Task 5 – genre conventions

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Task 5 – genre conventions

NME magazine conventions

NME magazine is made up of the typical conventions. Although it is genre specific to this magazine. So it is appropriate for the audience it is aimed at.

Chart updatesReviewsInterviewsPhotographyPosters

Chart conventions

NME has its specific weekly chart list of the latest most successful new alternative/rock music.

Readers who are interested in this genre of music want to know what everyone is listening to at that current time, so they can keep up to date with what is best.

Review Conventions

It is important that music magazines have reviews of albums. So people can be influenced to buy the album. Reviews aren’t always useful, as people have different opinions and prefer different sounds.

NME magazine reviews are made up of a rating out of 10 and opinions from people or fans who have listened to that album.

Interview Conventions

Readers want to know ‘behind the scene’ gossip direct from the artist.

People want to know information about their favourite artists and what inspired them to make albums.

It also helps the artists gain more fans once people are more aware of their personal throughts.

Photography Conventions

NME magazine use photography of artists just like any other music magazine.

People expect to see pictures of the artists along side the article they are reading about.

It also sets the front cover and shows who that weeks issue is mainly focussing on .

Poster Conventions

Every music magazine should have posters in them. As most people want to decorate their walls with them.

NME has at least 2 in their magazine. Usually of the main artists they are basing the issue on that week.