Survey Evaluation

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Survey Evaluation

Music Magazine SurveyEvaluation

Age and Gender

Age and Gender

• This survey shows that most common gender is female with 78% being female and 22% male. When looking at age the most common was 15 – 17 with 18 – 24 being the second common.

Buying Magazine

• The survey shows that most people buy their magazine monthly and would rather buy the magazine monthly rather than weekly. 78% would rather buy monthly compared to 22% who would buy them weekly.

Buying Magazine

Music Taste

Music Taste

• The most popular music taste is pop, with 59% compared to rock n roll which scored 29%. The least popular music type is country with 2%.



• The cost that most people would be willing to pay was £2 – £2.50 with 49%. Compared to £1 - £1.50 with 30% and £3 - £.50 with 21%.