StangerCarlson coaching teams in shared space 10 23-2014 final sm

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Columbia University 2014 Coaching Conference Coaching Teams in Shared Space -- Richard Stanger and Carolyn Carlson

Transcript of StangerCarlson coaching teams in shared space 10 23-2014 final sm

Round 3 | Track 2 Panel Discussion:

Coaching Teams in Shared Space

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Panel Members

!  Moderator: –  Carolyn Carlson President, StangerCarlson

!  Participants: –  Daniel Boockvar CEO, New York Cruise Lines –  Richard Rocco President, Argosy International –  Richard Stanger CEO, StangerCarlson

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Challenges of Team Coaching

!  Differing objectives of team members

!  Describing overall team personality

!  Leading in a coached setting

!  Leveraging individual relationships of team members

!  Applying coaching principles and processes to the “whole brain” of a team

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Improving Team Performance

Move From !   Individual presentations !   Siloed behaviors

!   Tightly structured format

!   Reporting on activities

!   Risk-averse mindset

!   Numbers focus

!   Guarded conversations

!   Judging mindset

!   Group discussion !   Collaborative behaviors

!   Open discussions

!   Building on ideas

!   Growth mindset

!   People focus

!   Open and authentic style

!   Listening & learning mindset

Move To Engagement








Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

“Musts” for success

!  Co-creation

!  Two coaches

!  Observation-based preparation

!  Core-competency based

!  Metrics and measurement driven

!  Assessment based

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Four Groups 4G Assessment

!   Group 1 -- Idea generators without too much structure or control

!   Group 2 - Flesh out the detail, moving from the imaginative to the practical

!   Group 3 - Focus on market acceptance, reliability and scalability

!   Group 4 - Refine and perfect proven concepts

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

4G -- Leader to Other Team Members

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

4G -- Team Members to Each Other

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Case Study: Client 1

Context !   Need for better business


!   Need to better leverage and understand unique personalities

!   Need to assimilate a new team member

Outcomes !   Clarity on core vs future !   Changed behaviors

based on collective awareness –  Four Groups 4G

!   “Reframing” of team dynamics

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Case Study: Client 2

Context !   Highly emotional


!   “Coaching” business

!   Young Senior Management team

!   Migration from franchised model

!   Global expansion

Outcomes !   Company Values !   Coaching Paradigms

!   Staff and corporate

!   Impactful assessments !   EQ/360/Hogan

!   Leadership Mission Statement

!   Clear goals/performance measures

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Case Study: Client 3

Context !   Passive/aggressive


!   Poor work prioritization and resource allocation

!   Highly emotional workforce

!   Poor measurement and alignment

Outcomes !   Company Values !   Senior Team Building

!   Supported by Hogan and 360 assessments

!   Commitment to core competencies

!   Management learning

!   Major talent shifts

!   Engagement

Space as Context for Executive and Organizational Coaching!

Putting the Pieces Together

!  Leadership

!  Alignment

!  Competencies

!  Outcomes

!  Measurements