SS. Edward & Lucy 5 2020.pdfSS. Edward & Lucy Parish Clustered...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of SS. Edward & Lucy 5 2020.pdfSS. Edward & Lucy Parish Clustered...

SS. Edward & Lucy Parish Clustered with St. Helen Church


“The vibrant Catholic community of SS. Edward and Lucy

teaches, proclaims and lives the Gospel of our

Lord Jesus Christ. We do so through the

celebration of the Eucharist, the administration of the

sacraments and in loving and merciful service

to all.”

16280 East High St. Middlefield, Ohio

16150 Center St. Parkman, Ohio

Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm-St. Edward 6:30pm-St. Lucy Sunday: 8:30am-St. Edward 10:30am-St. Lucy

Confession Schedule Saturday: 4:15-4:45pm-St. Edward 7:15pm-St. Lucy

Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, 6:00pm-St. Edward Chapel Tuesday - Friday, 8:00am-St. Edward Chapel

Holy Day Mass Schedule Holydays: Vigil Mass 6:30pm-St. Edward Holyday: 9:00am-St. Edward 6:30pm-St. Lucy

Mailing Address P.O. Box 709 * 16150 Center St.

Parkman, Ohio 44080 (440) 548-3812


Rev. John T. Burkley, Pastor Karen Thrasher, Business Manager

Cassie Brumbaugh, Youth Ministry & Director of Religious Ed.

Sister Rosemary Janezic, Administrative Assistant

Registration Call the office or download a form at

July 5, 2020

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO OUR COUN-TRY! We have certainly been through a disconcerting period of time this year and Independence Day is not what it has been in the past. From everything you read to understand this predicament, it seems that some groups have been planning a way to bring our country down by dividing us along racial division and making “molehills” (statues) into mountains to bring about that division. Now we hear they are coming for statues of Jesus and I am sure, Mary as well, also try-ing to make this a racial issue. I, for one, think we cannot remain silent on the sidelines. Our great coun-try has been built on involvement. If you and I are not strengthening it with our voice and our presence, how can our republic last in the hands of these “protestors”? Our voice needs to be heard because it matters for our future and our children’s and grand-children’s...Congratulations to all the youth who got to the Youth Event last Wednesday. We can come together and still were safe. The next meeting for our youth is Wednesday, July 15..I am looking for a few volunteers to reach out (at least by phone) to our parish shut-ins. A regular call (or visit) can make them feel a part of parish life. You can imagine, after what we have been through these months, what it is like to be isolated from people important to you. I think the Beatitudes cover even a regular phone call... Because we have cancelled the Chicken Dinner / Car Show this year, we are turning to another means of fund-raising for the parish. I encourage everyone to participate as you are able to the upcoming raffle…

Tickets were mailed out last week. We have been re-ceiving a copy of the Northeast Ohio Catholic magazine from the diocese regularly. In two weeks we will be having a collection to help subsidize it. Please help. If you have not been receiving it in the mail, please let us know...We are in need of servers and readers at Mass. I challenged our Confirmation class to become active in these areas and as Ushers and Greeters at our Masses. I guess I will have to make the first move to enlist them. Parents: a little help please...Our Finance Councils have been active as we come to the end of our fiscal year (July 1-June 30). We will have a Budget Meeting on July 23 and an End-of-the-year meeting on the July 30 so we can forward the year’s report to the diocese for review and give you an overview of the year’s finances. Your generosity and sacrifice makes parish life fruitful and possible...Many thanks to all who have contributed to the “Heart of A Shepherd” program to make reno-vations to the seminaries possible. Your generosity came even with the current Covid climate.




Reflec ng on the Word I lie in bed half awake and half asleep, thinking about “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” In this blurred mental sate, scenes flash through my head. The burden is light? Ponderous chords from the musical Les Miserables say not. Prisoners sweat in the sun. Their backs are hopelessly bent. How can the yoke be easy? Oppression and misery and pain is so much bondage in the world. In the darkness behind my eyelids, my mind zooms to yesterday. See my friend. I recall the hospital bed in her living room: a time she will never forget. Here husband died in that bed while they were saying the rosary. I see a young mother and her six-month-old son. Rocking and feeding, playing and interacting—all day and all night, she is yoked to that boy. Babies are hard work. So why are some yokes easier to bear? There was a deep love between my friend and her dying husband. There was warmth in my daughter-in-law’s eyes yesterday when she looked into the eyes of my grandson. We will do difficult things for love. Love makes the burden light. Sin makes the burden heavy. We cannot act as though everything is not so bad after all. Oppression is wrong. Misery harms. Prisoner matter. We carry the burdens of others—not nameless faces in a movie, but he needy folks who surround us. Yet the joy of discipleship is that we do not carry that weight alone. Now I am ready to wake up. The love of this world is strong. The burden of the world is heavy. This is a para-dox bigger than I can shoulder. I get out of bed, grateful that this world has a Savior and more grateful that it is not me. John R. Barker, OFM & Karla J. Bellinger

Saturday, July 4 Sunday Vigil 5:00pm Jackie Gyure/M/M Walt Kimpton 6:30pm Tom Roach/wife, Marie Sunday, July 5 14th Sunday Ordinary Time 8:30am Donnie Evanchich/Leo Z 10:30am Mikey Davis/M/M John Cocco Monday, July 6 Weekday 6:00pm Holy Souls Tuesday, July 7 Weekday 8:00am Frank Proch, Sr./wife, Patrice Wednesday, July 8 Weekday 8:00am George Frank/M/M Nick Frank Thursday, July 9 Weekday 8:00am Katherine Kocab/Joe Moore Friday, July 10 Weekday 8:00am Bo Giel/father, John Saturday, July 11 Sunday Vigil 5:00pm Steve Mikolaj/daughter, Marcia 6:30pm D’Amato Family/Wills Family Sunday, July 12 15th Sunday Ordinary Time 8:30am Jim Mars/Leo Z. 10:30am Mark Geraci/JoAnn Perko

St. Edward St. Lucy Weekly 2019: $3081.01 (112) $1822.22 (54) Weekly 2020: $1856.00 (55) $2513.22 (57) Restricted: 105.00 .00 St. Vincent: 163.00 227.00 Air Cond.: 5.00 50.00 Holy Father: 168.00 366.00 Religious Ed.: 5.00 15.00 Capital Fund: .00 10.00 Children: .00 2.00 (1)

Sunday: The Gatherings E & L Monday: 10am-6pm Adoration in the Chapel 6:00pm Mass & Rosary in the Chapel Wednesday: 7:00pm Bible Study E Thursday: 10:00am Bible Study E 1:00-6:00pm Adoration L 2:00pm Divine Mercy Cenacle L

KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS PREGNANT? SCARED? NEEDS HELP? CALL 888.552.3552 24 HOURS SS. EDWARD & LUCY PRAYER LINE: Call Rebecca 330-389-0728 or email prayer request to

TREASURES FOR LIFE THRIFT STORE As the CO-19 restrictions lessen, our Treasures for Life Thrift Store is open and helping to provide much needed assistance to our community. We NEED your help! We need more and NEW volunteers. Wondering what you can do? Please consider volunteering, even just an hour or two a week, at our Treasures for Life Thrift Store in Old Brooklyn. Many hands make light work. Have a little extra time on your hands recently? What a great way to serve your community and really make a difference! So many of us are in a position of comfort and security, while so many of our neighbors are suffering in the extreme. Maybe it's time to give a little back? Find out more about vol-unteering today! -- Forward and share this opportunity with your friends and family!

Treasures for Life Thrift Store Address: 4427 State Road, OH 44109

Phone: (216) 661-3000 Hours: Monday – Saturday 10 am – 2 pm *Closed Sundays

SISTERS IN CHRIST WITH BIRTHRIGHT OF GEAUGA are in need of diapers, wipes ,formula and baby items. They also need size 2,3,4 summer clothing for both boys and girls ,and books and toys. Gently used and in good condition is acceptable. Please place in baskets at both churches. Thank you for your support and kindness . Any questions please call Ann at 440-632-8298.

Happy 1st Year Anniver-sary to Cassie. Cassie began her ministry here-on July 1, 2019. We are so blessed to have her. Don’t forget to wish her HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

The next Youth Event is July 15, 6:30pm E



Jesus, you ask us to be childlike, to trust you to carry our burdens. Love has lifted us up. Sin has torn us down. You know that we have experienced both. Lord, give us the strength this day to do all that we can today for whomever you put in our path. We are willing to work hard to make a differ-ence in this world, but you are going to have to carry it, for we cannot. Come Savior of the world, come!


It’s Independence Day week, and there is a link worth tracing between the Declaration of Independence and the language of liturgy. One of the signers of the Declaration on that July 4 long ago was Charles Carroll, proba-bly the wealthiest man in the colonies and one of the few Catholics on the political scene. As a flourish to his sig-nature, he sought to distinguish him-self from other prominent citizens bearing the same name by penning “Charles Carroll of Carrolltown”—a de-fiant “come and get me if you dare” postscript aimed at the British. Carroll’s brother John was a priest and patriot who in 1789 was given the task of organizing the Catholic Church in this country. By 1791 he had as-sembled a synod, or assembly of dele-gates, to launch that task formally. Archbishop Carroll wanted to gain ac-ceptance of our faith by American people who mistrusted our customs and could not comprehend our liturgy. He made the amazing proposal to Rome that our liturgy should be prayed not in Latin, but in the vernac-ular, English. His wish was denied, but one hundred sixty years later, his deep desire helped the American bish-ops and scholars at the Second Vati-can Council to win the vote in favor of the vernacular not just for the United States, but for the Church throughout the world. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

“IT’S A MATTER OF LIFE...” “Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abor-tion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.” Dr. Alveda King

The Rosary Group will be saying the ro-sary every Tuesday at 8:30am in the Chapel at St. Edward after the 8am Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us.

AM 1260 The Rock is praying for you! AM 1260 The Rock prays daily for the intentions of our listeners. In addition, the nuns at Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in Burton pray for your intentions as well. Send your prayer request to or call us at 216-227-1260 option 1.


Dear Friends of the Museum, Just a reminder, we are reopening on June 27th. We will have Satur-day hours for the public to visit. All visitors must wear a mask while inside the museum. We are requiring this to protect museum staff and our senior visitors . Your co-operation is much appreci-ated. We are look-ing for-ward to your visit


Attention all groups and minis-tries . It was the end of our church fiscal year on June 30th. In order to be compliant with the Diocese of Cleveland financial office requirements, a copy of your checkbook register is due in the office. Please be sure to sub-mit the copy by July 14th for re-view.