SPC Missions

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of SPC Missions

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Shallowford Presbyterian Church


Oct 17, 2010

Heritage hall

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What is Mission?

Mission is what Christians do when they go into the world and reach out to

others with the love of Christ.

Mission can be seen in acts of compassion for those who are suffering:

Food for the hungry.

Housing for the homeless.

Support for those in crisis.Comfort for those in need.

Doing what is right and fair for everyone involved.

In short mission is about doing something in the world.

Mission is also about sharing the good news of Gods love as seen in Jesus

Christ, finding ways to let Gods grace flow through us into the lives of others by

what we say and what we do.

If worship and fellowship are about filling us up, mission is about sharing what

we have been given with others.

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SPC Missions

Co-chairs:Dave Billet (local) and Nick Villaume (WWM)

Local mission focuses on what we do in around our local

community and the Greater Atlanta area.

Worldwide mission focuses on everything outside of Atlanta.

Both are important ways of showing Gods love to our world.

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Local Missions (FY10 $31,000)




Food Pantry23%


Outreach Home


Habitat for



Night Shelter









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Worldwide Ministries (FY10 $32,250)

Burkino Faso


Synod of Living



6%Heifer Project


Carmel Community



Just Coffee


Frontera de Cristo


PCUSA Missionary



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Burkina Faso / ASUDEC

Purpose: to support infrastructure and programs in BF

directed at education and agriculture.

POC: John Bogle

Recent activities

In 2008, SPC funding and private donations helped complete ahotel-like boarding house started by and dedicated to thememory of Flo Snyder. The house will provide income to thisimpoverished Sahara Desert community.

Last November, SPC sent a team of 5 missionaries to visit BF:

John, Leta and Andrew Bogle and Darl and Cherie Snyder.They visited the facilities in several locations and learnedabout the programs and issues facing our partners.

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Burkina Faso Facts

Sub-Saharan country inWest Africa Official language is French, numerous native languages

14 million people, literacy rate has risen from 12% in 1990 to

25% in 2008 which UN says is worlds lowest

One of the poorest country in the world, ranked 207 of 228

countries in GDP per capita (2004), 72% live on < $2/day President of Burkina Faso is richest man in Africa, corrupt


Limited natural resources, little or no industry

Large disparity between rich and poor, no middle class

90% of Burkinabe live on subsistence farming Short rainy season, 3 to 6 months

Malaria, typhoid fever, meningitis, diarrhea

Limited access to clean water

60% Islam, 25% Animists, 15% Christian

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African Sustainable Development Council

(ASUDEC) 5 primary areas of focus:

 ± teaching sustainable agricultural methods

 ± distributing chickens and goats and promoting successful

livestock practices

 ± promoting education, particularly for girls by building

schools and teaching practical academics

 ± providing micro-loans for women to start businesses such

as soap making, restaurants, and food processing

 ± tree planting

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Carmel Community Ministries

Purpose: to support a school in the slums in Delhi, India

POC: Dick Smith

Recent activities:

SPC funded a computer lab (5 computers equipped withinternet and web cams)

We have begun voice and video chats with Rev. Koshy and liveinterviews with the SCHPPL children

Crayons for Carmel - SPC Sunday school classes sent a large

shipment of school supplies to the children at Easter withnotes of love and encouragement. Hindu language lessons atSPC to better facilitate communications

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Pictures from


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Purpose: Now in its 27th year, this facility located on the

campus of Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, provides

supper, breakfast, counseling, and a place to spend the night

for 30 homeless working men

POC: Barton McMillan


SPC volunteers prepare and serve dinners eachWednesday

evening (and some Friday nights) for approximately 30 men.

The volunteers absorb the cost of the food.

The shelter will soon be serving meals year round.

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Purpose: For over 25 years, SPC has provided emergencyfood to local area individuals and families


Recent activities: The number of people obtaining this assistance increases

every year.

Donations from church members and monies allocated inthe annual budget help stock the Food Pantry.

Outside groups using our church facilities have beenasked to donate food.

SPC circles regularly contribute food items.

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CHRISTIAN MINISTRIESPurpose: to provide financial aid to our neighbors in need in the

Northlake, Embry, and Tucker communities.

POC: Hal Thompson

Recent activities: Over the past 4 years there has been steady growth in the

number of clients seen, assisted or referred to other agencies.

Our contributions and support help our community prosper.

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Fontera de Cristo

Purpose: Frontera de Cristo is one of the six PresbyterianBorder Ministries of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico and the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. centered inAgua Prieta, Sonora MX and Douglas, Arizona.

POC: Nick VillaumeRecent activities:

in April 2010, Sandy Martin and HannahWeir attended aPresbyterian conference in Phoenix on cross bordersissues and visited FdC as part of a pre conference trip.

SPC helps support CREEDA, the Migrant Resource Centerand pays for part of the salary of Mark Adams, the USCoordinator for FdC.

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Just Coffee

Purpose: The purchase of coffee helps provide a livingwage to coffee growers and roasters in Mexico.

POC: HannahWeir

Recent activities: 40 families in Salvador Urbina and Agua Prieta are

members of the Fair Trade coffee cooperative.

Coffee sales continue to grow and the cooperative hasrecently expanded to include coffee farmers in otherparts of Mexico and in Haiti.

A new and larger coffee bean roasting facility opened inApril in Agua Prieta.

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New Just Coffee plant in progress

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Café Justo coffee waiting for roasting

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LivingWaters for theWorld

Purpose: this mission serves as a resource to churches of all

denominations, civic organizations and others in

mission, enabling them to share clean water with their

partners in need.

POC: Nick Villaume


In 2009, a 2nd water system was installed in Union

Roja, Chiapas MX. Trip in Fall of 2010 to check on the


The first system (installed in 2006) provides 60 to 110 bottles

of clean water per day. The price of water is about 20% of 

what large vendors offer and is free to schools, churches and

those who cannot afford to purchase water.

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Purpose: helps families with children recover from an episode of homelessness and return to self-sufficiency.

POC: Connie Atkins


Since opening its doors in 1992, IOH has provided over 250families with shelter and counseling until they can graduate toindependent rental housing or save enough money to becomefirst time home buyers.

SPC Circles have donated various supplies to the families living

there including camp supplies for the IOH summer campprograms.

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Families with children are the fastest growing segment of 

Atlanta's homeless population; such families are at grave risk

of splitting apart.

IOH keeps families intact, safe, and stable. Families work with our case manager to develop a customized

recovery plan and set achievable goals.

The IOH program includes counseling and training in life

skills, budgeting, and parenting.

Children benefit from tutoring, after-school, and summer


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ECHO (Educational Concerns for

Hunger Organization)Purpose: ECHO is a non-profit, inter-denominational

Christian organization located on a demonstration farm

in North Fort Myers, FL. ECHO help those working

internationally in the area of agriculture to help poorfarmers be more effective, especially in the area of 


POC: Jim Lang

Activities: Proposed trip in 2011 to visit their facilities inFL.

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Heifer International

Purpose: Heifer provides education and opportunities to families

around the world to acquire and care for animals that will

feed them and help them become economically self-reliant.

Farmers learn sustainable, environmentally sound agricultural


POC: Jim Lang

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8 Criteria for New Missions

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At the annual Benevolence Market, we inviterepresentatives from charitable, social and non-profitgroups to display their mission works to ourcongregation.

We have the opportunity to support these causes bypurchasing alternative Christmas gifts in the name of family or friends. Specially designed gift cards let therecipients know that a contribution to the organization

was made in their honor.

Date - November 14th

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Your annual pledge

helps support theseand other missions

at SPC

Thank You !!!

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Funds for mission work

TheWestern Church is now

spending more money onshort term mission trips

than it does on funding

long term missionaries.

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Presbyterian Mission Philosophy

From the PCUSA web site:

For more than 200 years, Presbyterians have

been responding to the call of JesusChrist, taking the gospel into all the world and

bearing witness to Christ's saving love to the

ends of the earth. Today, the Holy Spirit is still

on the move, calling us to share in what God isdoing in the world.

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Goal of short term mission

Our PROJECT is not our goal!

LWW is only a way to

accomplish our goal.

Our GOAL is to connect

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OUR Mission Philosophy

Our desire to do something, and to get it

done comes from our short term (very

western) perspective rather than any longterm vision of what our mission should be.

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Our mission committee looks for

projects allowing us to connect

What did Jesus do? (Take note of these projects!):

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the citiesand villages, teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and everydisease among the people

Matthew 11:5 The blind receive their sight, and thelame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf 

hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have thegospel preached to them.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shallbe preached in all the world for a witness unto allnations

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SPC SPC mission connections

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SPC Mission training includes learning

about Acceptance = Respect

Romans 15:7

Accept one another then just as Christaccepted you, in order to bring Praise to God.

We have just enough religion to make us

hate, but not enough to make us love one

another. J. Swift