Teacher By Jordan Polak. Big Problem One of the biggest problems I had in High School was staying...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Teacher By Jordan Polak. Big Problem One of the biggest problems I had in High School was staying...


By Jordan PolakBy Jordan Polak

Big ProblemBig Problem

• One of the biggest problems I had in High School was staying awake in class.


• I had a lot of teachers who I am sure did not really care about the subject matter the where teaching.

Teaching MethodsTeaching Methods

• There method of teaching was put notes on the projector, only getting up to change the page, and giving out worksheets they where supplied with in there book.


• And heaven forbid if you have a question. Sometimes the teacher would get annoyed if you even asked a question.


• And for some reason they are surprised when people do bad on tests. Maybe if the students where not afraid to ask a question they may have done a little better.

Motivational SpeakingMotivational Speaking

• I had one teacher who I will never forget. I remember she used to say the day after a quiz or a test. “Last period 6 people failed this test, this period over half the class. I am very disappointed in you all. Now on with today’s lesson.”

What Last Class.What Last Class.

• I really grew to wander about the class before us. I mean there where a lot of smart kids in my class, so I decided to ask around. I later found out she gave that speech to every class.

Model Teacher?Model Teacher?

• This is the kind of teacher I do not want to be. And no kid should have to put up with.


• Class should not only be a learning experience, but students should be able to enjoy it to.


• Students should have fun as well. And be given projects that they can enjoy doing.


• The subject matter should be made interesting as well. The students may stay awake a little bit longer if the subject can be made interesting.


• And if I see a kid about to dose off, I will wake them up with a shocking fact. I learned this from Psychology teacher. Any time I felt like napping he would say something surprising and wake me right up.

Chance for ImprovementChance for Improvement

• Every one has bad days, I don’t think your grade should have to suffer if you have one. I believe there should be chances for students to correct there mistakes in the past and have a chance to bring up there grade.

Not to LenientNot to Lenient

• But I do not plane to be to lenient. If its more than a couple of days late, to bad for you.

Don’t be Afraid to AskDon’t be Afraid to Ask

• I will not let my students be afraid to come to me for help. There is no such thing as a stupid question. If I can help them I will do the best I can to help.


• My goal in college is to gain as much information on history as I can. I want to teach kids the history of the world, so they do not repeat the mistakes of the past.


• I can only hope that I can become the good teacher I want to be. And I hope I do not turn out like some the teachers I had in the past. I will make history fun.