Student Research Scholarship Pharmaceutical processes in Space and Counterspace · 2016. 11....

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Transcript of Student Research Scholarship Pharmaceutical processes in Space and Counterspace · 2016. 11....

  • Goetheanum · Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft Mathematisch-Astronomische Sektion · www.goetheanum.orgTelefon +41 61 706 42 20 · Fax +41 61 706 42 23Postfach · CH 4143 Dornach

    Student Research Scholarship Pharmaceutical processes in Space and Counterspace As from the 1st February 2017 or after arrangement, the Mathematical Astronomical Section at the Goetheanum awards a Research Scholarship (of 6 months) within the project Pharmaceutical Processes in Space and Counterspace.

    The Mathematical Astronomical Section at the Goetheanum organizes yearly public conferences, numerous seminaries for experts and further trainings, keeps a small observatory and publishes an astronomical calendar as well as the journal JUPITER. In addition, varied research projects are carried out.

    The project Pharmaceutical Processes in Space and Counterspace is carried out within the Mathematical Astronomical Section at the Goetheanum, in cooperation with the institute Hiscia, Verein für Krebsforschung (Organisation for Cancer Research) in Arlesheim/Switzerland. Theme is the mathematical modelling of pharmaceutical processes in space and counterspace. Three areas of emphasis are:

    a) calculation of technically realised mixing processes, b) modelling of cosmic life-forces in their dependence on planetary and lunar rhythms, as well as c) the mathematical description of triturating (dilution of solid substances in lactose)

    These pharmaceutical processes have to be formulated with the help of synthetic and analytic projective geometry in space and counterspace.

    Terms and conditions

    The scholarship is awarded for work on the project Pharmaceutical processes in Space and Counterspace for 6 months at the Goetheanum in Dornach/Switzerland.

    The scholarship includes:

    • financial support of CHF 1200,- (ca. EUR 1100,-) per month for 6 months. • Mentorship by the project leader, and a working place at the Section for Mathematics and

    Astronomy at the Goetheanum. • Participation in and contribution to colloquia. • Participation in courses on the study of Anthroposophy is desired.

    Application and questions to: Dr. Oliver Conradt Goetheanum MAS Postfach CH 4143 Dornach, Schweiz E-Mail:

  • Goetheanum · Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft Mathematisch-Astronomische Sektion · www.goetheanum.orgTelefon +41 61 706 42 20 · Fax +41 61 706 42 23Postfach · CH 4143 Dornach


    • A Goetheanum student card for 6 months. • A student pass, allowing free admission to all cultural events, concerts, performances, courses

    and lectures at the Goetheanum. • A public presentation of the final results, written documentation and possibly publication.

    All those who are studying mathematics, physics or another natural science, can apply, as well as teachers in these fields who would like to spend a sabbatical at the Goetheanum.

    Requirements are:

    a) solid knowledge in the field of mathematics as well as in methods of research, and the ability to apply these, with support, in practise,

    b) willingness to acquire synthetic and analytical projective geometry, and to apply these, c) basic knowledge of Anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner, as well as an active interest

    to deepen these within the project, d) willingness to work independently.


    Written applications until 15th December 2016 must enclose:

    • A letter with contact information. • A CV, including areas of special interest and activities. • A current academic paper / homework, publication or a documentation of a current project. • A list of publications and / or a list of subjects worked on in your field of study.

    The applications will be examined by Dr. Stephan Baumgartner (Hiscia, Verein für Krebsforschung) and Dr. Oliver Conradt (Mathematisch-Astronomische Sektion am Goetheanum).

    Questions and Applications to:

    Dr. Oliver Conradt, Goetheanum MAS, Postfach, CH 4143 Dornach, Schweiz
