Str -

Post on 23-Dec-2021

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4u7 ~ast 183 Str t'lt, 0 ·1v York, N~w York.

uh, ~h! as I fool 0 d! It s~ 0 ms that I was caught in on~ of Glasst'lr'e hoaxes. I m/'."an r garding th("I affair tnat ,ondor isn't coming OU t an,r long or. Yos, it is! ~11, th 0 n I supp OS,..,

vou'll ask how do l 0 Xflain thn hoax. nll, it was liko this. I oponnd my l 0 tt'"'r box ono da,r and tnnro l fou.nd b. ll':'lttor with t _,_,::, rf\ vond".l' otori 0 s stationary. I .r, tn° lottor th 0

con~t 0 nts Ol whion 1 gav 0 OU in my pr,..vio lS lottor. l was pro 0 t:r •uro it WOUJ.dn't como out an-n- mor". l didn't suspt'lct an,r hoax. All st1bscrlbl"'rs of tr a dciono 0 .rocoivt'.'d lik 0 11"\ttnrs. But, mv out of town 001.·r'"'spondants who w0 r- 0 suosc.rib 0 rs did not! I lookt'ld ovn.1.• th,.. lottor and tho typ 0 was vory, vory familiar. It was ~ of a smu 11°1.'' t:,rpo tht:i.n this t.,.rpr.q,vr i t"'r, und tnl" only oni"I NhO l 1 now that had tnis small 0 .r typP was Allon Glass or. 1mt of c ours"" tna t didn' t mouD an'TTtning. I tnnn compar od th 0 t ,po of tnc lottt:\.r witn on~ of the.i lottj".\1•s th&t AlJ. 0 n had st"lnt mo. ab far as I could judgo th 0 v w"ro idontical. ~~on I romomborod that allnn had 1•ocr.1ntly b~nn do m to thn v1ond0 r ~ t...,.rios _;>ffiOP • I r~alizod that it might navo boon posibl 0 for him to tak 0 a f 0 w lntt~rh 0 ads and on~olopns with nim on ~o wa~ out. I wa s convincr.d by th 0 n tnat tll~n had writtl"ln thn lott'"'.t'S, t1at th~ n°xt timo I saw .lim, I a od him point blank if h 0 did w.r· l t'"' tho lnttors . .t1. tl"l.r ffillCJl a.rgum~nt ho bro.ten down and C nfl"lssr,\d t11at no had! Oh what a suck~r I'v b~ n!

Vhat a lifo! "I onlv had school in tho morning b 0 causo of tho oxc 0 ssi V"' hoat ". Try and got tnom to 1° t us off ho.r o in N.Y.! rot a onanco. nut Wn did havr. school psstponnd on° W00 k um b~caus~ of an opidomic of infantil 0 paral. sis. You o0 rtain­l, a.rn a big snot in ~our school. ~ho onlv thing I'v 0 nvn.r b""on prosid"nt of is thl"I ~th Club. This was mor 0 than a math club howovo.r sinol"I wo discussod instoin's latest th 0 o.rios, pOSdiblil­i t"" of tra v 0 lling tn.r n. in tnr s tollar spaco, g.ra vi tai on, four th dim 0 nsion, ,.,to. ost of tho m0 mbors did scionc 0 -fiction. I n°gl""ct 0 d to sa~ that tnis club was in thn hign school, not on th!:\ OU tsid,..,. You'd bn Sllrpris 0 d at th'"' numbor of pupils that r 0 ad sci,..,nc,..,-1iotion in school. You'll find thl"lm r~aaing it during study and lunch porio s; nv 0 ry timl"I th 0 v g 0 t a bit of tim 0

t O .road, thr-PT do SO. And don' t think tho pupils ar,... th,.., onl:v onos. Elontv of toacnnrs .road it to!

I agro'"' witn ~rou that Tho JJorf.)lict of pac~ was far from bf-ling Cummings' bnst stor-rr. nd it is na.rd to pio:ic out Cummings' bost wh~n ~ou com 0 to tnink of it. You might giv 0 it to 1'a.rrano th~ Conqu 0 r or, or to tht:i .1.da.n wn) .1.,iaStC\r~d fim 0 , or to Tho Girl in thn GJldon Atom, ~ho Man in th~ dntnor, or practicallv anv otnnr. ~nat', what l liien about Cu.mming8 -- all of his stori~s ar~ so g oJd. But as I havo said boforo hn's got­ting a l.ittl" stalo. Just bought tn° Argos,r with his ib.r 0 r Jf .t~rnal ~idnight -- and it do 0 sn't look so hot. His n~xt in

•gos,, is, tno~r sa"f,, tho JL1nglo Girl , which also from tn"' ti tlw doesn't sound so hot. rlis storios in Astounding a1• 0 much bott 0 r. l noticl"\d a tor,T of nis .r~c 0 ntly in Cluos , but didn't road it.


Swanson thinks, bll t i still v(:)ri, mt1ch in do~t, that his no.} .. t r 0 print wil bn B0 yond this iinit 0 ~vorld . .Pl"as,., don't broadcast this as rot. It isn't d ... finito. Ari':\ T70ll going to got a COPTT of thl" !otal Giants? ( l jllSt romombornd that I t..Skod yoll tnu.t in tn° last lt:ittor and TTOll said "tTOll would.) ~voll, you b~ttl"l.r· hti.rr T up, us ho is onl:7 going to got GVV copif'S madt:).

YOll1 Vr., bo'"'n m0 ntioning ~ itn in a lot of "tTOlll1 lt'\ttnrs 1•f'lcont­lv, which 1~ads mn to boliovo that "tTJU corr 0 spond wito him. ~o you? ·rht')n, ;roa Ol1gnt to g 0 t a lot of information rt'\garding his for th coming s tor it:1s. v~ha t 's th(:\ naml':! of tn t short s t::>rv you t::>ld ill" about in ihn currant 1~tt"r?

You ct'.\rtainl:v mllst bt'I in lov"' witn naggard. It sr.i·ms that vou r 0 ad all of nis stuff, ~0 11, ma;rb/."I somn dtiv I'll start and (l hopo) it will~bo mv timo to rave and ravo.

I wish "TT0ll would t 0 ll ffi1"1 w c.1 t you thiniC of thn foll~ing aathors. Toll mo what vou think of thoir stori~s, if tho~ aro good or bad, what VOll thin tn° bt:1St stor"t7' tnor have writtnn is, and ot1.i..t"\l' sucn data. I'm curious to know, that's all.

l.Ralph 1 ilnn ~arloy 2. ut.f.r id von 1 b.nStoin 3.vavid H. Aollor 4.~a.mond amilton 5.SchachnPr & tagat 6 • .tl.P. Lov"'caaft 7 • .l,d lo B J. Br O U/'3r 8. "Cid Ear 1 h ~I>P 9.Ray Cummings

lJ. ~rancis 11lagg

~t"\11, ·thn r-nd o.f thf'\ month is ali.1ost at nb.nd and tn° nflw a cionco-fiotion magazinos will boon tGn dtands again. According to a co.rrr1spondant of mino, who's a subscribor to ,~ondf'\.r, th 0 now largn iSSllt'\ is tno bost iSolln ho as Soon yot. voll,. I }jopo it's good. Astounding ill bo good, and I nopo Amazing will b 0 •

Affo.r ~TOll 'vn r· oad tho copi~s tt\11 mo wna t iiOll ihirl.i.( of th(:\ storios in tn~m, for b th 0 timo you'll answnr rost of th~ magazinf'\s wil~ b~ Jn tht"\ btands.

Taino's noxt arc mJl[]llprigMc•ocwaEm■~ R~d and Yollow, and Romtlm­bort'.\d ~orlds • .h1lagg's nnxt ar 0 Toe Toe Birds, Tho ~an J!lus and Aftor Armagoddon. Tarzan of tho apos is going to bl"'I mad~ into a talkio. Thi') rwontioth A.mrn°ndmont is a n~w short com0 dy th 0 scono

of vihich is laid in thl"'I w,ar 1950. ihl"I author of 1£h 0 "Clnd of tho v~orld (roc.;ontbr rovinwod in ~vond0 r ~~ll!E Storios) is a mombor of thn ~oagao of ~b.tLons.

v~ll, I guos that's all. ...

S c ion ti f i c ti o na l br r o u.r s ,
