SOMFlow: Guided Exploratory Cluster Analysis with Self...

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To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

SOMFlow: Guided Exploratory Cluster Analysiswith Self-Organizing Maps and Analytic Provenance

Dominik Sacha, Matthias Kraus, Jurgen Bernard, Michael Behrisch,Tobias Schreck, Yuki Asano, and Daniel A. Keim

Fig. 1. Overview of a SOMFlow clustering graph that was created during our expert study to analyze speech intonation: First, a gendereffect is identified (A) and removed using a domain-specific semitone normalization (B). The analyst created more detailed SOMs forartificial cells and added manual annotations (C) to filter noise caused by measurement errors. The resulting SOM reveals a relation tothe pitch meta-attribute (D) and further data partitions allow the analyst to compare pitch contours of different speaker groups.

Abstract— Clustering is a core building block for data analysis, aiming to extract otherwise hidden structures and relations fromraw datasets, such as particular groups that can be effectively related, compared, and interpreted. A plethora of visual-interactivecluster analysis techniques has been proposed to date, however, arriving at useful clusterings often requires several rounds of userinteractions to fine-tune the data preprocessing and algorithms. We present a multi-stage Visual Analytics (VA) approach for iterativecluster refinement together with an implementation (SOMFlow) that uses Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to analyze time series data.It supports exploration by offering the analyst a visual platform to analyze intermediate results, adapt the underlying computations,iteratively partition the data, and to reflect previous analytical activities. The history of previous decisions is explicitly visualized within aflow graph, allowing to compare earlier cluster refinements and to explore relations. We further leverage quality and interestingnessmeasures to guide the analyst in the discovery of useful patterns, relations, and data partitions. We conducted two pair analyticsexperiments together with a subject matter expert in speech intonation research to demonstrate that the approach is effective forinteractive data analysis, supporting enhanced understanding of clustering results as well as the interactive process itself.

Index Terms—Visual Analytics, Interaction, Visual Cluster Analysis, Quality Metrics, Guidance, Self-Organizing Maps, Time Series.


Clustering can be used to analyze large unknown collections of time se-ries data, such as stock market prices, temperature changes, movementfeatures, or spoken utterances, to form subsets of similar data itemsand to reveal otherwise hidden patterns (e.g., cluster properties andrelations). However, analysis problems are often ill-defined or impre-cise (neither knowing where or what to seek), interesting patterns (e.g.,relations to further metadata) are hidden within particular subsets, andit remains a problem to identify relations among a series of obtainedclustering results. Furthermore, the underlying computations need tobe adapted to reveal the desired structures for the analysis task at hand.

• Dominik Sacha, Matthias Kraus, Michael Behrisch, and Daniel A. Keimare with the University of Konstanz, Germany.E-mail:

• Jurgen Bernard is with TU Darmstadt, Germany.E-mail:

• Tobias Schreck is with Graz University of TechnologyE-mail:

• Yuki Asano is with the University of TubingenE-mail:

Hence, this large problem space specifies a need for interactive dataexploration in different “directions”. Visual Analytics (VA) aims toprovide the analyst with a visual platform to explore automaticallyobtained results to form and refine hypothesis and to interact with theunderlying computations if necessary [28, 44]. Tightly intertwinedsolutions (computations, visualizations, interactions) are needed tocope with nowadays real-world analysis problems [42,43,45] and userswhich are typically experts in their domain, but novices when it comesto VA, require specific guidance during exploration [17].

To cope with these challenges, we propose an interactive partition-based clustering approach that allows the analyst to drill down intosubsets of interest (top down, divide & conquer) based on differentdivision strategies. This approach emerged from our ongoing collabora-tions (started 3 years ago) with linguistic researchers from the domainof prosodic research (i.e., speech intonation) analyzing time series dataof recorded speaker utterances [4, 41]. Our initial VA system used theSelf-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm to create data overviews and ititeratively enabled the analyst to select data subsets of interest. How-ever, we observed that our users were sometimes overwhelmed by thenumber of obtained SOMs requiring a visual overview of the analysisprocess as well as user guidance to support costly and time-consuming


analysis tasks (e.g., relation seeking or data annotation).Inspired by existing hybrid visualization systems (e.g., [27, 51]) we

developed the idea to embed interactive SOM visualizations into agraph structure as an analysis overview representing the clustering andinteraction flow that further supports higher-level human analytic activi-ties (e.g., organizing and memorizing what has been done, comparison-,or verification tasks). Our resulting SOMFlow system supports fourabstract exploration tasks with a rich set of visualization and interac-tion techniques to (1) analyze and assess the quality of the obtainedclusterings, to (2) adapt the computations, and to (3) create further datapartitions while (4) keeping the overview. We further leverage qualityand interestingness measures to guide the analyst. Hence, we contributewith a general clustering approach and an implemented SOMFlow sys-tem (focusing on the SOM algorithm and time series as primary data)that tightly integrates interactive visualization, machine learning (ML),and quality measures, embedded into an analytical reasoning spacerepresenting the analysis process.

Next, we provide background information and discuss related workbefore we describe our approach in detail along four abstract explo-ration tasks (Section 4). In Section 5, we explain different ways toguide the user during the analysis and describe our SOMFlow systemin Section 6. We report on two pair analytics experiments that evalu-ate our SOMFlow system in a real-world setting (Section 7). Finally,we discuss remaining issues and enumerate promising future researchdirections (Section 8), before we come up with a conclusion (Section 9).


We chose the SOM algorithm (also known as Kohonen Maps [31]) as afundamental approach to automatically generate data overviews. Thealgorithm introduced by Kohonen has been widely applied to clusteringproblems and data exploration [29]. It is based on a neural networkthat can be represented as a grid of cells (neurons, or tiles). Each cellcontains an artificial vector (e.g., time series) with the dimensionality ofthe input data. During the training phase, the vectors are subsequentlyadapted towards the information provided with the input data. In eachstep the input vector is assigned to the best matching unit (most similarcell), and this cell as well as a subset of spatial neighbors of the grid aremodified for better matching [29]. The result is a grid that representsthe data based on their prototype vectors. In the final topology, moresimilar cells are closer and less similar cells will be farther away. Asa result, the input data is distributed across the SOM in a similarity-preserving way. In summary, this algorithm provides data reduction(vector quantization with means vectors), dimensionality reduction (twodimensional embedding), and data clustering/classification (assigningdata items to cells). Note that in cluster analysis, the data items withina cell do not necessarily form a single cluster as a set of similar cellscan be considered as cluster as well.

Depending on the use case at hand, SOM visualizations either di-rectly show the information of mean cell vectors, or use concrete dataitems for cell representations (e.g., [13, 46, 54, 55]). The SOM algo-rithm also allows the visualization of the structure of the grid (e.g.,neighborhood information) and quality measures. For our collaborationwith linguistic domain researchers (e.g., in our previous work [41]),we visualize the artificially created pitch contour of recorded speakerutterances (sound of the pitch over time) as a thick black line in eachcell (see e.g., Figure 3). Data items of every cell (in our case real pitchcontour vectors) can be shown on demand. In addition, the analyst caninspect relations between clusters and available metadata which can beused to color the cells. A linguistic task is then, e.g., to analyze howoften a certain pattern (pitch contour) appears and if it is related to spe-cific speaker properties (e.g., nationality) to identify differences. Manyvisualization techniques for SOMs exist and have been applied in dif-ferent domains. Our work relies on such visualization techniques (thatmainly focus on single SOMs) embedded into a workflow supportingiterative data partitioning and analysis steps.


Our work is related to Visual Interactive Cluster Analysis in generalwhere we put specific focus on using the SOM algorithm to analyze time

series data. The second part describes existing Hybrid and ProvenanceVisualization Systems. Then we focus on Quality-based Guidance forVisual Exploration before we emphasize on the novelty of our work.

3.1 Visual Interactive Cluster AnalysisVisual interactive clustering solutions exist for a variety of data types.E.g., the work of Andrienko et al. [2] proposes methods to groupmovement trajectories, Ruppert et al. [40] describe visual interactiveworkflows to cluster textual documents, Cao et al. [16] focus on theinteractive analysis of multidimensional clusters, and the approach byNam et al. [34] focuses on high-dimensional data. Some of them alsolet the user select a specific subset of interest where another subsequentcomputation of the clustering/classification is applied (e.g., the work byChoo et al. [18]). Furthermore, specific visualization approaches focuson the visual analysis of time series data [1] with different analysis goals(e.g., segmentation, clustering, classification, motif-detection) [37].With respect to our clustering scenario we focus on the grouping of timeseries based on their similarities. A further task is then to seek relationsbetween the obtained clusters and metadata attributes (if available) orto apply data annotations (labels) manually.

Many different clustering algorithms exist (e.g., k-means, hierarchi-cal clustering etc. [26]) and have been applied in VA, often in combina-tion with different metrics and a dimensionality reduction step [45] toobtain a two dimensional embedding of the clusters. Therefore, manyVA approaches make use of the SOM algorithm [31] that naturally com-prises both steps. Vesanto [54, 55] early described several techniquesto apply and visualize the obtained results. Existing SOM implementa-tions and toolboxes that offer gird visualization exist (e.g., Java SOMtoolbox 1, or som pak [30]) and further interactive VA systems havebeen developed. E.g., Schreck et al. [46] describe a trajectory clus-tering system that offers the analyst visual representations to provideinteractive feedback to the algorithm. Further works by Bernard et al.focused, e.g., on time series research data [8] and motion patterns [13].SOM visualizations have also been used to speed up expensive datalabeling tasks. E.g., the work by Moehrmann et al. [33] allows users toapply image labels using SOM visualizations. Finally, the predecessorof the presented work [41] proposed an iterative refinement approachof SOM cell selections and computation adaptions to arrive at subsetvisualizations of interesting speech intonation patterns. However, alot of results (SOM instances) were produced making it hard for theanalyst to compare and reflect the analysis. Furthermore, it only offereda few visualization techniques and did not support the analyst withautomatic recommendations based on quality measures.

3.2 Hybrid and Provenance VisualizationsAnother area of related works describes hybrid visualization approachesthat embed smaller visualization types into another visualization tech-nique encoding a particular structure (e.g., a tree, graph, or network).A famous example is the Node-Trix system by Henry et al. [27] thatembeds matrix representations as aggregated nodes within a socialnetwork (node-link diagram). A similar approach is adopted in theOntoTrix [6] system. Other techniques embed several different visual-izations into a structure representing the data or analytic flow. Gratzlet al. [24] describe the domino system that enables users to apply datasubset selections and manipulations using several dependent visualiza-tions. More recently, Stitz et al [48] propose a data workflow-basedvisualization system for biomedical research. The work by van denElzen and van Wijk [52] provides a visual exploration method based onsmall multiples and large singles. The same authors proposed anothertechnique called BaobabView [51] that explicitly uses the structure ofa ML algorithm (decision tree) augmented with smaller visualizationsthat describe, e.g., data distributions and flows.

Further related system can be found under the heading of “data oranalytic provenance” that enable the analyst to track the history ofdata transformation or interaction steps. Early works of Young andShneiderman [58] provide a graphical interface for data filter flowsto define and analyze boolean queries. Similarly, Elmqvist et al. [22]

1, accessed 23.03.17


To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

describe the DataMeadow system that lets the analyst visually constructqueries using graphical set representations within a canvas. Anotherfamous example is the VisTrails system by Callahan et al. [15] vi-sualizing scientific workflow evolutions. The GraphTrail system byDunne et al. [21] is another example that tracks users’ interactionsand embeds respective visualizations into an “exploration workspace”.Other VA systems, such as Jigsaw [32], offer the analyst specific visualcomponents (e.g., the tablet view) to organize, manage, and annotatebookmarked visualizations.

3.3 Quality-based Guidance for Visual Exploration

Another branch of related research concentrates on guiding the userduring the analysis and different approaches to build, e.g., mixed-initiative [19] or relevance feedback [7] systems have emerged. How-ever, the basis for such systems are task models, data-, quality- orinterestingness measures.

Bertini et. al [14] survey existing approaches that make use of qualitymeasures in high-dimensional data analysis and propose a quality-basedanalysis framework that includes measures (e.g., cluster, correlation,or outliers) in data and image space. Sips et al. [47] make use of classconsistency measures to determine the quality of cluster mappings fromnD into low-D (centroid-based and entropies of spatial distributions).Tatu et al. [49] describe further quality measures for different highdimensional visualizations (e.g., scatterplots or parallel coordinates)and the work of Aupetit and Sedlmair compares visual separationmeasures [5]. General cluster validity measures such as compactnessand separation [25], or silhouette coefficient [39] further exist.

We are also aware of SOM-based quality measures to calculate, e.g.,quantization errors within cells, or topological errors [31, 36]. It isfurther possible to visually asses the quality of a SOM result [12] usingSOM-grid/network visualizations, such as the u-matrix [50], or s-map(smoothed data histograms) [35]. Further work by Bernard et al. [9,10]describes approaches to measure the strength of relations between datacontent and metadata, such as using Simpson’s diversity or Shannonentropy measures.

3.4 Novelty and Contributions of our Work

Section 3.1 describes visual interactive works in the VA domain thatleverage the SOM algorithm to obtain clusterings but it also revealsthat most of the work focused on one single SOM (or clustering) result.Section 3.2 reveals that many hybrid and provenance visualizationtechniques exist, however, they are rarely integrated with complex MLmethods, such as iterative cluster exploration processes. Section 3.3offers a variety of approaches and measures that can be used to guidethe exploration process, however, concrete real-world applications arerarely described. Hence, we contribute with a hybrid approach tosupport explicit visualization of the clustering interaction process andfurther leverage quality and interesting measures to guide the analystduring the analytic process demonstrated with a real-world setting.


A fundamental idea of our approach is the interactive and iterativeconstruction of analysis workflows for the user-centered partitioningof large complex datasets. The SOM algorithm serves as a powerfulvisual-interactive data partitioning tool that is widely applied and de-livers robust results (further described in Section 4.1). The analysisworkflows are visually represented within a graph serving as a meansto reflect analytical provenance and support workflow navigation. Inevery analysis step (node of the graph), users are enabled to analyzepartitioning results, adapt algorithmic models and parameters, proceedwith downstream partitioning routines, or step back to compare pre-vious results. As such, our hybrid interactive graph implements theoverview and details paradigm, facilitated with VA support in everystep. In addition, the graph at a glance provides provenance informationand can be used for the navigation from coarse to fine-grained analysis.The analyst is presented with a visualization of the entire dataset in thebeginning of the analysis. Then, the human task is to decide, how thedata can be partitioned, or how the computations can be adapted. These

Fig. 2. Our approach supports four abstract exploration tasks: Theanalyst can analyze visual results of the current SOM and adapt thecomputations if necessary. New SOMs are generated with several datapartitioning approaches. All intermediate cluster results are embeddedinto a flow graph that enables the analyst to reflect the analytic process.For each exploration task, we offer a set of visualization and interactionstechniques that are shown outside the circle.

decisions result in new SOMs (or new computations) and iterativelyenable the human to navigate into subsets of interest.

Hence, our approach comprises four abstract exploration tasks en-abling analysts to partition data, analyze data partition results, adaptdata partition models, and reflect the analysis process. We structurethem along two orthogonal axes (Figure 2): The vertical axis corre-sponds to the “current” state of the analysis process that can be visuallyanalyzed, as well as adapted to improve model and parameter settings.The horizontal axis corresponds to the analysis granularity from coarse(left) to fine grained and detail-rich (right), where new subsets can becreated by partitioning the data. Exploring the clustering flow graphenables the analyst to reflect what has been done in the past. Three ofthese abstract tasks (analyze, adapt, and partition) directly correspondto building blocks of conceptual VA models (e.g., [28, 42, 43]) whilereflect enables higher-level verification activities [42, 44] by comparingthe graph elements. Each exploration type is supported by a varietyof visualization and interaction techniques shown outside the circle inFigure 2. In the following, we describe these techniques in more detail.

4.1 Analyze Visual Results (Single SOM)

The SOM algorithm is used to enable users to analyze and partitionlarge unknown data collections. Our decision for using the SOMis based on its special characteristics conflating data clustering,vector quantization, dimension reduction, and the ability for clustervisualization [12, 31, 46]. Hence, we make use of existing techniquesto support the analysis of the SOM grid visually.

Cells and Time Series: According to the nature of the SOM being aneural network-based clustering algorithm, the output of the algorithmis a (2D) grid, containing a matrix of cells. Each cell represents aportion of the high-dimensional data space, comparable to the cell ofa voronoi diagram. The data items mapped to a respective cell arerepresented by a representant or, like in our case, a means vector thatis visualized as a bold black line chart (Figure 3). These vectors arecreated during an animated training phase allowing users to observeand follow (see Section 7.1) the algorithm and a training history foreach prototype vector can be shown as gray background (Figure 3–A).The actual data items that are assigned to the cells are visualized asthinner blue vectors. We also visualize a yellow bandwidth for eachcell by drawing the min/max values (Figure 3–B) representing thecell uncertainty. Finally, it is possible to show all the data points ofeach time series step for the prototype (red) and the vectors (yellow,


A)History B)Vectors C)Markers D)Circular F)HilbertE)Bars

Fig. 3. Cell visualizations: A)–C) depict time series and prototype visu-alizations. A) illustrates the training history of the prototype, B) rendersthe prototype vector (black) with the actual time series vectors (blue) anda yellow min/max bandwidth, C) renders the single data points for theprototype (red) and data items (yellow). E)–F) show different pixel-fillingtechniques to color the cell according to metadata.

B)Borders C)U-Matrix E)Quant.ErrorA)Density D)Force-Directed

F)Clustering I)InterestingnessH)Meta-Coloring J)2D-ColormapG)ComponentPlane

Fig. 4. Grid visualizations: A) Density map, B) distance borders, C)u-matrix, D) cell topology as a force-directed graph, E) quantization error,F) meta-clustering, G) feature component plane, H) meta-coloring, I) cellinterestingness, and J) global 2D colormap overlay.

Figure 3–C).

SOM Topology: The grid-based output of the SOM providesthe natural structure (topology) of the cells to be visualized (e.g.,Figure 4). A series of visualization techniques exist to analyzetopological properties in detail. The amount of data items in a cellcan be encoded as a density map (Figure 4–A) using a linear colorcoding (i.e., the more blueish the more data items are contained).Distances between the cells are visualized as black borders within thegrid where darker lines indicate larger distances (Figure 4–B). Theu-matrix can computed by obtaining the Euclidean distances of allneighbors of a single cell (i.e., it determines how similar or separateda cell is compared to its neighbors). It can be visualized by a grayscale cell coloring where light colors depict most similar neighborships(potential clusters) and dark colors represent more widely separatedcells (potential cluster borders or noise, Figure 4–C). In addition, weallow the user to switch to a force-directed graph layout that is usingthe distances of cell neighbors as spring forces (Figure 4–D). Thesetechniques support the analyst in understanding the topology of theSOM and to identify clusters within the SOM grid. It is also possibleto calculate the quantization error (qe) within a cell by comparing allmember vectors to its representant/means vector (see also Section 5.1).Visualizing the qe as another gray scale overlay (Figure 4–E) allowsthe analyst to understand the quality of the quantization (aggregation)within each cell (e.g., dark gray indicates heterogeneous cell contentwhile lighter cells contain data items very similar to the cell vector).We can also apply a meta-clustering (e.g., k-means) to the SOM grid(based on the distances between the cell representants) to automaticallyobtain and visualize cluster regions on the grid (Figure 4–F).

Component Planes: This technique reveals relations betweenindividual dimensions (components) of the dataset and the SOMresult [46]. Given a feature vector representing the aggregated temporaldomain, component planes support the comparison of differenttemporal phases (user-defined set of components/parts) of a time seriesby coloring each cell according to the average value of the time series(see Figure 9). This allows the analyst to spot specific SOM-regionsthat have in average high (blue) or low (yellow) values (Figure 4–G).

Visualizing Metadata: Our approach supports the combined anal-ysis of (time series) clusters and additional metadata attributes, such

as sensor devices of an experiment, subject measured with a time se-ries recording, distinction between male and female, or the day withinthe week. If the data contains such additional information its cate-gory/value frequency can be visualized. We implemented differentmeta-coloring techniques, such as circular, bar, or Hilbert pixel filling(Figure 3–D,E,F) to reveal relations between the SOM results and themetadata (e.g, see Figure 4–H). Those techniques produce differentvisual patterns and are more or less suitable for specific analysis tasksand application domains (see Section 7). The coloring allows the an-alyst to distinguish homogeneous (single value) and heterogeneous(mixed) cells. With that respect, it is possible to visualize how inter-esting each cell is using the Simpson’s Index (see also Section 5.1)considering a specific metadata attribute. The obtained interestingnessvalue can also be normalized and encoded on the entire SOM grid (seeFigure 4–I) [10]. Yellow denotes interesting cells that include a relationto a specific attribute value while dark gray depicts uninteresting cellswithout relation to the metadata attribute.

4.2 Adapt the Underlying ComputationsUsers can adapt the underlying computations in every analysisstep if the obtained results do not sufficiently meet the analysisrequirements. Examples include the wrong preprocessing (e.g.,sampling or normalization) of the time series, the distance calculation,or parametrization of the SOM algorithm. Hence, the SOM algorithmmay not be able to grasp the desired properties of the data. Ourapproach offers interactions for each block of the ML pipeline [42, 45]that correspond to the data, the feature space, and the SOM algorithm.

Data: Analysts can assign user-defined labels to each cell. Theselabels can be used as additional metadata provided by the human (dataenrichment) who can, e.g., mark cells (or data items) as “uninteresting”or “interesting”. Note, that the computations will automaticallyconsider these labels (e.g., interestingness measure) for providinguser recommendations (see Section 5). Iterative data selections areexplicitly realized with our data partitioning tasks (Section 4.3).

Transformations: The performance of the analysis depends onthe data cleansing and preprocessing strategy. Our tool is able toapply normalization techniques (min/max, logarithmic, square root,etc.) to transform the data values. As the SOM algorithm requirestime series vectors of equal lengths, it is also possible to adjust thetime series by different strategies, such as simple approaches ofadding mean-values (mean–padding) or 0s (zero–padding), or linearinterpolation (pair–wise).

Metric and Weightings: The Euclidean distance measure buildsthe reference metric. We use a weighted variant, allowing theuser-based weighting of different temporal intervals of the time seriesfeature vector. The metric can be switched to Manhattan or moreexpensive computations, such as dynamic time warping (FastDTW) orEarth Movers distance. We also offer an editor to weight different partsof the time series more or less important (Figure 9–C).

Parameter Tuning and Constraints: The SOM algorithm can beparameterized in different ways. Training parameters such as the num-ber of iterations (i), learning radius (r), or learning rate drop (d) canbe set in a control panel for each SOM. We animate the training phaseby updating the visualization after 1000 steps. Another parameterdenotes the form of the SOM (number of cells, rows, and columns).For a default configuration of these parameters we use the “rules ofthumb” [31, 55]. Accordingly, we apply a two-step training process:The first step is a rough training (i = 200000, r = 0.3, d = 1) while thesecond step is a finer training (i = 1500000, r = 0.1, d = 1). Withinthe training progress, users can fix individual cells of the SOM grid toenforce a specific topology [46]. Adapted configurations can be appliedin a new SOM or replace the current SOM. This allows the analystto compare the different configurations. The parameters can be freelyadjusted based on the analysis task at hand. It is, e.g., possible to createSOMs with different sizes. This allows the user to analyze the same


To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Fig. 5. Graph exploration techniques: A) Linking & brushing across theentire graph on cell hovering, B) A 2D colormap can be created for aselected SOM and shown in the entire graph, C) Meta-coloring for thesame attribute for all SOMs.

data with different aggregation levels (e.g., step A and B in Figure 8).

4.3 Partitioning DataOur approach enables the analyst to partition the data into subsets ofinterest to iteratively arrive at a more fine-grained analysis. We areable to group the partitioning task into three categories.

Cell Selections: The analyst can select cells that either represent aninteresting subset of the data that can be investigated in more detail,or depict imprecise cells (high qe) that need further refinement inorder to arrive at more fine-grained visualizations. Cell selections canbe performed based on the primary data and the SOM result quality(Figure 3–A–C, Figure 4–A–E).

Cluster Selections: Similar cells (or cell clusters) that partitionthe data based on their neighborhoods can be selected to form newsubsets. The analyst can either select specific clusters to create newpartitions or just split the data based on cluster labels. Clusters canbe identified manually supported by the SOM topology visualizations(Figure 4–A–E) or using automatic meta-clusterings (Figure 4–F).

Metadata-Based Selections: On the one hand, metadata can beused to create hypothesis-driven subsets of the data by applying filtersor splits based on attribute values. On the other hand, the analyst canseek relations between clusters of the SOM result and metadata. Atask for the analyst is to overlay the meta-colorings to reveal specificareas on the grid that are represented by a particular data attribute (see,e.g., Figure 4–H). These attributes (or the respective clusters) can thenbe used to split the data further. Another reason to partition the datais to select heterogeneous (mixed value) cells (e.g., at the decisionborder, or outliers cells) to explore more detailed differences withinthese subgroups. The metadata-based partitioning is supported by themeta-coloring and interestingness overlays (Figure 4–H and I).

4.4 Reflect the Analysis within the Flow GraphThe entire analysis is embedded into a flow graph connectingthe SOMs based on their hierarchical relations. It serves as ananalytic provenance [57] component that supports higher-level veri-fication activities with a visual comparison of the obtained SOM results.

Flow Graph Elements: Each SOM is a node connected by shareddata items (links). The graph is built by the human who is supportedby visualizations and quality-based recommendations (see Section 5)to create data partitions. The connections show the number of dataitems flowing from the parent into the child SOMs. Different elements(direct flow, splitters, and filters) can be created. The arrow size ismapped to the number of data items and metadata can be used toillustrate the data flow.

Interactive Exploration: Our approach offers specific interactionsto explore relations within the graph. Hovering a cell will highlight all

the cells that contain shared data items. The strength of the highlightingis mapped to the number of common data items (Figure 5–A) bycomparing the hovered cell to all other cells of all SOMs. Selecting aspecific SOM will highlight the original cells within the parent SOMby adding an orange border around these cells (e.g., Figure 8–B).When users want to analyze distributions of cell contents of anentire SOM with all SOMs of the analysis graph, the 2D colormaptechnique can be used. 2D colormaps [11] dye the cells of a SOM withsimilarity-preserving colors, either depending on the input or the 2Doutput space. We transmit the color-coding to all SOMs in the analysisgraph, allowing the lookup of similar cells in different SOMs, as wellas the comparison of cluster structures across SOMs. An example forthis color-linking strategy is depicted in Figure 5–B. Similarly, it ispossible to select a global meta-coloring (Figure 5–C) and finally, welet the analyst switch between a local (per SOM) and global (per graph)min/max-normalization for the data-rendering.

Meta Interactions: In real-world analysis tasks, the flow graph cangrow fast and different analysis branches can be created. The graphelements can be re-arranged, resized, maximized, and minimized. Itis further possible to navigate within the canvas (zoom & pan) and toannotate graph elements with textual descriptions. This all supports theanalysts verification activities, such as knowledge management, addinginterpretations, remembering results, and drawing conclusions.


Our approach offers a rich set of visualization and interaction tech-niques to support our four abstract exploration tasks. To enhance theusefulness, we integrated a series of guidance techniques to overcomecostly investigations of uninteresting data properties.

5.1 Computing Groupings, Quality, and InterestingnessWe automatically calculate groupings, quality, and interestingnessmeasures based on data, SOM, and metadata properties.

Automatic Clustering: It is possible to apply a meta-clusteringto the SOM-grid that is computed based on the cell prototypes. Weimplemented different algorithms (k-means, k-medoids, coweb, SOM)that can be chosen by the analyst who may then decide to split the databased on the obtained cluster labels.

Similar Cells: Once a user selects a cell (that is considered asinteresting) we can compute if there are neighboring similar cells thatcan be suggested for extending the selection (simCells). We make useof the normalized cell distances (dist) to identify the relevant neigh-bors that have a smaller distance than a similarity threshold simT = 0.3.

Cell Quality: We can automatically point the analyst to imprecisecells with a high qe as candidates for further refinement. We computethe qe according to [31] by calculating the mean Euclidean distanceof all cell members compared to the cell prototype vector. qe isnormalized for each cell over the complete SOM and we introduce athreshold qeT = 0.1 to distinguish good from imprecise cells. We alsoleverage the SOM topology and put neighboring cells with qe > qeTinto a common SOM resulting in new child SOMs that show impreciseareas in more detail.

Interestingness: Other measures support the identification of inter-esting relations between time series clusters and metadata properties.Similar to [10], we calculate an interestingness score for each metadataattribute and SOM cell (i.e., calculate a diversity score of containedattribute-values for each cell) using the Simpson’s Index (simpIdx). Wecan make use of this measure to identify interesting metadata attributeswith potential relations to the SOM result.

5.2 Providing Recommendations with Visual CuesThis section describes how we leverage the described measures toprovide the analyst with visual recommendations.




Fig. 6. Visual cues recommend ways to partition the data: A) Rankedattribute interestingness, B) selection extensions, C) partitioning cues.

Interestingness Ranking: We append a thumbnails bar at the lefthand side of each SOM visualizing ranked attribute interestingnessoverlays (Figure 6–A). Similar to the approach of Bernard et al. [10],the rank of a meta-attributes is determined by a three-step calculation:1.) For each SOM cell and metadata attribute we calculate theinterestingness (simpIdx), 2.) The average interestingness over all cellsand attributes is calculated, 3.) For each attribute, we count how manycells are more interesting than the average and we use the obtainedvalue to rank the meta-attributes. If two meta-attributes share thesame rank, a second-level ordering is done by considering the averageinterestingness value of each attribute.

Extending Cell Selections: Once a user selects a cell of interest weobtain relevant neighbors (simCells) and visualize a dashed selectionborder as a visual cue to extend the current selection (Figure 6–B).

Partitioning Cues: We visualize the most significant recommen-dations for creating further data partitions on the right hand side ofthe SOM (Figure 6–C). Hovering the partitioning cues will reveal therespective visualization overlay on the SOM grid (Figure 6–right).In case of imprecise cells we show the respective cells with redborders. In case of recommended attribute splits the meta-coloringis shown, and finally, in the cluster split case, we show the clustercoloring. Our recommendation system contains three different typesof actions. The first type of recommendation is the SOM refinementby retraining imprecise cells as new SOMs. Therefore it suggests toretrain cells with a high qe (> qeT ). Neighboring imprecise cells areaggregated and trained in a single SOM. This option is always the firstrecommendation, if available. Second type of action is the split option.It suggests to partition the data into subsets with equal meta-attributecharacteristics based on its interestingness value as high interestingnessimplies high homogeneity in the SOM cells. Therefore, it might beinteresting to analyze each meta-attribute characteristic separately. Amaximum number of five meta-attributes with high interestingnessaverage values are suggested (avgInterestingness > 0.6) and ranked,similarly to the thumbnail previews. Last but not least, a third type ofaction recommends to split the data by a meta-clustering. Clicking onany partitioning cue will trigger a data partitioning action.We are wellaware that our thresholds appear a bit arbitrary and need to be adaptedbased on the data and analysis tasks at hand (see Section 8).


All the described methods are implemented within our SOMFlowsystem. In the following, we introduce the remaining details withexemplary use cases.

Implementation: The system is implemented in Java using theJava 2D Graphics API and the Swing library for rendering. The SOMalgorithm is also implemented in Java what enabled us to tightlyintegrate the computations with the visualizations. We further make

Fig. 7. A) Filter divides data in two parts by some meta-attribute, B)filter is changed with by different constraints, C) filter updates affect allfollowing SOMs in the hierarchy.

use of prefuse2 to generate a force-directed layout and includedjavaML3 for basic ML functionalities.

Data Handling: The system can handle any data in JSON formatwith the only requirement that each data object has to contain a numericarray that can be used as primary (time series) data. As the SOMalgorithm requires data vectors of equal length we offer several dataprocessing operations (see Section 4.2). All remaining data attributesare parsed as categorical metadata.

Attribute Manager: The meta-coloring (for single SOMs or theentire graph) can be controlled using the Attribute Manager. Thiscomponent automatically assigns a default color to each attribute valuebut also allows to assign custom colors using a color chooser. It isfurther possible to add new user-defined attributes (adding a name andclass labels with colors) that can be used for data annotations.

SOM Interactions: It is possible to interact with the SOM cells:1.) hovering will trigger the linking & brushing for the respective cell,2.) left-click will select a cell of interest (and trigger the similar cellrecommendations), and 3.) right-click will open a context menu forapplying manual data labels. It is further possible to enable globalor local rendering options within a control panel next to the canvas.Another controls bar on top of each SOM allows to switch betweenthe grid and force-directed layout, while another controls bar can berevealed on the right hand side of each SOM (e.g., Figure 10–F). Thisbar offers controls to 1.) annotate the SOM or the graph (adding notes),2.) create a new SOM for selected cells with a default configuration,3.) creating a new SOM for selected cells with a custom configuration(a configuration panel to set the data processing, SOM parameters, andmetric will be opened), 4.) to define data filters, or 5.) splitters.

Filters: We offer filters for metadata-attributes. Figure 7 shows theapplication of filters with a stock market analysis example4. If a filteris applied on the meta-attribute “stock” (to filter e.g., for specific stocksbased on their abbreviations), the SOM is split in two parts: a SOMwhich contains only data items matching the regular expression inthe filter (e.g., stock = aa|aig|axp|ba|bac) and a SOM which containsall remaining data items. Links connecting filter and SOMs depictthe amount of data flowing in each SOM. Filters can be altered bychanging the meta-attribute by which it filters or by changing theregular expression (Figure 7–B). All children are recursively updatedand retrained as their data changed (Figure 7–C). This data-update andretraining process is restricted to children which have been created bysplit, filter, or retrain options. SOMs that have been created based on aselection can not be updated due to the loss of information.

Splitters: We provide data splitters, that divide the data based

2, accessed 24.03.173, accessed, 24.03.174, accessed 24.03.17


To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Fig. 8. Yearly temperature changes of the southern hemisphere: A) InitialSOM, B) A bigger SOM is retrained with a meta-clustering, C) clusterlabels are corrected manually.

Fig. 9. A) Initial SOM with component plane thumbnails on the left,B) component planes editor allows to generate an arbitrary number offeature components, C) custom weighting for future training can be set,D)–G) component planes 1-4: Each component plane SOM only usesthe respective part of the time series for calculation. Visible differencesbetween second (C) and fourth (E) component with regard to distributionof some meta-attribute.

on attribute values, or meta-cluster labels. An example is shownin Figure 8, where yearly temperature times series (1 value permonth) of the southern hemisphere5 are analyzed (A) and retrainedwithin a bigger SOM (B) to reveal more detailed variations. Then, ak-means meta-clustering was applied to split the yearly temperatureprogressions (B) and the data has been split to obtain three separateSOMs (high, medium, and low temperatures) that can be correctedmanually (C). Note, that the manual annotations are back-propagatedwithin the entire graph.

Component Planes and Weighting. The interestingness thumb-nails can be replaced with the component planes on the left side ofeach SOM (Figure 9–A). The component planes editor (Figure 9–B)and a weight editor (Figure 9–C) can be used to apply configurations.The example in Figure 9–A shows that most prototypes in the bottomleft corner of the SOM have relatively low values and high values inthe top right corner. We can also see that most prototypes are relativelystable in the first three components (1-3) and change in the end (4).The weight editor (Figure 9–C) can be used to apply custom weightsto the SOM training and to generate new SOMs only based on thecomparison of a certain part of the time series (Figure 9–D–G).


We conducted two pair analytics [3] experiments to analyze empiricallinguistic datasets with a subject matter expert (SME) from the

5, accessed 24.03.17

domain of speech prosodic research (intonation). The aim was toexplore the datasets and to discuss the new system functionality,also compared to our previous version of the system (that focusedon one single SOM) [4, 41]. All the used datasets contain a set ofrecorded utterances for different speakers. We use the utterancepitch-contours (i.e., a curve that tracks the perceived pitch of thesound over time) as primary data for our SOMFlow system and furtherinformation about the speaker, utterance, or the experiment as metadata.

Apparatus: One VA expert (VAE1, tool developer) was controllingthe system guided by a linguist (SME) who had to interpret thevisualizations and point VAE1 to interesting aspects. A secondexperimenter (VAE2) was observing the study and available forexplanations and discussions. We recorded the study, saved importantscreenshots, and took notes. The system run on a desktop computerusing a display with screen resolution of 3840x2160 pixels. The SMEwas familiar with the basic concepts of our system (SOM, exploratorydata analysis) based on our previous collaborations. We also intro-duced the new SOMFlow functionalities at the beginning of the session.

7.1 Study 1 – Confirmatory AnalysisThe first experiment captured data to investigate to what extenta speaker’s first language (German or Japanese) influenced theproduction of intonation when reinforcing an utterance in first andsecond language. To this end, German and Japanese participantsproduced the word “Entschudligung” and “sumimsen”, both with themeaning “excuse me”. The participants had to repeat each utterancethree times to attract the waiter’s attention within a crowded bar (withthe assumption to produce more emotional utterances under increasedfrustration). Japanese speakers were also learners of German andvisa versa. Our SME expected a significant difference between thetwo speaker groups within the “sumimasen” utterances and we wereespecially interested in the usefulness of the recommendations thatshould guide the analyst to answers for this hypothesis.

Dataset: The dataset contains 185 recorded pitch contours (pitchvalue over time) with metadata about the speaker (e.g., nationality, age,etc.) and the utterance (word, repetition). The time series have beenwell pre-processed by the SME to make them comparable (smoothedusing B-splines [20]).

Tasks and Procedure: We presented the SME with the initial SOMand explained all recommendations. The SME had to comment andassess the quality of each recommendation and the task was to decidewhich actions are most interesting to pursue in order to derive findingsand explanations from the visualizations. We were especially interestedin whether the recommendations automatically point the analyst to thepredicted differences within the “sumimasen” utterances.

A part of the resulting SOMFlow graph is shown in Figure 10. Thefirst SOM is shown on the very left (#1, without the meta-coloring) andthe first system recommendation was to train new SOMs for the cellswith high qe, however, the SME favored to keep the current aggregationand to look for the other metadata recommendations before. Theserecommendations pointed the analyst to the attribute “japanology” (in-dicating if a speaker studied Japanese) where the SME discovered thatthis attribute is only tracked for one of the speaker groups. To visualizethis effect we decided to split the data based on the groups (Figure 10–A) and can reveal that only the German speakers contain “true” values.The SME further reported that the cells with a magenta-color fillinglook “more Japanese-like”. By investigating the recommendations forthe obtained subsets we were able to identify further attributes that areonly tracked for one of the subgroups or contained coding errors.

The next recommendation was to split the data based on the dif-ferent utterances (see color overlay in SOM#1). By comparing theobtained SOMs (Figure 10–C) the SME was able to interpret that the“Entschuldigung” (#4) utterances have more variations than the “sum-imasen” (#5) because in German pitch is primarily used to expressemotions, while this is not the case in Japanese [53, 56]. To reveal


Fig. 10. A part of the SOMFlow graph that has been produced during the first study. An unexpected finding was that some metadata is only presentfor one of the speaker groups and requires different labels (branch A). The the system automatically pointed the analyst to speaker differenceswithin the “sumimasen” utterances (C – SOM #5) revealing a steeper pitch fall for Japanese native speakers. Further splits and investigations (E)revealed stronger pitch variations (G) for German speakers (because they use pitch to express emotions, in contrast to Japanese native speakers).H) overlays a 2D colormap to compare all SOM cells within the flow graph.

speaker differences, the SME decided to use the nationality color over-lay for both SOMs and to split the data further in order to investigatethe utterance repetitions (1, 2, 3–blueish colors). As the SME did notfind any patterns in the lower branch (Figure 10–D), we focused onthe “sumimasen” utterances. The SOM clearly revealed that Japenese(native) speakers have a steeper pitch fall in the end (yellow cells inSOM#5). Splitting the SOM according to the speaker groups (Fig-ure 10–E) also reveals that the contours produced by Germans have astronger variation (Figure 10–F) than the ones of Japanese speakers(Figure 10–G). The SME concluded that the Germans ignored basiclinguistic rules of the Japanese language [53]. Using the blueish coloroverlay for the repetition attribute also revealed that the Germans pro-duced a raising pitch for the first and second repetition (politeness)and a falling pitch for the third repetition (impoliteness). The SMEconcluded that the German participants tried to adapt their habits toJapanese. In the end, we used the 2D-colormap to reflect the analysis.

Results: Especially in the beginning of the analysis, we observedthat the SME investigated each recommendation in detail. However,during an “analysis branch” the SME formed (novel) specific hypothe-ses that could be tested by manual color overlays, splits, or cell selec-tions. After these hypotheses have been confirmed or rejected, the SMEwas able to come back to focus again on the previous recommendations(it was good to have the graph to remember that there was anotherrecommendation). The SME also mentioned that the bar coloring (e.g.,see Figure 3–B) is not useful for their domain, because it could com-municate a relation between the different parts of the pitch contoursand the colors. The study took much longer than expected becausemost of the system recommendations were interesting and also helpedthe SME to identify errors in the data (e.g., missing or wrong labelsfor subsets where the system recommended interesting attributes). Wefurther observed that the SME focused on the attribute-based selectionsand did not follow up on the SOM or cell properties. We can alsoconfirm that the recommendations automatically pointed the SME tothe predicted speaker differences in the “sumimasen” case and thatthe SME was able to derive further insights about the data. We alsoobserved that the graph grew very fast and the SME liked the abilityto reflect the analysis by having an overview with a 2D-colormap andlinking & brushing functionality. The note taking functionality was alsoconsidered as useful and the animated SOM training with the historyoverlay helped the SME to get an intuition about its function. The mostinteresting question of the SME during the study was if it is possible torate the recommendations with respect to their usefulness dependingon the analysis task at hand. In general, the SME was very satisfiedwith the results and arrived at a useful overall picture of the differentgroupings within the dataset.

7.2 Study 2 – Exploratory AnalysisWe used another bigger and unprocessed dataset to test whichfunctionality of the tool is used and needed to arrive at interestinginsights about the data.

Dataset: 7179 utterances of non-sense words (e.g., gubbu, punnu,nunnu, etc.) with High-Low-contour (HL) or High-High-contour(HH) have been imitated by 48 German learners of Japanese (=GL),24 Japanese (=JN) and 24 German non-learners (=GN). The datacontains metadata about the speakers and the pitch contours. Theyalso contain manually annotated labels indicating if the pitch is HLor HH. The HH-condition was considered as a reference for all threeparticipant groups. For the HL-condition, it was expected to finda difference between the groups as the contours in this conditionwere Japanese-specific. In contrast to the previous dataset, the pitchcontours were not normalized nor smoothed. We only applied ourlinear interpolation processing to obtain vectors of equal length.

Tasks and Procedure: We started with the initial SOM and spotted agender effect by browsing through the visual recommendation cues.Figure 1–A shows the metadata overlay for the gender information(sex) encoded with blueish colors. We can see that the upper rightarea is dominated by higher pitch values produced by female speakersand the lower left cells are dominated by male speakers that producelower pitch values. This effect is also visible within the componentplanes to the left of SOM#1 where the main difference of theseareas appears within the first two components (i.e., first half of thepitch contour). The SME reported that it would be useful to apply asemitone normalization (a domain specific normalization to removethe pitch differences caused by general pitch height differences byfemale and male speakers). We applied this normalization and obtaineda second SOM that clearly visualizes that the gender effect wasremoved (Figure 1–B), except some cells at the SOM borders that arespecific to female speakers. By inspecting the SOM cells (prototypes,bandwidth, and qe) the SME spotted artificial contours that couldbe caused by measurement errors during the experiment. Therefore,we started a noise annotation graph for each selected cell of interest(Figure 1–C) and added a filter to create a subsequent noiseless SOM.The result (Figure 1–D) offers the metadata attribute “pitch” as themost interesting meta-overlay that differentiates red (HH) from orange(HL) contours and the SME reported that the remaining mixed cellscould be checked in more detail to validate these manually annotatedlabels. However, the SME asked us to split the data based on thepitch label (SOMs #15, #16) and we then focused on the HL data


To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

(#16) to further explore the data as it was expected to find differencesbetween the groups in this condition. The SME was interested in thedifferent speaker groups shown as color overlays in SOM#16. Dueto the different numbers of data in the three participant groups, wetrained separated SOMs for each group. The SME was now able tocompare the contours across the SOMs using the linking & brushingfunctionality to identify speaker differences. In the end, we againzoomed out, activated the 2D-colormap and reflected the analysis steps.

Results: We observed that the first part of the study focused onthe data processing, SOM/cell quality, and noise removal while thesecond part of the study turned over to investigate interesting metadataattributes. During the study the SME identified an uneven distributionwithin the speakers groups (GN, GL, JN) and the SME reported thatit would be useful to see the number of items as further histogramsor simple numbers within the attribute manager. Furthermore, theforce-directed SOM layout was considered as “a nice feature” but itwas not really used by the SME to create subsets. We also observed thatthe functionality of the system was overwhelming, but the visual cuesand the VAEs were able to provide recommendations and explanations.Hence, we conclude that using the system and understanding theconcepts/approaches requires training. Finally, the SME emphasizedthat our approach enables to “freely” explore the data to identifysubsets of interest (that include significant effects). These findingscould then be verified using conventional statistics.

The two studies demonstrated that our approach was useful to ac-complish a variety of analysis tasks. However, we also received usefulfeedback to improve SOMFlow for the domain of prosodic research.


Our study and ongoing discussions revealed remaining open issues andinteresting future work.

We recognized in our user studies that the SME did not fully exploitthe functionality of the system (e.g., meta-clustering). Therefore,we aim to improve and fine-tune the recommendations. As a firstaction, we implemented sliders for our recommendation thresholds(qeT , interestingness rank, simT , k-clusters) to steer and test differentconfigurations as an intermediate preparation step to leverage MLtechniques to derive good recommendations from explicit userfeedback (“guiding the guidance”, learning the thresholds). Furtherimprovements can be achieved by considering the current analysisstate and previous decisions within a SOMFlow (e.g., by consideringalready selected/spitted attributes for interestingness calculations). Wealso envision to experiment with automatically starting computationsof subsequent SOMs (or even complete SOMFlow branches) and toinvestigate how users react to such recommendations. It will also beinteresting to revisit, incorporate, and compare other existing automaticapproaches to create hierarchical SOMs (e.g., [38]) for our SOMFlowgraph (in contrast to our human-in-the-loop approach). Furthermore,we aim to implement “semantic interactions” [23] that automaticallyadapt the underling computations. E.g., we can automatically adapt thefeature weighting based on manual user annotations (using relevancefeedback [7]) or enable the analyst to navigate (semantic zoom)through different SOM-grid dimensions.

We focused on categorical metadata and it would be useful toconsider numerical attributes as well. On the one hand, we willimplement several binning approaches to transfer numeric metadatainto meaningful categories. On the other hand, we can offer furthermetadata color overlays and quality measures for numeric data (e.g.,avg/min/max value color encoding). Similarly, the visual design ofthe SOMs could be further tailored and evaluated for specific data anddomain requirements (e.g., removing the bar-coloring for prosodic dataor adding other cell visualizations for other data types than time series).

We discussed about focusing in more detail on the analyticprovenance aspect of the resulting SOMFlow graph. We could map

further data characteristics to the graph (besides link sizes/colors etc.).Similarly, we want to track user interactions for each graph element(e.g., hovers or clicks) that can be mapped to graph properties (e.g.,node sizes). Finally, we want to experiment with different automaticlayouts (e.g., temporal or SOM similarity based). This will enableus to conduct further studies with the aim to compare and evaluatevisual results. Another related aspect are collaborative analysis settings.

We noticed that the resulting graph can be used as a classifier (similarto the decision tree in [51]). It would be interesting to “keep the flowbut to change (or enrich) the data” like in common ML scenarios (e.g.,cross-validation, training vs. test set). We also noted that our approach“strictly” focuses on a particular dataset that is iteratively partitioned.In contrast, we can experiment with other “flow” paradigms, such asstarting from multiple SOMs that merge during the analysis. Anotheridea would be to freely drag & drop cells to re-assign data. This would,e.g., enable the analyst to create “SOM bins” to organize the data. (e.g.,put all good ones into one SOM). However, this would also requireto adapt the guidance (automatic recommendations) to these paradigms.

Scalability can be discussed in several ways. Firstly, computationtime of the SOM algorithm depends on available recourses of themachine and increases with the size of the data (number of items andvector lengths), the SOM grid (and additional SOM parametrizations),as well as the used metric. Complexity further increases with parallelSOM computations (e.g., after splitting data) and with the qualitymeasures (e.g., attribute interestingness). To avoid long responsetimes, we visualize the iterative process of the SOM training [46],while threading allows to continue the analysis process in parallel tomodel (re) computations. Threading also allows parallel computationof multiple SOMs. Secondly, the visual and perceptual scalabilityof the SOM representation depends on screen size and resolution.In case of bigger SOMs (beyond the data sizes of our examples),the cell prototypes or the linking & brushing might not be visibleanymore requiring further visualization alternatives to our tile basedrepresentations (e.g., aggregates, glyphs, lenses). Thirdly, SOMFlowgraphs can become very complex beyond perceptual and cognitivecapabilities of the human analyst. Therefore, we can further investigategraph simplification and layout techniques.

Finally, we want to emphasize that our approach is in principle notlimited to SOM and could be implemented for other clustering and di-mensionality reduction algorithms (or even combine several algorithmtypes). That would make the approach applicable to a broader range ofdomains and problems and additionally foster a tighter integration ofautomatic clustering techniques with interactive visualizations.


We proposed a visual interactive clustering approach with an imple-mentation that allows the analyst to iteratively partition the data whilekeeping the overview. The described SOMFlow system provides a vari-ety of visualization and interaction techniques to support four abstractexploration tasks (analyze, adapt, partition, reflect) and offers addi-tional user guidance. We leverage quality and interestingness measuresto provide the analyst with visual recommendation cues and demon-strated their usefulness in a real-world setting. Hence, we were ableto derive useful findings about the data and additionally derived in-teresting future research areas from our observations. As a next step,we will focus on automatic recommendations and fine-tune usabilityissues with the ultimate goal to offer a powerful and freely availableSOMFlow implementation.


We gratefully acknowledge the German Research Foundation (DFG)for financial support within the project A03 of SFB/Transregio 161 andwithin the Research Unit FOR 2111.



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