St. Louis Catholic Community Page 1 · Barbara Cilli - Office Manager

Post on 05-Jun-2019

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Transcript of St. Louis Catholic Community Page 1 · Barbara Cilli - Office Manager

St. Louis Catholic Community Page 1

2018 CSA Update

I would like to thank everyone who sent in their CSA dona!on/pledge or came over to the

Social Hall last weekend to fill out their forms. We have received pledges totaling

$44,414.00. That is 58.8%/59%of our target of $75,516. What a great beginning. Thank you

so very much. Please remember that you can place your dona!on/pledge in the collec!on basket, bring it to

the parish office or mail it in. Every dona!on is truly a gi& and is greatly appreciated. I’m truly grateful for

your generosity and though'ulness.

Memorial Day Liturgy and Spruce-up/BBQ

We will be having our annual Memorial Day Liturgy at 9:00am this Monday May 28th

followed by the plan!ng

of our geraniums and the filling in of our flower beds. Every year we ask volunteers, our “Gardening Angels”,

to come and join in spreading some mulch and in general sprucing up our parish grounds. If you can give a

few hours, please join us. The morning will conclude with a BBQ with yours truly doing the grilling. Looking

forward to seeing you on Monday.

Euchre Tournament #5

As I men!oned last week, The St. Louis Chris!an Service Commission is sponsoring our 5th

Euchre Tourna-

ment on Friday, June 8, 2018 beginning at 6:30pm with the doors opening at 6:00pm. The profits this year

will go to benefit The Meals On Wheels Program of Macomb County. Tickets are available in the Parish Office

for $15.00. This price includes refreshments and prizes. You get quite a bang for your bucks!! This is also just

a great !me to gather and have an evening of enjoyment. This is not cut-throat euchre. It is a lot of fun

without any hassle. So please join us on June 8th. Shalom


We remember the courageous Men and Women

who died defending our Freedom.

Monday, May 28

9 am Liturgy at St. Louis

no liturgy at St. Hubert

Dear Lord, on this day,

we remember those

who have served us by protecting our freedoms.

When we celebrate our long weekend

with our friends and family, help us remember,

that our freedom to speak of you, and our freedom to worship you,

and our freedom to make our own choices,

have all been bought at the price and sacrifice

of many lives. Your Son died

for our eternal life in heaven. So too, your children died

protecting us here on earth. Help us be mindful this weekend

and always of the sacrifices made by those in uniform

for all our freedoms. Amen.

Page 2 St. Louis Catholic Community


Parish Office x 100

Nicole Walters & Anna Jackson

Business Manager & Bingo x 103

Michael Wortman

Maintenance Office x 108

Edward Trabilsy, Gary Gustafson & Nikki Wheeler

Music Director x 109

Linda Knopp

Parish Nurses Voicemail X 112

St. Vincent de Paul Voicemail x 106

Faith Forma"on Office

39140 Ormsby,

Clinton Twp, MI 48036

Faith Forma"on Office x 104

Barbara Cilli - Office Manager

Faith Forma"on Co-coordinators

Linda Bauer x115

Kathy Huebener X114

Central Macomb Vicariate

Knights of Columbus

St. Louis /St. Hubert Roundtable

S t . L o u i s C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y

24415 Crocker Blvd Clinton Township, MI 48036

586-468-8734 Fax: 586-468-9647

E-mail - Website:


Parents meet with Fr. Larry

to discuss prepara"on. Bap"sms

are celebrated in conjunc"on

with one of the weekend Litur-

gies (excluding Advent and Lent)

Reconcilia"on: 3:30 pm Saturdays.

Opportuni"es may be arranged

by calling Fr. Larry.

Marriage: Arrangements should be made

at least six months prior to date.

Pre-marriage classes are required.

Please call Fr. Larry. .........

Sacrament of Sick:

Rite celebrated annually in

Church. Home visits by request.

Requests can be made through

the parish office.

Parish Offices Directory

Liturgy Schedule

Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Daily: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 9 am Monday & Friday Scripture w/Communion 9 am

Bulle"n Submission "me is Monday morning 10:00 am

Church related ar"cles take precedence over neighboring community news. (Dates for early deadlines will be posted in the bulle"n when needed.)

Please send copy ready items to bulle"

Pastoral Team

Rev. Lawrence A. Pe#ke ~ Pastor X 102 lpe"

Laura Veryser Pastoral Associate, Chris"an Service Coordinator

& Bulle"n Editor x105

Cindy Gustafson Worship Coordinator x110

to all the CLW volunteers for sharing The Word with the children of our parish:

Shannon Bernard Laura Kirsch

Reneé Cannon Linda Kolos

Renee Cantu Dawn Kunkler

Ginny Dotterer Natalie Lawless

Deanna Forlini Colleen Ranusch

Ali Gustafson Kelly Tapp

Melissa Heath Jackie Trabilsy

Lauri Hunsanger Margaret Vivian

Debbie Kaiser



Remember to Pray

for Our

Confirmation Candidates

Alexander Beran Madison Cannon

Katherine Danaj Ryan Darnell

Alexis Gray Luke Jungwirth

Celia Manauis Alexander Martin

Olivia Rowa Molly Slivensky

Johnathan Tapp

who attending a meeting last Sunday with their

sponsor marking the beginning of the immediate

prep to celebrate the sacrament in October.

Come Holy Spirit,

fill the hearts of your faithful

and kindle in them

the fire of your love.

St. Louis Catholic Community Page 3

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

9am Liturgy

Parish Offices Closed

Gardening Day a"er 9 am Liturgy

No AA No Handbells

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9 am Liturgy

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

9 am Liturgy

Adult Choir 7 pm

Thursday, May 31, 2018

9 am Liturgy

HandChimes 5:30 pm

BINGO 6:30 pm

Friday, June 1, 2018

9 am Scripture with Communion

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Liturgy 4:30 pm

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Liturgy 8:30 am

Liturgy 10:30 am

For May 20, 2018

Budgeted Amount $9,800.00

Envelopes $7,289.00

Online Giving $2,280.00

Loose Monies $413.00 Total $9,982.00

Overage for week $182.00

% of Budget 102%

Year to Date + $22,331.60 Fiscal Year July 1, 2017—June 30, 2018

Summer Hours Begin June 4

Monday –Wednesday 9 am—5 pm

Closed Noon to 1 pm for Lunch

CSA Minute What your CSA Contribu!ons Help Fund…

Engaged couples across the Archdiocese of

Detroit have been preparing for summer nup#als through marriage prepa-

ra#on programs. Catholic marriage is a calling from God to a shared voca-

#on of life and love. CSA gi"s allow the archdiocesan Office for Marriage

and Family Ministry to advise couples of the steps necessary to seek mar-

riage in the Catholic Church, including comple#ng marriage prepara#on

programs to help build a founda#on for this important sacrament. The

office also offers programs that enrich and nurture couples in every stage

of the family life cycle. For more informa#on about CSA-funded ministries,

programs, and services, please go to


As of May 21, 2018

Responses 166

Gi"s 161

Target Amount: $75,516

Pledged: $47,189

Paid: $40,607

% of Target Reached 59%

Consider sharing the extras from your gardens with

your parish family. A free exchange of produce and plants.

Bring Extras — Take Extras. Cart located outside

the Charbeneau St Entrance





The love rela#onship that exists among the Persons of the Holy Trinity is

both intense and in#mate. As beau#ful as this teaching is, it demon-

strates how human language really pales in trying to capture the essence

of God. The Father brings us to the crea#ve, powerful, yet gently me#cu-

lous part of God who has brought mountains and hills into being, as well

as each of his children. S#ll the Father is more than this. The Son demon-

strates the uncondi#onal love of God filled with endless mercy and com-

passion. This love really understands the journey of the marginalized and

the poor and has no use for created powers and structures that alienate

and hurt people. But the Son is even more than this. The Holy Spirit is the

breath of God who teaches wisdom and brings understanding, who gov-

erns the seasons and discerns the thoughts of human hearts. Yet the Holy

Spirit is s#ll more than this. We worship a God who is beyond and also

in#mately bonded to all that he has made, without whom nothing could

be sustained in being. Praise the Holy Trinity!

Page 4 St. Louis Catholic Community

Celebrant Celebrant Celebrant



of the Word


of the Word


of the Word

Chris McElroy Barbara Bommarito Mary Helen D'Angelo

Lee Ellio! Mary Knapp Kristy Fair

Commentator Commentator Commentator

Eric Rader Bob Arrigo Marie Massu


Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

Larry Pe!ke Larry Pe!ke Larry Pe!ke

Usher Usher Usher

Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

Altar Servers Altar Servers Altar Servers

Brian Geml Tanqueray Hurst

Ray Heck Jennifer Geml Cameron Kirsch

Liturgical Minister Schedule

Date: June 2/3, 2018 Holy Trinity



ay 1


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ay 8









ay 4






AIR FORCE: TSgt Stephen VanHamme, SSgt Glenn Fetty, CMSgt Wayne Fetty, SMSgt. Tommy N. Tucker, Tech Sgt Christopher Geml ARMY: SPC Andrea E Alex-ander, PFC Heather Bissonette, Colonel Brent Coryell, Capt. Joshua Fender, Jeff Grzybowski, Shawn M Hunter, SSgt. Thomas Johns, Renee Lewis, CW2 Ayala Mi-chelsky, Clayton Muller, SSgt. Gregory Pauch, CW4 Jeffrey Pauch, Specialist Tyler Rogers , Pvt Patrick Rowland, PVT Benjamin Schunn, Pvt.Derrick Skorupski, SSgt David Skorupski III, PFC Steven Stone, Steven Veryser Jr, Sgt. PFC Michael Wich-mann, NAVY: PS3 Jonathan Chambers, LCDr. Jason P. Karle, MASN Alec Kohler, AT2 Erich Kohler, LCDR Leah Kohler Spring, Nicholas G. Mayer, Petty Officer FC, MARINE: Brandon Griffith, Brian Griffith, CPL Daniel Klein, CPL Robert Lozen, Mat-thew Mazza, Capt. Tyler Spring

Pr ! f#$ #%$ M&'it (!


Once again, the St Louis community came through with

“dollars for donuts” as we welcomed Edward and the

baked goods from the “On the Rise Bakery” sale this past


The par"cipa"on from all of you was wonderfully upli#-

ing for the men of the ROPE program as they pull togeth-

er EVERY WEEKEND and travel to outlying churches to

sell their tasty and highly sought-a#er products. The

many breads, pies, coffee cakes, cookies and muffins

were well received by all of you.

Some of you gave more than the suggested retail price.

Some people gave a dona"on without taking any baked

goods. And “you know who you are” came through once

again with an amazing dona"on! We took in over $3,000

this year. Thank you to all who supported the baker’s

efforts once again.

The men are glad to be here and share their stories as

well as their baking skills. Father Ray Stadmeyer, CAP,

who supervises the ROPE program, keeps the men busy

baking and selling for their retail store and serving the

public at their bistro café on Gra"ot Ave., along with

these weekend sales. Everyone involved is truly dedicat-

ed to making this program work well.

We thank all of you and we also thank all the volunteers

who helped out throughout the weekend to set-up, sell,

distribute and clean-up:

Kate Linda Barbara

Stephanie Wick Ed

Joan Rosemary Laura

Barbara Nicole Mary Gay

Larry Dolores Mary and Doug

Gary and Cindy Jean Carolyn

BIG THANKS TO Joe and Karen for Sunday’s help!

Thank you one and all. Your financial support and en-

couragement are a true sign of acceptance that all are

welcome at St. Louis Parish. You give the men of ROPE a

sign of HOPE.

Tom & Marilyn Giacobassi

& the Chris"an Service Commission

Liturgical Ministers

June, July & August

EMEs & Ushers: You are on an all volun-teer schedule. Whichever Liturgy you at-tend, please check to see if your ministry

is in need that weekend.

EMEs: You should sign-in, in the parking lot vestibule (as usual) so that we know if sta-

tions are covered.

Ushers: One Usher should take charge at each Liturgy and make sure all positions are filled.

Ministers of the Word, Commentators & Altar Servers: There are schedules for you during the summer.

St. Louis Catholic Community Page 5

Toothbrushes &


Our SVDP pantry could use dona!ons of

the following items. As a reminder, why

not clip out the box below and take it to

the store with you. Items can be dropped

off in the entrances at church or at the

Parish Office Thank You!



for the

Area Needy

takes place

Next Weekend June 1/2, 2018

Commencement is no small milestone and it de-serves recognition. We would like to congratulate all those High School and College Graduates who have reached this milestone. We would like to print all of the students’ graduation photos in the bulletin the weekend of June 24. Please drop your wallet sized photos at the Parish Office by June 11 (or email the photo and in-formation to On the back of the photo please PRINT the graduate’s name and the school they have graduated from. (College Graduates please let us know your degree.)

St Louis SVDP Client report from April 1 thru April 28, 2018

During the month of April, St. Vincent De Paul assisted our friends and neighbors who were having financial difficulties: 183 families (325 individuals) received emergency food $2,635.00 35 clients received clothing debit cards to our S.V.D.P. store $300.00 2 clients received help with utility bills $145.00 56 transportation (gas, and bus tickets) $405.00 4 clients received help with rent $955.00 0 clients received help with prescriptions 0 ID’s and Licenses 34 clients received help with shelter (44 nights) $2,235.00 0 clients received work shoes $40.00 1 client received help purchasing a mattress $217.00 Solidarity Contribution $1,284.00 Total Expenses Billed and Paid in April 2018 $8,216.00 None of the above could have been accom-plished without our caring and generous parish-ioners, parish staff, volunteers, and the strong support of Father Larry. God Bless

Page 6 St. Louis Catholic Community

MAY 26 Margaret McLaughlin-age 40 (1973) Victor Wrate-age 76 (1981) Nicholas Klymko-age 70 (1986) Michael T. Lynott Sr.-age 64 (1986) Joseph Stackpoole-age61 (1994) Harold Hibbard-age 84 (2002) Kody Manis-age 1 (2008) Anna Lucia Rhoads-age 80 (2009) Bing Veryser-age 79 (2016) MAY 27 Kenneth Schon-age 49 (1971) Philip Owen-age 19 mos (1980) James Cauley-age 81 (1984) Stephan Drobot-age 63 (1987) Rocco Oddo-age 90 (1987) George Wortman-age 80 (2000) Gerald "Jerry" Bissa-age 72 (1999) Richard Zajac-age 59 (2006) MAY 28 Frank Phelan-age 77 (1977) Laura Cottrell-age 76 (1988) Roy Cullenbine-age 77 (1991) Dana DeRush-age 22 (1995) John Burns Jr.-age 78 (2011) Helen “Jean” Gates-age 95 (2015) MAY 29 William Stone-age 47 (1982) Myrl S. Kubiac-age 73 (1982) Walter Grace-age 72 (1985) Josephine Krentler-age63 (1987) John Amato-age 73 (1998) Grace Martin-age 88 (1998) John ‘Jack’ McElroy-age 50-(1999) John Wolenski-age 44 (2007) David Knuth-age 68 (2008)

MAY 30 John Albright-age 63 (1980) Deborah Sobczynski-age 36 (1989) Margaret Barbero-age 74-(1999) Patricia Ann Starnes-age 63 (2005) Rose Marie Shephard-age 76 (2007) Irene Perreman-age 89 (2009) MAY 31 Albert Socia-age 76 (1971) Michael Smorong-age 73 (1972) Fred Lozen Sr.-age 90 (1973) Dorothy Snay-age 49 (1973) Bob Haun (1976) Sophie Tnardowski-age73 (1978) Royal Marshall -age 21 (1991) Virginia Reidell-age 75 (1994) Kenneth Cloft-age 71 (2007) Janet Veryser-age 77 (2015) JUNE 1 William Russell-age 45 (1975) Rita Drexler-age 58 (1979) Birdis Anderson-age 71 (1980) William Vonkoss-age53 (1980) Helen M. Pund-age 60 (1983) Silvio Sultini-age 61 (1986) George Paul-age 46 (1989) Caterine Couto-age 80 91992) Henry E. Dashke-age 74 (1997) Tom Marsack-age 71 (2006)

Mary & Robert Agius Harold Alter JoAnn Alfonsi Marie Amore Janet Arbaugh Eleanore Arrigo Carole Balcerzak Bob Baker Georgia Basch Teresa Bell Phyllis Bellmore Everett Bissonette Dawn Brass Joann & Phil Briffa Nolan Brouwer Albert Bryer Henry Brynski James Bohrer Elaine Botzen Pat Card Ian & Isabelle Card Tony Carlson Henry Charbeneau Dorothy Chauvin Alexis Cherevert

Adrianne Christ Brenda Ciesliga Albert Cilli Wendy Corrion JoAnn Coules Jason Courtright Gregory Curley Gary Curzenski Lauren Curzenski Eleanor DaVia Judy Demick Frank Demo George Derisley Mary Dubay Ann Duda Karla Duhaime Frank DuPont Charlie Eckhout Dolores Fahndrich Shirley Fay Janice Fileccia Robert Foley Mark Gauvin Al Gelineau David Glefke

Kathryn Gillespie Anna Grillo Antoinette Grillo Kristen Hamilton Sid Hassarati Barbara Hausmann Jennie Hayes Diane Hillis John Hinson Marie Hornung Terri Houghten Kathy Howe Susanne Hughes Janet Huvaere Mary Inman Edward Jabbour Mary Jakubowski Bill James Joseph Jaworski Karen Jeffery Desiree Jenkins Greg Juliana Vicky Keelean Dee Kaltenbach Allen Kidnie

Andy Knapp Amy Kowka Troy Koyl Joyce Kralik Rita Krause Herb Kuehn Julia LaDuke Mary Lauhoff Jillian Lentini Dennis Lents Donald Lewandowski Betty Lombardi Michael Maras Barb Manhold Lisa Manocchio Vincent Marhevko Pauline Martin Robert Martin Bob Mason Susan Mazalauskas Kevin McCaffrey Colleen McCarthy Daniel McCarthy Dan McLaughlin Rachel McLaughlin

Sr. Judith McManus Nancy McPherson Mark Meldrum Grant Messens Ronald Milas Jessica Miller Pat Miller Vince Miller Carolyn Misplon Christine Moceri Marilyn Mudloff Marilyn Myrna Hannah Neace George Neumann V Dan Nicklay John O’Sullivan Susan Olson MaryAnn Pacek Doreen Painter Eric Parker Carola Pechey Nicole Pellerito Elizabeth Pfuersinger Virginia Pimental Barbara Plescow

Donna Portelli Jeanette Portuesi Leah Rader Ramona Ramero Michael Rea Gayle Reaume Madeline Reid Christine Reynard Rose Rhodes Rose Marie Rose Charlie Rupers Kathleen Rusinosk Josh Sajor Janice Sahr Debbie Sanders Michael Saraceno Sarah Schrope Bob Schultz John Stephan Cynthia Shae

Rita Shendel Lora Ann Shoemaker Clifford Shunk Virginia Shunk Stan Skavery Gail Skutar Meghan Stavale John Stefan John Storrs Bill Swaney Irene Szlachtowiez Laura Thomson Roger Thomson Lou Thumm Theresa Tines William Vanderginst

Janet VanderHorst Robert VanDorp Paul Vella Jennifer Vitale Ida Vonitter Jeremy Wallyn Dan Walker Pat Walker Denise Walters Theresa Webster Carol Wendland Doug Wendy Kathy White Joe Williams Kathy Wilson Millie Wollborg Caery Zanotti

Holy Trinity

Saturday, May 26, 2018 4:30 pm Liturgy Gifts: Lee & Dawn Elliott Jane Hahn, Doris Knepp, Christine Renaud, Lee Elliott, Sr., Nina Clevio, George Wortman (18th Ann)

Sunday, May 27, 2018 8:30 am Liturgy People of St. Louis Catholic Community

10:30 am Liturgy Rene Malo & Eino Gustafson Bing (2nd Ann) & Jan (3rd Ann) Veryser & Jack McElroy (19th Ann) Christina Fiedler (8th Ann) Bernice Zabicki Monday, May 28, 2018 9 am Memorial Day Liturgy

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 9 am Liturgy

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 9 am Liturgy

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9 am Liturgy

Friday, June 1, 2018 9 am Communion with Scripture

Body & Blood of Christ

Saturday, June 2, 2018 4:30 pm Liturgy Blessing of Eucharistic Ministers Gifts: Williams Family Cecilia Mauch (6th Ann.) by daughter Natalie Goniwiecha by Sharon & Pete Williams & Family Paul Inman (4th Ann.) by Mom & Dad

Sunday, June 3, 2018 8:30 am Liturgy Blessing of Eucharistic Ministers 35th Wedding Anniversary of Mary Jo & Dennis Clark Gifts: Mary Jo & Dennis Clark

10:30 am Liturgy Blessing of Eucharistic Ministers Blessing of Catechists Norbert Hoppa Elizabeth Dillon by Judy & Tom Saski People of St. Louis Catholic Community Special Intensions of Lois Smith


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