Some Properties Of Cotton Chitosan And Chitosan Xanthate

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Some Properties Of Cotton Chitosan And Chitosan Xanthate

Put bacteria on all plates

Spread plate

Put all plates into incubator at 37 oC for 24 hours

Process of testing bacterial inhibiting property (1)

Put a piece of cotton on each plate

Move every piece of cotton from the plate in incubator to another plate with media

Put all plates into incubator at 37 oC for 24 hours

Process of testing bacterial inhibiting property (2)

put all plates into incubator at 37 oC for 24 hours

Result of testing Staphylococcus aureus bacterial inhibiting property


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Fluka xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Biofile xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

S1 xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Staphylococcus aureus

Kind of Chitosan Past to 24 hour Past to 48 hour

CONTROL +++ +++

Fluka + ++

Biofile ++ +++

S1 +++ +++

Fluka X + ++

Biofile X ++ +++

S1 X + ++

Note :

+ Found less densely bacteria ++ Found medium densely bacteria

+++ Found high densely bacteria

Result of testing Escherichia colibacterial inhibiting property


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.


24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Fluka xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Biofile xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

S1 xanthate

24 ชม. 48 ชม.

Escherichia coli

Kind of Chitosan Past to 24 hour Past to 48 hour

CONTROL +++ +++

Fluka + ++

Biofile + ++

S1 ++ ++

Fluka X + ++

Biofile X ++ ++

S1 X +++ +++

Note :

+ Found less densely bacteria ++ Found medium densely bacteria

+++ Found high densely bacteria

Process of testing the color fastness

Dye the cotton for 1 hour by 50 cm3 of the color solution, concentration 1% by m/v

dry the cotton in the air

Wash in the distilled water.


1. the cotton chitosan has a clearer pleat than the cotton.

1. the bacteria in the cotton chitosan plate grow less densely than the bacteria in the cotton plate. It may be assumed that chitosan can decrease the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.


3. the color fastness property of the cotton chitosan is better than that of the cotton.
