SPCH Intros

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of SPCH Intros

From the moment that Lewis’ high school volleyball coach saw him, he knew that

he had potential. From his height, to his large wingspan, Lewis had the makings of a

quality volleyball player. After some convincing by the head coach, he was recruited into

his high school’s program. It was after two weeks of practice that he realized how much

he loved the sport. Pursuing this newfound fondness for this activity, he spent his next

three years of high school in countless hours training and practicing until he became one

of the best players on his team in his senior year. Today, as a 19-year-old sophomore at

University, he continues to impress on the court, as he partakes in the sport as a part of

the athletic program here. Although his passion lies in volleyball, Lewis looks to pursue

a career in financial planning, as he currently majors in finance. And while he admits

that he is better suited in a career as a financial planner, in the future I can see him as

either working a steady job in finance or still dominating the court as a professional

volleyball player.