
Post on 02-Feb-2016

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Opening speech

Transcript of Speech

Opening speech : ASSALAMU’ALAYKOM WRT WBT* and a very good morning to our honarble guest ____ and ( all those who attend ) . First and foremost i would like to thank everyone in this hall for allocating time is their busy schedule to attend this function . So from the bottom of my heart and all those involved in organising this function/ceromony thank you very much . Before we move on let us all watch a small video presentation .

1st speech : now with much honour i would like to call upon mr.__ ( position in organisation or rank of official ) to say a few words. Next speech: thank u mr..( previous speaker) .. And now i would like invite mr.____ ( position/role) * follow in order for all speech .

1050: thanks to everyone who came up this stage to provide their aspiring speech and sharing their words of wisdoms with us .. Now let us all enjoy a small performance put together by the childern/ppl from Hope . 1055: thx hope for their wonderfull performance .. Coming up next is also a performance by philea home.

1100: thx . B4 we move on to the next performance .. Whe have a few interesting games planned to add some spice to this day .. So ( intro 1st game ..explain d game... Call participants ... Tell the rules.... Done ... Follow on 2nd game ...same order )

1125 ; up next is dance performance put up by the children of rumah kasih .

1130 : following on that awesome dance show are the childeren of ___ to show us thier singing ability ... So put ur hands together for ___

1135: and that sums up all the performance for the day .thx to all those who came up to perform on this stage . Following on is pricegiving ceromony to ____

1140 call upon mr._____ n mr.___ to present ____

1155 thx u .. Call upon ____ to hand a token of appriciation to __________

1200 thank all on stage n those giving away token n prize ... We have a special performance by ____

1210 .... Call upon guest to proceed lunch at the foyer / lobby .
