Surrealism in My Life Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for...

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Transcript of Surrealism in My Life Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for...

Surrealism in My Life

Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for your surreal artwork.

Drill:List as many movies, books, commercials, or Cd covers that are surreal:

Homework: Find and bring in 2 or more examples of surrealism. You can look in magazines in the classroom or on the computer. Glue in sketchbook. (60pts w/ drill)DUE NEXT FRIDAY!

Tim Burton!

Lemminy Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events


Big Fish

Today:• Try to get your sketches

complete today so that you can start on your FINAL PAPER.

• A good plan will make a big difference.

• This will be due next Friday, too.

• Homework: Find and bring in 2 or more examples of surrealism. You can look in magazines in the classroom or on the computer. Glue in sketchbook. (60pts w/ drill)

• DUE NEXT FRIDAY!Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for your surreal artwork.


1.Has a horizon line and shows depth.2.Minimum of 7 objects.3.Use SURREAL techniques4.Objects look 3D because of the drawing and the shading. Use bold colored pencil. (Attempt to shade with paint????)5.5 objects have symbolism6.Tells a story- narrative.7.Difficulty8.Creativity9.Craftsmanship10.Composition

Surreal SketchDIRECTIONS:

1. Your sketch is due at the end of class today. If you draw a good

sketch, you may trace it. (50PTS) FINAL SURREAL ARTWORK DUE FRIDAY. We have to move on.

2. Use the criteria to the right to help guide you.

3. Seniors- Review this week. Vocab today. Sketchbook due today.

4. TURN IN SKETCHBOOK WED/ THURS. Use wiki for lessons.

Homework: Find and bring in 2 or more examples of surrealism. You can look in magazines in the classroom or on the computer. Glue in sketchbook. (60pts)


Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for your surreal artwork.


1.Has a horizon line and shows depth.2.Minimum of 7 objects.3.Use SURREAL techniques.4.Objects look 3D because of the drawing and the shading. Use bold colored pencil. (Attempt to shade with paint????)5.5 objects have symbolism6.Tells a story- narrative.7.Difficulty8.Creativity9.Craftsmanship10.Composition

Surreal SketchDIRECTIONS:

1. Your sketch is due in 10 minutes. Move on to your good paper. Use forms or simple objects. Just draw by

looking at pictures. (CRITERIA)2. Seniors- Open two Art CRITICISM

power points. Take your sketchbook to a computer.

3. TURN IN SKETCHBOOK WED/ THURS. Use wiki for lessons.

Homework: Find and bring in 2 or more examples of surrealism. You can look in magazines in the classroom or on the computer. Glue in sketchbook. (60pts)


Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for your surreal artwork.


1.Has a horizon line and shows depth. 10 pts2.Minimum of 7 objects. 28 pts 4pts per object.3.Use SURREAL techniques.

12pts 50 PTS

A sketch is… a quick drawing of a visual idea.

Assignments that are due:1. Mindful Art -5 late (homework) 75pts

2. Surrealism – day one 50pts

3. Symbolism lesson 50pts

4. Narrative Art 30pts

5. Perspective 5 forms 50pts

6. Wall steps, perspective, 2 types of shading 50pts

7. 15 objects listed 30pts

8. Power Poem 60pts

9. How to make it surreal 40pts

10.Surrealism in my life- 2 examples printed and glued in sketchbook. (homework) 60pts

11.Surreal Sketch 50pts

12.Art Show excuse notes 100pts

Surreal SketchDIRECTIONS:

1. Your sketch is due in 10 minutes. Move on to your good paper. Use forms or simple objects. Just draw by

looking at pictures. (CRITERIA)

2. Seniors- Open two Art CRITICISM power points. Take your sketchbook to a computer.

3. TURN IN SKETCHBOOK WED/ THURS. Use wiki for lessons.

Homework: Find and bring in 2 or more examples of surrealism. You can look in magazines in the classroom or on the computer. Glue in sketchbook. (60pts)


Objective: You will look at images to brainstorm in order to draw a plan for your surreal artwork.


1.Has a horizon line and shows depth. 10 pts2.Minimum of 7 objects. 28 pts 4pts per object.3.Use SURREAL techniques.

12pts 50 PTS