S&P Capital IQ's Excel® Plug-In Brochure

Post on 04-Jan-2017

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Transcript of S&P Capital IQ's Excel® Plug-In Brochure

The Right SoftwareCan Make All the DifferenceSave Valuable Time With S&P Capital IQ’s Excel® Plug-In

Build financial models and complete data analysis tasks faster with S&P Capital IQ’s Excel® Plug-In, a dynamic spreadsheet generation tool that will streamline your research. Excel® Plug-In’s formulas eliminate time-consuming data entry and model adjustments, ensuring your spreadsheets always have the most up to date financials, qualitative company information and market data. Whether you are performing comps analysis or manipulating financial models, use our Excel® Plug-In to complete your work in a fraction of the time.

Templates–Summary Comps

Detailed Analysis, All in One ProgramExcel® Plug-In helps improve your workflow by having everything at your fingertips. Consider the benefits:


Instantlypopulate your models

Streamlineresearch and analysis

Worksmarter and faster

Excel Plug-In with Audit Functionality

[ ]STANDARDIzED FINANCIALS ALLOW FOR EASy COMpARISONView values on an apples-to-apples basis.

USER-FRIENDLy NAvIGATION ALLOWS yOU TO WORK FASTERUse our Formula Builder to automatically populate spreadsheets.

CLICK-THROUGH FUNCTIONALITy LETS yOU INSTANTLy IDENTIFy THE SOURCEAudit items to view their underlying calculations and navigate back to their exact location in the source filing.

SEAMLESS INTEGRATION LEADS TO GREATER EFFICIENCyImport preformatted comp sets, filings, saved screens and other information from the S&P Capital IQ platform.

The S&P Capital IQ Platform, Right at Your FingertipsHOW ExCEL pLUG-IN SAvES yOU TIME

Tailor the Excel® Plug-In to serve your exact research and analysis needs by importing information directly from S&P Capital IQ’s fundamental research platform into Excel®.

Our Entire Web-Based Platform Integrates with ExcelOur Excel® Plug-In is fully integrated with the S&P Capital IQ platform, allowing you to import preformatted comp sets, filings, saved screens, and other information quickly and easily. You have immediate access to key qualitative and quantitative data sets such as:

¬ Global Financials ¬ Equity Capital Structure ¬ Debt Capital Structure ¬ Estimates ¬ Transactions ¬ Ownership ¬ Supplemental Data ¬ Macroeconomic Data ¬ Company and People ¬ News & Key Developments ¬ Quick Comps & Competitors

An Easy-to-Use Interface Improves Your WorkflowIn addition to the features listed above, the platform’s intuitive interface also includes:

¬ Charting—Build daily time series, financial period and shares-traded analysis charts. ¬ Presentation Center—Easily maintain new and existing PowerPoint presentations. ¬ Proprietary Data—Upload values and data to new and existing S&P Capital IQ data items, tailoring

the program to your exact needs.

If You Need Customization, We’re Here to HelpUsing the Excel® Plug-In gives you access to more than just data. S&P Capital IQ’s Financial Modeling Group is standing by ready to help you create, convert, troubleshoot and maintain your models. With extensive industry experience in financial modeling and 24-hour availability, the group will assess your needs and present the best S&P Capital IQ modeling solution for your workflow.

A vast templates library is also available, offering 110 prebuilt model templates, reports and charts for trading, deal and credit comps, M&A and LBO models and more.



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Copyright © 2013 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P), a part of McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Capital IQ is a registered trademark of Capital IQ, Inc. S&P Capital IQ is a trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC


CONTACT USFor additional information on S&P Capital IQ’s The Right Software Can Make All the Difference please contact us at:

The Americas +1 212 438 8701+1 888 806 5541

Asia-pacific+61 2 9255 9886

Europe, Middle East or Africa +44 (0) 20 7176 1233



All charts and graphs appearing in this document are partial screenshots and provided for illustrative purposes only.
