Speaker Rev Daniel Chua...is led by the Gospel command to give oneself fully in recognition that God...

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Transcript of Speaker Rev Daniel Chua...is led by the Gospel command to give oneself fully in recognition that God...


Speaker Rev Daniel Chua

For internal circulation only

24 November 2019


life degenerated as they had stopped bothering to be godly. I have been blessed by David Pawson’s “Unlocking the Bible” as I read through the Old Testament.

Instead of offering the best lambs, the people of Judah chose blemished animals. “”A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the LORD Almighty.” (Mal. 1:6). While the rebuke was directed at the priests, the people were indeed giving to God their leftovers after keeping the best for themselves.

One of the most striking dialogues in Malachi centers on God’s accusation that the people had robbed Him by refusing to bring their full tithes and offerings. Every Israelite would have been fully aware that the law of tithing included blessings and curses. Is tithing still relevant for Christians today? As I pondered this question, I recalled my teenage years when I often heard my pastor preach that Christians must tithe 10% of their income. My pastor often joked that the most frequent question he was asked was this: “Pastor, should I tithe 10% of my gross or net income?” To which his reply was – always with a smile - “It depends on whether you want the Lord to bless you gross or net!” I think some churches today still insist that Christians should give a tithe of their income. But is tithing biblical? To answer this question, it is important to interpret the purpose of tithing in the Old Testament. The following synopsis from Gordon McConville’s “Exploring the Old Testament – The Prophets” is instructive:

1. Tithing was part of Israel’s sacrificial system and helped support the priests and temple service. Part of the tithe was used to care for the poor and weak in society which is partly taken up by modern taxation systems today.

2. Jesus did not require tithing and He was critical of fussy attention to it. Rather, our Lord looked for a heartfelt desire to do God’s will (Matt. 23:23-24).

3. Attempts to apply the law of tithing today encounter problems of interpretation and practice:

During lunch on 11/11 (Singles Day), my friend shared that his wife and several of her colleagues had taken leave to prepare for the early morning flash sales on e-commerce bazaars. She snapped up 4 vacuum cleaners so he cheekily asked her how she intends to deploy all of them to clean their home at the same time! I told him that I saw an article about a bride-to-be who had waited 6 months for this online frenzy as she had hoped to buy most of what she needed for her wedding at a 50% discount. Ironically, it was our single lady friend sitting with us who remarked that she could not understand why people had to buy so much and opined that it must be due to “compulsion”. Singles’ Day has now become the biggest global online shopping event. Pioneered by e-commerce giant Alibaba a decade ago (their sales hit S$16b during the first hour alone), it is no longer confined to singles or consumers from China. Just about everyone looking for a bargain has jumped on the bandwagon with clothing being the top choice for Singaporeans - trade wars and economic headwinds notwithstanding.

As I was reflecting on this phenomenon, several insights from the prophet Malachi came to mind. Malachi was written about 100 years after the return of Judah from exile in Babylon. Things were not good and life was hard. Although they had rebuilt the temple, it was a far cry from the magnificent temple built by Solomon. While the people had learned their lesson about idolatry during their exile, their practice of religion had become a formality. People went to the temple and gave their tithes, but they wanted to get by on the minimum commitment in terms of their time and money. Even the priests conducted services in a sloppy manner and preached popular sermons instead of teaching the law. With this attitude, the people’s moral


a. How does one compute the tithe in relation to income and other wealth? E.g. CPF contributions from employers, investment or rental income.

b. While 10% seems like a fair figure (analogous to the oft-heard advice by financial gurus to save 10% of one’s income), it may be harsh for the poor ($100 is a lot to forgo for someone earning $1,000) and the family struggling on one modest income but it is a light burden on the well-to-do ($3,000 from a $30,000 monthly income still enables a family to live on a very comfortable lifestyle).

I agree with McConville’s conclusion that Christians are not under any compulsion to tithe. If one feels the need to tithe, they will need to work out in their hearts what this means as the Christian obligation is led by the Gospel command to give oneself fully in recognition that God is the true owner of everything. Therefore, we should give generously, accordingly to our ability. In fact, the New Testament has several examples of remarkable self-denial and sacrificial giving from both rich (Acts 4:34-37) and poor (Mark 12:41-44, 2 Cor. 8:1-5).

While tithing may no longer be applicable in the covenant of grace, I have personally found 10% to be a useful guide since I started earning an income. Some of us may find 10% too little while others may feel it is excessive in their current season of life. Many have also chosen to give to worthy parachurch ministries, but our first priority must be the local church because it is our primary spiritual community where we’re fed and to which we’re accountable. After all, the church is the only institution recognized by the Lord as the Body of Christ.

During my 19 years in Carmel, I can only recall 2 instances where giving was preached. Talking about money has not been in Carmel’s DNA, but we should never shy away from what the Bible teaches. So please permit me to share Dn Fook Lum’s update to the Standing Committee during the recent 2020 budget review:

a. Our receipts have declined this year compared to prior years. Based on the estimated year end projection, we may run into a deficit. This would be an unusual position for Carmel as we had been able to generate a surplus in most years, by God’s grace.

b. Receipts have been generally constant over the last 5 years but ministry needs have been increasing. If this trend continues, then we’ll either need to reduce the budget or dip into the cash reserves which will impact the cash flow for the Church Plant (CP).

c. Recording a deficit may affect how banks evaluate our financial health with respect to granting a loan for the CP.

How will Carmelites respond to the projected shortfall and the call to give to the CP? Shortly after a recent CP briefing, a brother told me that this will be his second CP. At his former church where the leaders were never shy to preach about giving, his pastor used to say: “The Lord does not need your money, but you must give!”. We should not teach people to tithe, only to give willingly, for the Lord does not want our money if we don’t want to part with it. If we truly believe that everything we have comes from our heavenly Father, then we’ll give cheerfully, each accordingly to our ability (Acts 11:29). We’ll do well to remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Cor. 9:6-8). May our obedience in giving to the Lord’s work result in praise and thanksgiving to our Almighty God.

Eld Kelvin Teo


Next Wed (27 November), 7.45 pm, Room #03-06

Chairperson: Rev Jabez Chia

POEM - Let’s Pray Once Every



Church Plant: Praise God that 68 Carmelites have submitted their Pledge and Giving Forms. Ask the Holy Spirit to move more of us to commit to pledging and giving towards

CP over the next few weeks. We need to tabulate the amount we can raise in order to get a bank loan (part of the bid package) of the balance

Thank God for a fruitful meeting this week regarding the use of space to serve the community. Pray for the team as they work on the bid package with this integrated care plan in mind.

Pray for Providence Presbyterian Church. Their Session is meeting this Sunday, 24 Nov to discuss about their own Church Plant and whether they would like to partner with Mt Carmel. Pray for God to guide them and that they will discern His will for them regarding this possible partnership.

Youth: Pray for A-Level students whose exams are ongoing till first week of December.

May they remain calm and continue to trust God during this time. Pray for the integration of 4 KidSparks boys into Youth Ministry next year. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of our youths for Youth Camp (15-19

December). The youths will be going out to serve migrant workers and wheel-chair-bound elderly. May God grant the youths hearts of compassion for these two groups of people.

Overseas Missions Ministry (OMM): Missions Trip to ChiangMai — Give thanks to God for Tan Choon Kiat, Job Lim and

Yi Wen who have decided to go. May God move a few more to go. They will be teaching English and doing sports ministry from 8 to 15 Jan. Pray for the preparation.

Missions Trip to Lake Toba — Thank God for the 10 Carmelites who have signed up to go for this missions trip from 15-19 January 2020. Pray for our first orientation on 28th November 2019. Pray for the Dedication Service and preparation for the various ministries.

Christmas Eve Service: Preparation for the service on 24 Dec “Christ our Hope” is in progress. Uphold in prayer Aaron Chong and various groups in the preparation. Pray that Carmelites will invite friends/families for the service where the gospel will be preached.

Hospitality: Praise God for bringing to our midst 8 students, age 13 to 18 from East Malaysia who are on scholarship studying in River Valley High. Six of them have been attending the worship service regularly since the beginning of the year. There will be another 6 new students next year. We are looking for families to host 2 students per family and be in contact with them during their stay here. We plan to start a Bible Study with them next year. Pray for these two needs.

"[We pray] not to inform God or instruct Him but to beseech Him closely, to be made intimate with Him, continuance in supplication; to be be humbled; to be re-minded of our sins." --- John Chrysostom ---


Ps Peter is preaching at Shalom BP Church today.

1 Dec Dr Lai Pak Wah The Cycle of Opposition Daniel 11

8 Dec Rev Peter Teo The End of the Age Daniel 12

15 Dec Rev Daniel Chua Advent Selected text

22 Dec Rev Yap Kim Sin Christmas Message Selected text


Calling for volunteers, whether as a CG or group of friends, or even individuals, to assist with the Sunday refreshments. For individuals, we will help to form a team. Please contact Elder Albunus (albunus@gmail.com) or Lai San (6779 -5077, laisan@carmel.sg) at the church office if you are available to serve in this area.

Congratulations to Joshua Loh & Amanda Lee who were united in Holy Matrimony on Saturday, 23 November 2019.


NEXT SUNDAY 1 December 2019



Ushers Susannah Siew & friends D’Vine CG

Refreshment Jennifer Lim/Peck Har

Worship Leader & Musicians Lim Yan Hock - Week 1 Band

Congregational Prayer Rev Peter Teo

Welcome Corner

Scripture Readers Joyce Go Kim Kijin

AVA Crew Yu Ta Wen/Lee Sin Yee Chan Wen Hui/Christie Phua

Librarians June Ho/Jesslyn Yu

Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to

Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (payee name must be stated on the cheque).

Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below

$5,000 except upon request.

All offerings and pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd are not tax-deductible.


DANIEL 10:1-21 (ESP. VERSES 11 & 19)

Three reasons why Daniel was highly esteemed (or greatly beloved) of God… # 1: His lifelong loyalty as a disciple

In chapter 1, he loved God with all his heart as a youth of about 15 years. In chapter 10, he still loved God as a grand old man of 85!

Ezekiel 14: It is so to fake piety when we have already forsaken God in our hearts…

# 2: His deep spirituality as a public servant

Daniel 5.17

Thought: You may be growing in prosperity, but unless you are also deepening in spirituality, you are not preparing well for eternity.

# 3: His integrity even when life is at stake

Daniel 6.4

Compare our friends in Nepal who still preach the gospel despite threat of imprisonment

Concluding thoughts


Worship Leaders Aaron Chong

Speaker Rev Daniel Chua

Prayer/Announcement Eld Bruce Lockhart

Scripture Readers Serene Lim Ellen Cheng

Ushers Suyen & friends Grace CG

Refreshment — No Refreshment —

AVA Chai Chin Loon Fiona Chee Daryl Tan Loh Kum Hoe Peter Liew

Thanksgiving Flowers Wedding - Joshua Loh & Amanda Lee Kee Poir Mok & Lim Chew Lwee Steven & Soh Hoon


A warm welcome to all newcomers

and visitors with us today. We hope

that you will have a meaningful time

of worship this morning. Do join us

for tea at The Hive (Room #02-13)

after the service.

Worshippers are invited to come forward to the front

pew for personal prayer with our elders/pastors.

10,000 Reasons

How Great Thou Art

“Gloria Patri”

Jeremiah 29:10-14

Be Thou My Vision

In The Garden

Come As You Are

Ancient Words


Daniel 10

“Daniel, A Man Highly Esteemed”

When We All Get To Heaven

Three-Fold Amen

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