Street Art: Culture Jamming Our Surroundings

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Street Art: Culture Jamming Our Surroundings

street artculture jamming our surroundings

Culture Jamming: a tactic used by consumer social movements to subvert or disrupt mainstream cultural institutions


Space Invader

Street art primarily uses the meme; an idea, thought, or

belief that can spread like a virus

Shepard fairey’s style uses replicated images to spread the OBEY meme

Memes can entertain, educate, and manipulate


Mr. Andre

Street Art can utilize popular memes and distort them

Meme: Liberated or tortured by technology?

A simple word can alter the message to enlighten or entertain

The Berlin Wall

– 30 years ago

Israel West Bank Barrier – present day

Jef Aerosol


JR recently won the 2011 TED prize for his art. JR used his prize money to create the Inside Out Project. His TED wish is to use art to change the world. He challenges you to use black and white portraits to discover, reveal and share the untold stories and images of people around the world.

You can go to the website to participate in this movement. Upload a black and white portrait of you or a friend, receive a poster in the mail, and make your world a little more beautiful.

The people who truly deface our neighborhoods are the companies that scrawl giant slogans across buildings and buses

trying to make us feel inadequate unless we buy their stuff.

They expect to be able to shout their message in your face from every

available surface but you’re never allowed to answer back.

Well, they started the fight and the wall is the weapon of choice to hit them back.


The End

Written, produced, and directed by
