Structura ADN si PCR

Post on 15-Nov-2015

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Biologie Moleculara

Transcript of Structura ADN si PCR

  • Lecture 1 Problem: From an E. coli cell extract, you assay enzyme activity for beta-galactosidase. You divide the extract into two samples, one of which you treat with SDS (sodum dodecyl sulfate). Both samples are further divided into 2 samples each which are alternatively assayed for enzyme activity and subjected to Western Analysis (immunological testing with beta-galactosidase antibody). These are the results:Enzyme Activity Antigenic ResponseExtract only YESYESExtract +SDS NOYES

    Give a molecular/biochemical explanation of these results.

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Lecture 2DNA Structure and ReplicationTopics: StructureSynthesisDNA Sequencing & PCR

    Reading: Chapter 4: 101-6; 131-7Chapter 9: 372-5Molecular Biology syllabus web site

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • All nucleotides have a common structure

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • There are five principal bases in nucleic acidsA, G, T, C are present in DNAA, G, U, C are present in RNA

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Nucleotide subunits are linked together by phosphodiester bonds

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Native DNA is a double helix of complementary antiparallel chains held together by: Hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs (A-T or G-C) Hydrophobic interactions between planar bases

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Forces that maintain DNA as a double strand.

    are destroyed by formamide, high pH (NaOH), high temperature

    H-bondingHydrophobic interactions (cooperative base stacking)

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • DNA can undergo reversible strand separation

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Analysis of DNA denaturationTm= temperature at which half the bases in a double stranded DNA sample have denatured

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  • Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Many DNA molecules are circular and local unwinding of circular DNA can produce supercoilingsupercoiledrelaxed

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • RequirementsEnzyme: DNA PolymeraseDNA Template3 OH (primer of DNA or RNA)Deoxynucleoside triphosphates: dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTPSynthesis is 5 to 3DNA Synthesis

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • DNA Synthesis

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Features of DNA Polymerasesactivity functionpolymerase synthesis

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • The growing replication fork shows that both strands are synthesized simultaneously

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • -Problem- Q: If DNA can only be synthesized in a 5 to 3 direction, and both strands are simultaneously replicated, how can this occur? A: Discontinuous DNA Replication Discontinuous DNA Replication Discontinuous DNA Replication 3553growing fork3553?

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  • The Solution

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  • Synthesis of the lagging strand

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • DNA Replication Animation

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • DNA Sequencing with dye terminators

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • 3 OH can be used for phosphodiester bondNo 3 OH: DNA synthesis terminatesIn both cases, DNA polymerase will incorporate nucleoside monophosphates, but..

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  • Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • DNA sequencing: the Sanger (dideoxy) method

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Automated DNA sequencing involves use of four different fluorescent primers allowing the simultaneous detection of all four reactions in one sample.

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  • DNA Sequencing Animation

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company

  • PCR Animation

    Copyright (c) by W. H. Freeman and Company