State Agency for Information Technology and Communications 1 ICT policy and development trends and...

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State Agency for Information Technology and Communications 1

ICT policy and development trends

and challenges in Bulgaria

Georgi PrangovActing Head of Department

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications2

Outline of presentation

1. ICT Development – overview and perspectives

2. ICT Policy in Bulgaria

3. ICT State Policy Results

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications3

1. ICT Development – overview and


State Agency for Information Technology and Communications4

Macroeconomic Environment

Indicator 2005




GDP Growth, % 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.2

GDP per capita (PPS, EU25=100)

33.8 35.7 38.2 40.6

Productivity per employed (GDP in PPS) -% of EU25=100

32.8 34.0 36.1 38.0

Unemployment, % 10.7 9.1 6.9 6.5

Budget Surplus, % of GDP 1.9 3.3 3.8 3.0

FDI, % of GDP 14.2 17.4 15.0 13.0* Forecast dataSource: BNB, Austria-Kreditanschtalt Bank, NSI and Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications5

Bulgaria: connectivity

IT penetration: 40%, access to computer 38%, internet penetration 31% of households and 88.1% of

enterprises 24.8% of households use broadband

for 2007 in comparison with 12 % for 2006

Mobile network penetration:

3 GSM networks

99% territory coverage

98% population coverage

130% mobile users

Fixed telephone penetration:

21 telecom operators

Danube River








State Agency for Information Technology and Communications6

ICT Sector in Bulgaria

More than 5 000 ICT companies

33.9 % growth of Bulgarian ICT Market for 2007 (expected)

Fast development of ICT export market with 57.7 % for 2005 and

63.6 % for 2006

80% of Bulgarian software companies’ revenues result from

contracts with European and US partners

More than 90 000 ICT specialists in the country

12% of IT specialists in Eastern Europe are Bulgarians

Bulgaria is one of the centres of outsourcing for 2007 (study from


Analysts believe Bulgaria is excellent for offshoring

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications7

Future Perspectives ahead of ICT Market by 2011

ICT market to reach 10 % of GDP

IT expenditure to top 2.5 % of GDP

High and sustainable IT market average growth of around

14.5 %

300 M EUR coming additionally from EU Structural Funds

27 % average growth of ICT export segment

Software market reaching 140 M EUR

20 % average growth of computer market

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications8

2. ICT Policy in Bulgaria

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications9

Bulgarian Strategic Documents 2007 - 2013

National Reform Programme (2007-2009)

National Development Plan

National Strategic Reference Framework

Operational Programmes

State Policy on Accelerated IS development (2007-2010)

National Program on Accelerated IS development (2008-2010)


State Agency for Information Technology and Communications10

National Program for Accelerated Information Society Development

ICT networking and affordability

Quality of life and competitiveness

Human capital

Information Society for all

Information Society for all


ICT Infrastructure and Security

Society and Culture

Economy and Employment

Research & Technological Development

Branding of ICT sector

Education and Training


State Agency for Information Technology and Communications11

Triangle of knowledgeeducation – research - innovation

Abandoning the linear model

Ensuring active

stakeholders’ participation in

the Community Programmes

Implementation of National

Projects in support of

Innovation and R&D

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications12

Establishment of National Supercomputing Applications Centre

- Blue Shadow The Bulgarian IBM Blue Gene/P is

among top 100 most powerful supercomuters in the world

Main target areas where IBM Blue Gene/P's computing power will be used:

for high-end computing-intensive projects in life sciences

new drugs discovery financial modelling and education


State Agency for Information Technology and Communications13

IPv6 Laboratory

The first IPv6 Laboratory in South East Europe

Joint project between SAITC and Cisco

Open environment for testing, network set ups and

applications based on IPv6

Provision of trainings, distance and direct access to the

laboratory resources


State Agency for Information Technology and Communications14

National Innovation Centre

Promotes more innovative environment

Supports ICT companies participation in IT


Promotes ICT implementation and usage in

the business sector

Offers branding, marketing, and business

development tools to companies

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications15

Focal Points of Future Perspectives - Leadership and

Business Opportunities Building up a stable basis for a talented and innovative young


Strategic partner to the business in the following areas:

e-Governance solutions

Raising the ICT skills and encouraging the use of e-services

Creation of trans-regional centers of excellence

Development of joint infrastructure projects

Creation of valuable e-content in all social-economic fields

Identification of strategic ICT markets/niches where our

country has competitive advantages

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications16

ICT Policy Results

More effective institutions (combat corruption, modernisation

(eGovernance), value for money and etc.)

Higher share of ICT investment on total investment

Enhanced investments in R&D activities both the whole

economy and the ICT sector

Successful PPP models

Competitive, export-oriented ICT industry

Well-developed ICT infrastructure

From passive to active labour market

State Agency for Information Technology and Communications17

Thank you for your attention!