Stage 1 Contamination Assessment Alexandria to Moore Park ...€¦ · Stage 1 work (the proposal)...

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Transcript of Stage 1 Contamination Assessment Alexandria to Moore Park ...€¦ · Stage 1 work (the proposal)...

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Roads and Maritime Services

Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Final | November 2019

Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Roads and Maritime Services

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 i

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 Project no: IA108700 Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment Document No.: Final Revision: Reduced scope Rev 01 Date: 25 November 2019 Client name: Roads and Maritime Services Client no: N/A Project manager: Rachel Vazey Author: Amanda Mullen File name: \\\ANZ\IE\Projects\04_Eastern\IA108700\24 Technical\Contamination (A2MP)\Report_Stage1_Final\20191125 A2MPS1 Contamination Report_Final.docx

Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited ABN 37 001 024 095 177 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 (02) 9928 2100

© Copyright 2019 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright.

Limitation: This report has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs’ Client, and is

subject to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client.

Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this

report by any third party.

Document history and status

Revision Date Description By Review Approved Rev 0 14/10/2019 Technical review Amanda

Mullen Michael Stacey Rachel Vazey

Final 25/11/2019 Roads and Maritime review

Kyle McLean Michael Stacey Rachel Vazey

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 ii

Contents Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 2

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 51.1 Overview of the proposal .................................................................................................................... 51.1.1 Location .............................................................................................................................................. 71.2 Purpose and scope of this report ..................................................................................................... 121.3 Relevant contamination guidelines .................................................................................................. 121.4 Report structure ................................................................................................................................ 132. Existing Environment .................................................................................................................... 142.1 Location and zoning ......................................................................................................................... 142.2 Topography and drainage ................................................................................................................ 142.3 Geology ............................................................................................................................................ 172.4 Soils .................................................................................................................................................. 172.5 Acid sulfate soils risk ........................................................................................................................ 202.6 Hydrogeology ................................................................................................................................... 232.6.1 Groundwater bore search ................................................................................................................. 232.7 Sensitive receiving environments ..................................................................................................... 262.8 Site inspection .................................................................................................................................. 263. Site History ...................................................................................................................................... 283.1 Historical aerial photography ............................................................................................................ 283.1.1 Site history summary ........................................................................................................................ 293.2 NSW Contaminated Sites Register .................................................................................................. 293.3 City of Sydney Development Application search ............................................................................. 313.4 Previous contamination site investigations ...................................................................................... 403.4.1 Bourke, Lachlan, McEvoy Streets Intersection Upgrade - Preliminary environmental investigation

(December 2014) ............................................................................................................................. 403.4.2 South Dowling Street Upgrade – Preliminary environmental investigation (December 2014) ........ 413.4.3 Anzac Parade, Alison Road, Dacey Avenue Intersection Upgrade – Preliminary environmental

investigation (December 2014) ........................................................................................................ 413.5 Anecdotal information ....................................................................................................................... 424. Contamination assessment ........................................................................................................... 434.1 Potential areas of environmental interest ......................................................................................... 434.2 Key findings of the Stage 1 contamination assessment .................................................................. 495. Mitigation measures ....................................................................................................................... 516. References ...................................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix A. Groundwater bore information

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 iii

Acronyms and terms used in this report Acronym Definition AEI Areas of environmental interest AHD Australian height datum ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand ASRIS Australian Soil Resource Information System ASS Acid sulphate soils ASSMAC Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee CBD Central business district CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CLM Contaminated Land Management CSELR City and South East Light Rail CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DCE Dichloroethene DEC Department of Environment and Conservation DECCW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water DPI Department of Primary Industries EPA Environment Protection Authority LEP Local Environment Plan LGA Local government authority LPI Land and Property Information NSW New South Wales PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCE Tetrachloroethene PEI Preliminary Environmental Investigation RTA Roads and Traffic Authority now Roads and Maritime Services SEPP State Environmental Planning Policy TCE Trichloroethene VC Vinyl chloride

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 1

Limitations The sole purpose of this report is to present the findings of a Stage 1 Contamination Assessment carried out by Jacobs for Roads and Maritime Services (the Client) in connection with the Alexandria to Moore Park (A2MP) Stage 1 work (the proposal) located in the Central Business District (CBD) of Sydney. This report was produced in accordance with and is limited to the scope of services set out in the contract between Jacobs and the Client. The scope of services, as described in this report, was developed with the Client.

The scope of services was not intended to provide a definitive or quantitative investigation of the environmental impacts, performance and compliance of the project. Environmental conditions may exist within the proposal area that is beyond the scope of our investigations and this report.

The findings presented in this report are professional opinions based solely upon information and data provided or made available by the Client or otherwise available in the public domain including:

• Visual observations of the proposal area and its vicinity from publicly accessible areas • Documentation made available by Roads and Maritime Services.

Jacobs has relied upon and presumed that this data is accurate and representative of the environmental conditions within the proposal area. Except as otherwise stated in the report, Jacobs has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such information. If the information is subsequently determined to be false, inaccurate or incomplete, or if site conditions change then it is possible that our conclusions as expressed in this report may change.

Jacobs has prepared this report in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the consulting profession and by reference to applicable auditing procedures and practice at the date of issue of this report. For the reasons outlined above, however, no other warranty or guarantee, whether expressed or implied, is made as to the data, observations and findings expressed in this report.

Except as specifically stated in this report, Jacobs makes no statement or representation of any kind concerning the suitability of the proposal area for any purpose or the permissibility of any use. Use of the proposal area for any purpose may require planning and other approvals and, in some cases, NSW EPA and accredited site auditor approvals. Jacobs offers no opinion as to the likelihood of obtaining any such approvals, or the conditions and obligations which such approvals may impose, which may include the requirement for additional environmental investigations and/or works.

This report should be read in full and no excerpts are to be taken as representative of the findings. No responsibility is accepted by Jacobs for use of any part of this report in any other context.

This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of the Client, and is subject to and issued in accordance with the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 2

Executive Summary Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) propose to upgrade four intersections and introduce clearways between the Euston Road/Maddox Street intersection in Alexandria and the Anzac Parade, Alison Road and Dacey Avenue intersection in Moore Park (the proposal). The proposal is located about three kilometres south of the central business district (CBD) in the suburbs of Alexandria, Waterloo, Moore Park within the City of Sydney local government area (LGA).

The proposal consists of:

• New clearways on both sides of Euston Road and McEvoy Street between Maddox Street and Bourke Street from 6:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 6:00pm on weekends

• New clearways at all times along Lachlan Street and Dacey Avenue between Bourke Street and Anzac Parade

• Right turn bans at most intersections without traffic signals and a right turn ban into Bunnings from McEvoy Street

• Improving intersection capacity at: – Fountain Street and McEvoy Street – Botany Road and McEvoy Street – Elizabeth Street and McEvoy Street – South Dowling Street, Lachlan Street and Dacey Avenue

• Minor kerb adjustments at: – Stokes Avenue and McEvoy Street – Kensington Lane and McEvoy Street

• Landscaping adjustments and replacement tree planting where works are undertaken • Relocation of utilities and adjustments to traffic signals and street lights • Property acquisitions, leases and adjustments • Temporary construction facilities, including site compounds and stockpile sites at:

– The Roads and Maritime car park on the south-west corner of the McEvoy Street/Stokes Avenue intersection, Alexandria (Site 1)

– Road reserve at the southern end of Cope Street, Alexandria (Site 2) – Road reserve at the southern end of George Street, Alexandria (Site 3) – The vacant land (Lot 2 DP800705) at the corner of intersection of McEvoy Street and Bourke Street,

Waterloo (Site 4) – Lot 1, 2 and 3 DP 76985, Lot 4 DP 86722 and Lot 14 DP80926 on the west corner of the Lachlan

Street/Amelia Street intersection, Waterloo (Site 5).

The proposal would be construction in four stages centred around the four main intersections that are to be upgraded. This approach would minimise traffic impacts on residents and businesses. The duration of construction impacts within each of the four intersection construction zones would typically be between 12 - 36 months.

A Stage 1 contamination assessment has been undertaken for the A2MP concept design. The objectives of the Stage 1 contamination assessment were to identify potential areas of environmental interest (AEI) which would assist in identifying construction limitations/constraints and management options within the proposal area with respect to contamination.

The AEIs were considered to be those potential risks associated with soil, groundwater and vapour contamination which may be present as a result of historic and / or current activities undertaken on and / or adjacent to the proposal area.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 3

Following a review of the available historical and government records, site inspections and anecdotal information, the key findings of the Stage 1 contamination assessment for the A2MP proposal area include:

• The Sydney 1:100,000 Soil Landscape Series Sheet 9130 (Soil Conservation of NSW, 1966) indicated that the residual soils within the proposal area consist of the Tuggerah (tg) Landscape Group. The limitations of this Group are listed as extreme wind erosion hazard, non-cohesive, highly permeable soil, very low soil fertility, localised flooding and permanently high water tables. In support of this, the Roads and Maritime (2014) Bourke, Lachlan and McEvoy Streets Upgrade – PEI found that the geology of the area supports contaminant migration and the risks would depend on the prevailing direction of any offsite contamination, and the depth and extent of excavation required for the proposal. Also the erodibility of the underlying soil could promote runoff and dust generation during construction

• McEvoy Street (between Harley and Wyndham Streets) are located within areas of Class 3 acid sulphate soils (ASS) (Sydney LEP 2012) and this includes all construction work associated with the upgrade of the Fountain Street/McEvoy Street intersection. Given that construction and excavation for services is required within these Class 3 areas and that there is the potential for works to be below one metre from ground level, the potential presence of ASS in these areas could represent a risk to construction activities

• Anecdotal information provided to Roads and Maritime by the City of Sydney Council indicates asbestos or asbestos containing materials (ACM) may be present within fill material underlying a portion of the proposal alignment from 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue. Given that construction and excavation is expected to occur or occur in close proximity to the area and that works are likely to disturb fill material, the possibility of asbestos in the fill material in this area represents a moderate risk to construction activities

• Based on a review of the Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) database, the western portion of the proposal area is assessed as having a low probability of ASS presence, and the eastern portion of the proposal area is assessed as having an extremely low probability of ASS presence

• The search of the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) groundwater database indicated that impacts from the migration of contamination (if any) within the proposal area on beneficial groundwater users are expected to be low given that sensitive receivers are located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area, or are located greater than 500 metres from the proposal area

• Sensitive receiving environments were identified as aquatic ecosystems within Alexandra Canal and Sheas Creek

• The proposal area has been a major road in Sydney’s inner suburbs since the 1930s. The proposal area itself had changed little since then, with some minor lane alterations and road safety additions. Additionally, the surrounding area has become increasingly commercial/industrial land use since the 1930s

• There were 17 sites registered with the NSW EPA within 500 metres of the proposal area that were either regulated or had been notified, or within the Local Government Areas throughout the proposal area. One of these sites has the potential to impact upon construction activities within the proposal area. This site is the Lawrence Dry Cleaners located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area on Bourke Street

• A search of the City of Sydney Council website for current or historical Development Approvals (DA) along the proposal identified eleven sites with contamination notices associated with the respective DA. These sites may pose a risk to construction and construction site workers

• In total, there are 12 AEIs located within or near to the proposal area that may present a low to moderate contamination or soil management risk to the proposed construction activities and/or temporary construction facilities. These are:

• These are:

Within the proposal area and include: – Former substation located at 124 McEvoy Street, Alexandria – The historical and current commercial/industrial land use of Alexandria and Waterloo – Potential ACM impacted fil material from 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 4

Less than 150 metres from the proposal and include: – Former substation located on the corner of Euston Road and Harley Street, Alexandria – Caltex service station located on the corner of McEvoy Street and Wyndham Street, Alexandria – Suspected areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course – Ausgrid substation located on the corner of McEvoy Street and George Street, Alexandria – Potential diffuse use of herbicides across Moore Park Golf Course – Lawrence dry cleaners site – The substation (of unknown occupation) located on Lachlan Street opposite Gadigal Avenue, Waterloo – The historical and continued use of arterial and local roads within the proposal area – Class 3 Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS).

• Contaminated land on and/or adjacent to the proposal area, if not managed appropriately could potentially impact upon receivers during construction

• Exposure or disturbance of contaminated land or ASS during construction of the project may have the following impacts: – Mobilisation of surface and subsurface contaminants during construction (impacting groundwater,

surface water and soils) – Migration of potential contaminants into surrounding areas (impacting groundwater, surface water and

soils) via leaching, overland flow and/or subsurface flow (water and/or vapour) – Mobilising potential groundwater and/or surface water contamination – Risk of exposure to site workers, site users and site visitors – Risk of exposure to surrounding environmental receptors (ie flora, fauna, surrounding ecosystems

including groundwater dependent ecosystems).

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 5

1. Introduction 1.1 Overview of the proposal

Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) propose to upgrade four intersections and introduce clearways between the Euston Road/Maddox Street intersection in Alexandria and the Anzac Parade, Alison Road and Dacey Avenue intersection in Moore Park (the proposal). The proposal is located about three kilometres south of the central business district (CBD) in the suburbs of Alexandria, Waterloo, Moore Park within the City of Sydney local government area (LGA) (refer to Figure 1-1).

The proposal consists of:

• New clearways on both sides of Euston Road and McEvoy Street between Maddox Street and Bourke Street from 6:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 6:00pm on weekends

• New clearways at all times along Lachlan Street and Dacey Avenue between Bourke Street and Anzac Parade

• Right turn bans at most intersections without traffic signals and a right turn ban into Bunnings from McEvoy Street

• Improving intersection capacity at: – Fountain Street and McEvoy Street – Botany Road and McEvoy Street – Elizabeth Street and McEvoy Street – South Dowling Street, Lachlan Street and Dacey Avenue

• Minor kerb adjustments at: – Stokes Avenue and McEvoy Street – Kensington Lane and McEvoy Street

• Landscaping adjustments and replacement tree planting where works are undertaken • Relocation of utilities and adjustments to traffic signals and street lights • Property acquisitions, leases and adjustments • Temporary construction facilities, including site compounds and stockpile sites at:

– The Roads and Maritime car park on the south-west corner of the McEvoy Street/Stokes Avenue intersection, Alexandria (Site 1)

– Road reserve at the southern end of Cope Street, Alexandria (Site 2) – Road reserve at the southern end of George Street, Alexandria (Site 3) – The vacant land (Lot 2 DP800705) at the corner of intersection of McEvoy Street and Bourke Street,

Waterloo (Site 4). – Lot 1, 2 and 3 DP 76985, Lot 4 DP 86722 and Lot 14 DP80926 on the west corner of the Lachlan

Street/Amelia Street intersection, Waterloo (Site 5).

The proposal as shown in Figure 1-2 would be construction in four stages centred around the four main intersections that are to be upgraded. This approach would minimise traffic impacts on residents and businesses. The duration of construction impacts within each of the four intersection construction zones would typically be between 12 - 36 months.

The proposal is Stage 1 of a larger project that includes upgrades at other major intersections located along the Euston Road, McEvoy Street, Lachlan Street and Dacey Avenue corridor. Stage 1 would improve traffic performance and can be implemented early with minimal property acquisitions.

Milsons Point

Millers Point Balmain


Potts PointRozelle


Darling Point





Surry Hills

Camperdown Darlington


Moore Park

Waterloo Centennial Park


Zetland Alexandria Kensington Randwick

St Peters


Kingsford JACO


















Legend Proposal area Road

0 2 Km

Railway line 1:40,000 @ A4

Figure 1-1 | The localityAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Site 1

ence Str




Ashmore Street

Fountain Street

Harley Street

Mccauley Street

Stokes Avenue

Hiles Street




Mc Evoy Street

Euston Road

Maddox Str


Bowden Street




Legend Concept design Proposal area ¬200 m NRoad Construction impacts: 0

1:4,000 @ A4 «Construction footprint Data sources

Jacobs 2016Construction compounds LPI 2016Roads and Maritime 2016Operational impacts: ARUP 2016

Clearways and intersection upgrades Parking changes in side streets







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Fox A


Figure 1-2a | The proposalAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Page 1 of 4

Proposed clearways in both directionsMaddox Street to Bourke StreetMonday - Friday: 6am-7pmWeekends: 9am-6pm


Wellington Street

etJames Stree t



Mccauley Street

Allen Street Short Street

Hiles Street

Site 3


ead S






Powell Street

Botany Road

Power Avenue


John Street

Pitt Street

Kellick StreetBuckland Street Gibs



Mead Street





George Street

Cope Street



Loveridge StreetYou



Brennan Street

Cooper Street


r Stre


Mc Evoy Street

Site 2

Legend Concept design Proposal area ¬200 m NRoad Construction impacts: 0

1:4,000 @ A4 «Construction footprint Data sources

Jacobs 2016Construction compounds LPI 2016Roads and Maritime 2016Operational impacts: ARUP 2016

Railway line

Clearways and intersection upgrades Parking changes in side streets







file :









19 |





Garden Str

Figure 1-2b | The proposalAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Proposed clearways in both directionsMaddox Street to Bourke StreetMonday - Friday: 6am-7pmWeekends: 9am-6pm

Page 2 of 4





Wellington Street

Brunswick Street

Site 4

Site 5

Kellick Street

Powell Street


Dowl i




ead S


Murray Street

Potter Street


Sing S

treet Am

elia S











Archibald Avenue


r Stre





rn Dis



Dacey Avenue

Mc Evoy Street

Lachlan Street







file :









19 |




Legend Concept design Proposal area ¬200 m NRoad Construction impacts: 0

1:4,000 @ A4 «Construction footprint Data sources

Jacobs 2016Construction compounds LPI 2016Roads and Maritime 2016Operational impacts: ARUP 2016

Clearways and intersection upgrades Parking changes in side streets

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Danks Street







Figure 1-2c | The proposal

Proposed clearways in both directionsMaddox Street to Bourke StreetMonday - Friday: 6am-7pmWeekends: 9am-6pmBourke Street to Anzac ParadeAt all times

Page 3 of 4




Anzac Parade



ibbs Street Robertson Road

Grand Drive

Martin Road

Dacey Avenue







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Legend Concept design Proposal area ¬200 m NRoad Construction impacts: 0

1:4,000 @ A4 «Construction footprint Data sources

Jacobs 2016 Construction compounds LPI 2016 Roads and Maritime 2016 Operational impacts: ARUP 2016

Clearways and intersection upgrades Parking changes in side streets

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1


Fi gure 1-2d | The proposal

Proposed clearways in both directions Bourke Street to Anzac Parade At all times

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Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 12

1.2 Purpose and scope of this report

The objectives of the Stage 1 contamination assessment was to identify potential areas of environmental interest (AEI) which would assist in identifying construction limitations/constraints and management options within the proposal area with respect to contamination.

The AEIs were considered to be those potential risks associated with soil, groundwater and vapour contamination which may be present as a result of historic and / or current activities undertaken on and / or adjacent to the proposal area.

To achieve these objectives, Jacobs undertook the following scope of works:

• Review of publicly available information (NSW Environmental Planning Authority (EPA), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) database, NSW Department of Primary Industries groundwater database)

• Review of information provided by Roads and Maritime • Review of historical aerial photography of the general proposal area • Site walkovers and inspections • Preparation of a Stage 1 contamination assessment report based on the data obtained from the desktop

background review and observations from the inspection of the proposal area. The expected ground conditions are presented together with any contamination issues identified and recommendations for further investigations, if required.

1.3 Relevant contamination guidelines

In preparing this report, the following guidelines were considered (where relevant):

• Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines (Department of Planning, 2008) • Managing Land Contamination: Planning Guidelines State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) 55 –

Remediation of Land (Department of Urban Affairs and Planning & Environmental Protection Authority, 1998)

• Guidelines for Consultants Reporting on Contaminated Sites (Office of Environment and Heritage, 2000).

Should Roads and Maritime purchase properties and take responsibility for existing contamination and contamination sources within these properties, the requirements of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 would be applicable for the management of contamination.

Should remediation or other construction activities be undertaken which would involve the offsite disposal of materials (both uncontaminated and contaminated), the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulations 2014 would need to be considered and implemented where applicable.

Should further investigations, remediation work and validation be undertaken, these activities would need to be undertaken in accordance with the following guidelines or other appropriate/endorsed guidelines available at that time.

• Australian Standard (AS 4482.1-2005) Guide to the sampling and investigation of potentially contaminated soil. Part 1: Non-volatile and semi-volatile compounds

• Australian Standard (AS 4482.2-1999) Guide to the sampling and investigation of potentially contaminated soils – Volatile substances

• National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 (as revised 2013) • Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council & Agriculture and Resource

Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ANZECC & ARMCANZ), (2000) Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality

• NSW EPA (2014) Waste Classification Guidelines

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 13

• Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW (2009) Guidelines for the Implementing the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2008

• NSW EPA (1995) Contaminated Sites: Sampling Design Guidelines • Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) (2006) Contaminated Sites: Guidelines for the NSW

Site Auditor Scheme (2nd Edition) • DEC (2007) Contaminated Sites: Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Groundwater

Contamination • NSW EPA (2015) Contaminated Sites: Guidelines on the Duty to Report Contamination under the

Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 • NSW EPA (2015) Technical Note: Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Assessment and Remediation • NSW EPA (2014) Technical Note: Investigation of Service Station Sites • NSW EPA (2014) Best Practice Note: Landfarming • DEC (2005) Information for the assessment of former gasworks sites • DECCW (2010) Vapour Intrusion: Technical Practice Note • NSW EPA (2012) Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Sites Impacted by Hazardous Ground

Gases • Workcover NSW (2014) Managing asbestos in or on soil • Acid Sulfate Soil Management Advisory Committee (ASSMAC) (1998) Acid Sulfate Soil Assessment

Guidelines • NSW EPA (2014) Waste Classification Guidelines.

1.4 Report structure

This report is structured with the following sections:

• Section 1: Introduction • Section 2: Existing environment • Section 3: Site history • Section 4: Contamination assessment • Section 5: Mitigation measures • Section 6: References • Appendix A: Groundwater bore information.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 14

2. Existing Environment The information presented below is based on a review of publicly available information, and observations made during a proposal area inspection undertaken from publicly accessible areas by Jacobs on 10 October 2016, with a follow up inspection completed on 24 November 2019.

2.1 Location and zoning

The proposal area spans approximately 3.3 kilometres in Sydney’s south-eastern suburbs, through Alexandria, Waterloo, and Moore Park. The proposal area is presented as Figure 1-2.

At the time of preparing this report the proposal area and immediate surrounding areas were within a range of land zonings as classed by the City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Sydney LEP 2012). These include the following land zonings:

• SP2 Classified Road • B4 Mixed Use • B6 Enterprise Corridor • B7 Business Park • R1 General Residential • RE1 Public Recreation • B5 Business Development • R2 Low Density Residential.

2.2 Topography and drainage

Based on information from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) website the proposal area lies within the Port Jackson / Georges River catchment which is bounded by the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment to the west, the Wollongong Catchment to the south, and the Tasman Sea to the east. The proposal itself is located within two smaller sub-catchments of the Port Jackson / Georges River catchment and includes the Alexandra Canal and the Kensington / Centennial Park sub-catchments. The majority of the proposal is located within the Alexandra Canal sub-catchment which drains to the south-west of the proposal from the small north to south lying ridge located in Moore Park between South Dowling Street and Anzac Parade. The rest of the proposal is located in the Kensington / Centennial Park sub-catchment which drains the area to the east of the small ridge line located in Moore Park, with separate drainage lines from the Sydney Cricket Ground and from Centennial Park draining through the project area towards the south to Eastlakes, south of Gardeners Road.

The topography of the proposal area undulates in a west-east direction throughout Alexandria, Waterloo and Moore Park. There was also a generalised slope towards the south across the length of the proposal area.

At the time of undertaking the site inspection, there were only two areas of apparent inconsistent topography indicating the possible presence of fill material along the proposal area. These areas were the Moore Park Golf Course, and Waterloo Park. Refer to Figure 2-1 for the proposal area topography.

The majority of rain falling onto the proposal area would fall onto impermeable areas (i.e. roads, roofs of buildings) and available open space (i.e. parks, yards and grassed verges) and is expected to infiltrate into sub-soils and/or run off into formalised stormwater drains. During large storm events, floodwaters would drain through the area in a number of overland flow paths including Anzac Parade and Alison Road in addition to a number of other roads in the vicinity.


e na t

s L ee Buckland Street John Street 40 m


b t


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35 m


Power Avenue 30 m


L Fo








n Street

Loveridge Street

Brennan Street

Mc Evoy Street 25m

Pitt Street Eliza





r Stre


Powell Street

t eert

Ashmore Street

t SnomleB

Ha enue

rley Stre Stokes A v

Mccauley Street Hiles Street

Mccauley Lane

Hiles Lane

e et






R e L t e

c e

Botany Road


George Street Allen Street

20 m




h r

c w e S

ti a c r

M e L ner

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a a o

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L n R









e Mand lbt

i e St ee oB


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B e

Coulson St

n 5 m




vas Li Chr

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P o a r

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o t

E 10 m t eer

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ro a

eet x S


t or iee R



Sydney Park Road Johnson Street





GreenSquare Railway








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| 25



Legend Construction footprint Proposal area Road Hydroline Contours (LPI)

Railway line Hydro area 5 m 1 m

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 1 of 2

Figure 2-1a | Topography Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I


40 m

Phillip Street


Federation Way Lang Road

Crescent Street Danks Street

Kellick Street


ead S


Potter Street Broo



e n



ao y L


n R


o O



r Stre


Mc Evoy Street

t eertSgnuoY

Archibald Avenue Sam

Sing S


Lachlan Street

Murray Street Dacey Avenue

Martin Road

Powell Street

20 m








t ee

25 m

Anzac Parade

u e SrO'Dea Avenue


n Aven


Wolseley Grove 15 m






Ab Alin Avenue

m 05

30 m 55 m Bo



t botford Lane

son RoaAbbotford Street













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| 25



Legend Construction footprint Proposal area Road Hydroline Contours (LPI)

Railway line Hydro area 5 m 1 m

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 2 of 2

Figure 2-1b | Topography Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 17

2.3 Geology

The Sydney 1:100,000 Geological Series Sheet 9130 (NSW Department of Mineral Resources, 1983) indicated that the proposal area is predominately underlain by Quaternary Geology (Qhd) of medium to fine grained “marine” sands with podzols.

2.4 Soils

The Sydney 1:100,000 Soil Landscape Series Sheet 9130 (Soil Conservation of NSW, 1966) indicated that the residual soils within the proposal area consist of the Tuggerah (tg) Landscape Group. The location of the residual soils is presented as Figure 2-2. Features of the Tuggerah Landscape Group are listed in Table 2-1.

The Sheet also indicates that the soils within the proposal area of Alexandria are considered ‘developed terrain’, which suggests land reclamation and land filling activities may have occurred in this area.

Table 2-1 Soil group features underlying the proposal area

Unit Description

Tuggerah (tg)

• Landscape –gently undulating to rolling coastal dunefields. Local relief to 20 metres, slope gradients generally 1 – 10%, but occasionally up to 35%. North-south oriented dunes with convex narrow crests, moderately inclined slopes and broad gently inclined concave swales. Extensively cleared open forest and woodland

• Soils – deep (>200 cm) podzols on dunes, and podzol intergrades on swales • Limitations – extreme wind erosion hazard, non-cohesive, highly permeable soil, very low

soil fertility, localised flooding and permanently high water tables.


e nas L t

b e

b e Buckland Street John Street

i r


tr SouttS

e na

Power Avenue

Cope Street

Mc Evoy Street

ellL Fo








n Street


Loveridge Street

Brennan Street

Botany Road

Pitt Street


Ashmore Street

t Snoml

H e

a Brle

d e

a ny S



o are

ellR t L

et Stokes A v

Mccauley Lane

Mccauley Street

Hiles Lane

Hiles Street

George Street Allen Street






r Stre


Powell Street

n t


hc m e

l n


ti e a r

M B e L


c e S

n c

e n

r es n R

d aoo




a w


tu r

L aL Bowde Mand lbt

i e St ee oB


t eeu e Sr


n Str









s Li Chr

Mcphersist o n Lane



Coulson St

n L





s L

r a

tm n r





t E M Bourke Road

add t

Ho e

unx S er

tt t



y Set n S

an L Mo


ren S


ane Portman Stre





rtre oiet R'O

Sydney Park Road Johnson Street





Green SquareRailSta








file :








5 |



Legend Proposal area Road Soil landscapes (DECCW)

Railway line Construction footprint

Aeolian Residual

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 1 of 2

Figure 2-2a | Soil landscapesAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I


Federation Way Lang Road

Phillip Street

Crescent Street Danks Street

Kellick Street



Str ee



ead S


Potter Street Broo



e n



ao y L


n R


o O


Mc Evoy Street Lachlan Street


r Stre


t eertSgnuoY

Archibald Avenue

Murray Street

Powell Street


Sing S



Dowl i


reet Dacey Avenue

Martin Road

Anzac Parade



t eeu e Sr

O'Dea Avenue


n Aven


Wolseley Grove






Ab Alin Avenue



reet botford Lane

son RoaAbbotford Street













file :








5 |



Legend Proposal area Road Soil landscapes (DECCW)

Railway line Construction footprint

Aeolian Water

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 2 of 2

Figure 2-2b | Soil landscapes Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 20

2.5 Acid sulfate soils risk

Acid sulfate soils (ASS) are the common name given to naturally occurring sediments and soils containing iron sulfides (principally iron sulfide or iron disulfide or their precursors). The exposure of the sulfide in these soils to oxygen by drainage or excavation leads to the generation of sulfuric acid. Areas of ASS can typically be found in low lying and flat locations which are often swampy or prone to flooding.

ASS Risk Maps from the CSIRO Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) database were reviewed to ascertain the probability of ASS being present across the proposal area. Based on this information, the western portion of the proposal area is assessed as having a low probability of ASS presence, and the eastern portion of the proposal area is assessed as having an extremely low probability of ASS presence.

A review of the ASS risk map from the Sydney LEP (2012) indicated that McEvoy Street (between Harley and Wyndham Streets) are within an area of Class 3 ASS. The remaining areas of the proposal area are within an area of Class 5 ASS. The ASS risk map in relation to the proposal is presented as Figure 2-3

The Sydney LEP (2012) states that:

“Development consent is required for the carrying out of works described in the Table to this subclause on land shown on the Acid Sulfate Soils Map as being of the class specified for those works.

• Class 3: Works more than 1 metre below the natural ground surface. Works by which the water table is likely to be lowered more than 1 metre below the natural ground surface

• Class 5: Works within 500 metres of adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 land that is below five metres Australian Height Datum and by which the water table is likely to be lowered below one metre Australian Height Datum on adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 land.”


e nas L t

b e

b e Buckland Street

i r


tr SouttS


Power Avenue

Cope Street

John Street


L Fo








n Street

Loveridge Street

Brennan Street

Mc Evoy Street

Pitt Street

t eert

Ashmore Street

t Snoml

H e

a Brle

d e

a ny S



o are

ellR t L

et Stokes A v

Mccauley Lane

Mccauley Street

Hiles Lane

Hiles Street

George Street Allen Street






r Stre


Powell Street

n t


hc m e

l n


ti e a r

M B e L


c e S

n c

e n

r e



a w r

L aL d aon R







e Mand lbt

i e St ee

Botany Road



t eeu e Sr

ne uE

n Str









s Li Chr

Mcphersist o n Lane



Coulson St

n L





s L

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tm n r





t E M Bourke Road

add t

Ho e

unx S er

tt t



y Set n S

an L Mo


ren S


ane Portman Stre





rtre oiet R'O

Sydney Park Road Johnson Street





Green SquareRailSta








file :








4 |



Legend Construction footprint Acid sulphate soil planning classes (DPE 2006)Proposal area Class 3 - Works beyond 1 metre below natural ground surface. Works by which the watertable is likely to be

lowered beyond 1 metre below natural ground surfaceRoad Class 5 - Works within 500 metres of adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4. Land which are likely to lower the watertableRailway line below 1 metre AHD on adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 land

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 1 of 2

Figure 2-3a | Acid sulphate soil riskAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I


Federation Way Lang Road

Phillip Street

Crescent Street Danks Street

Kellick Street


ead S


Potter Street Broo



e n



ao y L


n R


o O



r Stre


Mc Evoy Street Lachlan Street

t eertSgnuoY

Archibald Avenue

Murray Street Dacey Avenue

Martin Road

Powell Street


Sing S






Anzac Parade



t eeu e Sr

O'Dea Avenue


n Aven


Wolseley Grove






Ab Alin Avenue



reet botford Lane

son RoaAbbotford Street













file :








4 |



Legend Construction footprint Acid sulphate soil planning classes (DPE 2006)Proposal area Class 5 - Works within 500 metres of adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4. Land which are likely to lower the watertable

below 1 metre AHD on adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 landRoad Railway line

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 2 of 2

Figure 2-3b | Acid sulphate soil riskAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 I

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2.6 Hydrogeology

The depth to groundwater or direction of groundwater flow could not be definitively assessed based on current information, although the surrounding topography of the proposal area and location of water bodies suggests that groundwater is likely to flow in a south-south-westerly direction towards Alexandra Canal.

According to the NSW Government’s Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater 2000 (accessed November 2019), the Botany Sands area has been divided into two groundwater management zones (Zone 1 and Zone 2). Whilst Zone 1 is located to the north of Botany Bay and encompasses an area including Sydney Airport and the suburb of botany, Zone 2 is divided into three sections (south, west and north east of Botany Bay). Whilst the proposal is predominantly located in Zone 1, the eastern extent of the proposal alignment (i.e. Moore Park) is located in Zone 2. As stated by the NSW Department of Industry, much of the proposal alignment lies within an area (Zone 1) that is currently managed by a ‘Temporary Water Restriction Order’ which commenced in 2018. The order which replaced a 2006 Order and consolidated four zones (Zone 1 to Zone 4) into two areas (Area 1 and Area 2) bans the use of bore water for the purposed of domestic use. Domestic uses covered by the order include:

• Drinking water for humans and animals • Cooking • Watering gardens including vegetable patches or other plants that may be eaten • Washing and cleaning (e.g. windows, cars and clothing) • Bathing • Filling swimming pools

Due to years of contamination of groundwater in the area around Botany Bay groundwater in Areas 1 and 2 is considered unsuitable and unsafe for domestic use (NSW Department of Primary Industries 2018). The banning of groundwater for domestic use for much of the proposal alignment would minimise the risk to bore water users and prevent the spread of contamination through pumping. Additionally, all extraction of groundwater for industrial use in Area 1 and Area 2 is restricted and requires groundwater be ‘sampled, tested and treated in accordance with a certified testing plan and be certified in writing by a consultant and submitted to Water NSW for approval as safe and suitable for the intended use.

2.6.1 Groundwater bore search

A search of the NSW DPI groundwater database identified 171 registered groundwater wells, including five with limited available data and 20 with licences that are lapsed or cancelled, within a 500 metre radius of the alignment of the proposal area. Details of the 171 wells are summarised in Appendix A.

Beneficial groundwater users in the proposal area and surrounding areas included domestic, recreational, irrigation and industrial bore users. Examples of users of water from these types of bores include:

• Domestic properties • Stock consumption • Swimming, boating and fishing • Irrigation of land • Mining.

There were six registered groundwater bores within the proposal alignment. All six of these bores were located within the property at 921 Bourke Street, Waterloo (a proposed construction compound) and were listed as monitoring bores. These bores were potentially used to monitor groundwater within the Sydney Water site located at the aforementioned address. Indicative hydrogeological records showed that approximate groundwater levels within this property ranged from one metre below ground level (mbgl) in the south and four mbgl in the north.

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Additionally, there was no existing data with respect to groundwater depth within the records for other registered groundwater bores located within 500 metres of the proposal footprint. Registered groundwater bores within the proposal footprint are presented as Figure 2-4.

The assessment indicated that impacts from the migration of contamination (if any) within the proposal area on beneficial groundwater users are expected to be low given that sensitive receivers are located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area or are located greater than 500 metres from the proposal area.


!A !A !A

!A !A



GW113797 GW113254 GW113777

















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| 4/1



Legend Construction footprint ! Registered groundwater bore AProposal area 100% concept design

¬0 50 m N1:1,000 @ A4 «

Page 1 of 2

Figure 3-4 | Registered groundwater bores within the proposal footprint Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1


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2.7 Sensitive receiving environments

Based on the available information, sensitive receiving environments located near proposal elements which could be potentially impacted by contamination within the proposal area (if present) are detailed below:

• Aquatic environments within Alexandra Canal (located approximately 900 metres south of the proposal area) – potential impacts from construction elements at the McEvoy Street/Fountain Street intersection

• Sheas Creek (located approximately 220 metres south east of the proposal) – potential impacts from the Botany Road /McEvoy Street intersection construction elements

• Beneficial users of groundwater down gradient from the proposal area (where present).

2.8 Site inspection

Site inspections were conducted on 10 October 2016 and again on the 24 November 2019 by Jacobs environmental scientists. The site inspections focussed on the proposal study area as well as adjacent land uses and potential AEIs. The site inspections were only undertaken from areas within the proposal area which were publicly accessible. The inspection completed on the 24 November 2019 was undertaken to verify if any changes in land use had occurred since the first inspection on the 10 October 2016 was completed. The following presents the findings of both inspections.

At the time of the first and second site inspection the proposal area consisted primarily of commercial/industrial and high density residential land uses. The surrounding areas were generally medium to high density residential, commercial land uses, and/or open space.

As the proposal area travels east from Maddox Street along Euston Road, the predominant land use was a combination of commercial/industrial and high density residential. There was a former substation located adjacent to the Bunnings Warehouse near the corner of Euston Road and Harley Street. Although not present during the first site inspection, a construction site for a residential development on the corner of Maddox Street and Euston Road was present during the second site inspection.

During the first site inspection it was noted that as Euston Road travels into McEvoy Street the land use became a mixture of medium density residential, commercial/industrial, and high density residential until Botany Road. Commercial/industrial examples included O’Brien Glass, Able Metromix, McDonalds Restaurant, Victoria’s Basement, Pet Barn, Silhouette Smash Repairs, and BKB Motor Vehicle Repairs. Additionally, there was a Caltex Service Station located on the corner of McEvoy and Wyndham Streets. The Caltex Service Station had previously been notified to the NSW EPA and placed on the NSW Contaminated Sites Register (refer to Section 4.2). There was also a former substation located at 124 McEvoy Street, which had been converted into a café. Following the second site inspection no changes in the general land use were observed.

Continuing along McEvoy Street, between Botany Road and Elizabeth Street, it was noted during the first site inspection that the major land use was high density residential and open space. The high density residential included apartment blocks as well as public housing. Waterloo Park and Waterloo Oval were located on the corner of Elizabeth and McEvoy Streets. Based on the observed landform, Waterloo Park could contain potential areas of fill material. Additionally, there was a substation currently used by Ausgrid located on the corner of McEvoy and George Streets. Following the second site inspection no changes in the general land use were observed.

Travelling east from Elizabeth Street, it was noted during the first site inspection that the land use became a combination of mixed density residential, and commercial/industrial. It was also noted that there was a large construction site between Hunter and Young Streets. At time of the second site inspection the construction had been completed (site now residential apartment block). Also present during the first site inspection, was a large industrial Sydney Water site located on the corner of McEvoy and Bourke Streets. At the time it appeared the site had been earmarked for future development as mixed use land use. Although no changes to land use at the Sydney Water site or the adjacent lots was noted during the second site inspection, signage detailing the Sydney Water site as a heritage site was present. Also present, was a Development Proposal notice on the

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fence on one of the lots adjacent to the Sydney Water site, which detailed ‘Site 903-921 Bourke Street, Waterloo NSW’ was currently subject to a ‘Integrated Development Proposal’ (ref: D/2019/428). The notice stated the proposal ‘as described in application, was an amended DA for demolition of existing structures, hardstand area, excavations of between 0.3 – 4.0 metres and remediation of contaminated land.

Lachlan Street was comprised of predominately high density residential mixed with some commercial/industrial land use. During the first site inspection, there were two large construction sites on the southern side of Lachlan Street. Additionally, a substation (of unknown occupation) was present opposite Gadigal Avenue. At the time of the second site inspection, the development of the two sites that were under construction during the first site inspection, were complete and comprised of a public open space with tables, chairs and a grassed area in front of high density residential blocks. Two small construction sites, one located 20 metres east of Sam Sing Street (between two residential blocks) and one behind the substation on the corner of Amelia Street and Lachlan Street were also present during the second site inspection. With respect to the construction site located behind the substation on Amelia Street and Lachlan Street, a Development Proposal (ref: D/2019/294) notice on the fence of the construction site was also observed. The notice dated 7 May 2019, stated the site, 19-21 Lachlan Street and 7-19 Amelia Street, was subject to a proposal to further sub-divide two lots in five lots and into associated easements as part of planned land classification of Dyuralya Square, Gadigal Avenue and future road widening of Lachlan Street to facilitate the future redevelopment of the Lachlan Precinct. However, a review of the City of Sydney Council’s ‘Development Application Search’ for current and historic development application was unable to locate the DA (see Section 3.3).

Additionally, evidence of historical industrial land use consisting of a large heritage listed smoke stack and heritage listed remnants of a former gas works (Crown Crystal Glass Works) were also observed north of Gadigal Avenue on Potter Street and Boomer street.

As the proposal continues along Dacey Avenue and north onto Anzac Parade, the surrounding land use was primarily open space (Moore Park Golf Course to the north and south, and Parklands Tennis to the east).

Whist not a part the of the proposal area for the Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 upgrades, it should be noted that during the second site inspection on 24 of November 2019, WestConnex road upgrades were observed to have had commenced between Sydney Park Road and Euston Road.

The generalised land use surrounding the proposal area was medium density residential to the north, and commercial/industrial to the south. Areas of Environmental Interest (AEI) identified within the surrounding areas by Jacobs during the site inspection, but not listed on the NSW EPA Contaminated Sites Register (Section 4.2) are listed as:

• United Service Station located approximately 145 metres south of the proposal area on the corner of Bourke and Powell Streets

• Former substation located approximately 180 metres south of the proposal area on Powell Street, which had been converted into a café.

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3. Site History Several sources were investigated to determine the history of land use of the proposal area. The following list details the sources of historical information and a summary of information provided by each source.

• NSW Land and Property Management Authority, Land and Property Information Division (LPI): Historical aerial photographs (1930 to 2014)

• Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) (1943) From the Skies: Aerial photographs of Sydney • NSW EPA Contaminated Sites Register and Record of Notices.

3.1 Historical aerial photography

Historical aerial photographs from the LPI were reviewed for the years: 1931, 1943, 1951, 1961, 1970, 1982, 1991, and 2002. Historical aerial photography from 1943 was sourced from the RTA (1943) From the Skies: Aerial photographs of Sydney. The findings of the historical aerial photograph review are summarised in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Historical aerial photography review

Date of aerial photography Site Surrounding area

1931 In 1931 the proposal area was a well-established main road in the Sydney suburbs of Alexandria, Waterloo and Moore Park.

The areas surrounding the proposal area (an approximate two kilometre radius from the alignment based on the extent of the aerial photography) appeared to be a generally well established built up area, with primarily medium to high density residential, and commercial/industrial land use. The commercial/industrial area in the west appeared to be developing in 1931. Major quarrying/mining was occurring within St Peters (Sydney Park) south west of the proposal area. Moore Park Golf Course had been established adjacent to the proposal area in the east. Alexandra Canal and Sheas Creek were clearly visible to the south of the proposal area.

1943 In 1943 the proposal area remained largely unchanged.

The commercial/industrial area south of the proposal area had been further developed, but some pockets were still undergoing development. Victoria Park Racecourse can clearly be seen south of the proposal area. Moore Park Golf Course appeared to be undergoing some development across the breadth of the course. The quarrying activities in St Peters (Sydney Park) were ongoing.

1951 In 1951 the proposal area remained largely unchanged.

The areas surrounding the proposal area have remained largely unchanged with the exception of the commercial/industrial centre to the south of the proposal area which had finished development.

1961 In 1961 the proposal area remained largely unchanged.

Moore Park Golf Course had undergone some refurbishment across the breadth of the course, as well as the construction of E.S Marks running track and stadium south of Dacey Avenue. The quarrying activities in St Peters (Sydney Park) had begun to be landfilled. Part of Sheas Creek had been infilled/reclaimed by expanding commercial/industrial land use along Maddox Street.

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Date of aerial photography Site Surrounding area

1970 In 1970 a new turning bay at the Dacey Avenue/South Dowling Street intersection had been established. South Dowling Street north of Dacey Avenue had been created into a dual carriageway. Traffic flow and parking along the length of the proposal area appeared to have increased.

Landfilling activities were ongoing in St Peters (Sydney Park). The commercial/industrial land use along Lachlan Street had expanded further south to O’Dea Avenue.

1982 In 1982 the proposal area remained largely unchanged.

The land surrounding the proposal area has remained largely unchanged, however the area had become increasingly commercial/industrial.

1991 In 1991 a roundabout had been installed at the intersection of Huntley Street and Euston Road.

Much of the landfilling activities in St Peters (Sydney Park), adjacent to the proposal area, had been completed. More vegetation cover had been established throughout the golf course.

2002 In 2002 the proposal area remained largely the same.

Sydney Park in St Peters was fully established. Large pockets of land were under construction adjacent to the proposal area along Lachlan Street and eastern McEvoy Street.

3.1.1 Site history summary

The historical aerial photography review indicated that the proposal area has been a major road in Sydney’s inner suburbs since the 1930s. The proposal area itself has changed little since then, with some minor lane alterations and road safety additions.

The surrounding area has become increasingly commercial/industrial land use since the 1930s, with some large areas in Waterloo still under construction. Moore Park Golf Course has been an ongoing project since the 1930s, with some major refurbishments and vegetation cover establishment occurring in the 1960s. The quarrying activities in St Peters (Sydney Park) appeared to be a major feature of the urban landscape until the 1960s, where the landfilling and creation of Sydney Park continued until the 1990s. The quarrying and landfilling in this area did not appear to be within the proposal area at any time.

3.2 NSW Contaminated Sites Register

A search of the NSW EPA Contaminated Sites Register and Record of Notices (under Section 58 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997) indicated that there were 17 sites registered with the NSW EPA within 500 metres of the proposal area that were either regulated or had been notified, or within the Local Government Areas throughout the proposal area. The sites are summarised in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Notified sites within 500 metres of the proposal area.

Site Suburb Notified site address

Notified site activity

Contamination status

Location relative to proposal

1 Alexandria 146 – 156 Wyndham Street Unclassified Under


Approximately 220 metres north of the proposal area in Alexandria.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 30

Site Suburb Notified site address

Notified site activity

Contamination status

Location relative to proposal

2 Alexandria 146 – 156 Botany Road Unclassified Under


Approximately 220 metres north of the proposal area in Alexandria.

3 Alexandria 133 Wyndham Street Service station Under assessment

Adjacent to construction element Botany Road/McEvoy Street intersection in Alexandria.

4 Alexandria 1B Maddox Street Former landfill Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 420 metres south east of the proposal area in Alexandria.

5 Alexandria Off Huntley Street Alexandria Canal sediments

Contamination currently regulated under CLM Act

Approximately 290 metres south east of the proposal area in Alexandria.

6 Alexandria

Sydney Park, Alexandria Road (Sydney Park Rd and Euston Rd)


Contamination currently regulated under CLM Act

Approximately 270 metres south west of the proposal area in Alexandria

7 Erskineville 36/A1 Coulson Street Other industry Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 460 metres west of the proposal area in Alexandria.

8 Erskineville 1A Coulson Street Other petroleum

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 300 metres north west of the proposal area in Alexandria.

9 St Peters Sydney Park Former landfill Under assessment

Approximately 200 metres south west of the proposal area in Alexandria.

10 Waterloo 1-13 Archibald Avenue Other industry Under


Approximately 150 metres south of the proposal area in Waterloo.

11 Waterloo 2 John Street Proposed construction site

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 160 metres north of the proposal area in Waterloo.

12 Waterloo 867-877 South Dowling Street Service station

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 90 metres south of the proposal area in Waterloo/Moore Park.

13 Waterloo 887-893 Bourke Street

Lawrence Dry Cleaners

Contamination currently regulated under CLM Act

Approximately 140 metres north of the proposal area in Waterloo.

14 Waterloo 830-838 Elizabeth Street

Iconic (Former Chubb Factory)

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 190 metres south east to south of the proposal area in Waterloo.

15 Waterloo 22-24 Archibald Avenue

Other petroleum

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 150 metres south of the proposal area in Waterloo.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 31

Site Suburb Notified site address

Notified site activity

Contamination status

Location relative to proposal

16 Moore Park

Area 2, Driver Avenue Unclassified

Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 220 metres east of the proposal area in Moore Park.

17 Kensington 10-20 Anzac Parade Service station Regulation under CLM Act not required

Approximately 220 metres south east of the proposal area in Moore Park.

The Lawrence Dry Cleaners (site 13) located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area could pose a potential risk to construction activities throughout the proposal. This site is discussed further in Section 5.

3.3 City of Sydney Development Application search

A search of current and historical development applications (DA) within the City of Sydney Council along the proposal alignment was undertaken in February 2017 and in November 2019 as part of the Stage 1. The search was undertaken via the City of Sydney Council website to identify any contamination assessments that may have been carried out along the proposal alignment as part of the DA process to further inform current or historical contamination issues along the proposal. Given the large number of DA within the search location, the search was further narrowed by identifying DA that may involve ground disturbance from the description outlined in the search function of the website (i.e. DA descriptions that mentioned external modifications, excavation, significant alterations, demolition and construction etc.).

Table 3-3 lists the eleven sites with relevant associated contamination notices identified during the DA search.

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Table 3-3 Sites along the proposal with relevant contamination notices as part of current or historical DA

Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

903-921 Bourke Street, Waterloo

D/2019/429 Demolition of existing structures and hardstand areas, excavations of between 0.3m – 4m and remediation of contaminated land.

The site is currently under assessment and a determination notice listing contamination issues is yet to be issued. The site (i.e. 903-921 Bourke Street) is not listed as a contaminated site on the NSW EPA Contaminated Sites Register and Record of Notices (under Section 58 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997). However, located approximately 50-60 metres to the north, a neighbouring property, 887-893 Bourke Street (Lawrence Dry Cleaners) is listed and currently under a NSW EPA ‘Management Order’.

An ‘Early Works Remediation Action Plan’, reference number 50579-123649, dated 5 September 2019, has been prepared on behalf on the Dahua Group (Aust) Pty Ltd, the applicant and submitted as part of the DA. Prepared by JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd (September 2019) the RAP states the site has been subject to a number of previous environmental investigations and is the subject of a current NSW EPA Management Order (no. 20111403) which reports ‘that chlorinated hydrocarbons, including Tetrachloroethene (PCE); Trichloroethene (TCE); Dichloroethene (DCE); and Vinyl Chloride (VC) have caused” the site or groundwater underneath the Site to become contaminated. The RAP listed a total of 20 previous contaminated land investigations. • Contamination Assessment, Central Workshops, Young

Street, Waterloo, Egis Consulting Australia Pty Ltd, February 2002. (Egis 2002);

• Groundwater VHC Investigations Central Workshops and Adjoining Properties, Waterloo NSW, HLA‐Envirosciences Pty Ltd, 17 July 2003. (HLA 2003);

• Soil Assessment – Waterloo Pump Station, Waterloo, NSW, JBS Environmental Pty Ltd, 23 May 2007. (JBS 2007);

• Detailed Investigation SWC Site, Bourke Street, Waterloo NSW, E3 Consulting Australia Pty Ltd, 30 October 2009 (E3 2009);

• Expert Report for Sydney Water Corporation regarding Validation of Stockpiled Fill Removal on a Portion of the

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 33

Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

Central Workshops Site, Waterloo, NSW Coffey Environments Pty Ltd, 25 May 2009. (Coffey 2009a);

• Surface Sampling Assessment, Sydney Water Corporation, Central Workshops, Waterloo, NSW, Coffey Environments Pty Ltd, 21 September 2009. (Coffey 2009b);

• Delineation of PCB Contamination near Northern Boundary of Site, SWC Central Workshops, Waterloo, NSW, Coffey Environments Pty Ltd, 29 September 2011. (Coffey 2011);

• Additional Investigation at Shea’s Creek, Backfill Assessment, Well Installation and Surface Water Sampling, prepared for Lawrence Cry Cleaners and Henry Davis York, AECOM Australia Pty Ltd, 6 January 2011 (AECOM 2011);

• Hydrocarbon in Soil Delineation – Central Workshop Site, Waterloo, NSW, JBS Environmental Pty Ltd, 20 September 2012. (JBS, 2012a);

• PCB in Soil Delineation Works, Central Workshop Site, Waterloo, NSW, JBS Environmental Pty Ltd, 19 September 2012. (JBS 2012b);

• Sydney Water Corporation Fill Assessment, Waterloo Central Workshops, Bourke St, Waterloo, NSW, 10 December 2013, JBS&G (JBS&G 2013);

• Lawrence Dry Cleaners Quarterly Groundwater and Vapour Monitoring, First Quarter 2015, 24 March 2015, AECOM (AECOM 2015a);

• Lawrence Dry Cleaners Quarterly Groundwater and Vapour Monitoring, Second Quarter 2015, 16 June 2015, AECOM (AECOM 2015b);

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Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 34

Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

• Lawrence Dry Cleaners Quarterly Groundwater and Vapour Monitoring, Third Quarter 2015, 7 September 2015, AECOM (AECOM 2015c);

• Fourth Quarter 2015 Groundwater and Vapour Monitoring Event, Lawrence Dry Cleaners Remediation Site , Prepared for: Jefferman Pty Ltd, 22 January 2016, Senversa (Senversa 2016a);

• EISB Update Report #13 Lawrence Dry Cleaners Remediation Site January 2016 to June 2016, December 2016, Senversa Pty Ltd (Senversa 2016b);

• Fist Biannual Monitoring – 2018 Lawrence Dry Cleaners Remediation Site, 4 December 2018, Senversa Pty Ltd (Semversa 2018a);

• EISB Update Report #15 Lawrence Dry Cleaners Remediation Site July 2017 to July 2018, 4 December 2018, Senversa Pty Ltd (Senversa 2018b);

• Dahua Group (Aust) Pty Ltd Data Gap Investigation Central Workshop Corner Bourke and McEvoy Streets Waterloo, NSW rev A, 16 May 2019, JBS&G Australia (JBS&G 2019a); and

• Dahua Group (Aust) Pty Ltd Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Central Workshop Corner Bourke and McEvoy Streets Waterloo, NSW rev A, 1 August 2019, JBS&G Australia (JBS&G 2019b

Based on information presented within the RAP, the site is considered suitable for remediation and remediation of the site is currently pending.

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Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

132-138 McEvoy Street, Alexandria

D/2018/1615 Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a new four storey mixed use development comprising ground floor shops and food and drink premises with office premises on levels above, 43 car parking spaces at ground level, signage and landscaping.

(48) Asbestos removal (60) Erosion and sediment control (62) Waste classification (63) Acid Sulfate Soils (64) Discharge of contaminate groundwater (65) Environmental Management Plan (66) Imported fil materials (67) Land remediation (68) Notification – New contamination evidence (69) Registration of covenant (70, 71) Site Audit Statement (72) Stockpiles (96) Land dedication – Remediation capping layer (145) Hazardous and industrial waste

“The site is to be remediated and validated in accordance with Remedial Action Plan prepared by Argus dated 15 January 2018 reference number ES7095-Rev1 and the Letter of Interim Advice or Section B Site Audit Statement prepared by NSW Environment Protection Authority accredited Site Auditor Rebeka Hall of Zoic Environmental Pty Ltd dated 17 January 2018 and reference 17188.IA2 17JAN2018_RAPendorsement.”

141-143 McEvoy Street, Alexandria

D/2011/1582 Demolition of existing structures and construction of two buildings comprising 36 residential apartments, retail space and car parking plus strata subdivision into 37 lots.

(45, 48 & 49) Asbestos Removal (47) Waste Classification (63) Land Contamination (64) Site Audit Statement (66) Acid Sulfate Soils

“… Remediation Action Plan (RAP) prepared by Aargus Pty Ltd, reference ES403/2, dated April 2012 and the “Interim Advice” letter No. 2 from NSW EPA accredited Site Auditor Kylie Lloyd of ZOIC Environmental Pty Ltd dated 16 April 2012.” RAP not provided by Council.

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Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

145 McEvoy Street, Alexandria

D/2011/1915 Demolition of existing building and construction of two buildings including 42 apartments 2 retail units and basement and ground level parking.

(4) Remediation Action Plan (5) Site Audit Statement (46) Asbestos removal (48) Waste classification (64) Water pollution

“… Remediation Action Plan prepared by Environmental Investigations Australia Pty Ltd, report no E1495.1AA, dated, November 2011 as certified complete by the Site Auditor, and amended in accordance with the recommendations stated within the letter of interim advice prepared by NSW EPA Accredited Site Auditor' Rod Harwood, reference 12012L01_Interim Advice 1(Rev0).docx, dated 7th March 2012.” RAP not provided by Council.

1-17 Euston Road, Alexandria

D/2017/1297 Demolition of existing structures on site, excavation and construction of a new 4 storey mixed-use building comprising 2 ground floor retail tenancies, 27 residential apartments on the upper levels, communal roof terrace, 2 levels of basement car parking for 36 cars and associated landscaping. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of WaterNSW for temporary dewatering of the site under the Water Management Act 2000.

(56) Asbestos removal (57 & 58) Hazardous materials (74) Waste classification (75 & 76) Acid Sulphate Soils (77) Discharge of contaminated groundwater (78) Environmental Management Plan (79) Imported fill materials (80) Notification – new contamination evidence (81) Stockpiles

“A Hazardous Materials Survey Report must be prepared by a certified Occupational Hygienist (Australia Institute of Occupational Hygienists) and submitted to the satisfaction of the City’s Area Planning Manager prior to any demolition / refurbishment work commencing at the site…” “(a) An Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) Preliminary Assessment Report must be prepared by a suitably qualified person in accordance with the NSW Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee’s Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines (1998) and be submitted to Council for approval prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for any excavation of the site and construction of the basement…” A Phase 1 contamination report was provided in the development application documentation, it concludes “the concentrations of the COPC were less than the adopted health investigation and screening levels for Residential B land use, and management limits. In addition, no visible asbestos was observed in the subsurface during drilling, and asbestos was not detected in the samples by the project laboratory. The results of the laboratory analysis suggest that the site is considered suitable for the proposed redevelopment from a contamination perspective…. four AECs were identified and assessed to have

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Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

a low to moderate likelihood of contamination. Contamination was not identified at the locations tested as part of the limited soil investigations undertaken. Further investigation would be required to establish the nature and extent of contamination (if present).”

8-40 Euston Road, Alexandria

D/2009/882 Demolition of existing buildings on site with the exception of the Euston Road building, remediation of site, and landscaping of remediated site.

(6) Land Contamination (7) Acid Sulfate Soils (10-15) Asbestos Removal

“i) The site is to be remediated and validated in accordance with the report prepared by Environmental Earth Sciences dated 3 November 2009. Following completion of the demolition and remediation works a Site Audit Statement is to be submitted to Council clearly indicating that the site is suitable for the proposed use.” Report not provided by Council.

33 Euston Road, Alexandria

D/2013/630 Demolition of existing building and construction of new mixed use development comprising of 46 residential units, 4 retail tenancies and basement car parking for 40 cars with vehicle access provided off Euston Lane.

(46) Asbestos Removal (60) Remediation (61) Waste Classification (63) Hazardous and Industrial Waste

“… Remedial Action Plan report prepared by Aargus dated 4 February 2013, reference ES5140 and in accordance with recommendations within the letter of Interim advice from NSW accredited Site Auditor, Kylie Lloyd of Zoic Environmental PTY LTD dated 8 May 2013 and 1 July 2013.”

100-110 Euston Road, Alexandria

D/2012/1282 Construction and use of new plasterboard and building supplies warehouse building with associated mezzanine offices, showroom, signage and street level car parking, operating between 6.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Saturday.

(55) Asbestos Removal “The site is not a site that has been notified to the EPA. City of Sydney Archives show the site has previously been used for mineral storage and crushing in 1979 and prior to that was a factory. This proposal therefore does not appear to represent an increase in the risk profile of the land use. There appears to be nothing pertaining to Table 1 to SEPP 55 Managing Land Contamination that would trigger the requirement for further information at this stage.”

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Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

1-9 Lachlan Street, Waterloo

D/2006/1196 Integrated development application for the construction of 2-9 storey commercial/retail building fronting Lachlan Street on the site known as 'Block A' within the area known as 'Sydneygate'. This also includes the fitout and use of a first floor tenancy as a child care centre, street level and basement car parking and associated road construction and landscaping.

(52) Site Audit Statement No documents or references to previous contamination assessments on this site were provided by Council.

13-17 Lachlan Street, Waterloo

D/2015/570 Demolition of existing buildings and structures on site, land remediation, excavation and construction of a mixed use development comprising six mixed use buildings, incorporating 227 residential units, ground floor retail tenancies along Lachlan Street and future Gadigal Avenue, 210 car parking spaces, vehicle access via future Tung Hop Street and associated landscaping.

(2) Land Contamination – Remediation Action Plan (3) Land Contamination – Site Audit Statement (59) Asbestos Removal Works (60) Waste Classification (61) Discharge of Contaminated Groundwater (62) Environmental Management Plan (63) Imported Fill Material (64) Land Remediation (65) Notification – New Contamination Evidence (66) Site Audit Statement

“Amendments to the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) prepared by JBS&G dated 10 November 2015 and referenced 50615-61149 (Rev1) are required. The amendments to the RAP must satisfy all recommendations as specified within the Letter of Interim Advice No. 11 dated 11 November 2015, referenced 15017_Internal IA11 prepared by NSW EPA Accredited Site Auditor Kylie Lloyd.” Report not provided by Council.

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Address DA Number Description Contamination Issues within DA

Relevant prior contamination assessment

(67) Compliance with Acid Sulfate Soils Management Plan (68) Stockpiles (69) Underground storage tank removal

834 Bourke Street, Waterloo

D/2013/1995 Development Application for Integrated Development Application for the construction of a 10 storey mixed use development (known as Block A of the former Sydneygate site ) including a 59 place child care centre, 3 ground level retail tenancies, 143 residential apartments, 136 car parking spaces and 65 bicycle parking spaces in 2 basement levels, 18 at grade car parking spaces off the private lane and associated landscaping and the provision of community infrastructure including dedicated setback to Sam Sing street.

(71) Asbestos Removal Works (72) Waste Classification (73) Discharge of Contaminated Groundwater (74) Imported Fill Materials (75) Land Remediation (76) Notification – New Contamination Evidence (77) Site Audit Statement (78) Stockpiles

“The site is to be remediated and validated in accordance with the Remedial Action Plan prepared by JBS&G Pty Ltd dated 12th November 2013 and referenced 42405-55860 and the Letter of Interim Advice prepared by Ms Kylie Lloyd, Zoic Environmental Pty Ltd dated 18th November 2013 and referenced 12069.05_Interim Advice 3.” Report not provided by Council.

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The results of the DA search indicated that eleven sites along the proposal alignment have current or historical DA that involve management of ground contamination (soil and groundwater) or asbestos. In some cases these sites have been remediated and validated but, in some instances, it is not clear whether remediation, validation and correct removal/disposal of wastes was undertaken during the activities subject of the respective DA. Therefore, contamination on these sites (if present) and if impacted by the proposal may present a risk to construction activities during construction of the proposal and construction site workers.

3.4 Previous contamination site investigations

The following provides a summary of previous investigations provided by the client for selected proposal elements. The summary has been prepared in consideration of potential contamination and the respective construction elements of the proposal.

3.4.1 Bourke, Lachlan, McEvoy Streets Intersection Upgrade - Preliminary environmental investigation (December 2014)

Roads and Maritime carried out a preliminary environmental investigation (PEI) to identify potential environmental and socioeconomic constraints and issues associated with the planned consolidation of the Lachlan Street, Bourke Street and McEvoy Street intersections, and provided a risk assessment of the main impacts identified.

The assessment was conducted through a desk based review of potential environmental and socio-economic constraints within the study area based on the feasibility concept design. The desktop assessment was based on review of publicly available information including the accessing of available online databases.

An assessment of potential impacts to groundwater was undertaken during the investigation. It was determined that the proposal area was underlain by Sydney Basin-Central Area aquifer unit. Its groundwater quality is expected to be poor-to-very-poor and groundwater levels are low. However, there is the potential for unconfined conditions to exist beneath the site and water bearing zones have been recorded in the area.

During construction, the greatest potential risk to groundwater would be from accidental spillages occurring during construction. Other issues would be stockpile runoff or the mobilisation of residual ground borne contaminants as well as a flood risk during construction.

Additionally, geology and soil constraints were identified during the investigation. The soils of the study area were classed as having the lowest potential of generating ASS. Previously registered contaminated sites were addressed as constraints to the proposal area. The northern half of Lot 2 DP800705 (903-921 Bourke Street) is listed as part of a remediation site on the NSW EPA Contaminated Land Register. It is located 25 metres north from the proposal area. The contaminated site was a former dry cleaner (Lot 1 DP89250 and Lots A and B DP438772, located 100 metres north of the proposal area). The contaminants of concern on the site include: chlorinated hydrocarbons, including tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), dichloroethene (DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). The site was under remediation.

During construction, there is the potential to excavate contaminated fill during construction as a result of offsite migration from the dry cleaners site to the north. The geology of the area supports contaminant migration and the risks would depend on the prevailing direction of any offsite contamination, and the depth and extent of excavation required for the proposal. The historic land use and development of the footprint could also result in residual contaminants being encountered during any ground excavation work. Also, the erodibility of the underlying soil could promote runoff and dust generation during construction.

The following recommendations were made with regards to contamination and potential impacts on construction and operation:

• Review the detail of the historic land uses in the area and the status of the remediation action on the land to the north to determine any risk during construction

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• Confirm any risk to receivers in the area and/or the construction work force due to existing contamination • Consult with the NSW EPA to identify and confirm the contamination risk in the area • Consider the need for specific engineering design solutions to prevent any contamination risk or impact on

the road infrastructure (e.g. concrete erosion) • Include for preliminary contamination testing in the geotechnical investigations • Develop a contamination land management plan if there is a substantiated risk identified through the above


3.4.2 South Dowling Street Upgrade – Preliminary environmental investigation (December 2014)

Roads and Maritime undertook a PEI to identify potential environmental and socioeconomic constraints and issues associated with the planned works along South Dowling Street, and provided a risk assessment of the main impacts identified.

The assessment was conducted through a desk based review of potential environmental and socio-economic constraints within the proposal area based on the feasibility concept design. The desktop assessment was based on review of publicly available information including the accessing of available online databases.

ASS were assessed as part of the investigation. The area was mapped within the Sydney LEP 2012 as containing Class 5 ASS. Class 5 ASS areas require development consent for works within 500 metres of adjacent classes where the land is below five metres AHD. ASRIS, the Australia Soil Resource Information System, identified the area as having an extremely low probability of occurrence of ASS.

It was concluded that there was potential of acid sulfate soils being present within the proposal footprint. Combined with the historic use and development of the area there was a potential risk of encountering contaminants during construction. The following recommendations were made with regards to contamination and potential impacts on construction and operation:

• Confirm any risk to receivers in the area and/or the construction work force due to any potential existing ASS contamination

• Consult with the NSW EPA to identify and confirm the contamination risk in the area • Consider the need for specific engineering design solutions to prevent any contamination risk or impact on

the road infrastructure (eg concrete erosion) • Include for preliminary contamination testing in the geotechnical investigations • Develop a contamination land management plan if there is a substantiated risk identified through the above


3.4.3 Anzac Parade, Alison Road, Dacey Avenue Intersection Upgrade – Preliminary environmental investigation (December 2014)

Roads and Maritime undertook a PEI to identify potential environmental and socioeconomic constraints and issues associated with the Anzac Parade, Alison Road and Dacey Avenue intersection works, and provided a risk assessment of the main impacts identified.

The investigation determined that there were no contamination notices, licence infringement or sites held on the contaminated land register within the study area and its environs. Additionally, the soils of the study area were classed as having the lowest potential of generating ASS.

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Recommendations for the proposal area prior to construction and operation were given as follows:

• Confirm the low potential for acid sulphate soils in the preliminary geotechnical investigations, whilst also undertaking visual observations for any contamination. Also include for preliminary contamination testing in the geotechnical investigations if required following visual inspections

• Consult with the NSW EPA to identify and confirm the contamination risk in the area.

3.5 Anecdotal information

Anecdotal information provided to Roads and Maritime by City of Sydney during a recent site inspection indicated that fill containing ACM maybe present beneath areas underlying a portion of the proposal alignment from 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue.

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4. Contamination assessment 4.1 Potential areas of environmental interest

A number of potential AEI were identified during the information review, site inspections and in the case of ‘Site 12’, anecdotal information provided to Roads and Maritime by the City of Sydney Council during a site inspection of the proposal area in November 2019. Based on the information contained within the preceding sections of this report, Table 4-1 outlines the potential AEIs located in the vicinity of the proposal area and their associated risks to environmental receptors, construction limitations, and site users in consideration of the potential for contamination and proposed construction activities. The potential AEIs are presented as Figure 4-1.

Based on the results of the information review and site inspections, other sites within and or adjacent to the proposal area (with the exception of those sites detailed below) are considered to represent a minimal / negligible contamination risk. No further consideration of contamination risk has been provided for these sites.

Table 4-1 Potential areas of environmental interest

Site Potential AEI Location relative to site

Potential contamination source and contaminants of concern

Risk ranking

1 Former substation

Within proposal area (corner of Euston Road and Harley Street)

Historical use as a substation – hydrocarbons and PCB

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)

2 Former substation Within proposal area (124 McEvoy Street)

Historical use as a substation – hydrocarbons and PCB

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)

3 Caltex service station

Immediately adjacent to proposal area (corner of McEvoy and Wyndham Streets)

Fuel storage – hydrocarbons and heavy metals

Low (possible contamination / no proposed excavation activities)


Potential areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course

Adjacent to proposal area (less than 50 metres from the proposal area along McEvoy Street and Dacey Avenue respectively)

Historical activities/fill material

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)

5 Ausgrid substation

Adjacent to proposal area (less than 20 metres from the proposal on the corner of George and McEvoy Streets)

Current use as a substation – hydrocarbons and PCB

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)

6 Substation (unknown occupation)

Within proposal area (Lachlan Street opposite Gadigal Avenue)

Historical and/or current use as a substation – hydrocarbons and PCB

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)

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Site Potential AEI Location relative to site

Potential contamination source and contaminants of concern

Risk ranking

7 Moore Park Golf Course

Adjacent to the proposal area (less than 50 metres from the proposal along Dacey Avenue)

Potential diffuse use of herbicides associated with onsite activities

Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)


Lawrence dry cleaners / 903-921 Bourke Street, Waterloo

Approximately 140 metres north and hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area in Waterloo

On site activities associated with dry cleaning - chlorinated hydrocarbons, including tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), dichloroethene (DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC)

Low (known contamination / migration potential / no excavation activities down gradient)


General commercial/industrial land use within Alexandria and Waterloo

Within proposal area, refer to Figure 4-1 of the Project REF

Historical and current commercial/industrial activities (incl. automotive and other industry, asbestos use/dumping)

Low - Moderate (possible contamination / proposed excavation activities)


Unsealed areas e.g. nature strips, residential gardens, open space

Adjacent to McEvoy Street/Elizabeth Street intersection and Dacey Avenue/South Dowling Street intersection (less than 50 metres from the proposal and construction elements, primarily within Moore Park and Waterloo Park)

Deposition of particulates and spills/leaks from use as roads

Low - Moderate (possible contamination / proposed excavation activities)

11 Class 3 ASS

McEvoy Street (between Harley and Wyndham Streets) (refer to Figure 3-3)

Acid Sulfate Soils

Moderate (possible contamination / proposed excavation activities)

12 Potential fill containing ACM

Within proposal area (112 McEvoy Street and corner of Stoke Avenue)

Asbestos and/or asbestos containing materials (ACM) in fill.

Moderate (possible contamination / proposed excavation activities)








11 12









file :










| 25



Legend Construction footprint Potential AEI risk Proposal area Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)Road Moderate (possible contamination / proposed

excavation activities)Railway line

¬200 m NSite no. - Site name 0 1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 1 of 2

Figure 4-1a | Contaminated sitesAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

1 - Former substation2 - Former substation3 - Caltex service station4 - Potential areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course5 - AusGrid substation11 - Areas of Class 3 ASS - works below 1 metre below natural ground surface12 - Potential asbestos remains under car park









4 76 4








file :










| 25



Legend Construction footprint Potential AEI risk Proposal area Low (possible contamination / no excavation activities)Road Moderate (possible contamination / proposed

excavation activities)Railway line Moderate (known contamination / migration potential /excavation activities down gradient)

¬200 m N1:7,500 @ A4 «

Page 2 of 2

Figure 4-1b | Contaminated sitesAlexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

0 Site no. - Site name4 - Potential areas of fill material within

Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course 6 - Substation (unknown occupation)7 - Moore Park Golf Course8 - Lawrence dry cleaners


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A summary of the potential AEI and their associated contaminants of concern is provided below:

• The former substation located on the corner of Euston Road and Harley Street (Alexandria) represents a potential source of hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) due to the known historical use of PCB based transformer oil in some electrical substations. The substation poses a low risk to site users during construction of the proposal given excavations are expected to take place adjacent to the former substation, and not directly within the substation footprint and the low migration potential of the contaminants of concern

• The former substation located at 124 McEvoy Street (Alexandria) represents a potential source of hydrocarbons and PCB due to the known historical use of PCB based transformer oil in some electrical substations. The substation poses a low risk to site users during construction of the proposal given that excavations are expected to take place adjacent to the former substation, and not directly within the substation footprint and the low migration potential of the contaminants of concern

• The Caltex service station located on the corner of McEvoy Street and Wyndham Street (Alexandria) represents a potential source of contamination associated with leaks and spills from fuel storage infrastructure (i.e. hydrocarbons and heavy metals). The service station poses a low risk to site users during construction of the proposal given excavations are expected to take place adjacent to the service station, and not directly within the service station footprint. Contamination impacts (if present) from the service station to adjoining areas are likely to be present at depth in groundwater and possible vapour portioning from groundwater. Considering the depth of construction activities is likely to be relatively shallow, groundwater is unlikely to be encountered. Volatile compounds in vapour (if present) may need to be managed during construction activities

• The suspected areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course represent a potential source of contamination associated with unknown historical use of reclaimed soils (ie metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB, asbestos). Potential areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and the golf course pose a low risk to construction activities given that no excavation works are proposed to be undertaken within the possible areas of fill, however contaminants originating from the possible fill material have the potential to migrate towards the proposal via groundwater. Considering the depth of construction activities is likely to be relatively shallow, groundwater is unlikely to be encountered

• The Ausgrid substation located on the corner of McEvoy Street and George Street (Alexandria) represents a potential source of hydrocarbons and PCB due to the known historical use of PCB based transformer oil in some electrical substations. The substation poses a low risk to site users during construction of the proposal given excavations are expected to take place adjacent to the former substation, and not directly within the substation footprint and the low migration potential of the contaminants of concern

• The substation (of unknown occupation) located on Lachlan Street opposite Gadigal Avenue (Waterloo) represents a potential source of hydrocarbons and PCB due to the known historical use of PCB based transformer oil in some electrical substations. The substation poses a low risk to site users given no construction is expected to take place within the substation footprint and the low migration potential of the contaminants of concern

• Moore Park Golf Course represents a potential source of diffuse herbicide and pesticide contamination associated with vegetation and pest control and maintenance across the golf course. The golf course poses a low risk to construction activities given that excavation is not expected to take place within the golf course footprint; however the diffuse nature of herbicide/pesticide application gives rise to the potential for deposition on proposed excavation areas via wind action

• Lawrence dry cleaners site represents a known source of contamination associated with the chemicals used in the dry cleaning process (i.e. chlorinated hydrocarbons, and volatile organic compounds). The dry cleaners site is notified to the NSW EPA and the contamination is currently regulated under the Contaminated Land Management Act (1997). The dry cleaners site poses a low risk to the proposal given that there are no construction activities located immediately down gradient of the site, and that groundwater is expected to flow in a south-south-westerly direction towards Alexandra Canal (i.e. away from the closest proposed construction activities at Dacey Avenue/South Dowling Street intersection). It should be noted that a temporary construction facility (Site 4) will be located on the corner of McEvoy Street and Bourke Street,

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down gradient of the dry cleaners site. The risk to this site remains low given that there is no expected construction activities or access to groundwater, however, should deeper excavations within this area occur, volatile compounds (if present) may need to be managed during construction activities

• The historical and current commercial/industrial land use of Alexandria and Waterloo represents a potential source of widespread/regional contamination associated with the use of miscellaneous chemicals and asbestos associated with historical commercial/industrial operations. The risk to construction activities is considered low to moderate given that construction would require excavation of potentially contaminated soils and contact with potentially contaminated groundwater associated with these land uses and contamination sources. This includes any proposed construction activities within the temporary construction facilities

• The historical and continued use of arterial and local roads within the proposal area represents a potential source for localised point sources of contamination to exist along road corridors, in nature strips and residential gardens. This could be associated with spills, leaks and particulate deposition from vehicles. Without appropriate controls, the risk to site users during construction is low to moderate. This is due to the increased likelihood of exposure to potential contamination associated with any excavation across the proposal area, including proposed construction facilities

• McEvoy Street (between Harley and Wyndham Streets) are located within areas of Class 3 ASS (Sydney LEP 2012), refer to Figure 3-3. Given that construction and excavation for services is required within these Class 3 areas and that there is the potential for works to be below one metre from ground level, the potential presence of ASS in these areas represent a moderate risk to construction activities.

• Anecdotal information from the City of Sydney Council provided to Roads and Maritime indicated potential ACM is present within fill underlying the Sunshades carpark at 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue. Given that construction and excavation is expected to occur or occur in close proximity to the area and that works are likely to disturb fill material, the possibility of asbestos in the fill material in this area represents a moderate risk to construction activities.

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4.2 Key findings of the Stage 1 contamination assessment

Following a review of the available historical and government records, and a site inspection, the key findings of the Stage 1 contamination assessment for the A2MP proposal area include:

• The Sydney 1:100,000 Soil Landscape Series Sheet 9130 (Soil Conservation of NSW, 1966) indicated that the residual soils within the proposal area consist of the Tuggerah (tg) Landscape Group. The limitations of this Group are listed as extreme wind erosion hazard, non-cohesive, highly permeable soil, very low soil fertility, localised flooding and permanently high water tables. In support of this, the Roads and Maritime (2014) Bourke, Lachlan and McEvoy Streets Upgrade – PEI found that the geology of the area supports contaminant migration and the risks would depend on the prevailing direction of any offsite contamination, and the depth and extent of excavation required for the proposal. Also the erodibility of the underlying soil could promote runoff and dust generation during construction

• McEvoy Street (between Harley and Wyndham Streets) are located within areas of Class 3 ASS (Sydney LEP 2012) and this includes all construction work associated with the upgrade of the Fountain Street/McEvoy Street intersection. Given that construction and excavation for services is required within these Class 3 areas and that there is the potential for works to be below one metre from ground level, the potential presence of ASS in these areas could represent a risk to construction activities

• Anecdotal information provided to Roads and Maritime by the City of Sydney Council indicates asbestos or ACM may be present within fill material underlying a portion of the proposal alignment from 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue. Given that construction and excavation is expected to occur or occur in close proximity to the area and that works are likely to disturb fill material, the possibility of asbestos in the fill material in this area represents a moderate risk to construction activities.

• Based on a review of the ASRIS database, the western portion of the proposal area is assessed as having a low probability of ASS presence, and the eastern portion of the proposal area is assessed as having an extremely low probability of ASS presence

• The search of the NSW DPI groundwater database indicated that impacts from the migration of contamination (if any) within the proposal area on beneficial groundwater users are expected to be low given that sensitive receivers are located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area, or are located greater than 500 metres from the proposal area

• Sensitive receiving environments were identified as aquatic ecosystems within Alexandra Canal and Sheas Creek

• The proposal area has been a major road in Sydney’s inner suburbs since the 1930s. The proposal area itself had changed little since then, with some minor lane alterations and road safety additions. Additionally, the surrounding area has become increasingly commercial/industrial land use since the 1930s

• There were 17 sites registered with the NSW EPA within 500 metres of the proposal area that were either regulated or had been notified, or within the Local Government Areas throughout the proposal area. One of these sites has the potential to impact upon construction activities within the proposal area. This site is the Lawrence Dry Cleaners located hydraulically up gradient of the proposal area on Bourke Street

• A search of the City of Sydney Council website for current or historical DA along the proposal identified eleven sites with contamination notices associated with DA. These sites may pose a risk to construction and construction site workers

• In total, there are 12 AEIs located within or near to the proposal area that may present a low to moderate contamination or soil management risk to the proposed construction activities and/or temporary construction facilities. These are:

Within the proposal area and include: – Former substation located at 124 McEvoy Street, Alexandria – The historical and current commercial/industrial land use of Alexandria and Waterloo – Potential ACM impacted fil material from 112 McEvoy Street to the corner of Stokes Avenue.

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Less than 150 metres from the proposal and include: – Former substation located on the corner of Euston Road and Harley Street, Alexandria – Caltex service station located on the corner of McEvoy Street and Wyndham Street, Alexandria – Suspected areas of fill material within Waterloo Park and Moore Park Golf Course – Ausgrid substation located on the corner of McEvoy Street and George Street, Alexandria – Potential diffuse use of herbicides across Moore Park Golf Course – Lawrence dry cleaners site – The substation (of unknown occupation) located on Lachlan Street opposite Gadigal Avenue, Waterloo – The historical and continued use of arterial and local roads within the proposal area – Class 3 Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS).

• Contaminated land on and/or adjacent to the proposal area, if not managed appropriately could potentially impact upon receivers during construction

• Exposure or disturbance of contaminated land/groundwater during construction of the project may have the following impacts: – Mobilisation of surface and subsurface contaminants during construction (impacting groundwater,

surface water and soils) – Migration of potential contaminants into surrounding areas (impacting groundwater, surface water and

soils) via leaching, overland flow and/or subsurface flow (water and/or vapour) – Mobilising potential groundwater and/or surface water contamination – Risk of exposure to site workers, site users and site visitors – Risk of exposure to surrounding environmental receptors (i.e. flora, fauna, surrounding ecosystems

including groundwater dependent ecosystems) – Groundwater encountered within Zone 2 must not be used for domestic purposes to minimise the risk to

bore water users and prevent the spread of contamination through pumping.

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5. Mitigation measures Based on the information reviewed, the potential AEIs with respect to contamination and ASS identified could pose (without appropriate mitigation, management and safeguard measures) a risk to human and/or environmental receptors. This is due to the diverse nature of the potential contamination (including Asbestos), the possible migration pathways, potential presence of ASS in construction extents, proposed construction activities and the proximity and location of these sites in relation to the project and environmental receivers.

The risk (time and financial) of contamination and ASS impacting upon construction activities could increase if excavation works take place within these areas. The risk (human health and environmental) of exposure to site users, site workers and surrounding environments, and the migration of contamination (if present), could also be increased.

Further investigations would need to be undertaken of moderate risk areas to better inform the risks of contamination status and the presence of ASS and to better tailor the most appropriate design and/or management procedures to be adopted. Jacobs recommends the following actions to be undertaken prior to construction:

• An ASS investigation within Class 3 areas where works are proposed to extend one metre below ground level. If ASS are confirmed, an appropriate ASS management plan will need to be developed and implemented during construction activities

• Given the current and historical industrial land use of the area, the presence of asbestos (surficial and sub-soil) and other contamination may be widespread throughout the proposal. Jacobs recommends that unexpected asbestos and contamination finds be managed in accordance with an adequate unexpected finds procedures as part of the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Additionally, given that some historical contamination from industrial land use and deposition from vehicles are unlikely to be visible, Jacobs recommends that a targeted sampling program be undertaken within existing unsealed areas that are proposed to be disturbed during construction activities, which includes the temporary construction facilities of Sites 2 to Site 5 (facilities proposed within unsealed areas) and areas containing potentially contaminated fill which will be excavated during construction activities (Site 12). The analytical schedule should reflect the contaminants of concern based on industrial land use, contamination deposition, asbestos and coal tar.

• Should contamination exist within the temporary construction facilities of Sites 2 to 5 (facilities proposed within unsealed areas), contamination will need to be managed under a CEMP during establishment of the facilities, and during operation to reduce risk of contamination to site users

• Should deeper excavations which encounter groundwater occur within temporary construction facility Site 4, volatile compounds (if present) may need to be managed during construction activities

• Should temporary site buildings need to be established within Site 4 during construction, buildings should be raised above ground level to mitigate any potential exposure from volatile compounds which may be present as a result of VOC contaminated groundwater beneath the site

• An in-situ waste classification would be undertaken for any materials which are excavated and removed from the proposal area. The results of the waste classification should also be used to further assess potential contamination risks during construction of the project.

Should excavation dewatering be required during construction, water should be tested and disposed of at an appropriately licensed facility. These measures can be managed under a CEMP. Confirmation of whether or not a licence under the Water Management Act 2000 as defined under the Aquifer Interference Policy is required should be confirmed prior to any dewatering activity commencing. Despite the low ranking of the remaining AEIs across the proposal area, risk of contamination impacting upon construction activities will be increased if excavation works take place within these areas. Measures that would manage potentially contaminated materials if materials are suspected and/or encountered and may include:

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 52

• Where excavation works are required within low risk areas, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) should detail contingency measures (unexpected finds protocols). These measures would manage potentially contaminated materials if materials are suspected and/or encountered during construction activities

• In these low risk areas, no testing is required unless contamination is suspected or encountered during construction activities. The process for the testing and/or management of suspected or encountered contamination in these lower risk areas should be addressed in the CEMP (unexpected finds protocols).

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1 53

6. References City of Botany Bay website, (accessed February 2017).

City of Sydney (2012) Sydney Local Environmental Plan, Sydney.

City of Sydney website,, (accessed February 2017).

Department of Primary Industries, Office of Water Groundwater Database, Office of Water website,, (accessed October 2016).

Department of Primary Industries, Office of Water website (accessed February 2017).

NSW Department of Mineral Resources (1983) Sydney 1: 100,000 Geological Series Sheet 9130, NSW Department of Mineral Resources, Australia.

NSW Department of Primary Industries website, NSW Government (accessed October 2016).

NSW Department of Industry website, NSW Government (accessed November 2019)

NSW Government’s Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater 2000 (accessed November 2019),

Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) (1943) From the Skies: Aerial photographs of Sydney

Transport for NSW (2013) NSW Government’s Sydney City Centre Access Strategy.

Soil Conservation Service of NSW (1966) Sydney 1:100,000 Soil Landscape Series Sheet 9130, Sydney.

Roads and Maritime Services (2014a) Bourke, Lachlan, McEvoy Streets Intersection Upgrade - Preliminary environmental investigation, Sydney.

Roads and Maritime Services (2014b) South Dowling Street Upgrade – Preliminary environmental investigation, Sydney.

Roads and Maritime Services (2014c) Anzac Parade, Alison Road, Dacey Avenue Intersection Upgrade – Preliminary environmental investigation, Sydney.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Appendix A. Groundwater bore information Table A.1 Registered groundwater wells within 500 metres of the proposal area - Sydney Park Road to

Botany Road

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW114561 No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

GW114562 No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

GW114563 No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

No data available

GW113816 10BL603258 33 54'25.9"S

151 11'31.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111164 10BL600213 33 54'19.4"S

151 11'25.2"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW113819 10BL603258 33 54'24.7"S

151 11'35.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113817 10BL603258 33 54'25.7"S

151 11'36.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113820 10BL603258 33 54'25.1"S

151 11'36.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113806 10BL603258 33 54'24.6"S

151 11'36.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113810 10BL603258 33 54'23.5"S

151 11'36.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113818 10BL603258 33 54'23.1"S

151 11'36.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113814 10BL603258 33 54'25.9"S

151 11'37.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113805 10BL603258 33 54'24.0"S

151 11'37.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113812 10BL603258 33 54'21.6"S

151 11'36.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113822 10BL603258 33 54'22.4"S

151 11'37.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113811 10BL603258 33 54'21.1"S

151 11'36.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113821 10BL603258 33 54'24.7"S

151 11'38.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113813 10BL603258 33 54'21.3"S

151 11'36.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW113815 10BL603258 33 54'18.7"S

151 11'35.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113801 10BL603258 33 54'22.0"S

151 11'39.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113823 10BL603258 33 54'20.4"S

151 11'38.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113800 10BL603258 33 54'21.6"S

151 11'39.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113809 10BL603258 33 54'23.0"S

151 11'40.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113808 10BL603258 33 54'22.6"S

151 11'40.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113824 10BL603258 33 54'19.7"S

151 11'38.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113799 10BL603258 33 54'22.0"S

151 11'40.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113802 10BL603258 33 54'16.7"S

151 11'36.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113803 10BL603258 33 54'17.3"S

151 11'37.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102356 10BL158856 33 54'16.3"S

151 11'42.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102357 10BL158856 33 54'15.3"S

151 11'41.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102358 10BL158856 33 54'15.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102359 10BL158856 33 54'18.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102360 10BL158856 33 54'19.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102361 10BL158856 33 54'18.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102362 10BL158856 33 54'16.3"S

151 11'44.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102364 10BL158856 33 54'16.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW102365 10BL158856 33 54'17.3"S

151 11'43.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111958 10BL605133 33 54'04.1"S

151 11'57.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW113035 10BL602801 33 54'08.7"S

151 11'59.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113036 10BL602801 33 54'08.2"S

151 11'59.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113037 10BL602801 33 54'07.4"S

151 12'00.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113038 10BL602801 33 54'07.6"S

151 12'00.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113039 10BL602801 33 54'07.4"S

151 11'59.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Table A.1 Registered groundwater wells within 500 metres of the proposal area - Botany Road to Anzac Parade

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW106192 10BL164184 33 53'55.5"S

151 11'54.2"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW114169 10BL604100 33 54'17.0"S

151 12'16.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114167 10BL604100 33 54'16.5"S

151 12'17.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112127 10BL160293 33 54'02.7"S

151 12'26.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112128 10BL160293 33 54'03.4"S

151 12'25.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112129 10BL160293 33 54'04.1"S

151 12'25.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111959 10BL605226 33 54'03.6"S

151 12'26.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111960 10BL605226 33 54'03.7"S

151 12'29.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113475 10BL603970 33 54'04.1"S

151 12'29.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113474 10BL603970 33 54'03.3"S

151 12'30.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113468 10BL603970 33 53'59.8"S

151 12'31.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113254 10BL604454 33 54'02.0"S

151 12'32.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW112711 10BL604402 33 54'01.8"S

151 12'32.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113467 10BL603970 33 53'58.4"S

151 12'31.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113256 10BL604454 33 54'00.6"S

151 12'32.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113780 10BL603971 33 54'02.0"S

151 12'32.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113255 10BL604454 33 54'01.4"S

151 12'32.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113797 10BL603971 33 54'02.1"S

151 12'32.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112713 10BL604402 33 53'59.9"S

151 12'32.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112712 10BL604402 33 54'01.0"S

151 12'32.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112714 10BL604402 33 53'59.3"S

151 12'32.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113257 10BL604454 33 54'00.0"S

151 12'33.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW112715 10BL604402 33 53'58.6"S

151 12'33.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113778 10BL603971 33 54'02.2"S

151 12'33.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113779 10BL603971 33 54'01.9"S

151 12'33.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113795 10BL603971 33 53'57.7"S

151 12'33.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113796 10BL603971 33 53'57.6"S

151 12'33.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113473 10BL603970 33 54'02.9"S

151 12'33.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113791 10BL603971 33 53'58.1"S

151 12'33.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113784 10BL603971 / cancelled

33 54'00.9"S

151 12'34.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114399 10BL603579 33 53'57.1"S

151 12'33.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113794 10BL603971 33 53'58.5"S

151 12'33.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW114400 10BL603579 33 53'57.5"S

151 12'33.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113793 10BL603971 / cancelled

33 53'57.1"S

151 12'33.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109745 10BL160787 / cancelled

33 53'58.2"S

151 12'33.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114403 10BL603579 33 53'58.6"S

151 12'34.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114398 10BL603579 33 53'56.1"S

151 12'33.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113777 10BL603971 33 54'02.0"S

151 12'34.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109746 10BL160787 / cancelled

33 53'57.3"S

151 12'34.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109751 10BL160787 33 53'56.6"S

151 12'33.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113785 10BL603971 33 53'59.3"S

151 12'34.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113782 10BL603971 33 53'59.3"S

151 12'34.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114396 10BL603579 / cancelled

33 53'56.7"S

151 12'34.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109750 10BL160787 33 53'58.3"S

151 12'34.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114397 10BL603579 33 53'57.6"S

151 12'34.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114393 10BL603579 33 53'56.3"S

151 12'34.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114402 10BL603579 33 53'58.8"S

151 12'35.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109749 10BL160787 33 53'57.6"S

151 12'35.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113792 10BL603971 33 53'56.4"S

151 12'34.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114394 10BL603579 / cancelled

33 53'57.5"S

151 12'35.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113790 10BL603971 33 53'57.0"S

151 12'35.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114390 10BL603579 33 53'56.3"S

151 12'34.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW114395 10BL603579 33 53'57.9"S

151 12'35.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114391 10BL603579 33 53'56.7"S

151 12'35.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114401 10BL603579 33 53'58.9"S

151 12'36.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114392 10BL603579 33 53'57.8"S

151 12'36.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113786 10BL603971 33 53'58.1"S

151 12'36.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113787 10BL603971 33 53'58.3"S

151 12'36.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113798 10BL603971 33 53'58.3"S

151 12'36.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114388 10BL603579 33 53'57.0"S

151 12'35.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109752 10BL160787 33 53'57.4"S

151 12'36.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114389 10BL603579 33 53'57.5"S

151 12'36.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114386 10BL603579 33 53'56.5"S

151 12'36.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113781 10BL603971 33 53'60.0"S

151 12'36.9"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW109748 10BL160787 33 53'56.7"S

151 12'36.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113783 10BL603971 33 53'57.4"S

151 12'36.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW114387 10BL603579 33 53'57.1"S

151 12'36.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111407 10BL604132 33 53'57.3"S

151 12'36.6"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111406 10BL604132 33 53'57.8"S

151 12'36.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111016 10BL603969 33 53'54.3"S

151 12'35.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111082 10BL603966 33 53'57.6"S

151 12'37.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111081 10BL603966 33 53'57.7"S

151 12'38.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW111080 10BL603966 33 53'57.7"S

151 12'38.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW065460 Not available 33°54'13.3"S

151°12'33.2"E Industrial bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW111014 10BL603968 33 53'54.3"S

151 12'39.3"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113472 10BL603970 33 53'56.3"S

151 12'40.8"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113471 10BL603970 33 53'55.6"S

151 12'41.4"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW111015 10BL603968 33 53'54.8"S

151 12'40.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113470 10BL603970 33 53'54.5"S

151 12'42.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW037956 Not available 33 53'54.2"S

151 12'48.2"E Industrial bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW111434 10BL604568 33 53'52.0"S

151 12'43.1"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW108245 10BL159905 / cancelled

33 53'56.2"S

151 12'51.5"E Recreation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW111433 10BL604568 33 53'49.9"S

151 12'44.0"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW017870 10BL008297 / cancelled

33 53'55.3"S

151 12'54.2"E Industrial bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW104266 10BL160594 33 53'56.7"S

151 12'56.5"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW048937 10BL104270 / cancelled

33 53'58.3"S

151 12'57.2"E Test bore Low impact potential as not

beneficial groundwater user.

GW017869 10BL008298 / cancelled

33 53'52.3"S

151 12'53.2"E Industrial bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW017340 10BL008296 / cancelled

33 53'53.3"S

151 12'55.2"E Industrial bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW017729 10BL008396 / cancelled


151°13'12.2"E Recreation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Licence Number Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW042834 10BL105619 / cancelled



Recreation / irrigation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW113144 10BL604599 33 54'01.4"S

151 13'17.7"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW113145 10BL604599 33 54'02.6"S

151 13'18.2"E

Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW038046 10BL102456 33°54'00.3"S


Recreation / irrigation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW100546 10BL157958 / license lapsed

33 53'51.5"S

151 13'07.3"E Test bore Low impact potential as not

beneficial groundwater user.

GW042158 No data available



Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW105019 10BL153144 33 54'08.0"S

151 13'20.9"E Recreation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106030 10BL162823 33 54'17.9"S

151 13'03.4"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106110 10BL162824 33 54'18.1"S

151 13'06.6"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106004 10BL162812 33 54'16.5"S

151 12'57.0"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106798 10BL163600 33 54'03.2"S

151 13'24.1"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW023419 10BL017015 33 54'09.3"S

151 13'23.2"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW017356 10BL008397 / cancelled

33 53'49.3"S


Monitoring bore

Low impact potential as not beneficial groundwater user.

GW106177 10BL163428 / cancelled

33 54'03.0"S

151°13'26.4"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106435 10BL163960 33 54'02.8"S

151°13'26.7"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW104057 10BL160241 33 54'01.9"S

151°13'26.2"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

Document title: Stage 1 Contamination Assessment

Alexandria to Moore Park Stage 1

Borehole ID Latitude Longitude Bore Usage Impact potential

GW107509 10BL163643 33 54'02.9"S

151°13'28.3"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106537 10BL163696 33 54'02.0"S

151°13'29.4"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW105919 10BL161675 33 53'59.8"S

151°13'27.6"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW038009 10BL101948 / lapsed

33 54'14.3"S

151°13'24.2"E Recreation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106693 10BL164313 33 53'57.6"S

151°13'29.0"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW101759 10BL157335 / cancelled

33 53'59.2"S

151 13'32.2"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW109270 10BL164852 33 53'57.0"S

151 13'30.5"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW106730 10BL164248 33 53'56.7"S

151 13'31.6"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW108228 10BL600464 33 53'57.1"S

151 13'34.4"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW100293 10BL153233 33 53'51.5"S

151 13'20.8"E Recreation

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

GW105965 10BL162787 33 53'54.7"S

151 13'31.9"E Domestic bore

Low impact potential as well located hydraulically up gradient of proposal area.

Licence Number