and new recreational

fishing and boating opportunities for area anglers.

2. A cash payment of $750,000 to fund additional restoration projects that will

compensate for the remaining 184 DSAYs and additional recreational losses .

Together, these projects are expected to compensate the public for natural resource

injuries and associated ecological and recreational losses. Settlement at this time is

reasonable because: 1) the Trustees believe that they have sufficient information to

understand the type and magnitude of injuries to trust natural resources affected by the

TVA-KIF spill, and 2) a restoration alternative (i.e., Swan Pond) is available that is a

priority project for the Trustees and of sufficient scope to provide a substantial portion of

the required compensation.

This chapter summarizes the natural resource service benefits expected from completion

of Swan Pond, and describes the Trustees’ proposed plans and priorities with respect to

identification and implementation of additional restoration projects that together will

compensate for the natural resource injuries and service reductions described in Chapter



Following the release of ash from the KIF in 2008, TVA acquired the majority of

property either directly affected by the TVA-KIF ash spill or adjacent to areas smothered

in ash. Subsequently, TVA designed and is currently engaged in habitat preservation and

enhancement and creation of new recreational opportunities as described in the following

restoration plans:

Kingston Ash Recovery Project Non-Time Critical Removal Action Swan Pond

Embayment Ecosystem Restoration Technical Specifications – 100% Design

Kingston Ash Recovery Project Non-Time Critical Removal Action Swan Pond

Recreation Area: Phase I Lakeshore Area Technical Specifications – 100%

Design plans (together, Swan Pond Plans; Exhibit 3-1).


Once completed, Swan Pond will provide both natural resource services similar to the

assessment area’s baseline services (i.e., the natural resource services the area provided

prior to the spill) and resource services similar to those lost due to the TVA-KIF spill.

The project, funded by TVA, costs approximately $10 million. The following sections

describe in further detail Swan Pond’s ecological and recreation restoration activities and

their related benefits.



The Swan Pond Plans include a suite of ecological restoration activities that benefit a

variety of habitat types. These include, but are not limited to, re-vegetation of shoreline

habitats, installation of water control structures, removal of invasive species, creation of

riparian buffers and wetland preservation (TVA and Jacobs Engineering 2011).

Ecological components of the master plan fall into one of five categories: 1) restoration of

habitat to its pre-spill (i.e., baseline condition), 2) enhancement of upland habitat, 3)

preservation of existing wetland habitat, 4) enhancement of aquatic habitat, or 5) creation

of new aquatic habitat.

To assess the ecological benefits provided by Swan Pond as compensation for natural

resource services lost due to the TVA-KIF spill, the Trustees focused on components that

provide ecological services of the same type and quality as those lost and that are above

and beyond the baseline level of services. These components include enhancement of

existing and creation of new aquatic habitat. Aquatic habitat, including in-stream,

shoreline/riparian, and wetland habitat, provides relevant ecological services. For

example, wetland and shoreline/riparian areas provide habitat for breeding and migratory

fish and birds, improve water quality by filtering sediments and other pollutants from the

water column, reduce erosion, and export detritus (energy source for the aquatic food

web). Further, these activities help increase the production of forage fish, which provide

prey for piscivorous fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Habitat creation and enhancement

will increase the quality and quantity of these types of ecological services in Swan Pond.

For example, areas dominated by invasive species have limited habitat value to native

species due to invasive-related changes in characteristics such as species composition,

nutrient cycling, and hydrology, which correspondingly alter the overall structure and

function of the habitat. Removal of invasive species and re-establishment of the native

vegetative community would reverse that degradation.




The aquatic habitat creation and enhancement activities in Swan Pond will occur on

approximately 90 acres of inter-connected habitat (Exhibit 3-2). Using methods

commonly applied in NRDA (e.g., HEA) and information from the literature (e.g., Harper

and Peckarsky 2005, Muotka et al. 2001, National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) 1999), the Trustees applied the following information and

assumptions to quantify the expected natural resource benefits resulting from Swan Pond

aquatic habitat restoration:

Construction began in 2013 and is expected to end in 2014 (i.e., ecological

service gains will begin to accrue in 2015).

90 acres of aquatic habitat will be created or enhanced.

Pre-restoration ecological services are assumed to be zero percent due to ash

smothering and corresponding dredging activities.

There is no additional loss in these areas due to restoration-related construction

activities because the baseline level of ecological services is zero percent.

Maximum service levels of the restored habitat are estimated to be 85 percent

because anthropogenically-restored habitats generally do not reach productivity

levels associated with natural, fully functional habitats.

Ecological benefits accrue for 30 years.

The annual discount rate of ecological services through time is three percent,

consistent with economic theory and typical NRDA practice (NOAA 1999,

Freeman 1993).

Based on these assumptions, creation and enhancement of aquatic habitat in Swan Pond is

expected to provide approximately 1,040 DSAYs, which will partially compensate the

public for lost ecological services. Appendix C presents details on the inputs used to

quantify the benefits of the proposed activities and the corresponding results.


Swan Pond recreation activities include the creation of a boat ramp and dock, four

canoe/kayak access points and five fishing piers/areas (Exhibit 3-3). These installations

will provide recreational boating and fishing opportunities similar in kind to those lost

due to the release in addition to what was available prior to the ash spill, thereby

providing increased value to the boaters and anglers participating in these activities. This

increased value provides partial compensation for the lost value associated with fishing

and boating trips diminished or forgone as a result of the TVA-KIF spill.








Following the completion of Swan Pond, monitoring and adaptive management are

required to ensure that restoration actions are successful in the long-term. TDEC and

FWS require all ecological and recreational fishing/boating activities proposed by TVA

in the Swan Pond Restoration master plan are completed, and that sufficient monitoring

and management occur (either directly or funded by TVA) for a minimum of 30 years.

A critical component of any restoration project, monitoring provides a mechanism to

determine whether the project has met its goals or performance criteria and helps to guide

adaptive management actions and site maintenance. The Trustees, including TVA, are

designing a monitoring plan that is tailored to the specific characteristics of the Swan

Pond restoration. The plan includes performance criteria: the measures that will assess the

progress of the restoration sites toward project goals. In this case, performance criteria

include both the performance anticipated as well as the time that is predicted for the

restored habitat to reach intermediate milestones and overall project goals. Because

planting success criteria are expected to be met in year 15, intermediate milestones are

necessary to determine whether a project is on an acceptable trajectory toward full


To ensure the success of a restoration site it is important to have an adaptive management

strategy that will allow Trustees to determine what attributes are not on target for project

success and what actions, including overall course corrections due to site conditions, need

to be taken to achieve project success. Examples of adaptive management actions include

replanting species, changing plant species or densities, re-grading banks, adjusting

hydrological connections, and/or installing irrigation. Monitoring parameters, described

below, are designed to collect data that will inform whether adaptive management may be

needed. If an attribute is not performing as expected, TVA will critically evaluate the

issue and if needed will develop an adaptive management plan that will be reviewed and

approved by all the Trustees prior to implementation.

The specific parameters being monitored reflect both the physical structure and biological

components of the restored habitat. More importantly, the selected parameters and plan

assess how the system and its ecological processes are functioning. In this case, the

Trustees are focusing on the plant community as a proxy for overall ecosystem health.

For example, monitoring will assess plant survival, percent cover, and percent native


As noted above, the ecological services provided by restored habitats take time to fully

develop. Typically, sites develop more rapidly at first as plants become established and

animal species return, and then have a slower recovery rate in later years. To account for

this temporal variability, monitoring will be completed every year for the first few years

after project implementation, and then will be spaced more infrequently in subsequent

years: Therefore monitoring and reporting will be performed in years 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15,

20, 25, and 30. All monitoring will occur during the early part of the growing season,

between mid-April and late May, and monitoring reports will be submitted to the Trustees

each monitoring year.


If upon review of the monitoring reports it is shown that success criteria are not on track

to be met at the anticipated date, then changes will be made to the plan. These changes

may include selection of different species to be planted, alternative settings at the weirs to

control water levels, new drainage patterns that affect the wetlands, or changes in

methods used to manage invasive species. Should such changes be necessary, the revised

plan will be submitted to Trustee agencies for review and approval prior to changes being



In addition to implementation of the Swan Pond master plan, TVA’s NRDA settlement

includes a $750,000 cash payment for additional restoration outside the Swan Pond area.

Restoration activities could include projects such as conservation easements, land

acquisition, stream-bank restoration or the creation of new recreational fishing/boating

access. The broader geographic scope of these projects would enable the Trustees to

conduct restoration in other areas that support relevant aquatic habitat and associated

natural resources, and would provide the remaining ecological benefits required for

compensation, and/or additional fishing, boating, and other recreational opportunities for

the public. Identification and selection of specific projects will also include opportunities

for public outreach and comment as required under the DOI NRDA regulations (43 CFR



As described above, in addition to the implementation of Swan Pond, TVA provided a

cash payment of $750,000 to the Trustees to implement additional restoration projects.

The remainder of this chapter describes restoration alternatives the Trustees deemed

potentially appropriate for funding, as well as several alternatives the Trustees evaluated

but eliminated from further consideration. Further details of the Trustees’ evaluation of

the restoration alternatives are presented below and in Chapter 4.


The No Action/Natural Recovery alternative includes any continuing or further remedial

activities and associated adaptive management, but would not include additional activities

to restore injured natural resources or compensate for the interim loss of natural resource


The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the Trustees to consider no

action/natural recovery as an option for restoring injured natural resources and services.

The No Action alternative thus serves as a point of comparison to determine the context,

duration, and magnitude of any environmental effects that might result from the

implementation of other restoration actions.




Habitat restoration within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds is expected to

provide natural resource services similar to the services that the injured habitat would

have provided but for the TVA-KIF spill. This alternative would increase habitat quality

and quantity, promote habitat connectivity, and benefit Trust natural resources

specifically within the injured ecosystem.

There are a variety of habitat restoration options within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds that would provide relevant ecological services. Trust resources potentially

benefited by these habitat restoration alternatives include surface water, sediments,

aquatic invertebrates, fish, birds, turtles, amphibians and mammals. For example:

Habitat Creation. This involves converting one type of habitat to another.

Typically this is undertaken when:

1. A disturbed/non-habitat area can be converted to habitat. Example: An

abandoned parking lot could be cleared, debris removed, graded, and

planted as native grassland (e.g., to support migratory songbirds).

2. An area is restored to a historic habitat type. Example: A wetland,

previously filled, could be excavated, re-graded, hydrologically

reconnected to surface water or other wetland, and replanted with native

wetland vegetation (e.g., to support waterfowl, amphibians, etc.).

3. There is a specific need for a particular habitat type in an area. Example:

An endangered plant requires vernal pools for survival. Protection and

restoration for that species is a resource management priority. In the area

of concern, vernal pools are sufficiently rare such that conversion of

other habitat (e.g., upland) to vernal pool is appropriate.

Habitat Restoration. This includes improvement of degraded habitat, ideally

returning the area to conditions that better approximate “natural” conditions.

Example: The hydrologic connectivity of an existing wetland is restricted by an

undersized culvert. The existing culvert could be replaced with a larger, more

wildlife-friendly culvert. Other examples of habitat restoration activities include

invasive species removal, planting of native species, stocking native bivalves,

dam removal, or the addition of soil amendments to promote natural vegetation


Habitat Enhancement. This involves increasing one or more of the services

provided by an existing habitat. Example: There are sufficient feeding

opportunities for osprey in area streams and rivers, but nesting habitat is scarce

and is limiting the local population. Osprey nesting platforms could be installed

in strategic locations throughout relevant habitat.

Habitat Preservation: This involves preservation of habitat that would otherwise

be developed or degraded. Example: A developer is planning to purchase land to

construct a shopping center. The land is adjacent to a stream that supports


threatened mussel species, and is visible from nearby hiking trails. Purchase and

preservation of the property would prevent the degradation of the area within the

shopping center footprint, the stream, and the viewshed. Habitat preservation

activities could also include the acquisition of ecologically valuable habitat or

establishment of conservation easements on riparian habitat along ecologically

valuable waterways.



New/improved recreational opportunities within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds are expected to provide natural resource services similar to the services lost

due to the TVA-KIF spill. This alternative includes new or improved opportunities for

recreational fishing and/or boating within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds,

as well as other aquatic habitat-related recreational activities (e.g., swimming, hiking, and

bird-watching). For example, the Trustees could acquire property and develop a

fishing/boating pier and ramp in a section of river previously inaccessible to the public.

The Trustees are also considering improving existing access areas, such as through

additional parking, improved amenities, and/or shoreline stabilization to improve bank

fishing. These types of opportunities within the watersheds would enable the Trustees to

conduct restoration in areas where formal closures were not implemented, but where

public use of resources may have been affected by the spill. For example, members of the

public may have forgone fishing trips or enjoyed a lesser quality of fishing trip in areas

downstream of the closures.


The Trustees identified, but eliminated from further evaluation, two additional restoration

alternatives: habitat restoration outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds and

provision of new/improved recreation opportunities outside of the Emory, Clinch and

Watts Bar watersheds.



The Trustees considered the potential benefits of restoration projects intended to restore

aquatic habitat outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds, but chose not to

evaluate this alternative. Habitat restoration outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds is not as likely to provide the same type of ecological services as those injured

due to the TVA-KIF spill, and would not provide a similar level of habitat connectivity as

projects within the affected watersheds.



The Trustees considered the potential benefits of restoration projects intended to create

and/or improve recreation opportunities outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds, but chose not to evaluate this alternative. Because formal closures due to the

TVA-KIF spill were not implemented outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar


watersheds, it is likely these areas did not see the same reduction in diminished or

foregone recreation trips as areas within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds.

Therefore, implementation of projects outside the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds is unlikely to provide benefits to the members of the public that did

experience a loss in recreational services as a result of the TVA-KIF spill.




This chapter presents an evaluation of the proposed restoration alternatives described in

Chapter 3. The Trustees’ primary goal is to select restoration alternatives that sufficiently

compensate the public for natural resource injuries and associated service losses resulting

from the TVA-KIF ash spill. As noted in Chapter 2, available information indicates that

the most substantial injuries and service losses resulted from: 1) the ecological effects of

ash smothering and corresponding dredging to remove the ash, and 2) reductions in the

frequency and value of recreational activities such as fishing and boating. In order to

ensure the appropriateness and acceptability of the proposed restoration alternatives in

light of spill-related ecological and recreational losses, the Trustees evaluated each option

against site-specific and DOI restoration criteria.

The criteria specific to compensatory restoration for the TVA-KIF spill include:

1. Location within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds; and

2. Habitat connectivity (e.g., larger/more connected parcels provide greater resource

services than smaller disconnected parcels).

The DOI NRDA regulations at 43 C.F.R. §11.82(d) include the following restoration

project criteria:

1. Technical feasibility (i.e., whether it is possible to implement the alternative);

2. The relative cost-effectiveness of different alternatives (i.e., if two

alternatives are expected to produce similar benefits, the least costly one is


3. The probability of project success (i.e., the likelihood that implementing the

alternative would produce the desired results);

4. Proximity and benefit to the affected natural resources and services;

5. Potential for multiple resource benefits;

6. The results of actual or currently-planned response actions;

7. The potential for collateral injury to the environment resulting from the

proposed actions, including long-term and indirect impacts, to the injured

resources or other resources if the alternative is implemented;

8. The ability of the natural resources to recover with or without each

alternative, and the time required for such recovery;

9. Potential effects on public health and safety; and


10. Compliance with applicable Federal and state laws.


Under the No Action/Natural Recovery alternative, the public would not be fully

compensated for injuries to trust resources or for associated reductions in ecological and

recreational services.

Under the No Action scenario, natural resources in the TVA-KIF assessment area would

continue to be influenced by a variety of ongoing ecological stressors (e.g., invasive

species, shoreline erosion and instability). The absence of Trustee-funded restoration

activity under the No Action alternative therefore results in lower environmental quality

and reduced natural resource services within the region than if restoration projects were


The Trustees expect that many of the natural resources and services impacted by ash

smothering and dredging will recover naturally. However, this recovery could be slow

and may fall short of conditions achieved through active restoration efforts. Under the No

Action Alternative, the public would not receive compensation for interim losses. Habitat

quality would not be improved above baseline, recreational fishing and boating

opportunities would not increase, and no additional options for swimming, wildlife

viewing, or other aquatic-based recreational activities would be available to the public.

Although the No Action alternative provides a useful reference point for characterizing

the impact of the other restoration alternatives as required by NEPA, it fails to fulfill the

Trustees’ mandate under CERCLA. The Trustees are required under CERCLA to use the

settlement funds to restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of injured resources.

Therefore, the Trustees do not consider No Action a viable alternative.



The habitat restoration options described in Chapter 3 have the potential to accomplish

the primary goal of compensating the public for injuries to Trust resources and associated

ecological service reductions. Habitat creation and restoration activities provide natural

resource services similar to the assessment area’s baseline services. For example, the

restored wetlands and shoreline/riparian areas provide habitat for breeding and migratory

fish and birds, improve water quality by filtering sediments and other pollutants from the

water column, reduce erosion, and export detritus (energy source for the aquatic food

web). Further, these activities influence increased production of forage fish which

provide additional prey for piscivorous fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Preservation

restoration activities such as land acquisition and conservation easements protect

ecologically viable habitat from current and future development. Additionally, potential

habitat restoration activities within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds would

specifically promote habitat connectivity throughout the assessment area, which is critical

for providing high quality aquatic ecological services similar to those lost.


As part of the Trustees’ evaluation of this alternative, they considered the environmental

consequences that could be caused by implementing the restoration options described

above. Although most of the changes likely to occur to trust resources as a result of

habitat restoration would be positive, some short-term negative impacts also may occur.

For example, any aquatic restoration project requiring the use of mechanical equipment

and/or soil or sediment disturbance has the potential for local, short-term adverse impacts.

These potential impacts may include increased turbidity and sedimentation, dust, noise,

and the potential for releases of oil products. Use of best management practices during

construction would avoid or minimize any adverse impacts and ensure no significant

adverse impacts. In addition, the Trustees expect any of these adverse effects to be

temporary and minor, and would be outweighed by the potential long-term ecological

benefits of the ecological projects.




The recreation restoration options described in Chapter 3 have the potential to accomplish

the primary goal of compensating the public for injuries to Trust resources and associated

service reductions. This alternative could include new or improved opportunities for

recreational fishing and/or boating, as well as other aquatic habitat-related recreational

activities (e.g., swimming, hiking, bird-watching). Recreation-related restoration

opportunities within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds would enable the

Trustees to conduct restoration in areas where formal closures were not implemented, but

where public use of resources may have been affected by the spill. For example, members

of the public may have forgone fishing trips or enjoyed a lesser quality of fishing trip in

areas downstream of the closures.

As part of the Trustees’ evaluation of this alternative, they considered the environmental

consequences that could be caused by implementing the options described above.

Although most of the changes likely to occur to trust resources as a result of recreation-

related restoration would be positive, some short-term negative impacts also may occur.

For example, construction activities associated with the development of a new fishing

pier could cause short-term habitat degradation effects, such as the displacement of river

sediments, increased turbidity, and recreation use loss (e.g., if the construction occurs at

an existing access point). However, the Trustees expect these adverse effects to be

temporary and minor, and would be outweighed by the potential long-term recreational

benefits of the recreation projects.



The Trustees evaluated three restoration alternatives that address natural resource injuries

and service reductions resulting from the TVA-KIF spill. Based on the site-specific and

regulatory criteria described in Chapter 4, the Trustees selected a combination of

Alternatives B and C as the preferred restoration alternative (summarized in Exhibit 5-1).

The Trustees believe these alternatives compensate the public for losses due to the TVA-

KIF spill, and satisfy the site-specific and DOI NRDA regulations criteria described in

Chapter 4.

As this RCDP is finalized, the Trustees will begin to identify and evaluate specific project

options based on the preferred alternatives. Each project will be evaluated against the

same restoration criteria described above, and, if needed, a further review of

environmental consequences will be conducted. Any selected projects that are expected to

have non-negligible impacts will be subject to a project-specific NEPA analysis prior to

implementation. In addition, a Section 7 consultation (under the Endangered Species Act)

will be completed for restoration projects that may affect threatened or endangered

species and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act will be followed for

each restoration project that will be implemented.

The Trustees will continue to inform the public of restoration project plans and progress.









Habitat Creation Converting one habitat

type to another.

Surface Water


Aquatic Invertebrates






Habitat Restoration

Improving degraded

habitat or returning

former habitat to natural


Habitat Enhancement

Increasing one or more of

the services provided by

an existing habitat.

Land Acquisition and


Preserving habitat that

would otherwise be

developed or degraded.

Public Access

Providing new or

enhancing existing access

for recreational


Public recreation


1. Restoration alternatives must be within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds.


In order to determine the appropriateness and sufficiency of the preferred restoration

alternatives, the components of the habitat restoration and new/improved recreation

activities within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds were evaluated based on

the criteria described in Chapter 4. Site-specific criteria and the criteria listed in the DOI

regulation for damage assessment [43 CFR Section 11.82 (d)] were considered as


Site-specific criteria:

Location within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds. Habitat

restoration and new/improved recreation projects chosen by the Trustees will

be implemented completely within the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar

watersheds, which is where natural resources have been and continue to be

injured as a result of the TVA-KIF ash spill and corresponding remedial



Habitat connectivity (e.g., larger/more connected parcels provide greater

resource services than smaller disconnected parcels). The Trustees will

focus on selecting and implementing projects that will maximize habitat

connectivity. For example, they may prioritize projects that are: on land

adjacent to property that is already preserved, on land adjacent to a water

body, on a large parcel of land, and/or on land that has been identified as a

part of a habitat corridor. Habitat restoration, creation, and enhancement are

all project types that, if sited correctly, can improve habitat connectivity.

DOI NRDA regulations at 43 C.F.R. §11.82(d):

Technical feasibility (i.e., whether it is possible to implement the alternative).

Habitat restoration, recreation, and enhancement projects and the

implementation of new/improved recreation activities within the Emory,

Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds are technically feasible. The Trustees plan

to apply methods that have been successful in other locations, and will work

closely with project proponents to ensure that the design satisfies this

criterion. When the Trustees review specific projects, they will evaluate the

technical feasibility of implementing each project in further detail.

The relative cost-effectiveness of different alternatives (i.e., if two

alternatives are expected to produce similar benefits, the least costly one is

preferred). Habitat restoration, creation, and enhancement projects and the

implementation new/improved recreation activities within the Emory, Clinch

and Watts Bar watersheds can all be cost effective when implemented in an

appropriate location using technically feasible methods. The Trustees will

focus on gaining the maximum ecological and/or recreational benefit per

dollar spent. When the Trustees review specific projects, they will evaluate

the cost-effectiveness of each project in further detail.

The probability of project success (i.e., the likelihood that implementing the

alternative would produce the desired results). Habitat restoration, creation,

and enhancement as well as recreational enhancement projects similar to the

preferred alternative have previously successfully been implemented within

the Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds. When the Trustees review

specific projects, they will evaluate each project’s probability of success in

further detail.

Proximity and benefit to the affected natural resources and services. Habitat

restoration, creation, and enhancement projects will be specifically targeted

to benefit trust resources that utilize aquatic habitat. Example habitat types

include open water, riparian/shoreline areas, and wetlands. This will directly

benefit resources such as invertebrates, fish, birds, and mammals, all of

which incurred some injury as a result of the TVA-KIF ash spill. Similarly,

recreational-related projects will be designed to provide increased and/or

improved opportunities for public recreational fishing and boating – activities

which were lost or diminished in quality due to the spill. As noted under the


site-specific criteria, projects will be located within the Emory, Clinch and

Watts Bar watersheds, maximizing proximity to injured resources.

Potential for multiple resource benefits. The variety of potential habitat and

recreation activities will allow for these projects to benefit multiple resources

and resource services. Recreation projects such as the installation of a new

boat ramp will enhance public access and both recreational boating and

fishing activities injured by the spill. Habitat restoration such as in-stream

alterations will improve ecological functions such as water flow and cover

for fish and invertebrates, which will not only provide direct benefit to those

resources, but benefits to the resources that rely on invertebrates and fish for

food, and to anglers who would enjoy an increase catch rate as fish

populations improve.

The results of actual or currently-planned response actions. Remedial

activities at the Site are complete.

The potential for collateral injury to the environment resulting from the

proposed actions, including long-term and indirect impacts, to the injured

resources or other resources if the alternative is implemented. The Trustees

will evaluate and implement habitat and recreation project options within the

Emory, Clinch and Watts Bar watersheds that are specifically designed to

improve the conditions of the associated resources. Designs will be

evaluated to ensure that the potential for causing additional direct or indirect

injury through the projects is minimal compared to the ecological and

recreational benefit the project is expected to generate.

The ability of the natural resources to recover with or without each

alternative, and the time required for such recovery. The Trustees expect

that many of the natural resources and services impacted by ash smothering

and dredging will recover naturally. However, this recovery would be slow

and may fall short of conditions achieved through the preferred alternative

active restoration efforts.

Potential effects on public health and safety. Habitat restoration and the

implementation of new/improved recreation activities may result in potential

exposure to contaminants and the risk of injury from heavy equipment (e.g.,

dredging and construction equipment). The Trustees, however, expect that

public exposure to these areas during restoration will be minimized, thereby

limiting or possibly eliminating any risk.

Compliance with applicable Federal and state laws. The Trustees’

consideration of this criterion is discussed in Chapter 1. In addition, the

Trustees will review specific project proposals to ensure continued




Arcadis. 2012. Kingston Ash Recovery Project Non-Time Critical Removal Action River

System Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment (BERA). Prepared for Tennessee

Valley Authority.

EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2012. Non-Time Critical Removal Action

River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Fact Sheet: TVA Kingston Fly

Ash Release Site, Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee.

Freeman, A.M. 1993. The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values, Theory

and Methods. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.

Harper, M.P. and B.L. Peckarsky. 2005. Effects of pulsed and pressed disturbances on the

benthic invertebrate community following a coal spill in a small stream in

northeastern USA. Hydrobiologia 544: 241-247

Jakus, P.M., M. Downing, M.S. Bevelhimer, and J.M. Fly. 1997. Do Sportfish

Consumption Advisories Affect Reservoir Anglers’ Site Choice. Agricultural and

Resource Economics Review 26(2).

McKinney, D. 2014. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Environmental Services

Chief. Personal communication. December 2.

Muotka, T., R. Paavola, A. Haapala, M. Novikmec, and P. Laasonnen. 2001. Long-term

recovery of stream habitat structure and benthic communities from in-stream

restoration. Biological Conservation 105:243-253.

NOAA. 1999. Discounting and the Treatment of Uncertainty in Natural Resource

Damage Assessment. Technical Paper 99-1. February 19.

TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation), U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority). 2011. Memorandum of Agreement

Establishing and Process and Method for Resolving a Natural Resource Damage


TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). 2012. Site-Specific Post Kingston Coal Ash Release

Contaminant Concentration Data.

TVA. 2011. TVA Kingston Fossil Fuel Plant Release Site On-Scene Coordinator Report

for the Time-Critical Removal Action May 11, 2009 through December 2010,

Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee.

TVA. 2010. Kingston Ash Recovery Project Non-Time Critical Removal Action Work

Plan for the Embayment/Dredge Cell.

TVA. 2009. Watts Bar Reservoir Land Management Plan. Loudon, Meigs, Rhea, and

Roane Counties, Tennessee. Final Environmental Impact Statement.

TVA and Jacobs Engineering. 2011. Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation

Park Master Plan.

TVA and Jacobs Engineering. 2010. TVA Community Involvement Plan for the Kingston

Ash Recovery Project.


















(2010-2011) VALUE SOURCE

Arsenic 33 (2) 13.37 18.77 3.61 10.70

Arsenic (Speciation Lab)

33 (2)

16.19 19.33 5.78 19.59

Inorganic Arsenic 33 (2) 13.66 19.12 4.80 17.10

Organic Arsenic 33 (2) 3.67 2.67 1.32 3.65

Cadmium 4.98 (2) 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.14

Chromium 111 (2) 27.28 19.78 9.88 19.10

Copper 149 (2) 19.60 20.99 5.88 15.77

Lead 128 (2) 18.12 14.41 7.63 14.62

Mercury 1.06 (2) 0.22 0.13 0.03 0.27

Mercury (Speciation Lab)

1.06 (2)

0.45 0.08 0.08 0.47

Nickel 48.6 (2) 17.34 20.03 9.33 14.49

Selenium 4 (1) 0.98 1.51 0.86 1.19

Vanadium 50 (3) 38.87 34.44 13.53 30.19

Zinc 459 (2) 61.73 50.57 32.90 67.39

Total PAHs 22.8 (2) 0.30 0.23 0.46 0.64

Note: Any observed concentration in exceedence of a criterion may cause a loss in ecological services, and is highlighted in yellow. Green indicates that a geometric mean concentration did not exceed the criterion for that contaminant.

Data Source: Tennessee Valley Authority. 2012. Site-Specific Post Kingston Coal Ash Release Contaminant Concentration Data.

Screening Criteria Sources:

1. DOI 1998

2. MacDonald et al. 2000

3. NOAA 1999











(2010-2011) VALUE SOURCE

Arsenic 0.49 (12) 0.43 0.40 0.27


(Speciation Lab) 0.49

(12) 0.79 0.31 0.24


Arsenic 0.49


0.21 0.00 0.00

Organic Arsenic 0.49 (12) 0.41 0.31 0.24

Cadmium 0.17 (4),(7),(11),(1) 0.01 0.01 0.01

Chromium 0.8 (6) 0.43 0.22 0.14

Copper 1.6 (9),(8),(3) 1.31 0.84 0.83

Lead 0.4 (5) 0.26 0.12 0.08

Mercury 0.2 (13),(2),(10),(5) 0.02 0.01 0.01

Nickel 40 (12) 0.29 0.16 0.11

Selenium 4 (12) 0.59 0.69 0.46

Vanadium Insufficient Information 0.45 0.26 0.09

Zinc 40 (5) 20.41 22.04 18.96

Note: Any observed concentration in exceedence of a criterion may cause a loss in ecological services, and is

highlighted in yellow. Green indicates that a geometric mean concentration did not exceed the criterion for

that contaminant.

Data Source: Tennessee Valley Authority. 2012. Site-Specific Post Kingston Coal Ash Release Contaminant

Concentration Data.

Screening Criteria Sources:

1. Cope et al. 1994

2. Friedmann et al. 2002

3. Hansen et al. 2002

4. Hansen et al. 2004

5. Hinck et al. 2009

6. Irwin et al. 1997

7. Kumada et al. 1972

8. Lundebye et al. 1999

9. Marr et al. 1996

10. Matta et al. 2001

11. Spehar et al. 1978

12. Industrial Economics, Inc. 2012.

13. Weis and Weis 1978











(2010-2011) VALUE SOURCE

Arsenic 30 (8) 0.43 0.40 0.27

Arsenic (from

speciation lab) 30

(8) 0.79 0.31 0.24

Inorganic Arsenic 30 (8) 0.21 0.00 0.00

Organic Arsenic 30 (8) 0.41 0.31 0.24

Cadmium 0.5 (1),(3) 0.01 0.01 0.01

Chromium 15.4 (6) 0.43 0.22 0.14

Copper 52 (7),(2) 1.31 0.84 0.83

Lead 16.3 (5) 0.26 0.12 0.08

Mercury 0.02 (6),(9) 0.02 0.01 0.01

Nickel 2.5 (8) 0.29 0.16 0.11

Selenium 1 (8) 0.59 0.69 0.46

Vanadium 5 (8) 0.45 0.26 0.09

Zinc 4 (4) 20.41 22.04 18.96

Note: Any observed concentration in exceedence of a criterion may cause a loss in ecological services, and is

highlighted in yellow. Green indicates that a geometric mean concentration did not exceed the criterion for

that contaminant.

Data Source: Tennessee Valley Authority. 2012. Site-Specific Post Kingston Coal Ash Release Contaminant

Concentration Data.

Screening Criteria Sources:

1. Burger et al. 2005

2. Chiou et al. 1997

3. Eisler 2000

4. Hinck et al. 2006

5. Hinck et al. 2009

6. Irwin et al. 1997

7. Kassim and Suwanpradit 1996

8. Industrial Economics, Inc. 2012.

9. Yeardley et al., 1998



Burger, J., K.R. Campbell, T.S. Campbell, T. Shukla, C. Dixon, and M. Gochfeld. 2005.

Use of Central stonerollers (Cyprinidae: Campostoma anomalum) from Tennessee

as a bioindicator of metal contamination. Environ. Monit. Assess. 110:171-184.

Chiou, P. W., K. Chen, and B. Yu. 1997. Toxicity, tissue accumulation, and residue in

egg and excreta of copper in laying hens. Animal Feed Science Technology 67:49-


Cope, W.G., J.G. Wiener, and G.J. Atchison. 1994. Hepatic cadmium metal-binding

proteins, and bioaccumulation in bluegills exposed to aqueous cadmium. Environ.

Sci. Technol. 13(4):553-562.

DOI (U.S. Department of the Interior). 1998. National Irrigation Water Quality Program

Information Report No. 3. Guidelines for Interpretation of the Biological Effects of

Selected Constituents in Biota, Water, and Sediment. Selenium. Table 32.

Eisler, R. 2000. Handbook of chemical risk assessment: health hazards to humans, plants

and animals. Volume 1: Metals. Lewis Publishers, New York.

Friedmann, A.S., E.K. Costain, D.L. MacLatchy, W. Stansley, and E.J. Washuta. 2002.

Effect of mercury of general and reproductive health of largemouth bass

(Micropterus salmoides) from three lakes in New Jersey. Ecotoxicology and

Environmental Safety 52:117-122.

Hansen, J.A., J. Lipton, P.G. Welsh, D. Cacela, and B. MacConnell. 2004. Reduced

growth of rainbow trout fed a live invertebrate diet pre-exposed to metal

contaminated sediments. Environ Toxicol.& Chem. 23:1902-1911.

Hansen, J. A., J. Lipton, P. G. Welsh, J. Morris, D. Cacela, and M. J. Suedkamp. 2002.

Relationship between exposure duration, tissue residues, growth, and mortality in

rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) juveniles sub-chronically exposed to copper.

Aquatic Toxicology 58:175-188.

Hinck. J.E., C.J. Schmitt, K.R. Echols, T.W. May, C.E. Orazio, and D.E. Tillet. 2006.

Environmental Contaminants in Fish and their Associated Risk to Piscivorous

Wildlife in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 51:


Hinck, J.E., C.J. Schmitt, K.A. Chojnacki, and D.E. Tillitt. 2009. Environmental

contaminants in freshwater fish and their risk to piscivorous wildlife based on a

national monitoring program. Environ Monit. Assess. 152:469-494.

Industrial Economics, Inc. 2012. Review of ARCADIS Toxicological Profiles Reports for

the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Release Natural Resource

Damage Assessment: Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury,

Nickel, PAHs, Selenium, and Vanadium.

Irwin, R.J., M. VanMouwerik, L. Stevens, M.D. Seese, and W. Basham. 1997.

Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia. National Park Service, Water Resource


Division, Fort Collins, Colorado. Distributed within the Federal Government as an

Electronic Document (Projected public availability on the internet or NTIS: 1998).

Kassim, H. and S. Suwanpradit. 1996. The influence of copper on the total sulphur amino

acids requirement of broilers during two growing periods. Department of Animal

Sciences, University Pertanian Malaysia. Selangor, Malaysia.

Kumada H., S. Kimura, M. Yokote, and Y. Matida. 1972. Acute and chronic toxicity,

uptake and retention of cadmium in freshwater organisms. Bull. Fresh. Fish. Res.


Lundebye, A. K., M. H. G. Berntssen, S. E. Wendelaar Bonga, and A. Maage. 1999.

Biochemical and physiological responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following

dietary exposure to copper and cadmium. Marine Pollution Bulletin 39:137-144.

MacDonald, D.D., C.G. Ingersoll, and T.A. Berger. 2000. Development and Evaluation

of Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines for Freshwater Ecosystems. Arch.

Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39: 20-31.

Marr, J. C. A., J. Lipton, D. Cacela, J. A. Hansen, H. L. Bergman, J. S. Meyer, and C.

Hogstrand. 1996. Relationship between copper exposure duration, tissue copper

concentration, and rainbow trout growth. Aquatic Toxicology 36:17-30.

Matta, M.B., J. Linse, C. Carincross, L. Francendese, and R.M. Kocan. 2001.

Reproductive and transgenerational effects of methylmercury or Aroclor 1268 on

Fundulus heteroclitus. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20(2):327-335.

NOAA. 1999. Discounting and the Treatment of Uncertainty in Natural Resource

Damage Assessment. Technical Paper 99-1. February 19.

Spehar, R.L., E.N. Leonard, and D.L. Defoe. 1978. Chronic effects of cadmium and zinc

mixtures on flagfish (Jordanella floridae). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 107(2): 354-360.

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). 2012. Site-Specific Post Kingston Coal Ash Release

Contaminant Concentration Data.

Weis, P. and J.S. Weis. 1978. Methylmercury inhibition of fin regeneration in fishes and

its interaction with salinity and cadmium. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 6:


Yeardley, Jr, R. B., J.M. Lazorchak, and S.G. Paulsen. 1998. Elemental fish tissue

contamination in northeastern U.S. lakes: Evaluation of an approach to regional

assessment. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17:1875–1884.











2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Segment 1 22 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 59

Segment 2/3 6 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 17

Segment 4 7 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 19

Segment 5 20 100% 100% 54% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 58

Above Segment 5 24 100% 100% 74% 47% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 84

Above-Above Segment 5 23 100% 100% 54% 9% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 66

Dike 2 33 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 2014 189

Church Slough 5 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2010 4

East Embayment-South End 10 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 2014 57

East Embayment-North End 9 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2011 25

Middle Embayment 51 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 2014 289

North Embayment-South End 37 100% 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 2012 135

North Embayment-North End 24 100% 100% 100% 41% 8% 0% 0% 0% 2012 89

Sub-Total4 1,091


1. Service loss is based on the comparison of several metrics evaluating benthic community health (abundance, richness, and percent sensitive species)

for each segment to values for reference areas.

2. For areas that have not returned to baseline conditions, recovery is expected to take two years.

3. Benthic community data were not available for all segments. Information on how data gaps were filled is provided earlier in this memo.

4. Total includes this dredged area sub-total plus the sub-total for ash-affected areas (Exhibit B-2).






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Segment 1 14 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

Segment 2/3 10 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

Segment 4 22 0% 11% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4

Segment 5 22 6% 6% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4

Above Segment 5 32 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

Above Above Segment 5 69 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 24

Below Segment 4, West 88 0% 32% 16% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 45

Below Segment 4, East 96 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

Below Segment 4, Embayment 25 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

North of Segment 4 23 0% 11% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4

Intake Channel 62 0% 16% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 16

East of Segment 1 139 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0

North of Segment 5 57 23% 23% 12% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 36

Sub-Total4 133

Notes: 1. Service loss is based on the comparison of several metrics evaluating benthic community health (abundance, richness, and percent sensitive species) for each segment to values for reference areas. 2. For areas that have not returned to baseline conditions, recovery is expected to take two years. 3. Benthic community data were not available for all segments. Information on how data gaps were filled is provided earlier in this memo. 4. Total includes the dredged area sub-total (Exhibit B-1) plus this sub-total for ash-affected areas.






Final Level of Services 85%

Acres 90.05

Restoration start 2014

Restoration Complete 2014

Present Year 2013

Discount Rate 3%

Recovery Years 15

Recovery Begins 2015

Recovery Shape Linear

Time Frame 30 Years

Starting Level of Services 0%



2013-2045 1,040

8 Includes wetland and riparian/shoreline restoration.

9 In addition to the 90 acres of wetland/shoreline restoration, the Swan Pond Master Plan includes 38 acres of wetland

preservation activities (as described in the ecological restoration section above). Because wetlands already receive some

protection under Federal law, and because the wetlands identified for preservation in the Master Plan are not known to be

under threat of development, the magnitude of ecological benefits gained through preservation is uncertain. Therefore, the

ecological service gains potentially associated with wetland preservation are not quantified.

10 Although restoration gains do not begin until 2015 (the year after construction ends), benefits are discounted to their value

in 2013 to be consistent with the calculation of losses in 2013.



The Trustees released the RCDP for public review in March 2015, and held a public

meeting to discuss the RCDP on April 9, 2015. Two individuals and two groups

submitted written comments during the review period. Responses to these comments are

provided below, organized by general topic. Note that comments are not presented

verbatim. To request a copy of the original comments, please contact:

Debbie Duren

Natural Resource Trustee Program Manager

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

761 Emory Valley Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830



Comment 1: It is not appropriate for TVA to participate in the NRDA and RCDP process

as both a Trustee and a responsible party; it is a clear conflict of interest.

Response 1: As described in Section 1.4 of the RCDP, Federal, State, and Tribal entities

are authorized to act as Trustees pursuant to Section 307(f) of CERCLA. Several Federal

agencies, including TVA, are designated to act on behalf of the public as Trustees for

natural resources under Federal jurisdiction. TVA has trust responsibilities for the natural

resources they manage or control. For example, TVA is responsible for the management

of 293,000 acres of public land and 11,000 miles of public shoreline in the TVA region,

including a significant portion of the land that was impacted by the 2008 KIF ash spill.

In this case, TVA is also the party responsible for the releases from the ash spill and

therefore also a potentially responsible party. Federal regulations require that the Trustees

invite the responsible party to participate in the damage assessment, whether the

responsible party is a private entity, a public agency, or a Trustee. The Trustees shall,

“invite the participation of the potentially responsible party…in the development of the

type and scope of the assessment and in the performance of the assessment.” (43 C.F.R. §

11.32(a)(2)(iii)(A). This type of coordination also assists the Trustees in meeting the

regulatory requirement of reasonable cost (i.e., the anticipated cost of the assessment is

expected to be less than the anticipated damage amount (43 C.F.R. § 11.14(ee))) by

increasing the efficiency of the NRDA process. TVA and the other Trustees signed a

Memorandum of Agreement in January 2011 regarding the conduct of the damage

assessment and have agreed to work cooperatively to resolve natural resource damages

resulting from the KIF coal ash release. While TVA has input into the damage assessment

and restoration planning process (examples provided in Section 1.4 of the RCDP),


decisions regarding final analytical parameters, methods, restoration priorities, and

sufficiency of proposed compensation are made by the Trustees as a whole.


Comment 2: The current public comment period is somewhat meaningless given that the

Swan Pond project is nearly complete. Obviously, the Trustees were committed to that

project, and to the $750,000, long before the draft RCDP was presented to the public, and

nothing the public could say at this point could affect this predetermined outcome.

Response 2: As stated in Chapter 3, the Trustees are considering a settlement with TVA

that is comprised of implementation and monitoring of the Swan Pond Embayment

Restoration and Recreation Park and a cash payment of $750,000 to fund additional

restoration projects. The Trustees evaluated this combination of projects and funding and

determined that it provides sufficient and appropriate compensation for ecological and

recreational losses. Considerations include:

Swan Pond satisfies both the site-specific and the DOI restoration criteria (43

C.F.R. § 11.82(d)) that are set out in Chapter 4 of the RCDP against which other

restoration projects are evaluated.

The DOI regulations state that Trustees should coordinate assessment and

restoration activities with remedial activities where feasible (43 C.F.R. §

11.23(f)) and 43 C.F.R. § 11.82(b)(ii)).

As part of public outreach and involvement efforts, TVA released the plan for the

Swan Pond Embayment Restoration and Recreation Park for Swan Pond for

public review and comment prior to the release of the RCDP. The final Swan

Pond plan, which is the one accounted for in the RCDP, was finalized after

consideration of the public comments TVA received during the comment period.

The Trustees will assess the ecological and recreational benefits of projects

proposed to be funded with the $750,000 against the site-specific and regulatory

criteria listed in Chapter 4 of the RCDP to ensure that full compensation is

achieved under the Preferred Alternative.

This public comment period requested public feedback on the RCDP prior to any

settlement agreement, specifically to understand the public’s opinion on the proposed

restoration package, and to determine whether any modifications were warranted. The

stage of completion of Swan Pond is not relevant to a settlement.


Comment 3: Did this NRDA and RCDP review and consider damage/negative impact to

private/public parties across the Emory River and downstream entities on the Clinch and

Watts Bar?

Response 3: In NRDA, Trustees are authorized to claim damages for losses resulting

from injuries to natural resources (43 C.F.R. § 11.14(aa)). Natural resources are described


in Section 2.2 of the RCDP and are defined by the DOI NRDA regulations at 43 C.F.R. §

§ 11.14 (z) as “land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water

supplies, and other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by,

appertaining to, or otherwise controlled…for the public” (emphasis added). This

definition and explicit direction to focus on public resources signifies that private party

interests are not claimable in this context.

This case specifically addresses natural resources within the assessment area, which

includes aquatic habitat (Emory River mile 6.0-0.0, Clinch River mile 5.0 to its

confluence with the Tennessee River, Tennessee River mile 568.7 downstream to Watts

Bar Dam), and wetland and riparian areas adjacent to the West, North, and East

Embayments and Swan Pond (Section 2.1).


Comment 4: Selenium is identified as a contaminant of concern by the EPA in sediments

used by certain insect larvae (e.g., midges), which are shown to be adversely impacted.

These insect larvae are a major food source for swallows. Swallows were shown to be

adversely impacted and are being further monitored. Why are only fish considered in

these exhibits and report?

Response 4: The commenter does not identify what data support the assertion that

midges and tree swallows were impacted. However, as described in Section 2.2 of the

RCDP, the Trustees’ analysis considered the following natural resources: sediment,

surface water, soil, plants, invertebrates, mussels, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and

mammals. Using available information, the Trustees evaluated injury to these resources

using three lines of evidence:

1. Contaminant concentrations to which natural resources have been exposed. This

includes sediment/benthic invertebrates, fish, and birds (Section 2.3.1 and

Appendix A).

2. Effects of dredging. The Trustees assign 100 percent initial service loss to

dredged areas to account for the fact that all resources within the dredged area

were adversely impacted (i.e., invertebrates, fish, birds, etc.). Recovery within the

dredged footprints is evaluated based on benthic community metrics. Of all the

affected resources, the benthic community is the least mobile and therefore is

expected to take the longest to return to pre-release/pre-dredge conditions within

the dredge footprint. In addition, sufficient data are available to inform benthic

recovery (Section 2.3.2). This is consistent with the DOI NRDA regulations,

which state that injury can be quantified based on, “Species or habitats that can

represent broad components of the ecosystem, either as representatives of a

particular ecological type, of a particular food chain, or of a particular service”

(43 C.F.R. § 11.71(l)(2)(i)).

3. Effects of ash in non-dredged areas. Among other functions, benthic invertebrate

communities are integral to maintaining the structure and function of the aquatic

ecosystem (e.g., the base of the aquatic food web), and play an important role in


ecosystem energy and nutrient cycling. In addition, available data on the impacts

of ash on the benthic community, as compared to data for other resources, were

the most comprehensive and relevant to the NRDA process. Therefore, the

Trustees chose the benthic invertebrate community as representative of the

overall aquatic community. That is, although injury is quantified based on

changes in benthic community metrics, those changes are expected to reflect

impacts to all aquatic-associated resources, including fish and birds (Section

2.3.2 and, as noted in number 2 above, in 43 C.F.R. § 11.71(l)(2)(i)).

Comment 5: Most fish species were shown to not be impacted; however, there is some

evidence "shell crackers" like sunfish may be exhibiting some stress and warrant further

monitoring. What fish species were considered for these exhibits? Were all fish lumped

into one set of numbers? Why?

Response 5: Fish species specifically considered in our analysis include those for which

data are readily available: black crappie, blue catfish, bluegill, channel catfish, gizzard

shad, largemouth bass, red ear sunfish, spotted bass, thread fin shad, and white crappie.

To assess injury to fish, the Trustees combined all fish species for two main reasons:

1) The Trustees’ goal is to evaluate injury to the fish community as a whole, which

is consistent both with the manner in which adverse effects information is

compiled (i.e., aggregated across a variety of species) and with the DOI NRDA

regulations, “The extent to which the injured biological resource differs from

baseline should be determined by analysis of the population or the habitat or

ecosystem levels. (43 C.F.R. § 11.71(l)(1)).

2) Data for any one individual species is insufficient in terms of number of samples

or geographic distribution to be able to meaningfully interpret results.


Comment 6: Selenium is identified as a contaminant of concern by the EPA and

exceeded threshold criteria for some biota sampling. How is selenium not considered in

the sediment concentrations in Exhibit A-1?

Response 6: Selenium concentrations are included in Exhibit A-1 of the RCDP, and were

found to not exceed the screening threshold criteria for sediment, fish, or birds.

Comment 7: The naturally-occurring metals are hazardous substances as defined by

CERCLA Section 101(14). Ash material also contains naturally-occurring radionuclides,

which are also hazardous substances as defined by CERCLA Section 101(14), (EPA-AO-

054). Has there been any consideration given and accounted for naturally-occurring

radionuclides in this NRDA and RCDP?

Response 7: Radionuclides are not addressed in this RCDP. The Trustees focused NRDA

efforts on contaminants that were detected at levels sufficient to trigger additional


evaluation. Radionuclides were evaluated as part of the initial screening in the BERA

(Arcadis 2012). Results indicated that radionuclide concentrations in the ash released

from the TVA Kingston Facility are so low as to not trigger a full risk evaluation (Arcadis

2012). The Trustees reviewed this conclusion and determined that radionuclide levels

were also too low to be assessed in the NRDA.


Comment 8: Other than the EPA 2012 Non-Time Critical Removal Action River System

EE/CA Fact sheet, what other EPA related documents were used as sources of data and

information for this NRDA and RCDP? If none, why not?

Response 8: There are a suite of site-specific documents, many conducted under EPA

oversight, which the Trustees relied upon in conducting this NRDA. See Administrative


Comment 9: How were the sources of data and information selected and how was their

credibility determined? How were the sources used deemed credible? These appear

somewhat outdated against the recent EPA science performed specifically as a result of

the ash spill. For example, were the results from the BERA (Arcadis 2012) used?

Response 9: Data sources were selected based on relevance to contaminants of

concern/ash, consistency with the biological community in the assessment area, and

adverse effects resulting from exposure of biota to contaminants/ash. The credibility of

data sources was assessed by first evaluating the context for publication. For example,

peer-reviewed literature, studies conducted as part of remedial activities for the Kingston

ash release (including the BERA; Arcadis 2012), government agency policy documents,

and studies undertaken for a government agency are considered appropriate for use in this

NRDA (See Administrative Record). Second, where applicable, the Trustees assessed the

design, methods, and results (e.g., did the study have appropriate controls) of each study

to ensure that only studies of sufficient quality were included in the analysis.


Comment 10: Are the Screening Criteria sources endorsed by the EPA?

Response 10: As described in Section 2.3 of the RCDP and defined in the DOI NRDA

regulations at 43 C.F.R. § § 11.70, the screening criteria for the RCDP were developed by

the Trustees as part of the NRDA process. Screening criteria were developed to determine

the point at which natural resource exposure to concentrations of COCs are sufficient to

cause injury. Injury is defined as, “a measurable adverse change, either long- or short-

term, in the chemical or physical quality or the viability of a natural resource resulting

either directly or indirectly from exposure to a discharge of oil or release of a hazardous

substance” (43 C.F.R. § 11.14(v)). This is separate from the remedial process directed by

EPA (Section 1.6 of the RCDP), and therefore not specifically endorsed by EPA.


Comment 11: Even though it is said that the “majority of site-specific tissue and

sediment concentrations measured to-date where below corresponding thresholds,” what

about the minority exceeding thresholds; i.e., arsenic and selenium? The arsenic results

for one lab exceeding the screening criteria should not be discounted.

Response 11: While these exceedences indicate that injury may have occurred, the

evidence of service loss associated with these possible injuries is not compelling. As

identified in Appendix A of the RCDP, data indicate no exceedences of screening criteria

for sediment, an exceedence of one arsenic criterion in the Clinch River for fish, and an

exceedence of the zinc criterion in all areas for birds. No exceedences of selenium criteria

were identified. Because the screening criteria represent concentrations above which an

adverse effect may occur, it is possible that fish and/or birds within the assessment area

may have been injured (43 C.F.R. § 11.14(v)).

Once injury is determined, the Trustees then quantify that injury as a loss in resource

services. Services are defined in the DOI NRDA regulations as, “the physical and

biological functions performed by the resource, including the human uses of those

functions, [that result from the resource’s] physical, chemical, or biological quality” (43

C.F.R. § § 11.14 (nn)). However, it is unlikely that a measurable loss in services

resulting from ash-related contamination has occurred. For example, in the Clinch River,

sediment arsenic concentrations reported by other laboratories were below the screening

criteria, and verification that any effects of zinc on birds were caused by the coal ash spill

is limited, as zinc concentrations in reference areas are comparable to those within the

assessment area.

Given this information, the Trustees’ preferred restoration alternatives (described in

Chapters 4 and 5 of the RCDP) are expected to provide sufficient ecological benefits to

assessment area resources to account for any potential, minimal loss in ecological

services resulting from ash-related contamination.

Comment 12: Commenters question the selected screening criteria values as presented in

Exhibits A-1, A-2, and A-3. According to the commenters, the process for determining

criteria is unclear and the commenter is concerned that criteria were derived by Industrial

Economics. One commenter cites an alternative selenium sediment concentration

screening criterion of 2 mg/kg.

Response 12: The screening criteria presented in Appendix A of the RCDP were

identified through review of: 1) the Toxicological Profiles that support the Baseline

Ecological Risk Assessment (Arcadis 2012 Appendix D), 2) peer-reviewed and other

published literature, and 3) data on background concentrations. These criteria reflect

thresholds relevant to injury determination (as opposed to remedial risk determination;

Response 10 and Section 1.6 of the RCDP), that is, the lowest concentration at or above

which an adverse effect resulting in a loss of ecological services may occur. IEc did not

derive the criteria mathematically; rather, each criterion reflects the result of one or more

studies (Appendix A, “Source” column in Exhibits A-1 through A-3).


Although the commenter did not provide sufficient information regarding the source or

derivation of the 2 mg/kg they cite for selenium in sediment, average selenium

concentrations in the assessment area range between 0.86 mg/kg and 1.51 mg/kg

(Appendix A, Exhibit A-1), all of which are below 2 mg/kg.


Comment 13: Why was the geometric mean chosen versus the arithmetic mean? Some

concentrations likely did exceed the criteria. Where were these located? How much did

they exceed the criteria?

Response 13: In this case, the geometric mean is the most appropriate measure of the

midpoint of the distribution of contaminant data. As stated in EPA (2000), “Due to the

skewed nature of many exposure distributions, the arithmetic mean may not be a good

indicator of the midpoint of a distribution (e.g., the 50th percentile). Under these

circumstances, a median value (e.g., the geometric mean) may provide more appropriate

information (Habicht 1992).” (p.2-36) This is further supported by other studies (e.g.,

Leith et al. 2010). In this case, observed contaminant concentrations are not normally

distributed. They are right-skewed, that is, many observed values are low, while a smaller

number of observed values are in the high end (or right hand tail) of the distribution.

These high concentrations introduce bias into the arithmetic mean, such that it

overestimates the true mean. Therefore, the Trustees utilize the geometric mean to assess

contaminant exposure within each sub-section of the assessment area.

The Trustees evaluate injury based on mean exposure concentrations, rather than for each

individual sample. Most organisms are mobile, and are therefore exposed to contaminant

concentrations (e.g., in sediment) over some area; they are not exposed solely to one

sample location. In addition, the Trustees are evaluating injury and corresponding service

losses to the overall biological community, which is appropriately reflected by the

average. While it is possible that an individual organism may have a contaminant body

burden that exceeds a screening criterion, it is unlikely that injury to one organism would

cause a measurable loss in ecological services.

Comment 14: The Trustees used half the detection limit. There are other options to

address non-detect results that would be more conservative and more accurately reflect

the environmental impact of the Kingston spill.

Response 14: The Trustees agree that other options for addressing non-detects are

available (e.g., assume non-detects equal zero or the full detection limit). However, we

disagree that an alternative option would more accurately reflect environmental

conditions. The fundamental nature of a detection limit implies that the true concentration

of a contaminant is unknown, and ranges between zero and the detection limit. Using half

the detection limit evenly distributes this uncertainty. Any alternative interpretation

would simply shift, not reduce, that uncertainty. As it is the Trustees’ goal to develop the

most reasonable, technically defensible estimate of damages, rather than the highest (or

lowest) value, an even distribution of uncertainty is appropriate.


Comment 15: Commenters have the following contaminant data requests: 1) detection

limits for each contaminant and method , and 2) a table of all data points used in the

analysis of contaminant-related injury, as well as a calculation of the mean, median, and

modified delta-lognormal values for each set of data. Commenters also request that these

results be evaluated before making a final determination of the natural resource damage

resulting from contaminant-related injury.

Response 15: All of the contaminant concentration data used in the analyses presented in

the RCDP can be found in the site-specific documents listed in the Administrative

Record. These sources provide a suite of data parameters including, but not limited to,

location, date of collection, analytical method, detection limit, contaminant concentration,

and qualifiers. Most of these documents are available on-line or are included in the

accompanying CD. In addition, TVA maintains a database of all contaminant data

collected as part of remedial efforts. This database includes most, if not all, data

presented in Administrative Record documents. For assistance with this database, please

contact TVA at tvainfo@tva.gov.

Per the Commenter’s request, the Trustees re-evaluated contaminant data (concentrations

and distribution), treatment of detection limits, and use of the geometric mean (more

detail in Responses to Comments 13 and 14). After this review, the Trustees’ conclusions

regarding injury and service losses to natural resources resulting from contaminants

associated with the TVA-KIF ash release are consistent with the draft RCDP.


Comment 16: EPA results included much data regarding the benthic community. Were

these results considered in the service losses?

Response 16: The commenter does not cite specific data sources, so we are not sure to

which data the commenter is referring. However, the Trustees’ analysis of benthic

community data, outlined in Appendix B of the RCDP, relies on data described in

Chapter 3 of Arcadis and TVA’s report “Updated Data Analysis and Temporal Trend

Evaluations in Biota: 2009-2013” published in October 2014 and available online at

http://www.tva.gov/kingston/pdf/Updated%20Biota%20Report%202009-2013.pdf. This

study was conducted as part of remedial efforts with EPA oversight.

Comment 17: Several commenters asked how service loss was determined for non-

dredged areas outlined in Exhibit B-1 including: Has the service loss been analyzed for

non-dredged areas for which ash deposits are known to exist? What is the recovery time

for non-dredged areas? How is it assumed that areas where no dredging occurred can

result in little to no present value losses? What is the basis for a recovery period of two

years to return to baseline conditions?

Response 17: For this NRDA, the Trustees use site-specific benthic community metrics

to measure recovery of the aquatic community (Response to Comment 4 explains


rationale for use of benthic community). Data were collected from 2009 through 2013 at

multiple locations within the assessment area, as well as reference locations (i.e.,

upstream of the spill area) on the Emory, Clinch, and Tennessee Rivers. For almost all

sections (dredged and non-dredged), benthic community data indicate that recovery was

complete in two years (Section 2.3.2 and Appendix B of the RCDP).


Comment 18: Where is the detail of the site-specific estimates of fishing and boating

losses that led to the present value loss of $200,000? What is the source of these site-

specific estimates and how were these calculated? The footnote indicates a 1/3 wage rate

- is this assumed to be only 1 angler per trip? Often there is more than one person in the


Response 18: Section 2.3.3 of the RCDP discusses recreational losses related to impacted

fishing and boating activities. For fishing activities, the Trustees estimated damages using

the standard benefit transfer method. Commonly applied in NRDA, benefit transfer

applies per trip changes in value from a relevant literature study to the site-specific

estimates of affected trips. In this case, data from creel surveys conducted by TVA in the

vicinity of the assessment area were used to estimate the number of angling trips affected

by the ash release

For boating activities, the Trustees estimated the added cost incurred per trip to the

nearest open boat launch to be approximately $8.50. This is based on the additional out-

of-pocket cost of operating a vehicle and the per person opportunity cost of having to

drive farther (estimated as one-third the wage rate). The number of boats affected by the

ash release was estimated using boat registration information from the vicinity of the

assessment area. The Trustees agree that insofar as multiple people use a boat, the lost

opportunity cost is understated.

Comment 19: What about the loss of water sports, like swimming, paddle boarding,

wading. Why are boating trips for anglers only? What about boating trips for skiers,

swimmers, wake boarders, canoes, kayaks, etc.?

Response 19: The Trustees agree that other water sports such as swimming, wake

boarding, water skiing, canoeing, and kayaking are relevant to the area affected by the

spill. In this case, data are insufficient to quantify losses related to these activities, and

information on the number of participants and the lost value per trip/participant resulting

from closure of a section of the river are lacking. For example, boaters and anglers can be

tracked through license and/or permit sales, but that type of registration is not required for

other types of water-related recreation. However, because restoration activities within

Swan Pond and the Preferred Alternative will benefit recreators directly (e.g., via

increased access to the Emory River) and indirectly (e.g., via improved water quality), the

Trustees expect that participants in other water sports will be sufficiently compensated.


Comment 20: How was the value of $32.44 per trip value determined? Is there any

consideration as to trip lengths (e.g., 2 hours vs. 6 hours)?

Response 20: As stated in Section 2.3.3 of the RCDP, the $32.44 per trip value is derived

from the peer-reviewed literature (i.e., Jakus et al. 1997) and data collected from several

reservoirs in Middle and East Tennessee. Jakus et al. (1997) employ a random utility

model (RUM), which assumes that on any given trip occasion an individual will choose

the site that yields that highest level of expected utility. The study estimates values per

trip, accounting for a variety of trip lengths.

Comment 21: The residents of Roane County request TVA approve the TWRA request

to build a fishing pier at the new Wildlife Management Area on the Tennessee River just

a few miles downstream from the coal ash spill.

Response 21: The Trustees appreciate the public’s concern in this matter, but it is outside

the scope of this NRDA.


Comment 22: Why were private citizen settlement amounts based on being downriver

from the I-40 bridge rather than the amount of ash in a given area?

Response 22: As noted in the response to Comment 1, NRDA focuses on damages to

natural resources and losses in the services these resources provide to the public. Private

claims are outside the scope of the NRDA.

Comment 23: Is there anything in the plans to address the ash between the park and my

property (at Clinch River Mile 1.6)?

Response 23: Remedial issues are outside the scope of the NRDA.


Comment 24: The losses are quantified into "discount service acre years (DSAYs)."

There is no calculation shown to indicate how the DSAYs were converted to $750,000.

How was the $750,000 value determined? Based on what?

Response 24: The Trustees are confident the $750,000 will fund sufficient projects such

that compensation for the remaining 184 DSAYs and additional recreational benefits will

be provided to the public. As specific projects are identified, the Trustees will assess the

ecological and recreational benefits of each project to ensure that full compensation is

achieved. Until specific projects are identified, however, the exact amount of funding

that will generate a specific number of DSAYs cannot be determined.


Comment 25: Why are pre-restoration services assumed to be zero percent due to ash

smothering and corresponding dredging activities? What were the ecological services

prior to the ash spill and what was their value lost?

Response 25: Section 3.1 of the RCDP describes the Trustees’ approach to quantifying

ecological benefits resulting from Swan Pond restoration. Due to the substantial

disturbance to the benthic invertebrate community, the Trustees assume that areas

smothered by ash and then subsequently dredged do not provide ecological services until

dredging is complete. This assumption is consistent with the injury quantification

approach described in Section 2.3.2.

In terms of ecological services provided by Swan Pond prior to the ash spill, we assume:

Areas that were occupied by yards, homes, or agricultural land were not habitat

and did not provide ecological services pre-spill. These areas are the focus of

restoration activities for which ecological service gains are estimated.

Existing wetlands provide ecological services, but preservation of these areas as

part of Swan Pond restoration activities did not increase the level of services.

That is, services provided prior to the spill and at the conclusion of restoration

activities are equal.

Comment 26: The alternatives analysis in the RCDP was constrained by the minimal

number of options considered. In essence, the RCDP listed two alternatives: do nothing,

or do the selected option. In particular, no alternatives to the Swan Pond restoration were

considered. Moreover, the RCDP did not meaningfully assess the no-action alternative,

which would have provided a baseline to which multiple action alternatives could have

been compared.

Response 26: First, the DOI NRDA regulations state that the Trustees “shall develop a

Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan that will list a reasonable number of

possible alternatives” (43 C.F.R. § 11.81(a)(1)). The Trustees contend that three

alternatives are reasonable. Second, the No Action Alternative in the context of the

RCDP is not the same as the No Action Alternative in the remedial process. In the RCDP,

the No Action Alternative accounts for completed, on-going, and planned remedial

actions consistent with whatever remedial alternative EPA identified as preferred, and

evaluates what no further restoration action would mean in terms of sufficiently

compensating the public for losses of natural resources and resource services. For the

TVA-KIF ash spill, a No Action Restoration Alternative would not initiate any

restoration action outside of currently funded programs, and therefore the public would

be under-compensated for both ecological and recreational losses [this is the “baseline” to

which the commenter refers]. Finally, because Swan Pond is a specific component of the

proposed settlement for natural resource damages, an alternatives assessment for this

project is not appropriate.


Comment 27: The RCDP does not define the selection process or criteria to allocate the

cash payment for additional habitat and recreation projects. These omissions make it

difficult to comment on the effectiveness of this element of the proposed cash payment

for restoration to offset damages to public trust resources.

Response 27: The Trustees agree that a defined, transparent process for selecting projects

to fund with the $750,000 cash payment is essential. At this time, the Trustees are

working on establishing that process. At a minimum, the process will assess the cost

effectiveness of projects to ensure that the funding is used to achieve the greatest possible

quantity of relevant natural resource benefits. The Trustees aim to achieve a balance

between recreation and habitat restoration projects. Projects that effectively improve

recreation opportunities and restore habitat, such as the Swan Pond restoration effort, are

a high priority because they accomplish multiple objectives.


Comment 28: When will the monitoring plan tailored to the specific characteristics of

the Swan Pond restoration be available for review? Will there be public participation?

Will monitoring reports be available for public review? How will these be made


Response 28: The Trustees are in the process of finalizing the monitoring plan; it will be

completed after the RCDP is finalized. Swan Pond monitoring reports will be made

available by TDEC through the public record

Comment 29: What is the adaptive management strategy? What are its goals and what

are the attributes and metrics for determining strategy success? Should this strategy be

part of the monitoring plan?

Response 29: The adaptive management strategy allows the Trustees to ensure the

success of a restoration project in light of Trustee-approved project goals in the event that

circumstances require alternations of one or more project components. The monitoring

plan is designed to collect data that will inform whether adaptive management may be

needed. If an attribute is not performing as expected, TVA will critically evaluate the

issue and if needed will develop an adaptive management plan that will be reviewed and

approved by all Trustees prior to implementation. Examples of adaptive management

actions may include replanting species, changing plant species or densities, re-grading

banks, adjusting hydrological connections, and/or installing irrigation (Section 3.1.3).

Comment 30: There is a 30-year Monitoring Plan in place already via the EPA clean-up

and recovery efforts. It appears the one in this RCDP is a different one designed to

evaluate the Swan Pond Restoration project. Is this correct? And how does this RCDP

Plan consider or link to the EPA plan?


Response 30: The 30 year monitoring plan for Swan Pond is designed specifically to

ensure the long-term success of the project in the context of NRDA-related goals (e.g.,

habitat quality over time). It is not connected to the EPA monitoring plan, which is

focused on the success of remedial actions.


Comment 31: In addition to the TVA ash spill, there are many other factors that

adversely affect the assessment area, such as fish consumption advisories, a ban on

commercial fishing, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in the food web from residual

coal ash (e.g., selenium). I trust this will be thoroughly addressed sometime in the

foreseeable future.

Response 31: The Trustees acknowledge that there are considerations in the assessment

area other than impacts from the TVA-KIF ash spill, but these issues are outside the

scope of the NRDA.


Arcadis. 2012. Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment. Including Appendices A-AC.

Prepared for TVA.).

EPA. 2000. Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish

Advisories. Volume 2: Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits (Third


Habicht, F.H. 1992. Guidance on Risk Characterization for Risk Managers and Risk

Assessors (Memorandum). Environmental Protection Agency.

Industrial Economics. 2009. Oak Ridge Reservation Natural Resource Damage

Assessment: Evaluation of Contaminant-Related Losses in Watts Bar Reservoir and

Gains from the Black Oak Ridge Conservation Easement. Prepared for Watts Bar

Reservoir Trustee Council.

Jacobs. 2010. Kingston Ash Recovery Project Non-Time-Critical Removal Action

Embayment/Dredge Cell Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA). Appendix

B: Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment. Prepared for Tennessee Valley


Jakus, P.M., M. Downing, M.S. Bevelhimer, and J.M. Fly. 1997. Do Sportfish

Consumption Advisories Affect Reservoir Anglers’ Site Choice. Agricultural and

Resource Economics Review 26(2).

Leith, K.F., W.W. Bowerman, M.R. Wierda, D.A. Best, T.G. Grubb, J.G. Sikarske. 2010.

A comparison of techniques for assessing central tendency in left-censored data

using PCB and p,p’DDE contaminant concentrations from Michigan’s Bald Eagle

Biosentinel Program. Chemospehere 80: 7-12.