Study of heat transfer for a pair of rectangular jets impinging on an inclined surface

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Study of heat transfer for a pair of rectangular jetsimpinging on an inclined surface

Subrata Roy *, Paresh Patel 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University, 1700 West Third Avenue, Flint, MI 48504-4898, USA

Received 5 July 2001; received in revised form 24 July 2002


Critical design parameters in jet impingement heat transfer like nozzle hydraulic diameter, jet angle and velocity,

physical properties of the fluid, and nozzle-to-target plane spacing are the subject. This paper identifies the dominant

fluid-thermal characteristics of a pair of rectangular air jets impinging on an inclined surface. Heat transfer modes and

flow characteristics are studied with eight different Reynolds numbers ranging from 500 to 20 000. Local and average

Nusselt numbers are evaluated with two different boundary conditions on three specified lines located on the inclined

surface. The correlation between stagnation Nusselt number and Reynolds number is presented. Turbulent intensity

and wall yþ distributions are compared on three lines parallel to the incline. The effect of jet impingement angle on local

and average Nusselt number is also documented. Finally, a correlation between the average Nusselt number, nozzle exit

Reynolds number and the jet angle is documented.

� 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Climate control; CFD; Inclined surface; Impinging jets; Rectangular slots

1. Introduction

Jet impingement heat transfer has been employed in

many practical applications for cooling and drying be-

cause of its easy implementation and high heat transfer

rate. Examples include turbine blade film cooling,

bearing cooling, electronics cooling, vehicle windshield

deicing/defogging, drying of paper, and glass tempering.

In many of these applications, the Nusselt number (Nu)

distribution resulting from the jet attachment to the

target plane, the trajectory and physical properties of the

jet are critical design parameters. The specific interest is

air issuing from two rectangular openings and impinging

upon an inclined surface that is common in vehicle

windshield climate control application.

Impingement of single and multiple jets on surface

has been extensively investigated in the literature [1–

16,21,22]. Impingement of single circular jet on per-

pendicular and inclined plate in Lamont and Hunt [1]

showed surface pressure distribution on entire im-

pingement region for varying pressure ratios and plate

angles ranging from 30� to 90�. Bernard et al. in [2] used

various experimental techniques to describe the flow of

several jets impinging on a plane wall. Polat et al. [3]

presented a review of numerical studies related to axi-

symmetric impinging jets. More reviews were docu-

mented by Martin [4], and Downs and James [5]. Lee

et al. [6] showed local heat transfer from an elliptical jet

impingement on a flat plate. An array of elliptical jets

has been studied extensively by Arjocu and Liburdy [7]

to understand the dominant local heat transfer modes

for low Reynolds number (Re) such as 300 and 1500,

while Martin [8] has identified optimum impingement

and separation distances for heat transfer for a wider

flow range, 25006Re6 4000000. The effects of Re,

nozzle geometry and the separation distance were also

studied by Colucci and Viskanta [9].

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-810-762-9949; fax: +1-810-


E-mail addresses: (S. Roy), patel@ (P. Patel).1 Currently at Mississippi State University.

0017-9310/03/$ - see front matter � 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S0017-9310 (02 )00295-8

Pan and Webb [10] studied local heat transfer details

of the circular jet array impingement. Metzger et al. [11]

has investigated the effect of Prandtl number (Pr) on jet

impingement heat transfer characteristics while Rahman

et al. [12] has identified conjugate heat transfer during

free jet impingement of a high Pr fluid. Leland and Pais

[13] obtained heat transfer coefficients for high Pr fluid

ranging from 48 to 445 and jet Re of 109 to 8592. Morris

et al. [14] has studied local heat transfer coefficient dis-

tribution on the plate due to a normally impinging jet of

Reynolds Number ranges from 8500 to 13 000. Recently,

Roy et al. [15,16] has compared numerical and experi-

mental results for temperature and local heat transfer

coefficient distribution on the two rectangular jets im-

pinging upon an inclined surface.

In this paper, we study the jet impingement flow

characteristics and investigate the effect of Reynolds

number and jet angle on local and average Nu, turbu-

lence intensity (TI) and wall yþ. Fig. 1 describes sche-

matic of the jet, the inclined plane and its association

with the control volume bounded by five other surfaces.

All necessary dimensions are given in the figure. Air jets

are issued at temperature Tj, with streamwise and

crosswise angles (/ and b) from the nozzle exit plane,

through two rectangular openings (h� w) impinging

upon the target plane of thickness t with known material

properties. These openings are centered on the length L

of the bottom wall. The target plane is inclined at an

angle of a. The mean velocity of the jet V depends on the

jet Reynolds number and the hydraulic diameter of the

inlet nozzle. For this geometry, the impingement point,

i.e., the intersection of the jet axis and the inclined sur-

face is at a distance p away from the crotch, p ¼ ðl�ðh=2ÞÞðcos a þ ðsin a= tan /ÞÞ.

Three lines a, b and c with constant z-coordinate

0.3733, 0.5233 and 0.7233 m, respectively, are selected

along the height H of the inclined plane for under-

standing heat transfer process and flow characteristics.

These lines coincide with the plane between the jet and

side surface, axis of the jet, and between the jets. The

horizontal line d with constant y-coordinate of 0.072 m,

starts from the point where the jet axis impinges on

the surface for / ¼ 60� and ends on a point of the exit

plane as shown in Fig. 1. Heat transfer process in the

computational domain is investigated by using a finite

volume based commercial code FLUENT� [17]. The

three-dimensional computational model is analyzed with

renormalized group (RNG) k � e turbulence closure

model of Yakhot and Orszag [18] to understand fluid-

thermal characteristics in jet impingement heat transfer.

Comparison between the local and average Nu on the

surface, and TI and wall yþ distribution at a distance

parallel to the surface are reported for two different

boundary conditions. The correlation between stagna-

tion Nu and Re is presented. Nusselt number, TI and

wall yþ distribution over the inclined surface are com-

pared for eight different Reynolds numbers (Re ¼ 500,

1500, 5000, 7500, 10 000, 12 500, 15 000 and 20 000) for

air (Pr ¼ 0:7). The effect of jet angle on the impingement

heat transfer is also discussed for Reynolds numbers

5000, 10 000 and 20 000. The angle / is varied from 30�to 90� in steps of 15� in the xy-plane and then for

/ ¼ 75�, the sweep angle b is varied from 5� to 15�(outward direction) and �5� to �15� (inward direction)

in the yz-plane. The jet openings are in plane with the

bottom wall for all these experiments. The effect of jet

impingement angle on local and average Nu, TI and wall

yþ is then reported. Finally, a correlation between the


Ci coefficients

E specific enthalpy

k turbulent kinetic energy

Le characteristic length

p static pressure

Pr Prandtl Number

Sij mean strain tensor

t time

T temperature

Tu turbulence level

ui Cartesian velocity component

us wall shear velocity

xi spatial coordinates

yþ inner variable

Greek symbols

e dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy

lt eddy viscosity

l viscosity

q density

sij stress tensor

dij Kronecker delta


avg average

eff effective

in inlet (at nozzle exit)

i, j direction of special derivatives

k mean velocity

stg stagnation condition

s shear stress based variable

w wall

412 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

average Nusselt number, exit Reynolds number and the

jet impingement angle / is presented.

2. Theoretical formulation

2.1. Governing equations

The three-dimensional incompressible Navier–Stokes

form for a steady state assumption may be written as,

Mass (continuity) equation:


¼ 0 ð1Þ

Momentum equation:


þ opoxi

� osijoxj

¼ 0 ð2Þ

Energy equation:


oxjðquiE � uisijÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ

where the stress tensor sij,

sij ¼ louioxj

��þ ouj


��� 2



2.2. Turbulence modeling

There are several models for turbulent flow simula-

tion to numerically close the product of fluctuating

components of state variables or subgrid terms in (1)–

(3). One such RNG based standard k � e turbulence

model of Yakhot and Orszag [18] contains the following

Fig. 1. Schematic of the computational domain.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 413

two equations, one for turbulence kinetic energy k and

the other for its dissipation rate e, respectively,



��þ lt



�þ 2ltSij

�� 2



¼ qe ð4Þ




��þ lt



�þ C1e



�� 2



¼ C2eqe2


In the above equations, the left hand side shows the

diffusion and generation terms and the right hand side

involves dissipation rate terms. The turbulent viscosity is

modeled as lt ¼ Clqk2=e, where Cl ¼ 0:0845 (Lam [19]).

The standard coefficients are C1e ¼ 1:42 and C2e ¼ 1:68.

Accurate computation of the turbulent flow strongly

depends on the local grid generation especially in the

near wall region where the shear layer forms. In this

region, the mesh measure can be computed as,

yþ ¼ qusf ðyÞl


where the wall shear velocity us ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffisw=q

pand f ðyÞ is the

normal distance from the wall.

The turbulent viscosity is not a fluid property, but

rather a property of the flow field. Its value is added to

the molecular viscosity and yields an effective viscosity,

leff , which is used in the computational model. The k

and e at the inlet are calculated from the following ex-


kin ¼ 3

2ðTu � uÞ2 ein ¼ k3=2



where Tu is the turbulence level and Le is a characteristic

length based on the nozzle exit.

Eqs. (1)–(5) constitute a system of non-linear alge-

braic equations. The system is linearized by relaxation.

A second-order accurate streamline upwinding tech-

nique is employed for stabilizing numerical iterations.

The pressure corrections are used to correct the pressure

and the velocities. This predictor-corrector procedure

constitutes an iteration. The solution is declared con-

vergent when the maximum residual for each of the state

variable becomes smaller than a convergence criterion of

2. Here, the convergence of a solution vector U on node

n is defined as the norm:

kUn �Un�1kkUnk

6 2

We selected 2¼ 10�3 for continuity, momentum, tur-

bulence kinetic energy and its dissipation rate equations

and 2¼ 10�6 for the energy equation.

2.3. Boundary conditions

Two different boundary condition cases (A and B)

are utilized to analyze the fluid thermal system. In the

first case, the roof, side walls, bottom wall and back wall

of the control volume are considered as typical wall

boundary conditions. Here onwards, this will be called

�Case A�. In the other, all boundaries except for the in-

clined plane, bottom wall and inlet jets are pressure

outlet i.e. atmospheric pressure boundary condition.

Here onwards, we call this �Case B�. Details of the im-

posed boundary condition for cases A and B are given in

Table 1 (Panels A and B), respectively. The inclined

plane is always considered as no-slip wall where a con-

vective boundary condition with constant temperature

of 273 K and a heat transfer coefficient of 35 W/m2 K is

applied on the outer surface. Air jets are issued at 293 K

from the nozzle exit plane with a plug flow velocity ~VVthat was imposed based on 5006Re6 20000. According

Table 1

Prescribed boundary conditions for Case A (Panel A) and Case B (Panel B)

Boundary U v w T p k e

Panel A

Inclined plate 0 0 0 273K, 35 W/m2 K op=on ¼ 0 ok=on ¼ 0 ew

Nozzle Prescribed uniform profile 293K op=oy ¼ 0 kin ein

Bottom 0 0 0 oT=oy ¼ 0 op=oy ¼ 0 ok=oy ¼ 0 ew

Sides 0 0 0 oT=oz ¼ 0 op=oz ¼ 0 ok=oz ¼ 0 ew

Roof 0 0 0 oT=oy ¼ 0 op=oy ¼ 0 ok=oy ¼ 0 ew

Exit ou=ox ¼ 0 ov=ox ¼ 0 ow=ox ¼ 0 oT=ox ¼ 0 op=ox ¼ 0 ok=ox ¼ 0 oe=ox ¼ 0

Panel B

Inclined plate 0 0 0 273K, 35 W/m2 K op=on ¼ 0 ok=on ¼ 0 ew

Nozzle Prescribed uniform profile 293K op=oy ¼ 0 kin ein

Bottom 0 0 0 oT=oy ¼ 0 op=oy ¼ 0 ok=oy ¼ 0 ew

Sides ou=oz ¼ 0 ov=oz ¼ 0 ow=oz ¼ 0 oT=oz ¼ 0 op=oz ¼ 0 ok=oz ¼ 0 oe=oz ¼ 0

Roof ou=oy ¼ 0 ov=oy ¼ 0 ow=oy ¼ 0 oT=oy ¼ 0 op=oy ¼ 0 ok=oy ¼ 0 oe=oy ¼ 0

Exit ou=ox ¼ 0 ov=ox ¼ 0 ow=ox ¼ 0 oT=ox ¼ 0 op=ox ¼ 0 ok=ox ¼ 0 oe=ox ¼ 0

414 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

to the jet impingement angle (/ and b) the u, v and

w components of plug flow velocity ~VV are calculated

and applied at the inlets. Corresponding k and e values

at the inlet are calculated via (7). The nozzle exit is

in plane with the bottom wall for all variations of /and b.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1 shows schematic of the computational domain

which has been discretized in to tetrahedral finite vol-

umes using commercial modeling code Hypermesh� 4.0

[20]. The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

(1)–(5) are then solved using Fluent� 5.2 [17] for flow,

energy and turbulence closure. The Nusselt number

distribution on three lines a, b, c in Fig. 1, and TI and yþ

distribution at a normal distance of 0.003 m parallel to

these lines are investigated in this section. Correspond-

ing material properties of the inclined glass surface

and its associated control volume of air are shown in

Table 2.

A mesh independence study of velocity components

plotted for this line d with four different mesh sizes of

97 000 cells, 141 000 cells, 200 000 cells and 246 000 cells,

Fig. 2a–d, established the moderate 200 000 tetrahedral

cells as the optimum mesh. The inlet conditions for this

mesh study were uniform velocity profiles based on Re ¼12500 for both openings. Fig. 2d plots the zoomed-in

comparison of v-velocity near shear layer region dem-

onstrating that nearly grid independent results can be

obtained on the moderate 200 000 cells grid. It should be

noted here, that grid independent solution with respect

to turbulence variables has not been achieved, but the

difference on the results from the moderate and fine

Table 2

Material properties used in the numerical simulation

Air Glass

Density (kg/m3) 1.225 2500

Specific heat (J/kg K) 1006.43 750

Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 0.0242 1.4

Viscosity (kg/m s) 1.7894e�5

Fig. 2. Mesh independence study on line d for Re ¼ 12500 with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 415

mesh is small (less than 3% of moderate solution peak)

and use of any finer mesh would only increase the

computational cost. Hence hereafter, our computational

mesh consists of 200 000 cells.

Fig. 3a describes how the fluid comes out of the

nozzle and impinges upon the surface and divides into

major and minor flows for boundary condition A. Sig-

nificant portion of the incoming fluid attaches the wall

and moves upward eventually going towards down-

stream and creating a recirculation associated with

complex multiple vortex structure in the computational

domain while rest of the incoming fluid creates a smaller

Fig. 3. Simulation results for Re ¼ 20000 with Case A at / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�. (a) Velocity vectors plotted on the xy-plane at z ¼ 0:5233

m; (b) speed (m/s) contour on a parallel plane at normal distance of 0.01 m next to inclined wall; (c) static temperature (K) on the inside

of the inclined surface.

416 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

wake upstream, towards the crotch (bottom left in Fig.

3a). For Re ¼ 20000, Fig. 3b shows the speed contours

close to the inclined surface at a distance of 0.01 m

demonstrating the stagnation region and shear layers

that affects the fluid flow structure. A pair of turbulent,

incompressible, rectangular jets is impinging on the in-

clined wall. Each jet creates a stagnation zone about the

impingement location, and then spreads in all the di-

rection attaching the wall. The major and minor flows

that follow generate shear layers. Temperature distri-

bution on inclined wall is shown in Fig. 3c that plots

symmetric contour patterns for Re ¼ 20000 with the

highest temperature in the stagnation region where the

jet impinges upon the wall. Near this region the heat

diffusion is dominant. The temperature decreases in the

rest of the wall through convective heat transfer in the

shear layer.

After impingement, each jet creates a pair of counter

rotating vortices in the crosswise direction. It is obvious

that the jet spreads more due to these bound vortices,

covering a larger cross-section. This is the result of the

bound vortices being confined in a smaller space, in-

ducing larger crosswise components of velocity and thus

aiding the spread of the jet. The flow coming out of the

hole in the form of a jet is subjected to bending due to

the impingement and in the process reducing signifi-

cantly the effect of the boundary layer thickness. The

vorticity associated with the wake side of the jet pro-

duces a pair of bound vortices. Fig. 4 documents these

bound vortices created between the jets on the vertical

plane cutting through the inlet jet for Re ¼ 20000 at

x ¼ 0:144 m with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.Fig. 5 shows particle track from inlet colored by ve-

locity magnitude, based on Re ¼ 20000, in the computa-

tional domain (color figures for this paper are available


pdf). For Case A, Fig. 5a shows formation of small

bound vortices in between two rectangular inlet openings

because of large velocity magnitude, while after im-

pingement of the jet with solid surface it creates a smaller

upstream wake and a larger wake in the downstream

region. The three dimensionality of the flow field is

evident. Fig. 5b also shows the same for Case B, but

does not display any three-dimensional flow recirculation

Fig. 4. Velocity vector distribution on the central cutting plane shows strong bound vortices between the jets for Re ¼ 20000 with

/ ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.

Fig. 5. Path lines showing the particle tracks in the computational domain with two different boundary conditions for Re ¼ 20000 with

/ ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 417

except for bound vortices formation on the y–z plane

between the jets.

Inlet TI plays a critical role in identifying the level of

turbulence kinetic energy in the solution domain. Fig. 6

shows TI distribution on lines parallel to a (line z ¼0:3733 m), b (line z ¼ 0:5233 m) and c (line z ¼ 0:7233

m) at a normal distance of 0.003 m for Re ¼ 20000. The

distribution remains high about the stagnation region

showing mean velocity gradient is the highest at that

point and sharply decreases in the nearby region where

the shear layer forms. TI is generally 20% higher for

Case B than for Case A. The non-dimensional yþ is a

function of wall shear stress. Fig. 7 shows the distribu-

tion of wall yþ on the lines parallel to a (line z ¼ 0:3733

m), b (line z ¼ 0:5233 m) and c (line z ¼ 0:7233 m) at a

normal distance of 0.003 m to demonstrate wall shear

stress distribution. The yþ is spatially fluctuating but its

peak is about the stagnation point and decreases slowly

in its nearby region. This means maximum wall shear

stress is being produced at the stagnation point and then

it decays slowly in the nearby region. Moreover,

it is nearly 10% lower for Case B than for Case A,

which demonstrates generation of higher wall shear

stress for Case A than in Case B for the same Reynolds


Fig. 8 shows the comparison of local Nu distribution

on lines a (line z ¼ 0:3733 m), b (line z ¼ 0:5233 m) and c

(line z ¼ 0:7233 m) for Re ¼ 20000, with boundary

condition cases A and B for the control volume. Nu

distribution gives better idea of jet impingement heat

transfer through the surface. In general, the local Nu for

Case A is about 30% higher than that in Case B. The Nu

peaks at the stagnation point and then decreases in its

nearby region where shear layer forms. A careful ob-

servation of Fig. 8 reveals that the stagnation point is at

a position about 0.12 m away from the crotch, displaced

from the intersection of the jet axis (p ¼ 0:1437 m for

a ¼ 30� and / ¼ 60�) towards the crotch. This is con-

sistent with the reported literature [21]. The discrepancy

is due to the fact that the jets coming out of the opening

are subjected to bound vortices and in the process sig-

nificantly bend downward.

Fig. 6. Comparison of TI distribution parallel to lines a, b, c at

a normal distance 0.003 m near the inclined surface for two

boundary conditions for Re ¼ 20000 with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�:(a) Case A; (b) Case B.

Fig. 7. Comparison of yþ distribution parallel to lines a, b, c at

a normal distance 0.003 m near the inclined surface for two

boundary conditions for Re ¼ 20000 with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�:(a) Case A; (b) Case B.

418 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

Fig. 9 shows the trend of average Nusselt number

(Nuavg) on the surface for different Re with boundary

condition cases A and B. The average Nu is computed

on the inside of the inclined surface of area C as:

Nuavg ¼ 1=CZ

CNudC ð8Þ

In general, Nuavg increases as the Re increases. It is also

higher for Case A than for Case B. The jet-vortex in-

teraction appears to have a significant effect on heat

transfer. For all Re, the peak Nusselt number in Case A

is always higher than that for Case B. This is primarily

due to the fact that less energy is lost in Case A than in

B. Also peak Nu increases as Re increases. The trendline

shows for Case A,

Nuavg ¼ 1:54Re0:5962 1:54Re0:6 ð9aÞ

while for Case B, the relationship is

Nuavg ¼ 0:021Re0:9888 0:02Re ð9bÞ

Another important aspect is the stagnation Nusselt

number and its functional relation to the flow parame-

ters. Similar studies have been done by Lonney and

Walse [22] for an isothermal two-dimensional turbulent

jet impinging on a heated flat plate placed at right angle

for different values of Re and height to width ratio of

nozzle outlet plane (h=b). They proposed correlation to

predict stagnation Nusselt number (Nustg) based on two-

dimensional analysis,

Nustg ¼ 1:2Re0:58ðh=bÞ�0:62 � 5%

where 14 < h=b < 60 and 2000 < Re < 50000. In com-

parison, Fig. 10 documents stagnation Nu for different

Re for a pair of laminar and turbulent slot jets impinging

at an angle / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0� using a three-dimen-

sional model. Based on air (Pr ¼ 0:7), the trendline

shows our proposed correlationship between Nustg and

Re as

Nustg ¼ 11:5Re0:63 ð10Þ

The obvious difference is due to the fact that in [22]

the two-dimensional domain has all sides open bound-

ary condition, and the correlation (10) is found based on

three-dimensional analysis with Case A boundary con-


Fig. 8. Comparison of Nusselt number distribution on the

surface along lines a, b, c for two boundary conditions for

Re ¼ 20000 with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�: (a) Case A; (b) Case B.

Fig. 9. Effect of boundary condition and flow characteristics on

heat transfer process with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.Fig. 10. Comparison of Nustg vs Re for Case A and jet angles

/ ¼ 60�, b ¼ 0�.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 419

Fig. 11a–c show local Nusselt number, TI and wall

yþ distribution on line b for different Reynolds numbers

for Case A. Heat transfer is maximum through the shear

layer region as discussed earlier and peak of Nu, TI and

Fig. 11. Effect of Reynolds number on (a) local Nusselt number along b on the inside of the inclined surface; and (b) TI and (c) yþ

distributions at a normal distance of 0.003 m parallel to the incline with / ¼ 60� and b ¼ 0�.

420 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

yþ increases as Re increases. The local Nu plot in Fig.

11a for 50006Re6 20000, demonstrates that at the

stagnation point the diffusive heat transfer is dominant

and in its nearby region the convective heat transfer is

dominant because of higher velocity gradient. The TI

plot in Fig. 11b for 50006Re6 20000 shows similar

Fig. 12. Effect of jet angle / on local Nu distribution along line b on the inside of the inclined surface: (a) Re ¼ 5000, (b) Re ¼ 10000

and (c) Re ¼ 20000 with b ¼ 0�.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 421

trend. However, the wall yþ distribution on line b

represents high wall shear beyond the stagnation

point, Fig. 11c. At a normal distance of 0.003 m from

theinclined wall, the spatial fluctuation in yþ distri-

bution for 50006Re6 20000 becomes dominant as

Re increases possibly demonstrating the presence of

the turbulent flow structure along the jet attachment


The angle / is inclination of the jet axis with respect

to the inclined surface in the xy-plane as shown in Fig. 1.

The effect of / on heat transferring through the inclined

wall is reported in Fig. 12a–c by studying the local Nu

Fig. 13. Effect of jet angle / on turbulent intensity distribution at a normal distance of 0.003 m parallel to line b on the inclined

surface: (a) Re ¼ 5000, (b) Re ¼ 10000 and (c) Re ¼ 20000 with b ¼ 0�.

422 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

distribution on line b for Re ¼ 5000, 10 000 and 20 000,

respectively. Clearly, the effect of jet angle is significant

on heat transfer process for any particular Reynolds

number and it is more so for high Re flows as compare

Fig. 14. Effect of jet angle / on yþ distribution at a normal distance of 0.003 m parallel to line b on the incline: (a) Re ¼ 5000, (b)

Re ¼ 10000 and (c) Re ¼ 20000 with b ¼ 0�.

S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425 423

to low. Moreover, the peak of Nu is shifting towards left

because the stagnation point (intersection of the jet axis

and solid wall) is moving downwards as jet angle in-

creases from 30� to 90�. The heat transfer is the maxi-

mum through this stagnation point. It also shows that

the highest value of Nu is attained for / ¼ 75� for all

Reynolds numbers, specifically for high Re ¼ 20000,

Fig. 12c.

Similarly, Fig. 13a–c show effect of jet angle (/) on

TI distribution along line b for Reynolds number 5000,

10 000 and 20 000, respectively. The level of turbulent

kinetic energy is maximum in the shear layer region and

highest at stagnation point which moves towards left as

jet angle increase from 30� to 90�. Fig. 13a–c plot the

wall yþ distribution as a function of / for Re ¼ 5000,

10 000 and 20 000, respectively. For Re ¼ 5000 in Fig.

14a, the benign yþ distribution shows less presence of

turbulence. As the Re increases from 10 000 (Fig. 14b) to

20 000 (Fig. 14c), the wall shear becomes dominant

clearly demonstrating the presence of turbulent flow

structures along the jet attachment region. The distri-

bution of the wall shear however varies as the jet angle /increases from 30� to 90�.

Fig. 15 shows the effect of jet angle (/) on average of

Nu computed via (8) on the entire inclined surface for

Reynolds number 5000, 10 000 and 20 000 with Case A

boundary condition and b ¼ 0�. Based on curve fitting

the following correlation of average Nu, Re and jet angle

/ may be derived:

Nuavg ¼ A/2 þ B/ þ C ð11Þ

where A ¼ �ð0:0436Re2 þ 0:021Re þ 0:0081Þ, B ¼ð5:56Re2 þ 2:77Re þ 2:45Þ, and C ¼ �ð103:2Re2 þ140:4Re � 130:8Þ.

The effect of jet angle / on heat transfer through the

solid wall is more for high Re as compared to low Re.

Numerical results for five different / values (30�, 45�,60�, 75� and 90�) show significant change in the heat

transfer process as / changes. Specifically, for a partic-

ular Re ¼ 20000, the average Nusselt number varies

from 187 at / ¼ 30� to 775 at / ¼ 75�. For this geo-

metric configuration, the plot predicts the highest Nuavg

of �800 at / ¼ 70�. This contradicts the traditional

understanding [21,22] that Nuavg should occur when the

jet is normal to the wall, i.e., at / ¼ 60�. This shift is due

to bound vortices that bend the impinging jet and the

close proximity of the wall boundaries and the small

crotch angle a.

The angle b is inclination of jet axis in yz-plane as

shown in Fig. 1. Jet angle b is varied from 5� to 15�(outward direction) and �5� to �15� (inward direction)

in the yz-plane while / is maintained at 75�. Fig. 16

documents the effect of b on Nuavg. Increasing b in the

inward direction reduces heat transfer for all Re. For

lower Re, increasing b in the outward direction slightly

improves the Nuavg. However, for Re ¼ 20000, Nuavg

sharply decreases as b is increased beyond 5�.

4. Conclusions

Jet impingement heat transfer and flow characteris-

tics for two rectangular jets impinging upon an inclined

surface have been studied with the following conclu-

sions. Heat transfer is the maximum through the shear

layer formed near the jet attachment stagnation region.

The peak Nusselt number is always higher in Case A

than in Case B for a particular inlet Reynolds number.

This is primarily due to the fact that more energy is

convected out through the openings in the latter case.

Turbulence (velocity gradient) and wall shear force is

higher in the shear layer region and the peak increases

with the inlet Reynolds number. Documented correla-

tions between Re and Nuavg for both boundary condi-

tions show that average Nu on the inside of the inclined

surface increases as Re and/or Pr increases. Changing jet

angle significantly affects the heat transfer process near

the inclined surface. Specifically, increasing the jet im-Fig. 15. Effect of jet angle / on the non-dimensional heat

transfer coefficient Nuavg with b ¼ 0�.

Fig. 16. Effect of jet angle b on the non-dimensional heat

transfer coefficient Nuavg with / ¼ 75�.

424 S. Roy, P. Patel / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 411–425

pingement angle / can improve the Nuavg by nearly four

times for Re ¼ 20000. For this geometric configuration

resembling a vehicle windshield, an optimum / exists for

maximum heat transfer. However, increasing b reduces

the heat transfer. The stagnation Nu has been correlated

for the boundary condition of Case A that is substan-

tially different than the previously reported Nustg for

boundary condition similar to Case B. Finally, a corre-

lation between Nuavg, / and Re has been presented.


This work was partially supported by NASA grant

nos. NAG3-2520 and NAG3-2638 with D. Jacobson

and D.R. Reddy as technical monitors, respectively.


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