Spreadsheet Operations Obj. 4.01 1. Spreadsheet Operations— increase..... the efficiency of data...

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Transcript of Spreadsheet Operations Obj. 4.01 1. Spreadsheet Operations— increase..... the efficiency of data...


Spreadsheet Operations

Obj. 4.01


Spreadsheet Operations—

increase . . . . . the efficiency of data entrythe performing of calculations, and the presentation of information.


Types of Spreadsheet Operations1. Sorts

a. Primary Sort

b. Secondary Sort

2. Freeze Panes

3. Fill Series

4. Printa. Print Preview

b. Print a Selection

5. Linking and Embeddinga. Target

b. Source



A Sort is used to arrange data in alphabetical or chronological order data can be sorted in

Ascending or Descending Order

Examples of: Alphabetical order—Ascending A to ZAlphabetical order—Descending Z to A

Numerical order—Ascending 1 to 10Numerical order—Descending 10 to 1


Sorts Primary sort – indicates the primary sort range of data (i.e., last name)

also known as a single sort Secondary sort – indicates the next sort range

of date (i.e., first name) also known as a multiple sort

Examples of primary and secondary sort:Smith, ChrisSmith, RyanStevens, John

Can you answer this question?:Mr. Smith sorted the student athletes in order by GPA, last name, first name, and homeroom.

GPA is an example of which part of the sort operation?_________________________


Freezing Panes Allows the user to work in multiple areas of a

large spreadsheet and focus the view on specific cell ranges. Freezing Panes allows the row and/or columns labels

or titles to remain stationary on the screen while you scroll.


(1) John arranged his spreadsheet so that he could view the cell range B1:B10 and Row 3 while he worked in cells on Row 180.

He would Freeze the Panes so he could see Row 3 and Row 180 at the same time.

(2) If Sue wants to keep rows and columns visible so they don’t scroll off the screen as she moves around on the worksheet, she would use the Freeze Panes operation.


Fill Series

used to fill a column or row with consecutive data Examples:

the days of the week Months of the year numerical numbers

such as, check numbers that were deleted from a spreadsheet

Important: these cell must be adjacent (next to each other)


Fill Handle

the Fill Handle is used to create the continuation of a data series.

Click and drag on the Fill Handle to complete the series

The Fill Handle is the square located at the bottom right of the cell.


Fill Examples

Date Series

Years Series

Months Series


Printing a Spreadsheet

Printing is used to provide a hard copy.

Print preview is used to view how data is represented on paper.

Print a selection is used to print a portion of a spreadsheet


Printing Options

Portrait — paper taller than wide

Landscape — paper wider than tall

To print with or without gridlinesor with or without row and column headings:

To print all of the column headingsat the top of each page:File, Page Setup, Sheet, Print Titles


Linking and Embedding

Linking and/or Embedding are used to integrate spreadsheet data with other software applications.

Two items needed for either process:Target documentSource document



Linking maintains a connection between two files or objects:1. the Source in which it is created2. the Target into which it is inserted

The linked object in the Target file will be updated when the Source file is updated.

Example: A word processing document (target) may contain a link to a spreadsheet (source) that will update anytime the spreadsheet data is edited.


Embedding Embedding does NOT maintain a connection

between two files or objects:

the Source in which it is created and the Target into which it is inserted are NOT linked and do NOT have any type of connection.

Unlike a linked object, once embedded, the object becomes part of the Target file (sometimes called Destination file).

Changes you make to the embedded object in the Target file are NOT reflected in the Source file.


Embedding examples:(1) An embedded spreadsheet is converted into a

graphic image when placed in a Target document and does NOT change to reflect edits made at the Source.

(2) To ensure that an object does NOT change in a word processing document when it is edited in the spreadsheet of its original creation, the object must be embedded in the word processing document.