St. Bernadette’s RC Church Tullibody Parish Newsletter ...€¦ · St. Bernadette’s and St....

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Transcript of St. Bernadette’s RC Church Tullibody Parish Newsletter ...€¦ · St. Bernadette’s and St....

Parish Priest: Fr. Mike Freyne MHM


Tel: 01259 213274

Baingle Brae, Tullibody. FK10 2SG Diocese of Dunkeld Scottish Charity No.SC001810

St. Bernadette’s RC Church Tullibody Parish Newsletter 17th November 2019

33rd Sunday in Ordinary time

NORMAL MASS TIMES: Saturday Vigil 5.30pm. & Sunday Morning Mass: 11.30am

Weekday Morning Masses: Mon, Wed, Thurs &Saturday at 9.30am.

Friday evening mass at 7.00pm - NO SERVICES ON TUESDAYS

See Parish Diary for Holy Days and other services / events.

Are you visiting our Parish or have you just moved into the area? Please feel very welcome... Introduce yourself to the Parish Priest or welcomers at the back of the church. There are no strangers here just new friends you haven’t yet met…

Col lect ions for 10th November

Gift Aided £345.80 Non-Gift Aided £344.24

Knights of St. Columba: Meet at 7.30pm on

first Wednesday of each month in the

church hall at St. Mungo’s Alloa.

Please remember in your prayers those who are sick: Margaret Mc’Intyre,

Margaret Byrne, Kathy Mc’Lauglin, Carly Mournian, Nellie Gallon, Sarah Jane Connelly,

Brendan Murphy, John Woods, Maurice Di Duca, Duncan Mc’Gregor, Roger Bray,

(Kathlean Clarke & Family, Peter-James, Gerard and Shaun-Joseph), John Mc’Niven,

Vincent McDaid, Drs. Dianne & Mike Basquill, Peter & Margaret Stark, Mary Gordon,

Fr. Brian Doran, Charles Roberson, Helen & Tommy Mc’Menemy, John Smith,

Fr. John Callaghan, Alex Byrne, Bishop Stephen, Fr. Mike Freyne (See Inside)

and all those in the various nursing homes.

Remember those who have recently died: Dennis Hallahan, Anne Marie McParland,

Moira Malkiewicz, John Craig, Kitty Tierney, Bill Cook and Fr. Tony McCarthy.

And those whose anniversaries of their death occur at this time.

Paul Stolarek, Anne Ferguson, John Mangan, Peter Doyle

and all those named on our November Lists.

Parish Website:

For newslet ters , not i ces, in format ion f rom par ish groups, h is tory , l inks to schools , o ther cathol ic organisat ions and publ icat ions.

SVDP: Meet 2 weekly at 10.30am before the

Sunday morning mass in the hall.

Next meetings: 17th November & 1st December


Saturday 16th November

5.30pm - Vigil Mass - St. Bernadette’s.

Sunday 17th November


Mon 18th Nov 9.30am - Morning Office & Holy Communion, St. Bernadette’s.


Wed 20th Nov 9.30am - Morning Office & Holy Communion, St. Bernadette’s.

Thurs 21st Nov 9.30am - Morning Office & Holy Communion, St. Bernadette’s..


Saturday 23rd November

9.30am - Morning Office & Holy Communion, St. Bernadette’s.

5.30pm - Vigil Mass, ST. BERNADETTE’S,

Sunday 24th


11.30am - MORNING MASS - ST. BERNADETTE’S Beginning of Catholic Education Week.

R e g u l a r M e e t i n g s

Mobile phones, iPads & tablets etc. must be switched off or put to Airplane mode in the church as they interfere with the speaker system. SURELY 1HR. WITHOUT YOUR MOBILE IS NO HARDSHIP.

Many people, including regulars, are still not turning their mobile phones or other electrical devices off.

Switch it off Please…

Children's Liturgy

33rd Sunday in

Ordinary time

Feast of

Christ the King

NOVEMBER - MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: During the month of November we pray for our deceased named in the lists on the altar.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting planned for Monday 18th Nov is cancelled. The next meeting will possibly be in December. Date TBA


A big thanks. TO EVERYONE who pulled together to make the Blessing

of the School such a WONDERFUL EVENT.

Bishop Stephen and the priests admired the way the parish worked together without

their parish priest and made the event so prayerful and not to be forgotten.

We thank those especially involved around the sacristy and liturgy. The school staff, and

as always the children, rose to the occasion.

Special collection today for Catholic Education Service

Special collection for Catholic Education Service

Next Sunday 24th November we begin Catholic Education Week. At both Vigil and Sunday

masses the Readings, Sermon, Prayers of the Faithful and Offertory will be organised by

St. Bernadette’s and St. Modan’s staff and pupils. SCES newsletter is on parish website.

A Catholic Social Teaching Message from Pope Paul VI

17th November - 33rd Sunday of the year. (World Day of the Poor 2019)

“The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognise Christ in the poorest, his brethren.” - (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1397)

More at:

We are always looking for new passkeepers, to

help at Sunday morning & Vigil masses. (any

age, male or female)... If you can help (even only

occasionally) please speak to Fr. Mike.

If want the newsletter emailed to you just email us with your request and full name at : For all other email communications with the Parish or Parish Priest please use the diocesan email address:

Feed the Hungry: Place non-perishable & tinned items etc in the box at the back of the church. Our SVDP /KSC will distribute goods to the needy in our area and also support “The Gate” foodbank.


Fr Mike’s Brazil Jar.

Please take a jar from the

back of the church to collect

spare coins for Brazil. This

money helps small projects

that get very little and often

no other support. Items for the newsletter should be sent to:

Y o u ’ v e g o t t o b e i n i t t o w i n i t ! ! !

We will hold a parish raffle this year to raise funds for lights outside the church during the Advent and Christmas season. Raffle tickets for a drinks hamper will be on sale from 16th November at £2 each. We also have scratch cards at £5 per square with a prize of £100.

We need donations for the hamper... All donations of bottles will be gratefully received please hand in as soon as possible...

Please help ! ! !

Justice & Peace Autumn newsletter on parish website

The SVDP are our parish based charity focussing on the needy and socially excluded locally... If you know of anyone in need in the parish please let the SVDP know or just put a note of the name and contact details in the SVDP box in the church.


Fr. Mike’s health. Fr. Mike developed an infection and on Sunday 3rd November was admitted to FVRH Larbert.

He suddenly suffered MRSA. He is still undergoing treatment at home and the Consultants have

advised a long time of convalescence due to fatigue. We will all take this into account. If you

should meet him please do not “hug” him – he is irresistible!! – or hold his arm as it is extremely

painful and sensitive. There will be limited access to him over the next two weeks.

Fr. Mike did not undergo the tests previously planned as these are totally separate from this.

As we reported in previous newsletters Fr, Mike is still waiting on tests etc for his voice

problems. During this period while he is waiting to be called up for further tests we will try and make it

easier for his voice. Weekday masses we will celebrate with the small altar brought to front of the sanctu-

ary and encourage people to sit in the front 3 benches. We ask that at the Vigil and Sunday masses

that everyone tries to lower the noise (it can be quite noisy at times) as his voice should not be compet-

ing and having to raise it.

We have a very good and competent liturgy team and should he be invited for further tests or treatment at

short notice nothing will be cancelled but continue as normal.

Normally Fr. Mike would be going round our housebound sick just now but to play safe and avoid any pos-

sibility of him catching anything that could create further complications these visits will be put off just for the

time being except emergency calls. We would just like to make it clear this is just the normal phase

of tests that everyone goes through. When the results finally come through hopefully we will thank

God everything is OK..... Thanks for everyone’s understanding.

“We must put an end to the culture of waste, we who pray to the Lord to give us our daily bread. Food waste contributes

to hunger and to climate change.” - Pope Francis@pontiflex

More at: Food Losses and Waste


33rd Sunday of the year 17 November 2018

“The hope of the poor shall not perish for ever ”

For Pope Francis’ entire message CLICK HERE

On this World Day we are called to examine our conscience to see if we can truly hear and respond to the cry of the poor in our world. In our communities, we are invited to offer friendship, solidarity and welcome to the poorest of our sisters and brothers. Pope Francis asks us to pray, and to share a meal after Mass if we can, in a spirit of joy and togetherness.

CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ONLINE??? Thousands of online retailers will make donations just by you buying online through With you can raise extra cash for our church, just go to stbtullibody/ There are no catches or hidden charges and St. Bernadette's, will be really grateful for your donations.

Leaflets at back of church. More at :