Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 4 From the editor August is back...

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Transcript of Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 4 From the editor August is back...


Rabbi Marc Rudolph -

Cantor Hasha Musha Perman -

Education and Early Learning Director: Barbara Bernstein-

Facilities and Office Manager: Sue Prousa –

Secretary: Dorothy Battle –

Custodial support: Maureen Brown

Advertise in the CBS Newsletter

Monthly Ad rates Size Monthly Half Page $72 Quarter page $36 Eighth page $18

Contact Sue Prousa or 630-961-1818 Please send payment made out to Congregation Beth Shalom to:

Congregation Beth Shalom (Attention Newsletter Editor) 772 W. 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563

Inside this issue

From the editor .............................................................................................................. 4 From The Desk Of The Rabbi ..................................................................................... 5 Genetic Education and Screening Program .............................................................. 6 It’s time to start planning for sukkot! ........................................................................... 6 New Early Learning Center Director .......................................................................... 6 A note from our cantor ............................................................................................... 10 Religious School News .............................................................................................. 13 JUF Right Start Grant ................................................................................................. 14 Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers ................ 14 Letter from Jēkabpils .................................................................................................. 14 Mazel Tov to Alex Morris ........................................................................................... 14 In the Wink of an Eye ................................................................................................. 15 B’nai mitzvah projects ................................................................................................ 17 Chai Lights August Event .......................................................................................... 17 Join Hadassah and come hear local author Luis Alberto Urrea ........................... 18 Renewal of Spirit ......................................................................................................... 19 Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee ............................................. 19 Library news ................................................................................................................ 20 Israeli Dance Group .................................................................................................... 21 ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance ............................................................................................................ 22 Ongoing Programs and Activities ............................................................................. 23 CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines .................................................... 25 Calendar of Key Events in August ............................................................................ 26 Donations ..................................................................................................................... 27 Make a Donation ......................................................................................................... 28 In Memory .................................................................................................................... 29 Board of Directors and Committees ......................................................................... 30

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 4

From the editor

August is back to school month. Time to re-focus on reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. It’s important to remember that learning about the world and being an active participant in our world are two different things. A lot of book knowledge doesn’t help repair the world unless it is put to use. I was recently reminded of this at a workshop I was conducting on using data. The workshop was for a Catholic health system in Colorado. They start all meetings with a reflection. My host chose the following poem to put the day’s learning about data into context:

Before a Calculator

Lord, help me to remember that behind Each number there is a face and Precious life that is seeking our assistance. As my fingers spread over these numbers and symbols I pray, May the burdens of poverty and illness be subtracted, May healing be added to health care, May the divisions among us be few, And may the grace of God be multiplied In all our endeavors. Amen

-Rene Campagna

This month’s Kehilat kaKodesh focused on balancing knowledge with good deeds. May what we learn be instrumental in our efforts to repair our world.

Brad Kolar, Editor

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 5

From The Desk Of The Rabbi

Some Thoughts on Learning and Doing

This month’s Kehilat kaKodesh focused on balancing knowledge with good deeds. Maimonides writes about the connection between

achieving knowledge and doing good deeds in his Mishne Torah. He cites the verse in our parasha this week (Deut. 5:1) which enjoins us to “study them [the mitzvoth] and keep them in order to do them”. Maimonides is attentive to the order of the words in this verse. He notes that here, as in other places in scripture, the word “study” always precedes the word “do”. The order is always to “study and do” never “do and study”. Here the Torah is teaching us an important lesson, according to the RamBam. Knowledge of what is expected of us, the mitzvoth, should lead us to proper behavior in the world. Proper behavior, however, does not necessarily lead to greater knowledge. One should never say, “Now that I am educated and have committed my life to the ways of Torah, I no longer need to study.” There is always more to learn. “An ignoramus cannot be a righteous person,” say the sages.

Thirty five years ago Robert Fulghum published a book that became an international best-seller. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Fulghum notes that all of the basic knowledge we need in life – how to get along with one another, how to stay healthy and flourish in the world, that life is to be cherished, for it is limited – one learns in kindergarten. “Once we are told about these things,” writes Fulgham, reflecting later in life on this insight, “we soon discover we are taking a lab course. We are going to be asked to try and practice these precepts every day. Knowledge is meaningful only if it is reflected in action. The human race has

found out the hard way that we are what we do, not just what we think.”

Fulgham thus provides us with another reason why “study” precedes “doing” in the Torah. The purpose of study is to put ones knowledge into practice, to transfer our thoughts into actions for our benefit and the benefit of others. In Pirke Avot, Rabbi Ishmael privileges those who study in order to do, over those who study in order to teach. “One who learns Torah in order to teach, is not given the opportunity to learn or to teach,” says Rabbi Ishmael. “One who learns in order to do is given the opportunity to learn, to teach, to observe and to do.”

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 6

Genetic Education and Screening Program

The Center for Jewish Genetics is offering an education, counseling and subsidized carrier screening program via live webinar, from the convenience of your own home! Through the Center’s new webinar format, you will have two opportunities a month to participate in the program. The Center is proud to offer an expanded panel of more than nineteen disorders, including Tay-Sachs disease, Gaucher disease and Cystic Fibrosis. Pre-registration is required and will take about five minutes; please visit to sign up and learn more.

It is especially important for couples who are planning on having children to educate themselves about genetic testing and its benefits.

It’s time to start planning for sukkot!

We will again be offering for sale branches for your home succah. The cost is $18 per bundle and it takes approximately 2 to 3 bundles to cover a standard succah. The deadline for ordering branches is August 10.

We are also offering the sale of lulav and etrogs. The cost for the set is $35. The deadline for ordering a set is September 18.

Please let me know if you are interested in ordering either one or both of these. Happy Sukkot!

New Early Learning Center Director

Please welcome Peggy Kolar as the new Director of the Congregation Beth Shalom Early Learning Center. Peggy brings to the CBS ELC many years of experience as a teacher at the ELC. Her passion for teaching our preschoolers will translate into

continuing the growth of our program through increased marketing and outreach efforts, and continual improvement to our curriculum, training and communication. Peggy plans to continue the mission of the ELC in bringing a play-based education with Jewish content to our community. Welcome Peg in this new role!

A big "todah rabah"-- thank you to Barbara Bernstein, who worked as ELC Director in the transition this past year. Barbara returns to her full-time position, leading our school age children's program as our CBS Education Director. This year a preschool Sunday school class is offered to CBS member families, and enrollment is still open for that.

We look forward to a great year for our families at the ELC and in CBS' Religious School. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

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Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 10

A note from our cantor

My summer has been full of adventures. An intimate group of CBS congregants joined congregations from across the U.S. for 'An Artistic Tour of Israel'. Theatre, music, nature, and intimate conversations with artists gave us a unique view of Israel's diversity and creativity.

Afterwards, the American Conference of Cantors, the Reform Cantors, held our annual convention in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Our study sessions focused on education and music. We studied with the singers of ancient Piyyutim, part of our rich liturgical tradition. The tempo and timbre of this music is wonderfully strange to my ears! Nava Tehilla is an ensemble of extraordinary musicians, all volunteers, who are changing the divide between orthodox and secular prayer. We'll be singing their music at CBS soon.

I remained in Israel to reconnect with old friends, relax, and play. I did not anticipate the turmoil that would follow these wonderful tours.

What's it like to be in Israel when Hamas is shooting hundreds of missiles? It's scary. Yet, the daily missile attacks from Hamas were taken in stride. When the sirens sound you go to a safe spot, a shelter or a ma'amd, a safe room. Then you hear the boom. The missile is destroyed by Kipat Barzel (translation: the iron yarmulke!) known worldwide as the Iron Dome.

Today there's a cease fire from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It's now 2:52 p.m.

As you know, the cease fire didn't hold. The ultimate decision was to engage Hamas in a ground war in Gaza. It's important to distinguish between the Palestinian citizens of Gaza who are suffering, and Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses

Palestinians as humans shields and targets. The cost on both sides is horrible.

My travel plans had included a five day visit to Istanbul. I arranged a visit with the Sephardic Jewish community and planned to attend Shabbat services. I changed my plans after watching anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations in Istanbul. These demonstrations reinforce the centrality of Israel, a safe haven for Jews everywhere.

I'm fortunate to have a home to return to. My family, friends, and community are safe in the U.S. In Israel, there is a remarkable group of volunteers who are concerned not only for the safety of Israel, but also for the welfare of their Palestinian neighbors in Gaza. They have decided to transform conflict into cooperation.

I met Yuval Rot at Kibbutz Hatzerim, outside Beer Sheva in the Negev. His brother was kidnapped and murdered by Arabs thirty years ago. Instead of using his loss for revenge, he joined a dialogue group of Arabs and Jews who lost a loved one in the conflict. A friend in this group told him that a sick child in Gaza needed medical care that couldn't be provided locally. This was the beginning of 'A Journey to Recovery', ( a group of 500 Israeli volunteers who have driven over 8,000 Palestinians from Gaza to hospitals throughout Israel. That's 350,000 km of rides.

I met Afnan's dad, Suleiman, when we arrived at Hatzerim. His eight year old daughter had been in Haifa's Rambam Hospital for nine months, treated for Hodgkin's Disease. She, her father, and a two person television crew were driven back to the Gaza checkpoint by Iri Kassel, my host at the kibbutz.

"Weren't you afraid?" I asked Iri. "No, I wasn't afraid. These people are suffering. If I can do something to help, in a small way, I can show that the Jewish people can contribute to help, not only hurt. These people are living a nightmare. Getting them help isn't easy.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 11

There are many steps they must take to receive medical care in Israel:

1. The hospital must agree. 2. Israel must agree. 3. Palestinians must agree. 4. Palestinian Authority must agree to pay for

treatment. 5. Palestinians receive and disburse donations for this

special care. 6. Hamas must approve it. 7. Shabak (internal Israeli security) must approve it.

Each sick child's family must go through these steps.

What are the options for good medical care? What would you pay for your loved one's care? A worker in Gaza earns 40 shekels a day. A ride from Gaza to Tel Aviv costs 300 shekels. The support of these 500 volunteers is priceless. This is The Journey To Recovery, one journey to peace.

Each of us has our own journey to peace and recovery. May we support each other's efforts at this season of return and transformation.

Welcome home.

Shalom uv'racha, Peace & Blessings, שלום וברכהCantor Hasha Musha Perman


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Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 13

Religious School News

I hope that everyone is enjoying the warmth of the sun and fun filled family activities. I have talked to many families who reported a variety of plans for this vacation time: trips in and out of the U.S., going to various camps, hosting visitors from other countries,

having staycations, going on short weekend trips and having fun with family in town. I am working on putting the finishing touches on next year’s Religious School programming. I look forward to seeing our students on the first day of classes on Sunday, September 7. I also look forward to speaking with the parents at the Parent Meet and Greet at the beginning of each session. Registration for Dine and Discuss, our program for 11th and 12th grade students beginning on Sunday, October 5, is still open. I hope to see all of last year’s 10th graders there. Some of this year’s topics will be Making Choices/ Hot Topics, Sex in the Texts and Pirkei Avot.

I would like to tell you about a few changes for the coming year. We are very excited to announce that we have expanded our PreK class on Sunday mornings to both 3 and 4 year old students. Jessica Smith, the teacher of the PreK class, has been busy getting ready for the students. We have revamped our classroom assistant program and it is now called the Madrichim program. There is a description of the Madrichim program for students in grades 6-12 on the CBS website with an application. Please click on this link :

for the description and application. Any questions can be directed to Barbara Bernstein at 630-961-1818.

We still need teachers for 9th grade on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:45 PM. That class studies comparative religions, Jewish holidays and life cycles. We’re also looking for 6th grade teacher to

teach an overview of Jewish history from bible times through the Holocaust and the Torah portion of the week through interactive plays on Sundays from 10:30-12:45 PM and Tuesdays from 4:15-6:15 PM. The 6th grade position can be team taught by two different teachers. Training is available. What is necessary is a commitment to Jewish education, a love of children and willingness to try new ways to reach our students. Please call Barbara Bernstein for more information at 630-961-1818.

Tzedakah money from last year’s collection every Sunday was donated to many organizations. The letters of thanks from those organizations are posted on the Religious School bulletin board just past my office. When you are in the building, please take a few minutes to read these heart- warming letters. Thank you so much to all the families that gave from their hearts and their pockets to reach out to those who needed help. I hope we can continue to give from our hearts again this year.

If you haven’t sent in your Religious School registration, please take a few minutes to do it now.

Enjoy the rest of the summer. I look forward to seeing you at the picnic on August 24.


Barbara Bernstein

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JUF Right Start Grant

Families who are sending the first child in their family to a Jewish preschool are eligible for the JUF Right Start grant. This grant is not based on need. It provides vouchers toward tuition in the following amounts:

$500 for a child who attends 2 days per week

$1,000 for a child who attends 3 days per week

$1,500 for a child who attends 4 days per week

Please go to the following link for more information on the generous program:

A very special community is born with every class that starts out together in our preschool. The children form bonds that are based in caring, kindness and sharing as they learn and grow together. Please come and visit one of our classrooms to see this wonderful program in action. I am happy to answer any questions you may have at The Gan Yeladim ELC is licensed by DCFS. We look forward to welcoming your child into the Gan Family!

Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers

The title DSP has been recently changed to reflect the warm and welcoming way we greet arrivals at CBS, an approach which also helps keep our building and the people within it as safe and secure as possible. Darshei Shalom translates as Greeters or Communicators, and more literally Seekers of Peace and Wholeness. Each participating individual is a Darshan (as versus the previous DSP designation). Since CBS is the House of Shalom, Darshei Shalom has a very specific tie to our congregation.

Serving as a Darshan means you represent CBS as our greeter...our communicator...and our preacher of peace and wholeness. What a

mitzvah, how great an honor! Preparation involves viewing a twelve minute video at your convenience. Please consider volunteering to be a Darshan when you get the call!

Letter from Jēkabpils

A huge thank you for remembering us. We in Latvia are going

through very hard times. Our local governments everywhere write

that we have passed the crisis though it is far from so. Ordinary

people are having a very hard time in changing to the euro.

Everything is more expensive now--the regular products as food as

well as utilities and we don't even start to talk about medicines.

The Union of Pensionaires are asking people to rebel by not paying

utilities for otherwise there is no money for medication or food

after paying for the utilities. But it will create a disaster for people

who will not pay as they will be evicted from their apartment.

These are our sad news, Respectfully,

Freida and Raya

Mazel Tov to Alex Morris

Congregation Beth Shalom is very proud of Alex Morris who raised $9,000 for the Celiac Foundation. Read Alex’s story here in the Daily Herald.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 15

In the Wink of an Eye

Magical, wonderful, the happiest day

of our lives…that’s how I’ve heard

other people describe their children’s

weddings. For Grumpy and me it was

more like taking part in The Amazing

Race, then suddenly being told you

had to host the Royal Wedding in the


It’s been 18 months since Dan announced “me and Abi are getting

married” at a recently divorced (and somewhat jaded) friend’s

house in Cress Creek on Christmas Eve. Since then at least 150

people have sympathetically asked “it must be so difficult to

organize a wedding in England when you live in the U.S.” and 150

times I’ve nonchalantly replied “oh it’s easy, Abi’s doing all the


To be fair, it was easy to begin with. Abi did all the investigations

while I did my bit by watching four hours of Say Yes to the Dress

every Friday afternoon.

By the time we left for England on June 19th everything was done

and Grumpy and I boarded the plane as if we were going on

vacation. We arrived after an eight hour flight bleary eyed to spend

two hours in the car rental office at Heathrow Airport. After

negotiating the very best deal on the very best car we discovered

our luggage wouldn’t fit in the boot (no need for Americanisms in

England) so we had to start all over again. If you think the traffic on

Route 59 is bad, try driving around England. Actually driving is a bit

of an exaggeration. I felt all we did was sit in the car without

moving day after day.

The most exciting thing, next to all our luggage making it safely

over, was the fact that we had four CBS friends join us. I’ve often

said that since we moved here from England the congregation has

become like our family. So therefore it was easy to imagine that

two of them took the role of my late parents, while the other two

were more like those cousins you usually only see at funerals. You

know, the ones you used to hate as children but quite like now

they’re all grown up and don’t call you names any longer.

Like any wedding, there were a few little problems on the day. The

band left us in silence at the wedding breakfast when they went off

to eat. Abi had lost so much weight her dress was too long so we

had to switch shoes so she could wear heels. When the band came

back they played some songs in the wrong order, cut the couple’s

first dance in the middle and the toast master seemed to spend the

entire event running around like a headless chicken.

But at the end of it all, my little girl got married. She looked like an

angel, I’ve never seen her and her new husband so happy and I

couldn’t stop smiling all day. My old husband looked pretty happy

too, although now he’s married to a mother-in-law, goodness

knows what will happen next.

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Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 17

B’nai mitzvah projects

Jake Zirin and Tyler Mathews

Hi, we are Jake Zirin and Tyler Mathews and we are working on our Bar Mitzvah projects together. We decided to volunteer in our community. We are calling bingo numbers for the senior citizens of Independence Village. We are also collecting books for them to read in their free time. If you have any books to donate please place them in our bin in the lobby. Large print books are preferred, but we will take any books you would like to donate for the residents. Thank you.

Landon Whiteside

My name is Landon Whiteside. I will be having my Bar Mitzvah August 2nd.

This summer has been busy, practicing for my big day, hanging with my friends and playing my favorite sport baseball.

My team won the division championship. I also made the All-star baseball team and our 1st game is July 7.

For my mitzvah project I've been collecting soft warn shoes. I have collected over 80 shoes that have been sent to

Winged Foot Foundation. WFT is a non-profit charitable organization that collects soft warn shoes to assist student athletes who cannot afford to purchase their own equipment. If you have any shoes I am still collecting!!

Have a great rest of the summer.


Chai Lights August Event

Join us at Naper Nights for great music on the lawn on August 23rd at Naper Settlement! At 6:00 pm start the evening with the Tumbling Dice, which is a Rolling Stones Tribute Band. At 8:15 pm 16 Candles will perform, which is described as \"The best pop and rock of the ’80s and ’90s\".

Please RSVP to Robin Frisch or Paula Fraser at so we know how many seats to save! The cost is $15 senior/adult, $10 youth (4-12), Members are free! We hope to see you there! Join in the fun!

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Join Hadassah and come hear local author Luis Alberto Urrea

Local author, Luis Alberto Urrea, will be the featured speaker at DuPage-Will Hadassah’s Third Annual Author’s Luncheon. The luncheon will be held at Sullivan’s Steak House, 224 S. Main Street, Naperville, IL 60540 at 12:30 PM on Sunday, September 28, 2014. The cost of the luncheon will be $36. A check sent to Carole Kerr, 305 Elmwood Drive, Naperville, IL 60540, will hold your

reservation. Reservations must be made by September 22.

Mr. Urrea, 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist for nonfiction and a member of the Latino Literature Hall of Fame, is a prolific and acclaimed writer who uses his dual-culture life experiences to explore greater themes of love, loss and triumph. Born in Tijuana, Mexico to a Mexican father and an American mother, Urrea has published extensively in all the major genres. He is a critically acclaimed and best selling author of 13 books. Urrea has won numerous awards for his poetry, fiction and essays.

The Devil’s Highway, his 2004 non-fiction account of a group of Mexican immigrants lost in the Arizona desert, won the Lannan Literary Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Pacific Rim Kiriyama Prize. It has been optioned by acclaimed Mexican director Luis Mandoki for a film to star Antonio Banderas. An historical novel, The Hummingbird’s Daughter tells the story of Teresa Urrea, sometimes known as the Saint of Cabora and the Mexican Joan of Arc. This novel has been chosen by more than 30 different cities and colleges for One Book community read programs.

Urrea lives with his family in Naperville, IL where he is a professor of creative writing at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

For more information on this program, please contact Paulette Goodman through the synagogue office at 630961-1818 or via email at

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 19

Renewal of Spirit

A few weeks ago I participated in a panel discussion on compassion at an interfaith event, representing the Jewish take on the subject. The other panelists were a Hindu Swami, a Catholic monk, a Muslim Iman and a Tibetian Buddhist leader who had

to rely on a translator in order to address us all.

In preparation I learned that the Torah does not speak about compassion directly, but relies on teaching by modeling, and through mitzvot involving explicit instructions about compassionate behavior.

The idea of God the model of how we are to behave gets full discussion in the Talmud and other commentaries. The first and oldest explicitly compassionate mitzvah is the injunction to “Love thy neighbor as yourself,” the template for the Golden Rule.

It should come as no surprise that all of the major religions, and probably the minor ones as well, teach some version of the Golden Rule. We Jews espouse both treating others as we would want to be treated, and not to treat others as we would not want to be treated.

This is not rocket science, but, looking around the world or even just around our community, it is clear that putting the Golden Rule to work must be very difficult indeed because it is violated so egregiously and often. A glance at any of the hot war-zones any place on the planet quickly demonstrates how disastrous the consequences are.

Knowledge of what to do is clearly not enough. Developing the will to restrain our reach for wealth, power, or just having what we

want when we want it, and only on our terms, developing restraint turns out to be the much more complicated and difficult task.

Restraint is the sign of true maturity. It takes intention, work and practice. Then compassion can flourish, and genuine peace and harmony prevail.

Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee

The Board and the Cemetery Committee are pleased to announce that a stone marker has been placed to identify the new CBS section of the Naperville Cemetery.

Funds for the marker’s purchase have come from the sale of cemetery plots.

If you would like information on the purchase of cemetery plots, please contact Gene Parker, 630 357 5047 or Mark Greenberg, 630 579 8157.

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Library news

Putting Knowledge Behind Mitzahs in The CBS Library

by Carol Medor for the CBS Library Committee

Balancing knowledge with action is key to the mitzvah of tikkun olam. While, for many, taking action is the more difficult part of the equation, action without the necessary background information may prove ineffective or counterproductive. One place to increase one’s level of knowledge and understanding is the Congregation Beth Shalom Library.

If one is looking for books on the Jewish viewpoint on “doing good”, one could consult “Moses—The Prince, The Prophet—His Life, Legend, and Message for our Lives” by Rabbi Levi Meier, PhD., “How Good Do We Have to Be” and “Living a Life that Matters” by Harold S. Kushner, and “Creating an Ethical Jewish Life” by Dr. Byron L. Sherwin and Dr. Seymour J. Cohen. Other works to select might be “The Still Small Voice” by William B. Silverman, “Mindful Jewish Living” by Jonathan P. Slater, “Taking our Places” by Norman Fischer, and “Growing Each Day” by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD.

For a more modern discussion, there are “Contemporary Jewish Ethics and Morality” by Elliott N, Dorff and Louis E. Newman, “Judaism Speaks to the Modern World” by Israel H. Levinthal, “Jewish Dimensions of Social Justice” by Albert Vorspan and David Saperstein, and “Down to Earth Judaism” by Arthur Waskow.

Volumes focusing on doing good in the world include “Loving Kindness” by Chana Nestlebaum”, “Gates of Mitzvah”, “God is a Verb” by Rabbi David A. Cooper, and “Mitzvahs” by Danny Siegel.

One action that might be taken is to instill in the next generation the value of performing mitzvot. The Congregation Beth Shalom Library has books that may help in that effort, including “Raising a Mensch” by Shelley Kapnek Rosenberg, EdD., “Raising Jewish

Children in a Contemporary World” by Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, and “To Raise a Jewish Child” by Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin.

Another action one could take is to volunteer some time or donate some funding to Congregation Beth Shalom. The CBS Library, as with all facets of life in the Congregation, welcomes members to become active in the work and goal-setting of its supervising committee. Spend a little time or a lot; whatever one can give will be greatly valued. Funds donated to the Library are used to purchase books, media items, and supplies and are truly appreciated.

One might also wish to be able to take the action of speaking out on Jewish issues, for instance, conditions and policies in the State of Israel. In that case, one could select one of the many, many works available in the Library, such as, “Jews in Their Land” by David Ben Gurion, “The Jewish Divide Over Israel: Accusers and Defenders” edited by Edvard Alexander, “Jerusalem: Rock of Ages” by Fosco Maranini, “Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia” by Melford Spiro, and “Israel: Its Role in Civilization” by Moshe David. Other titles on the subject include “The Jewish State” by Theodor Herzl, “The Wisdom of Israel” edited by Lewis Browne, “One Palestine Complete” by Tom Seger, and “How to Make Peace in the Middle East in Six Weeks or Less” by Gregory Levey. Additionally, one might pick up “Streets of Jerusalem” by Ronald L. Eisenberg, “The New Israelis” by David Schoenbrun, “Start Up Nation” by Dan Senor and Saul Singer, and “What Makes Israel Tick” by Ira Sharkansky.

Works on other topics can also be found on the shelves, so whatever is needed to fuel one’s actions with information and knowledge, the Congregation Beth Shalom Library is a great place to start one’s search. Select a volume, or several, become informed, and use that knowledge to spur good deeds and thoughtful actions.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 21

Israeli Dance Group


When: Monday evenings, 7:00 to 8:45, with a catch up session by request at 6:15.

Where: The CBS social hall (space permitting; sometimes we

meet in the lobby). Next few classes: January 28th, February 4, 11, 18 and 25th. We meet every Monday unless otherwise announced. Open to the public - For security reasons we ask that anyone new to the group call the synagogue office once, and give your name and telephone number to Dorothy at the synagogue office number below: Congregation Beth Shalom 772 West 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563 (630) 961-1818 Please note that the synagogue office is only open until 2:00 on Mondays so please be sure to call early in the day. Group leaders: Diane ( and Brian ( Partner Dance Consultant: Jeff Subeck


• All ages, genders, and religions are welcome to come our friendly, flexible, and easygoing group.

• You don't have to be Israeli or Jewish to love Israeli dance--you just have to move to--- and hopefully be moved by--- beautiful Israeli music.

• We are sympathetic to sports injuries and help people make accommodations to the dances as best we can, but please: be sure to wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes (sneakers).

• The fee is free for synagogue members; $1.00 donation appreciated.

• Non-members fee is $1.00


• We now have a 6:30 "catch-up" class for people who have never done Israeli dance and want to learn the basic steps before joining our group. This class is also an opportunity for our regular dancers to catch up on dances they missed. We require that people call or email us the Sunday before the class, if they want us to come at 6:30--so far, people have been using the time.

• Our class had a Chanukah party and a New Years party, and enjoyed the food, singing, prayers, shmoozing, and dancing!

• On January 1st, one of our newest members accompanied us to the Milwaukee Israeli dance group's New Years dance party, at their JCC in Milwaukee. We had a blast, and we were proud of our new student, who joined right in!

• We continue to focus on partner skills and safe dancing, thanks to our partner dance consultant Jeff Subeck. We are proud to be the only Israeli dance group in Illinois that rotates partners so that no one is without a partner.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 22

ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance

Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) announces the launch of, a new free job search website accessible by Chicago area job seekers and employers. A unique job

posting board, caters to local jobs at all professional levels, offering a wide range of resumes and open positions to ensure a productive and mutually beneficial search. Unlike any other job posting website, qualified candidates are screened by an experienced, highly trained JVS career counselor.

The website offers an alternative to large, overwhelming job boards, with JVS staff providing confidential services to both candidates and employers to attain a strong match. The job posting board gives individuals access to job opportunities and employment assistance, while offering a venue for employers to find pre-screened candidates to fill their open positions. The site, free to both employees and employers, is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation’s J-HELP Initiative. Additional features include: job search tools and strategies, relevant resources, a calendar listing topical workshops and special events and opportunities to sign up for job campaign services.

riginally developed by F E G S Health and Human Services System in New York to serve unemployed and underemployed Jews in their area, ParnossahWorks is operating successfully in Detroit,

Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis and Atlanta. “With everyone from senior executives, middle managers, to young professionals and recent college graduates being affected by the current economic turmoil, this is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community to connect and help one another,” said Rose Dessau, Supervisor, JVS Employment Services.

In addition to ParnossahWorks, JVS provides job campaign assistance through the Jewish Employment Network (JEN) offering networking opportunities, career counseling and cutting-edge job search strategies for people looking to be competitive in a tough market. JVS career counselors provide support and help keep clients motivated and on track throughout the job search process. Evening roundtables, ongoing groups and targeted workshops along with a client list-serve complement individual sessions with a counselor. The Jewish Employment Network is a partnership of Jewish Vocational Service, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and affiliated congregations.

For more information on call 312-673-3437 or e-mail

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 23

Ongoing Programs and Activities

CBS Cemetery:

Congregation Beth Shalom owns a section in the Naperville Cemetery containing a number of gravesites.

Prices as of June 1, 2011 are:

Members: $1,150.00 per gravesite

Nonmembers: $1,650.00 per gravesite

Copies of the Congregation Cemetery Regulations are available from the Congregation office or Mark Greenberg/Gene Parker, Chairs of the Cemetery Committee.

For information on site selection and purchase, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

Calling all torah chanters: “The Bible should be read in public, and made understood to its hearers in musical and sweet tones­––and those who read the Torah without tune, show disregard for it, and its vital values and laws.” (The Talmud, 1st Century C.E.). Calling all post-Bar or Bat Mitzvah Teens who would like to inspire the younger Bnai Mitzvah students and keep their Torah Trope skills sharp! Calling all Adults who once chanted Torah and have run out of “lein” excuses! Did you know that we chant Torah at every Shabbat morning service? The Torah was meant to be sung, and we sing it! Join our growing “Legion of Leiners.” We will help you brush up your skills, give you plenty of time to prepare, and provide you with a portion to learn and chant that is manageable for you. Remember: You don’t have to be a Maven to do a Mitzvah! Your honor awaits! Contact Bernie Newman at (630) 357-4544 or

CBS Collegiate Connection

We would like to stay connected with your student at college, and remind them that we at CBS are still thinking of them. In the past we have sent a few encouraging notes a year, as well as a small gift. Please pass on your student's address at college to Melanie Greenberg at ELC Cubbies: Please Note: The cubbies in front of the Early Learning Center (ELC) preschool classroom are for ELC use ONLY! Please do not place anything in these cubbies. All materials that you wish to distribute such as flyers for upcoming events, etc., must be pre-approved by ELC Director Barb Bernstein. Barb can be contacted at 630.961.1818 or at Any materials found in the cubbies that have not been approved will be removed and immediately discarded. Thank you for your cooperation.

Junior Congregation: If you are looking for an easy and fun way to celebrate Shabbat and learn Shabbat morning prayers, then come and check out Junior Congregation.

This student- led service (with adult supervision) allows children the opportunity to be the gabbi, lead prayers in English or Hebrew, and take a part in “Sedra Scenes” performances - great practice in public speaking and preparation for Bnei Mitzvot. This service is targeted for children who can read English and are beginning to learn Hebrew. Students in first grade and above may attend without an adult, though adults are welcome, space permitting.

Junior Congregation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the youth lounge and lasts approximately one hour, followed by Kiddish. Please pick up your child no later than 12:00 p.m. as the synagogue closes after services. Please let us know if you’d be interested in hosting a Kiddish for this service.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 24

Please contact Eileen Gelblat (630-355-7916 or or Nadene Eisner ( ) for more information.

Library: The library is open when the synagogue is open.

Monday and Friday: 9-2, Tuesday, Wednesday. & Thursday 9-5, Sundays When Religious School is in Session

For more information about our library, volunteering your time your time or writing book reviews, please call Gerry Mendelssohn at 630-416-2195

Lunchtime study group: Join us for our lively and popular weekly lunchtime adult study group, on Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the youth lounge of the Congregation, led by our Rabbi, Marc Rudolph. The subjects of study are traditional Jewish texts (in English).

Whether you can come regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing discussions and the joy of learning. You don't need to have been present from the beginning of this topic to join-in whenever you can.

Bernie Newman 630-357-4544 or

Monthly Meditation: The Sages used to meditate an hour before services to prepare themselves for prayer. On the fourth Friday of the month you can do the same at 7:15 pm in the Library, with Jewish Meditation Teacher Yonah Klem. Yonah will give a brief teaching and then we will meditate about 20 minutes. Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 25

CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines

Communication is a funny thing. Some people tell us they get too much, while others tell us they don’t get enough. Some people say they “tune out” because the same information is repeated everywhere while others say that they waste their time searching for what they need. To improve our effectiveness, we are focusing each major form of communication from CBS. However, we need your help. It is important that you at least skim the various communications from CBS. That will ensure that you are kept up-to-date on what is happening in and around our community. For your reference, we have included a table summarizing our communication tools and submission deadlines.

Frequency Purpose Submission Deadline Submit to

Web-site Ongoing General information about CBS, Oneg sign up, donation and building information, emergency announcements, ELC/Religious school closings, and most up-to-date calendar.


Digest/ Announcements

Weekly Thursday/ Friday

Events coming in the next two weeks, “Save the date” notifications for major events.

Wednesday of the week that announcement is to be read

Special digests Once or twice per month

Time-sensitive or urgent matters such as Shiva information, special meetings, and other notifications

As needed – note: the digest is the primary weekly vehicle. Special Digests will be saved for exceptional events (at the discretion of the office manager or VP Member Services) so that we do not bombard members with too many emails.

Newsletter Monthly Human interest stories about Congregation Beth Shalom members. General information about upcoming (more than one month away) programs. Monthly calendar.

The 25th

of the preceding month (e.g., March 25

th for submissions for April).

This is a firm cut-off date.

For stories in the digest and newsletter, please just send unformatted text. If you would like to include a picture, send a jpg, png, or bitmap. Advertisements should also be jpg, png, or bitmap. On-going CBS events are no longer called out in advertisements but rather appear on the “On-going programs and services” page. We hope that these guidelines will better help you get the information you need without too much redundancy or confusion.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 26

Calendar of Key Events in August

Fri Aug 1 6:30pm – 7:00pm:Family Service

8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Aug 2 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library

10:00am:B'MV Landon Whiteside

10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary

8:00pm – 9:00pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Mon Aug 4 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

8:30pm – 10:00pm:Tisha B'Av Service

Thu Aug 7 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Aug 8 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

8:00pm – 9:00pm:Birthday/Anniversary Celebration

Sat Aug 9 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library

10:00am – 11:00am:B'MV William Stern

10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary

8:00pm – 9:00pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Mon Aug 11 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and

register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Aug 12 7:00pm – 10:00pm:CBS Board Mtg This event has invited guests.

Thu Aug 14 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Aug 15 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Aug 16 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library

10:00am:B'MV Frank Sklar

10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary

7:45pm – 8:45pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Mon Aug 18 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Aug 19 7:30pm – 9:00pm:Avodah Committee Meeting

Thu Aug 21 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Aug 22 7:15pm – 7:45pm:Monthly Meditation - Congregation Beth Shalom Library

8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Aug 23 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library

10:00am – 11:00am:Tot Shabbat

10:00am – 12:00pm:Worship -- Alexandra Friedman - Sanctuary

7:45pm – 8:45pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun Aug 24 11:00am – 2:00pm:CBS Community Picnic

6:30pm – 8:30pm:CBS Choir Rehearsal

Mon Aug 25 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Wed Aug 27 9:00am – 12:00pm:Come and Say Shalom ELC Open House

7:00pm – 8:00pm:Teacher Orientation Meeting

Thu Aug 28 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Aug 29 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service Levine Baby Naming

Sat Aug 30 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library

10:00am:B'MV Alexis Morris

10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary

7:30pm – 8:30pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

For the most up-to-date information, see If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please check with Sue Prousa to ensure that the building/room is available.

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 27


RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Herb Wigder in memory of Anne Wigder Carol Garber in memory of Ronald Berger Herb and Adrienne Golinkin in memory of James Curtis Herb and Adrienne Golinkin in memory of Esther Golinkin Mali Sharon in memory of Ephraim and Sara Schertzer Sima Petri in memory of Stanford Stone Debbie and David Morris in memory of Ruth Morris and with thanks and

appreciation to Rabbi Rudolph Mort Hartman in memory of Edith Hartman Mindy Weiner-Chargo and Robert Chargo with thanks to Rabbi Rudolph for the naming of

our daughter

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Herb and Adrienne Golinkin in memory of Stanford C. Stone Susan Ganden in honor of Elaine and Jeff Rest's grandchild

JEKABPILS FUND Kay Hyman in memory of Ida Meyler Pat and Norm Katz in memory of Stanford C. Stone Pat and Norm Katz in memory of Ida Povich

BUILDING FUND Ed Bronson and Eileen Gelblat with thanks to Congregation Beth Shalom for

the use of the building for our son, Aaron's, Eagle Scout Project

Bonnie Jane Eizen Adelman in memory of Ralph Igo

BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND Elaine and Jeff Rest in memory of Lena Gollup Monday Night Israeli Dance Group in memory of Barry Budoff

EARLY CHILDHOOD ED FUND Pete and Sue Levine in honor of Elaine and Jeff Rest's new grandchild Sima Petri, Toni Petri & Carlos Loza in memory of Laura Michelle Albert Carol Garber in memory of Shirley Morgenstein

TORAH FUND Paul and Sara Scheiner in memory of Nathan Scheiner and Pauline


CHESED FUND Mike Beyer in memory of Malvina Beyer

LANDSCAPING FUND Paula and Dan Fraser in memory of Ralph Igo


GENERAL FUND David and Jill Edelman in honor of our daughter, Olivia's, Bat Mitzvah Janet Strauss in memory of Hyman Joseph Drell Mildred Keiser in memory of Mary Salzman Judith Marshall in memory of Eric Poulson DuPage County Hadassah with thanks and appreciation Sima Petri in memory of Ralph Igo Susan Ganden in memory of Ralph Igo Terrie Stainman in memory of Ralph Igo LIBRARY Pat and Norm Katz in memory of Annette Glasberg Fred and Sandy Goldenson in memory of Stanford C. Stone Eugenia and Alan Mindlin in memory of Harold Mindlin TIKUN OLAM/SOCIAL ACTION Eliot Landau in memory of Frieda Byster Landau Burt and Phyllis Pinchuk in memory of Israel Pinchuk Burt and Phyllis Pinchuk in memory of Mildred Greenhaus Cohen

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 28

Make a Donation

772 W. Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563

In memory of In honor of (occasion and name) Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

Please send acknowledgement to

Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

I (we) enclose my (our) contribution of $___ to the following fund(s)

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 29

In Memory

AUGUST 1 & 2 1 & 2 Mildred Greenhaus Cohen* Burt Pinchuk 2-Aug-14 Av 6, 5774 Shirley Morgenstein* Carol Garber 2-Aug-14 Av 6, 5774 Adolf Weiner Aaron Weiner 2-Aug-14 Av 6, 5774 Albert Albertson Alene and Douglas Mangino 3-Aug-14 Av 7, 5774 Ida Meyler Kathleen Hyman 3-Aug-14 Av 7, 5774 Robert H. Weber* Susan Karoll 3-Aug-14 Av 7, 5774 Robert H. Weber* Ruth Weber 3-Aug-14 Av 7, 5774 Coleman Conway Hilary Decent 4-Aug-14 Av 8, 5774 Joseph Katz Norman Katz 4-Aug-14 Av 8, 5774 Judith Brodzinsky Smith* Natalie Young 6-Aug-14 Av 10, 5774 Anna Mae Boscoe Charles and Rachel Solomon 7-Aug-14 Av 11, 5774 Frieda Byster Landau* Eliot Landau 7-Aug-14 Av 11, 5774 Davonne Hansen Posner* Kathy Posner 7-Aug-14 Av 11, 5774 Hannah L Kroll Samuel Kroll 8-Aug-14 Av 12, 5774 Eric Poulson Judith Marshall 8-Aug-14 Av 12, 5774 Dr. Louis Yesnick Robert Lisberg 8-Aug-14 Av 12, 5774 Joseph Bernstein*

AUGUST 8 & 9 Brenda Rogers Jennifer Weiner 9-Aug-14 Av 13, 5774 Ephraim Sharon Schertzer Mali Sharon 9-Aug-14 Av 13, 5774 Bennie Berger* Marc Sperling 10-Aug-14 Av 14, 5774 Helen Berkowitz Mike Beyer 10-Aug-14 Av 14, 5774 Joseph S Bauman Ruth Weber 11-Aug-14 Av 15, 5774 Michael Grace Lisa Ohlhausen 11-Aug-14 Av 15, 5774 Karl Hemmer Joanne Sapadin 11-Aug-14 Av 15, 5774 Esther Leah Saffron Mildred Keiser 11-Aug-14 Av 15, 5774 Mae K Ironson* Marilyn Bloom 12-Aug-14 Av 16, 5774 Enid Salamoff Silverman* Elizabeth Sigale 14-Aug-14 Av 18, 5774 Enid Salamoff Silverman* Paul Silverman 14-Aug-14 Av 18, 5774 Eleanor Chodoroff Josh Chodoroff 15-Aug-14 Av 19, 5774 Grace Fivars* Robert Kalinsky 15-Aug-14 Av 19, 5774

AUGUST 15 & 16 Harold Fagel* Marvin Fagel 16-Aug-14 Av 20, 5774 Joseph Kofman* Geraldine Mendelssohn 17-Aug-14 Av 21, 5774 Fred Loeb Renee Major 17-Aug-14 Av 21, 5774 Irene Rudolph Jeff Rudolph 17-Aug-14 Av 21, 5774 Norma Vansack Kent Huffman 17-Aug-14 Av 21, 5774 Allen Rosenberg Rachel DePorte 18-Aug-14 Av 22, 5774 George Clyman Steve Rochlis 19-Aug-14 Av 23, 5774 Lena Gollup* Elaine Rest 19-Aug-14 Av 23, 5774 Stanley Abrams* Jay Abrams 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774 Murray Bruskin* Howard Bruskin 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774 Oscar Alberto Eisik* Marta Kaufman Grosz 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774

Edith Hartman Morton Hartman 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774 Edith Hartman Sue Hartman 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774 Elsie Kay Michele Perry 20-Aug-14 Av 24, 5774 Israel Pinchuk* Burt Pinchuk 21-Aug-14 Av 25, 5774 Alexander Farkas Erica Roberts 22-Aug-14 Av 26, 5774 Irving Mendelssohn* Alan Mendelssohn 22-Aug-14 Av 26, 5774

AUGUST 22 & 23 Leonard Farber* Beth Farber 23-Aug-14 Av 27, 5774 Muriel S. Alford* Seth Alford 24-Aug-14 Av 28, 5774 Harry Ganden Chad Ganden 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Harry Ganden Emily Ganden 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Harry Ganden Susan Ganden 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Harry Ganden Karen Rosenberg 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Fannie Winetsky Adrienne Golinkin 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Fannie Winetsky Norman Golinkin 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Fannie Winetsky Selena Rochlis 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Fannie Winetsky Alice Sklar 25-Aug-14 Av 29, 5774 Ellen Kohn Vicki Robinson 26-Aug-14 Av 30, 5774 Joan Sapadin David Sapadin 26-Aug-14 Av 30, 5774 Albert Wells James Wells 26-Aug-14 Av 30, 5774 Laura Albert Sima Petri 27-Aug-14 Elul 1, 5774 Ann Grooshkow* Beth Farber 27-Aug-14 Elul 1, 5774 Rita Buss Christine Buss 28-Aug-14 Elul 2, 5774 Nancy Valuch Steve Karlovsky 28-Aug-14 Elul 2, 5774 Pearl Ladner Elster* Art Elster 29-Aug-14 Elul 3, 5774

AUGUST 29 & 30 David Ganetzky Trudy Lythberg 30-Aug-14 Elul 4, 5774 Harriet Horan Gerry Horan 30-Aug-14 Elul 4, 5774 Ruth Marguerite Karlovsky Steve Karlovsky 30-Aug-14 Elul 4, 5774 Sarah Sharon Scherzer Mali Sharon 30-Aug-14 Elul 4, 5774 Abraham M Shapiro Jeffrey Shapiro 30-Aug-14 Elul 4, 5774 Harry Kran Herbert Kran 31-Aug-14 Elul 5, 5774 George Stampler* Beth Farber 31-Aug-14 Elul 5, 5774 Myron Fertel Mark Fertel 1-Sep-14 Elul 6, 5774 Ira Szold Sarilee Huffman 1-Sep-14 Elul 6, 5774 Pat Bergstrom Anne Dolin 2-Sep-14 Elul 7, 5774 Irene Krajecki* Robert Jankowski 2-Sep-14 Elul 7, 5774 Louis Kaplan Marc Cooperman 3-Sep-14 Elul 8, 5774 Eva Myers Sandra Doukas 3-Sep-14 Elul 8, 5774 Louis Oswold* Robert Kalinsky 3-Sep-14 Elul 8, 5774 Eleanor Kran Herbert Kran 4-Sep-14 Elul 9, 5774 Marvin Snyder Ira Dolin 4-Sep-14 Elul 9, 5774 Morris Sheinkopf* Kenneth Sheinkopf 5-Sep-14 Elul 10, 5774 Morton Bernstein*

* A yahrzeit light in the synagogue is lit

May their memories be for a blessing

Kehilat haKadosh, August, 2014 30

Board of Directors and Committees

Position Name Contact

President Chris Igo

VP Administration Stephan Chriqui

VP Member Services Melanie Greenberg

VP Membership

Jill Lexier and Cynthia


VP Education Karen Zatz

VP Finance Gary Frisch

VP Development

Sam Kroll and Hilary


VP Religious Practices Joel Marks

Secretary Robin Frisch

Treasurer Susan Karoll

Director at Large Mike Rabin

Director at Large Josh Zirin

Past President Jeff Rest

Position Name Contact

Adult Education Jill Lexier

B'nai Mitzvah Invitations Trudy Lythberg tel:630-961-1818

Building/Catering Stephan Chriqui

Cemetery Mark Greenbergy

Gene Parker


Bob Fisher

Terrie Stainman

Carole Kerr

Cultural Arts Linda Gaines

Facilities Stephan Chriqui

Gift Shop Lauren Gaither

Jill Greenwood

Landscaping Stephan Chriqui

Library Gerry Mendelssohn

Newsletter Brad Kolar

Oneg Committee Paula Fraser

Religious School Fran Kraemer, Kim


Tikkun Olam Mimi Qunell


Committee Russ Klem