St. Jerome Church...St. Jerome Church 23 Half Mile Road Norwalk, CT 06851 203-847-5349 FOURTH SUNDAY...

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Transcript of St. Jerome Church...St. Jerome Church 23 Half Mile Road Norwalk, CT 06851 203-847-5349 FOURTH SUNDAY...

St. Jerome Church

23 Half Mile Road Norwalk, CT 06851




Saturday 4:00 PM �

Sunday � 8:00 AM�

� 9:15 AM � Family Mass �

11:00 AM � �

� 6:00 PM � (September�June)�


Holy Day � 9:00 AM, 7:00 PM�


Mon�Fri �9:00 AM�


Parish Website:�

Parish Email:�

DRE email:�

REACH email:�

TOTAL email: total�

Bulletin/Social Media:�

Fr. David:�

Fr. Rojin:�

Parish Facebook: stjeromenorwalk�

REACH & TOTAL Facebook: �

REACH.TOTAL.stjerome �

Parish Twitter: @StJeromeNorwalk�

REACH & TOTAL Twitter: � �

�� � @REACHstjerome�

Instagram: stjeromenorwalk�

PASTORAL STAFF ~ 203�847�5349�

Rev. David Blanchfield, Pastor�

Rev. Rojin Karickal, Parochial Vicar�

Rev. Michael Hoag, S.J., Weekend Assistant �

PARISH OFFICE ~ 203�847�5349�

Office Hours, Mon�Fri 9:00 AM�1 PM�

Natalie Raduazzo, Administrative Assistant �

Kathy Rohr, Administrative Assistant�


Kathy Rohr��


Director of Religious Education (DRE)

Kathy Coyne��


TOTAL Joe and Daniela OʼCallaghan�

Youth Ministers �



Tom Sullivan • 203�847�5349�


Dan Loch • 203�846�3980�


Bill Sweeney •�


203�847�3881 Pre K�Grade 8�

139 West Rocks Road�

Norwalk, CT 06851�

Linda Dunn, Principal�



Sign up using our church code:�CT46 or visit our

website at�Direct�



We the people of St. Jerome Parish, a Ro‐

man Catholic community, proclaim our be‐

lief in the message and mission of Jesus

Christ. As disciples of Jesus we are called

to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to

work for its values in the local community

and beyond. We are committed to: wor‐

ship, religious education, shared faith and

service. We welcome all people with re‐

spect, acceptance and support.�

Parish Staff

Altar Flowers�

Altar Flowers may be memorialized for a donation of

$50. Please call the Parish Office several months prior

to your desired date.�

Adoration & Silent Prayer �

Every day between 4:00PM and 5:00PM. �

Contemplative Prayer �

Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. �

Come spend some quiet time with the Lord.�

Perpetual Novena �

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal takes place each

Monday following morning Mass�

Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayers�

Monday through Saturday after daily Mass�

Baptisms �

Please call the parish office during regular office hours

to schedule. �

Required Pre�Baptism �

Class at 7PM third Monday of the month. Please

register ahead of time by calling the office.�

Reconciliation �

One hour before vigil on Saturday. Also anytime by


Marriages �

Please contact the Parish Office at least six months in


Anointing of the Sick �

First Wednesday of each month, immediately

following the 9:00 AM Mass, in the sanctuary.

Anyone with an ongoing medical condition or who is

seriously ill, anticipating a medical procedure or

operation, is welcome to come.�

Gluten Free Hosts �

If you require a gluten�free host, please see the

officiating priest before Mass. �

Bringing up the Gifts at Mass �

If the Mass intention has been requested by you or for

your loved ones, and you would like to bring up the

Gifts at the Offertory, please let the ushers know that

you are present and would like to bring up the gifts. �

Widows’ Support Group�

1:00 PM on the second Tuesday of the month in the

Kevin Eidt Youth Room.�


5/11� 4:00 pm � Wally & Ann Regan�

� � � (family)�

� �


5/12� 8:00 am� Eileen Kennedy�

� � (Brian Kennedy)�

� 9:15 am� Vincent Mendoza�

� � � Teodosio Lopez Torres�

� � � Sahara Calisaya Pacheco�

� � � (July Mendoza) �

� � � �

11:00 am� Deacon Dean Finch�

� � � (Joe & Andrea Licek)�

� 6:00 pm� Antoinette Salas�

� �(Chimento family) �

5/13� 9:00 am� for Fr. David’s upcoming �

� � � retirement�

� � � � � � �

5/14� 9:00 am� Paul Visokay�

� � (Alison Brown)�

� � � � � � � �

5/15� 9:00 am� for Fr. Rojin as our �

� � � new Pastor�

� � � � � � �

5/16� 9:00 am� Roy White�

� � � (family)�

� � � � � � �

5/17� 9:00 am� for our St. Jerome 2019�

� � � college graduates�

� � � �

� � � � �


5/18� 4:00 pm � Anna Pesce�

� � � (DiCostanzo family)�

� �


5/19� 8:00 am� Greg Kryspin�

� � (Esty Tucci)�

� 9:15 am� Jeanne Gall�

� � � (Rogalski family) �

� � � �

11:30 am� Installation Mass of �

� � � Fr. Rojin as our New Pastor�

� �

� 6:00 pm� Angela Ferrone�

The altar flowers for this weekend�

have been donated in memory of �

Anna Pesce �

by the DiCostanzo Family�

Banns of Marriage�

Banns of Marriage are announced �

For third time between �

Mackenzie Bess & Karl Ernest�

My list of the ten best things about being Pastor of St. Jerome (continued from last week)…….�

6. Teaching the Bible. If you pushed me as to my core identity, first I would say I am a priest, but

close behind would be my role as a teacher. It is a lovely twist that this parish is named for St. Jerome,

who translated the bible from Greek into English. I have always loved the Scriptures� studying them,

teaching them, preaching on them, and praying over them. Here I got to teach the Hebrew Scriptures

to 6


graders for about ten years and to lead the discussions at our adult Bible study, which uses

DVD’s by the top Catholic Scholars in America. The Bible is so worthy of deep study. It paints a picture

of the world as God could have it. It is complex, rich, and filled with depth. It gives me life.�

5. Daily Mass at St. Jerome. There is something wondrous about celebrating daily Mass with what is

basically the same community every day. You know the people and their stories. The two�year lection-

ary tells the whole history of our faith from the beginning in Genesis until the ultimate end when Christ

will come again. The liturgical year with all its rhythms becomes real. It is grounding.�

4. “The 12 Apostles”. It may be true elsewhere, but here at St. Jerome we have lay leaders who give

their time, creativity, and talent in service of the parish. I call them ‘the twelve’. In reality, there might be

20 or 30. These are the people who make us what we are. They lead ministries, work for the good of

the parish, and without their enormous work we would just be an average parish. They give us our

identity. Among the ‘twelve’ are always the leaders of the Social Concerns and Liturgy Ministries as

well as the Festival Committee, Buildings and Grounds, Finance and Pastoral Councils. The leaders of

the men’s and women’s faith sharing groups are also essential. They do the work of the parish, helping

us to be who we are. I also include in that number the priests and lay people who give of themselves

for the parish. In my 25 years I have shared ministry with wonderful priests like Fr. Joe, Fr. Mike, and

Fr. Rojin. Our lay staff have also given of themselves above and beyond the call of duty: our past � Judi

Dennehy, Pat Olson, Anne O’Callaghan, Joan McFarland, Donald Nelson, Anne Groener, and Pat Flo-

rio. Our present staff have continued in that spirit of dedication. They include Joe and Daniela O’ Calla-

ghan, Kathy Coyne, Kathy Rohr, Natalie Raduazzo, Mario Granata, and Tom Sullivan. �

3. Education and Hope and CONECT. Two of the things of which I am most proud are that we sup-

port Education and Hope in Xela, Guatemala, and that we belong to CONECT (Congregations Orga-

nized for a New Connecticut). Catholic Social Justice teaching has always had a place in my heart.

That teaching calls us to widen our view of “neighbor” as well as to work to make the world the way Je-

sus would have it. Julie Coyne’s work in Xela is the work of the Kingdom. To see it is to watch the poor

being fed, clothed, educated, and prepared for a role in the world. CONECT brings people together to

make changes in society even when powerful forces push to maintain the status quo. �

2. Doing funerals. We do funerals really well here at St. Jerome. We meet with every family, listen to

them talk about their loved one, and then work that experience into a beautiful funeral liturgy. We even

offer a funeral reception. The whole process is healing, and I know of no parish that does it better.�

Over the years as I have listened to almost 750 stories of parishioner’s lives, I have been struck by the

great goodness of people. It is an honor and blessing to listen to people talk about the brave, coura-

geous, kind, and imperfect people they love. It is a story of Grace lived out in the day to day.�

1. The gift of community. St. Jerome has become my extended family. There is deep sense of being

connected around that which binds us: the gathering of the people each day and week to celebrate Eu-

charist. We then flow out of Church and do our best to be disciples of Jesus in the world both near and

far. One of life’s great gifts is to be part of something larger than yourself that works for good. So, I

thank all of you and promise to pray for Fr. Rojin and the St. Jerome of the future. �


April 28, 2019� � � � $3,412�

April total � � � � � $52,051�

April Offertory Budget� � � $56,600�

May 5, 2019� � � � � $4,924�

May Offertory Budget� � � $37,600�

April 2019 fell a bit short of our budgeted amount.

As always, thank you for your generous support of

our parish.�

We pray for those who bravely serve our country.

God bless them and their families. Our service

people include:�

PFC Devon Barker, United States Army�

PFC Andrew Chimento, United States Army �

Sgt. Jason Kulik, United States Army�

SSgt. Cameron Prescott, USAF�

Pvt. Patrick Ruther, CTARNG�

SSG Hendrik P. Sorensen, ARNG�

ABH3 Lauren A. Sorensen, USN�

LCpl. Jack H. Whitney, USMC�

Beauty and the Beast will run the weekend of May 17�

18, with performances on Friday (8:00 p.m.) and Satur-

day (1:00 p.m and 8 p.m.).� Tickets are available online

at��or at the

Edgerton Center for the Performing Arts box office.���




Dinner / Raffles / Music / Fun�

Wed. May 22, 2019 � 6:00pm �

St. Thomas the Apostle ‘s

Church Hall (Norwalk) $20 adult / $15 children�

All Proceeds to help purchase a new Handi-

capped Accessible Van for our Notre Dame resi-

dents. TICKETS � Contact Sr. Marie� Lucie at

203�847�2885 �

Can’t join us?�


Check payable to: SSTV�Capital Improvement�

76 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT 06851�

The Pastoral Council

thanks all the parishion-

ers for participating in

our 2019 election. Im-

mediately following the

close of voting after the

6:00 PM Mass on May 5, the Elections Committee

counted the votes and validated the results. The

five (5) candidates elected to our Council for the

2019�2021 term are:�

Kristin Chuba, Ronalee Grant, Lorraine Lar-

kin, Dan Loch, and Annette Maiberger�

Congratulations to the successful candidates and

thank you to all candidates who so generously

demonstrated their willingness to serve our parish!

All Pastoral Council meetings are open to all

parishioners who would like to attend. �

Thank You for Supporting Our Pastoral Council!�


@Pontifex “As Pope John XXIII

said: “I never met a pessimist who

managed to do something good.”

The Lord is the first not to be pessi-

mistic. He constantly tries to open up

paths of resurrection for all of us.

#ApostolicJourney #Bulgaria�

@BishopCaggiano “While Philip and James may

not have been well educated, nor even eloquent in

speech, they were men who courageously lived

their faith. They taught by their actions and

preached by the integrity of their lives. Let us follow

their example.” �

@JamesMartinSJ “Gospel: “Do not work for food

that perishes but for the food that endures for eter-

nal life” (Jn 6:22�29). Jesus is referring to the

crowds looking for bread after the Feeding of the

5,000. It also refers to those whose goal is , mon-

ey, power or status�not God. Seek God first.”�

Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms!!�

We had our year�end session of TOTAL last Sun-

day. 55 high school and 8th grade teens joined

us for ice cream.�

The Confirmation retreats have been scheduled

for Friday, June 21


�and Monday, June 24



the Convent of St. Birgitta in Darien.�




This is the final weekend we will

be collecting: �


Sizes 3, 4, 5, OR 6�


These items will be donated to the babies who

reside at Malta House, in Norwalk.� Malta House

is the only home for homeless pregnant women

above the age of 18 in Fairfield County.� The

need for baby diapers and wipes is con-

stant.� Please give a package of diapers and/or a

package of wipes to help a struggling mom take

care of her infant.� �

Caregiver Support Group �

Join us each month for expert

advice from dementia�care pro-

fessionals and socialize with oth-

ers who are on a similar journey.

Next groups�May 18 @ 1:00 PM and June 15

@ 2 PM. Please call to let them know you are

coming 203�523�0510.�


� � � Sunday � � 5/12� May Crowning 9:15 Mass�

� � � Monday� � 5/13� Women’s Scripture 9:30 AM�

� � � � � � � Pastoral Council 7:00 PM�

� � � Tuesday� � 5/14� Widow’s Support 1:oo PM�

� � � Wednesday� � 5/15� Contemplative Prayer 7:00 PM�

� � � � � � � Women’s Scripture 7:30 PM�

� � � Thursday� � 5/16� �

� � � Friday�� � 5/17� �

� � � Saturday � � 5/18� Men’s Group 7:00 AM� �

� � � Sunday � � 5/19� Installation Mass 11:30 AM�

� � � � � � � Celebrate Fr. Rojin 12:45 PM� � � �

� � � �

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Nurturers and

Moms and in our REACH family. May God bless

you for your care of our children!!�

May God bless all of the Children who received

First Communion yesterday. May they continue

to grow their relationship with Jesus and always

feel the warmth of His love!�

Come join our joyous celebration

next Sunday, May 19, as Bishop Cag-

giano installs Fr. Rojin Karickal as

our new pastor at the 11:30 AM

Mass . Reception will follow!!!�

All are invited to the hall to continue

the celebration with Fr. Rojin!!�

Sign�up’s for finger

foods and desserts

are located in the
