Special report confucianism

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Special report confucianism


Special Reportby Marta Fretheim

Confusianism = the school of the scholars (Confucius)

What is confusianism?

A set of ethical beliefs that were developed from the teachings of the scholar Confucius. The philosophy is concerned with human beings, that they are teachable, improvable and capable of becoming perfect through personal and communal effort.

Goal: individual happiness through peace and to obtain peace, our relationships must be based on love and duties.


China experienced a transition from slavery to feudalists and people were concerned about the future mode of society. Several schools of thoughts were thrieved, such as Taoist and Legist.

Confusius`s philosophy was based on reviving the ethics of the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore brought a series of norms to re-surface. These norms were developed step by step into Confucianism.

It has dominated a feudal society that in essence has lasted 2000 years and have had great influence over the history, social structure and the people of China.

Focuses on developing the virtue and ethics, the most basic constants are:

1. Ren: Is altruism and humanness for others. The feeling a virtues human being gets when being altruistic.

2. Yi/zhong/shu: Is maintenance of justice and the desire to do good.

3. Li: A set of norms. How should one act within a community?

4. Zhi: Knowledge or wisdom

5. Xin: Integrity and faithfullness

Values of confucianism


“Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”

"If a man in the morning hear the right way, he may die in the evening without


“When a country is well-governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country

is ill-governed, riches and honour are things to be ashamed of"

"Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know men"

"The superior man in everything considers righteousness to be essential. He performs it according to the rules of propriety. He brings it forth in humility. He completes it with sincerity. This is

indeed a superior man"

Quick facts

Quick facts Confucianism

Formed: C. 500 B.C.E

Origin: China

Followers: 5 000 000

Deity None/various gods and ancestors

Headquarters None

Confucius“The teacher of 10 000 generations”

• 551 – 479 BC

• Born into a poor but noble family.

• Original name: ka`ung Ch`iu. Married at the age of 19 and had a son and two daughters.

• A chinese teacher, editor, politician and philosopher. He broke with the tradition and promoted the idea “to educated all despite their social status”

• At the age of 53 he became the Minister of crime in the state of LU. He managed to introduce some reforms and almost eliminated crimes. This was sabbotaged by the neighboring state as he gained a lot of power.

• In 496 BC he had to leave the country and was not welcomed back until 482.

• Although his political career was not that successful he was a great teacher and philosopher.

Confucianism and profit

Profit is not regarded immoral, though it should be in harmony with justice. He says:

“one who, on seeing profit, thinks of righteousness, may be considered a perfect man”And on the other hand:“Wealth and high station are what men desire but unless I got them in the right way I would not remain in them”

Confucianism economy

“Virtue is the root – while wealth is the branch”

“If there is equal distribution there will be no poverty”

Confucianism believes that sufficient provision of the basic needs of the people is the basis of a good society. This would mean that economic policy must be geared to realizing economic equality.

• Product development:Replied to the concern about the decline in moral and ethics from the people.

• Passionate:Thoroughly followed his own norms and guidelines. Also very persistent, had to flee the country.

• Implementation / power to doThrough his teaching and persistency he manage to implement his believes. Confucianism is now widely used all over the world and in many cultures and religions.

Confucius an entrepreneur?

• Trust:No one wants to do business with someone who is not trust worthy or does not follow the rules.

• Building connections:By maintaining a high moral and by being kind and true

Confucianism in entrepreneurship?

Thank you!