T HE U SE OF V IDEOS As An Effective Teaching Strategy By Cynthia Watson.

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Transcript of T HE U SE OF V IDEOS As An Effective Teaching Strategy By Cynthia Watson.


As An Effective Teaching Strategy

By Cynthia Watson

DEFINING VIDEO INSTRUCTION Education via video encompasses

prerecorded DVD’s and web accessible viewable files that present materials that need to be conveyed. This embraces many different styles of presentation and includes a wide variety of techniques.

ADULT LEARNING THEORY "Adults will commit to learning when the

goals and objectives are considered realistic and important to them. Application in the 'real world' is important and relevant to the adult learner's personal and professional needs.” (Speck 1996)

Content in videos can realistically make concepts visually come alive the way printed material and lectures alone cannot.

Videos are a visual medium that people are accustomed to and videos can be entertaining and engaging.

STYLES AND TYPES OF VIDEOS Recorded faculty lectures

Professionally prepared teaching videosPatient Information/Education Student or Staff


Interactive videos requiring student responses

Student prepared videos

Marketing videos

RECORDED FACULTY LECTURES A technology widely used in student education Presents the same material as presented in class

Available either in DVD format or via information web site such as Blackboard/Wimba

Research shows little statistical difference in grades of students who attend lecture or view video

Many students prefer format over live lecture and Wimba allows live feedback over internet.


Short informational videos are a good tool that provide consistent information

Can be used for teaching about a skill , diagnosis, regimen

Case Scenarios for upcoming treatment or surgery such as cardiac catherization or cancer treatment make the realistic

Should be proceeded with instructions Should be followed up with clarifications Patients should have accompanying printed


Atrial Fibrillation


Provide consistent information for skills and competencies

Can be entertaining case scenarios with real life situations that demonstrate theories and concepts

May be accessible repeatedly May be interactive, requiring

responses Provide simulation

Male Catheter Insertion


Videos depicting case scenarios are viewed by student or patient

Videos have periods where they are paused allowing participants to select an answer or to interact

Instant feedback is provided and the participant moves on with the video

Participants are engaged in process


Students prepare videos on specific topic depicting their knowledge or skill set

Process engenders students to a fuller understanding of topic or concept

Provides active participation in learning process

MARKETING VIDEOS This is an example of a commercial

marketing video. This format can be used for hospital marketing, school marketing, program marketing, in fact any health or educational related program that needs promoting.


PROS Consistent information is given

Format can be engaging and entertaining

Medium is commonplace and comfortable for most to view

May be viewed repeatedly for reinforcement

May be viewed anytime to accommodate schedules

Adaptation can be achieved through anticipatory guidance, post viewing review and support materials


Participants may not have technology at home for viewing on line videos or playing DVD’s

Material may become dated quickly

Professional videos may be expensive

As with printed material, language and cultural barriers may make video irrelevant

Adaptation of material within video is not possible


Offer video pre-test and post-test, compare results Survey participants, ask for feedback Offer material in “straight up”, traditional method,

written word, lecture, demonstration to one group and compare post teaching results with group that uses video

Track readmissions for chronic patients comparing a “control” group and a “video” group

Access and analyze existing volumes of research for both patient and student

video teaching

CONCLUSION The use of videos has a broad application.

Research shows that it can be an effective teaching tool both for patient and student education. The use of video is expected to broaden. In order to make video use effective, a videos must continue to be evaluated for its value and its relevance. It is a teaching strategy that has value for the 21st century. Videos should be used as an adjuvant teaching strategy and adapted and reinforced in conjunction with other strategies.

Education Today and Tomorrow

REFERENCES Brecht, H., & Ogilby, S. (2008). Enabling a Comprehensive Teaching Strategy: Video

Lectures. Journal of Information Technology Education, 7IIP71- IIP86. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Fleming, G. (2010). Video Use To Widen. Health Management Technology, 31(1), 19.Retrieved from Small Business Reference Center database.

Freda, M., Fogarassy, M., Davini, D., DeVore, N., Damus, K., & Merkatz, I.(1994). Are they watching? Are they learning? Prenatal video education in the waiting room.

Journal of Perinatal Education,3(1), 20-28. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database.

Huang, E. (2008). Six Cases of E-Health Videos on Hospital Web Sites. E-Service Journal, 6(3), 56-71. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.

Kluge, M., & Glick, L. (2006). Teaching Therapeutic Communication VIA Camera Cues and Clues: The Video Inter-Active (VIA) Method. Journal of Nursing Education,

45(11), 463-468. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.

London, F. (1995). Getting the most out of PATIENT-TEACHING VIDEOS. Nursing, 25(10), 32J. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database.

Rosenthal Gelman, C., & Tosone, C. (2006). Making It Real: Enhancing Curriculum Delivery Through the Use of Student-Generated Training Videos. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 24(1), 37- 52. doi:10.1300/J017v24n01C03.